THH WHATHHR. l'ull Lmwnh1 Wlrn TSrpvrt Tho only paper In the world pwbllaliorf tu a 0U7 tWt nlzn of Medford hftTiag a leMiir4 wire, Tonight and Wednesday,' fair. Monday Iligh 60, low 34, rango 44. FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1909. No. 235. DR. COOK BRANDED GREATEST FAKER Medford Mail Tribune UNIVERSITY TURNS HIM DOWN SECRETARY BALLINGER Investigating Oommittoo As aorta His Records Aro Wliolly Insufficient to Warrant Vordict That Ho Discovorod North Polo. COIMSNIIAOHN. Doc 21. Tho riiimnltton which hnn been Invcstl- , gating thu tin tn of nr. Krrtlorlck A. Cook today officially reported to tho coiiMlHtory uf tho University of Co iuhiiKn Hint l)r. Cook's records nml observations nro wholly Insufficient to wnrrant n vordict that ho discov ered tho north polo. By this action Dr. Cook l branded tho neatest flk r of history. The consistory of tho unlvondty adopted tho report of tho commlt tio, flatly rejecting nr. Cook'a claims and throwing out hid records and observations. )n( U Worthies. Cook's duta, according to tho re port, U no more convincing than was tho newBpnpor Bccount. iuq com-j mlttco made up tholr mlntlB nftor a, tiny spent on tho rccordn. Thoy wore. . ...lit. .IIII.!M I IIIIIIIU Willi niiim". Dr. CooIi'h private secretary, I.ons dalu, who, represented tho explorer hero. Ib bitterly disappointed nt tho vordict. Ho in mnklng nn of fort to Induce tho conclHtory to withhold fl- nnl judRinont until tho whole of l)r Cook'H dntn can ho prosontort to it. Clnlnw OHiit Data Coming. LoiiKdnU told tho commlttoo that mUiilng dntn, which niv pnrt of Hr. Conk'ri original documents, woro sent l.oro from America by n route illf forent from Hint hy which tho rec ords already examined woro brought Ho wild this additional dntn would nrrlvo In a fow days. Tho prlvnto sccrotary itnld tho moth of Bending tho dntn by two dlfforont routes wiib adopted for purposes or protoctlou. DlMn'gitril Herrt'tnry. Tho conslBtory rofuBod to pay any nttontlon to Lonodnlo's application, nnd tho findings nnnouncod todny nro final ns fnr no tho consistory Is con cerned. Tho discrediting of Dr. Cook was n Biivoro blow to tho Danish scientists who hnd stood firmly by him nnd glv on him support under tho charges jnmio bv Commandor Ponry. Tho great rocoptlou given Dr. Cook on IiIb nrrlvnl horo, tho honors thnt woro paid him hy high and low, Including tho king, nro rocallod with nomowhat oponly dlBplnyod chagrin. Woro Cook's Friends. It Is kuown that tho Danish ox portH woro porconnlly Inclined to fa vor Dr. Cook, most of thorn already Ing como out In Btntomonts tond- lug to wihBtnntlnto his claims, Thoro foro tho nbsolutoly tint doclfllon ngnlnst him Is looked ujion ns all tho moro convincing. It Ib bollovud that tho dntn and rec ord hnd provided grounds upon which tho Bclontlflts could havo ofltablbihod n roiiBonnblo bnsls for claiming thnt tho Brooklyn oxploror ronlly ronohod tho polo, nud th0 claim would havo boon mado nnd uphold as long as tonablOj, Noted Mwi on Hoard. Tho commlttoo conalstod of tho fol lowing' world-ronownod oclontlats: rrofesoor Ells Stromgron, Com mander Oustav Holm, dlroctor of tho hydrogrnphlo buroau; Commnndor Jonson, dlroctor of navigation; As tronomer Pochylo of tho Unlvorslty of Coponhngon, Cnptaln Ilydor of tho Motoorologlcnl Institution, and Pro foBHor Lund of tho Unlvorslty of Swo don, A mombor of tho commlttoo said Knocked 'Em Speechless, todnyi h CARAGUA RULER Madriz Takes Control, Suc ceeding Zelaya Promises All "New Dear-Promises Immunity; to Revolution ists if They Surrender. NEW TELEPHONE COMPANY FORMED Soon Bo Possiblo to Tele phone Up Evans, Pleasant and Ward Creoles. ANIENT DAM IS ALL BUT GONE MANAGUA, Nicaragua, Dec. 21. Joho Madriz today naBumed tho pres ident of Nicaragua succeeding former President SSolnya, who resigned. Madriz' recent threats to break wylth Zelaya, coupled with his sub sequent announcement that his prcsl dntlal candidacy was supported b7 th0 Moxlcan government, which had sent Scnor Creel to Washington to in tcrcodo In his bohalf, Is construed by his supporters to mean that ho will bo president in fact as well as in name, nnd that ho Intends to clvo th0 country a "now deal." Americans here, however, aro In clined to accept this opinion. They belle vo that tho now president Is pro tending to want peace in order to (precludo ho possibility of Interven tion on tbo part of Uio United, Statc3. Madriz has promised tho revolu tionists immunity If they will sur render. He bns Intimnted thnt ho will placo Provisional President Es trada In n Mgh office. RIGHTOFWAY FILED Now a Gap of Only Some 50 Miles Remains Between the End of Oregon Trunk Right of Way and Butte Falls. Tho oitirons of Woodvillo imil pro porty owners nlong Evans crook met in Woodvillo Saturday nud orgnniicd what wil lio known nti tiio Evans Creek Tolophono Co. ' Tho following officers woro loot ed: Prosidont, 0. H. CnrnoB; vioo president, P, W. Streets; Becrotnry, E. D. Thompson; treasurer, Samuel Mnthis. A board of fivo directors woro ohoson. Tho now tolophono lino will covor nbout Iwonty-fivo miloa up Evans, I'lonsnnt and Wards crooks. Tho ma terials nnd construction will bo of tho best. Tho stock waB oagorly subscribed and enough signed up to build tho lino nnd equip it. Tolophono switchboards will bo in stalled in tho Wimor Moroantilo Co. storo at Wimor, somo suitnblo build ing in Woodvillo nnd arrangements havo boon mndo to cononot with tho Pacific Stntcs lino nt Grants Pass. Thus Woodvillo shows hor disposition to koop in tho prooossion of progres sion in tho Roguo rivor vnlloy. Ed Clanton, Deputy Fish Itnttlo Still "Imminent." ULUKFIELDS. Nicaragua, Dec. 21. ltonorts from Hnnia today say that Warden, Says Next Flood Estrada's nrmmy Is advancing against r i t r t .. l . . 1 .1 n , tTTMl n est- l , i iiuuuiui viibijuvz jubl uuidiuu jvuuiu i.ino iu jjuiiu .runs uiuro is omy a Will Carry Structure OUt. today and that n bltt0 Is Immlnont. pnp of some fifty miles, although a This is tho first declslvo movo on .greater distance mny be required in tho pnrt of the revolutionists ngalnst KLAMATH PALLS, Or., Dec. 21. Maps filed in the Lnkeview land offico by Jnmcs J. HilL's new rail waj, the Oregon Trunk Lino, have given nso to tbo belief thnt Hill and "Lumber King" Weyerhaueser havo joined forces. The mnps show thnt a right of way has been secured from Tho Dalles down tho Dcs Shutcs valley nnd Des Chutes Canyon. Tho right of way extends to n point thirty miles south of Crescent Lake, thenco passing up tho East fork of the De3 Chutes. Tho maps indicato a right of way to a point sixty-fivo miles duo north of this city. Weyorhneuscr ovns moro than 200,000 acres of valuablo timber land in tho Bection through which the right df way ctxends and. amlntnins n narrow gungo line from Ivlnmnlli Falls into tho timber bolt. Tho fact that, the right of way fololws so closely tho Weyerhaeuser lands has furnished grounds for tho rumor of n combination between their owner and Hill. From the present terminal of tho right of way of tho Oregon Truuk General Vnsqucz Just outside Rama Lino to Dutto Falls thoro is only a Reading Ancient History US Is All Very Well, but the world today Is making mora inUrsttlng history than over bfor. S&bscrlfce for tfeif piperssd keep ap with the people sew m eartk. DRYS CERTAIN Tl WIN TODAY IN AS HAND Indications Are That "Pas- adena Plan" Will Be De feated by No Less Than Three Hundred Votes. CONGRESS TO EX1I OFFICE Determined Today That Con gress Will Thoroughly In vestigate the So-Called Pin-chot-Ballinger Controversy Long Before Country. S. IT. Glnsn dropped dond Monday nt Iiis plnco on uppor Roguo rivor. Ho will bo lmriod at Antioch tomor row nt 2 o'clock. ITo wnn a moml)or of Modford lodgo, No. 103, A. F. & A. M. Thnt tho Anient dnm Is so badly tho selection of Madriz ns successor llnmnged thnt tho next high wntcr will of Zolaya ns president. enrrv It ilnwn utrnnm la flin rnnnrl TllO formnl protest agalnBt the i.mNeM niv ,v v.a election of Mndrlz will bo bnsed upon ..... tho fact that tho Atlantic coast de- uepuiy nsn wnruon, wno wob m town partmcnt8 woro not repreaentcd in tho Monday on his way to Aahlnnd. Tho congress thnt elected Madriz now flshway, pronounced tho finest Undor Estrndn In tho impohdlng In tho stato, was badly damngod by battlo will bo Generals Luis, Diaz, rolllnir bouldors. At present it la be- Mnnafeen, Mntuty, Pacho nnd Cn- Ing ropalrod nnd fish aro going upmorro. It was reported today that tho old flshway. tho gunboat Dlnnca has sailed up the "Thoro Is no doubt," said Mr. Clnn- Mlco river, ton, "but thnt tho flood will carry tho Amont dam out. ANOTHER PIONEER PASSES "Tho now flshway was damaged BEYOND THE GREAT DIVIDE by rolling bouldors and nt tho hot- g N Cookn7 tho pioneor " "Lr.u'.:, . "sidents of Applesate, died at his -.. . u " homo in thnt section Snturday, Do- ubo It. At presont, while it Is bolngLmiinP in nml 77 vnn: 7 , ,lnii . u4. nnd 7 dnvs. NO MORE BORAX IN PRESERVING HEN FRUIT Mr. Cook enrae to Oregon in 1870 and mndo his homo on tho farm from that timo until ho passed nwny. Ho wns nn honest, upright citizen, nud hnd friends by tho scoro among his neighbors. Tho funeral took placo at Jnokson- WASHINOTON, D. C, Dec. 21. Tho mummified egg industry rocoived nnothor jolt nnd tho human rneo was villo Monday under tho nuspicos of shoved nnothor notch nenror nnturo Jacksonville lodgo, I. O. O. F., of by a court docision just rendered nt which ho wns n member. Poorin, Illinois, tho opinion in which I todny reached tho dotinrtmont of ng- Tho Farmers' and Fruitgrowors' rioulturo. Tho Illinois judgo hold Bnnk, in tho Syndicate building, cor against tho uso of borax ns n nrcsor- nor of Main nnd Grano strcots. will vntivo for eggs, in a enso growing out bo opened for business Thursday of tho soizuro of fifty cases of hon I morning, Decembor 23rd. It wns in- fruit prosorved m thnt "dopo." tendod to have tho bnnk opon Wod Wlulo tho docision my bring ogg nosdny but unnvoidablo delays havo oousumors nonror to nnturo, doifart- proovntcd tho consummation of. tho montnl officials aron't yot nntioipat- first plans. "It took tho commlttoo but a fow mlnutoB to oo that Dr. Cook'a ob servations nnd so-cnllod rocords aro tUo tiom wl10n tho housowifo can iriniosB. hopo to stand oxpootnnt nt tho hon "Wo could havo roportod immodl- houso ti00r nWnitinir tho knnhmk atoly, but It took sovoral days to ro- WHjoh imiiC(ltes tho production of tho covor from tho surprise l0(ri;. indootl. tho donnrtmonit still nor- "Tho BO-callod noto books on which niwfullv admits that o?m mnv vnt l.M Dr. Cook rolled In a groat monsuro ,08Seti HP( nB n inviting omolot on for vindication hnd only accounts of tho restaurant tnblo. Tho nuro food his obsorvntlonB, rnthor than tho ob- iw has its defeats, tbnv mlmit. 11 SOrvatlOnS thomSOlVOS. TllOSO notO .thoV intend to Stnn tlm. nrnnhVn nf -f J ' J - - vw " -r -H-f-f"- LEE JACOBS WILL RUN FOR TREASURER books woro thrown nsldo without a 0RC. storngo housos in "piokling"' hon momoni B conBiuorauon, fruit in no hour "I ennnot undorstnnd how a man, of pr. Cook's roputod sclontlflo at-' WASHINGTON, D. C, Doo. 21. talnmontB could havo attomptod to Congross ndjoumod oarly tliis nftor bolator up his clalniB with such film- 00 to resumo its sossion on Thurs- By evidence iny, January 4. Ait or much pressure hnd boon brought to bear Leo Ja cobs hns nt last consented to booomo n enndidnto to succood himsolf as city tronsuror. No ono could woll bo found bottor qualifiod nnd it is oxtromoly doubtful if any oiio will enter tho lists against him. t-r -H- ---- -- order to gott through tho Cascades. Gradunly tho gap is being closed and before long Medford will have a now outct to tho cast PHYSICAL VALUE OF ROADS NEEDED Interstate Commerce Commission Files Its Annual Report Much Legislation Urged. WASHINGTON, Doc. 21. In enu merating certain amendments to ex isting laws which it deems deslra bk th0 lnterstato commerco com mission In its annual report mndo public today placoa foremost tho ur gent need of a physical valuation of tho lnterstato railways of tho coun try. In this connection the roport Bays that It rates established by the commission ar0 to bo successfully de fended when attacked by tho car riers, somo means must bo furnished by which, within reasonnblo limits, a nluo enn bo established which shnll bo binding upon tho courts nnd tho. commission. Tho report nlso urges thnt somo mothod bo provided by which railroads can bo provonted from advancing their rates or chang ing their regulations and practices to tho disadvantage of tho shlppor ponding an investigation into tho reasonableness of tho proposed chnngos. Tho need of control over railway capitalization Is again urged upon tho attention of congress ns a subject constantly Increnslng in importance. Tho nvorago cost of running a train ono milo waa 1,47. Tbo averago re ceipts for passengor sorvioo per train mWo waa $1.27 and the freight f 2.65. As gift-buying days, grow fowor, ad-ronding should bo increasingly helpful to yon, . a . ASHLAND, Dec. 21. (Special) luo printing of a long argument favoring tho "Pasadena plan" in last evening's Tidings and tho circula tion of small sheets containing the article and signed by J. M. Griffin ns socretarv of tho "Ashland Liberal League," was the first intimation tho voters havo had that tho pro liquor forces woro actively at work to carry today's election. The nnti saloon league has mado its usual .thorough campaign and indications point to tho defeat of tho proopsed "Pasadena plan" amendment by not less than 300 votes, while saloon li censo will bo defeated by not less than 200 majority. Final Rally. Tho final raly of tho antis was held last night at tho opera house and whilo tho attendance was large, it was significant that less than ton per cent of tho crowd woro women. Roy. Ward MacHenry, on bohalf of tho anti-saloon league, disclaimed any particular interest in the acudi- (Contlnucd on par IP WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. It was finally determined today that there shall bo an investigation by congress of tbo so-called Ballinger-Finchot con7 ,troversy. Senator Flint today introduced a resolution which was adopted and which calls np President Taft to turn jover to congress all tho reports and statements purporting to contain charges made by L. It. Olavls. for merly chief of tho field division of tho. land office, against Secretary of the Interior Balllnger. Ballingcr Asks It. After the resolution was adopted. Senator Jones of Washington read before the senate a letter from Bal llnger demanding in the strongest terms a thorough investigation of his department and the - forest service. Senator Jones declared that he would offer a resolution calling for tho In vestigation immediately after tho hol idays. Wants It Thorough. In tho letter Balllnger wrote to ,Senator Jone3 he said in part: "Any Investigation by congress of tho interior department and Its offi cers should bo sufficiently broad and far-reaching to allay all suspicions, criticisms and representations of cor ruption and Improper practices here tofore charged ngalnst the adminis tration and therefore further, such an Investigation should mbraco the forest service, slnc0 w have reason to believe that the precautions and activity of Its officers have been the source of Inspirations of these chargo and involve In common tho adminis trations of the public domain. Best Interest Require- It, "Tho best Interests of the Interior department require a broad and thor ough-going investigation, and I assure you that It cannot be too broad to suit me, and those under mo who have likewise suffered indignities and unjust censure by tho deliberate mis representations of tacts and who court and will demand Inquiry by congress, and slnco you have stated your desire to aid mo In establishing before congress tho injustice of the attacks which have been mad? You. May Well Be Proud -of- Medford's Stores! Medford 's stores aro bigger, better, more interest ing this month than ever before in the city's history. Never before were so many of life's needed things offered for sale in this city never before were tho offerings more 'tempting." . The stores bring to our doors the best things tho workers of the world make the newest ideas tho best efforts of the makers of useful things to assuro creature comfort in tho home, increasing self-respoct as to apparel, and purer and better food. The stores, at this season, carry the city's Christ mas cheer on their counters tho gifts that aro to ce ment friendships, to brighten gray lives, to gladden tho children and warm the hearts of tho old. Tho storo ads aro tho best and timeliest reading matter to be found for thoy carry real news for ovory person who expects to buy a gift, oven of tho smallest kind, during these gift-giving days.