TJI1.0 MIC !)!''() in ) ArAHiTKIJTyB, MlOIOTKl). ORMfjOX, TUKKDXV, VmiMmil 2.1, HJ09. t Henry Hiiviiico f Wooilvlllu was roi'iitit Mud ford vlailor. Col. (luonrii 1'. Minis of Centra Point npuut Htinday in Mudl'oiil. . II. 1 llOIIIDHOll Ol I'llOUIliX WIIH 4i KM'tiiil vlititor in Modford. Hurry KtiKlowond of Htieh fipondlnjr fuw iluyH in Mcdford. A. Itiowii In In ClmiitH 1'hhh on uhort IniNinnmi (rip. A. J. Nnilsoii of Oolil Mill wnH Sludford on IjiihIiiumh Monday. Mm. J. II. ifurnan and daughter woro Mcdford visitors Monday. Knill Ilritt Was in this city from JaukHouvillu on IiiihIiiuhii conuautod with 1 1 ! h walur HtchtH in tho Hull Cri'tilc Huolion. (IcoiL'u K. King, tlio timhoriniin nrrivod Monday on n viml to Met ford after a trip tliri)iili (ho Hngmi rivor tiinlior hull. IHh hrolhor, hi Ivlng, in uxpuotud hum in u day o two. Marriage Himjiiho Iiiih hcon Ihmhm to Moyd Culver and MIhm l'oly How- i'thy, Imth of Phoenix. S. C. McClendou of (lold Hill wiih a Mi-dt'ord vUtior Tuesday. W. S. HtJiiniitt, tho Kdon Valley iiiirHcryiuaii, in a liuity man tltonu dayn, tinrloading a car of Iioum yen (onlay, one today and Iiiih another on tli v way which ho is expecting at itny limn. Tho monthly meeting of tho Indies of tho Medford Clnh ImK lionn post poned from tho Inst Monday in Do oi'inlior until tho first Monday in January. Mr, J. V. Neddy and Hon Pan loft Monday evening for Spokane whore hIio will Kpond tho holidays with her fathor. Dr. Itody, in also in hixikano. Hert Soranloh and wifo loft Satnr day evening for tho L. II. Ilniwn initio, near Wiinor, their future homo. Arnold Hniloy and wifo of Korlli Tahlo Hook came over Monday on a ChriHtmaH chopping trip. Kiloy Morrjxnu Iiiih diHpimcd of hit homo in went Mcdford and will pro!) ably invent again. r. M. Wilwon, who recently bought tho NicIioIiih Cook property at the corner of .Inckmu and North Control nvoiiuc, is having a now plank sidu .walk Iniilt winch tho travel will cor TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. "N'ANTF.D -Agents to go to Califor- ..t.. ... .,..11 ......Ji...... r .1... i.fii.i.i ... Window Screen." Inquire K. C. Aylor and Ilarnott, real entitle of fice on South Central avenuo. 201 AVANTKD Hoy for portor work. Tho Pnlma. 230 Ho Biiro you nro right lioforo you go nhcad, Ih good ndvico that applies to tho light hiihiuoHri an woll ns othor husinous. Eloctrio lijlit has stood tho tout of timo an tho safest and most economical l!fIit nid hoforo considering choapor lights got tln ex porionco of pooplo who have usod thorn sovornl months nt lonst. 240 taiuly npprmduto. I, cw AhIuiw and family who ro coull.y Mold their homo near Central Point will move to Ihoir now homo near Kugtino after tho holidayH. U'IIIIh Tarpiu and youngest sinter arc MpomliiiK the holidayH with tliotr HUler, Mrs. (Illliurl, of KoHi-ltiug. Mr. and Mi-h, II. I. Noal nn'l fain ily, lain arrivalH, occupy residence No. .'Mil on North Front Hlrcot. II. It. I'attorHoii, the iiiirMcryninn, him returned from a inoiith'irtrlp to Kalem. It. .1. MimmoiiH of Dnhy, Texas nr Hvcd in thin city yotordny and U (topping with It. D. Hkinnor nt 1020 Kant Main Hlrcot. Mr. BimmoiiH ro imrtH that a number of familioH roiu bin Hootlon oxprot to oomo to tho HoKtio rivor valley in tho noac ftuuio Dr. W. II. NudiriKt a recent, arrival from northern Ohio, Iiiih put'chuKod tho Win. IlarriHon fann near H'.wiih lino, c'onAiHtiiiK of 28 acoH of laud frr $20,000. A. ii. Kleinliammor of ApplcKato wart ammiK tho pooplo of that Koction who wcro frnnv ChriHtmiH trading wilh Mcdford u.enihaut.4 I'lM-ntiv. J. K. Drako and John Kirkpatriok of Iloau'lo woro In the city Tuendav, l.'jiiic K"di foi the ChriKtmuHtiro Arthur Ni'iioln of Undo l'oint ir in tho city today. John Kirkpatriok of Hondo !h ainotitr (Iioko in Medford on biiHinoHS Tiumday. flcorKo Wcowh of Trail, ono of tho pioneer of that flection, h in Mcd ford on hiiHinoHH. John 11. Kloinway of Talent was recently in Medford on hiiHincHs D. I1. Hlnokdon of Ashland wiih n Medford visitor Tucfidny. Ilarnson C. Ilarnblo of Pleasant Crook was in M'cdford Tuosdny. Fonnor County CommiHionor Geo. Hrown, Frank Ilacon, tho merchant. and 8. It. Holmes, tho realty broko' of Kalo Point, woro Mcdford visitorH Tucday. W. It. Porry of AHhlaud in npend- inu n row dayB tn Mcdford on lmni- IIOHH. I'd Claton of OrnntH PnuB, denutv fiHh warden, xvnu a recent vifiitor in Mcdford. H. h. Kelly, Jr., of tho Trail firth nintchory, wa a recont visitor in Mcdford. W. P. Stiupon of Anhlnud was a recent vimtor in Medford. I.'K. Wack of Kado Point wnH in Medford on bimiucxH Tuesday. hrnnk Cameron of Anplccato is in Medford on buniiioHH, Itohert A. Cook of Foots Crook. wiih in Medford Tuesday on his way lonio fnun altendiiTp; tho Tiincrnl of iirt Imithor-iu-Iaw, the lato S. N. Ctiok (f Applccato, who wan buried Jacksonville Monday. It. T. McNioholH and John Clem- ouiH oi viieniiaio woro .Mcdlord vis- tors Monday. Mr. and Mrn. TIioh. Dtmcoy of Gold lill woro Medford vimtors Monday. . C. Daloy, ono of tho prominout itizena of Lnko Crook, was ainonir ioso dome biiHiuoKH with Mcdford merchants Tuosday. S. C. McClendon, tho snRO of Gold Hill, wan in Modford Tuesday on business. 14. Mmm ULtt ULUB't -f4-44-4--f4-4.4- 4; Splendid Evcnlnn of Music Is Ar rannctJ by Collcoe Boys Well Worth Attcndlnu. Tomorrow ovonlnt; will appear In tho bpora liouxo tho Unlvorfllty of Kd Andrews, general real room i), now 1'inppn builduiL'. estnte, 11Q r. illlflfn iJlllllilllLr. Nicely furaUheil roomB with all modern convenli-nreu at tho Palmn. Phono 3001 for lean and coffco. Ella fJatinyaw, punnc monoKrupber, room 4, Pal r. IniilHuic. HoBt tea nnd coffoo obtatnablo nt 30 South Grnpe 8troL Southorn luroon ica uoiieo uo. Kvnrvono ifi nskimr. "whnrft in llin OroKon aioo club and Mandolin club.'Srnoko HouhoT" Hero is tho answer: which In touring Houthcrn Oregon 212 Wcfit Mnin. 2J3 . i .1 .i i i i fPi.i-1 Tho city of .InckRonvn o, tho Ijiihi- dur in; tho Chr lotions holidayH. This M nf ... ' . .. ncss inon ot JackHonvilIo and tho l an aBKroBatlon of almost 30 unlvor-j citi7en8 0f Jacknonville have had ally Rtudonta and tho yaro accompa- their oxporience with n cheaper nled by tbolr trainer, Professor Irv-.fonn of lidit than electric light bov- ornl yearn no, Hefore considering n cheaper fonn of light, got their ex perience. 238 flag M. Qlon, who Is well known In Bouthorn Oregon tbroiiKb his excel lent work as director of tho adult chorus at throo hucwbbIvq Chautnu- rpin aHDotnulles. it in expccicu luai I'rofcBBor Qlon will assist In tho pro Kram with one or two of his splendid baritone soloi. Professor Qlon has trained tho University Gluc0 club for 14 years, and according to the opin ion of those most competent o judge, has this year picked tho best bal anced club and turned them out with tho finest concert In many years. Tho program will bo a treat both In looking around for trees to plant that orchard of yours don't forget to ihco u. E. Hover. Ho has tho goods ns orders for over 200,000 trees for tliis season will proTc. ' 228 If dissatisfied with your coffco or ten phono 1001. Four hundred and eighteen acres first-class ranch, four miles from rnilrond station, 40 acres alfalfa, ir rigation for 100 acres, first-class or land, 3 good barns, 2 good houses, school, dnily mail. A snap for $50 from llio standpoint ot music and or,t);r ncros one-fourth cash, 3 to entertainment. It Is by no mcanB a years for balance Seo J. W. Dress vaudovlllo, or In any way a "choap" lor Agoncy, West Main. 237 nfirtur l.itt n nnnrf ttti(nli wlm Bfrltr' 1 ) nMA I 1. . . - p show, but a concort which wins Btrlk lug approval whorcvor tho boys bnvo J go nhend, is good ndvico that applies at boon. This fact should bo steadily barno In mind, for pooplo sometimes get tho .Impression that low prices always mean low grado goods. Spoclal features of tho program aro a sketch, entitled "Choosing an Accompanist," as a proludo to a trombono uolo by Hums Powoll, and tho grand opera burlesque, "A Flro In a Frat," in which tho whole club takes part. In ono ot tho encoro songs Is an Impersonation of 'an op eratic prima donna which brings down tho houso. to tho tight business ns well ns other business; Electric light has stood tho tost of time ns tho Mfcst and most economical light and before considering cheaper lights get tho cx porienco of people who hnvo used them several months nt least. 238 I have an cqnity in city lots which T 1 1 Ct1 n f 0 TVrt t" nnt anilt mtn I A tWii own U Vt VUfr uur iw 1 T "in rtt j m Daily List No. 2 FOR. BROTHERS EMPLOYMENT AND BUSINESS CHANCES Ho sure you nro right hoforo yon go nhcad, h good ndvico that anp'ies' ill 1 1 I at . 10 mo ngai ousiness ns won as outcripor sale-Span of horses, harness DUBinosB. weetno light bas stood nn,i wnROn. Now is tho timo to tho test of timo as tho iifo.4t and buy boforo 6pring work U6gins most economical lidtt ami before Room 208, Taylor & Phipps BIdg. considering cheaper liphts get ihc ex-. For salo Bakerv with cood trade. perieiico of people who have them sovornl months nt least. used 240 Llro nt tho Palms, now brick building, now furniture, strictly raodorn, cor nor Qrnpo and Main streots. Why Buy AN INFERIOR GRADE OF BUTTER TO SAVE ONE OR TWO CENTS ON THE POUND, when yon can got the best for almost tho snmo prico from your local creimiery Wo don't mix our butter. Ask your grocer for it nnd thus encourage home industry. If yonr grocer don't handle it, phono no. Sweet cream, milk nnd buttermilk dolirered ovory day. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY. Phono No. 2681 A business mnn would bo foolish to try to snvo dimos whon he know ho would lator loso dollars. This ap plies particularly to tho fruit grow er; don't buy poor stock becnuse its choap. Seo L. E. Hoover and get tho best. 228 111 health cause of selling. Room 208, Taylor,..& Phipps TJIdg. Anyone havinr. .money to loan on PHOENIX MUFFLERS AUTO SOAEFS INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY HOSIERY . GARTERS WALRUS SUIT CASES BATH ROBES ' KNOX HATS SILK BANDANAS ' DENT'S GLOVES 6 PAIRS GUARANTEED HOSE MUNSING UNION SUITS Just arrived from factory, a new lino of Sterling silver. Toilet, mani curing nnd military sets. They are mo inicst in aesign. At- van De (Jar & Jasmann's, Phipps BIdg. i Tho' city of Jacksonville the busi ness men of Jacksonville atfu tho citizens of Jacksonville have had their experience with n cheaper form of light than electric light sev eral years aco. Before considerintr i . . . . . " .... . . II nnnnnAti T firm nr i.rvnr nnr rhmc rt v c m o s. 1 would like lo seo Him . f- " h-- v.. Tho city of Jacksonville, tho busi ness mon of Jacksonville and tho citizons of Jacksonvilio have had their experience with n cheaper form of light than eloctrio light .cv ornl years ago. Boforo considering a choapor fonn of light got thoir ex porienco. 240 Bo euro you nro right boforo you go nhoad, is good ndvico that apnlics to tho light business as woll ns other business. Eloctrio light has stood tho test of timo as tho infest nnd most economical light nnd beforo considering choapor lights get tho ex porionco of pcopla who hnvo used them sovornl months nt lonst. 240 at room 20S, Taylor & Phipps BIdg. Pcncnco, Will trade au nutomobilo for lots. Room 208. VYnnted a boy to work and learn n business which is a fine layout to the right boy. Room 2Q8. If you hnvo a hotel or rooming house to sell call nt room 208. To trade A good lot for .a span of horses and harness. Room 208, Triylor & Phipps BIdg. For sale A pony! 7 yenrs old, $35. Room 208, Tnylor & Phipps Bids Women doing washing leave thoir ad' dress nt tho Employment Buronu. iinvo you anything to trndo or sellt List it with tho Business Chance Man. Wanted Chambormaid nt onco, call at Employment Burcnu, room 208, Tnylor & Phippg BIdg. Wnutcd A w'oEnan to do washing, to begin Mondny morning. Room 208, Tnylor & Phipps BIdg. 1240 E. F. A. BITTNER, Prop. R0MM 206, PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. Here is your chance for small Ir- f rigatcd tracts closo to Medford, ono' to two miles out. Choice fruit, veg-1 etnblo and poultry ranches; terms,! 25 per cent cash, balance 5 yenrs nt G per cent. This is easy, investi gate. 24 Vis ncros, $200 per" ncro; 22s ncros, $200 per ncro; 15 acres nt $200 per ncro; 15V ncres, $200 per ncre; 13 ncres, $150 per ncro; 27 ncres, $200 per ncre; 272 ncres, $150 per ncro; 23 ncres, $150 per aero; 25 ncres, $150 per ncre; 15 1-3 ncres, $200 per ncro. J. W. DRESSLER AGENCY, 238 West Jfnin Street. Bo suro you nro right boforo you go nhoad, is good advice thnt applies to tho light business ns well ns other business. Eleotrio light baa stood tho test of timo ns tho safest and most economical light and before considering choapor lights get the ex porienco of people who hnvo used them several months at least. 240 THE ROGUE RIVER LAND COMPANY NO. 11 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE Offers au especially good foothill orchard for a low price and on good terms- In these days, of advancing prices, it -vrill pay to look into this. It pays to deal with the "Man Vho Knows." TVhen the Eogue River Land Company sold the Tronson & Guthrie orchard at Eagle Point to the prize winning owners, four years ago, the salesman, TV. M. Holmes, assured the purchasers those Spitzenbergtrees would produce the world's best apples, and subsequent events prove the soundness of his judgment. By the way: Did it ever occur to you that most of the men who have won out in the Rogue River Valley, bought their win ning 'orchards through the Rogue River Land Com pany? TV. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your servico for a good buy. ANNOUNCEMENT- Thp Rogue River Canning & Evaporating company will devote Mondays and Thursdays of enuh week to custom work in tho man ufacture of cider, apple butter and jellies. Phone yonr orders for nice sweet cider to 11X2. Deliveries win be made on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. ROGUE RIYER CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mm In West MtdfenJ. Flmno 11X2. Save one-fonrth to one-third on all purchases Tomorrow is Children's Day at our sfcore also every day from now till'Sattlrday.iQldtSanta;i(alls, so dear to the heart of every child, will appear in our window every afternoon.and evening from 4:30 to 7:30 p. m. : " : f Free Souvenirs Friday OnPriday afternoon he will give every child who calls a nice souvenir for Xmas. Be sure and have your father and mother let you come and get the one he has for you. and at the same time get acquainted with him. OUR CHRISTMAS SALE $10.00 Vnluo Silk Petticoats, $5.00 $1.50 anil $1.75 Kid Gloves, $1.25 Fancy Tnlloroil Suits at 1-5 to 1-2 Reoular Prlcos Men's Fancy Socks In Xmas Boxes, Special $1.25 bx Ladles' Fancy Crepe de Cliene Scrafs $1.25 to $3.50 Holiday Umbrellas In Xmas Boxes, $3.30 anO $5.0d Special Prlcesln Men's Four-ln-Hand Ties 25c to 50 $2 Black SilkTaffotta for Suits on salo at $1.50 yd Ladles' Flna Swiss Handkerchiefs 50c vaiues 35-2&S 50c Silk Phoonlx Mufflers, 35c. Suit cases, y4 oii $10,00 and $7.50 Silk Messallno Waists, $5.00 Ladles' Winter Coats at Sacrifice Prices. Seo Them W. H. MEEKER & CO. YOU'LL FIND IT HERE REGARD II LESS OF WHAT IT )S.