Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 14, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Alaska Millionaire is Purchaser
Milkmaid Mine Sold Two Years
Ago for $50,000 Now
Brings $300,000.
FRENCH GULCH, Calif., Dec. 14.
Monetary Commission Gives Out In-, Ncbraskans Incorporate- Company In
foramtlon of Great Value to i Arizona to Build Through Oregon
Students of Capitalization Ten Mll-
I Finance. ! Hon Dollars.
Says If Alaskans Desorvo Legisla
tive Body They Should Bo Able
to Vote for Men They
The Milkmaid group of mines in Information of uuiquo vnlue to the
this district was sold Monday by tho financial world and to all students of;
Western Exploitation company to economics, regarding tho muotenry for
Erik 0. Lindlilom, the Alaska mining 'and banking systems of all the civ
LAVBYlKW, Or.. Doc. 14. The
Portland, Lnkeview it Eastern mil
road company has ben incorporated
$10,000,000 to -build
SEATTLE, Wash., Dee. III.
Judge James WickerMmm. dologute
to congress from Alaska, is i nSoat-
Mo IllllflW tlllvim fll'l'il.i1 fill fli.l
a H0 1 stoninor Yucatan. Stiudav. Ho will
through the counties of Multnomah, remain hero for a week or ten day..
flainu ignited the pink and green
canopy Htwpiuided from Iho coiling
and in a twinkling the decoratiouH
were ahlaxc.
One half of tho decoration in the
hall were consumed before the fire
was extinguished. Manager Sulli
van had one hand painfully burned, I
nut none ol tlto minstrels was nun
in the least. '
man, for $300,000. i Hired nations, including tho United Clackamas, Lmn, rook, klumath and j Asked today what he thought ot
This is tho most important mining states, will bo made available dnr- Lako to Lakeview in the last named President Tuft's proposal to give
deal closed in Shasta county since'; the comi . (h h n score , . or to n point ou Goo80 l.ko , ;V"f n"osc;,l,,lw he V1
the Mamonth Copper Mine, near Ken-' V i . i n V i i iL ml agree with tho presi-
iiclt, was sold for n like sum six or moro of volmues lVi by the m that county. A branch is also tollcnt thn( h oxeoutivu C0UIU.H wo(ll(1
years ago. (leading authorities in America, Eng-(bo built connecting with the mailt be desirable or be responsive to the
Tho sale of tho Milkmaid group! land and Europe, nnd to be published line near the town of Lower Hridge. , needs of taht groat country,
was agreed to several weeks ago, but : umicr the auspices of the national on tho Dos Chutes river in Crook Alaskans deserve a local
tho deal was not actually closed n-!monotnrv commission. It will con- county, continuing thence in an eas-! bodv,' said Mr. Wicket
til this afternoon, when tho stock- T. . ,m , .. . ' I:-..:... :.. i. i. ,,,,'Sluun, "thoy should be ciniH.wered to
suiiuc n iiumry oi uhukiuk wiiuuui miwvuun m u ii. iiiv vojL, for ((10 nC) 10V Want for that
parallel in the literature of any conn-' counties of Crook. Wheeler and Grant 1 purpose. President Taft's plan makes
rv. mul will enrmlr wlmt is nt nms. ' nlong tho John Day river to a point , )x0 council aiiiu)iiilivi by the iwim-;
cnt practically an" absolute lack of r "ear Canyon City; also another Ulent, and of course, they would be
cnt praciitaiij mt au.oiuit mck oi b commcne nir nt Prine- responsible to the president, and
information m the English language ... r . .,. ,,, i3i'""u " " iuumuuh, nun
recardine the develomnent durimr re- . ' .. 7 "V "" '"h " i"""" 10 "?nuw " ' ,mvo
holders of tho Westent Exploitation
company met here and approved of
the sale negotiated through tho man
ager, II. F. Musser.
Pays $20,000 Down.
Twenty thousand dollars in cash
Just Arrived
Ono of tho finest stocks of Hosos
that over emtio to Modford, all of
tho newest and old-tried variotiow.
Why don't you send that siok
friend of yours or your sweetheart
a bunch of Carnations?
Delivery any part of city.
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants
East Main St. Phone GOtl.
4 if
. ; w
Medford Iron Works
T E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor.
Foundry and Machinist
All Wtf of Enulnos, Sprnyliig Outfits, Pumps, Boilers nnd Mn-T
clilncry Auonts In Southern Oregon lor
J. K. KNYAH'I, IWdun, J A I'KIMU, Vice
JOllhf S OKTII. faMi.-i W. H JAl'KMN. Ah'i Ciihhii.r.
UAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted.
Wo solicit your patronage.
has been ttaid. On January 3rd not ! "f it.., r' ......:t 111 n soutlioriy ami easterly ilirec- no doubt thnt PivMdent Taft is real-
$45,000 moro will be paid. Tho ! 0f tbo world ' ! ti" ' kU P0 nd Harney coim-; y ,iosiros of t-cspouding in a way
other two payments will bo $85,000 Tho monetary commission issued o Hantey Lake. to tho wishes of the Alaskans to have
and $150,000, respectively. ,here ast niKht a statement outlining1 JhLTJT i.n bo y .,inV11.1? ,horit.v.
Tho milkmaid group comprises ' tl,0 8eono of the forthcomim- uublica-: u. ",uu " 1 i . mws inai wouni sympniiieiicniiy meet
these gold quartz claims: Franklin, tions and tho exhaustive investigation ""T 1 n 's on 4o- eond.tmns .they have and they should
Milkmaid, Buckeye, May Day, Mr- which resulted in tho compilation of '," Jlf'vZJi ? n bo or"e.ll1-' , , ,
ginia, Summit and Ida, tho last two tho material. Tho commission urges ! J ''"J 1.'JA w"r' rrV V ' ?fr; 'ek;owl'n "" 1,0 . " ,"'
bein!? fmotinns. I n i.i , i...:.. .i Jl.. teru Chnrles L. Llguttcr, Edward S.,yot decided whether he will bo a
' i tin uuum:is uusiiiLaa 1111:11. tiiiu sui" . t x
all of
TIif Wrilfrn 'RT-nlnilnl5n 1 .1 i ... it. . l
pany paid $50,000 for the mines, in-1 neriences of other countries as well , hei ,st' conorntors,
chiding a quartz mill, two years ago as of our own. From this statement , ',, e
last .Tn no. It h
taken nn Jlmiicn.wlo nf .uiio :., . j i 1 i l Hisoii and Sydney R. Koinstrom of
inkiu out tnousauits ot Uollars in i year and a half has been oncnered in . .. . .
cold, and now sells to Lin.lhlnm fnr :.,r 4t., ni i.t.n..i-. "nnn; ueorge w. i-nsseu ot t'ort
. ... vvviif in Y'ii iiiv mv
Dexter, Edward Rob-
candidate for re-election.
ERIE, Pa., Dec. 14. Three Italian
laborers arc dead, and seven persons
are seriously injured, as the result I
of a rear-end collision between the:
Twentyieth Ccntry Limited nnd the
Chicago-Boston Limited trains on the
Lako Shore rnilroad six miles east
of the cjty.
The Twentieth Century Limited
WINSTED. Conn.. Pec. 14. While
W. M. Doming, n photographer, was
taking a flashlight picture f the
New England Rosebud, a female
amnteur minstrel troupe, iu the town
hall Inst evening before the opening
column of
lntl.t Tl nii'nt. nP lli.t.r. I
, . , ........ 4. tV.I . V . lt l.llll-lill'lll,
rug nnd curency systems of the lend- . c r i r . tt m i i
. . ., , , , ,. , b. D., nnd Louis II. Chnmbers and
mg countries of the world, nnd n list TT T1 . e t
, , - .', , ,. Henry li. ilkinson of Phoenix,
hns recently npienred of the pub hen- ", ... n i i v
.. , . , ., . . ' Ariz., constitute the board of direc
tions which the commission now has . n ... on.
., tors. Ocorgo . Pilsse, 20o Fotir-
m nress or is nrennnncr for the nress . . .. . .. . .
and which will bo available for the, 1 ?rII?",.U If "rf fir irfven by the St. Francis T,
public in the near. future. Oren. ' - -tft' "U
au,ruu ",sl itar' The incorporation papers say the
In tho summer of 100S when Sena- i company is to build 500 miles of
tor Aldrich and the commission setjtrnck within the stnte of Oregon.
nbout the task intrusted to them of j
informing themselves as to the best Mysterious Visitors,
means for modifying our banking nnd ; ALTCRAS, Or., Dec, 14. A Now
be un eminent
Thirty-two ncros in this tract, finu
fruit land, nbout two miles from
n shipping point, Tho buildings
consist of n fivo-rooin box houso,
good-sired bnm, etc. There aro
112 acres of 5 and 0-yenr-old ap
ples, mostly Newtown, with com
mercial peaches planted between
ns fillers. Also three acres of
voting- pear trees and some family
orchard. Four acres in alfalfa.
Six or eight acres of timber, most
ly oak nnd laurel. There is a
pumping plant on tho plnco which
supplies water for the garden nnd
aifalfn, equipped with gasoline
engine About 40 rods from a
troAd school. Has rural mail do
livery and telephone. Pricu
$10,500. Terms.
W. T. YORK & CO.
Tho best resolution for you
to make Is to come to tin for
your next Htiit, If yo.i want
something out of the ordinary.
Wo do thu best work and uhnrgo
tho lowest prices,
thu moonuHsivn tailok
...... .1 : , l. : . - .1 j . t i ...
t, otl i ojoiciu, iuej were suij.ii5i.-u u, 1QrK mnu, sniu to
of Go miles nn hour shortly after mid-! ?i3C0f S0.1 f lteiuTe Hfivil engineer, whose name is given wt,n if jn,m n, oW . wlth the modern development of; m some sources ns O. Lnvis nnd in
Chicago-Boston train.
c M,l.! a v. i. .1.
A blindirg 1 mo icvcu. tuuuca wuuc t
flurry of snow filled tho nir nt tho .?UUJ lu"'f K- """ lor se;crn' amn ,,,,
time of tho crash. None of tho in-I Wl h fford t0 h?ns 1 nince two weeks, accompanied by A
countries, there wns senrcely any- nil over the country north of here
thing more than the history of bank- to Lakeview nnd on to Silver Lnke
others ns F. Gavin, was in this vi-
cinity for several days, during tho
jured, it wns stated, was fatally , and fG.erraa"y nnd other European ,C Hams of Reno. The two went
, ' J countries, there wns scarcely anv- nil nvnr tlm pmmirv nwii f i.ip
I thing more than the history
ing legislation. Even in the case of nnd other portions of southeastern
England no work of importnuco deal- Oregon. Later Harris returned to
ing with tho English bnnking system Alturns nnd met J. W. Burke whose
had appeared for more than n gen- identity hns not been established and
.eration, and tho whole modern use of. ho nlso wns taken over tho snmo tor-
Medford Students at University Will
Sooa Be Home to Boost for
credit instruments and tho evolution
of check and deposit banking, which
have so changed tho character of tho
system from what it was in the mid
dle of tho nineteeth century, remain
ed undiscussed. The only considera
ble work upon the English system
The notions of the men indicnted
thntt heir business had to do with
tho building of some railrond into the
coutnry visited. Ono report says
they nre tho reprcesntntives of some
company that is considering tho mnt-
which had been published in more ter of financing the proposed exten
than thirty years was by a Greek sion of tho Ncvndn-Cnlifomia-Orc-
DrofeSSOr nnd written in Fronnll. nun rn!lmn,1 in Inl-nt,,. ,1
Tho Medford boys and girls In at- (Th5s work of Andreades has sub-1 tl.or. nnd l.nt w !, u
tendance at the state university are scquently been translated into Eng. ! of the proposed extension is feasible
very enthusiastic over tho Gloe clubs .j nnd d . umlcrtnkini?
.o History. 'Bllrke js Bni(1 ,0 , remaill(.( :.,
regard to banking in the ' Reno n few dnys to examine tho books
coherent nnd J of the company before coming on
visit to Aieuiora on inurBuny 01 1
Christmas week. Tliey aro planning wjm.
to go on a long booster campaign , United States,
as soon as they reach home next Sat
urday to spend the holidays.
, , . , , , 1 ..
cuiuj.reneusivo nisiory nun neon , north.
written which covered moro than Tlmrn no nilmr rumnra Hmi Mm
The club this year Is In every way , cursorily the significant develop, men were spyimr out n route for the
up to the standard of former years, ments in banking during the half , Westtern Pacific, and for n road to
nnd tho boys boast of a well selected . century sitrco tho civil war. If tho, be built by J. J. Hill, but those do
bunch of songs, ranging from tho banking problems confronting the not seem to be so well founded. It
difficult "Hark y0 Trumpets," ar- ( United States today were to bo stud- is known thnt the Southern Pacific
ranged by Dudley Buck for glee club,ied j tbu light of the world's oxpor-, has gathered all the data H needs
rendition, to tho catchy popular mu. fences und with any satisfactory ; through its corps of engineers, who
sic of the day. Professor Glen has knowledge of existing conditions m have mado extensive surveys nil
Picked the best balanced club In years, J the United States, it was necessary ! through tho country these men visit-
aud two montns- aauy gnna naB to enter upon n series of investiga- cd.
rounded out tho weaker spots In tho
aggregation. The mandolin club will
b0 heard In several popular numborB,
nnd will undoubtedly be a decided hit.
In the absence of stunt men ot tho
Van Duson or Volght typo the club
will this year give a catchy ltttlo bur
lesque on grand opera entitled "A
tions much moro thorough and fur-
reaching than had over been mndo! WOMAN FOUND IN STUPOR
before and to postpone any nttempt TIGHTLY CLASPING VALUABLES
to formulate u plan for reorganizing!
the system until this investigation i MONTEREY, Calif., Dec. 14. Tho
had been completed. police todny are trying to learn tho
Tho commission has sought to so-, name of n well dressed woman, who
euro the fucts concerning tho exist- wns found lvine- in n stunor in n di-
i-iii u u nui, ur 4u uumuB ui ing systems or banking and currency ' reputable section of tho city, clasp
th0 Do-Ro-Mi Club." FrazIerGelBlor.jin tho leading commereiul nations of ling a handbay that contained din
Vawtor and Burke havo the' leading tho world. It has secured compre- 1 monds nnd other jewels estimated to
roles, while tho remainder of tho hensivo information from England, bo worth $12,000, railroad and in
club handles tho chorust parts In ' Germany, France, Switzerland, ' dustrial securities representing a
truo grand opera fashion. Another J Sweden, Belgium and Japan, and hns value of $20,000, and insurnnco pol
foaturo of tho concert tnls year will in addition secured considerable ma-'icies for moro than $30,000.
be the trombone solo by Burns Pow-1 terial with regard to banking in Mex- j In tho bng was a letter addressed
el. This young man Is recognized , ico, Russia. Austria-IIunimrv and I in Tnn li. ntummnira. ROH 'Pti'ilf(li
Holland. Tho list of publications street, Onaland. From other papers
which has recently been givon to tho ' in tho bug, tho police were led to
public convoys mi impressive picture suspect that she miuht bo a Mrs. Inn
Tho personnel of tho Glee club this of tho substantial way in which this'L. Cummings of St. Louis, nnd that
as an nrtlst on that Instrument and
his number will bring forth rounds
of applause.
yoar is as follows: Tenors, uurKe,
loader; Oabrlelson, Mallet and Story;
second tenors, Powoll, Downs, Curtis
and Rolfo; baritones, Davidson, Mar
tin, Frazor and Gelsler; basses, Rob
inson, Varzeo, Welch and Vawter;!
Molvln Ogden, accompanist; I. M.
Glon, director.
effort has been carried out and of
tho encyclopedic scope of the com
mission's investingtions.
Best tea and coffee obtainable at
30 South Grnpo street. Southern
Oregon Tea & Coffdo Co.
Medford, Oregon: This certifies
that we have sold Hall's Taxtfu Won
der for tho ouvo of all kidney, blad
der nnd rheumatic troubles for ten'
years, and have never had a com
plaint. It gives quick and pormnnont
relief. 00 days' treatment in each bot
tle. Medford Pharmacy.
she formerly had been married to a
St. Louis man named W. P. Stew
art. When removed to the polico sta
tion last evening, whore she wns
booked on n ehnrgo of drunkenness,
tho woman was nblo to tell little of
herself. Sho declared that sho was
tho mother of a Mrs. Daniels of Car-mel-by-tho-Sea.
Mrs. Daniels could
not bo communicated with hist evening.
Savoy Theatre
Doors open 7 p. m.
In Case of vSickness
P II 0 N E 3 (Ml
Nonr Pout Olfico All Night Sorvico Frco Delivery
Offers an especially good foothill orchard for a low
pricoand on good terms. In these days of advancing
prices, it will pay to look into this.
It pays to deal with the "Man "Who Knows." When
the Rogue River Land Company sold tho Tronson &
Guthrie orchard at Eagle Point to the prize winning
owners, four vem-s npn. tho. snlflsmnn W. Af. TTnhnnq
, j "O 7 1 g
assured the purchasers those Spitzonbergtrces would I
produce the world's best apples, and subsequent events
prove the soundness of his judgment. By the way:
Did it ever occur to you that most of the men who have
won out in tho Rogue River Valley, bought their win
ning orchards through the Rogue River Land Com
pany? "W. M. Holmes, Manager, is always at your service
for a good buy,
Timber and Coal Lands
j B. H. Harris & Co,
1 Olfico in Jackson County Bank Upstairs
It Is To Laugh But Why?
Docs it not stand to reason that your friends would
better appreciate a little gift that was
than a factory made present that can bo bought in
any city or town? This query simply illustrated at
FRANK H. HULL, Artist.
331 E. Main St. Medford, Oregon Second Floor.
Farm Land Timber Land
Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Medford Realty Co
Room 10, Jnckson County Bank Building
Tho Rogue Hirer Cannlug & Evaporntini; company will tlovoto
Mondays nnd Thursdays of oaoh woolc to custom work in tho mnn
tifncturo of cider, applo buttor hud jollies.
Phono your orders for uioo swoot cidor to 11X2. Doliverios will
ho mndo on Tuesdays and Fridays of oach weak.
Mill In West Medford. pf)ono j (X2.