mil in unMVPnun rrr. nmriMTVTtn urtimwvmi rw tsnrwr curvr-i- -r ru,ini,urui,M) in n,nn Ooo ooo-1 PEOPLE'S Sermon by CMAULI2S T. RUSSELL, Pnilor Brooklyn Tnbcmnclc. Ooo Huiiilny, DiHiiiiilntr lU.-l'nxtor Huh. mll of Itrooltlyn Tnln'rimi'lit immdicri totlny from tint fullowliiK titxl to a HH'l.('(t ImilHi': "Work out your own Hiilvntlon with ffiir iiimI tromlilliiK. for It In (loil which wirlfutli In yon both to will Mini to do of tiltt kihiiI plutiHtiro" (I'lillliiplnim II, ia. Tim iroicr ruhitloiiHliln between fnltli nnil worbH noil between (JoiI'm work unit our iiro iiiiiIIith iiiiiiriutly not PULPIT... God's Work, and Ours. --O (loln. Of tho Dlvlno liilluoiico In our I ln'iirlo working In iih both In tclll anil Id iId flctl'M wood jilcnMiin.', Ht. Peter k'Mi'H iim it won) right to tho point, mijlng, "Whereby tiro given unto uh I exceeding wilt mid preelotm iroiitlr; Hint by tliL'Hoyo might be piutnki'iN of (lio Iilvlno niituro" (II 1'eter l.' li. ! Work Out Your Own Salvation. I Wo hnve liciiid iniiiiy Improper prny. U'lH piVHciiloil ut the Throne of (Iriu o ' I'.', wi'll-liiloiitloiii-il but iiilHlnforiiit'il clillilroii of (Jinl. Mirny CInlitltiiiH in- i iipiiwl (Joil to ilo for tlii'iii tluit which I j In; twin IIh'iii they niiiMt do for ilieiu I . 'lvi'X. The oiin who iihIih n in Jhn hoiiio- 1 ' Union leave tho Throne of (Jrni'o con- rtdi'iit tluit (ioil will lo for lilm whnt , CinI Iiiin never to ilo for liny. , ho power of (loil. miylnu. I 1,1,1 ,mM ",M ,,H V'K'U mM 'lo nil- In given by liiMplralloii 1 tur ''"''"' Many pray, "Abni....n im miii in ii'iiimiiiiiii, urn iiuiiii'i ui jri'in (lio Uvll Ono" ami linn walk Htrnlght Into teitiptatlon, wholly neglecting the 1 tllreelloiw of (Jotl'.s Word. Imlecil, many ko neglect tho Htmly of tluit j Word that they nro not nwnre what nro IIh leiiehlngM, lu i.ouiihdIh, ii'upcct Ing Hatnu mid tho toinptiitloiiH from i tin- world, tho lleh and tin.- devil, to j which all tutiHt bo more or leu ex posed for their tewtlng and character xvll, I7i. Ml. Paul refer lo the Hcrlp ttircM iih l "All Kcrlpt of (loil. ami I proiltahlo for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for liidtruc tlou in rluhtcoiiNiinHN; Hint the man of (Jod may bo perfect, thoroughly fur iiImIiciI unto all good worltN" (11 Tim othy III, HI, 17). "Yo Are Qotl't Workmnnililp." Wo havo hcoii that God docx n work III hlrt coiiMirrated people, lining hlx provliloucea In coutiecllon with tho ex liiiirlf iiiiilnrMi...,.! Iii'tjlm ..... t..rli .. gtt I i,..l,..i.w... ,.r nr.. t 1 1 " ' ..... ... t..iw..i, hj iMHjw.iij 1 i,.t-n in mi', nun nun in; pn.'iini 'development Christian people mid, of coiirdc, not at , hm'H IiIh Word for their limtru Hun hi . Hoiiio pray to Uod to mivo thuui by nil comprehended by tint worldly. It rignieoiiHiieH. u nro m rcineuucr ' iiilt jjj Vlti power and expect him to mi 1 blood I Htlll our Advocnto with the (.Ilt 1IuJ hittuvlm to LuhIiichh or to 1 rather and our Instructor n the l a- , ,llt.nHtiro or to Helf-Bratltlcntlon. Such loci n iciiii-niiniimu; 111111 iiiruiiKli nun nil comprehended by tint worldly. It j riKhteotiHiicH. nro to remember 1 lillt jjj Vlti power and expect him tu In not only worth while, but very lin- IncWeiilnlly that our Lord Jcnim who , Worl. mrim)uUHly la them, whllothey porliint. that each Chrlniliiii euterliik' "1, 1,1,11 retoncllnl iih by iiln Ml) KMnK , ,MJll of t,lur U! nll Into coveuunt rolatloiiNlilp with (1ml Mhollld iimlerMliiiid dlntluctly Ida own rotpoiiHlbllltleH, the iimhIxIiiiicd which Cod h wIIIIiik (ii Kraut lilm tlirouub I lie merit of Clirll, and whnt U re quired of lilm Individually In the mat tcr of iood workH, A Kreat atnke, a great prlzo la liivolviil. CarulcHNiicNH or luuorniico uiluht Jeopardir.0 thin III....I (i Innfti (li.i ttli.iililtif. f.f ,.ltf f.ivt wo uiiiy bo all laiiKht of (JihI- Iii the J SYfirli out your own Hll,valloll .,'; Hcl.ool of thrNt. .Next wo kIioiiIiI note ' fonr ,, t rotnl.tlfitr." They need to tho Dlvliio method hi HiIm work of Kraco beliiK carried on In our hearlH from the tlnii) wo fully HUbmltted them In full coiiNecratloii, In faith, Our text declaren that IJod'H work In i v-iu.Kui , ...1- ..i..... ni H (Uvilei, ut0 Uv(J ,mrU0 icllt "the very elect." who flialt Im Joint. I . , . -., holrn Willi lliwlr Itetleemer In IiIh Mil luiiulal Kndoiu (iimiii to be InaiiKurnt vi for the blciodtiKof tho whole world. Mark well Hint wo purponoly nvold tho error which no Ioiik Imd.bvcloudtHl our Mplrltual vbdoii, Noio Hint wo do not nay that n failure to bo nmoiiKHt "tho elect" would Nlculfy to Ih with datniied mlHIumi In ctornnl torture. No nuch iiiirennoiiablu proiwiiltlon la rep rcNiiuted In (IckI'm Wonl. Tho ipiciitioii of thU (JoHpol Auo lit to Knln or not to Knln eternal life and Kiory and boti or im mcmbcra of the Ilixly of Christ In n word, not pleimuro or inlncry, but life or denth, In tho nlternntive, Who nro nddrciMcd by tho Alton tie in tho wortU of our text? lie in not ad- tlrenaliiK tho wilfully or Ifc'iioraiitly wlcked-tho world. Ilo In nddrennliiK thomi who had been nuch, but who re penttHl, ruforuud, turiUHl to God and wiw n Kreat lluht. They tinvo hccii theiiuelven tu bo filnnent under Jut coiidemuntlou of tho Creator, and have hccii nleo that Jchun, tho Heat of God ban pnnidcd reconciliation wKh tho Knther IhroUKh bin blood hla nncrl- lice. More limn this they luiro by faith accepted thin proffered mco of GimI, nud through n full coimocrntlon of Hielr all, made ncceptablo throtiKh their Advocate, Hiey luivo been re- ceiveu or mo minor na uii apiru-oe' Kolten elillilreii. They hnve been ad' vIhinI (hat iih chllilreii they nro "IicIih of GihI. Jolnt-hclr with Jemm t'lirUt" their Iird, their Head, their Itcdecin er. In tho Klorlouit Millennial Kingdom wiilch tho I'ather haa foretold ahall bo IiIh for tho hlcrtHluK of all tho fuui tllcs of tho earth. Hut all tlieae IiIchh Iiiki they luivo received through fnllh nud not actually. Thoy mtiHt wait for the actualities until they and nil of their brethren of tho hiiiiio cIiikh, "called of God In tho ouo hope of their call liiK," ahnll have been tried, tented, per fected. In character, in heart, "CopleH of God'n dear Hon." How Ood Works In Ut. Our text declares that wo should work out our own salvation, beciuiNo It In God Hint workoth In uh. Thin pu'tM God's work tlrat nud oura hiiImo ijuontly. It uu thorcforo consldor tho innttcr in HiIh order. How, In what hoiibo, docs Owl work in his peoplo not In tho world; not In tho repentant nlnnor; not In tho merely jiMtltlcd; but lu thoHo who havo paHHod those hUron of approach to God nnd, by tho bo KottliiK of Ida holy Kplrlt, havo en ter wl his family aa children, na roiih? "Ilohold what tnanner of lovo tho Kn ther hath bestowed upon uu, that wo nhottlil bo called tho boiis of God" (I John III, 1). "And If children, then holrsj holm of God, nnd joint-holm with JoniiH Chrlat our Lord" (ltointuia vlll, 17f. How doca God work In audi ns linvo thud becomo Ida children bin noiiH? Wo reply that ho works in thorn throuKh his nplrlt-tho spirit of tho 'J'rutli; tho spirit of holiness; tho spirit of consecration; tho uplrlt of Hoimhlp. Thnt Is to any, n certain lioly power or lutluouco opurntOH In nnd about the nplrlt-boKolteii chlldron of God in luir 11)011 with thin relationship. It una to lo with nil of tholr oxporlenceH lu llfo-homo, family, biiBlneaa, Joya, nuf ferliiKH, plenHiiroa, aorrowH, Hut God'n apoclnl wny of denlluc with Ida Hplrlt-beKotten children la 4hroiiKh their lutdlocta-coinniunlcnt. luf with thorn throuKh tho holy Scrip turcw. Aa tho Apoatlo Hiiya, "God who pnko In tlmo paat unto tho fat hem Jy tho prophetH hnth In thoao laat ilnys Hitoken unto us by hla Bon" (Ilo lirowa I, 1). Tho twolvo npimtlea whon. tlio Knther apeclally ?uvo to lilm, he partlpulaiiy accepted aa hla representn Uvea, Ida mouth-plecea, tho channoli throuKh whom would como to the family or God tho lustructloua necea nary for their doveloiiment In holloed -tho InatructloiiH neceaaiiry for theli nttalninent of tho hopo of their cnlllnp -Klory, honor and Immortality In Joint liclrflhlp with Johiih their ltedeemer nf ilo Hpliitual Heed of Abraham for tin Moaalnu of tho world (GalatlaiiM ill, -JUi Our Lord Jeaua rofom to tlita work of God In Jiooplo throiwh IiIh Word, Hnylnff, "Sunctlfy thorn throuKh thy Truth. Thy SVonl U Truth" (Joliu How God Works In Ut to Will. Tho will la' tho renl pernon or ego. Tho body It merely reioiiHlblo na the lltiff." They learn the meaulnt; of the A pontic's 1 words, "Keep jci'rcic lu the love of ' (Jod." Ood absolutely refiwcH to deal with ua na machines. More than tliK l ho refuse to coerce, to push, to pull, , to drive, those whom ho la now call- lug to Noiishlp nnd Jolnt-helrshlp with i Chrlat lu Ida Kingdom. , DuriiiK Hip Millennium, the world will receive nil sorts of pullluc. punli- nKont or acrvnut of tho will. With j lnj. driving, "atrlpes," for their correc tho world fio will nud tho body are uaunlly nt one xympnthctlcally co-op-crntlvc. Hut In those. bcKotten of God'a Hplrlt mi IiIh children tnattcra nro dif ferent. Their wllla by consecration Hon lu rlKtiteoiiMiicKH, to innko them nil eventually sec, to ultimately force nil to take their stand for right or for wrong, Intelligently. Hut now it la different God la "cnlllUB." "drnwlni,'" nro developed nliing lluea quite nntng- nnd accepting through faith In Christ ohlstlc to tho natural preferences of an "members" of tho Hody of Christ, their tlcrtli, no thnt tho Aostlo wrote, ' only audi na havo n willing mind only "With tho mind I myself nerve (or dcalro to nerve) tho Law of God, but with tho fleali I serve (or dcalro to nerre) tho lnw of nm" (Itomnua vll, SO). Hence every aplrlt-begotten per on hna n wnrfnro botwcvii hla new mind, with It holy aspirations and de al res nnd It ri opjwnent lleah with Ita nnlinal propensities, some good nud Bomo bnd. Hence tho Aostlo oxhorta nil theso New Crcnturea to "wr.r a good wnrfnro" ngnluat their own tleaU nnd to bring It Into aubjectlon to the Now Mind nud to tho 1)1 vine Ijuv, Ho urgea thnt wo "llrlug uvcry thought into captivity to tho obedience of Christ" (II Corliithlaua x, f). This, of audi an can bo moved to energy nud devotion by tho enlightenment of their minds through tho Truth. None others nro wnuted for this "elect" class. Thoso who rightly understand our text could never havo ho misunderstood tho Snvlor's wordH to the dying thief, "Thou shnlt bo with mo lu Pnrndlw." na to aupiKise thnt he meant that t'te penitent thief would be n member of tho "elect" Church, his Julut-hclr lu the Kingdom. Indeed not! Thnt thlof hnd not worked out any anlvntlou! lie will Indeed bo hi Pnrndlse eventunlly. Pnmdlsu will Imj restortnl nnd the whole earth Ikjcoido hb tho Gnrden of Hden under tho Millennial rclgu of Christ coume, would menu nbsoluto perfcc-nnd his "membora," the Church. Hut Hon, so fur nH tho NowCrenturo would ! ie Wna uot "begotten of tho holy bo concerned nud n complelo dendncsa J spirit." Ho wna not "transformed by so far na the ileah Is concerned. With j t10 renewing of his mlud," thnt ho uvery thought cnjitlvuted to tho Lord ,Klt ,)r()v0 the good, ncceptnble nnd tho Individual would never lu nuy ! ,,,.rf,-.f will of God. Ho nover added ncuHo commit sin other thnu tho aln of Ignoruuco or Imperfection. God works lu the minds of his poo plo not nloug, tho lines of raimriacar of tho mlud nfter tho milliner of Satan nnd HioHc wiio nro subject to tils do lualons by hypnotism, etc. God's op eration la tho very rovemo of this. Ho rnllphtrnii tho mind to do his work. Ho displays to our minds gradually light nnd Truth, purity nnd goodncaa lu their true colors, In contrast with sin, lg- to his faith fortitude; nud to fortitude knowledge; and to knowledge temper mice; nud to temperance patience; and ... ...1 . t.. .... ...X.l I I .. .UIU .....1 ... ...1 I I . ..... I lu Mllrilvu kviiiimvt', mill lu uiiiiuvnn brotherly kindness; mid to brotherly kindness love, na the Word assures us I nil must do who would make their call ing nnd election sure (II Peter 1, 10, 11). Wo will not, however, discuss tho thief further, ns wo did so on n pre-1 vlous occasion mid thnt neniion is In nrliif I will I in iiIoiihixI li mull It frit uoniiico nud dclllcmcnt. And In the ; on nost canl n-oiiest. smile worda ho seta beforo us tho great ! xho splrlt-begotten children of God prlzo of glory, honor and linmortnllty i ,.,. ork out their salvation ns Now nnd Jolnt-helmhlp with our Itodeeinor , crcntures in Christ by growth lu grace, lu his Kingdom. Tho Mwer of theso Ami ..rowth In cnice menus crowth In Aopr working In n consecrated mind Is . unowiedge not genernl knowledge, but it enn mnuo ine niiiurauy ; ,10 H)eclnl knowledgo provided by the wonderful. weak strong, tho naturally- timid bold ns n lion. Thin operation upon tho, mind Is n gradual ouo from thu tlmo of our be getting of tho holy Spirit until our chnngo not nil nt once, but gradually, little by little, tho Lord d Li play a to us ono fenturo nfter nnothcr of his won derful Plnti of salvation. Step by step ho shows to the appreciative and oIhhII- out heart the riches of Ids grace, bis loving klndncHB, his tender mercy, tho boundlessness of tils lovu- nud tho ulti mate outworking of hla Divine )owera for tho blessing of nil ot his creatures who will nceept his fnvors on hli own terms. All tho while h leaves us Irco agents to will In hntraooy with his proposition or to reject tt. Ho will coerce no one. uur lom Joans x prcasiHl tho Father's simttmcut lu this mnttor, saying, "Th rattier socketli such to worship lilm na worship tilm In spirit nnd In truth" (John tv, 23). How God Works In Ut to Do. Endeavor to do night nnturally fol lows right willing. Hut this does uot nlgnlfy thnt God completes a work upon our wills tlrst nnd thou begins n fresh work upon us, stimulating us to do right to tho best of our ability. On tho contrary, na through his urovldcuco nnd Word God exercised mi Inlluenco upon our wills through tho knowledgo of his Truth, little by little encli now point of Truth was expected to bo ac knowledged by charts on our part to Lord In his Word. It Is lu full accord with what wo everywhero observo of tho wide-Hpread Ignorance of the Word of God, oven amongst Christians, that tho Scriptures declare, "My people per ish for lack of knowledgo" (Hosen lv. 0). Development In heart, In character, Is necessary to lit us for the future service as "members" of Tho Christ, associated lu his glorious Kingdom work. Our cnll Is to bo kings mid priests that wo may servo tho world of mankind. To prepare us for that service Is tho object of our present cnll mid the trials of faith and pa tience, that by all these, charucter-llke-uess of Christ might bo developed tu us. If wo do theso things wo shall nover fall nnd nu entrouco will bo granted us luto tho everlasting King dom of our Lord mid Savior. If wo do these things heartily they will prove thnt wo nro copies of the Lord Jesus nud It Is tho Dlvlno predestination that only audi ns are copies of God's dear Son shall bo his Jolut-helra in the King dom (ltomiins vlll, 17). SEND A TEXT FOR A SERMON To Pattor Ruttell, Brooklyn Taber naclo, Brooklyn, N. Y. Pastor Itu'ssell will bo glad to hnve n post card from such of our renders ns nro Interested lu his weekly ds couraea and havo received some bless ing from them. Suggest topics for do God's will to tho extent thnt tho i uext yonr'a Mormons, nnd mention this now will was ublo to control tho lin norfoct. body. Wo may sufoly con clude that ench step In rlght-ieflm must bo frllowod by a step In light- tlttlmj beforo another Item of grace and Truth would bo grunted im u basis for additional willing and then additional doing. Thus, iih wo wnlk by tlrst put ting ono foot forward nnd then tho othor repeatedly, so thu New Creature wnlka or progresses by llrst willing nnd next doing tho Lord's good pleas ure to tho extent of bin ability. As surely oh. tho right-willing Is tho result of Dlvlno operation In tho ro ronllng of Truth, so also Is the right- .fmn-uilf Pastor Itussnll hns laid In u supply of little booklets containing tho beau tiful poem, "Tho Sweet Niior l!oe." Ho proposes sending one of these as his r.;ioii.iii fo the (list thirty of our readers heard from. To tho sender of tho flrnt card received and to tho send ers of tho three most Interesting curds, ho will instead mall a beautiful cellu loid book-mnrk, heart-shaped, bearing two texts of Scrlpturo and n photo gravure picture of tho S,nvor, copied from mi Emerald intaglio found In tho Vntlcnn Library nnd supposed to havo been executed In the fourth century. ml THE RIDE TO CANDY TOWN BY ROBERT DONNELL COfYW&HT, lW. UY AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION W2 When Charley rode to Candy Town Astride a Teddy bear, He looked in wonder up and down With many a hungry stare, For all the streets were named for sweets, A.nd, oh, so many there 1 ! Medford Iron Works E. G, TROWDRfDGE, Proprietor. t t Foundry and Machinist All l7v of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t tchlncry Agents In Southern Oregon for t t FAIRBANKS. MOPSE &. CO. 1 J. E. ENYART, President J. A. PERKY, Vico-Prosideat. JOHN S Oivm. Cashier W. U. JACKSON, Ass't Cashier. They entered town by Gumdrop road, Where all the candy shops Were stuffed as full as any toad With most delicious drop's. As Charley glanced he almost danced, While Teddy licked his chops. They turned a corner, when, in view, 1 Before their very eyes, Came Chocolate Bonbon avenue, Which filled them with surprise, For every shop was a chocolate drop Of most amazing size. But on they went with even jog, Since shops are not to eat, And soon they passed, with eyes agog, Through Peanut Brittle street, And every brick was a peanut stick And doubtless very sweet I But Teddy trotted right ahead Through Candy Kisses way, Though Charley pulled his ears and said: "Hold on a mmute stay i THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. We solicit your patronage. RESOLVED The best resolution for you to make is to come to us for your nest suit, if you want something out of the ordinary. We do tho best work and charge the lowest prices. W. W. EIFERT THE PSOQRJKSeiVE TAILOR In Case of vSicKness, PHONE 3641 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Olfice All Night Service Free Delivery Lemme gei down an' eat this town. 111 finish up today!' That Teddy bear plugged straight along Until he chanced to see, Surrounded by a merry throng, A great big Christmas tree. "Now I can climb and have a time," Says Ted. "Hooray for me!" As Teddy started climbing up His passenger slid down . And struck the bedroom floor kerplup," And in his nightie gown ! Now, wasn't that a sorry bat To get in Candy Town ? But, after all, the town was there. When Charley oped his eyes, Fligh up the tree was Teddy bear, Of real riding size, And candy sweets from all the streets A Christmas paradise! WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINJiiililXGr AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. IB. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs m REAL ESTATE Farm Land Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, JaGkson County Bank Building J For the Best IN THE LINE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FIXTURES, WIRING WJD DYNAMO REPAIRING SEE MEDFOPD'S PREMIER ELEC TRICIANS. FLYNN BROS. 132 WEST MAIN STREET.