MWmm, DECEMBER .Iff 3909. 4 t4.4. f t t ff ttf04 4 4 4MM H f 4 4 l l l Ht-f 4t H j A Page of Business Opportunities and Other Chances j f.fT 4.4.f4.f 44..f4..t4..f4-44-4-4 44444 44444444444 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MKDFOBD, OREGON, USED MAILS 10 DEFRAUD VICTIMS Eniillslimnn Fanes Mnxlmum Penalty of Six Years for Uslnu United States Malls to Defraud. HUATTLH. WiihIi., Hue. 10. Kd--ward II. Rtubloy today fiiccii a maxl muni Muntwirn of hIx yimra In prison for Ita vIiik tiHOtt tho hiiiIIm to defraud, llo wmh round Kiillty on four conntn In th federal court Into yeatorday, tho penally on each count bulnn IS inoiitlnt Imprisonment. Btubloy, who Ih iui KiiKllHliutnn, with n pollco roc ord In Htivornl count cHIcm In both tho United Htntca mid nrltlnh Columbia, wiih convicted of having nbatractod l.ttterH to miosis in rooming iioiiHe nnd writing nppoals In th nnmo of , tho person addressed to relntlveH nnd frlondH for monoy,, claiming tlio por nou wan III mid In n destitute condi tion. Ho would then obtain tho lot tern containing tho money or cIiocUb mid lieep tlio proceed. Miss Kvn Mnhonoy of Toronto, Cnn.t,,.u eoliclj.m of .. wo,lii,v collector. testified yeiitordny that alio recolvod i a letter purporting to hnvo boon writ ton by a friend In bohnlf of hor un blo, Frnnk (!nm;h. She mid nho sent thn money nuked. Gatigh testified hi wiih not rospnnalhln for tho letter anil received no money. Several oth vr young women, brought horo from various purtH of tho country, also tes tified (o nlni liar fnctn, nil xtntltiK that they received npponlit for fund pur porting t bo In tho Interests of rein tlvos who were Hit Id to bo III nnd In financial HtniltB. On (ho Ktnnd Rtuliloy admitted that h0 had nerved n penlteutlnry iieutcnrc nt Walln Wmln imdjuio Jail sentonoo In IlrltlHli Columbln. EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. .Minn .loie Calhoun wiih viaiting i her HiHter, Mra. S. K. HtepheiiH last biiuday. Mr. and Mm. Weldon Hurtley were piiri'linhing Home nice ftirnitiiro for their new residence in North Talent laM Friday. Mihh ( lara Allen wiih vimting mentis in l'hoenix IiihI ThurHdny. C. T. Pnyno of Fern Vulley wan over to Phoenix WednoHduy. Weldon Hartley ban been finishing up their new roaidonco tn North Tal out and liiHt week purchiiHcd some fine furniture, and carpets nnd other funiiHliings. Mr. and Mrs, Hartley own one of Uioho fertile traetH of laud in the garden Hcctinn of Rogue river valley and nre building an idea home thereon. Minn Lulin Roberta and Itoy Cot man of North Talent were Med fun' visitors last TuoHday. Emitt Boohiui who formerly romd ed in Talent but now livoH in Kltun- nth county in nt Talont on biiHiiieaa Mrs. QeorKO AfcClnin wiih nmoiiK thoHo iIoiiik' ChriHtmaH Stopping in Aledford Innt TuoHdny. Mm. A. O. Croy of North Talent liroiiKht to tho homo of your corrofl pondeut Hovornl earn of field corn that would bo hard to boat. They inciiKiirod a lit tlo ovor twolvo inchoH in leiiKlh and weighed throe poundH nntl lour ounces, wore of very Htnal eoiib, and filled out to tho very ond ot oneli oar with fino kornols. Mrs. Croy'H fathor brought Heed from Mm l rt ii a it i . Houri iiihi inn inn. nut tlio oars raiHod aro lnre;or than thoso planted. Mrn. Win. JleanlHley of l'hoenix wiih visiting friondfl in North Tnlont last TuoHday. MiBH Urfico Wino in visitine; nt the homo of Mrn. W. S. Stnneliff thin week. MrH. Lilly Hlaokdood was no in North Talont Tuesday viHitiiiR lior dniiKhtor, Mm, W. H. Stnneliff. THAT CIIU1BTMAS I'lHCSHXT. A nlco plooo of oablnot work or mltmlon furnUnro mnkoR an Ideal gift, vorr npproprlato and usoful. Wo npo clalUo In muhlnR tho "out of tho or dinary" ploooo. In faot, Anything In tho mission fi ralturo or cablnot work llnoa mndo to your order, nny finish you may doslrc. Drop in and got our prlcon. MISSION FUKNITUnB WORKS, Shop near cornar RlRtatU nnd Holly strootfl. Phono 3S9S. L, 1 1 i1 ji..Muii qjsr A SNAP Flvcroom bungalow nnd lot In 13nnt Modford, on oaBy tonus If tak en .'nt once, Ilqulro ltrt MAIN STUEIOT, MlSDFOItl). OR. CARPENTER SLIPS ON SCAFFOLD AND IS KILLED SEATTLE, Wnnli., Deo. 10. Mnr tln N. Banks, n enrpontor, nged about .'in yonrH, nml nuppoHiid to lo from Hun Diego, Crtlif., in (load liccr today iih tliu rcHtilt of a fall from tbo roof of tlio old Third Avonuo theater at Third avonuo and Sonera Hfrci'l yt'f" tnriluy iiftornoou. Tho building' ia being wreaked and Banka Htopped mi noiiio timborH which collapHcd uu dur bin weight, precipitating him to tlio ground, a dintauco of forty feet. Death wiih iiiHtiititaucoiiH. Among Ii!h offcotH wiih found a letter of in Irodiiulioii dated at Kan Diego and Kilned "Kiinicu" nddrcNHod 'to Rob ert K. Wheeler, a linomnn for tho lu dupmidmit Tolephouo company lieru. AGED VIOLIN SOLD IN ' FRISCO FOR $1000 HAN JOSE, Cab, Deo. 1(1. What in Kiiid to bo a genuine Stindivariim violin, one of the few remaining, wiih rinlil fur SI. 000 here tixlav after ho- (, ; 10 ,,1Ht ()f (l ,mwll j l( Hn0V0l, for ,t,H. Tlio "Ktrnd" wiih Hold to the broker for a mere pittance by Mra. J. Miirklinin, mi tigod woman wIioho want forced her to part with the treanure given to hur by her father before tltu civil wnr. It DaH loitnd a reming place in If dinHntiafiod with your coffee or tea phono 101)1. 44444444444444444 PORTLAND MARKETS. 444444444444444-444 ItoM, Wool nnd Hlilrn. Hops IU08 crop, cholco, 17c; prlmo to choice, lGc; prlmo, 15 c; medium, 15c; 1909 choice, 23c; prime. $20c; medium, 1819c. Wool 190D, Wlllmnotto vnHoy. 20fl-24c; eastern Oregon, 20r23c. Shoopaklnn Bliearlnc lOCfJGc oacb; nhort wool, 25 50c; medium wool, SOcOfl onch; long wool, 7Gc $1.25 each. Tnllow Prlmo. per lb., 3flto; No. 2 and urease, 2 (T 2 Vic Clilttlm bark 15 4 V4c Mohair 1900. 23?24o lb Hideo Dry hldos, 17?18Hc. lb; Kreen. 9 Vi fl 10 Vic lb; bulls, Rrccn nlt. To lb; kips, 1010 V&c lb; cnlvca Krcon, lC?18c lb. Mutter, Krr and roullry Kkkh Ical. candled, solect, i?ic; ordlnnry run 4042o; sec onds, 32c; local Htorneet 32 V4 3'35c: enstrn HtornRO, 33 l-2ef3Do. Hutter Fnt Oollvory t o. b. Port land Sweet cronm. 37c; sour, 35 l-2c. nuttor Extrn creamery, 39 l-2c; fancy, 37T3Sc; Bloro, 2Gc. Choeno Fancy full cronm fluU 18c; triplets nnd dalalon, 18c; Young American, 19c. Poultry Mixed chickens, 16 C 15 l-2c: fnncy hons. 15 l-2c; roos- torH. old. llo; springs, lGc; booso, 10c; duckH, lCc; pigeons, BqunbB $2 dor; droRsod chlckcnB, 17 1-2 18c; wild 20080, 0 dozen. Oniln, Flour will Hny. Ilnrloy I'roducon prices 1909 Fojod, $28.50; rolled, ?30; brow InR. 29 2.9.50. Wheat Track Club, $1.05; bluo- tom, $1.17; rod, $1; fortyfold, $1.09; Turkey rod, $1.03 1.05; Wlllnmotto valley, 1.05, MlllBtuffe Selling prlco Ilrnn, $2C; middlings, $33; nhorts, $2C; chop, $22 28; nlfnlfa monl, $21 per ton. Flour Now crop, pntontB, $0.15; Btrnlght, $1.85; bnkors, $5,95 010.15; Wlllnmotto valley, $5.70 bbl; oxport grndoH, $-lr graham, Vis, $5.00; wliolo wlieut, $5.20; ryo, 50, $0,50; bales, $3, Hny producers' prices Now timothy, Wlllnmotto vnlloy fancy, $18; ordlnnry, $17; onBtorn Orogon, $20; mixed, $14 15; olovor No. 1, $14tfpl5; whont, $14 15; cheat, $15 16; nlfnlfa, $16. Oats Spot dollvory, now, produc- or' prlco Track, No. 1 whlto, 20.60; grny, $28ft28.60. Corn Wlolo, $30; crncked, $37 ton. Friiltn nml Vcgetrtblea. Fresh Fruits Ornngoa, Vnlonclns, $3,05 n box; bnnunns, 5 l-2o lb; onrs, 50o$1.26; huckloborrleB, 12c. Potntoos Soiling, now, $ieT1.10. Applos $11.50. VegotnblcB Now turnips, Oregon, 8090o nnck; beets, $1.25; enrrots, RO09Oc enck; cabbngo, locnl, 75 0 $1; tomatooB, local, fnncy, $1.60 crt; bonnB, 10c lb; cnullflower, 90c $1 doz; pons, 2c lb; horseradish, lOo; bunchoBj colory, 50(3)850; egg plant, 15o pound; corn, $1,25 Back; awoat potatoes, $1.75 1.85. Itloo Imperial Jnpnn No. 1, 5V4o; No. 2, 5V4o; Now Orlonna hond, 0 3-4 7o; Croolo, 6Vlo. IloniiBBiimll whlto, $5.50; largo whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bnyou, i 444444 4 4 4 4 4 v 44 4 444 4444444 The Day Brings Its Quota of Quests For You Something must bo nought something is needed something must be found quiekly. Maybe the quest's objective is money a house a boarding place a used piece of machinery or furniture a worker a job a tenant. In any of these instances, and in any one of a hundred others, the use and utilization of want ads. will make 'the quests feasible and, nearly always suc cessful. Price One cent a word. No ad. less than 15 cents. Six insertions for the price of five. One month, 75 cents a lino. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 444444 4t44444444 4-4 $5.75; LlmnH, $0; reds, $7.50. Orocvrlcs, Nufii, lite. $6.85; fruit or berry, $5.95; dry grnnlnted, $5.95; coonf. A, $5.75; extra U, $.25; golden O, $5.35; D yellow, $5.26; beet, $6.05, harlots 15c, half boxos, 30c, boxes 55c nd vnnco on sack basis, Honoy Now, 13 Vic lb. Mcntrt, Flfli mid Provlnlonf. ' DroRsod Mcrtn Front street hogs, fancy. 10c; ordinary, 9c! venla, cx tia, 12c; ordinary, 11c; heavy, 5 Cc; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. Hams, Hnccu, etc. Portland pack (local) ham, 17 Vic; breakfast 1 bacon, 18Vi27c; boiled bnm, 25 ! 2Cc; picnics, 14c; cottage- roll, 15c; rognlar nhort clears, smoked, lGVic; backs, smoked, 10 Vic; pickled ( tongues, COc onch. Locnl Lnrd Kettle leaf, 10s. 18c lb; 6s, 18 l-2c lb; 50-lb. tins, 17 l-2c lb; Btenm rendered, 10b, 17c lb, 6a 17 l-8c lb, compound 10s, 11 3-4o lb. Clams Hnrduhcll, por box, $2.40; razor clams, $2 box. Fish llock cod. 10c; lb; flonn-' dora, Cc ib; bnllnbut. 7c lb: striped bass, 15c lb; catfish, loc lb; salmon, Bteolbcnd, 8 l-2c lb; Bllvern, 7 l-2c; Holes, Cc lb; shrimps, 12 l-2u lb; porch, Cc lb; torn cod. 8c lb; lobsters. 32c lb; crawfish, 23c doz; sturgeon, 12 Vic lb; black bass, 20o lb; allvor' smulta, Cc lb; black cod, 7 Vic Ib; crabs. $11.50 doz. Oystcra Shonlwator bay, per gnl lon, $2.25; per 100-lb. cack, $5; Olympla, per gallon. $2.40; por 100 Ib. sack, $77 50; canned, 56c can, 37c dozon; coetern In aboil, $1.75 per 100. Coal oil Pcnrl, Astral nnd Star, 19c gnllon; eocene, 22c gallon; clnlno 2So gnllon; headlight, 20 Vic gallon; e. 8tAr.22 B.?"n; WBt.l; h"FOR RENT Desk room ll'MQf l&KO gnuon; epcciui wmer whlto, 15c gallon. QnBolIno Rod crown nnd motor, 1023o enllon; 86 gaaolti o, 30 37 o gnllon; V. M. & P. nnphthn, 13Vi20Vio gallon; onglno dlattl lato, 9 16c gnllon. Cattle Boat ntoera, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.75; medium ateora, $4.50, beat cowa, $3.75; best bolfora, $3.76; bulla, $2 2.75; Btngs, $2.50 3. Hoga Beat east of tho mountains, $8.50; Wlllamotto vnlloy beat, $7.75 7.85; atockora, $4C; pigs, $C7. Snoop BoBt wothora, $, ordlnnry $4 4.75; oprlng lnmbB, $G; Btrnlght owea, $4.254.50; mixed lots, $4.25. Calves Boat, $5; ordlnnry $ 4.50. 444444444ttt444444 MEDFORD MARKETS. 444444444444444444 Fruit and V-qetahlcs. (PriooB paid by Med rd morohnnts 1 Applos, l2e lb; poara, lVic; Potato cm, la lb; onions, $1.50 ewt;; groon onions, 35o doc. bunches;! onbbiigo, lV&o; turnips, iyo; pars-; nips, lo nnd 10 lb.; squnsh, 30a nnd , $1 doz.; pumpkins, 1U nnd loo. Butter. Enns nnd Poultry. (Prices paid by Medford morehant., Ranch butto'r, 3Be; fancy cream- ( nrv !l7W,n I l'Tosn rancn egga, uus. Mined nnuUry. lOo; Hnriug olnok- ona, 15o; ducka, lOcr tncKuya, 17c. Feed and Mlrhstnffs. (Prioos pni'd producors.) nay Timothy. $10; nlfnlfa. $15; grass, $i-i ton; gram nay, $iu ton. Grain Whent, $1.20 buahol; oats, $30 ton; bM'loy, $30 ton. Uoof, ?-j.i'Sc; pork 6 Vic: mutton 305 lamb, 4Va; venl (drossod), Oo (Soiling pncca.l Rollod 'lmrloy, $2 cwt, $36.50 ton; bran, $1 70: r-iddllnga, It .11 If 1 90; shorts. $1.80(H)l.a5. 44444444444 4444444 LOST. 44444444444444444 STRAYED Into my onolosuro, oow nnd cnlf, very wild. Ownor will plonao remove L. P. Ilubtmrdf cor nor Jnoksonvillo Rond nnd Boll Lnno. 444 4 44 4 4 444 44 4 44 44444-4 4 4 44 4t4 4 444444444444444444 POR RENT. 44444444444444444 FOR HKNT Newly furnished robms; modent conveniences. 007 So. Ccn trnlji venue. 232 FOR KENT House of two largo roomH nicely furnished for house keeping or unfurnished. Kent rea son rile. Call 1048 West Ninth St. 233 FOR RENT Front room, furnished" heal, electric light and bnth. 127 South O street. 230 FOR KENT Five-room house, three blocks south of Main street; haB bnth, toilet, electric lights nnd ce ment walks; will bo rented partly furnished or unfurnished as desired. Addrass or Inqulro 244 South Grap0 street. 233 FOR RENT Four-room houso on Ivy street, one block south of park. Address or inquire nt 211 South JJrnpO; i 232 FOR RENT One ortwo nicely fur nished rooms, heat nnd bnth and eelctric lights. Reasonable. On South Central nvenuc. Phone 891. . 891 FOR RENT Reasonable, n now, strictly modern houso, close in. Ap ply 331 Sixth street, corner Ivy. 233 FOR RENT Furnished rooms. No. lu .ortiJ urnpe street. J.w FOR RENT Nicely "furnished room, Btnctly modern houso; inquire 0 S. Orange street. 724 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for ladies: close in: bath, etc. 429 N. Central nve. 230 FOR RENT LIro at tho PalmB, now brick building, now furnlturo, strict ly modern, corner Qrapo and Main stroots. in largo floor, $0 heated office, second month. 133 W. Main Bt FOH KENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, suitable for fruit, alfalfa, stock or general farming. Inqulro at offlco Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main street 444444444444444444 fV4 4E4 4 44 44 4 FOR SALE Good houso and lot at 540 Hamilton street, end of Oak dalo paving; rents for $10 per month; also two lots on Jackson atreet, cheap if taken at once. Ad dress Wm E. Stncey, Box 826. 233 FOR SALE Horpo and wagon nt I 411 South Lnurol street. 248 FOR SALE If you want tho best dry wood nt tho lowest prieo call at 421 South Grape street or phono to Main 491. 231 FOR SALE A bnrgnin; 40 acres 2 miles from Central Point, 10 ncros in two-year-old Nowtowns nnd Spitzenborg npplcs,12 ncres in nl- fnlfn, 30 acres nil good blnok sod, 10 nores rod orchard lnnd; good houso nud good bnru. Address box 70, Contrnl Point, Oregon. 233 FOR SALE An equity in good city lots: 25 por cont. Box 708. 234 SALE Bakery with good trndo cheap for cash. Sickness caiiBo of Blllng. W. T. York & CO. 22S FOR SALE Young orchnrd in boar ing. Mnt Cnllioun, Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE Onk, fir nnd pine cord wood, 12 nnd 10-inoh; nlso dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono ordor to Main 4201. FOR SALE Automobiles; or will trndo for ronl estnto. 31 North B atroet. 231 FOR SALE Gonuino Nnvajo blnnk ot. Inquiro nt Medford Fumituro . Co. FOR SALE 76-ncro ranch, with good wnter right; finest fruit land; chonp:; also property In Portland; will trado for Modford property Boa Colomnn at clgnr factory. FOR SALE Choice buaineaa proper ty at a bargain, on long time; onay tonus Address P O Box 418 FOR SALE 5 nnd 10-nore trnota just within nnd ndjoining city lim its, nt n bnrgnin, on 5 nnnunl pny- 4H444444 44 444444 4 4 4 4 44444: tnertH. Address P. O. Box 418. FOH SALE Or exchnnge lor Bed ford real estate or ranch, 110 acres tobacco farm on Pennsylvania rail road in southern Maryland. 85 acres In cultivation, 26 acres la whlto oak timber, 15 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also auttablo for potatoes, molons and fruit; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaches; 40 miles south of Baltimore 25 miles from Unltod States Capitol, Washington, D. C; abundanco of water; good ro?ds; mild climate. Address Box 20, Manll Trlbuno of fice f44444444444444444 WANTED. 44444444444444444 WANTED Refined woman to care for G-months old baby; mother is a professional nurse. Good pay to right party. Adress "X," euro Mail Tribune. WANTED Good clean cotton rags at the Mail Tribune office. Will pay right price for same. WANTED To borrow $500 on a good timber claim in .Douglas coun ty. Address box 040, Medford. 235 WANTED Competent womnn for genernl house work. Would like ref erences. AUaress i'. U. box bio. 230 WANTED Good second hand hack Address box 301. Medford. 235 WANTED To rent- a furnished house. John A.,Loonc". enro Ore gon Orchards Syndicate. WANTED Immediately ono box prime Cornice pears; one box as sorted primo apples nnd penrs. Will pay tho price. Oregon Orchnrds Syndicate. 231 WANTED Cook wnnted Coll Fnrmors lino 14x1. on rnnch 235 WANTED Furnished rooms or small houso. Address W. T. York & Co. 232 WANTED First-class stenogrnph or. Apply nt office of Rogue River Elect no Company. 235 WANTED Womnn wnnts position ns cook nnd genornl housowork. Ad dress "C. N.," enro Mail Tribune 234 WANTED Bj married man position to work on fruit rnnch. Adress Y caro of Mail Tribune. 235 WANTED $200 for good paying business; good rnto Interest. Ad dress F. L. B Mall Trlbuno. 235 uooa iresn much cow, Address G. CInusing, box 300, Med ford. 233 WANTED Competent girl for fam ily of two; will pay $1 a dny. Writ or call nt 219 North Oalcdnlo nvenuo, Call mornings. 325 WANTED To fnrnisho plans nnd estimates without cost; if you in- tond building can snvo you money, Inquiro nt Star restanrnnt or ad dress Box 818. N. G. Holmes, con tractor nnd budder. 232 WANTED Experienced qnarry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. 444444444 444444 4-4 4 4- pnnPFRTV m rynuAunr 4 444444 4 4 4 44444444 FOR EXCHANGE $2000 equity in a good $3500 rosidonco proporty in Grants Pnss to oxchnngo for land in Rogue rivor vnlloy, improved or unimproved. Address P. O. box 524. Grants Pnss, Orogon. 233 TO TRADE City lots for auto. Ad- dress P. O. Box 078. Medford. 231 444444 4444 44 4 44444 4- mistWF niRprmBitv 444444-4444 4 4 4 44444 Roafa lira iris. BEE nml RESTAURANT Meals 15c; beil, 15o, flira us n trial, 29 Central nTonuo. upstairB. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1 009 W. Mnin street. Hours; From 9 n. m. to 11 :30 n. m. For pnrtioulnrs npply to Miss Arrn Harmon, director, nt the school M444 4 4 4 4 444f 44 fiUSINESS DinECTORV 444444444444444 f44 CHIMNEY SWEEP If your chim ney needs cleaning be sure nnd bco D. I). Woods. Leave orders nt tho Mcdford Hardware Co., or phono 2581. 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. BITTNER bo found in room Phipps Building. -Auctioneer, will 208, Taylor & Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheeler & Wilson sowing machines for ront and for sale on easy payments. All kinds repaired and work guaranteed. Best oil and needles for all makes nt the Singer store, 27 South C st. Phone 3431. Attorneys. WITIHNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attomey-nt-l No. fl D Htreet. ground floor COLVIG & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Mcdford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, at tiw Mooro Hotel. ELLA JL GAUNYAW Palm block Stenographic work dona quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main st., Medford Ore Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. has the. best equipped job office u Southern Oregon; Portia 3d prices 37 South Central nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE Tho only exclusive op-' Hcian between Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street ana rtiiirai. Jtwaler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock and make a specialty of high grude re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. T. CRrir O. D. Nar THE MEDFORD ! 1ICK CO. Brick mnnufnctu.-'v. uid contrt tors; also lime, ccmct and pfcist; in any quantity. Office, Medfor. National bank b!Jg. Phonee Mair. 545.' Undertakers. MEDFORD FUR-XITCRE CO. On dortakers. Day Phone 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3601; J. H. Butler 357L PLno Instruction. HARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Musio. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phono 493. Paint Stores. M. J. METCALF Paints, Brashes. Wall Papor, Glass, Varnishes Stnine nnd Wnll Tints. 318 E. Mnin St., Modfonl. Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thorno, ngt. F'ihk opwort from . to 0. Phone 3!r.i. 2oi i.iversid avonuo. Tin Shops. J. A. SAHTH Tin shop. Tin nnd shoot iron waro on hand and made to ordor 128 North G street. Photograph Studios. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-clnas xork guaran teed. Signs. Riverside aronne. Pkono 801. MACKEY'S STUDTO "Pose with Mnekoy nnd die with joy." Ovor Al Ion ueagnn's store; entrance oa Serentk street. Civil Engineers WILL tnko by contract, on reaaon- nblo terms, nil kinds of work, nlsn irrigating, planting nnd cultivating,, oto. Landscape gardening. First olnss roferencos, William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 East Mnin street, Modford, Oregon. 44444444444444444 4 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 4 444444444444444444 Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., suc cessors to Shcnror & Phillips, painters nnd decorators in ' all branches; woathorcd onk on insnlo finish a spoclnlty. Our grcon roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 604 N. Bontty st. P. O. Box 14, Modford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Poater and Distributor. All orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jaokson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. ' Architects. J. K. A. BILES Architect nnd Builder. P. O. Box 480. Mcdford Or. Yonr building respectfully so licited. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., denlora in new arid eeeond hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh si. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th nnd Holly Sta., Med ford. Mission Fumituro made to. order. Cabinet work of all kind.. A trial order solicited. MORBOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovoa and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 K St .South. Phono 91. Medford. Or. Drayage and Transfer. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our atock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RTVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Cok, Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Bot 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. 'H. S. BRUMBLE Drnyago and transfer. Baggage stored. Office n nnd Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work cunran- teed strictly first-class. Resideneo No. 400 Beatty street. A card wU brine me to you. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. Huillier, 707 Main street. We Private lessons in singing (moth '-L Rossini) and langungos Freu Italian, Germnn, Spanish, MRS. E. E. GORE Pmno instruction Metropolian College of Musio. MU Flora Gray. Phono 493. 144 South Central nvenuo. Building and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Bogga, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Mnin stroot. Carpenters and Builders. F. E. HILL Will furn'oh plans anl list of nil timber to be put in build? ing. Medford, Oregon W. G. HOLMES, contractor nnd builder; plans and estimates furn ished. Iuquire Star restaurant or address Box 818. i Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist, Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Mile Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W, STEARNS, M. D. Oppoaito Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answorod. Offieo and res ident phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD. M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D, Officos in 1810118' Building. Phone Main 1001. CONBOY & CLANCY Office In Stowart Building Phyalclnna and Surgoona. Offlco phone, Main 341; private phone, Main 612. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jackson Oo. Bank Buildincr. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h i o Physicians. Mission Block, Phona 201. Medford. CALL ON nR. E. J. BONNER, Ey spoo'nliat, when others, fail. Office in Ragle Phnnnaoy, Mnin 233. East Main near D'Anjnu.