Til 13 ;iI5!)F0RD MATT, TRIBUNE, MI3DF0UP, OKI'XION, BUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 100!). 44 Tim Mail Tribune linn not thrown -out itK olocilrin lights and nro not linHutlnfiiMl with olootriu light, and liurn probably nioro ' , IncundoHuunt lights tliim any ooimuin'or in tho city iintl will' continue to into thorn nn thu jiidhI convenient light made. C. II. Hnyder, manager of thu C. II. Hnyder Motor Car ()onimny, loft .Saturday night 1'or u hIioiL trip to ClranlH I'mhm on business. 0. (). Parker Iihh mild twontv acres to W. M. Murrill for 2,r00 through tho Modford Realty company. Helen N. Yookov Iiiih boon coin fdoiwd a nolarv public Ity Governor HoiiHnn. Eugene Aiiiann, firn chief, and his Avlfo Itift for Oakland, Calif., today lor a few weeks to spend tho holi LOCAL ROADS ARE SOURCE OF TROUBLE Rig Brops Inte Mud Holo Whllo Horse 'Continues Even Tenor 'His Way. Tyson Boiill Iiiim a Iciok coming; on tho idikIm loading into Modford and not with roaHon, either. "Tho HtrootH in t ohoulskirtH of town," said Mr. Hoall, "aro worse than many of tho comity roadH, duo of imi ii rno, to thu extremely honvy traffioo on those converging HtrootH an droadH. While coming in thiH morning with my hrothor wu woro driving along vory comforiahly whou tho Iiul'l'V dronocd ituo ono of lnyH with bin jmrontii. Harry Ling t,0 mnny holes in toll rond. Tho horso, a 1(100 pound animal, kopl right on walking hut tho rig Htayod whoro it wan. Thu horHo simply limns boon secured to look nflor tho duties of Ilia ofico during liiu ab sence. Dr. .1. 8. Parson of AhIiIiuhI wns in Medford Saturday on business. II. M. Whitman of Englo Point wiih walked out of tho hnnicflH. Noxl yenr with tho improvements projoct od it may hu possible to got to thu -f -f-H f lj 4-4- in Modford Knttmlnv ilolntp litiRlnemi 1 ,il.V from tho oulHido, but itiHt now " r ... .. . . j ti ih a prooiom uini roquiroo caroiui driving and a good knowlodgu of thu country to traversed." villi looal iiiorchantN. Mrs. Pearl Koarmm of Grants Pass wiih registered at tho Nash Friday night. Tho Advmit ohurch people aro im proving thoir now church on North jtivorxido avoniio with a now belfry. S. II. (Hiihh and his most cMliiiiiililn wifo of Antiocb wore doing Christ inas shopping Thiirmlrty. Three-fourths of tho fiinnors of Autioch and Trail Creek have bond ed thoir places for throu mouths to Highliuo Ditch company. Dr. Dean and family omvod into thu Nioholns Cook roHldonco on "North Central avonuo Friday. Hurt Korantou of North Jackson Htrvet and Miss Mattlo DnwHon of Klk Creek woro married Friday in -Mrdford by Itov, Ilnxia. The funoral of Mm. John Norris, who died Tliuradny morning, took placo in JaekHonvillo Saturday nftor noon. MrM. Noris waH '28 yean of ago ami leaves a huKbnud and four small children to mourn hor loss. Mr. .I.J'. James of Portland, who has boon viHiting hor daughter, Mrn. F. II. Neil, returned homo Saturday. I II. Dnilcy, ex-county school superintendent, was In Modford Sat urday from Englo Point on. business. Dr. E. H. Pickel wim at Jackson ville Saturday an n witness in tho Floyd Monro vh. Ilorndcii fc Swotl oiihour ease. Attorney E. E. ICelly wiih nt Jack- nvillo on professional business '.Saturday. Tho I'ountv clerk has granted li (joiiHit to wed to Hurt Serautou and aMllie Dawiion. Mr. James Cronomillor of Jack sonville luft Saturday morning for Oakland, Calif., on a visit to rola live and fricudn, Hon. Thoo. Camoron loft Satur day morning for Oakland, Calif., whoro ho will upend tho wintor with liiK mod, Don. John Pornoll of Applognto fan in edford on btiHinuRH nSturdny. I'or null ny that bin brother "Jiid", tho famouH Houthpaw, who wiih Hold by tho Aberdeen club of tho northwest league to (bo Chicago NaljoualH for $1,001), in in fine health and will bo in K"d tdinpo for tho spring train ing, dud bar a inixup with a undo a few wookn ago but camo out of tho crap in bettor shnpu than did thu iiiulo. How Mr. Fry, Mothoilit miniwtor, ut .lacksouville, Iiiih gono oat on a vinit to rolntivoH and IVoihIh. Ho ox imetH to return nhortly and rusiuno bin work bore. Hiiiiho Hoiiho of Ashlnad, former ly a resident of Medford, was in This cily nSturdny on biminosH. , Ciiarins Dealciu of tho Southorn Pacifio road wiih in Medford loot wcok visiting frionilH. Mr. Doiikiu t).priiHHud himself as surprised al the growth of Modford since his visit a year ago and is vory optiinislio of Modford's futtiro. Mr. Daokin will bo located at OiiiiiIh Piirh during tho winter mouths. DOWNTROD MA-IN-LAW BUSINESS LOCALS : -r "f Kd Audrowii, general real orttatu, room ft. now I'hippH building. 2.'IB Nlcolr furjilnhed room with all modern conTcnloneefl nt the 1'slmn. .Phono ,1001 for tean and ooffoo. If yoit could buy nn hquity In good ity lotH for 25 por cent with cay ( irrnn, would 7011 tnka thcmT Ad AroBH box 708. 234 Patronir.o tho iiicii'h club Tuesday evening al tho Presbyterian church. 235 You can buy Xiiiiih candies and (thor articles ut Lewis' cheaper than you can steal them, hcsido avoiding tho risk. 233 Havo you anything you want to trido for good city IoIbT IJox 708. 231 Attend tho uioii'h club Tuesday ev ening nt Presbyterian church. 23fl Don't misH tho "Hilcy" ovenipg at tho ProHbylorian church Tuesday ev ening. 235 Ella Gaunynw, public stenographer, room 4, Palm bnildine. Host ten and coffee obtninnblo at 30 South flrnpo street. Southern Orogon Toa & Coffeo Co. Evoryono in asking, "whoro is tho Smoko HousoT" Hero is the answer: 212 Woflt Main. 2.W AT THE CHURCHES Baptist Chuch. Hov. Dr. Dyer will preach in the morning at 11 o'clock at tho Hnptist churcli. H. H. Tuttle will proach In tho ovening. All arc invited to at tend tliuso services. - ' Christian Church. ' At tho Christian church, corner Sixth and Ivy streets, Services on Sunday an follows: 10 a. m., JJiblo school ; nt 11 o'clogk, tho regular ob Borvanco of the Lord's Supper, fol lowed by ft sennnn on "Follow Mo;" C. K. nt 0:30; at 7:30, song service, followed by a sermon on "Winners'." Strangers welcome. W. Thco. Mat lock, pastor. Christian Science. Services Sunday morning, nt 11 o'clock. Subject of lesson-sennon: "Is tho Universe Including Man Kvolvod by Atomic Force." All are, welcome Sunduy school at 30; o'clock. 328 North Grnto street, j north of Shcrmnn, Clay & Co's. mu-j sic house. The Presbyterian Church. i Tho Christmas season demnnds ' sermons that have special reference to tho ixjrson of Jesus Christ. "The What Brand of Flour Are You Using? 4--. ' BLUESTEM FLOUR, MANUFACTURED BY THE MEDFORD FLOUR MILLS, IS MADE FROM THE CHOIOEST BLUESTEM WHEAT. EVERY SACK IS .GUARANTEED, OR MONEY REFUNDED. IT ALSO t COSTS YOU FROM 50c TO 90c PER BARREL LESS THAN OTHER BRANDS OF FLOUR SHIPPED IN, SO WHY NOT BUY THE BLUESTEM AND SAVE THIS DIFFERENCE? Vnn on,i l.nv XtmiR inmi;p nnd Diviiiit y of Jesus Christ nH Taught 'othor nrticlcH at Lowis' cheaper than" Scripttircs," is tho subject hi Ivou can steal them, beside nvoiding c sermon at the Prcsbytennn tho risk. 233 j church on Sunday morning nt 11' Medford Flour Mills CD U PADDIP 1,1 or,,or t0 ot ,,ctt'sr nrquninttMl o'clock. In tho evening at , M .he I itlLllU Ml biUmL with the smokura of Me.Jiord, wc in- Biibjcct will bo, "i;.dcn Mans Normal, Ivito them to inspect tho Smoko !loun'n'l Homc- Jo ,l,esc "mces WASHINGTON, Doc. 38. "Tho firstt lung a follow ought to do when hu goes courting is to get a lino on his ftituro mother-in-law, because she's going to bo either bin best friend or his worst enemy," said Car rie Nation to a reporter last night in tho Washington workhouse. "I am going to co Vlint mothor-in- lnws got tho attention thoy ought to havo from tho American people," she naid. "A man ought to lovo his mother-in-law nn much as his wife, and if ho doeH not, it's a sign that ho'ri soaked all the decency out of him with wli'mkcy or burnt it out with those fool cigarettes. Tho girl'll turn out to ho just like tho old lady. This law of heredity thnt l'vo boon study i i : ...j--r.,t T,'.. " ' ; r"T " iwr aero; ono-fourth cash, 3 ! tinwi am nt 212 West Main rt. 233' Thu city of Jacksonville, tho busi ness men of Jacksonville and the citizens of Jacksonville hnvo had their oxporioncu with u cheaper form of light than electric light sev eral years ago. licforo considering a chenpor form of light, get their ex perience. 238 McHrida is not tho candy kid, but tho candy man, the ico cream man, tho fruit man and don't forgot it. 234" . If. dissatisfied with your coffeo or ten phono 1001. Four hundred nnd eighteen acretf first-class ranch, four milos from rnilrnnd Hiailon. 40 acrcH alfalfa, i-- rigntion for 100 acres, first-clasi ir- we extend to nir n corcnai welcome. Sunday school is ut 10 u. m.; C. E. Society b nt 0:30 p. m. St. Mark's KplBcopal church has. boon movod to Uip rear of tho Pros-' bvterlan church and will remain thcro , until tho now church Is (Inlshed and ', occupied. land, 3 good bams, 2 good houses,. tly mnil. A snap for $50 problem." Mrs. Nation owns to sixty-three years, but says she will fight to death against the demon mm. She has now achieved tho crowning triumph of her nine years' chisado tho smash ing of tho glass furnishings in tho big union station hero. It in now on tips chargu that will bo heard today. Mrs. Nation savs her defenso will bo thnt tdio has not destroyed private property but n public nuisance She says sho will take hor case clear up to tho supremo court of tho United Slates. Carrio thinks tho country bus im proved in tho last three years. "Taft ain't my stylo," sho ndinitted "but bo's n wholo lot bettor than Toddy Itoosevult. lie's a well mean in' man nnd hu don't drink, mid though I may hnvo said at times thnt ho wiih chasing around tho country eating u whole lot more than was good for him, I think bo's bettor than anything in tho presidential lino we've boon gotttng Intely." Do you want a good 40-acre tract in Sams Vnlloy? Located on good rond, close to school, no wasto land. Easy to clear. Price $50 por noro; crood terms. 238 Forty-fivo and one-half acres in i Sams Valley, 17V acres 1-year ap-j pics, 5 acres oak timber, 3-room house, largo bam, 22V acres grain land, all fenced, well that irrigate 10 acros. Prico $100 per acre. 238 I PinMv nerna fltii tunr nnil nnnlo h"- "---. i -j j laud in Sams Ynlcy; $75 per acre. 238 Ten ncre boaring orchard, near Medford, $7000. 233 J. W. DUESSLEIl AGENCY, West Main Street. A. C. Haudall and Goorgo Hilsing or of tho Talent Orchards, leave for Minneapolis Saturday to spend tho holidays. FOR KENT Two iiicoly furnished sleeping rooms. Call nt 222 South Holly st. school, dnt to 0 yoara for bnlance. Sco J. W. DresB ler Agency, West Main. 237 ! McRrido is not tho candy kid but I tho onndy man, tho ico croam man, tlio fruit man, nnd don't lorgot it. uivcaausiv ivucui, fi 231' Ho Hiiro you nro right beforo you iro ahead, is food advice that annlios Hero is your clionca for small ir- to the light business ns well as other , rigated tracts cloao Medford, one' business. Electric light lins stood to two miles out. Choice fruit, veg tho test of time a the safest and , etnblo and poultry ranches; terms, most economical light and boforo 25 per cent cash, balance 3 years at considering ehcapor lights get tho ox-1 i por cent. This is easy, investi porieneo of people who hnvo used gato. 21 Vfc acres, $200 per ncro; FOI SALE 300 tiors of woll sea soned piuo and soma oak wood, handy to got out, only half it mile would. Inter loso dollars from Phouiiix. Address C. J. 01 son, Med!urd, Oregon. 230 Born. Horn to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Thomp son at oPrtland Matornity Hospital, December 3d. 3001), n sau. HASKINS for HEALTH Christmas Suggestions PERFUME ATOMIZERS Who improved Doyilbcss stylo, tho inosl; perfuct madq; nil niv gtmrnnttfcd ih atojn'i'.o mid aro ornamoninl r.s woll as tmol'iil; at 2no to$3.00 them sovornl months 'nt least. 238 If you aro considering tho pur chnso of stntionory, fountain pons, etc., you should sco Lewis ns bo is selling off all his stock nt prices thnt 'will nstonish you. 233 I havo nn equity in city lots which I will soli nt 25 per cent and give easy tonns. Hox 708. 234 Mnil your presents in a holly box, 5 to 20 cunts, nt Hnskius for Health. 333 In looking around for trees to plnnt thnt orchard of yours don't forgot to tfco L. E. Hover. Ho has tho goods ns ordors for over 200,000 treos for this sonson will prove. 228 Llvo nt tho Palms, now trick building, now furnlttiro, strictly rscdorn, cor ner Grnpo nnd Main streets. Evoryono is asking "whoro is tho Smoko nousoT" Hero is tho answer, 212 Wost Main. 233 A business mnn would bo foolish to try to snvo dimes whon ho know ho This ap plies particularly to tho fruit grow er; don't buy poor stock bocnuso its ehoap. Seo L. E. Hoovor nnd got tho best. 228 Just nrrived from factory, tx now lino of Sterling silver. Toilet, mani curing nnd military sots. Thoy aro tho latest in dosign. At Vnn Do Car Si Jasmnnn's, Phipps Hldg, In ordor to get hotter ncqnnmled with tho smokors of Modford, wo in vito them to inspoo'. tho Smoke Housu nt 232 Wost Main ftucot. 23d If you aro considering tho pur uliuso of stationery, fountain pons, etc., you should soo Lowts ns ho is selling off all his stock nt prices that will nstonish you. 233 22 ncres, $200 per acre; loV acres at $200 per aero; 15V& ncres, $200 por ocro; 13 acres, $150 per aero; 27 1 acres, $200 per acre; 27Vj ncres, $150 por aero; 23 acres, $150 per acre; 25 acres, $150 per ncro; 15 1-3 acres, $200 per acre. J. W. DKESSLEIl AGENCY, 238 West Main Street. Oriental Rugs WE WILL HAVE AN ELEGANT LINE OF ORIENTAL RUGS . ON DISPLAY AT THE MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Monday December 20 THIS IS AN EXGlSLliENT COLLECTION OP RUGS, RANGING IN PRICE FROM '$20.00 UPWARDS. ALL ARE INVITED TO ENJOV THIS EXHIBIT WHETHER CONTEM PLATING A PURCHASE OR NOT. "WE WILL HE PLEASED T9 HAVE YOU COIE IN ItEi-'ORfi WE LEAVE THE CITY. fe WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERY JRUG SOLD TO BE PER- FECT IN COLORS. DESIGN AND IN GOOD CONDITION. Atiyeh Brothers 394 WASHINGTON STREET PORTLAND. OREGON THE LARGEST IMPORTERS. BOTH WHOLESALE AND RE TAIL. OF ORIENTAL RUGJL :SJ12 :72PETS IN THE NORTH- WE;r. MAN WHO ATTEMPTED TO KILL WOMAN IS GUILTY SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl Hoe. 18. Charles Allan, sailor from tho United Statos Bhip Monitor Choyonno, who "wn.s conviotod of an nttompt to mur- dor SuHaiino Dulno Itoro on boptom bor 0, wiih sontoncod to sorvtf six yoara at Fojsom by Judgo Lnwlor today. Allan. nttnoked tho womnn with, a knlfo and nearly sovorod hor bond fronriior body. Tho viotim livod af ter 228 stitchos had boon taken in tho wound. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nocholns Cook have temporarily mqved to As! 'and. j employmentTnd businesschances! For snlo Span of ! ' os harness and wagon. Now is tho timo to buy beforo spring work begins. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Hldg. If you need help of any kind for v. day or omnth or yenr, call up phono '1111 Main. For salo Hakory with good trade. Ill health causo of selling. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Hldg. Want a position for a cleric who hns had 0 yenrs oxperieneo. Employ ment Htirenu. I havo niL'ii of all kind of vocations, millwright, olorks, eto. Employ ment Huronu. To trade A good lot for n span of horses and harness. Room 20S, Taylor & Phipps Hldg. For snlo A, pony 7 yenrs old, $3.". Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Hldg. Women doing washing leavo thoir ml dross nt tho Employment Bureau. Hnvo you anything to trado or sollt List it with tho Business Chnnco Man. Wanted Chnmbormoid at onco, call nt Employment Bureau, room 208, Tnylur & Phipps Hldg. Wnnted -A woman to do washing, to, begin Monday morning. Room 208, Taylor & Phipps Bldg, Wnnted A Woman cook 6r will con sider a man nnd his wifo; no chil dren. Room 20Sj Employment Bu ronu. E. F. A. BITTNER, Prop. R0MM 208, PHIPPS BLDG. PHONE MAIN 4141. A Select Line of 13 diss Purses and Handbags AT COST Herman Bros. 317 E. VeyentH St. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this traot, fino fruit land, about two milos from n shipping point. Tho buildings oonsist of a fivo-room box house, good-sizod barn, oto. Thoro nro 32 ncres of 5 afld C-yenr-old ap ples, mostly Nowtowns, with cora morainl ponchos planted behveon ns fillers. Also three nerea of yonng pear treos nnd soma family orchard. Four acres in alfalfa. Six or eight acres .of trmber, most ly oak nnd laurel. Thoro is n pumping plant on tho plaoo whioh Kiipjdios wator for tho garden nnd alfnlfo, equipped with gnsolino enginp. About 40 rods from a good school, nas rural mail do livory and telephone. Price $10,COO. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. Wear Kidd's Slices The most popular men's shoe in town is our Kangaroo at $5.00. The upper is very soft and easy on tho foot; will not skuff or peel; sole is tho heaviest single piece of oak tanned leather pos sible to obtain. The manufacturer tells us they could not make a better shoe for $25.00 as in this shoo tho best mate rial known is used. Why Buy C.M.Kidd The Shoe Fitter ! AN INFERIOR GRADE OF BUTTER TO SAVE ONE OR TWO CENTS ON THE POUND, whon you can got tho host for almost the snmo prioo from your local oreamory Wo don't mix our butter. Ask your grocor for it and thus encourage homo industry, If your grocer don't handle it, phono us. Swoot croam, milk and buttormilk delivered every day, ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY. Phone No. 2661