ttuon HWorloal Society TitV Halt UnlU'tl IVm AnnocIiUIoii. Full Loumsl Wlnt lloixirt Tim only popor In tto world publlMlioil In u city tho nice of Medford having n loaned 'wire. Medford Mail Tribune TIIK WT5ATHKR, Tonight, nnd Sturdny , Fair. Thursdayhigh, fi2; low, .'IS; range, 40. FOURTH VWAlt. MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1909. 2To. 232-. ZELAYA HA: JOB Cables Taft That Ho Hn Ro oigiiod and Will Show His Good Faith by Loaving Nicaragua -- Govornmont May Ask Punishraont. IS -MANAGUA, Duo. 17. It wan mil nounced horo today Hint Pronldont nm I tlio following to President Taft liint night: "On Dncomlior I I lmbled to Wash ington tlild iiioBnago: "Secretary Knox: I bollovo that t ho source of your Information aro( prejudiced ninl roiiiol of tho United, Slaton to Hutul n commission of Inrcu-J ligation. If IIh flndliiK show my wl-1 mliihttrntlon to bo dtorlmcntnl to Central Amorlcn, I will rofllRn.' j "I hnro rocolvoil no reply. I novor, did liarm my country ami iK-Hlro friendly relation with tlio United States. I linvo tendered my rcBlgim t Ion (o cotigreHK. I propose to show my good faith hy lenvlng Nicaragua." It wan stated Hcml-offlrlally today that Provisional President HHtrnda nnd IiIh chief lli'titonnnt. General Chnmorro, havo agreed with Gonernl Vanqunz nnd General Tolodo, the Zo layan loaders, that thcro shall ho no fighting at niuofloldd. It was reported that tho American govornmont Iibh lcn notified of tholr Intention to kcop tho city out Mtdo tho fighting zono. Th Hltuiitlon at Itnmn 1h nnchang- nd. Attention Orchardists T.1 1 10 MIODKORD MAILTKIBCNE will i.ssuo a lioim'scokcrs issue on New Years, wjiich will contain the reeprd of tlio past year of .Medford and the KotfiK' River valley, and data of interest (o Hie lioine.see'ker. It is desirous of se eurhitf at. onet! data eoneernin fruit records 'made the past season. I f '-ouiplete returns have no! been received, fruitgrowers can give the yield and the expectyd prie((. Uy so doing you will help advertise the Rogue River valley to the world. Cut this out and' mail at onco to New Year's edition, Mail Tribune, .Medford, Or. From acres of T. picked boxes oV .-. for which I received $ per box gross, or $' j er box net. Tho trees are veal's old. Tlio greatest age yield for any one tree was .....boxes, which netted $ JtIio aver age yield per acre was boxes and the average return pcjrlacre was $ I exhibited , awarded the following prizes , ,wlinh were : 4 &a Name Address. If instead of fruit you raised alfalfa or vegetables, or turkeys or hogs, or any thing cists, send it in, so the world may know what you arc doing. IT CAN'T BE DONE LEOPOLD, REX CONGRESS TO LOOK INTO JOE SELLER.DRAVUS BROWMIRI ORCHARD DEMAND SHRINERS DO NOT CARE FOR WATER Proposed Stunt In Ashland Natator Itim Called Off Will Use Elks' Temple. - Shrinnrs nud prospective Shrinors didn't tnko as kindly ns cxpodod to tho suggestion of water embodied in thu nniioiiucoinont tlmt tlio corcmonint session of Hillah Tonplo of tho Ancient Arnhio ordor on Jun unry 8th would ho hold nt tho now imtntorium in AHhlnnd, nnd ho tho Elks' Tempi o Iiiih lieou sooured for tlio occasion instead, which ninniu- fipont new Htruduro nnd particulnilv tho splendid lodge room, will give tlio stumors nmplo accomodations. Preparations nro making for the coming ovont hy tho Shrinorn, nud delegations nro oxpootod to ho pres ent from nil ovor tho now ditto of Siskiyou, nud othors from distant Oregon nnd Cnlifornin points will also ho wok'omo. PROSPECT GOT 19 Tho rainfall nt Prospect is ono of tho big ones for tho seasoli, During tho month of November K. V. flrn linm, voluntoor obsorvor, roporls n precipitation of ninoteoii inches nt Ids station. Mr. Olrnhum is furn ished, ns nro nil voluntoor observes, with npplituiooB for tho noournto inonsuremout of prooipitntion nnd tho registration of tho tomporuturo. Tho station has boon established only n few yours, so that tho obsorvntions do not cover n wido rnngo. Tho grout ost precipitation horotoforo rocordod for a oinnth wna in Docoinbor of Inst yonr whon tho record wnB a littlo ovor 13 inohos, Tho pronipitntion of nonrly 20 inohos nt Prospoot during Novombor e.vplniiiK tho phonoiniiml riso in Hoguo rivor, JANUARY If County Officials Cannot Bo Prevailed Upon to Em ploy Inspectors Business Men Will Take Action. Tho meeting of tho Itoguo Rtvor Horticultural society, hold at tho of flcos of I'rofoBBor O'Qarn Thursday was nttonded by tho roproncutntlvo fruit growurH of tho valley and by liUBlnefli) men of Medford who nro In toruBted In tho IceopliiK up of tho b-b tern of county Inspoctlon. Tho ineetlni; wob called for tho pur pose of dovlslug ways nnd menus to retain tho prcflont corps of county fruit Inspectors, nnd oven to tucrenao thu numbor. O'Gnrn Sick. Profoosor O'Gnrn stated Hint ho hnd coma to tho lloguo Hlvor vnlloy to aid In tho fight against cortntn dtBooscB of fruit treoH. Sluco coming hero gront work had boon dono In tho way of tho eradication of certain dlBoaBCB, particularly blight, but tho fight must bo kopt up, ols0 conditions will rovort to what thoy woro boforo nnd ovon worso, If tho county would not glvo him tho proper assistance In tho way of Inspectors ho would bo recalled by th department, ns It !b lmposBlhlo for him to do tho flold work nud otflco work slnglo-haudod. To llliiBtrato how rapidly tho blight will work ho montlouod tho enso of San Joaquin valley, California, whoro dOO.OOO trees wont out In ono year, practically ruining tho penr Industry of tho vnlloy. Vawtor Speaks. W. I, Vitwtor of th0 JackBon Coun ty bank spoko on boliulf of tho bus iness mon. "Tho fact of Profoasor O'Cnni's preBonco horo and tho scl- entlflo hnudllng of tho post problem," snld Mr. Vawtor, "has beon a big factor In nttrnctlng doBlrablo pcoplo and cnpttal hero, Tho short-sighted policy of cutting down tho force on- gngod In tho battol for tho eradica tion of fruit posts should bo uhnu- douod. Profossor O'Qnra Bhould not bo nllowod to go, If wo uood four Inspectors, lot us havo thorn; It six, lot us havo thorn. Lot us havo ns ninny ns nro nocossary, and If tho county will not pay for thorn, tho progressiva bualnoss mon will aid, and find It n paying Invostmout." TO MEET COUNTY: COURT EARLY IN -f-f-f-f COMMERCIAL CLUBS OVER VALLEY TO ACT All of tho commorclal clubs of tho vnlluy will tako action In tho Immcdlato fittiro In connection with tho matter of rotnlnlnc tbo fruit olnspcctors similar to that takoa by tho Medford Commercial clog. Gold Hill, Central Point nnd Ashland all havo signified htelr Intention to :i?t soon. INSPECTORS i DELEGATION 10 WORK SOON START ON ELECTRIC ROAO John R. Allen Leaves for New York Promises That Work Will Start Soon. "Whllo I cannot mnko any defi nite statument at this tlm0 regard ing commencement of 'work on tho olectrlc road, I do not think local pcoplo will bo dlsappolntinl by nuy great dolny. Work will start aa soon as posalblo and when onco started will bo rushed to completion. FIGHT LAXEAS . APPLE BILL John R. Allen Gives $200 To wards Sending Orchardists Back to Denver to Defeat Measure in Congress The orchardists of tho Regno river vnlloy nt their inentinp; Thursday af ternoon voted to send n delegation to Donvor, Colo., enrly in January to ho on hand when the La Femi npple hill, now before congress, is dis cussed. A number of contributions woro mndo for the purposo of de fraying' the expenses of tho delega tion, nmonp; them being ono of .$20?) by John R. Allen, rho t-tated thn; Roruc nvor pvodwoii npples l.irgo enough nnd fino enouh to pack in whntever size boxes tho orchardists saw fit. "And," and snid Mr. Allen, "if you need any moro como to mo ngnin." C. E. King of the Eelgians Is Dead, rnnce luaerx. wm -ascend Throne People Show Little Grief at the Public1 I Yet you might as well try to lift Announcement. 'yourself by your boot ttrap as try to ; keep up with the times without read- " !ng your home newspaper. By the Tho National Monitor announced to way. come to think of It, wouldn't to day that ponding the accession ot da' bo a God tlme t0 "bserlbe? tho throne of Prlnco Albert to suc coed tho lute King Leopold, Belgian affairs would bo administered by a rogoncy consisting of a council of j ministers. The king dlod at 2:35 o'clock this, morning. Tho Immediate cause of! his death according to Dr. Thlrrar, his chief physician, was embolism of j tho heart. llcnrt Trouble. "Wo were most annrehenslvo when wo performed tho recent operation of tho king." said Dr. Thlerar today, I "because we were aware of the heart! When He Consented to Run trouble, but the operation was abso lutely necessary to advent terrible. Thonks to th0 operation, tho king's death was painless." Leopold's death occurred on the Nth anniversary of his formal suc cession to the throne, although his kingship dated from December, 18G5. . Iiittlo Mourning. All tbo -dally papers, of the capital appeared today with great black pag0 borders. Aside from this tribute, howover. there Is Httlo manlfestnUon of public grief. Tho little affection for tho king that remained In the hearts of his people was decreased during tho final few days of his Ill ness when ho refused to become rec onciled to dls daughters, the princess Stephanie and the princess Louise. i Sensational Attack TJpoir u Ballinger in House Makes It Certain That Investiga tion of Land Offices Must Soon Follow. mi RACE It Was With Understand ing Wortman Would Not Be Candidate. If there's some needed thing you're wnitinfr to buy nt n bnrpnin, you hnve a direct object in rending the nds. SILAS J DAY PIONEER IS LYING VERY ILL AVI-slor to Go. 'Vhislcr will i.t ad tho delo- 'I expect to return from Now York' J-'"''0"""! sti!' tllf,t will pny between March 1 and ID. Whonlj 'V1101 ms own exPenses- J. A. do return It will bo to carry on con-' "f torlwml is nnothor who will prob- Btructlon work In rapid 'manner. I think a groat deal ot Modford.l 1 10 lM l'c,m m 1,111 1S sni" 10 I l,nv hiuni rnnm1 w)l. nn.l wll) In uu l result III JfaiOUSV Oil 1110 part " r i , .. .... . ... . ... , ! i turn endeavor to treat tho cltv well." "l ' PI"e K'e who wouiu Judfio Day Has Been Identified With Jackson County Since Early Days Now Very Sick. Silas J. Day, ono cf the sturdy pioneers of Southora OrtgoK. is ly ing very ill nt h's homo in Jackson ville Mr. Day is nro of tho most highly respected citizens of Jackson county nnd has a host of friends whoso sympathy is with his fnmly during his illness. Mr. Day's only dmightor, Mrs. Mnmio Dox, is now in tho oast for medical trntmont nud 4 . To the CitizenTof the Sccorid Ward: In withdrawing my nnmo as n candidate for member of tho couiuri, I wish to mnke tho following statement: At the time I was asked to nllow my name to be used, it was with tho understanding that tho present incumbent, Mr. Wortman, had refused to serve another term. But as it seems to be the wish of tho majority of the present coun cil that there be no chnngo mndo until tho many prob lems now pending havo been settled. I herewith withdraw my name as n candidate. Thanking my friends for their good intentions nnd as suring them of my lienrty support in everything for tho upbuilding of our city's in terests, I remain yours sin cerely, JOE BROWN, "The Man Who Sells Dirt." .. i , i i . . . ., - nnrt nr Inn nhnenc nt iIia nncn whtmi Such worn thn words of Tolm II " " mru onx, nun ono not Slut- I ' ' V V OUCH urO lUO WOUIH 01 JOlin It. , . ., . Lnnan in ftiA fnntwla nf Tiwlrro T)n. is tho fnet that hor condition pro Thursday evening Just boforo c to tho western growor. It will rc- AUcn i. .... i . i.., . tiiiu ii i-iriu tit'iii in I'oiiMKiuraiinn rl: V. . ... nt tho nnnuol convention of tho 'vents hor bomg at tho bedsido of hor In New York, ho w rotum oaiiv ... " "'U101 comenuon ot tho, -... 1.1... .11 Inl.l I lllllltll. Mnroh with nil of his nlnna inn. itiui umiuora s.socuiuou .-iarcn Willi an oi ins pinna ma- . n .Tiidcro Dav hns boon idenlified with . bo that ho can direct tho con- '.' "t " "s uio , " - - - , bu nun no vim uucti, wio ton- .,, ,.., ... . . I.Tiieksoii eimntv from monoor ins. A . IIOOUUIlllllJIl HUN I L ILhllltt I I II III1V rnciuo s i-;asiorn . .. ; ""',tt ...nQ In tured structlou ot tho and tho trolley lino. "I inn nlso pl.ensed with progress bolng innd0 on tho Pacific & Kastorn. Woik la going ahead rapidly and with pioneer for tho consideration of this mnttor.l110 wns com,ty !orK tho cnrl' ,ppu snow, too. unys wnon uio iiusmsss ot tuo wimio As tho Donvor Nationnl Apple of Jnckso county, which nn tlmt show wm bo held tho snmo wook tlmt tiino nl1 f tho P;cuut Klnm- tho nssociution oonvonos there will "" Pftrt ot ljnK0 n,m Part 01 dos- pmno, ana wns county juago nt tuo timo when Jnekson mndo her first Lstep townrd progress, in building n brink court house, tho only ono nt ... Bww., ........... ...... l. I,1.. I i .... strides will bo taken by tho graders. " "ou""-", u "munu 1 1 ' t I A (TIAlnnM.-l riml ,l t m.. m. ............ 1 1. Tho right of way has beon cleared , B"'',uls l"U!,u"1 j . . discuss tbo matter, to llutto Falls nnd tho honvy rock m, , . . , work Is bolng rapidly coniplotod. The F ,0vbni ns drafted nnd intro-M1'"1 'm ho stllto ot 0reK ut road will bo in Dutto Falls In tlo cluco i,' on,, ' " , Udo of Portland. spring." duced in congress follows: Tho provision of tho net apply to closed packages of npplos intended Ashland Aids. lor trnnsportntum trom ono stato to Socrodu-v Frolineh of Mm Adliiniut i 11,1 niory ot tlio uuted btntos to nnv Commorclal club spoko In tho sarao ",nor ,,nco in tl10 s" territory, or strain and plodgod tho Bupport of f,rom nnv P,nco in the United States tho Ashland pooplo. juirougu n to reign country to any "Tho commorclal orchard Is usual-. oulor P1"00 "V t' United Stntos. ly oloan," said Mr. Frobnoh; "It Is tho1 old family orchnrd which la tho brood' , I,,0t s;nndnrd box paokngo for np- .. -. pies snnu uo n nox having n onpnoity (Continued on p 8.) ot not loss thnn two thousand thre'o hundred nnd forty-two iuchos, when monsurod without distension of its parts. Any box of less enpacity, when used for npplos, shall bo mnrk od on both end nud sido, in a plain nud indoliblo mnnnor with blnok lot tors of sizo not loss thnn sovonty two point block Gothio, with tho words 'short box,' or with tho num ber of oubio inchos it actually con-tnins. Owing to tho wido sprend senti ment that tho present members of the city council should bo retained until after tho present wntor problem lias been settled, Joe Brown, dirst seller, business man nnd largo proporty owner, has withdrawn his name ns a cnudidnto, leaving the field ,opon to Ilnrry O. Wortmnn. By this action Mr. Brown has shown that ho has tho wolfaro of the city at heart, and ho deserves the thanks of the community. Mr. Brown only consented to run after his friends had shown him of tho need of somo business man running to it sure a continued successful city ad ministration. At that timo Mr. Wortninn refused to consider nn othor torm. Ilowovor, businoss men of tho city ronlizod that ho, moro than nuy other porhnps, understood tho oxnot situation of the wutor mud die. So prossuro wns brought to bonr and Mr. Wortman consented to run. Thereupon Mr. Brown with draw from tho race From present indications thouj will bo no ono to entor tho lists against tho present offioinls, nil of whom havo consonted to run ngnin. Their election monns n continued era of ndvancomont in civio improve ment and thoy will bo rotumod by overwhelming mnjoritios, ovou if op ponents onu bo found in tho various wards. ITomo cooking, canned fruit nnd fancy articles on snlo at Anglo opern houso tomorrow, Docombor 18th. WASHINGTON, Dec 17. Tho sen sational attack upon Secrotary of the Interior Ballinger, made upon the iloor of the house yesterday by Rep resentative Hitchcock of Nebraska, makes It practically certain that the houBo organization cannot stavo off an investigation of the general land: offices after C'irlatmas. The general sentiment of the houso today Is that there should bo full In vestigation of tbo charges brought against tho secretary by L. R. Glavls, former chief of the field division of the land office In connection with tho Alaskan lands. Itesolution to Committee. A resolution demand such an Inves tigation Is now In the hands ot tho . rules committee, having been refeN red tothat body by Speaker Cannon. The resolution cannot be dragged from the rules committee unless enough strength Is mustered to over rule Speaker Cannon, who Is known to be opposed to an Investigation. Thg democrats and tho conservationists bollovve today ttyit this can be dono. Matter Up to Congress. Tho speech of Hitchcock put the matter flatly up to congress in plain terms, and tho representative from .eurasKa maae nis aemana ror an Investigation In strongest possible terms. Those men who have lined up against Ballinger in what they term tho fight for tho, "Roosevelt policies of conservation" look upon the Hitch cock speech as the real opening ot tho battle before congress. They say that they are prepared to meet pow- (Contlnueil on page 5.) MONEY FOR BOOZE FLOWS LIKE WATER Man Comes to Town With $150 and in Few Hours Nearly All Is Gone Is Arrested. . Martin Duffy, who has been work ing on tho P. & E. for tho past two months, camo to town yesterday af ternoon and proceeded to satisfy tho thirst ho had accumulated during that timo. At about 11 o'clock last night Martin was gathered in by tho po lico nnd enrao boforo Recorder Tol- for iu tho morning. When ho start ed on bis thirst quenching expedition Martin had in tho neighborhood of $150 on him, when nrrostod he pan ned out just $14. Soraowhero nlong tho primroso path ho had scattered tho balance of his hard earned shekels, but that didn't phase Duffy. Whon Kocordcr Tolfor told him thnt $5 wns tho cost of his accommoda tions nt tho city bnstilo, ho prompt ly dug up tho $5. "Como down nn' havo a drink,, judgo," ho said. "No," tho rocordor responded, "and it would bo a good idoa for you not to drink nny moro today." "Aw, have ri cignr, inywny, jodge. Don't bo mano wid n fellor. I hndn't taken n sup for two months until yis tordny and I falo loik I uadod ono now. What tho divil if they did tnko somo monoy nff mo. Vo wouldn't want to say n poor divil goin' hungry whilst yo had tho mon oy in yoro pocket, now wnd yo? Its nivor broko am I until mo lasht cinb hns been spint." And Martin Duffoy rolled nwnjt to git rid of thnt last $8.00.