Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 24, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Butte Falls Items
IHumiIiH (iirNiHiiliiicp) f,.()1 MlMif0,, w,, (l ml, (
hiipl. . I,. hviiim il llui Weed .,i0M '0I. Wheeler & CliiHflll. Whilct
lmmhor company iri vlHitiiiK Hutto ,. miwhunlH laid in good mipiiliim
I'iiiin mm vicinity in ooiiipiiny wiiii I,, f for winter Undo ho many
Bupl. H. II. IIiirrlH ol tho Miilto ImiIIh : fm0H have moved in sineo Hint
I.nnilinr company. Hupl. Kviiiih hh.vm (y , compollod to do consider
tho Unit.) EiiIIh plant in llio bunt lo-',lo hauling through llui mini,
ouleil plant for logging and lumber. Our public school will havo an
lug that Iim Iiiih Hmm in Oregon and XiniiH tree witlt Hiiilablo exorcises
that when tint proMonl improvements CIii'InIiiiiih ovo. Our children are talc
mo completed tho Hutto Kails om- K Krout interest in thoir school
puny will bavo ono of tbo bout plantM Worlc tbiH year duo to llio onthuHinH-
iu Hotuliorn Oregon. Kuril. 1 Inriin
Iiiih worked untiringly for Hutto KhIIh
and vioiuity and should liavo tbu
iiniti'd support of tbo community.
IlriggM & AdauiH, our real oHtato
denlorw, bavo Hindu a iiiiuibor of saltm
of town IoIn recently. I'roporty Iiiih
been moving ipiito roadily and tboro
Iiiih been a tiumbor of dwelling)! and
lnntbioHH bniiNOH built this fall and
A. Puprnys expect to Horvor
('linrtliniiH dinner in their now hotel
building. Mr. Uupray ban put up a
good Hiilmtautial hotel building, nice
ly furnished and equipped, a credit
to tbo town.
A Mr. Hoilnnd of Los AngoloH,
Cab, piirchaHed through Jlriggs &
AdauiH a Iiuhuiohh lot and expects to
build in the spring and put in an up-to-date
lino of hardware. Mr. Hois
laud ii well pleased with Hutto Full
and vicinity and foils that tbo fu
ture outlook warautH bin investment.
We will Koou ho eoiiueetud with tbo
outiddo world iim tbo telephone lino
will he completed to town thin week.
Tim tuluiihoiio lino will fill n long
felt want mid bo a grout eonvenioueo
to the ('(immunity. Credit in duo IS.
II. Ilnrri for the oomplotiou of thin
I'ofttitMfttnr Hrigg ii recovering
from h mijto' of pneumonia canted
by n trip in the Into wow storm to
bin homvAtond.
Tom Oritfaby tins pimt returned
from Medford with n Jond of mer
oliHiiiliM for Merchant Hughes. Mr.
flrigby nMirt- the road in very
bad condition.
jontt('lnKfill haw jint returned
tlo work of our teachers, Loowoll
Wright and MrH. A. M. Ilarritt.
Foreman AdauiH of tbo Hutto Kails
Lumber company !h making a Ch rint
iiimh and Now Year's visit to friend
and rolalivoH in tho Willamotto val
ley. M. H. Coiiloy, our lrtiKKlt( on
a htimiioKK trip to Kuglo l'oiut and
It soonm to bo tbo t'eil era I desire
that tho telephone central he placed
in 1'oHtmitHtor Urigg's building oh it
will give uh practically a iM-hour
Tbo Hutto Full Athletic Hub's
banket ball team and tbo Dudley
team will play on Christmas at Hutto
Kails. Tboro will also bo a game
between tho young ladioH toamH.
Ther will bo a Hoeial dance follow-
ng tbo gnmos.
Contractor Thompson of Manly
HroK., of tbo P. & I', rnilroiid, hriH
been buying coiiHidorablo lumber of
the Hutto I'iiIIk Lumber company
and Mtalon that work 1h boinj; crowd
limn Hexlon, tormor toolliall liero
and promineiit in elub uircloH bore,
expoctcil homo today with biH Mox
ioau brido whom ho married at Km
Joho a fow hoiirM after ho had been
introduced to her.
Hoxton with a party of friend)
wih in tho midHt of n dinner at a
Kan Joho oafo for tho doniro for
HomothiiiK now in Haul to overoomo
bun. Ho enht IiIh oyen about him
and picking out MinH Lawvoro. who
Kavo bor no at 23 yonrn and her
homo tho town of San Lum I'olmio
Afoxico, and dared bor to boeomo biH
Tho daro wan taken, the parly pro
ceeded to tho court house. County
Clerk Leo IlicltH and Jimtico of the
I'eaco Dougherty wcro routed out of
bod to ihhuo tho license and perform
tho ceremony. Tbo party then wend
ed itw way bnck to tbo cafo wboro tbo
fctiHtniK wan continued at) a wedding
SPOKANE, Wn., Dec. 2-1. Un
conditional wan tho Hiirreniler of tho
IuduHtrial Workerrt of tho World in
their enmpaiun for "frco H)eech" In
Spokane, which started tho morning
of November 2 and resulted in tbo
nrreHt of moro than 200 mon, moBtly
foreiKiiorH, Bent to Spokano from va-
notiK partt) of tbo norlhwest, Califor
nia, Nevada and PcniiHylvania. The
orKiiniar.tion lowered its red banner,
m . . 1 . 1. -.!-.. .1 .1 1 J ft -.11; i 1 . 1
ml iim HiHi an UHiiiiH, men ami uioi hoimioh uie waiio iiaj; ami uispaicuen
wenlbor will permit. a comnfitteo to tbo police department
At a recoil t pubbi! moolnifj a com-j with tho folIowuiK mensiiKo:
mittoo wnm nppoiiiled to take Hum "Uu arc willing to (put ami aonlo
imceMMry wtem to bnvo lh town in-bylbe dceinion of the SK)knne coun
coriKirtttod, n wo fool that to make ty Hiiperior court in the eatto ngainM
omcIi priHtrty owner boar Iuh nhare ; I-Higno, arrotited on tho ehnrKo of
of tbo noeeiMniry improveemnlH, wo j oupircy. Tboro will bo no more
Hill bavo lo have a leal body totrot ponkiu or inflainntory itd
uork fnnn. It in doMired to put injddrosH reviling the Hhk courtK and
U'i'iric liithl and water, at H. II. police. A campaign of education
Harris Iiiih offered to furniHb both; will bo nubHtitiitod."
to the town at vory lihoral lonnn.
Wo also wihb to improve the park,
at'rl nut in iHdcwalkK.
$30,000 FROM HER $500
KKATTLE, WihIi., Iw. 2l.-ChaiK-Iiik
that her brollx r. .uhn Homon,
had aceiimulatoit rii"i tlinn 130,000
from thf InvvHtmint 0f a loan of
$r,00 mndo to lilm bv tli- plulntlff at
Ban FranclHCo In 11)02, Mm. Mary A.
AiiHtln in hiiIiii; In th,, Hiiperior court
today for nn-aeccuat'n and one-half
of tho acctimul.itcil I rofitH. Sho hnn
lioon itranted nn ordf-r by tho court
roHtrnlnltiK fiesnon from illi)OHlng of
his property,
Tho complaint Htnte that In 1902
BcMion camo to San Kranclnco from
AhiBkn, whero ho had lived novoral
yearo, anil told hln hlnter, Mr. Auu
tln, that ho needed $3500 with which
no could purcnaiio iiKiitora and imp
pllcH nt Nomo worth largo eums of
money and cnpablo of yielding big
rovouuoB. Mm, Ann' In states that
oho Htaked her brother with tho mini
dcDlrod and that the brother after
ward sold tho btiHlni-DH for $250,000
and returned to California.
Tho HHtor chnrgei) that Bho Iibb
been unablo to procure tho return of
her Intercuts or an accounting.
Swlft'n aroonato of lcnl wo aro
ohlpping direct from tho factory, and
havo tho lowest price arcenato of
load over sold for In tho Hoguo River
valley. See ue before placing your
order. '
238 J. A. PERRY.
NEW YOHK, Doc. 2l.-Coiirtlai.ut
Hiiihop, president of tho Aero Club
of America, which biHt night huiic-
(iontd the aviation meet nt Los Art
golon, Calif., announced today that
be would hiinHolf be present lo sco
that the coutoatft followed exactly
the linen laid down by the club.
Ono rule that requires all compet
ing neronnutH to bo among tbo aero
cIiiIh mornborHhip may work hard
Hhip on tho entrants at Los Angeles
mill according to word received from
that city leniency will bo asked in
the cases of the foreign aviators, not
members of the orgnninztion who will
bavo barely enough time to reach the
Pacific const from Europe.
Lot 00x175, east front on Oakdnlc, ?onth, wnlor and sowor con
nections to property lino, cement walks nnd pavement. Fmo oak shado
trees. This is in tho best restdenco section of tbo city. Prico $1500,
$.j00 cash, balance easy terms at 0 por cont interest. Compnro Ibis
with lots 50x100 in similar locutions.
A Christmas
, Dinner Suggestion
NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Charlw
Adams, whom the police believe ih a
member of n gang of swindlers who
bnvo preoyd upon wealthy English
men for many years, was arraigned
today on a charge of using the mails
to defraud.
The Oarnctt-Corey Hardware Co.
will be closed Monday and Tuesday
(27-28) after Christmas, invoicing.
By A. C. Ilowlcit j
By A, C. llowlott.
Mr. mid Mm. Whlto of IIIIuoIh. mm.
Iu-Ihw ami daughter of H M. Mc
Intyro of Drby, arrived on tbo Pa
cific & Kant a fow days ago and
wont on up lo tho humo of liar fath
or. Qullp n number of tho wator uhom
of LH li llHttw crok mt hr Satui
dny of la wpoU to perfect plan so
that onstern women will aid our cause
SPOKANE, Wn., Dec. 21. "So
cioty spell-binders from tbo nut and
Viissar girls aro not needed in thin
state to assist in tbo battlo for the
ballot," said Mrs. Mny Arkwrigbt
..keop poHtod on what Is doing In tho Mlutton of SMiknue, presidont of the
world. Washington Political Equality
Mrs. William von dor Holloa, who'Loaguo, when ndvisod that Mrs. An-
I mtai Ttitlkintif ftiiil Arij Pliirinj
has been In tho flood Samaritan bos- o ,jc nsko(, ,q
pltal undergoing troatmont for np- on, wmon to tbo northwest. "I do
pondleltlH, roturnod to her homo last , not approve of that plan," she added.
Tuiwdny greatly Improved In health, i ''Wo shall employ only western mon
Klmor 8. Sponcor of Dudley has1 nnd women to prosont our side to
'alo been In tho hoBpltal for tho imstl tbo electors of the statu of Washing-
. . ti :,. i. .ii. ,i., r,.
m to curo wnlor for Irrigating pur- month talcing ' iroaimoni irom nr. , ". '
,ki.s on lb)lr farmo. nnd a com- Conroy for appendicitis and gall-, Maokaj- and Mrs. Holmont bavo so-
panv was IncorporntiHl to handlo tho stono. Ho came out to tho Sunny-j looted Miss Inor. Mulhollaud of Now
wtr In this neighborhood. nldo la.t Tuoaday on bis way homo Jork, n graduate of assar, to come
w i Pi.n.lroih our blaoksmltli. Krontly Improved In honllli. iiomio.w un . . ut i0
L. Clilldroth, our iiaoKsnuui.. j corros-1 speakors n the enmpnign to mo made
wont to Medford lnt Monday on busl-, b 2 .t lo ' for tho in 1010. oW may ask for speakers
mm connected with some of tho wa- Pom lo nt hi. Ifrom Idaho. Utah and Colorado and
lor rights in this HoctHm. " J 1 ,,n n .. other states, but wo do not believe
Land U changing lunula in this sec
Hon vory fast Just now. J. V. Brown
.nH agent sold tbo old Captain West
place last Monday, 280 acroH, consid
eration $1000, to Dr. Nordlng of
Ohio. William von dor Hollen hns
been soiling a part of his land on
Dry creek, but I bavo not learned
tho particulars, but understand that
ho has sold for a good price.
O. W. Daloy, Jr., Ih roported to
havo sold bl town proporty In Kaglo
Point to John Nichols, consideration
MrH. Mary Bealo has sold bor prop
erly Just north of town to J. P.
Brown nnd S. B. HolmoB', considera
tion $a000. James Rlngor sold bis
land on Big Hutto creek; considera
tion $2000, and tboro aro sovoral
moro deals on hand that I expect to
bo ablo to report rooh.
The big Btcnm ahovol Hint bna
boon lying nt tho Eaglo Point depot
for sonio tlmo stnrlcd last Monday for
Puller & Oray'H camp on Reoso crook
to bo used In making a big cut on tho
Pacific & Hnstorn right of way. That
tho mnungors of tbo movo will moot
with conBldornlilo troublo In moving
tho Krent machlno over tho soft
ground Is already anticipated, but
but thoy wor0 provided with short
rails and timbers and will movo thorn
on to tbo front as thoy will bo neodod.
Tho condition of tbo road la such
that It will talto somo tlmo, as thoy
hav0 to cross a big Btloky flat that Is
now almost Impassable to teams, but
then tbo railroad mon, soom to laugh
nt Imposslbllltleti and simply go
abend and do It.
10. W. Bromloy, who Is proparlng
to put out about 100 acres In fruit
troos this wlntor, roports that ho l
netting along nlcoly with his work,
oloarlng away th0 grubs, 1'opUb otc,
and expects to go to holo digging
In tho coiiiho of a few days. As ho Ih
John Ktrkpatrlck, who has boon
It a fow dayH ago for JubI doublo 1"hl now'
what ho gavo for It about n year ago
and now hns como to Kaglo Point
to buy property, ns ho thinks that this
Is tbo best placo ho knows of In tho
Dr. Jordan of Montana In a formor
lottor I stated that ho was from St.
Paul, Minn. In an Intorvlow last
Monday aald that h0 was dollghtod
with this cllmato, that whllo ho waB
receiving lottorB from his old homo
tolling of tho thormomotor register
ing fom 8 to 18 bolow, people woro
horo going nround In thoir Bhlrt
sleovcs. Ami his nloco, Miss Lovlo
Jonnlngs, says that this la tho most
Any1 kind of open flamo consumes
ns much oxygon from the nir ns four
udult pnirs of lungs.
Would you consider and light
"chonp" that affected the health of
your wife, yonr children, or yourself,
by depriving tho lungs of oxygen?
Electric light is tho only kind of
ight Hint consumes no oxygen, and
does not vitiate tho ntmopphero.
It burns in nn nir tight bulb.
Its good light.
When you think it over isn't it
tho cheapest light?
kcrosino lamp, gns, ncctyline and the
various other forms of light, can be
considered but stepping stones, lead-1
ing up to tho ideal illuminnnt elcc-,
Wo bnvo reached tho culmhintion '
point of illumination in electricity nnd '
today, nothing is known to making j
that so noafly approximate sunlight
as this wonderful force. j
No matter how richly tbo home .
may be furuUhcd, if it is poorly light
ed, it throws n depressing loom over
Rex Grocery
"One Price to Everybody"
i cverytbine. and destroys the cheer-
7 iV.I i A 1.- Ml ..l.t
Human life is a progression nl-1 lu c'niori "
ways towards somo better thing rnmaie.
somo higher state of civilization. The family circle gathers together,
It is this constant yearning for nround tho hearthstone evenings, nnd
bettor things which characterizes, j that is tho time, abovo nil others,
and sets apart, tho human rnco from , that tho homo should be brightly il
tbe bruto crention. laminated.
What would wo think of n Electric ligbtinp,.with its soft glow
human being today who, in the midtftjing brillinncy, makes the home more
of civilization, persisted in living in attractive, inviting, nnd congoninl and
n envo, clolhcd with nuta skins, not only augments tho beauty of ma
sbiinning socioty, nnd conducting tcrinl appointments, but welds the
delightful cllmato oho ovor saw. But
why talk of tho cllmato moro 'thnn
anything olso? Kvorythlng In south
ern Oregon speaks for Itsolf ns vory
Cloorgo West, ono of tho forest
rnngors, nnd his wlfo, who has beon
a boarder at tho SunnyBldo tho moat
of tho tlmo for tho past year, Htartod
Wednesday afternoon on tho Pacific
& Kastorn for Soattlo, whoro Mr.
Wost will attend tho forest rangors'
school for tho wlntor. Mrs. West will
bo grotly mlssod, as sho has mado a
groat uumbor ot frlouds durlang bor
stay horo,
Mrs. Portor Robins, who has boon
assisting nt tbo bodsldo of nor moth-or-ln-lnw,
Mrs. 8. P. Robins of Cen
tral Point, roturnod to tho homo of
bor Bister, Mrs. Qoorgo "W. Daloy,
Sr., last Tuosday, Sho roports that
Mia. R. Is grcntly Improved In health.
Somo of tbo mon who havo beon on
gagod In putting up tho wlro for Hio
phon0 between horo and Hutto Palls
camo Into tho Sunnysldo Wednesday
and roport that thoy havo comploted
tho work of putting up tho wlro for
tho main lino and oxpoct soon to put
ono of our progrosiilvo men and In- In tbo phonos along tho rout0 nnd
tomb to koep up with tho times, ho.nsBoon as wo can got connection with
has sont through your correspondent Medford wo can do huslnoss to much
for tbo Dally Mall Tribunes, so as to bottor advnntago.
LOS ANGELES, Doo. 24. Row C.
W. McCrossman, who tt Is assorted
cleared about $40,000 In gold In.ox
chango for mining stock botoro ho
waa nrrcstod and convicted of circu
lating falso Btntomonts concerning tho
valuo of alleged mines In Mexico, es
caped n ponltontlary sontenco by
promising to pny a flno of $4000.
Tho fln0 will bo pnld lato today, ac
cording to stntomonts accredited to
tho "Dlvlno Promoter."
Whon on trial McCrossman assort
ed that ho did not know that tho cir
culars Issued by htm woro untruo.
If you don't nlrondy know its my
gas lights. and mnntlo lamps you bnvo
boon rending so much about lntoly
Tboro is so much talk .about them
thoy must' bo good. Investigate. J.
W. Whitnoy, 211 West Main. Noxt
door to Roguo River Elect rio Co. of
fice 235
In looking around for trooa to plant
that orchard of yours don't forgot to
hoo L, E. Hover. Ho hnn tho goods
uh orders for ovor 200,000 troos for
this Boason will prove. 228
Just arrived from factory, n now
lino of Sterling silvor. Toilot, mnni
ouring nnd military sols. Thoy are
the latest in design. At Vnn He Car
& Jasmnnu'H, Phipps Hldg.
Tklrty-two nores in this tract, fins
fruit land, about two mile from
n shipping point Tbo buildings
consist of a flvo-room box house,
cood-sirod barn, oto. Thorn are
l'J uoros of f) nud 0-yonr-old ap
ples, mostly Nowtowns, with oom
luorgial ponchos planted betwoon
as filloiw. Also throo noros of
young ponr troos and 6omu family
orchard. Pour acres in alfulfa.
Six or eight worot of Umber, most
ly oak and laurel. Tbero Is n
pnmpiug plant on tbo plane which
Riipllotf wator for tho gnrden and
alfalfa, equipped with gasolino
entnno, About -10 rods from a
c,tod school. Hns rural mail de
livery and tolophono. Prioo
$! 0,300. Tonus.
W. T. YORK & CO.
himself ns a savage.
You are ready nnd willing to adont
any new things in ;our Ioihj which
enn bo proved a R'. ice of nud'tionnl
comfort, and cheer and health.
Wo want you iO tnink about a fow
facts regarding kctricity, which,
wo believe, entitles it to your earnest
Wo know that if you onco rcalizo
what electricity will do to make your
homo moro homelike, core cheerful.
moro charming, you wil mod no per
suasion you will insist on electnci-
tt't know that if wc enn show you
where electricity will lighten your
Lnrrifi.H nnd make your He moro liv
ar?'o, 3 on will noed no urging to ndppt
In tho first place, lot ma talk to
you on light
Electric Lighting in the Homo.
A well lighted home dispels tho
gloom nnd invites hnbby, and the
grown-np boys and girls to stay in
Nothing conduces so much to
choorfulness nnd social congeniality
ns n brilliantly and pleasantly lighted
And nothinff quito ronlizos that
happy condition so consu
mntoly ns oleotrio illumination.
You may tnlk about other moans
of artificial light, but nftor all. tbo'
ontiro family together, evening, into
n happy, satisfied home circle.
If you vyant to drive your boys
nnd girls out on tho streets evenings
givo them a dimly, gloomily lighted
If you want to keep them in oven-
ings give them u pleasantly lighted (
Electricity plays it part, with noj
uncertain hand, in tho welfare of our J
boys and girls.
But that isn't tho wholo story by!
any manner or means.
Eloctrio lighting in your homo is
neat, handsome, and clean. It dif
fuses a steady, oven light, unaffected
bv draughts, nnd offering the easiest
light, known, on tho eye for reading.
No shadows.
Unliko all other lights, it casts no
shndows, whatovcr, but sheds it bril
liancy in nil directions, unimpoded by
fixtures or braokets. No heat
And in tho summor timo, you who
hnvo felt tho withoring heat in tho
homo, hnvo not thought kindly of
your gasoline or lamp light, which
has seemod to join forces with tho
hot temopratnro in nn orfort to mnko
life woll nigh unboarablo.
Electric lighting instead of honting
tho houso, gives you a cool, rofrosh
ing luminosity thnt can bo seen, not
folt, thnt can bo appreciated not
Are You
Going East
Hnvo ypu a friend coming west? You
ought to bring ono to Hertford. Cnll and
sco us. Lot us talk routes and rates
with you. Information chcorfufly fur
nished. Phono, addross or (tall on
Southern Pacific R. R.
To Our Patrons,
A merry Christmas and
....a Happy New Year....
Wc again havo tho privilego of
extending good wishes to our pat
rons. Tho year just closing has
meant a good deal to Allen & Rea
gan in tho way of development,
both in tho addition of lines car
ried and growth in tho number of
thoso who rely upon us for nil
that is best in high-grade grocer
ies and specialties at fair priced.
And it's a cinch tho year bus
meant n lot to those who havo rend
Allen & Reagan's Nows and havo
thereby learned of and enjoyed the good things that you got nowhere
As a matter of fact, without desiring to nnnox anything wo cau't
get nwny with, wo beliovo wo arj entitled to claim precedenco for Al
len & Reagan along the lines of both staple and novelty groceries. Isn't
it true that when you run across something that is now nnd inquiro
whero it can bo had, tho reply invariably is Aljon & Reagan's? And
isn't it truo that when you order anything in the grocery lino at Allen
& Reagan's yon do with tho cortninty that it will bo O. K.T And Isu't
it a fact that you feel convincod of tho moderation of our prices f
Wo believe nny of our readers will nnswer any of theso questions
in tho affirmative So wo nek those 'who hnvo not been participants in '
tho Allon & Reagan Bervice, "Isu't this a pretty comfortablo sort of
store to do business with?"
Try us on somo of tho Christmas supplies dosaribed on this pago
you'll liko thorn and us. And wo have a shrewd suspicion that yon
will go still further and becomo a regulnr patron of Allen & Reagan's
during 1010.
To nil our old friends we renow our' assurances of heartfelt good
will and our desire to continue to be helpful in mooting their grocery
Allen Reagan
The Square Deal Grocers
Plain Facts
You will loso monoy in purchasing your holiday
goods, espooially
if you fail to feo us.
All wo ask is tho opportunity to show you
nir stook, ns values nro such that you will
.lot loavq tbo storo without buying.
Medford Loan Office
Corner of Central Avemn and Mnln,