Medford Mail Tribu Third Section Pages 17 to 24 FOURTH YEAR. MEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1909. No. 233. IN MEDFORITS SOeiAL REALM "Ilk r B "j Tlio Imiut. of Mr Mm. J. F Illlli'llllHOII. OIhou Ml "((!, WHM til'-' H i-ti' til n inoKt Vt'ipy KfttliiM Iiik nil W '.'i"(iliw iti'hliiK, ttlii'ii tho cm plnyt'H of tlio lliitcliimoii ('(miihiiiv'n morn woro ttn t it ultHMl. Tlio nrtltttlc now homo or tlio IIiitdifiHOUH, which Ih liullt on colonial Hues, with open HtiilroiiKo anil hiinilMoiiio fill I it roil nrcliOH rtiniifflliiK tlio largo living room, tho don iitul dining room, tunic ItiK a HpncloiiM reception hull, Ih woll adapted to tlio liiformnl ontortnlri im on t of k'uohIh,' nuuHNliiK gnuies call t ii K for quick thought mid ready wit worn played mul iiiuhIo was enjoyed throughout tlio evening. Mr, Hutch (iHoti favoring with two hoIoh. At It o'rloek Mm. HtitchiiHon, iihhIhIciI by Mm. I'nyiui mul Mm. lion Harnett, nerved ilollclotiH fruit Kiilml. coffw niKl iiitiiil;ln pin. Tli oho presont wore-: Mr, and Mm. (.'. W. Zorn. Mr. ml Mm. Will In tn Itrulimnl. Mr. mul Mm. II. T. Miliar. Mr. mul Mm. Albert Koliltiftoii, Ml ihi Ague ItohortBOii, Mlm A. M. I'Uhftr, MIhh Inn Good hk, Mli Oiiitrudu Smith, MIhh Jen Hlo Wood of AiOilnud, MIhh Jnnc WIN mm, Mm. Mary Payne, Mr. mul Mm. K. K. Ooro, Mr. mul Mm, Him Gnr nott, Mr. mul Mm. John Bollinger, Mr. I. Mnnroo of Kan FrnncUco, Mr. mul Mm. J n no n Ottlugor, Master Myrlo (laructt. Tlio hopltnblo homo of Mr, mul Mm. II. C. Kontnor wnu thrown open Tliurvilny evening to tlio tnomhom of tlio Lnillcn' Guild of St, Mnrk'H Epl copal church, unit tholr husbnndn, and a most delightful evening of nodal convomo wnu much enjoyed. Card tnlitcH woro provldol and those? who wliihcd to piny had tbnt opportunity. Mr. Fletcher Kink nceompnnlod hy Mm, Durnhnm, wn heard In n woll rendered vocal nolo, whllo Mr. For tlsquo, nccompnnlod by Mr. Chnrlos Hnztdrlgg, nlso plonnod with vocal numhom. i.tlss Durnhnm gnvo sov oral plnno HolcctlnnH thnt woro much onjoyod. Mm. Kontnor wnu niwlittcd by Mm. DoiiUloii, Mm, William Al denhagen, Mm. A. L. Elflonhnrt nnd Mm, Mouldor, Tho pronenco of n Inrgo numbor of rocontly arrived mombom of tlio church nnd congre gation added to tho plonnuro of tho 0 von I hk. XMAS EXERCISES At h Churchrs All thn plttirrhei of the city nro busy with iirtparntlons for Stttidny school flxprc'ttofl nt Mio rn.'aufl places of worship on C'hrlstmnH ovo, and In most cnsoH tho tlmp-honored tree, with Snntn Claim and a ChrUtuuiB troo, preroded by a program of np proprlnto roiirh nnd rocltntlonn, will bo tho form of ontcrtnlnmont chos on. Tho chlldron soom to ntnmp such it proRrnm with approval nnd lutorost thnt ilbon not wnvor from yonr to year, nnd oven Rrownupa, especially thoso havliiK chlldron of tholr own, or eonfOHHltiR to nn lutorost In other pco plo'M, ontor Into tho spirit of tlio affnlr with youthful r.ost, At tho Clii'lHtlan church Miss Era Turnoy nnd her nsHlstantB aro propnr Iiijj n pla,v, "Ih Santa ClnuH n Fraud?" thnt Ir proRrosBliiK woll. Thoro nro many chnrnctom, cnlllnR for unlquo nnd plcturefl(iio costumes Snntn OlnuR, tho officers of tho court, Fnth- or Tlino, Tho Bnndninn, Plorrot. .Tnck o'l.nntorn, nnd mnny others, bcRldeB a chortiB of chlldron, will bo thcro nnd a hnppy ovonliiR nBHiirod. Tho ProHbylorlnn church will rIvo a enntntn, "An Intorruptod ProRrnm," thnt Ih full of snappy hiuhIo and quaint dlnlofiiio. Mlsn Allco KIdor, nsHlnlod by 0. A. Wonvor, Will Wntt, MIhh I.nrrnlno Hilton nnd Mm, W, F. ShloIdR, linn ohargo of tho proRram, Mm. McNnry and Mth, WIiipb, with tho nsslHtanco of MIbh Mlnulo Carey, linvo chnrRo of tho oxorclscH nt tho MothodlBt Kplscopal church. Aftr n proRrnm of music nnd rocltatlonii San ta Claim will dltitiihuto tho Rlftfl from a larRo troo. Tho samo plnn of ox orclHo will bo Rlvon nt tho Hnptlst church undor tho direction of tho bu porlntondont, Mr, II. 0. Onrnott, with MIhh Alma Martin to drill tho chil dren In tholr hours nnd rcltntlonn. Tho principal Intoreat of tho Cath olic church contom In tho colobratlon of IiIrIi inauH at mldnlRht on Christ inns ovo and In tho preparation lf tho ChrlHtnmn, tro0 for tho momborfl of tho church nnd coagreRation, na Tho Kdiuroun hoHpItallty of tho. (Centner homo ban linen greatly iiiIhm-I ed filiico tho destruction of tholr beautiful hoinu several montlui ngo by flic, nnd which much' Hympnttiy , Iiiih boon oxprc'KHod to tho family In tholr Ion nnd tho nhock of tho din iiMtor. Mnny wordM of congrntuln tloii wor0 hoard Thurmlny oveiilng on tho promptt.oHH with which tho now Iioiiho wnn built nnd iiIho upon tho dn. Huh of bolng no comfortnbly Bot tled In It. Tho Schubert Symphony gtmrtot which wnn hoard Wednesday evening at tho high hcIiooI uudttorliim gave, it i;ood prot:rnm boforo n rniall audi ence that iiii'do up In appreciation what It lacked In numhom. Tho Chi cago Symphony qunrtet Ih nn orpin Izntlon of ninny yenm' HtnndliiK mid wliln tho personnel of tho company elmiiRCH troin year to your. It Ht 111 maintain tli reputation of giving flmt-cJniw outortnliimoiitfl. Tli regular nodal of ItonniB chap tr. O, E. S.. which was chodulod to tnko place WodneHiIny evening, De cember 23, ha been indefinitely poHt ponod licoaiiHi) of tho protts of duties Incident to th holiday. Mm. II, ('. Kontnor Is tho chairman of tho rommltteo. Tho mombom of tho GhryBnntho niuin Clrclo hold ono of thlr delight ful HocInU TucHdny ovenlnn nt Wood men hall. An nppctlilnfl lunch was served and Minn Inoxz Hoyt ontor talned with piano Detections. Tho commlttoo: Mm. M. 13. Pnyno, Mm. (IcorKo Parker, Mrs. Hockcnyos, Mm. Merrlmnn, Mm. Motcalf and Mm. IlonclhurRor. In testimony of tho high catoom In which Hov. 0, I.oroy Hall, fortnor paRtor of tho Hnptlnt church of this city, and hla wife aro hold by a larRO cliclo of friends, a fnrowoll rocop t Ion thnt filled tho church was ten dered thorn Wednesday ovonitiR. Tho church wnn offcctlvoly decorated with cvorRrcon by tho morabcm of tho One Hundred club, who had chnrgo of tho nrranKomonts. Hov, C, H. MclCee, colporteur for southern Oro roii, presided and Mrs, II. 13. Marsh rendered a piano solo with pleasing well as tho c'tlldrnn, on Sunday nftcr noon about 2 o'clock in tho church hall In Iho rrni of tho church Ban tu Clans will bo thoro with glfta for nil, while tho tondor lessons tntiRht by tho birth of th0 Chrlst-chlld will bo ImpreBsod, j mo r.pibcopai ciiurcu, noi ticnir- Inn to Intorforo with tho family ob servances of tho sacred holiday, will hold tho' Sunday school exorcises, con sisting of bIiirIiir of enrols, thp troo mid distribution of Rifts, on Tuesdny, Decombor 28, holy Innocents dny. Special inuslo for tho roRiilnr Sab bnth Horvlco Is boliiR prepared undor tho direction of Mr. Chnrlos Hnzol rlRR, tho momliorH of tho chnolr bolus ns follows: SoprnnoH, Mrs. Chnrlen . Rov. W. F. Shields of tho Presbyto IlnzolrlRR, Mlsn Edna Elfort: nltos, frlnn church offered prnyor, after Mrs. F. E. Pngo, Miss Durnhnm; ton- which tho guests wcro nt enso. or, Air. iiuuri uuiiboii, oir, r iviuur Fish; bass, Mr, Kd Audrows, Mr. Orvlllo Johnson, Tho MothodlBt Eplscopnl church, South, Is propnrlug n Hpoclnl program of HongB mid recitations by tho Sun day school to bo followoil by n "Mng- lo Troo." Tho pnstor, Hov,, W. T. (louldor, will pronch n Ohrlstmns eor mon Decombor 2G, nnd tho chold will rrndor npproprlnto nnthoins. Tho Chrlstlnn Sclonco church con flnos Hh public obsorvnnco of Chrlst nlna to tho giving of tokens of ro mombrnnco to tho chlldron of tho Sunday school, by tho Individual tonchor of oaoh clnHS on tho Sunday following ChrlHtmnB, Sho Hptritunl monnlng of Chrltifa birth Is carofully Bnrooklyn, N. Y ontltlod "Just tnught md nn effort Ih mndo to avoid ChrlBtmns," thnt wns much enjoyed, tho hurry mul unrest Incidont to tho Tho momborfl prosont thon rospond UHiinl observnnco of tho dny, In thlsjod with ChrlBtmns quotations, Tho Christian SclcntlntH nro In lino with regular mooting will bo omittod noxt Hom0 of tho most ndvnnoed mul un Bolflsh thought ot tho dny. Tho truo obsorvnnco of tho birth, ot Christ lies In tho Hplrlt of "Pno on nrth, good will townrd mon," thnt Bhould por vndo tho hoart of Chrlstondom, tho mothod of working out Is mnttor ot early training, conformity to custom mul Individual temporninont. I effect. An nddrosa was given by Mr. McKco Ir, Khlch ho paid high trlbuto to both Rev. and Mrs. Hall's offlcloncy and loynl sorvtco in tho church nnd to tholr unselfish devo tion to tho cnuso. In closing ho pre sented Mr. Hnll n purpo ns n token of lovo nnd npproclntion from tho former parlshlonors. In responding, Mr. irtill spoko feollngly of tho pleas ant rolntioiiB h hnd . enjoyed horo, thanking each and all for ovory klnd 11038. Mm. Hnll nlso 3poko n fow words, concluding lth a rending, "The I.lRhthoiiBo Keopor Jim." After sluRlng "Blest Bo tho Tie Thnt Binds" Mr. Hall leaves for Mnrshtlold, Or., hla now chnrgo, next week, carrying with hi m tho best wishes ot n host of frlonds. Tho Wcdnosdny Study club hold Its rcgulnr mooting Wednesday nftornoon ,nt tho homo of Mrs, James Cnmpboll on Wost iaiovonth stvoot, Tho lend ing pnpor of tho nftornoon wiih rend by Mrs. R. K. Gnlo on tho subject, "Tho Giving That Is Gnlnlng," nnd wns full of beautiful Bonttmont suit ed to tho nppronch of Christmas, Mrs, Vj. B. Plckol nlso rond nn Interest ing nrtlclo from tho current numbor of tho Cosmopolitan. Rov. Dwlght Novlllo Hlllls of tho Plymouth church, wook bocauso of tho holidays, Do- combor 29 tho club will moot with Mrs. F. W. IIoIIIb, the Bubjoct bolng "Paris." Miss Mnrlon Fostor, who hno rocontly onjoyod a dollghttul trip nhrond, will glvo tho loaillng paper, which promlsea to ho full ot porson al romlntsconcoa thnt will provo in-torestlng, A piano rtcltnl ot mor than usunl lutorost la proiuisd by the slstom ot . . .... ' St. Mary's aendemy next Tuesdaj , evening, December 22, whon they will, presont a class of pupils in their first public recital. Heretoforo It has not i been customary to mnke any chnrgo for pupils' rccltats, but desiring to jcreato a fund for tho library, and I mnko tmmedlnto nddltlons to tho . number of books suited to tho neods ,of pupils of high school grade an admission of 25c will bo chnrgod nt tlio door, 'mo program wm oo u - versified by the rendition or reel ' . . . i .,. . . . ... .t. intions nnu n uu oi qauKt-u i"iu;, ontltlod "Ma Dusonborry and Hor0 XrowbridBe nnd MrSi Humphrey. Genrls," will no doubt provo highly, Tho noxt meoUng wm take place at amusing, ino menus oi uie scuooi aro Invited to attend. ! -I I Tho Flvo Hundred club mot nt thoj i homo of Mrs. Jesso Houch, 29 Now- town street, Friday nftornoon. Tho;lnnd first prize, a hnndsomo burnt woodi ' ... plntiue. wns wono by Mrs. J. F. MPf Colo IIoim03i who ontored Hutchnsou, nnd tb second, n oas.'lVMman collego Inst fall, has return- narrow uanu omoroiuorou Vm uu- Ion, ovor yeiiow sntm, wuu umniy rufflo of lnco,,wns won by Mrs. H. E. Boydon. Tho club will hold no ChrlstinnB, but Friday, Docombor 31, Mrs. Hoyden will be hostess nud tho husbnnds of tho members will bo on tertniucd, . Tho Men's club of tho Prosbyto rinn church hold ono of their on .oyftbl nwetlngs at tho church Tues day ovenlng, A bnnquet wns sorved in tho parlom of tho church, nhout 3." Bitting down to tho woll filled nnd nttrnctlvoly lnld tnblo. Mr. Pot tor pavo nn address on the subject, 'Apple (Jrowing In New York," and Mr. H. II. Tuttlo spoko on tho Y. M. 0. A. Mr. William Field gavo sovornl numbora on both or gan and plnno thnt nddod much to tho pleaauro of tho oveutng, Tho club has arranged with Rov. Q. Leroy By EH5K1NE VL10Z. (Copyright, li09, by American Prif Ao-clatlon.J BLITHESOME mold, divine ly fair, Stepped, thoughtless, 'neath the mistletoe Hung high above the car pet square, While out of door fell fleecy mow. Heighho! Eeighho! Burprited beneath the mistletoe I ,HE did not know she wa so near The kiss provoking mis tletoe. The bough upon the chan delier Was deftly fixed, but not too low. . Oh, no! Oh, no! In ambush was the mistletoe. ft T7fiT in thn mrii anil taMrt caught, She showed no sudden haste to go. Two victims with a single thought Are brave beneath tho mistletoe. Just so! Just so! The courage-giving mistletoe! ITH cheeks suffused a rosy red That shamed the holly's livid glow She held aloft her charm ing head, The lawful kiss did not forego, And, lo! And, lo! That kiss beneath the mistletoe! Hall, wha leaT?? next week for V new pastorate ut Madshfield, Or., to glte a Rl!y rid!ng lo: tlio beajfll f boforj h- dcrarturc ... ' Tho bi.monthly cnrd rcrty ot tno s.vnBt,i(Il eIl.b hoIJ illftS,iav nft- ernoon nt th ohotno ot Mre L. o. portori 610 East Mnjn street. Nino tnbles of brl(,g nnd ((vo hundred were p,nye(, aml about 45 lndIea wero prosonti Tho ,nost elnbornto limch yet 8erved nt thls serlea of partics wn9 mado n foaturo of tho a(ter. inoon. Mm. Porter was assisted by her dnuEhtor. Miss Lulu Porter. Mrs. E. tho homo of Mr8 j D Hoard Qn Sg, kiyou Heights Jnnunry 4, 1910. Mrs VancQ Colv,B lmg roturnod , t . 80Vprn, wpok9 , Aoh. od to Modford nnd will ngnge In en- glnoorlng work. Dr. E. B. Plckol hns been in Port land on n short business trip during tho pnst wook. Mr, nnd Mrs, E. C. Gnddls return ed Tuosdny night from Portland, whoro Mr. Gnddls waa iu attendance nt tho mooting ot tho Stato Dairy men's association. Mrs. Fred Hopkius Is visiting hor slstor, Mm. Charles Henry Noblo, of Seattle Morlo Kollocg Is tho guest ot his aunt, Mrs. John Barneburg, Tenth street. . . Tho first mooting ot the Juvenile Dancing club, consisting of 50 mar ried mou and. tholr wives, was hold Wodnosday ovonlng at Anglo's opera jhouso with th Hnzolrlgc orcheHtrn" t To inri rn r'-i!' ". Jiiuging irom mo , "f f!at wa et, Borne lively fun will tako place In this crowd this winter. Th0 membership list, which hnn liefn limited to GO, is already :"Aci and a waiting list of a dozen Mm. Burnett's bothqr, Mrs. E. J. or sa has been started. The next Seam, Friday, meeting will bo hold at Angle's hall j Wednesday, January 5. Tho revised At tho meeting of the public 11 membcrshlp list is as follows: (brary board Wednesday evening at F. C, Page, F. E. Merrick, W. I. tho office of tho city attorney, Por- Vawter, J. M. Keene, II. L. Piatt, II. N. Butler, J. O. Goble, E. E. Goro, elected president, Mm, B, Tholss bcc A. S. Rosenbaum, L. E. Wakenan, fetary and Mrs. F. W. Hollls treas W. C. Harmon, W. F. Turner, J. It. uror. Woodford, F. W. Hollis, F. W. Mc- Mrs F. E. Merrick and Mrs. F. W. Gowan, W. C. Aldenhagen, P. J. Neff,; Hollls ware appointed to solicit sub James Campbell, Dr. R. E. Galo, H. 'RcriptlonB of leading periodicals and C. Kentner, Walter Kentner, Sam also to arrange for tho purchase ot Richardson, A. H. Miljer, Mr. Da-, necessary shelves, book casos and ta vis, M. Purdln, IT. G. Nicholson, P. J. blca to accommodate th0 contemplat O'Gara, J. E. Watt, E. D. Elwood, ' ed additions to tho library. A stand W. F. Isaacs, D. B. Russell. Chnrlos ing book committee, consisting Mr. HazelrlRg, Will Warner. J. F. Roddy, 'J- E. Wood, Mrs. Ed Androwa and II. C. Stoddard, Homer Rothermel, V.JMrs. Thelss, was also appointed. Sov J. Emerlck, William Gerlg, R. F. An-j end public spirited citizens, among tie, J. S. Orth, Dr. Shearer, W. C. ! whom aro Ed Endraws, W. I. Vawter, Green, Bort Anderson. .Mrs. Kirby Miller' and Mrs. A. E. i Woolverton, have made liberal dona Tho newly olectod officers of the Hons of books and periodicals that Pythian Slaters, which were elected i are much appreciated. Wcdnosdny nteht, are: Most oxcellent During his absonco in the oast John chief. Mrs. I. L. Hamilton; most ex-;R. Allen will endeavor through a pcr cellent Junior chief, Mm. A. C. Hub-sonal endeavor with Andrew Carne bard; most excellent senior chief, gte to Interest him in th0 -offor.ta of JIlss Edna Eifert; ' manager. Miss ' the Greater Medford club 'to estab Elhel Cox; mistress of R. and C, sh a strong library here. Tho la Mrs. Ben Trowbridge; mistress of ft- dies have conducted a somewhat vol nanco, Mm. J. F. Hutchason; pro- uminous correspondence with Mr. tector, Mrs. Wallace Woods; guard, Carnegie and fcave entertained high Mis. J. A. Perry. hopes of securing from him a gen- s , erou3 gift. The entertainment given at the 1 Mr- and Mr3- M: rtelclue' who T.r,hVfrinn ohnrrh Mnniiv vf.nlnirlare interested in Rogue River or- Lundcr tho auspices of tho local W. C. T. U. was a very pleasant affair, net-. "U"B " ttng tho ladles about $25. The ma-,J 0CCUPy tho clubhouse at Gold Jor part of the program consisted ot RaI' ' recitations by Mm. Wheeler of Cot-' 1 j, tage Grove; musical numbers were, Dr- ad ' d'n- rendered by Mrs. Delia Jones, MIss'ncr hosts at the Nash Grill Monday Eva Turaey, Rev. G. Leroy Hall, and hvs ,the,r g"estfl f" Mr McGee ' and s ' ' Forlcscue RoT m Ham Lucas, Archdeacon Chambers The W. C. T. U. will hold regular and Mre- Mabel Ray' business meetings on tho second the fourth Thursday ot esch month. Messrs. Whendon BIddle. Elliott CO-OPERATION .Elbort Jamestown, North Dakotn. is three hundred nnd forty-four miles fct of St. Paul on the Northern Pncific railroad. It is n tvnicnl. thriving little city of tho iip-to-dnto vnriety, where any person who hustles nnd uses his skypieeo catches nil wolves thnt sniff around his door, skins them, sends their pelt to tnnrket nnd pookots tho proceeds. As our train drew into Jnmcftown nnd slowed up nt the depot I snw n liirht thnt gladdened my nenrt xor n month and n dny. Thrills nro senrco to tho sensoned Imrn-stormor, nnd seldom do you seo a nniquo nnd forgetttablo thing for tho first time. And here is whnt I snw nt the station nt Jamestown, North Dakota: A flower garden, of sny nn nore, nil divided up itno littlo beds, where blossomed in rollicking beauty nil of tho old-fnshioned flowers that used to bloom in my mother's garden out in Old MeLenn County. But flower gardens nro every where, vo sny. Wait n moment, there, neighbor, not quite so fust. As I wns saying, it wns n regulnr spnngle of multicol ored bonuty. And scattered around in that Clod's hnlf noro woro fully fifty boys nnd girls, of sny from six to ton years old. They hnd water ing pots, hoes, rakes and shovels, nnd woro working awny quito obvi ous nud iudifforont to tho incoming train, Children fit itno a flower garden liko birds nnd butterflios. The child belongs on tho ground, and tho child nt work with heads and hands, hap py nnd intont, is an inspiring sight. So thoro they wero right closo along tho railroad track tho chil dren and tho flowors. I stood and stared. Then I found my tongue, and nsked a man on, an oxprosa, wagon what this nil meant. : " " Dnggctt nnd Conro Flero have gono east to spend tho holidays with rela tives in Minnesota and Illinois. Dr. It. T. Burnett, wife and daugh ter of Jacksonville wcro guests ot ter J. Neff, Mr. W. I. Vawtor was chard property, are recently from Tuesday evening Mr. John R. Allen f e a small dinner at the Nash Grill that wa3 a very pleasant affair. His (Continued on page 24.) Hubbard Ho smiled and answered, "Thnt, uiuier, Is vlHoieanlru. T'm 'iid belong to iho railroad. Tho rallrond company supply tho seeds and tools, and they pay that over thero for sup erintending the garden ind teaching tho chiidron." I And my friend jerked his thumb toward a littlo woman, tho only adult in tho garden, down on her knees, showing two girls and three boys how to pull out tho weeds without injur ing tho plants. 1 Now, I do not know tho woman's name. I do not know whether she is married or single. All I know 13 that a groat railroad comoration, in this grasping nud selfish nge, nt this pnrticular point, is co-oporntiug with the publio school in the mnttor of school gardens. That tho garden is a decided success wns nppnront. jThnt tho children wero hnppy waa equally sure. Thnt tho littlo woman on hor knees pulling weeds hnd found hor work wns proven by her henlthy, smiling sunburnt face, "Who origiunted this rnilrond gar don?" I nsked tho littlo womnn. "Nobody in particular," sho snid. "Tho rnilrond laid out tho grounds nud then I wrote to tho division sup erintendent of teh rond nsking if wo could lot tho children help. Ho an swered yes, providod I would boo thnt thoy did no dnmngo. Then I wont to work with a fow of tho chil dren. Ono dny tho president of tho railroad enrao through nnd saw what I wns doing, nnd he gnvo orders without my nsking, thnt I should bo put on tho pay roll as station florist at twenty-five dollars n month. Tho school bonrd pays mo the same, so you 6ee I nm very fortunate." Tho boll clanged, the whistle toot ed twico and I ran to catch my train. Why not seo if some such eo-opo?-ation cannot bo. secured forMedford with tfiTSofitiiSrn PaclfiST!