TIMI MKDFORD MAIL TRIUNE, M1SPFORD, 01 Ml OX, TUKSIUY, DISCKMBfoR 1 1, 1009. FROZEN DURING ! RECENT STORM HUH M MH f CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. 14 114 14 1 4 4 MHMH HfHtlf HI HH H 4 I 4 f v CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES, ff -ff f -f -f f Htf 4- 4- -f hhIiI lots; r0 fool; rato pur fuot cuts: amount duo 2'J.r, ir Man Fuiinil Dead mi Hillside Near m Mock it, original towimito In ToloWns Snlil lo Du Very Heavy Drinker. b. ii. lotM 7 mill s, In block lit. orln- ,,lv f Modford. Oti'viii. froiiln 50 Hie Sinter of tlio llnlv Nam of Jc- vily l Medford. Orfgori. fronton :m I ,nl lowimltn l-i H'f city of :.I,'f..nl. ,,, j, M,jU aIiwI.au.. nud Chrinl. It 1. Work (CI. one- JfT1, te,!"f.' ! , ,.",K," r V On-mm, Honing r.0 foot In roar of - ,.. ...... foo. ;. ,.,. .j0 in lite -itv of Medford. . .H.' ..r"i,; fo" 04 iiinoiiiil due. 31.50. On-iron. 100 foot: n.tr. Wr foot. Ii:t, ' . Th Amoniiu.nl No. 8-C. L. Omwi- ecu; amount dllo. f3.no. , . x No; J Jjd,,iJ lirinr(ri. lot H. block .'I. I'lilin Mililition AeHMniit No. 4 Oregon hikI ,i,,....i r. f.t on alloy In rnur of said lots; 50 U) f'O fuot on noiilli wltlo llninil- oikmuhI townrttc in lb- citv o Med- South; fcO feet; rat per foot 0 1 fed; rnlo par fliot In (Hints; amount , ton Mreot. 50 font; mto nor foot, (HI ford. Orvicon. fiontnui- KiO feet on ctiU; anioiint du 132. duo $22.50. mml', amount duo, $3,150. "'"'Hi il ''"iiil irmt, wet. 1(K), AwMwsment No. 30. r. JIokks, AmoMiniMil No. 7- A. It. KU.mIimI AHMCanmeiit No. Il-Heiirv Iliinh- foot : rntMor foot. 03 rent: amount lot It. block . Park addition In the mi i lot 11. lilnck ill. original town-1...... n i.t,.,.b i ii. ...i.liii,... i.i $03.00. city of Medford, Oregon, frontage .0 site In tlio city of Modford, t)rMon. dioVitv of Modford . Omimi. frontal- A"cmont No. f)ien nd Jt on mt nUU Orjinje Tlio ,o.i,l body of JuNoph ICatnp. fnuitHK,, 25 tml In rnr ; Ifio f,. , .out ni.lo Hamilton ir.5. f'alifon.ia Lm.i.1 Co.. I-.i 7. ,o,k fU. J: lr foot l e-nU; Ih.II, Mio. JIT y,.am ol.l, wim S , M'rr f0"1 fl ,!,U"H rtO f,,. ; rat, ..or foot. (JIJ oeut-i n tow.f.to In f;'tv "f Md- n"' J , '"f3' n , 0 f. oon.lv found in an , n flol.l on ll.o "mount Uo $!!.. .... amount ,luo, 431.A0. f . Oroon . f ronj n 100 cut on A t-r"-J. t. noRM. ol.l MoDnuonKl.plaoo.ailjoiniuKTolo.l AMMHHn.out No. B-A. A. Divm Ao..mo,,t No. 10W. f. Kinvon. ., ,, t. 0: ";,," ,,, ,,. . of M-"lr"r'1- 0re,?"n- fro:,taK i... ii. ..t i I. In. a la. lit. II. In. la. 17 ftnil In, III I.. i iii i.i..... i i ... 1 t.iii:.... i.. it... lotfi, line uoi joui. u 1 1 nm, ninouiil ... ... .. i,i --.. 50 fuot on et ulitn OrariRf Htreet, U.....I.. r.A r.i . u .i f.tnt A.l Ilondllla Good l'ark addition OrBon, front al .i,,l r.1rilniHt Mint unlit mivnnil MM "in vi. num. a.'" .-. i.iu- iht iijui. agu uu ICOl Oil OHHl HIUL' uruiiRC bi i nn iSr'and Muoli:ni; oatonl AHH.mont No 11- . ; V. Hook.. . : oont,: amo.mt .lito. 03 .00. f0iLn$Sw f00t M In Hi., Hon docltitt or ald city. andlt I. lilook I. OIon ntldition in tlio AttHenHiunt .No. i It. U. liow, el conts; nniount due I?.-, that llioroupott notlfo Im Klvon tlio ' oil v of .Modfoni, Oiokom. irontauo "8 al. lot 7. block 1 oricinal townit ill Asoomimont No. C Ilondllla Good owimth or ifltnilod ovnT of mild ' foot on Miutli Hide Hamilton trot. the oitv of Modford. (ireitoii, iroHnt- alf, lot 11, block !, Park addition In ,, ,iv. and that tlio Mime bo (.n-i.'.H f.il: rate nor f.n.f. till (.(...tM.atro M foot on Mitith ide Third tho city of Medford. Orpon, front- ".I in. iiiii n llil N"j tin, ii nun l' , , ...,l,.l .... I l ., ul I In Hi,. ..I I v i ' " "" ,,,v paront that llfo I.Jd boon oxtino. ov ' VtI " OroKo,v fro,,t,,K !(! oral bill am boll f unit fctrauulud could ii'Kiiin ooimcioimiumM. ('ori)iior A. 10, iColloKK wiih hiiiii niniifil fmiii Hold Hill, but upon view ing tin roiiiainw and boarim; tlio cir Mitatani'0 prooodini; ICampbil'. " ; or Moiironi, wiokoii. iiomuirb .... " . , ,, - anKoaMinwn i'- imniic. ,.niH. Hinoiint duo 182. day-. Tlio body lay on a m.Io ' fr) ,m,.y l rar of nald lot; 175 "fl "'I mclio- on w.iil i a do Ham- ,ot ( ,,, k 81 . oritrinl townitc in , " ' " v r. h, ind il i IlioiiKlit that aa Kainp- ' Tort ; rato .r foot 16 couIk; amount ilton Ktroo t. .1(1 foot C, inobo; rato , ,;ilv 'f Mu,ifor,. ,)r(.8(,n fpo. .,J ,TT V.o";, V 'a Ml ho mu.l liuu. boon Htunuod. ;.', Nn,Ht la Ir-roby ordr. L'oo ..', ' ' ' "K,! 1,10 loot J?Y , WH,,h "i,le TUM ' clty of ilodford. Or .lranlud in ll.o huow boforo ho ' U ".",;,.. ,, 1 i Z Z I -,,,,,H' -r',-'- 100 ff" ; r"" w foot, ago 50 foot on oaat aide O It's a Pleasure fjifrtftfl nilil I'll III. cii. il Iii thn 1 1 1 ri 1 1 1 1 -r nun, nut iliu. .'l(l..'i 1. direct, witril. 1-1 foot: lull' mil' font. doatb. docidod that an impiont waa ,r(,Vdod by the charter of anld oily) Aanoaamont No. 12 Jfr. il. A IM ocntw; amount duo. h.82. nnnoooH-ary. The man laid boon for tlm colleotlon of hum uiioikh for Olson, lot -I. block (I. Olson addition in ASSKSS.MKNT KOIf AN KIGI1T- tbo eitv of Medford. Or'.von. frontaac , f)8 foot on Miutli fido Hamilton Htroot. (Ill ccntH; () Joel: rate nor amount duo. $30.5-1 AHHOHIIloIlt No. 11 foot. (i.'l cent: J. F. Huteiia- drinkiiik' hoavilv for noveral inontlia tlio ImproveiiinnU of atr la therein, and for a nuniia.r of dayn proeodinr MicJ ' " lul Iliu doatb bad probably boon tioar to i, iuiIjIIhIiciI throe llinea In the Dally if'H feet: rato nor foot. delirium tremonH, an bo ehorMiod tlio Mall Tribune, a nowapaper publlalu'd amount due. $.'1(1.5-1. doluion that Sheriff W. A. .Folios, of mid of Konoral elrculiilloii In aald city, i AHnoa.mont No. 13- J. V. Hale l,,., l, K..m,.,l I.. ......(..I un I" the niaunor provided by ordinance jot j. block 5. OIm.ii addition in 1h , ,. . . , . No. 250 of aald city, cominf for him. Ho mint'lned that t()ri,KunK ..rdlnat.co wna pann- ovory htratiKor bo aaw wna -the offi- by ,llH clt. ,.m. f t)) uy of eer, and eoncealrd liimsolf fretpient- Medford on the Ifith day of Novem- IV. Tbia tnado him eonhidorablo her, lOOtt, by tho followlni; vote: trouble lo the Cleveland fnmllv with lrrlek aye, Wolch nbaent. Klfort aye. iroiil.le io inii Lloeian.i munw, Kmerlck nyo, Dommor aye. Wortman wlinin be had been atopping, He dia- 11 At 1. upponrcn nun noinini; morn wna aoen of him until bn wna found dead. Kamnbolt came to tbia district from I'biladolphin aix yenra apt. Several of bin aoUuintaiiccH have beard him apeak of a aialor livinc in VonnH.vl vania, tlio only relative be wna known to have, be beinjr a native of flor-many. aire 50 feet on cunt Mde OrnnKe atreot. South; 50 feet; mo per foot G4 conts; amount r.ue 332. Aaaeafiment No. 7- Hrndllla Good ale, lot 10, block c, l'ark addition In tho city of Medford. Or?Kon, frontase H foot on east lde Orange street. South; N feet; rate per foot 04 centa; amount due 2.1G. Asseaamoiu No. 8 Ilondllla Good- Live at the 1'nltun. new I'rtcK bulldlne, new furniture, atrlctly inodrrn, cor ner Ornpe nml Mntn ntreota. Kour 10. acre Iraeta of firat-cla fruit land, well locNtcd, iinelenrod; INCH SKWEH ALONG NORTH OAK DA Mi AVENl'K FKOM HAM lhTON TO THIRD STREET IN CITY OF .MEDFORD. OREGON. Aaaeatnent No. 1 E. A. Wa'.hbuni. lot 17. block 2. I'almaildition in tin I'll J. IIIIIVH lit VIIMJII alllllllinil 111 , . " " ,;, , f m" ABBimtlllUIII. O IVUI1UIIIU uuuu- .itv up M.,ir,,i-i1 Or.tf.,.11 frfin. in,.. tq eitv ol .Medlord. Oreyon. trontnue I , ni. int o. i.inrli fl. Park addition In foot on north aide Hamilton atreot. 1 on we miic uaKoate avenue. , the city of .MedrorJ. oreRon, rrontaj; norm. ieei: rnie per loot, oj -H reel on cam siue irange aireei, eonta: amount due. $40.02. 'South; 41 feet rato per foot 04 AMhi.s4inf.iil Xn. 2 Diiniol HilL-,.v . cents; amount due f?8.1C. aon. lot 1. block 2. Olson nddition in lot 1. block 2. I'nlm addition in the . Assessment No. a- u. ,a'on. In. ,.i.v ,.f M.ir..r.l rirn... ., Fr..l,,.... eitv of Medford. OrfL'.,.!- lrnntn.-n 18. DIOCK b, K05S nuuiuon in inp f8 feet on north hide Hamilton Htreet. j4 feet on west aide Oakdale avenue. f.8 feet: rate, nor foot. 03 centa: i north. 7-1 feet: rate per foot. 03 amount due. .3().f4. ; centa: amount due. $40.02. AHHoaMiiont No. I.i-R. H. Toft.! AaHessmeiit No. 3 R. Ii. Dnn. et , lot 8. block 2. I'nlm mldition in the nl. lot 7. block 81. original towusite in son et al., lot 1, 'block 0, rtoss addl-l eitv of Medford. Oregon, fronttme ' the eitv of Medford. Oreiron frontaL'o ; tlon In the city of Medford. Oregon,1 H1..1 fect on north hide Hamilt 1)8 feet on ont side Oakdale avenue, frontago 101 feet on west side Orange atreot. 4fl.fi feet: njte nor foot 03 north. 08 feet: rate Per foot. 03 street, south; 101 feet; rato per foot centa; amount due. $20.'H. cents: nmount due. $01.74. ' 64 centa; anVnt d,,p i.G4. AaHeMamont No. 1(1- H. . AskeWi Aekfi.M, v. jfirnm x- ri:. Asseasmont No. 11 William Ross, od alone Hamilton atreot for the atjt x. lot 11. block 2 Palm nuidtion :.. forniu Ull(, Co.. lot j. ,)loek g..,, oric. aur"nilnZ s ubrange of eotiMruetinir the aamo and provid-i the city of Modford, Oregon, frontage iim ,owllle jn ,he oilv 0f .Medford. tret SouUi In city of Medford. inir the mnnuor of enrrvinir aaid an- M) fool on north ide Ilain.li..i. rvA. Orecon. frontaso 2 Ofeet on east side Oregon, frontage loc foet on west ouiouia in io inn eneoi. i" kti, uhu nor jooi, o.i cum. -. UHKoaie nveniie. uorlli. '.'o lee t : rnlo s d Orance street, south, uescrinea Approved November 17th, 100'J. W. II. CANON, sinyor. Attest: UOII. W. TUM'KIl. Recorder. 0RDINA0E NO. 2fl.r.. An ordinance aaaefwing tho prop erty adiaeout to and benefitted bv tho HX-iiieh lateral aower eonatruct- Tndfod to pay your grocery bill when you deal here -for tho items are always correct. What gives it additional pleas ure is the fact that you know Full Value for your money lias been receiv ed -that j'oii arc charge'd with the lowest prices on the very best goods. It 's mutual pleasure doing bus iness with us. Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 101 feet on west side Orange street. South; 101 feet: rate per foot 04 centa; amount due $04.04. Assessment No. 10 John Wllken- The eitv of Medford doth ordnin amount duo. s-.ll.oU. ,H.r f0t. 03 contu: -a followa: aomiioiu .mi. h i . r. mwi'it. srj.tjtj. I s.u.ii.m i Wlmi-.niM. ilin Kimiii.il man. lot 10. block 2. Palm addition o....,.-. .. i .-. : i .11.? liHr.iti,rikrii itriii'nli. Iiv iirilimiiiHi 111 the eitv of Medford. Oregon, front- ., "2"" , Z' ,.1 i "1. u. '1', nount due ?C7.S4 .. ... - III'IIMI mill IJI linilllTIl Lllltl MM-MrHl auinunt due. Vol 55. page 020. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 100 feot; rate per foot 01 conts; $7fi.0() ,H.r acre, one-lhird eaah; en.v fo , vj f ,)Wmr ( .',0 fool on north side Hamilton gSc"-mets be en- Sectl" 2' A,ld l ,s b.reby or; J, ' 31' -.v adiaeenl to and benefitted bVjH.reet. 50 feet; rate per fool. 01 JT ZSh'TJ! ZnKe te nt x . f 4fM , 4 4 i"" -;'"'- V,f "1 Trr'AnsTsfk Riooev T'1 lh"1 t,wru,H, te riven cT." doek ffo " saUl" city", and 4KMf ftlHIMH hereinafter deacrihod to mpoar bo-! Ahoaniont No. Ib-A. h. R;ppc. ,,, ownors or reiiiitetl owners of said that thereupon notice be giveu the CITY NOTICES. 'ore anid council and nhow cauae. if! JJ. block -. I aim aibbtion in the ppctv. and that tho sime be en- owners or reputed owners of said f 44-f v. whv aaid proporlv ahould notu'.lv. "l -l-tHorti. UroL'on. lrontaae forc,.,i nnd eolleteed in the mnnner property, nnd that the same bo en- . is . i ... ... .. r. ...... .... ........ ....... 1 1 i ... im iii..iw-4i'ii inr i no ihik. irmiimii mi "i.i' ici-i on iiiiiiii niuu i iiiiiimiiii OltDINANCH NO. 20 1. An ordinance iiHseaalng tho prop- i..-,.vw1...i i.v (),.. ..imt'fi.r ..t i.i ..iiv forced and collected in the manner "aid M'wcr. and did hx a time lor eei; niie nor iooi. o.t for the eolleetion of n9Kments for provided oy tne ciiarier oi sain cuy hottriiiL anv hticli nrotef. which no-! oonta; amount due, $33.75 ertv adlacont to find botiofltcd by the tice wna dulv dvon in accordance Hlx-tnch littoral aewer coiiHtructod with aaid ordinance along alley for tho coal of conalruct- dava before the boeiiifint' of the lug tho same and providing the innn-'Klriietion of aaid Hewer, but no pro our ui mrij inn n.im 'uivhi. .... iosin ni.''iust Haul t'oiiHtructioii or as-j ou ieei s rato per full effect. ,..,,.,.. M aesfunent of tho coat thureof waa ' amount due. $31.50. nil. Ill, l l 11 1 ill ll umii ii i .,.,., ,,v. ..,...,,,, ,,,,,1 ,.. .u AKw,.ut.n.. v.. o Section t. did heretofore provide by ordinance the improvements of -trooN therein. ?r V'?.."cc.li2" is8,",e.?il '.r I Aa.osMnoni No. lll-A. K. Rippev. 3 order 3th ,,uovcn,untB ot 8lreoU there,n ii... 1.1 i.i. . ..i.'. ii..i i.i:.:.... :.. beotion o. It is turtuer ordered ., , , ....,,. conatructod with said ordinntico more than ten I lot 12. block 2. Palm addition in the ., , . i. Section 3. It Is further ordered con- eitv of .Medford.Oreiron. frouta,o 50 . , h rVnHv 5l i J,.:"WL ..r. Meet n north feide Hamilton street , , oe puoiisneu inrce nines iu me tllll! Il l ll.lltMa , -" --- --- --- -- -"- - ...UU..f . UVILfMI'VI t...W..WN.M luoi. i.um, of penemi ciroulntion in snul nnd of general circulation In said ,,,, ., eitv. in the manner provided bv orui IlltO. vt.. or.n s.i .. I... ..!.! - -.11 I I... ! I'l I.I 1. O II..! 1.1!.!.... !.. .1... """Ll! .Ml. -OU III MI1U Kill. Wherenu thn council, luiiiii.ii. uiiiuiuu uunnn ulii-ii. i J", uiiivn i nun iiiiiiiiiun in luu .. ---w ....1 ...i ,i i . .1 .. ii...if Asse-snient No. 201. II. And wheroas, tho coat of the con- .e i.if-. i it t . r, l lie loreironiL orumnnce was pass- Tne foregoing ordinance was pass- r . , ff! '. rc:on front ago 50,C)1 b fh itv ,., of 10 citv of ,eU by tno cb,ty ouncl, of the cIty 0f leet mi Hurt Ii miln iliiiniltmi u n '.. .... ...... .. .v. . .i. . city. In tho manner provided by or- i dlnnnce No. 250 of said city. The foregoing ordinance was pass- Ani!,.UTIIIllt Tn m II P U'l.W,. i lot 1-1. block 2. Palm addition in tho for tho serving of tho ownora of prop- atruotion ol said sower baa boon and orty adjacent to and boneriled by tho hereby ia determined to bo tho mini construction of the lateral sower here- 0f $1.15. (ji Inafter described to nppoar before th'ernfore aniil eitv ilntb lnr said council and nhow rauso. If any. .... " ,1V t 11 1 . . .." . .. . ' "... ... i . .... 1 . 1 bv ordain and ilon aru (but eneh imr. ased for' ,.!e coni.on of aabi'l of property doseribed belowis ?itv of Medford.Ore.on. frontage 50 aower, and did fix a time for honr- autnconi lo ami nenolitted bv that lag any auch protonta, which notice certain lateral sowor, six inches in waa duly ijlven In accordance, with mm. eoiihtructod on Ilauiilton atreot aald ordinance more thnn top days , from west end of atreot to North boforo the beginning of the construe- Oakdale avonuo and that tho nropor t on of aald sewer, but no protests' ... . . . .. 1 . . against said construction or assess- tH.n ot the cost of said sewer which meut of tho coat thereof waa made J'"'" "'iroels of laud should by anyone, r.nd nam sewer waa, by boar, bacoil 011 tho boiieiila derived aald council, ordered constructed, nud reapoctivelv bv said Hoveral trncta if feot on north side Hamilton street i Medford on the 10th dav of Novem-1 Medford on th0 10th day of Noveni- r.n .. . . e . r-o . iui.'uiiiiii un iiiu in ui ui .iucm- - .r . r " . . . . . . 00 lect: rate per foot. 03 cents:'...- ..n. . 1 . ... n... imr. mon. iiv the followlnc vote amount due. $31.50. I V"? " .T V. ' MeVrlck aye. Eifert aye. Welch ab . . - ... . iif'k. r.ni'ii. 11111. 11 i:ii'ii. iiusriiLi . Whereas, the cost of tho construe- laud is tho amount set opposite the tlou of aald aower baa boon nnd bore- j dccriptinii of each such parcel bo by la deterniluod to bo the auin of jmv. tltitt each of said parcels is uo- ,. , ., ,,,, ,, ihiiillv benefitted ill tho nmount sot Now, therefore, said city doth bore-1 .( .( .iUK.rimi,,.. i..,,..... 1V ,1... by ordain nnd declare that each par-, " f 0 iripiion lielow D thy col of property described below Is construction of said sewer, and that adjacent to and benefited by that! hum several amounts roprcHont tho certain Internl sowor 0 Inches lu sire, proportional benefits of said several constructed on alloy between C and pnrcols from said sewer. And each I) streotB and Eighth nnd Ninth i(,f aaid parcels n horebv assoscd thu Htroota, and that tho proportion o !,, Hel m,sit0 iu description tho cost o sa d sewer wh eh each of bu,()W. for (hu cu,1MtrU(J0 of 8ai(l Hlllll piirLeiH III lllllll nil.llllll liuill, unn ed on tho henoflta derived respect Ivolv. by said several tracts of land la tli amount sot opposite tho des cription of each such parcol below; that anh of said parcels la actually benefited In the nmount aet opposite Ita description bolow by tho construc tion or said Bower, and Hint aald sov- ....! ti.iif.mttu ...ir.'.an.it Mi., iifnnnr. villi ...,.,.,... . . .- ,y tlonal benef Hh of said severnl pa reel a 1 " newer. ASSESSMENT FOR A SIX-INCH LATERAL SEWER ALONG HAM 1LTON STREET FROM WEST END OF STREET TO NORTH OAKDALE AVENUE IN THE CITY OF MEDFORD. OREGON. Assessment No. 1 C. W. Palm, et lot 1. block 3, Palm's addition iu lltl PVIWilH .v... 1 ., .. ,, f , n 1 . from said sower. And each of saldi'"" "l '" paroola la hereby nssossed tho amount A'ot on south side ot llumilton aot opposite Ita description bolow for t-t root. 50 feot. Rato por foot, 03 the construction of aald sower. ASSKSSMKV'T FOR A O-INCMI LAT ERAL HEWER ALONG Al.I.KY oonta: nmount duo, $31.50, Assessment No. 20. W. Palm, ot ux. lot 2, block 3. Palm addition in Vn-m rrviMt vsvv'vnl ,,,,7,,,v r MvAtor,-)rwm- fro,,tn Sfmm ?; f;i wn r,,lh -Wu "r"ir Ht,'?t- CITV OF MEDFORD, OREGON. " S I'M" loot, 03 cents; Aaseaam.-nt N'o. I --Edward E. nmount duo. $31.50. (lore, lot 1. and tho south half of lot Assessment No. 3 J. E. Wnrroii. 2. lu block 10. original townslto In lot 3. block 3, Palm addition iu tho the olty of Medford, Oregon, front- eitv of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 ago 75 feel on alloy In rear or said feot oil south side Hamilton street, lot; 75 feot; rate por foot 15 cents; fiO feet: rato per foot, (13 con In; amount duo $:i:i.75. amount duo, $31.50. AHHOHsniPiit No. 2 - T. A. Harris 1 Assessment No. -I J. E. Wnrroii. oatate. tho noilh half of lot 2 and , Wouk ;i( j, n(l,li(iu i nu, tho south 37 1-2 eo of t ; ; ' '' citv of Modford. Oregon, frontage 50 S;,Ko ;s So ,1 m yfh!R bitu .. '. . ....i. ..... .in . i All Inn. ruin inn .nil. Ill iinn.d on alloy in rear ot sum nu, u- J,; yn feot; rato per foot Hi coins; niuouiu , inni'ma miu. .t.m.uu ,!.,.. oc i Assossniont No. AHHossiuont No. 3 Anna M. Wll- r. lot 5. block 3. Palm addition in son, lot 4 and tho north 12 1-2 foot Iho citv of Modford, Oregon, frontage of lot il, In block 10, original town-50 foot on south side Hamilton street, alio In tho city of Modford, Oregon, , f,o foot; Vato per foot, 03 cents; frontago 02 1-2 feot on alloy In rear , amount duo, $31.50. Vf ."".'r 'A nw.;2tf?.n,i v"s n,UM'! Assessment No. (i-H. A. Holmes, f taLXffi CH4U?) $m;.!o;.a. I lf Wook 8. Pl,n addition in the lots 5 ami 0, In block 11. original v of Modford.( Oregon, frontago 50 towmilto In tho oltv of Mod ford, Oro-ifeot on south sido Hanultou stroot. gon, frontngo 100 foot on alloy In 50 foot: rato por foot, 03 oontHj vnni. nf hp.1.1 lots! 100 foot; rato nor i nmount duo. $31.50 loot 45 conts; amount duo $45. I Assossniont No. 7 R. A. Ilolmos, AHHossnioiit No. 5 .lames l, Han- lot 7. block !l, Pnlin addition in tho man. ave. Approved November 17th. 1009. W. II. CANON. Mn'or. Attest : ROUT. H. TELFER. Recorder. isont, Emerlck aye. Demmer aye, Wortman aye. I Approved November 17, 1909. ! W.H. CANON, Mayor. Oectric Wiring' and Fixtures Have you anything electric that all others have failed on? Before throwing it away call on us r.-nd we will fix it if it is possible to do so. Do you ever look at your light fixtures and wish you had some thing more up-to-date? "We carry a full line of SQUARE BEU3HED, BRASS, OXIDIZED COP PER AND ANTIQUE BRASS FIXTURES, DOMES, CEILING LIGHTS AND BRACKETS, AND HALL LAMPS. Do you ever wish that your light was in some other position or that you had more? "We do electric wiring of all kinds for lights, motors, dynamos, door bells, etc. TVe also build tel ephone and power lines. Southern Electric ' PHONE 1091. Oregon Company 36 S. GRAPE ST. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. Recorder. feot on north sido Hamilton street. ' 50 feet: rate per foot. 03 cents;! amount due. $31.50. Assosmcnt No. 22 Eltcctra E. Hulladav. lot 15. block 2, Palm addi tion in the citv of Medford. Oregon. iroimiirn mi ii'tn on iwtrin u a Hum. ai(.-.i..vh- vs ilton street. 50 feet: rato per foot. I An ordinance assessing" the prop-1 i"P- Pnme heans f"9"' Wrdsind oo coins; nmount due, swi.ol). lerty adjacent to and ucnentod uy tne ; raatnnmis moiuuea irue io muure oy Assessment o. -ja is. a. was i- : slx-incn lateral sower consirucieu mnroved metuods. I no tanning, mnkr TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER ! Send your trophios to me for mount- burn, lot 10. block 2. Palm addition nlong Ornngo street for the cost of f j. remodel and cloa in il... ,.:i. r.4' M.,.ic..-.i n e . Miimii-nrihi" thn snitio and providing . " ' . . . PL UMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating. in tho eitv of Medford. Oregon, front-, constructing tno same ami prov. .B cnrnlcnts Express and mnH or ago 50 feet on north side Hamilton t"o manner of. carrying said assess- rm cnrnicms tspress imi man 03, t. . m .11 . 1 .(aba Atl ntlnnHflW tn uiri.i. r.n r..... e ii-i meins nun mu cuuvi. . ....- t.. ........... ... -"- .x- v.t MMU fV Xirifi UU mi. i m tl..lf,..l nmln n O KM mi. . .i... WAt.mA .Ia1. nf.lnln P U UADD C conts: nmount due. $31.50. ' ,Z ! ... , """".i--, "t,'"'.. . ', i.M. ...nMi WOttnwimpmn emu, . uni.m,. u. OULIIUII At n lllli'iiOi ttlk iwitiivn Assessment No. 21 E. A. Wash- burn lot 17. block 2, Palm addition i did heretofore provide by ordinance iu tlio eitv of Medford. Oregon, front-; for the serving of tho owners of prop ago 50 feet on north side Hamilton orty adjacont to and beueflted by Htreet. 50 feet: rate per foot. 03 I the construction of tho lateral sewer cents: nmount due. $31.50. hereinafter described to .appear be- All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. I. F. MOORE AND E. E. SMITH Old Tribune Building. ' Phone 2931. Telophone Main 3000. Prepaid Raliroao Orders. Assessment No. 25 J. F, Ilutclm son, lot 2, block 2. Olson additiou in tho citv of Medford. Oregon, front- ago 50 feot on Olson street. 50 feot; foro said council and show cause,! "Something which is of considor- If any. why said property should not I known B e system of prepaid or- ; bo assessed for the construction oftknow" lb u,c v cu u f said sower, and did fix n tlmo fori able interest to the public generally i and whioh is perhaps not generally Vi on rln i' nnv nnrh nrntfsts. which no- rate POT foot. A3 ciMltti! ninmni. ilnn Ilnn .no .1..K fK.ii. In ninnrilinift $31.50. with said ordlnanco moro than tonlders now in effect between stuhon? Assessment No. 2(1 Robert Wil- days before tho beginning ; of the con- ( . g0.,th0rn Pacific company 1 structlon or snld sewer, nut no pro-1 , , tests against said construction or as-, and ail points in the United stales. . - l bHSSnX andf ' 1 Ul Xer" waTby . likets said council ordered constructed, and Whereas, the cost of tho construc- 03 cents j 5 Robert Slow- sou, lot 2. block 5. Olson addition iu tho eitv of Modford, Oregon, front tiire"50 foot on Olson street. 50 feot; rate per foot. 03 cents ; amount due, $31.50. Assessment No. 27 Mrs. M. A. Olson, lot 3. block (1. Olson addition in. tlio citv of Medford. Oregon, front p 50 foot on Olson street. 50 feet; rato per foot, 03 cents: amount due. iinin nmi iiorimo that each parcel of $31.50. property described bolow Is adjacent I cash in connection with theso tickets Assossniont No. 28 D. W. Heche, to nnd benefited by that cortalu lat- , . fnr.Vftr.i.i nt ti10 snm0 Ini !i l.i.n.i.. i nienn ,i,i!.: i.. .i... mni wwnr. l.v Inches In size, con-. mai ,l,so u0 lorwaidcu nt tno same he purchased at Medford from any ,.lnnn in tli TTnitoil Rtntps and mail Hon of said sewer has been and horo- . , . bv Is dotortulncd to b tlu sum of.sd or telegraphed direct to the partj $445,44; ; .vishine to come horo. Sleeper no- f:.. 'lfHI'lrMr.S,; conrmodations and small amounts ot Why Buy AN INFERIOR GRADE OF BUTTER TO SAVE 0N OR TWO CENTS ON THE POUND, when you can got tho beet for almost the 8nrae prico from your local creamery Wo don't mix our button Ask your grocer for it nnd thus encourage home industry. If your grooor don't handle it, phone us. Sweet crenni, milk nnd buttermilk delivered ovory day. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY. Phone No'. 2681 citv of .Modford. Oregon, frontngo 50 tructed on Orango street be fool on Olson street. 50 feot: rntotwoon Eighth ami Tenth streets por foot. 113 cents; nmount duo. ami that tho proportion ot tho $31,50. I Pnaf nf uniii sower which each of . run m -i.v.ii i'v i -, huIiI parcels of land snouid near, URAL SEWER Al.ONCl WEST 'based on the benefits derived im TjIIRI) STREHT FROM NOitTii isnecttvely by said soveral tracts of time." tf laud la the amount sot npposlto t'o ileaerlptlon of each such parcel no- OAKDAI.t; AVENUE TO HOLLY STREET, IN CITY OF MEDFORD, ; low. , mt nei, f snld parcels Is act OREGON. 1 unllv benefited In tho amount sot Afismm.i y. l-n, x- Pi. opposite Its description below by the ltornui Land Co., lot 1, block 82, or construction of said" sowor, and that snld sovoral amounts represent the proportional benefits of said several iimwinio renin cnin Rnwn v xiin 4hitii sido Third street, west. 1)2.5 foot; ! of said parcels Is hereby nssossed tho rato por foot, 03 cents; nmount due, amount set opposlto Its description bo low for tho construction ot said sow- iginnl towusite in the citv of Modford, Oregon, frontago 02.5 foot on north $58.27. Assossniont No. 2 The Society of tho Sisters of tho llolv Name of ,7o sus nud Christ, lot 12; bloek (13. orig inal townsito iu tlio citv of Modford, Oregon, frontage 100 foot on north side Third stroot, west. 100 feel : rn por foot, (13 cons; aiiioun duo, $03.00. Assessment No. 3 The Sooiotv of or. ASSESSMENT FOR A 0-1NCII LAT ERAL SEWER ALONG ORANGE STREET BETWEEN EIGHTH AND TENTH STREETS. IN CITY OF MEDFORD, OREC.ON. Assosamont No. ll. W. Thomas, lot 10, block 0, Park addition to tlio For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, blankets, wag on sheets," axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. The Bungalow Rink GRAND MASQUERADE SKATING CARNIVAL, DEC. 23. PRIZES. Open every nfternoon from 2 p. ni. till 5 p. in. Evenings, 7:30 p. m. till 10 p. m. ADMISSION FREE. SKATES, 25 CENTS W. A. ROBBINS, Proprietor CRESTBROOK 10 ORCHARD TRACTS 20 Acres Adjoining Hlllcrest orchard and con tain unexceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY