TUB MED FORD MAIL TRIBUNE, M13DFORP, OlfWlON, TUESDAY, DECKMBICIl 21, 1909." U I 4 4-,4-4- 4-4 4H4H4 H 4-4t 4 -i4 ft f t I Answering' Want Ads Will Keep Your "Luck" in Constant Repair j tH 4HMM HH tHH4t f H ffH4 4ftH, 4 44 M 4 I t lt4 4 4 1 4 4-4 4 f 4 SISKIYOU STEERS TAKEJLL PRIZES Small Fortune In Bunch of Dcuf Cat tle Sent to Portland Ono Steer Brlnns $325. OAKKLLM, (Jul.. Deo. 21. Two viuIoikIh of Mourn owned li' A. D. Uooditlo tlutt were idilppod from thin pluco on December 10 took all (liu prlxuH that woro offered by tho Port Innnd Livestock exchange at their auction snlu or ClirlntmaH cattle on Doeomlwr I I. Tlio lilgltost price over brought for fancy beef wbh paid for lliu sluglu prltu steer which uolil for IT. ntiitH pur pound gross weight. Thin steer was a superb specimen, weighing 1300 pounds and brought ItH owner tho hum of $225. The tar load of steers which took tho first prlzu worn thu f lrt to ho put undor tho hnmmor and wor0 hid In at 9 cents. Thn average weight was 1360 poundH and hroiiKht 1121.70 cr lioad. Tho second carload hroiiKht 8 1-2 cents, averaging 1304 pounds, and brought I tlC. 9 4 per head. Tho al falfa raliod In this section of Supo rlor California linn always boon con- Id i) rod by stockmen of tho wvHt thu vory bent quality for fattening lJf and theso steers nbow tho correctness of the Htatotuent, as thuy woro In competition with cattle from an far cum I a Montana. Thoy were all bred and rained on the John Loul place and run on pns turo durlnK tho Hummer and were fed on alfalfa durlnK the wlntor. Eastern men who see only grain and "orn fattened stock opened their eycH at the iuallty and condition of theso steer, (loodale netted a profit of ITiTi per head on the bunch of 4(5. Grunt excltoment and cnthiiHlattm prevailed throughout tho salo which was the first of the kind ever held In the northwest. BELGIAM MINISTER AND CARDINAL TALK OF LEOPOLt) ItO.MK, Dec. 20 - -The Median mill iliter Ih conferring today with Car dinal Merry del Val, tho papal Hecro- tary of stnte, concerning the marriage of the late King Leopold and the UarnnesH Vnuthan. The statement of tho pop,, concerning tho marriage Ih said to he tl o main topic of dlscim Ion at the conference. Four hundred unit eighteen acres firnt-oliiBB ranch, four miles from railroad Htution, 4 Oacrcs alfalfa, ir rigation for 1(10 ncroH, firnt-laHS or chard, 3 good barns, 2 good house, noliool, daily mail. A snap for :?;"() lcr aero; ono-fourtli cash, .'I to A yearn for balance. See J. W. DroHH Wr Agency, WohI Main. 'J38 WALLA WALLA VOTES WET BY 652 MAJORITY WALLA WALLA. Wn., Dec. 21. After one of the iiiohI liilletly oon ttmteil cuinpaigUH in the hixlory of the oily, Wnlln Wulln !b by a majority of (122 voted to remain in the 'wet" col umn. Out of eight precinct in the city only one wiih carried by the "rtry." Despite the fact that tho city remain ed wet, many politiciiuiH regard the uleelion iih u Horious one, declaring that the Itopubieait party Iiiih been hopoloHtdy Hplit hh u romilt of faetion iil trouble. . Jaspor ITnmmorfl in now ropro fionting thn Alnddon Mnntlo QnH Lainp.4 in tho northont part of tho county undor tho dfrootion of Win. K. Stacoy, whoro ho is having fiplondid iiccohs. 234 .THAT ClIItlHTlIAH IMtUSIONT. A nlco ptoco of cabinet work or mlm'lon furnlturo makes an Ideal gift, vory npproprlat and useful. Wo upo clallzo In milking tho "out of tho or dinary" plooes. In faot, anything In tho mlHHlnn fi ratture or oablnot work llnon mado to your order, any flnlah yqi mny desire. Drop in. and got our prlroH, mission FimNiTunia wonics, Shop near corner Hlghtli nnd Holly atreotH. Phono 8802. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Bond your trcnhiort to tno for mount ing. Hh game UendH, ta, birds and mummalH mounted trtio to niitiiro by improved methodn. 1 do tanning, mab fw ruga, make, remodel and uleai. fur gurniontB. I3xprosH nnd mail or dora promptly nttsndod to. C. M. HARRIS, -405 Wwdiington Bkoot, Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3000, W00DVILLE ITEMS. J. I). Wonu of Milton bought 33 Heron of what Is known mi tho White ranch, now owned hy Dr. Fluley of Ornntii I'iihh. The purchamt price wiim $200 iter acre. About 20 acres are In 2-year-old applet and poors. Mr. Wenn will return In the spring and make this IiIh futitro homo. 0. II. Caruer of Ornntit I'ass, who purchased thu Crirtln tract adjoining tho village of Woodvllle, had a force of men tearliiK down all (he old build ing and feuce which will add very much to the appearance of the place. Merchant Hall of IlrowiiHhoio linn rented th0 Wilcox building and Knock ed It with groceries and general mer chandlMe, placliiK hi" hoii In eharKe. Miles Wakoman, who recently Hold IiIh iiroportv on IMi'imiuit creek to the California Dredging company, has Invented In village property. William Waggoner f Woodhoff, Cnl., Iiiih disposed of IiIh California property and will bo hero booh to take possession of Ills' newlynciiulrud, property on Kvans creek, consisting of 20 acres of alfalfa. W0 undor ntaud ho paid $225 per acre. There are Hoveral Odd Fellow who think a local lodgo would flour lull hero, and stops aro being taken to bring thin about and suggest that tho doKroo teams of Grants Pass, Medford and Gold Hill ho prepared for work In tho near future. Thompson & O'Halr, our local roal estate firm, havo brick hauled and ready to creel their now building an noon an weathor pormlts, Judge Durham of Grants Pass was here on business Saturday. Oagloy & Streets havo started tholr steam stump puller preparatory to clearing up another large tract of their Meadowbrook ranch. They will net out about 4000 more npplo and pear trees this winter. (Soorgo Hoover of Medford spent Hundny here. JUDGE DAY WRITES TO CORRECT AN ERROR Judge Silari J, Day writes the Mail-Tribune to correct the report that he in dangerously ill. The many friend of .ludgq Dn,y will.bu. gml o learn that the repot t of hiri dauger otin illneoH wiih an error. Judge Day is one of tho prominent figure in th pioneer ihUory of Iiic c niiii county, nnd has hcuu identified always with itn progreHW. In April next he will celebrate hitt 8 lib birth day. I liu present illnoi in due to his age and in not the result of any diKCUHe. It !h proposed to exempt out-over minis lrom taxation in Oregon until tttich time as the timber is out that will grow ngiiin. 4-4-4-4- 4-4- -H-4--H-4-4-4- 4- PORTLAND MARKETS. 4-4-4--f4-4'4-4-4'-f4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- Hop, Wool nnd Hlden. Hops 1908 orop, oholco, 17c; prlnio to oholco, lOo; prime, lDMic; modlum, 15 c; 1900 oholco, 23c; prime. $20c; medium, IS W 19c. Wool 1909, Wlllnmotto vaHey, 20r2tc; eastorn Oregon, 20tff23c. ShoepsklnH Shearing. 10 25c onch; Hhort wool, 25 4f50o; medium wool, 60cr$l oach; long wool, 75c $1.25 each. Tallow Prime, or lb., 3 4c; No. 2 and greane, 2(p2M,c. Ohlttlm bark 4 4 Mc. Mohair 1900, 23 Q 24c lb HldtMi Dry hldoe, 1718V4c lb; groon, Otifioyjc lb; bulls, groon Bilt, Tc lb; kips, 10810olb; calves groon, 10 1 8c In. Ilutter, nttga and Ponltry. Eggs Local, candled, select, 42',V4cj ordinary ran 40 4 2c; boo onds, 32c; local etornne, 3'B V4 350; oastorn Btorngo, 32 l-3Gi36o. Buttor Fat Delivery t o; 1. Port jftmj Sweot cream, 37c; sour, 35 1-2 c. lluttor Kxtm croamory, 39 l-2cj fancy, 37 380; atoro, 25c Oncotic Fancy full cronm flntfc, 18c; triplets and dalslei, lScj Young Amorlcaa, 19c. Poultry Mixed chlckons, 15 dp 16 l-2e; fancy hone, 15 l-2o; rooa toro, old, lie; sprlngH, ICo; gooso, 10c; ducks, ICo; pigeons, squaba,' $2 doz; drcBsod chlckons, 17 1-2 lSej wild trooso, $C dozen. drain, Flour and liny. Parley--Producers' prlceu 1909 --Fo$im1, $2S.ri0j rolled, $30; brew ing. $29 W29.50. Wheat Track Club, $1.05; bluo tein, $1.17; red, $li fortyfold, $1.09; Turkey red, $1.031.05; Wlllnmotto valloy, 1.05. Mlllotuffs Soiling prlco Ilrnn, $20; middlings. $33; aborts, $20; chop, $22 2 8; alfalfa moal, $21 por ton. liour Now crop, patonts, ,$0,15; strulght, $4.85; bakora, $5.950.ir.; Wlllamotto valloy, $5.70 bblj oxport grades, $4; crnhara, V4, 5.00; Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to You-It May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. . ff.Y f f t whole whoii, $0.20; ryo, 00, ffl.GO; ImloH, 13, Hay producers prlce Now timothy, Wlllnmotto vrrtley fancy, $18; ordinary 17; eajjtern Oregon, $20; mixed, 14fplfi; clorer No. 1, $14)1G; wheat, tUQlZ; ohct, 15 ilC; alfalfa, OaU Spot dllTery. norr, produc er' prlco Track, No. 1 white 29.50: gray, $28038.50. Corn "Wl $80; enveked, $?7 ton. Fruits and Vccctebk. Frcnh FruItB Oranges, Valonclna, PoUtoo Soiling, now, $101.10. $3.CG a box; bananas, 6 l-2c lb; oars, COc0$1.26; huckloborrtea, 12c. Apple $11.6. Vegotnbloa Wnr turotp, Oregao, 0f0c sack; beats, B1.S; carrots, 90 Q 90c oack; cabiaeo. Jcl, 75 $1; tomatoes, local, fancy, $1.60 crt; beans. 10c lb; cnnllflowor, 90c dot; poos, 2c lb; horseradish, 10c; bunches; colory, 508Cc; ogg plant, lCc pound: corn, $1.26 sack; sweot LOST A pair of Hamilton-Brown potatoes, $1.75 1.86. I high-top mountain boots. Reward jtlco ImporUl Jajwn No. 1, 64c;. if returned to Hutchason & Xcms- No. 2, 6 Vic; New OtIobm lwl, 0 3-4 1 den'a store. 237 7c; Croolo, 6c. STRAYED Into my enclosuro, cow Itoans&amall whltu, 55.50; largo and calf, very wild. Owner will whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bayou, j plenso remove. L. P. Hubbard, cor S5.7G: I.liimn, $C; reds, $7.50. ; nor Jacksonville Road and Bell CJrocerle, Nnt, IMc. $5.85; fruit or borry, $5.95; drj grai-.latcd, $6.95;" coonf. A, $5.75; extra H, $.25; golden O, $5.35; D yellow, $5.25; beet. $5.05, barlels 15c, half boxes, 30c, boxos 55c ad vauco on sack basis. Honey Now, 13 V,c lb. Moats, Fish and Provisions. Dressed Mcrts Front street hogs, fancy, 10c; ordinary, 9cl veals, ex tra, 12c; ordlnnry, 11c; heavy, 5 Cc; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c Hnms, llaccn, otc. Portland pack (local) hum, 17 Ho; orcaKiasi bacon, 18 27c; boiled bnra, 25 2Cc; picnics. 14c; cottage- roll, 15c regular short clears, smoked, 10c;j backs, smoked. 18 Wc; plcklod longues. ouc eacn. Local Lnrd Kottlo Kxf, 10s, ,c. .... r. ici.o I... rn.ii, Mns. ,.o.' it.. '..nnm ",nnrfnrd. lfls. I7c ,,. r... 17 1.0. ii. nnmm,n,i 1 09. 11 3-4o lb. Clams Hardoholl. por box, $2.40; razor clnniB, $2 box. Flan nock cod, 10c; lb; floun- dors, Cc lb; ballnbut, 7c lb; striped bass. 15o lb; catfish, lOo lb; Balmon, steolhend, 8 l-2c lb; silvers, 7 l-2c; solos, Cc lb; Bitrlmps, 12 l-2c lb; porch, Co lb; torn cod, Sc lb; lobsters, 32c lb; crawfish, 23c doz; sturgeon, 12VQ lb; blnck bass, 20a lb; silver smoUs, Go lb; blade cod, 7 Ho lb; crnbs,' $101.50 dox. Oyators Shoalwater Bay, por gal lon, $2.26; por 100-lb. caclc, $5; Olympla, por gallon, $2.40; por 100 lb. snck, $7 7 60; tannod, 65c can, 37o dozon; onetcra ta obeli, $1.76 por 100. Conl oil Poarl, Astral and 8tar, 19o gallon; oocone, 3c gallon; olalno 38o gallon; hondllght, 20io gallon; oxtm star, 22c gallon; wnter whlto, HV416MiO gallon; special wator whlto, lBo gallon. Qasollno Rod crowa nnd motor, 1023o gallon; 88 nasolrro, 30 37MiO gallon; V. M. & P. nnphrtia, 1320tte gnllon; crnglno dlatll lao. 910o gallon. Guttle Dost atoers, wc4ghlng 1200 pounds, $4.75; medium stoors, $4.50, best cows,-$3.76; best holfora, $3.75; bulls, $2 2.75; stags, $2.503. IIoRfl nest east of tho mouutams, $S.50; Wlllamotto valloy best, $7.75 7.85; stocltors, $4C; pigs, $G7. Shpop Pest wethers, $, ordinary $1 1.76; iiprlng lambs, $G; ntralght owes, $4.25 1. 50; mixed lots, $4.25. CiUvob Host, $6; ordinary $ 4.60. f 44 4trtt444 4- HEDFORO MARKETS. .f.f.f 4. .f .t. 4-4- 4--f Fruit ami V-gotahlcs. (Prioos paid by Mod rd merchants V Apploa, l2c lb; peara, 1V40! Potfttooe, lo I lb; onions, $1.50 4-4-4-4--H-4-4- 4 cwt;; green onions, 35c doz. bunches; onbbago, turni'iw, Vzc; parn- nip, lo nnd lVfcc lb.; squaHh, 30o and $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10 and 15c. Butter, Eons and Poultry. ' (Prices paid hy Medford merchants Ranch bnttor, 36e; faacy creamer;-. ?7Y2o. Fresh ranch eggs, 503. Mixed poultry, 10c; upring chick ens, 15c; dnrks, 10c; inrKeys, 17c. (Prices paid producers.) nay Timothy, Slfl; alfalfa. $15; grass, $14 ton; grain hay, $10 ton. Grain Wheat, $1.20 bushol; oata, T3C ton; barloy, $30 ton. Doef, yViVSc; perk 8c: ranttoo 3Vjo; lamb, 4Vo; reel (irmoei), 0 (Selling prioeo.) Rollod barley, $2 cwt, $36.50 ton; bran. $1 70: r-tddHmfia, 31.9191 slmrta. $1.801.S5. f-f LOST. Lane. -t--H- 4-4- ---r-r4- FOR RENT. 4- 4-4--- 4- -H. -- FOR RENT Suite of light house keeping room. Pall nt 222 South Holly street. rOIl RENT New cottngc, G rooms, east Taylor street, Vi acre ground. il'aii'.roJPJ5 Fast Tnvlcr st. 230 FOR RENT Front room, furnished, heat, electric light nnd bath. 12 South G street. 23G j.-qjj KENT Ono ortwo nicely fur n;8h(J)j room9f hent nnd bnth nnd oolotric lichts. Reasonable On gouth Ccntr,i nvenuo. Thone S91. gg F0R HENT-Fnrnishcd rooms. No, 1Q N q strect 237 i ; :.T Z ! r wll llKr r L.IVO ai mo 1'aims, now ! brick building, now furniture, strict ! b modorn. corner Grnpo an l Main ! Btrcota- VOR RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, sultablo for fruit, alfalfa, stock or genoral farming. Inquire at j offlco Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main Btroot. -f - -f4-4--r4--r 4- enn CAt c -ff-f-f4--f4--f-f-f 4-4-44- 4- FOR SALE 300 tiors of woll soa- soned pine nnd somo oak wood, handy to got out, only hnlf a milo from Phoenix. Address C. J. Ol son, Medford, Oregon. 23G FOR SALE At a bargain if tnkon at onco two lota oloso in. Medford nnd rooms. Phono 2091. 237 FOR SALE Good houso and lot at 540 Hamilton Btroot, end of Oak dalo paving; rents for $10 por month; also two lota on Jackson streot, cheap If taken at onco. Ad dress Wm. E. Stacoy, Dox 826. 233 FOR SALE Horao and wagon nt 111 South Laurol streot. 248 FOR SALE An oquity in good city lots; 25 percont. Pox 709. 234 FOR SALE Dakory with good trade cheap for cash. Sickness cnuso of slllng. W. T. York & Co. 238 FOR SALE Young orchard in boar ing. Mat Calhoun. Phoenix. Or. " FOR SALE Oak, fir nnd pino cord wood, 12 and 10-iuch; nlso dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phone order to Main 4201. FOR SALE Oonuino Navnjo blank et. Inquiro nt Modford Furnituro Co. FOR SALB 75-acro ranch, wKU good wator right; finest frt'lt lands chnp:; also property In Portland; will trade for Modford poporty Sec Coloiuan at cigar factory, FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-aore traotn "just within and udjoining nity lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. -f4-4444 - f 4 Z FOR SALE If you want tho beHt dry wood nt tho lowest prico call at 421 South Orapo street or phono to Main 401; also do wood sawing. 230 FOR SALE Choice business proper ty at a bargain, on long tima; easy terms AddrcsB P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE) Or oxshange tor Mod- ford real estate or ranch, 110 acroa tobacco farm PenisylTaala rail road In bo nth era Maryland. 85 acres In cultlration, 36 Btres 1st whit oak Umber, 16 aerea tisctky aaea'dow; rich, loay soil, alao rultasle for potatoes, aelaas and 'fntt; es9e- tally adaate4 far Mafrlaad BMekca; 41 BaKe scath SaKlnare. S5 Mtle trov Uattad Btatea Caslto, Tashtatoa, B. C; aboacaxca of water; good ravda; atld ellnata. Addreefl Bx 3. Maall Trianaa ot WANTED Middle aged woman for work; nlso girl for general house work ,nt Coles, Calif.; wages $25 nnd $3 per mouth. Family of 7. Address Mail-Tribune, Medford. 240 WANTED Man to wash windows, Mail Tribune office. WANTED $1000 on eight acres or chard just planted, one yenr, 10 per cent. Box 118, Medford, Or. 237 WANTEI3 Young man about 18 years old who has parents in city that is not afraid to- work and wants to learn a trade. Small sal ary to start; a good position to the nght party. Pnntorium Dye Works 236 WANTED Man acquainted in valloy to snow lnnd. Benson Investment Co. 237 WANTED Good clean cotton rags at the Mail Tribune offico. Will pay right price for same. AjN1.u to borrow saou on n good timber claim in Douglas coun ty. Address box G46, Medford. 235 WANTED Compotent woman for genoral houso work. Would like rc eronees. Wages $1 per day. Ad dress P. O. Box 815. 230 WANTED Good second hand hack, Address box 301, Medford. 235 WANTED To rent n furnished house, John A. Tornoy, caro Ore gon Orchards Svndieato. 235 WANTED Cook wnntcd on ranch. Call. Fannors lino 14x1. 235; WANTED First-class stenograph or. Apply at offico of Roguo River Electno Company. 235 WANTED By married man position to work on fruit ranch. Adress Y, caro of Mail Tribune- 235 WANTED $ 200 for good paying business; good rato lnterost. Ad dress F. L. D., Mall Tribune. 235 WANTED Exjwrieaaed quarry man. Address P. O. Bax 418, Medford, Or. 4- -f -f f 4- mistWFs?! ntRrrrrnnv -t CIRGARS AND T0BBAC0S. IRELAND & ANTLE S'nok0 House, dealers In tobacco, cigars and smok ers' supplies. Excluslvo agents of Lowls Slnglo Dlndor, El Morlto and El Paloncla. 212 West Main streot. Rcsftuirnnts. REE HIVE K13STAURANT Meals loo; bt'dn, l.re. Give ns a trial. 29 Central avenue, upstairs. Krmlergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1 009 W. Main street. Hours ; From 0 a. ra. to 11 :30 n. m. For particulars apply to Miss Arra Harmon, direotor. at the sohool WANTED Will buy from owners only timboi' lands from quarter seo tions up to 15,000 noro tracts. Givo location, amount of timbor and prioo in nnswor. Address B, pnro of this offico. 230 "4-4- -f-4--4--r-frf-f-f BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 r4t CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs cleaning bo sure and sco D. D. Woods. Lcnvo orders at tho Medford Hardware Co., or phono 2581. 23,1 Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER- -Auctioneer, will 208, Taylor & bo found in room Phipps Building. Sewing Machines. Singer nnd Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines for rent nnd for nnlo on easy payments. All kinds ropnircd nnd work guaranteed. Best oil and needles for nil mnkes nt the Singer store, 27 South C st. Phone 3131. Attorneys. WrriHNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Pakn Building. PORTEB J. NEFF Attomey-at-ln No. 0 D Htreet. ground floor COLVIG & REAJfES W. M. Col- vig, C. L. Renmcs. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. Sfeflsfrapher. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, at the Maora Hatel. ELLA M. OATJNTAW Paha block SteasETapbie work dona qniekly anil weH. Rui Estate. REXHON WYE8TMBNT CO. Real estate, laawfi anil fire in ra ranee Office 112 7T. Main at., Medfurd Ore. Pnone 9073- Prfrrtere mi PiMslrars. MEDPORD PUBLISHING CO. has the beet equipped jb office b Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 Soath Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE- Tho only exclusive op 'ician between Portland and Sao- ramento Office on West Main street nno rKnr.:id. Jeweler. . ELWOOD AND' BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. Brick Companies. O. W. Priddy. T. O'Rrif O D. Na THE MEDFORD : iICK CO. BricK mnnufnetu-n. Pod contrc tors; nlso lime, cema'i and paiat; ia any quantity. Otflee, Medfor. National bank blJg. Paonee Main 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FU1WITURE .00. Un dortakors. Day Phono 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3001;.J,,H. Butler 357L f. PLno Instruction. HARMONY, sight rending,- musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan Collego of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phone 493. Paint Stores. M. J. METCAEF Paints, Brushes, Wall Paper, Glass, 'VarnisheB Stains nnd Wall Tints. 318 E, Main St.', Modford, Orogon. - Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thorne, ngt. Store opened from ( lo 0. Phono 3871. 237 Riverfd avenue. TTn Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop; Tin and shont iron ware on band nnd made to ordor 128 North QstVeot. " Photograpri'Stddlos. Carriage and-Auto Painting. VALLEY "Siaft " ND CAR RIAGE WORKS High-cluss work guaran teed. 'Signs. Riverside avonuo. Phono 801. MACKEV'S. STUDIO-"Pose with Maokoy and die with joy." tor Al leu &Beagnn'8 store; entrance o.i Seventh street. Civil Engineers WILL take by contract, on rensftp- nblo tonus, nit kinds of work, also irrigating, planting nnd cultfi'atingt oto. Landscnpe gardening:" First class references. William Potors, Civil Engineer, Phesi'dlSOl, 332 East Main street, Modford, Oregon. 44- 4-T 4-444 4 444 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 44 444 4 4 V44 Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., sue cessors to Shoarer & Phillips, paintcra and decorators in nil brnnohes; wenthored oak on insula finish a spocinlt. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Bontty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON-Bill Poster nnd Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Bnilding, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend tho hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect nnd Builder. P. O. Box 480. Medford Or. Your bnilding respectfully so licited. T Fnnilturo H. F. WTI-SON & CO., dealers in now and second hand furniture and hard waro. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E, Seventh eL MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Sth and Holly Sta., Med ford. Mission Fnrnfrnre mad to order. Cabinet work of all kind. A trial order solicited. MOTHO"?? ,& WOLFF Coot Stoves and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Eads' old stand, 18-20 ,R St .Bonth. Phopa PI. Medford, Qr. Drayag and Transfer. norecrffis QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are bndded, not grafted. Onr stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put ont. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE. RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursory, stock. C. E. Co-k. Psop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Bot 841. Phone 583. Medford. " ' : Transfer and Drayage. !H. S. BRUMBLE Drnyage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office n and Sevonth. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT AH work gunran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Bentty street. A card will bring, mo to ypu. Music. MUSip AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. HuilUer, 707 Main street West. Priv.o,to lessons in singing (method liossini) and .languages Frouch, Italian, Gorman, Spanish. MRS. FE. GORE Piano instructwn Jletropolitnn College of Mnsio. Mis Flora Grnj'. Phone 493. 144 Sa'nth Centrnl avenue. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION;; C. Boggs, Acting Secretary 12b E. Afain street. Carpenters and Builders. F. E. HILL Will -ijurnbh plans no, list or nil timber lo po put ui buitao ing. Medford,. Oregon. , ' W. G. HOLMES, contractor' and builder; plans and estimates funi ishedlJpquiro Star restaurant or address Box 818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, Xiiq L Milea Bnilding, Main street,' Medford, Ore 22: 1 -1 p' . Physicians and .Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M.. D. Opposite Jaokson County bank- Night calls promptly answerod. Offico nnd res ident phono Main 3432, S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Hn'skins' Building. Phono Main 1001. - CONROY' CLANCY Office la Stowart Dull'ding Physlclhna and Surgeons. Offico phone, Main 341; prlvatd. phone, Main 61 S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgoou. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Rny, Offico hoiirn: 10fl2, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jackson Co. Rank Building. ,. DR; F. G. CARLOW, . DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h 1 a Physiciaus, Mission Block, Phona 291. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Eya spaoaliflt. ywhen others fail. Of fine in Eagle Pharmacy.' Main 233. Eart Main near. JJ'Anjou. . ,