THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUtfJfi, MiilbtfOUl), OttWION. IWUUY. DJOTMHMR .17, "UHV. 6 BLACKS ATTACK WHITES AT BAGGA Natives of Solomon Islands Start In to Exterminate All Whites Who Are Wedded to Native Wo men Horrible Murder. VICTORIA, 13. C, Doc. 17. Car ryinj? oht n vow to exterminate -nil whites innrriert to nntivos nnd their uffcprinjTf n hond-hnnting chief nmnod Sito, assisted by a mob of blacks murdered Joseph Binskin, n planter, his wife and two children and . several native sorvants at BajiL'a. Solomon Islands. The mas sacre took place in tho latter part of November and the news of tho occurrence was brought bv the steamer Aornngi which has just ar rived from the antipodes. Following the outbreak at Bnpgn. an attack was made by natives on tho tradiiiL station at Fisa which was successfully defended by tho British traders. The blacks rushed the sta tion -'and some who scrambled under the 4floor were setting fire to tho building when killed. Th'c- natives surprised the Binskin family on their plantation and they wereVlraek down with tomahawks and hacked in a horrible manner. A native boy who witnessed the massacre, swam across tho' bay to where some natives were employed on land belonging to Binskin and word was sent to T. Martin, a planter on Ronnrd Island, who arrived an hor.r after the murders. Tho sight on his arrival was shocking. If its a reasonable want, want ad vertising will supply it. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mammals mounted tme to natnro by improved methods. I do tanning, mnk? tar rugs, make, remodel and cleat fur garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 495 Washington Street. Portland, Or. Telephone Main 3600. THAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT. A nice pleco of cabinet work or mission furniture mnhes an Ideal gift, very appropriate and useful. We spe cialize In maklmg tho "out of the or dinary" pieces. In fact, anything in the mission f i rnlture or cabinet work lines made to your order, any finish you may desire. Drop in and get our prices. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS, Shop near corner Eighth and Holly streets. Phone 3263. I niV Wk Ti D. 1 wiJtt vu. i I ? n i it m m r m w m uwm mum. R mm i mverniciii. rxw i i 1 A?fefi?W CopjrlsM, . k I I50S- b' lb H 1 MeClur j TllTCH Company. W mf WjVftiJ J Copjriht. J W J I I I rT Siewrt I E II I Edward I I . j - CITY MnTIPFS Hf I If f f f f tt nirv NivrinFR. i Continued fnuu iuiro lion in the citv of .Modloio Orcuon. . - fwntuiro -!)." fool on cunt side Mi- tennined to be the sum i $1 KiU.IO. tletnc stioet. south. doorihed Vol. Now llioivfotv. it is herchv further 7"J. puiro (17. eountv recorder' ice del ertnini'd that the proportional ords of .luekson eomilv. Oregon. I'll") uuinuiil A SNAP tve-room !galow and lot in East McdJar. on, easy terms if tak en at once. Ilqulro 11.-. MAIN STREET, MEDFORD. OR. Just Arrived One of the finest stocks of Roses that ever came to Medford, all of the newest and old-tried varieties. Why don't yon send that sick friend of yours or your sweetheart a bunch of Carnations f Delivery any part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants East Main St. Phono COO. slightest appearance of an attitude In. Imlcnl to the llrm's very best prosperi ty. 1 f the smallest Incident should bring clearly before Orde that Newmark might have an Interest In reducing profits he would know tho logic of tho latter's devious ways. For this reason Newmark did not dare make bad sales, nwkwatxl transactions. Tho protlts of the first year were not quite up to the usual standard, but they sutlleed. Xewmark's tlnesse cut In two tho ftwn's Income of the second year. Orde rusd himself. With his old time en ergy he hurried the woods work until an especially big cut gave promise of recouping tho losses of the year be fore. Newmark found himself strug gling agnlnst a forco greater than he had Imagined it to be. The end of the fourth year found Newmark puszled. Orde had paid reg ularly the Interest on his notes, now much he had been able to save toward the redemption of the notes themselves his partner was unable to decide. What Orde regarded as petty annoy ances had made the problem of pay ing for the Gallfornla timber a matter of great difficulty. A pressure whose points of support ho could not place was closing on him. Against this pressure he exerted himself. The mar gin of safety was not as broad as ho had reckoned. Rut In nny case. If worse came to worst, he could always mortgage the California timber for enough to make up the difference, and more. Against this expedient how ever, ho opposed n sentimental ob stinacy. It was Bobby's, and he ob jected to Incumbering It. Affairs stood thus in the autumn be fore the year the notes would come due. Navigation remained open Into November. No severe storms had swept the lakes. The barge and her two tows had made one more' trip than bad bceu thought possible. The weather continued so mild that Orde decided that they take on a load for Jones & Mauley of Chicago. "Did Intend to ship by rail." said be. "They're all 'uppers,' so It would pay all right. But wo can save all kinds of money by water, and they ought to skip over there In twelve to fifteen hours." Orde departed for tbe woods to start the cutting as soon as tho first belated snow should fall. To Newmark, sitting at his desk after Orde's departure, reported Cap tain Floyd of the steam barge North Star. "All loaded by noon, sir," he said. Newmark looked up In surprise. "Well, why do you tell me?" ho in quired. "I want your orders." "My orders? Why?" "This Is a bad time of year." ex plained Captain Floyd, "and the storm signal's up. All the signs ore right for a blow." Newmark whirled In his chair. "Are you afraid?" he sneered. Captain Floyd's countenance burned a dark red. "I ouly wanr your orders," was all ho said. "I thought we might wait to see." "Then go," snapped Newmark. "You heard Mr. Orde's orders to sail as soon as you wero loaded." Captain Floyd went out. Newmark urose and looked out of tho window. From the government's flagpolo he caught tho flash of red from the lazily floating signal. He was little weatherwise, and ho shook his head skeptically. Nevertheless it was a chance, and ho took It, as be bad taken a great many others. By Stewart Edward White taken In. and the doors, customarily wide open,-were now shut fust. "1 wonder where all the farmers' wagons are?" marveled the practical Mlna. "Surely they would not stay home Saturday afternoon Just for this wind!" Opposite tlundull's hardware store her curiosity quite mastered her. "Do stop!" she urged Carroll. "I want to run in and see what's the mat ter." sho was gone but a moment anil re turned, her eyes shining with excite ment. "Oh. Carroll." she cried, "there are three vessels goue ashore off the piers! Everybody's gone to see." "Jump in." said Carroll. "We'll drive out. Perhaps they'll get out the life saving crew." Carroll drove straight abend uutll Prince stood at the top of the plank road that led down to the bathhouses. Hero she pulled up. Carroll saw the lake, slate blue and angry, with whttecapped billows to the limit of vision. Along the shore were rows aud rows of breakers, leap lug, breaking and gathering again. These did not look to be very large until she noticed the twin piers reach ing out from tbe river's mouth. Each billow as it came In rose sullenly above them, broke tempestuously to over whelm the entire structure of their cuds and ripped lushorc along their lengths, the crest submerging as It ran every foot of the massive structures. "Look there out farther!" pointed Miua. Three little toy ships or so they seemed compared to the mountnlns of water lay broadside to Just Inside the farthest line of breakers. Two were sailing schooners. These had been thrown on their beam ends, their masts pointing at au angle toward the beach. Each wave broke in a deluge of water that covered their hulls com- share of the oot of In vim: said water main of each parcel of property frontiuir on said portion of said street is the amount set opposite tho de scription of ouch parcel of land bo low, unit that eneli piece or parcel feel: rule per fool, 111 cent due. $1711.11.1. Assessment No. 7 Frederick W. and .Minnie Wasehau, lot -I, bloek 1. Burr's addition in I ho citv of Medford, 0"-on, froutnvro '!).") fecf of laud benefittled bv the laving of mi vet side Mistletoe street, south, mum water main to the tall extent ol described Vol. Hi. imiro the amount m sot iuitc tho de scription of (he Minie. nod that tho reMHM'lixe amounts represent the portionnl beenl'its of nid water I main t said rcstiuctivc parcels of land and nKo tho porportiminl front ...... il ...)' :i ...:.) llll'll'V'l I'll ?-ll 1MIII1IM1 I'l 7l!ll ,,. 1 ... , , street, and the council does herebv ...... H,'i . 1!.s, ' 0 declare each of tho pared of prop- recorder's rueords, .laekson eountv, Oregon. UOfl feet; rate per foot, ttl cents; amount due, $t7iMW. Assessment No. 8 L B. Williams, lot 11. bloek I. Barr'sadditiou in the citv of Medford, Oregon, frontage ertv doM,rihd below to be assessed and each of the sumo herebv is as sessed the amount set opposite each description for tho cost of Invini: said witter main. ASSKSSMKXT FOR A FOl'IMNCll WATKIi .MAIN' ON' MISTI.KTOH south, described Vol. (it), puuo (HO. eountv recorder's records of .lack son eountv, Oregon. WWKs feet; rate per foot. Ill cents; amount due. $!20t.:i0. Assessment No. I) Perrv B. Scott, lot 'A. bloek 'I, Burr's addition in the citv of Medford. Oreu'ou. (ex- STRF.F.T. FROM KLKVKN'TIl ST.. '"li'ig tracts marked BH. BF. on SOl'TH. TO DAKOTA AVKXl'H. IN CITY OF MKHKOK1). OltK GON. Assessment No. 1 A. J. Dalov. beeinniia ut the northwest corner i of lot 1. block It. 'Burr's addition in the citv of Medford, Oregon, running ; theneo east lilt) feet, south I IP feet. West THO feet thence north Ml) feet to place of beginning, frontage 111) feet on east side Mistletoe street. ! south, described Vol. 72. page 203, ; eountv recorder's records of Jack 'son eountv. Oregon. IM) feet; rate (0l cents; amount due. SIKVJH. Assessment No. '2 Nannie L. IZepp. the west V. of lot 1. block 3. Bnrr's addition in the citv of Mcd ; ford. Oregon. f excepting tracts marked BS. BT. BV. BW. BX. BY. on plat) frontage 110 feet on east side Mistletoe street, south, described Vol. 7'2, page 3110. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eoun tv. Oregon. 110 feet; rate per foot. (SI cents; amount due. -?Sr.-10 Assessment lot 2. bloek citv of Medford. Oregon, (excepting the following described tract of laud commencing 20 feet south of the pint) frontage lllft feet on west side Mistletoe street, south, described Vol. ."til, page ISO. eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 10" feet; rate per foot, tU cents; amount due. $100.(1."). Assessment No. 10 Philip J. Spencer, beginning at tho northeast corner of lot 2. bloek -I, Barr'H ad dition in the citv of Medford. Ore gon and runniut' thence south on the east line of said lot 1(55 feet, west parallel with tho north line of said lot 330 feet, north parallel with the cast line of said lot 1115 feet to ' north line thereof, theneo east on snid north line 330 feet to plnco of beginning, containing 1U, acres, more or less, frontage l(l,r feet on west side Mistletoe street, south, de scribed Vol. 02. page 102. count V re corder's records of Jackson eountv Oregon. T.t'3 feet; rate per foot, (II cents; nntount due. $100''" Assessment No. 11 Robert I.ange. lot I. block A. Barr's addition in the (1(10 feet north and south, containing five acres, frontage 280 feet on west side Mistletoe street, south, described Vol. -12. page mount due. $So.40. i' 'l'" nrrns it No. 3-Adam Knig.jritv ot Medtord. Oregon. 3. Barr's addition in the cnt nn.l west, bv .1.10 feet northeast comer of lot 2. block 3. " e,),u,,v .rei;, r"urii ru,L "r" , . Barr's addition and running thence Jiu-Rmmi uregou. west 100 feet, south 137 feet, east "L fo1' ,il C01llrt: ,l",m,nl ,lue' 100 feet, north 137 feet to place of sli0.SU. beginning, and beginning at the . -Section 2. And it is herebv or- tiered nnti oroameti uon '"i cuuu or water tuai covcreu uieir uuiis com- i . ... ... 0 .... . t cr pleteiy from signu witn a miguty .. . .,,.. , , nssessments and tho litmH bo en- suction the billow drained away, car- Vm 77 J 1 f. I tcred in tho water main docket ry ngwitn it wreckage, ine tniru ves- - - ; ,of sai(, ,.itv im,i that thereupon no scl was a steam barge. The shore- , r 1VLU -hl lLtl (t ol .. , .i ownorrt or reputed Trnr,i nf h..r i.nnor wnrkq hmi ginning, nnti commencing nt tho.1LU 1,0 U;.U1 J1,10 o""0"1 ,,r ward side or ner upper wonts nau , ... . ,, , i... ... owners of said property, and that, given away first, so now tho Interior of , -" " ,.,, "i T....,'- "'Vu. ' I ' tl, same be enforced rvnna .rnn AT nun a iuutiiiuii iiiiii itiiiiuiiu liifuuu , " west 000 feet, south 20 feet. eatund collected in the manner proun (100 feet, north 20 feet to place of'cdbv the charter of -'' citv for the her staterooms and saloons was ei posed to view as In the cross section of a model ship. Over her. too, tho great waves hurled thcmsclVcs, each . beginning, the last described tract carrying away Its spoil. oeing Known ns iweiuii street, iront "Poor fellows!" cried Minn.- "ce 310 feet on east sid Mistle "What?" asked Carroll. "Don't you see them?" queried the other. Carroll looketl, and in the ringing of the schooner sho made out a num- 6r of black ob jects. "Are those men up the masts?" sho cried. She set Prince In motion toward tho lnch. WE DON'T BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fine fruit land, about two milos from n shipping point. Tho buildings consist of n five-room box house, good-sized barn, oto. Thoro are 12 ncros of 5 and 0-yenr-old ap ple, mostly Nowtowns, with com moreinl penches. planted between as fillers, Also three acres of yonng pear trees and somo family orchard. Four nores in alfalfa. Six or eight acres of timber, most ly oak and Inurol. Thoro is a pumping plant on tho placo which supplies water for tho garden nnd alfalfa, equipped with gasoline engine. Aboi:t 40 rodB from a good school. Has rural mail do livery and telephone Price $10,500. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. 50 Prso Carroll's delight, Ordo returned M nnexpei tedly from tho woods late that night. He was so busy these days that she wel comed any t liu in-u to see him, After brwikfust Carroll accompanied her husband to the front door. When thoy opened It a blast of nlr rushed in, whirling some dead leaves with it. "I guess tho line weather's over," said Orde, looking up at tho sky. A dull lead color hail succeeded tho soft gray. Tho heavens seemed to have settled down closer to tho earth. Whirlwinds scurried among tho dead leaves on tho lawns, chasing them madly around In circles. "Winter's coming," shivered Carroll. Carrol resolved to toko a drive, as she enjoyed blustery weather. Sho stopped for Mlna Ilelnzman, and the two walked around to tho stable, whero tho men harnessed old Prince into the phaeton. Thoy entered Main street, whero thero was a great banging and dung ing of swinging signs and a fow loose shutters. All tho sidewalk displays of vegetables and other, goods, had been toe street, south, described Vol. 01. page -100, eountv recorder's records of Jackson eountv. Orcon. 310 feet: rate per foot. 01 cents; amount due. 180.1 0. Assessment No. 1 Jumos Camp bell, commencing 250 feet west of the northeast corner lot 3. bloek 3. 'collection of assessments for tho improvements of streets therein. Section 3. It is further ordered that tho notice ubovtr provided for bo published three times in the Dnilv Mail Tribune, u newspaper published ivid of genernl eireum'""! said citv. in tl" mnnnor provided bv or dinance No. 250 of said citv. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass cd bv the citv council of tho citv llnrr'a fiiblitimi in 1ia tf fi1 Jof Medford on tho 7' dnv of Do- ford, running thence west -110 feet, comber. 100!). bv tho following vote: south 87 feet, oast 110 feet rth1 -Merrick, absent; l-.ifcrt. nve; Welch,) 87 feet to place of boginninsr. front- ave; Emoriok. avo; Demmer nve:. Wortmnu. avo. Approved December fith.'lHOl). W. II. CANON. .Mn vu r. age 87 feet on east side .Mistletoe street, south, described Vol. 03. page Y y&Cs 1110 ,eaciu - eountv recorder's records of f YSDv r- At the foot Of ulaokson count v. Onwon. 87 fuel: the bluff tho 'rate nor foot, (il cuts: amount due. Attost: Plunk road ran K.-,3.07. ' ; ROUT. W. TKLFF.H. out into the deep, ' A'hessmet,t No. 5 William II.' Recorder. Wind. Through 'tl-.-nlJ,,. nt n. blnelf .1. Burr' iitlili. I this the phaeton I tion m 0 eitv of .0,if,ml. Oregon. "Aretha mm xm the . .. wn7ifronneo 213 feet on east side Mis Aret 2uti " '.oftvl Alrca,,j; lletoo street, south, described Vol. 12. page 332. county recorder's rec- .ords of Jackson eountv. Oregon. 213 the beach warfi strewn with pieces of wreckage. The . . I , - I . I.J .1 , ; " ... r . feet: rate per foot. 01 conts: amount luiiy nun iiiu jivjiuiuiiuu hi .,iiiiut in. , , 1 1R ''( It centered about the life saving crew. I whoso mortar was being loaded. A stovo-ln lifeboat mutely attested tho failure of other efforts. When tho preparations wero finished tlielr chief .Medford, Orogon: This certifies thnt wo havo sold Mall's Toxas Won der for tho cuo of all kidnoy, blad der and rhoinnutio troubles for ten years, and havo never had n com- Assessment Parker, lot 4. , plnint. It gives quick and ponnnnont No. 0 -Anna Marion reHof. 00 dnys' treaUnout in each not block 3. Bnrr's addi- tie. Modford Pharmacy. aimed the mortar and pulled tho string. Tho dart with Its trailer of lino rose on a long, graceful curve. Tho reel sang. But tho resistance of tho wind nnd tho line early made Itself folt. Slower nnd slower hummed the reel. By a good 300 yards the shot failed to carry over the vessels. "There's Mr. Bradford," said Car roll, waving her hand. "Couldn't they get the lifeboats out to them?" sho ' .asked as ho approached. "No." "But surely they will never get a lino over with the mortar!" said Carroll. "That last shot fell so far short!" "They know It. They've shot a do?: en tlmos." At this inomont from the river a trail of black smoko boenmo vlslblo over the point of sand hill that ran down to tle pier A smokestock.dartcd Into view, slowed down nnd came to rest well Inside the' river channel. Thoro It rose and fell on tho swell. Tho crowd uttered a cheer. "Come and see what's up," suggested llrndford. lie hitched Prlnco to a log and led tho way to tho pier. Tho Kprlto was lying closo under tho pier. Ilnrvoy, the negro engineer, lean ed against tho sill of his llttlo square door, smoking his plpo. , "I wouldn't go out there for a mil lion dollars!" cried a man excitedly, i "Nothing on earth could llvo in that sea!" "Whnt aro they going to do?" nsked Carroll. "Haven't you heard?" cried tho oth- er. "This Is ono of Ordo's tugs, nnd I TO BE CONTINUED, Electric Wiring' and Fixtures Have you anything electric that all others have failed on? Before throwing it away call on us and we will fix it if it is possible to do so. Do you ever look at your light fixtures and wish you had soine ihingjnorc up-to-date1? 7e carry a full line of SQXJAEE BRUSHED, BRASS, OXIDIZED COP PER AND ANTIQUE BRASS FIXTURES, DOMES, CEILING LIGHTS AND BRACKETS, AND HALL LAMPS. Do you over wish that your light was in some other positipn or that you had more? We do electric wiring of all kinds for lights, motors, dynamos, door bells, etc. Wo also build tel ephone and power lines. Southern Electric PHONE 1091. Oregon Company 36 S. GRAPE ST. PLUMBING SIUM AND 110 1 WAT I It MIMING All Work (huinwiU'od I'lieut Uimfomibln COFFEEN ?a PRICE It North 1) St . MiMlfonl Oh- IMmuu.' Mil. F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Civil Engineers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Reports, l'iStiniates, Water Pow ers and Wa,ler Works, Paving and "Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Ir rigation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Order Now FOR YOUR XMAS TURKEYS, I CHICKENS, ETC. WE CARRY THE FINEST LINE IN THE CITY WITHOUT EXCEPTION Rex Market Huth & Pech Props. Phone 8271 II!1. I II GOLD RAY GRANITE CO, Offico: 209 West Main St., Modfonl, Oro. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DHAUiKS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE If yon ennnot roach us in porson, you enn renoh ns by Phono 3272. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS. TJI.F It is u K'ood hiihit. It is n rapidly KrnwiiiK liuhit with nil Mod ford, It in'n Imhit hy which thouHiuidri hiivo in Ihoir daily nnd monthly ami yearly o.xpuiiditiirciH, It in u habit that hoooiuuH fixed tho oftonor ptfoplo liny horo. Anil tlio broad roanon in But Nfiiotimi. I'oonlo nro Hatitifiod with our Ki'ouoi'ioH,, I'"lo nro MitMiod with our pricoa. Pocplo aro mttisfiod with tho wnyH of tho Htoro, it h ninuuorri and uioUioiIb. WHY PAY 35c FOR A 5 POUND PACKAGE OF OATS WHEN - WE HAVE THEM FOR 30c? Rex Grocery "One Price to Everybody" i