'i THE MEDPQRD MAIL, Tfti.tBUN71 MEDITORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1909. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL: . . 4. 4 4,44.44. 4. 4.44,44.4 4.44,44,44. Kl Hhuw, lliu voloraii minor, Ih in (liiH elly from tlio Elliott '1 c.lc lin (riol. H. 1. TIuiJhh loft Tutmdny morn ing Tor Myrtle Crook ill lliu ililor'oMt (if Hi" Modfnitl (Irooory Cn. Allornoy E. I). Iliigg and CI. W. TtoIYoii of AnIiIuihI were hero Tiiim day (in llicir way la .luchaoiivillo an jtrafoMhiiawil IiiimIiiom. Daa'l you road n tofdaurunt' bill of fma before ordering? Don't you tend a kIoio'm ihIm. before Imi vini; W. M. Chillier of (laid Hill tionniK' iIiomi who a 10 nlli'iidiiiK' cir cuit court iih juror. It. Oatiaau of Taltint Npont Titomluv in Medford. D. ('. Will. I (laid Hill in in .Medio id ini hiotiuc, .1. K. MeDuniol, E. E. Martin mid, Moil U'vaiit w(irn among lliu anivalw from Axhlaud TuoMtluy. Tho really parlioiilur piirehiiKor inny bo rending and answering to (Iii.v'h ad. (I. (I. Wcathorwax of-dranU I'iiiih Toginlored at Ilia Mnoro Monday. Oliver K. Mrowu of Urnnt I'nM wan in Modford Monday. T. I), .lone, of Woodvillo. the lend iiiK tucrchaiit of that Ihriviug village, was in Mcdfonl Tiiosdny on hum noun. Mrn. Law of Woodvillo i in Med ford today. Tho ntoro iiiIh. aro full of "op portunity iiowm" tho uiiiftt intoront Ing nowH "in tho paper" to thu peo ple who buy think'. M. II. Vance and ('. N. Aiideion of San l-'rnuciHco aro hro on buni iiomi before the ciroiiit coil it nt lack sonvillo. You wouldn't Hell a diamond for half il value- yi't you're nolliug your personal worvicon for a wane hnlf big onoiiuh, moHt likely. Want hiIh. help romcily thowo thiiiKN. Tho work-huntorh, wlio moan bu.i iiom, are want advortiwers. Mm. I .owih Ulrieh of Jacksonville witH a Modford viwitor Tuoiday. t'lnience l. Iteaiaex expect to leave soon tor a Iiiihiuoi trip to hau 1.'..,. 4 4 " rorter J. .Noll spent Iiiostlay in Jneksonvillo on busiuo. i.enrv .mc .. . entrai. ..n ui M ford luesdny on bu..uess. ",""" ,'" y ")'" wni. .tuitiay evening in .Medium on niiKiiioss. J. It. illInuiB of I rail is spending n few davs' in this city. Col. E, L. Ton Velio is planning a litisiuosH trip to Kan Francisco. h. II. Harris has returned to hi homo in Chieo after a visit in Mod- ford. 11. If , I .. A . W. II. Johnson ot Evans Creek was in Mcdfonl on bniuoi.s Tuesday, Tnn , . . TOO Late to Classify. i ed ranches aro characteristic of Dud WANTED Woman wants itosition ley, the vnmu as tho rost of southern as cook ami general housework. Ad- dross "C. N'.," euro Mail Tribune. J.TI WAN'TED-Man this evening. Call at Employment Office, 'J08 Taylor & Phippps Hldg. ojn FOH ItlCNT Flvt-rooni house, three hlochs Houth of Main street ; has hath, toilet, electric lights and ce- niont walks- will i... ini.i ,,nPtu. furnlnhed or unfurnlHhed as desired S"? i.,"'' k!ml.for sn 0 up tra,lo ""hiding the appointment of a com Addnnmor In.tnlro - I I South Orap0 Rt U onl' , ' """"" 0,,Hf ' '"V before President Taft .Room 'J08, Taylor & Pluptw Huldg. and concress the "r evancos of or- stroot. A.ri'.l) My maiiicil man positinu i.itiiiii 'ctM Y, '-':) ) to worl: on trait ranch. Adr care of Mnil Tribune THE OFFICIALS LEAVE SPOKANE 1 FOR NATION'S CAPITAL HPOKANE, WuhIi., Doc. H.Tho government of f lclalrt who hnvo boon t conducting tlio Inquiry Into (ho (!un - nliighum coal land entry In AIiihIm, inft. inda for WiiMhiiiKton. Tho honrliigii are to ho tonumi'd after tlio! liolldayH, iiubjoot to tint call of Spe cial CouunlHHlonor W. J. Modeo, It wnti announced today that tlio hoar IngH would prohnhly ho ihhiiimdiI flint la Cleveland. ().. iind from there would Im latum 1 1 la Mlniionpolln and Ncw York city, Tho ovldnro falcon In Spokane placitu Hit, coal iilrl(MlM audi a ponl Hon that If tho Kcmora I land office doit I ro to innl(0 trouhlu for tlio claim cain, ninny clalinnatM can lie reject- od. It In not holloved, however, that tho land offlcu Intcnda doing thin. DlHlntoroiitod Hpocatorn who hnvo followed tho canon declare that tho clalai iiiniIo In thu beginning that tho (intryiiun wcro diiminlcH ropro onllng tho (liiKKonholiaH hnvo hoon disproved hy lit,, tcMtlmotiy. Tho luvitMtlKatlou Iium biin omo what curtailed la lttt mope. AN """Kli pnrlnoridilp arrniiKeturiitH arc mild to havo cxlHtml In tho oiIkIiiiiI ontrltiH and tho development of claliitH, all tho claimant) profoHH that Ihoy hold clalniH for their own Indlv iial hticflt. Kx..(Jovurnor Ml Ion C. Mooro of Walla Walla Haiti today that while HotiMi Indlstrotlomi mlht bo chared aiialiiHt nonio of the ohilmaiitH thnt their fjood !uttn!ln:i hail tiin mIiowii iul that ho thoiiKht tho patents would como' (Martinet) CiinnliiBham eoneurrod In thin view. DUDLE YD0INGS. Mrs. Mary Wllmui made a hiiiluexH trip to .Modford liiHt week, H. A. Ilrucit of this plnr, who l t'lnployod hy tho Houthorii Pacific, made a flying visit to IiIh family and frlotulH last week. Tho wont school miwIInK hold hero rwrnltml In tho oloctlon of thto i,-ii,ii,K iMiiurn; uirciors, joo lien- "ricitH, . a. uawit ami v. M. Spen- PHI" ftlnrlr Mni U A II.,. .1. " - uiiuentiooti tiiat noiiool will start ns soon as a competent toach- or can no sec. re... A nninlior of our young ii attend- r; ki aim .mi-. ( onieimi in aonor or ino marriago ot can uoiuoigii to .Miss HohaIo Nutting. All present spent an enjoyalilo (venlng. th(, music ho- Ing furiilnlied hy tho volunteer or- ahoHtrn of this placo under tho dl- reel Ion of 1). A. Owen, Tho Htatemoiit of tho Hutto Falls correspondent that tho Dudloyltos aro . . . . making local Improvements Is cor- root. Thoy aro not merely local, how- ;n'or - b,lt I'-ninnont. Hnhltahlo homos and well tilled and woll fonc- Oregon. j The Dudley ImHkothall team will play thv Ilutto Falls Athletic club In their gymnasium on Christmas eve. riTTSnURO. Pa.. Dee. 14. Do Christmas reduction salo on all nnuneini' the United States steel cor millinorv. All hats at cost. Special poration as "soulless" and nssortincr . Cl,r" ' "l. '"J V, ' v" I I. lit 1 llV'l . 'tt i.vniimiu. i.min; .11. iiuiuo, lun .i. Central 'ilvonuc. cod-It ny ono nnviug nusiness, sioeic, -'23 It you could huy an equity m good ity lots for 25 per cent with easy inns, would you take them? Ad- (.rosK box 7lf8. '-'31 WILEY B. ALLEN CIRCUIT COURT GRINDS OUT WORK j ' ' Gets Under Way and Disposes of Many Cases Durlntj First Day. 'I ho circuit court for Jackiwn couuly oponoil Mowlfty nl 10 0 oloekLf,,,,,! m Pini $(tV(;rn thousand cordu 11. m. wlion tl followiiiK proceedintf" ! pond wood which Im a ready mark - were had: ' Tho following jurors for (he termj"'" M,m' "n,m""' 1 ' appeared : W. S. Ktaneliff. J. W. I.nwte.i. t ... t t .... mi. ...I. fi (ico. irvui, i.ee diiii-k, miry niro - bai.Kh. Aaron Meek. II. L. fJreorv.i mcurunu mL IKIbUMt rno , W. N'. flrubb, U. A. Abbott, I'. H.j The Merill Daily Herald, published WRECKED; MANY HURT Ilallcy, R. JC. Adam, L. H. Urown. at Merrill, Wis., a nty of some 10,- II. A. HawkitiH, .lohn A. Wrivht. (Ico. ;t)00 population, the former home of WIKKIPEO, Man., Dec. 14. K. r'ojf, riuiM. Fieldn, S. V. J.o7.i"f. Jfayor Cannn, has the following in Uetwcen thirty and forty persons W. M. fhildor. K. Watxon, J. W. ( itH issue of December 8th tinder tho wore injured when the Canadian Pn-: Hatcher, John Cameron, C. W. flil-aption: "The way of the west j why cific Express was wrecked ninety 'tic, II. I). Ivnbli, John Marncburu'. ' can't wc have the samo cnterpriso miles enst of this city early today. Joshua Mathammcr, Ilfilph Hillings, hero?" Many of the injured were American The following jurors were excused ( "Wc hnvo received several copies settlers in Canada who were retuni by the court on presentation of pro- of the eMdford (Ore.) Mnil Tribune, ing to the states to spend the ho!i per reasons: J. II. Chambers, C. II. sent us by Hon. W. II. Canon, a well days. None of the injured were re Oilletlo, cOorgp Iniu. J. W. Hatcher, known reiident of Merrill. Mr. Can- ported to be fatally hurt. T. H. Higinbothain, E. H. Mnrro. on is mayor. of tho city. Medford, y -., , " State of Oregon vs. W. 1'. W'ltMtn, , Oregon, is n city of onlv about 7000 indictincnt for having iintngircd deer hides in ivispession. Dismissed. State of Oregon vs. V. Warner, same.. Slate of Oregon vs. Clint. Ilaight.'L'enerally, is shown in that they sup xunie. I port n daily newspaper twice n State of Oregon vs. Nicholas large ns The Herald, with telegraphic Itainsford, Leonard Oaskins. liar-; service and all modem parphemalia old Mack; indictment; continued fori the term. State of Orecon vs. Onbriel Oun dorson, same; contitiuod. State of Oregon vs. Albert N. Ai ven: "111110: continued. State of Oregon vs. John Do: innvhem: onplinueil. State of Oregon vs. Frank Mauk-jTlie wn: difiai-ised. Slate of Oregon vs. Dodo Shoe- 1HkrI.. huVlvUwui for kMuk iqur n ,:.. ltnuli,,A.. c- y rnmM limited vs J T ' . ' (lagnon. et nl: lo recover monev. jjj0 j0 utrike out front nrawer. 0vtrrnlpil. Jos. Miller v. - H--, The boy or girl bringing in the ,,. ,() rW)V(.r BOPV. n!m.rrt.r'BPenUl(lt nuinuer nest WWfk wj le , f,,rtherniid sepnrHte awer: u- (;,,,, -r n: it -r r recover monev. Judgment by de fault. W M. Itutsell and Homer I. Wntt vs. W. C. Iusell. et nl; order for appointment of guardian ad liliui. Dora Helms vs. fleo. L. Holms, et i. ....:.. II1J1IIH-II"" . llllllU'll KM lln,iii- ,11PI, of p;nnijm, f()r James Helm nnij" jj77j0 Helms allowed- Dora ,Iolms ; ' oi,,f(lll nf) (linn; If dissatisfied with your coffee or tea phono 1001. STEEL TRUST'S GOD IS THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR ,""t "S Uort """"""y ,s "l0 ,1("lnr' . . fiM . . . . ... a. mo conicrenco commiiieo 01 lenders of tho Amerienn Federation of T.a- iior today atlonted a resolution rccom- ganized labor against the steel cor- poration, Tho committee will rco- ninmend n government investigation looking into the corporation's tight , to ovist ntuW the law. SOI E PIANOS TRA STORAGE HOGANY, $261. THE BUSINESS LOCALS : IrH M 4 H4 f4t Nicely fnrnlHhfd toornn with nil ; modern convijnlonnn at tho I'almn. cnto Bomcthing in the nnturo of Phono 1091 for twin and coffee. , progress during tho coming nonaon I People needing holp o nuv Kind a little beyond any heretofore pro r should call at oihploymont bureau joc.ed. ooy H it'n tut m HhNix tftt n .,. r , ,.,.. , ' rnoc, l.r)0; oric-lhird rnU,' 1 i- - .. n . ... 1 FARTFHM PAPFR PDAICTC i ..Mr-nnr. .. .. inhabitants, much smaller than Mcr- rill. "Vet small as the town is the qual ity of her business men and citizens for the production of an up-to-date tlnilv paper." BR0WN1EKAR CONTEST Nears the Close Boys and Girls Are Working Hard, But Few Votes Are Coming in. Watch Out for Surprises Next Veek Some One Will Get a Lead Next Week Unless You Get Your Coupons In. credited with 1000 extra. The sec-' ond highost iiltmber turned in will be credited with ."i00 extra. The throe next highest will receive 100 ench. Here is a good opportunity to incroase your, vote. When the contest is finished the one having brought iu the greatest number of coupons or duplicate sales nonets, wiuen count same as cou pons, will secure the car. All others ,.-;ii i 4V.- ...i. v.... 11, IIU Mlllt lill IIIUll lllKIV. 1MU get real money by working for us. Here is the standing since tho last count : ; Mvrlo Davis 937 Browning Purdin (13 Paul Russell 11G Francis Keith 1833, nisn tmydor Roy Reynolds 314 Myrlo Ganiett GS9 Harry Wortnian .t. 227 Xenl Harris 2410 Mablo Edwards 25 Flora Davis 519 Rox Darker 131 .Tames Horphyj ' 3 Oeo. Leonard . 1(1 Willie Stinson 57S Carter Drandon 2o(18 v iins. uny .;.) Myrlo Rhodes 2i4 Willie Cuhoru 53 Walter WiNon UJ7' TH AT AVE AUG FORCED ROOM. THESE PIANOS TON, KINGSBURY AND OTHER MAKES. AVE HAVE TRADED THESE PIANOS ON OVR CELEBRATED MAKES THAN AVE HAVE ROOM POR. LUDWIGS--R. MAHOGANY CASE, WELLINGTON STYLE H, OAK, USED THREE MONTHS, AS GOOD AS NEW, $196. WELLINGTON A, OAK, USED TWO MONTHS, $168. KINGSBURY, J. OAK, $148. i T 1 inn-nnn T--r i -v-rz-wr-, -r-r I j1j XXUViol'j .L .liViUo JlVVJli .OlliiliN .l lVilUtjU Xl AEAKES, CONSISTING TEEPLE AND MILTON. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. "TV .WM. KNABE AND WILEY MUCH PROGRESS MADE ON MEDFORD HEIGHTS The improvement going on at Mod- fonl ,,t,illt,, C!IHl 'f '"!- prcpnratinoii for tho hiiildin of tiiitnliii tt? trlrifliim rtmAnitnea n rt !tn. ' ,,,. ... Pi,i.,,. ,iu. thi will be one of the many dehirable ' one aurroundihK Medford. t 1.-... ..!i.. :.. 1. 1.. .. .t.:i. n ti To- ' i ensy terms, llox 708. 234 I nnniill cvnnroc 10 A Select Line of Ladies' Purses end Handbags AT COST Herman Bros. ' - 0 Ca 317 E. .SevcntH St. i- AT YOUR GROCER'S Pomukd Vloubikci Ureu OoFoarLutD.OBiaoi TO S ELL RATHER THAN CONSIST OP LUDWIGS, AS GOOD AS NEW, $281; 4 tt-i-i tititixt rnt- 4 i-vTnT-v t-vt I Hjyjr Olympic rvl 'I mwf ia an aid to rather ll ! I mm x..i. -m ia rf (aan a wa ot your MoOier. Jm V tho baking rwults r Z ml you thonld try a f.rffj;rr HI eaek of Olymplo f 3gtfr OP KNABE, MASON Ss HAMLIN, FISCHER, PRICE MASON & HAMLIN PIANO DEALERS. B. ALLEN COMFY For the Best IN THE LINE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FIXTURES, WIRING IflD DYNAMO REPAIRING SEE MEDFORD'S PREMIER ELEC rRICIANS. FLYNN BROS. 132 WEST REMEMBER fl If you are looking for fine diamonds, watches and jewelry, rich cut class and silverware, I have these articles in stock, and tho quality is absolutely guaranteed. MaifnJ. Reddy TER Plain Facts You will lose money in purchasing your holiday goods, especially DIAMONDS. CUT Sh&r SILVERWARE, if you fail to fee All we ask is the opportunity to show you jur stock, as values are such that you will .lot leave the store without buying. Medford Loan Office Corner of Central Avenue and Main. Are Going Have you a friend coming west? You ought to bring one to Medford. Call and see us. Let us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phone, address or ctali on Southern Pacific R. R A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent 1 COMFY RENT EX- WELLING IN MORE OP LTJDWIG K. MA JjS UUlt UiLilliiUiV i lU wt Ai m nnT m"in i rni7)TS MAIN STREET. GLASS. WATCHES. GOLD AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ETC. us. You East 7 .