10 THEMEDPORD MAIL TRIBUNE, aCEDFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1009. i CHRISTMAS AND THE WHITE GOOSE By ELLA M. PLATT. tCoprrlRht, 1909, by Amorlcnn Prs Asso ciation. kllB little boy nnd the little girl ant nt tbo bronkfn&t tnble eat ing oatmcnl nml milk. Their iwiw mm to their mam- mn: "A. Christmas goose is the best thing there Is. This year wo must hare n Christmas goose." v The little girl looked un at the little boy and smiled, and the little boy smiled back. ' After breakfast tho little girl and the little boy put on their caps and coats nud mit tens and stnrted off for the barn yard. They met big. old, fat duck. "Are you the Christmas goose?" asked the little girl, Tho big, old. fat duck shook her head. xncy met a big, old, fat hen. "Are you the Christmas goose?" asked the little boy. But the big. -rcrrtNa the wiikatu old. fat hen on toe goose. shook her head. They met a big, old, fat guinea ben. "Are you the Christmas goose?" ask ed the little boy. The big. old, fat guinea hen shook Jicr head. t They met a big, old, fat whlto goose. "Arc you tho Christmas goose?" ask ed the little glrL And the big, old. fat white goose nodded her head and fluffed her feath ers and stepped proudly with her flat, yellow, webbed feet. "Ob, goody!" snouted the little boy. "We're found oar Christmas goose al ready." "Oh, oh. oh I know something," said the little girl, and she ran to tho 'house Just ft fast as tha could go. 'And when she coma back she had a lovely little holly wreath tied with beautiful long rod and green ribbons. They put the wreath over the head of the Christmas goose, and each held one of the ribbons. Tho Christmas pooso waddled along produly. Tho quinea hens piped, the ducks quacked and the hens clucked when they saw Ibis fine sight. t The littlo boy and tho little girl led and drove the proud Christmas eooso out of tho lmraynrd to tho green grovo where nil the littlo Christmas trees grow. "Wo must have a Christmas tree for our Clu-lstinas goose." said the little girl. "Vos, yes, Christmas goose," said tho littlo boy, "you wait right hero for us. Don't you muss your holly wreath, nud dou't you muss your ribbons." The proud Christmas goose waddled gently to show how careful slio would be. The little boy and the little girl ran away fast to get the things for tho Christmas tree. Tho little girl brought back some cars of red nud yellow corn and n bunch of wheat aud barley bends and n pocketful of onts. The little boy brought back two cab bages and a yellow pumpkin nud some grain. The Christinas goose became so excited when she saw these things that she waddled too fast. "Walt a minute, Christmas goosel" cried the little boy, nnd he placed his things on the ground near the tree. "It isn't quite time, Christmas goose," cried the little girl, aud sho fasteued her things ou the tree. "Now, Chrl.xtmas goose," said the lit tie girl, "we will go and Invite all your menus to coma nnd seeourbenu' tlful tree." So the littlo girl picked up her ribbon, nnd tho little boy picked up his rib bon, and they led and drovo tho Christmas gooso back to tho barn yard. But it was hard work, for tho Christmas gooso wanted to turn her head all tho Uxno to look at the Christmas tree. At the b&rn yard all the "coiiE. see oun chickens nnd all cnmsTUAs treeI" the ducks and all the guinea hens stood still to admire the uu Christmas goose In her holly wreath and ribbons. "Oh, chickens?" said the littlo boy. "Oh, ducks!" said tho little glrL "Oh. guinea hens!" said the little boy, f we THE HIST FUN OP AM raked her head every few minute to shako her holly wreath. Papa aud mamma enmu out to see thcui. "Heigh-ho! What's this?" said papa. "Mercy! What's all this?" said mamma. "This Is Nhe Christmas gooso!" shouted the little boy. 'And tho Christinas goose's Christ mas tree!" said tho little girl. "And the Christmas goose's friends!" said the little boy. "Yes, nud It Is qulto true, pnpn." said tho little girl. "A Christmas gooso Is tho best thing thero Is! Why, a Christmas goose Is Just lots of fun!" "Yes. mamma." said the little boy, "a Christmas gooso Is tbo best fun of all." WOMAN. A Mystery Thai Kuep Man Eternally on tho Quen, "When woman has censed to bo a mystery she will cease to bo of special Interest to man," said one among tho loveliest of Iter sex, and she Is able to speak as oiu having authority, for bIio Is comely nnd has been alive long enough to know whereof sho speaks. And, cotno to think of It, bIiu Is about rlght-sho In right. It Isn't because woman makes of herself a mystery, she's a mystery In spite of herself. .ml nature alone, being tnnu'H superior on earth, seems to bo playing woman so as to keep man ever guessing, for as soon us he has succeeded in Hwurlug out one of her equations she hands him another, nnd so ou, and on. At tlrst the young man thinks ho knows all about all women, but by tho time his looks begin to whiten ho Is ready to concede that ho doesn't even know all about one. Or do you know all about tier? To tho laddie they aro all klssable. or nearly all. but as timo passes the klssable list shortens and'shortens un til nt last well, you may answer for yourself, but no doubt It Is qulto short unless you belong to tho promiscuous brotherhood. I'lttaburgUnzette-Ttmes. The Moon. The moon's mean distance from tho earth la 237.000 miles. When It Is at the perigee nearest point It Is 223,000 miles and when at tho apogee far thest point more than 251.000 miles from tho earth. The actual diameter Is estimated at 2.153 miles, or a littlo less than three-elevenths of the earth's diameter. The moon's volume Is therefore about ono forty-ninth that of the earth, and its mass la ono eighty-eighth of the earth; consequent ly tho force of gravity Is so much less at lta Btirfnre Minn It In nt tha onrth'a "Come, see our Christmas tree!" said that a hodv woltrhlmr 1 00ft tho little girl. I nounda hero would welch on tho moon jluu uuc&ens ciuc&cu, aim me uuco ontT 1(vj nnnnda. quaciccu. aua lue guinea neus pipcu. and they all spread themselves out In a Ions row and ran around and around and arc and after tha little girl and tho Uttlo boy driving their Christmas goose. The little boy and the little girl scattered corn aud wheat uud ouU .11 K - - 1 rtA..n.t . 1 . nv Christmas tree. The chicken nnd tho ducks and tbo guinea hens ate and ate and ate. ntc, too, but she nte very proudly and t One Who Knew. "Does any one In tho class," asked the teacher, "know tbo origin of tbo corn laws?" "Yes, ma'am," answered tho shaggy haired pupil. 'They were written by John Bunion." Chicago Tribune. There In no kllllnt h misnlrlrin thnt ' The Christmas goose deceit has once begotten. Eliot. I Tho littlo pooplo aro usually afraid of tho dark, and a light bod room glvos thorn confldonco. But a bod room llchtod by opon flamo mothods takos away from tho so curofoolingof tho paronts. Uso oloctrlclty for light and thoro will bo no dangor of flro to tho tiny onos. Thoy can turn It off and on wlthoutdangor. Send for tho man NOW. Rogue River Electric Co. X M A S BUYER ATTENTION sifjll Let Us Supply Your Wants Our-Stock is New and Crisp and the Largest in the City N V we Aim to satisfy A PURCHASE AT OUR STORE WILL SATISFY YOU YOU WILL BE SHOWN TllE GREATEST CONS I D E RATION AND COURTESY WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. OUR PRICES ARE OF THE KIND THAT NEED NO MENTION. OUR NAME IS OUR GUARANTEE. , 1 Van DeCar&Jasmann MANUFACTURING JEWELERS Phipps Bldg. Medford, Or. mas Bargain Sale The Most in Value W.BJeeker S Co. Goods Delivered Everywhere THESE LAST PEW DAYS ARE S P E C I A L BARGAIN DAYS. WE ARE THANKFUL FOR A PHENOMENAL YEAR'S BUSINESS AND FULLY REALIZE THAT THE MAGNIFICENT VOLUME OF TRADE WHICH HAS PASS ED THROUGH OUR DOORS T II I S P A S T TWELVE MONTHS HAS .BEEN IADE POSSIBLE ONLY BY TJHC CONTINUED GOOD WILL OF THE PEOPLE OF TINS CITY AND VICINITY. THOUGH WE HAVE STRAINED EVERY NERVE AND USED EVERY" .HONORABLE MEANS AT OUR COMMAND TO BUILD UP THIS BUSI NESS, ITS GROWTH HAS RESULTED WHOLLY AND SOLELY FROM THE GENEROUS SUPPORT O F T n E GOOD PEOPLE OF THIS FAVORED COMMUNITY. AS EVIDENCE OF CONTINUED EFFORT, WE HEREWITH PUBLISH 'A LIST OF SOME OF THE STRONGEST VALUES WE HAVE EVER OFFERED TO THE TRADING PUBLIC OF THIS COMMUNITY REAL BAR GAINS, WHICH YOU WILL BE THANKFUL FOR AND WHICH WE ARE SURE WILL PROVIDE US WITH A CROWDED HOUSE RIGHT UP TO CHRISTMAS EVE. READ CAREFULLY EVERY ITEM MENTIONED, AND COME EXPECT IN O TO SEE MANY MORE. The Best in Quality W.HJeekerSCo. Mail Orders Carefully Filled $10.00 value Silk Petticoats, on sale $5.00 $1.50 and $1.75 Kid Gloves, ono sale $1.25 Fancy Tailored Suits on sale at 1-3 and 1-2 regular prices Men's Fancy Socks, put up in Christmas boxes, special, box ,. $1.25 Ladies' Fancy Crepe do Chine Scarfs, on sale..$1.25 to $3.50 Holiday Umbrellas, put up in Christmas boxes, values up to $8.50, sale $3.50 and $5.00 Special prices in Men's Four-in-Hand Neckties 25c to 50c $2.00 Black Silk Taffeta, for suits, on sale, yard $1.50 Ladies' Fine Swis Handkerchiefs, 50 values... .35c and 25c 50c Silk Phoenix Mufflers, sale 35c $.10.00 and $7.50 Silk Mcssalino Waists, on sale $5.00 Suit Cases 1-4 off LADIES' WINTER CLOAKS AT SACRIFICE PRICES. SEE THEM. WE HAVE aiANY OTHER GREAT BARGAINS, AND THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE LINE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. REMEMBER THAT SANTA CLAUS WILL BE FOUND AT THIS STORE TO WELCOME THE CHILDREN THIS COMING WEEK. WATOH OUR ADS FOR THE DAY OF THIS FIRST APPEARANCE. PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER. W H. MEEKER & CO. . V