THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1909. fl fHI 4 i H 4l 4 4 H -f 4 --f44- 4 -f A Page ot Business Opportunities and Other Chances 4 4l f4 44 f 4 4 4 4 f 4 4H ,4 4' 4 f f4 -f 4 4 444 44444 l t H4 4 4 tf 44444.44444. ASTONISHING DISCOVERY! Qrciionlon, as Usual, Late With Mows, Finds New Move on to Cront State of Siskiyou. TI10 OrcKtiIan, iilwayH behind with Hid iiiivvH, priiitH tliu following dis patch from Sacramento jmdur date of December 1(1. It in iihwh whon it 4.MMUUH from ouIhiiIu Ihu Htntu several 4I11.VH Into : .Saoraiiiunto, C11I., Deo. 1 7. (Spo Vinl.) - liil'onnnlitiii Iiiih been coming to Sacramento for hoiiiu time of a movement under way for (ho organ ization of a now Htatu to lo known mm Smkiyoit, anil to 1 10 riuiipoHi'd of dght Caliofrniu ami hiuii Oregon ntiiutiiiH, with Yrykii iih tlio capital. TIiIh movement has recently Im 001110 iiioro oH)ii anil mnprt of thin proponed Htalo liavo Imitii publirthed in several papers favorahlo to tlio movement. Last week (hi! JacliMon County, Or egon, I'roMH AHoi'iation piihhoiI rono lutioiiH endorsing (lio movomont and nplHiintoil a committee to oo-opornto with tho pri'HH ami pcoplo of tlio oouiilicK in California ami Oregon involved ami call a convention of ri'proxontiilivfl oituons at Slumta Springe, Yrokn or hoiiiu otlior point in tlio nunr future to formulate plana course of actio to bring tlio innttnr to a focus. Strong Opposition Heard. TIiohu promoting tlio Siskiyou pro position declare tho counties to ho included in it have boon ncgolucted tintlur thoir proMont Hlato govern niontH, hut thoro npponrri to ho n strong opx)Hi(lon in novo nil Comi ties. Tho counties to ho included in Sis kiyou aru an follows: In Oregon Coos, Douglas, Curry, JoNOphino, Jackson, Klauiath ami I.akn. In California I)ol Korto, Siskiyou, Modoc, Htiuihnltlt, Trinity, Shasta, l.iiKsnu ami Tchnmn. ELECTED NEW OFFICERS Committee Is Appointed to Purchase New Book Cases Library Well Patronized. Tho member of the lihrarv hoard, c!tininting of Mayor Camm, J. It. Allen, W. I. Vawtor, Ed Andrews, ,1. E. Watt, Mrs. II. P. TheisM, Mrs. F. E. Morriok. Mrs. P. .1. Noff and Mrs. F. W. IlolliH omt at tho office of At torney Noff and elected tho follow ing officers: W. I. Vawler, presi dent; Mrs. F. W. Ilollin, tit-usurer; Mr. It, P. TheixH, neoretary. A eoiinnitteo to purchase honks wiih appointetl as follows: Mrs. Porter Noff, Miss Jannoy, Messrs. AmlrowH nnd Watt. Mr. Morriok and Mrs. Mollis woro appointed to piirehiiHo hook ciihoh, a roadiiiK tahlo and maj,'azino hIioIvoh. The public roadiiiK room in hoiiiR well patronir.ed, and h filling n lone felt want. TIioho who have ina;a ziium to contribute will kindly leave oiiiiio with librarian at library Wed nuHda.y and Friday aftornoonrt or Saturday ovonlng. The hoard oxlonda tliunk'H to Kirhy 'Millor for tho donation of 200 vol umes for tho library and to Mr. Yaw ter for a hoI of ShakoHpoarc. Ulll IS INDICTED ALLEGED GAMBLING Caso Will Como Up on Monday for Trial Claim Gamo Was Simply Friendly Ono. Tho Ki-aml jury Fridny found an indictment nKiiinBt CIiuh. E. Tull for KiinihlinK, nllof;iiiK Unit ho -bad been oiiKUKod in playinff "pitch" and "sov-on-up" in violation of tho statutoH niado anil provided. Tho defendant clainiB that tho 'Kiimo-wuH Himply. i soiyal ono, and that it wuh not playod with any av tele at value iih a Htnko. No will bo anainnod in tho circuit court Monday. URGES JAPANESE LOYALTY TO U. S. Oaron Uchltla, New Ambassador, Urnos Amcrlcan-Dorn Japanese to Tako Out Citizenship Papers. HAN FRANCISCO, Doc 18. Tliu JatmnuRo colony hero Is iIIhciihhIik? n statement attributed to Huron Ucliltln, tlio now JnpiinoHo nmbaimndor to tho United Htntim, In which tio In credited with having oxprounod tho hopo that all American born JnpnncHo will tako out citizenship papers when thoy roach thoir mnturlly and bocomo loyal cltloiiN or (ho United HtntoH. Huron Uchldn flrtit oxprcMHOtl thin wish be fore 11 uiimbor of promlnont Japnnoso anil American rcnltlontH at Honolulu wlion ho 1m Haiti to havo "disillusion lxd thorn.) wbo woro regarding J'M an'11 old policy of exclunlvonefiH ax an Impenetrable stono wall." It Ih probably tho first t lino on rec ord that a Jnpnnon omlHimry Iiiih ox pressed It iih bin dcslro Unit IiIh poo plo Hhould becomo allied with any government but hid own. 44444444444444444 PORTLAND MARKETS. 444444 4444 IToprt, Wool Atl Illden. Haps 1908 crop, cholco, 17c; prims to cholco. 19c; primn, lGc; median, lGc; 1900 cholco, 23c; prime, 20c; medium, 18 019c. Wol 1900, WllUmotto vaHoy. 30924c; oastera Orccoa, 20623c. BhpfklB8 Bhcrlns, lOCjfZGc Ach; ahort wool. 25,060c; medium wool, GOcCFfl Mob; Ions wool, 7Gc3 11.25 cacb. , lollow I'rlmo. for lb 3?4c; No. 2 nnd nrnno, asJXVic. Chlttlm bark IdrtHo. Msbalr 1900. 234124c lb Hldcn Dry hlden, 17T18V4c lb; Rroen, 910ic lb; bulls, croon nit. To lb; klpi, lOff 10V4c lb; cnlvea Brccn, 10 018c lb. Iluttrr, Kicrti nnd Poultry. Kkb I.oca1, candlod, BOlect, 42V4c; ordinary run 4042c; sec onds, 32c; local BtornRe, 32W(If36c; enHtvrn HtornRo, 32 1-2 4?3Gc. llutter Ft Delivery, f o. b. Tort- land Sweot crenm, 37c; sour, 3G l-2c. Iluttor IjJxtra croamory, 39 l-2c; fancy, 37 O 38c; store. 2Gc. Cheeuo Fancy full cream fbith, 18c; tclplots nnd dalidcn, 18c; Younn Amorlcns, 19c. Poultry Mlxod chickens, 16 10 l-2c; fancy lions, 1G l-2c; roos ters, old, 11c; sprlnRH, lGc; nooso, 10c; ducks, lGc; plROons, squnbs, 2 dor; dressod chickens, 17 1-2 CP ISc; wild kooso, 16 doton. (Iniln, Flour nnd liny, llarloy Producers' price 1909 FoSod, 28. GO; rolled, $3Q; brow InB, I29O29.60. Wbeat Track Club, S1.0G; bluo- tom, $1.17; rod, $1; fortyfold. S1.09; Turkey red, $1.03 01. OG; Wlllamotto valloy, 1.05. MIUstuffH SelllnR prlco Ilran, $2C; mlddllnKS. $33; ohortH, $2C; chop, $22028; alfalfa meal, $21 per ton. Flour New crop, patonts, $5.1G; KtrnlBht, $I.8G; bakers, $G.9GOfi:lG; Wlllamotto valley, $G.70 bbl; oxport Hradua, $4; Rraham, yt. $6.00; wholo wbeat, $5.20; ryo. GO, $0.50; baleu, $11. Hay producers prices . Now timothy, Wlllamotto vivlloy fancy, $18; ordinary, $17; custom Oregon, $20; mixed, $14 01G; clovor No. 1, $11010; wheat, $1401G; ohoat, $16 010; alfalfa, $16. qats Spot dollYory, now, produc ers' prlco Track, No. 1 whlto, 29.60; Bray, $2828.G0. Corn Wlolo, $30; crnckod, $37 ton. Krultn and VeKtnbleH. Fresh Fruits OraiiBoa, Valonclas, $3.06 a box; bananns, G l-2o lb; ears, 50oO$1.26; buckloborrles, 12o. Potatoes SolllnB, now, $101.10. Applos $101.60. Vegetables Now turnips, Oregon, 8OOOO0 sack; beets, $1.36; carrots, SOOOOo saok; cnbbano, local, 76 O $1; tonmtoos, local, fancy, $1.50 crt; boans, lOo lb; cauliflower, 90cO$l doz; poas, 2c lb; horsoradlsh, 10c; bunchosj colory, 50 085c; ogg plant, 16o pound; corn, $1.25 sack; swoot potatoes, $1.75 01.86. Klco Imperial Japan No. I, 5 Ho; No. 2, 5ic; Now Orloana head, 0 3-4 0 7e: Creolo, GViC, IloauBftsmall whlto, $5.50; largo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bayou, $6.75; Limns, $0; rods, $7.50. (Jrocorles, Nuts, Htc, $6.86; fruit or borry, $5.95; dry grftnlntod, $5.05; coonf. A, $5.75; l4- l T H Find the Ad That's Worth a Dollar a Line to 4 You-It May Be Printed Today It may be a two-line ad. of a furnished room or a ten or twenty line ad. of real estate, or a four or five line help wanted ad. There is scarcely a classified ad. in the paper today that is not worth a dollar a line to SOMEBODY. 44 ' oxtra H, $.26; golden O, $G.3G; D yellow, $G,26; boot, $6.06, barlcls lGc, half boxes, 30c, boxes GGc ad vance on sack basis. Honey Now, 134c lb. Mmti, PIhIi nnd ProrlMon. Drosscd Mcr.ts Front strfMst hogs, fancy, 10c; ordinary, 9cl veals, ox tra, 12c; ordinary, 11c; heavy, GO Cc; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. Hams, Haccu, etc. Portlnnd pnek (locnl) bam, 17 Vic; breakfast bacon, 18 HO 27c; boiled bam, 2GO 2Gc; picnics, 14c; cottago- roll, lGc; regular short clears, smoked, 16 He; backs, smoked, It He; pickled tongues, COc each. Local Lard Kettlo leaf, 10s, 18c lb; Gs, 18 l-2c lb; GO-lb. tins, 17 l-2o lb; steam rondorcd, 10s, 17c lb, 6a 17 l-8c lb. compound 10s, 11 3-4c lb. Clams Hardshell, por box, $2.40; razor ckuns, $2 box. Fish Itock cod, 10c; lb; floun dora, Co lb; ballnbut, 7c lb; striped baas,; cattish, 10c lb; salmon, stoolhoad, 8 l-3c lb; Bllvora, 7 l-2c; solos, 6c lb; shrimps, 12 l-2c lb; porch, 6c lb; torn cod. Sc lb; lobsters, 32c lb; crawfUh, 23c doz; sturgeon, 12 He lb; black bass, 20c lb; silver smolts, Co lb; black cod, 7 He lb; crabs, $101.60 do. Oysters Shoalwator bay, per gal lon, $2.2G; por 100-lb. cack, $6; Olympla. por gallon, $2.40; por 100 lb. sack, $707 60; canned, 66c can, 27c doxon; o&ctcrn la oholl, $1.75 por 100. Coal oil Pearl, Astral and Star, 19c gallon; oocone, 23c gallon; olalno 28o gallon; headlight, 20 Ho gallon; extra star, 22c gallon; wntor white, UHOlGHc gallon; special w'ator whlto, 16c gallon. Qasollno Ued crown and motor, 16 023c callon: 86 gasollro. 30O 37 Ho gallon; V. M. & P. naphtha, 13H02OHe gallon; oust no distll laX). 9 016c gallon. Cattlo Host Btoors, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.75; medium steers, $4.50, best cows, $3.76; best holfors, $3.76; bulls, $202.76; stags, $2.5003. Hogs nest east of the mountains, $8.60; Wlllamotto valloy best, $7.7G 07.85; stockors, $406; plgB, $607. Shocp Ilcst wcthors, $, ordinary $4 04.7G( spring Iambs, $6; straight owos, $4.26 04.60; mixed lots, $4.25. Calves Best, $5; ordinary $0 4.50. 444444444--t--44444 MEDFORD MARKETS. 444 Fruit and Vetables. (Prieos paid hy Mod rd merchants "1 Applos, l2c lb; poars, lH0c: Potatoes, lo lb; onions, $1.50 ewt ;; green onion, 3"o dn.. biiiclaw; eabbago, IVjo; tunnps, lVo; pars nipa, lo and IVjO lb.; squash, 30o and $1 doj.j pumpkins, 10 nnd 15c. Butter, tons and Poultry. (Prices paid by Modford merchants- Ranch buttor, 36c; fancy cronm- ery, ,37Vjo. Froah ranch eggs, 50a. Mixed noultrv. lOo: 6nriiiB ohlok- ons, 15c; ducks, 10c? turKeys, 17c. Feed and Mlttstuffs. (Prieos paid produoors.) nav Timothv. $10: alfalfa. $lf; grass, $14 ton; grain hay, $16 ton. Grain Whent, $1.20 bushol; oats, $30 ton; barloy, $30 ton. Boof, ?-iO'8c; pork. GHc; mutton .Tso; Inmb, 4Mjo; voal (drossod), Oo (Sollinpr pnces.l Rolled barloy, $2 cwt, $30.50 ton; bran, $1 70: r uldllngs, $1 s"tl !(; shorts. $1.80(f1.85. 4444444444 f44444 LOST. 444-44444444444f4 LOST-r-A pair of namilton-Brown hiRit-top roountam boots. Roward if roturnod to Hutohason & Loms tlon'B atoro. 337 STRAYED Into my onclosuro, cow nnd cnlf, very wild. Ownor will plonso romovo. L, P. Ilubbnrd, cor jior Jacksonville Road and Boll Lano. -f 4 -f - f4 - 44444444 44 4444444 4- 44444444444444444 FOR RENT. 444 FOR KENT Suite of light housc kecpiiiB rooniH. Call at 222 South Holly Htrect.' FOR KENT One or two fine front offices in Fruitgrowers Ilnnk Illdp;. Inquire Mooro Hotel. Geo. E. Krcu sor. 233 FOIt KENT Now cottage, 0 rooms, east Taylor street, 'j aero ground, nquiro 80(3 East Taylor st. 230 FOR KENT House of two larKO rooms nicely furnished for house kceplni; or unfurnished. Kent rcn sonnlo. Call 1048 West Ninth St. 233 FOR RENT .Front room, furnished, heat, cloctria light and bath. 127 South 0 fitrcot. 230 FOR RENT Five-room houso, throo I blocks couth of Main street; has 1 bath, toilet, oloctrlc lights and ce ment walks; will bo rented partly ' furnished or unfurnished as desired. ' Address or inquire 244 South Orapa street. 233 FOR ItENT Ono ortwo nicely fur nished rooms, heat and bath and eclctrio lights. Reasonable. On South Central avenue. Phono 801. 891 FOR RENT Rensonnble, a now, , strictly modern houso, close in. Ap ply 331' Sixth street, corner Ivy. 233 FOR RENT Furnished rooms'. No. 10 North .Orapqjtrect. 237 FOR RENT Livo at tho Palms, now brick building, now furniture, strict ly modorn, corner Orapo an I Main streots. FOR R13NT Farms, from 40 aeros upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or gonoral farming. Inquire at offlco Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main street. FOR SALE. 444444-444-4-4-4-44444 FOR SALE At n bnre;ain if taken nt once two lots closo in. Mcdford 1 nnd rooms. Phono 2091. 237 FOR SALE Good houso and lot at 640 Hamilton streot, end of Onk dalo paving; rents for $10 per month; also two lots on Jacksou streot, choap If tnkon nt onco. Ad dress Win. E. Stacoy, Box S26. 233 FOR SALE Horso and wnRon at 411 South Laurol street. 248 FOR SALE If you -Mint tho best dry wood at tho lowest prieo call at 421 South Orapo streot or phono to Main 491; also do wood sawing. 230 FOR SALE A bargain ; 40 ncros 2 miles from Central Point, 10 acres in two-year-old Newtowna and SpitzenborB apples, 12 acres in nl falfa, 30 acres nil good black soil, 10 acres red orchard land; good house nnd good bnrn. Address box 70, Contral Point, Oregon. 233 FOR SALE An oquity in good city lots; 25 por cent, llox 708. 234 FOR SALK Bakory "with "good trndo chenp for cash. Sickness cnuso of slllng. W. T. York & Co. 228 FOIt SALE Young orchard in boar ing. Mat Calhoun. Phoenix. Or. FOR SALE Oak, fir mid pine cord wood, 12 and 10-inoh; nlno dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono ordor to Main 4201. FOR SALE Gonuino Navnjo blank et. Inquire at Modford Fnrnituro Co. FOR SALE 76-ncro ranch, with good water right; finest fri'lt land; chap:; also property In Portland; will trado for Modford property Seo Coloman at cigar factory. FOR SALE--Ohoioo business proper ty nt a bargain. 011 long timo; easy terms Addre's" P O Bqv jlR FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, nt n bargain, on 5 annual pny mi't Address P O' Pot 418 FOR SAL10 Or oxchnngo tor Mod- ford real oatato or ranch, 110 acroa 4 4 -f -f tobacco farm on Pennsylvania rail road in southorn Maryland, 85 acres In cultivation, 25 acres In wnito oak timber, 15 acres tlmofhy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also suitable for potatoes, melons and fruit; espec ially adaptod for Maryland peaches; 40 mllos south of Baltimore 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, D. C; ebundanco of water; good ropds; mild climate. Address Box 20, Maall Tribune of fice. -'- 4 WAMTFP1 .4 WANTED $1000 on eight acres or chard just planted, one year, 10, per cent. Box 118, Medford, Or. 237 WANTED Two men for farm work Apply nt Employment Bureau, Phipps BIdg. 233" WANTED Young man about 18 years old who has parents in city that is not afraid to work and wants to learn a trade. Small sal ary to start; a good position to tho right party. Pantonum Dyo Works, 233 WANTED Good quarter of beef. Telephone 3311 or see Woolvcrton, Jackson County .Bank BIdg. 233 WANTED Refined woman to care for 0-months old bnby; mother is 0 professional nurse. Good pay to right party. Adress "X," rnro Mail Tribune. WANTED Bids on contract to dig 10,000 tree holes. For particulars write or see E. C. Gardner, Talent, Oregon. 233 WANTED Mnu acquainted in valley to show land. Benson Investment Co. 237 WANTED Good clonn cotton rags at tho Mail Tribuno office Will pay right price for same. WANTED To borrow $500 on a good timber clnim in Douglas coun ty. Address box 640, Medford. 235 WANTED Competent . woman for general houso work. Would like ref crences. Wages $1 per day. Ad' dress P. O. Box 815. 236 WANTED Good second hand hack, Address box 301, Medford. 235 WANTED To rent a furnished house, John A. Tornoy, enro Oro gon Orchards Syndicate. 235 WANTED Cook wanted on ranch. Call Farmors lino 14x1. 235 WANTED First-clnss stenograph or. Apply nt offico of Rogue River Electric Company. 235 WANTED Woman wants position ns cook nnd gencrnl housowork. Ad dress "C. N.," enro Mail Tribuno. 234 WANTED By married man position to work on fruit ranch. Adress Y, enro of Mail Tribune. 235 WANTED $2 00 for good paying business; good rato Intorost. Ad dress F. L. B Mall Tribuno. 235 WANTED Good fresh milch cow. Address G. Clausing, box 366, Med- ford. 233 WANTED Experienced qunrry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Modford, Or. 4444444- f4 4- 444 PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE $2000 oquity in a good $3500 residence property in Grants Pass to oxphnngo'for land in lioguo rivor valloy, improvod or unimproved. Address P. O. box 524, Grants Pass, Oregon. 233 4. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ( 44444 4-4 444 44444444 Rwtaurnrrte. BEE HTYE RESTAURANT Monls 15c; bedfl, 15o. flive us a trial. 29 Central aTrnno. tipstnirs. Klnderrjarten. KINDERGARTEN 1 009 W. Main street. Honrs; -From 0 a. m. to 11:30 n. m. For particulars npply to Miss Arm Harmon, diroctor. nt tho school 4- BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4444444444444 f 4 CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs cleaning bo sure and seo D. D. Woods. Lcavo ordors nt tho Mcdford Hardware Co., or phono 581. 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER Auctioneer, will bo found in room 208, Taylor & PhippH Building. Sewing Machines. Singer nnd Wheeler & Wilson sowing machines for rent nnd for sale on easy payments. All kinds repaired and work guaranteed. Best oil and needles for all makes at tho Singer store, 27 South C st. Phono 3431. Attorneys. WITTHNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Pnkn Building. PORTER J. NEFF A ttnrnrv. !-! No. Ji D street, gronnd floor COLVIG & REAMER W, M. Col- vig, C. L. Renmes. Lawyers. Of fice Mcdford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, at tho Mooro Hotel. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work dono quickly and veil. Real Estate. nENMON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loan and fire insurance Office 112 X Main st., Medford Ore Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. hai the best equipped jeb office b Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op Ician between Portlnnd and Sac ramento Office on West Main street an-i mir.iil Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make n specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. Brt-'' ftnmnnnlftS. G. W. Priddv. T. O'RrW O f Nai THE MEbrOLL' ' TCK CO. Brick raanufnctu'.-v wid eontn. tors; nlso lime, cemr. and plbst. in any quantity. Office, Medfo? National bank b'.Jg. Pbonee Mail. 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FUK-N1TURE CO.-Un- dertakors. Day Phone 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3601; J. n. Butler 3571. FUno Instruction. HARMONY, sight roading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue Phono 493. Paint Stores. XL J. METCALF Paints, Brushos, Wall Paper. GlnRs. Varnishes Stains and Wall Tints. 31S E. Main St.. Medford. Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thorno, agt. bu- opB"Ptt from to 6. Phone 'A. I. 23; Rivorsid avenue. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin nnd sheet iron wnre on hand and rando to ordor 128 North G street. Photograph Studios. Carriane and Auto Painting. YALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS nigh-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside nvenue. Phono 801. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Maokoy nnd die with joy." OTor Al len & Rengan'u store; entrance on Seventh street. Civil Engineers WILL tnko by contract, on reason- ablo terms, nil kinds , of work, also irrigating, planting nnd cultivating oto. Landscape gnrdening. First class roforences. Willinm Peters, Civil "Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 Enst Main street, Modford, Oregon. 44444-444-4-4-444-4- 444 4 business ninFrrrrtBY 44444-4444-4-44-4-4-44 Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATINO CO., suc cessors to Shcaror & Phillips, painters and decorators in nil branches; weathered oak on inside finish a specialty. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Bontty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci- gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend tho hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect and Puildcr. P. O, Box 486. Mcdford Or. Your building respectfully so licited. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., denlora in now and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Maund City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh si. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly Sts., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kind. A trial order solicited. MORBOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovea and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 K St .8outh. Phone 91. Medford, Or. Drayage and Transfer. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Oar stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the .trust H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery Btock. C, E. Co-ik. Prop. R. R. V depot. P. O. Bo 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. TJ. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Offico r and Seventh, Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT AH work guaran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 406 Bontty street. A card will brine mo tr von, Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huilh'or, 707 Main street Wer. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages Frencli, Italian, Gorman, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instrnctwn Metropolitan Collego of Mnsio. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Central avenue. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Main street. Carpenters and Builders. F. E. HILL Will furn'h plnns nn list of all timber to bo put in build,, ing. Medford, Oregon W, O. nOLMES, contractor and builder; plaus nnd estimates furn ished. Inquire Stnr restnurant or nddross Box 818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS- Dentist. Offico hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miloa Building, Maiu street, Modford, Ore gon; Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Offico nnd res ident phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Officos in Haskins1 Building. Phono Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Office In Stowart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Offico phono, Main 341; prlvato phone, Main 612. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooniH. X-Ray. Offico hours; 20-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Ostoop at h i 0 Physicians. Mission, Blouk, Phont 291. Medford CALfc ON DR. . J. BONNER, Ey speomhat, when others fail. Offioe in Eagle Pharmacy. Mam 233. East Main near D'Anjou.