8 THE MED3T0RD MAIL ITBIBTJNS, MEDgQRD, OR BOON, SUNDAY, DlflOWMUIOR 19, 1909. CITIZENS STAND IN COLO OVER NIGHT Tacoma Is Experiencing Bitter Fight Against Street Qar Comapny May Lead to Municipal Ownership. TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 18. The beginning of a big street railway war Mint mny ultinmtcly lend to tho mu nicipal ownership of. tho city street car lines opened here last night when GOO citizens of tho suburbs of Fcm Hill, Parkland and Spnnaway were held up by n. blockade of on their lino and compelled to camp out in tho cold nil night because tho residents of Fern Hill refused to pay more than" five cents car fare. Tho fight bo-' tween the people and tho street mil-1 vrny has today resulted in n situation unpnrallcllcd in the history of tho northwest! Annexed Fcm Hill. Wednesday night tho city council annexed Fern Hill and threo squaro miles of suburban territory. The' residents of tho annexed tcritorv claim this entitles them to five cqnt faro on tho street railway instead xif ten cents which they had boon pay ing. Last night they refused to pay moro than n nickel and the cars were stopped at Midway, tho old city limits, tho company refusing to car ry them farther until full fare had boon paid. 800 People Stranded. By midnight eight huudred pco plo wore stranded, a shivering help loss crowd of men , women and chil dren. "Half of tho number bolongcd nt Sanaway nnd Parkland and thoy had paid full fare, demauded to those points. They were not provided for, however, and they were strnnded tho same as thoso who had rofiisod to give tho conductors, f nil faro. Wo men stood in the cold as long as pos sible and then collapsed. Mrs. Klnnd of Larchmout was tnkinir homo a daughter who had just been released from tho hospital following an oper ation. Tho young woman fainted on tho ground nnd lay moaning for an hour until sho could he brought back to town. Mrs. Harvey of Wood land fainted from oxopsuro. Many other women and children wore un ablo to withstand the oxposuro and wero carried to farmer's houses. A nearby grocery opened up nnd dis pensed coffee, sardinos nnd crackers to feed tho multitudo but tho stock was soon exhausted. TAKES HER OWN LIFE Loaves Pathetic Mete for Husband and Kills Herself Same Old Story ef Neglect. Over eighty students havo tnken part in tho preliminary debating and oratorical contests at the Oregon Agricultural Colelge and many omro will enter before tho work is completed. BAN FRANCISCO, Dec 1-S. Mrfl. Elizabeth Meyer, wlfo of Henrr Meyer a bartender, shot herself through the heart early todny and died whllo sho was bolng taken to tho Central Emer gency hospital. Beneath tho pillow In her room, whero tho fatal shot was fired, was found tho following disconnected, pa thetic llttlo noto: "Goodbyo, Henry Darling. Sho can havo you now. I havo been deceived badly by you. Ono who loves you dearly an dtrled to savo you nt the cost of my own. As bad ns I thought you wore, I tried to snre you any way. Your darling wife, LIziy. "You didn't shavo oft your mus tache for nothing thoso months when I accused you of wrongdlng, but told mo It was 'a Joke. Ladless handkor chtofs In your pockets and coming homo smelling of perfume so strong ly that I could not sleep In bed. Rill Hartman knows all about this, your 161ycar-old wlfo and baby. Go to your other wlfo nnd baby. I boo tho calendar you gavo Miss Ktllla and tho pictures In tho papers of you and her. It was money that bought you." When Patrolman J. J. Frederick ! entered tho Meyer homo, attracted by tho sound of tho shot, ho found Muyer nobbing bitterly lying on tho floor bealdo tho bed on which his wlfo lay dying. Ho appeared to ho heart broken and waa unnble to niiHwer the questions put to htm by tho officers. BURGLARS IURN STORE AFTER ROBBING IT SACKAMENTO, Cnl., Dec. 17. It developed this morning that tho tiro which caused $10,000 dnmago to tho furniture utoro of Charles M. Camp bell lost night wan sot by burglars. Thoy were ovldently disappointed nt not finding tho large sum of money they thought was in tho till. Tho till wns found broken open this mornlug, Tho flro was sot In two different rooms separated by an lS-lncli flro wall. Campbell, It had been reported, kopt a largn sum In tho till. Ho ro- movod It to tho burglar proof safe last night, leaving nothing In tho money drawer. LOS ANGELES. Cnl., Doc. 17. An Inquiry was started today with a vlow of aBcertalng tho whereabouts of James Klngslcy, a Hi-year-old boy from Portland, Or., who claimed to bo. the son of a wealthy Portland man. Tho lad has been missing from his lodgings at 342 West Fifth street for two woeks. Ho left his clothes and money In th0 hodso nnd his landlady, Mrs. W. H. Broest, said that sho be lieved that ho had met with some ac cident. Tho boy arrived horo sev eral weeks ago. CLASSIEST CONTEST OF ENTIRE SEASON Boxing Contest Teniwrow Night Will Delight Local Fans Good, ' Fast, Clean Sport. Monday night Medford lovers of tho Bport will seo something worth while in tho boxing mutch at tho op era house. Tho two preliminaries will bo cu tertniuint enough, espeoialy the bout between tho 7f-pound bantams, who will surprise Homo of tho nudionuo hv thoir clovoriioss. Tho youngsters are so clever in tho art of "lilt and I'otnwoy" taht it is a revolution to thoso who do not understand tho game, as to its possibilities. Hero are two hoys who havo lcarend to protect themselves in a clinch, block tho blows of thoir opponent and hrcuthc right all the time. The little follows enjoy tho sport and nro get ting training nt.tho samo time that will bo of usu to them Inter. Tito principals in tho main event nro working out with sovernl op ponents daily, and,, .both Doau nnd Itnlston nro in good condition and will bo i shape Monday night to go tho fifteen rounds without trouble. Errand manors nro tho want ads quickest, cheapest and nuroHt er rand runners In town I REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Nannie UniT to Eugene U. Hon It, part lot 1, block I, Diui-'h addition to Medford 1200 Ooorfgo M. Hohlitou to Jnmeit F, Donhnin, 46 acres In sec tion 27, town 38 rnngo 1 W ..... ... 1 1 ' 10 I). H. Harris to Elizabeth Gndzow, lot 14, block 13, llutto Falls . , ; . . . , 150 William It, Lnmb to Ed Wat son, lot 1, block 18, Hutto . Falls 37G Uert Andernon to Mlnnlo Wood Header, lot t, block 3, Anderson, Toft nddttlon to Medford 10 llonoro Palmer to Adrian O. Ilnnnro, 03.71 ncron In sec tion 11, towiiNhlp 30, range 2 W 3C00 Same to sumo, land In (motion 7, towimhlp 3d, range 1 W 37000 Bamo to snme, 07.75 acres, part of James Hamlin 1) L C 47, township 38, range 1 W . . . 35010 P. A. Trnna to H. H. Toft, lot 4, block 1, Kendall ad dition to Medford It. II. Toft to Jnno Colemnn, lot 7, block 1, Edwards ad dition to Medford 10 F. 0. Pago to Edith M. Stnn ley, lot 10, block 1, Pngo addition to Medford .... 110 Sophroula L. Forguson to F. O. Cochran, lot 7, Constant addition to Central Point.. 10 You can climb up tho ''wnnt ad ladder" to nny renftonnfolo hunlncitHj stiroenH, and pcrsonnl Independence. Demi ,). A. Moxull of llio School of Coilieref of tho Oregon ArieiiltiUal College Iiuh ptihlbjhed a bulletin on "HusliiCHM Method for the Kami," which is iitlrnotiug widespread atten tion and vorv favornldn dommout from pralloitl fanncru and nuthorltloH on farm life, Gold and Filled Diamonds Watches Jewelry Cut Glass Toilet Articles All new and complete linn. All our goods engraved fruo. George A Butt WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, 135 W. Main Street, Medford, Oregon We keep open evenings next week. We can give you better attention if you do your shoping in the mornings Splendid Assortments High in Quality Low in Price Plenty of time in which to select those presents. Of course you are going to give them around st the same as before, and the earlier you choose the belter satisfied you will be with your selection. EVEtlY LINE is virtually complete and every price is within reason and reach of all. NEVER before have you had such a splendid opportunity to save on the Xmas purchases and never have such magnificent stocks bcen.offercd. AVE INVITE YOU TO LOOK. Don't Forget the Browniekar and Save Your Duplicate Sale Slips Shoes for Women A Lttok Convinces Get a fancy box. Wo sell shoes for infants, and children good, durahlo shoes that aro suro to please. You get full value when you huy shoes for women here nt $2.50 A Fur Sale Big Line at Small Prices A very lnrgo lino of furs in Jap. mink, fox, oy, squirrel, martin, hear, raccoon nnd o'possura. MUFFS Aro very swell for tho season of 1009 nnd '10 and wo show a big assortment. It will pay you to exam ine our offerings at 98c and to $47.89 Sweaters Almost anything do sired in sweaters. Gar ment that is useful all the fear. The HuLchason Comp'y Formerly Baker-Hutcfaason Co. Central Avenue Medford, Oregon Gloves and Hosiery Holiday Boxes Lowest Prices. Our lines of gloves nnd hosiery Infantswear J' L Almost Everything robe in just n few momenta with will surely plenso you in prico mid ?0 tho cutest little weurablos imag nnnlity. innhlc. Ready-to ,J wears Fine For Gifts The most nceeptahlo gift Jjor u woman woidd bo Hoiuething in tho ready-to-wear lino. You don't havo to spond n lot of monoy oithor, everything is mnrkod' spo cial. SUITS $9.89 to $37.89. DRESSES $5.19 to $43.69. COATS $2.19 to $24.89. May wo show you? Clip This List and Drop in Your Purse We Wait on You Quickly and Courtesly Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Dress Patterns, Silk Pattorns, Waistings, Pillow Tops, Drawn Work, jLinen Piccos, Pipe Hacks, "Work Chains, Military Sets, Ebony Sots, Fancy Aprons, Silk Skirts, Petticoats, Opora Capes, Millinery, Neckwear, Brooches, Shell Goods, Hat Pins, Ribbons, Porfumory, Purses, Scarfs, Unndbags, ' "Hosiery, Hosiory, Umbrellas, Shoes, i Slippers, Wraps for Children Infantswonr. Satchels, Suit Casos, Knit Goods, NovoltioB and Fnnoy Goods, Jet Goods, Chains, Chains, Gloves, Hosiery, Iloxos, New Umbrellas Fine for Gifts Wo got in right on um brellas this koiihom and jan offer you a very comploto nssortmout of hnndlos with host framos and covors to retail at from 50c to $7.00 T.I V I