Oregon Historical Society UW Hail I'nllcd l'r'n AnmocIii(Iom. Full I'iiMod U'lrn ItofHirt Tim only paper In the world iiiiIiIInIiiiiI In a city tho tlzd of Medford having n limned wire. Medford Mail Tribu tub weather. Tonight and Wodnosdny fair, warmer. Mondny high 58, low 48, rnngo fi2. FOURTH YJ3A.U. MEDFORD, OltKCJON, TUESDAY, p ICC 'EMBER .1.4, 1009. No. 229. NF 11 JlJ WORTHIAN IS 10 MAKE RAGE TAKE STEPS XTRADITE LEADERS IN DISSOLUTION SUIT Councilman of Second Ware Agroo3 to Bocomo Candi dato to Succood Himsolf All Old Officials Will Run - Insuros Improvomont. Himim'KH men of tlio citv have fi niilly persuaded Harry 0. Worhnnn councilman from tlm second ward (o again outer tint lint mid become candidate to succeed hintHcIf hh mcnilier of the city council. A iteti tion it now being circulated placing him in nomination. Mr. Wortman was urged to become a candidate again because of his fa tniliaritv with the water question now pending'. It iri thought unwise for Ii i in to terminate his association with thin undertaking until it has lioen completed for no new council man could fnmilinrigc himself to tin derlake (lie tank. F. K. Merrick Iiiih nlso been per minded to run again. In thin way tho men iiiomI familiar with tho question, of vital importance to tho welfare of tlio city, can ho retained and the dancer of "swapping horses while eroding a M renin" ho ilono nwny with. Hoth Mr. Merrick anil Mr. Wort- man have given much of their timu to thu city, and their offorta havo horn appreciated. In nil probability the entire council will ha retained aw Mr. KifcrtV announced candidacy was most pleasing news in tho third ward. Irom prenent indications every city oftleial whoso tonnH oxpiro this year will ho ro-elootcd to office, thus nKhtiriiig a continued urn of pro gress and an ahlo handling of city affairs. Tho paHt year Iuih heou one of great progress, unmarred by nlrifc, and tho next year will seo a continuance of progress. FIRST WARD BALL WAS VERY TAME AFFAIR CHICAGO, Ills., Deo. I I. -So of fcetlvo wnH tho crusade conducted against the "First ward ball" for yearn held by Aldonuan "Hinky Dink" Kciinii and "HalhhouHo John" Coughliu that whon it wnH held Innt night less than fivo hundred person attended and fully thrco hundred po licemen woro present. Tho officers preKorved ordor nntl rofonnors con- Hidor that (hoy havo won a great vic tory. Tho namo of tho entertainment was changed to tho "First Ward Concert." May Tako Him Back to Chi cago to Try Him on Chargo of Doaling in High Finance Now- Receiver Is Asked TJndor Advisoment. If tho plana of tho HtockholdorH of tho Golden Drift Mlulng company In Chicago do not miscarry stops will ho taken noon to extradlto 0. W. Anient. In order that ho may ho tried for alleged tlenlti In high flnnnco In connection with company nffalni In Josephine county. On Novomhor 23 a receiver wan appointed to tako charge of tho company's hookH nnd business and It Is reported that tho allegation) mado In tho complaint filed at tho time thu milt wan brought for a recolvemhlp and other relief hav(, been HiihHtantlated by what tho receiver found In tho hooka. Now Iteot-lvrr. Hon. II. K. Haniin, Judgo of tho circuit court, Iiiih under ndvlnemont at prenent n motlop mado by Amout's attorney for tho appointment of n now receiver and an Increase of tho bond from $5000 to $50,000. In making thin motion Anient alleges that fleorgo B. Sanderson, who wan on November 23 appointed receiver, In a stranger, having bcon went to Ore gon by tho Chicago stockholder)!. Whether Judgo llanua will grant tho motion la not known, but bo Htnted from tho bench when tho matter was nrfguod thnt po buw no renBon for Increasing tho bond. Heal In Hlgll Finance. If tho allegation! mado In tho com plaint nr0 true Anient ban put through a deal In "high finance' without n parallel In tho annals o Houthern Orogon. It Is claimed that ho dlvorted to his own line nearly $300,000 of tho stockholders' money. Most of this Ih said to havo been In vented In land near Grants PaHs and In thu suit brought nn attempt Ih be ing mado to declare Anient a trustee for the company In this connection Tho Goldon Drift Mining company was Incorporated In Novomhor, 1901, for $1,500,000, tho capital stock con slHtlng of 1, COO, 000 Hharo. Tho com lalut alleges that no hooks for sub scription to tho stock woro oponod, and after each director had boon giv en one sharo thoro romalnod a hal LEADING FIGURES IN THE GOVERNMENT'S LITIGATION TO HAVE THE STANDARD OIL COM PANY DISSOLVED. Unless the Standard Oil company appeals to tho supremo court of the United States within thirty days from tho decision of Judge W. 11. Sanborn of tho United States circuit court for tho district of .Missouri his decision declaring the Standard Oil company nn Illegal corporation and ordering It dissolved wllf go Into efTect. Prank B. Kellogg of St. I'nul was tho leading attorney for the government In the case, nnd he was assisted by Clmrles U. Morrison of Chicago. John G. Mllburn and others represented tho oil company. John D. Archbold Is now tho head of the com pany, John 1), Itockefeller recently declared thnt he was no longer Identified with the nctlvc management, although he holds nn enormous block of the rompany's stock. Henry M. FInglcr, one of tho defendants. Is also a heavy stock-bolder. GRANTS PASS G IS i LIGHT VOTE IS BEING POLLED Election Very Quiet From All Indications Amend ment Will Be Carried. Up to noon tho voo on the pro posed nmendent to glvo th0 city coun ell tho privilege to grant franchises nnco of stock in th trasury of 1, 190,- for a greater length of time than ten, Jlldyc H. K. Hatllia of 93 shares HAH S WORD At 2:30 o'clock this afternoon the Circuit) N FRANCH RIGHTS RUN FOR TERM 050 YEARS Council Is Unanimous in Its Action Ashland Consid ers Matter This Evening. FREE SPEECH EIGHT IS HEARING CLOSE Early Today 60 of Industrialists Ask to Go to Work on Rock Pilo and Bo Fed. RPOICANH, Wash., Dec. M. Tho authorities appear to havo Knitted tlio upper hand in tlio difficulties with Iho inomborH of tito 1. W. Knrly today 00 of tlio Industrial ists wlio were arrested in connection witli tho Spoknno free speech niovo 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 notified tlio authorities that they wished to ho allowed lo no to work on Iho rook pilo whoro they would bo Hiippliod witli wholesome food. Whon first nrroHtod thoso men re fused tnwork on tlio rook pile nnd since havo heou iiiearcorated in Franklin school, whoro t hoy havo been fod on broad and water. Lenders of tho Industrialists ex plained Hint Ihif) ohnngo of front was duo lo the 1'aol (lint tho men wanted to go lo work whoro lltoy could pro dim food in sufficient nnd (pialily to inialilu thoin to luko up tlio light nnow. 9 It was then that Anient, according to the complaint, offored to convoy to the coinprny certain mining claims (Contlnuoil on puss I.) CONRAD SECRETARY FOR ENSUING YEAR - . 1 Pmirt nnifA hie rlanlclnn In lUt nnc& n( years, ns now prescribed by tho clinr-' u"'u ... . ter, was very light, less than 200 ' naniey vs. mo uiy oi men- f AHfl 1 K A llnnlllrtl1 Ulna I m r 4 votes having boon recorded In tho 10 ucusiuii wua u uvur ui threo wards nt that time. ! !?". Hanley. The city will appeal lo Prom tho conoral trend of sontl- u,u spicule tuui i. ment, ns evidenced by tho oxpr'es- Blons of tho people, tho amendment should carry by n good mnjorlty. A strnnger In tho city would not havo known whether an olectlon was going on or not, so quiet was tho day. Trom nil Indications tho amondment will carry, Directors of Commercial Club Hold First Mcctlnn Exccutlvo Com mittee Is Named. MONSTER SUFFRAGE PLEA TAKING SHAPE LANE PROPERTY ON FRONT STREET SOLD WASHINGTON', Dee. II. Tho petition demnndiiif votes for women, which will contnin 1,000,000 mimes. Tlio now directors of tho Comnior- is rapidly tnkinj; shnpc nt tho Xu- einl 'Club hold iv moalititf Monday liounl Suffrage headquarters hero, night nt which timo II. L. Conrad waa 'Vhen it is presented to oonpross onr- oleetod Hoorolary for tho onsuiiiK ly in April, it will outdo in size, any your. A now oxooutivo comnutloo politinn over presented lo that body. was nnmou ns lollows; .1. a. nohi- Already bOU,00(i nnmes havo been nt orlund, elinirmaiii K, H. Wuterman, fixed nnd sections of tho petition I. W. Hoot, 07 Putnmn nnd W. M. nro nrrivinpt ovory day. It is expeet- LolviK. rJaiiH woro diousnod tor ed that tho last sheet of tho pondor- Krontor aotivity for tlio comiiiK yoni'Jous document will have arrived by WALLA WALLA HAS NO ROOM FOR DEAD DNES WALLA WA1-I.A, Wash., lice. I t. I lor comotory filled, Wnlln Walla faces a shortago In burial spaco, and tho city council tonight will consider stiiuo plan to onlargo tho present comotory, Sovoral offers havo boon mado to xupply land, uoino ndjolulug tho coinotory, but tho prlco on all haB bon prohlbltlvo, Thoro nro loss than a dozon lota loft in tho comotory at pi'osout. Feb run V" 1. Sitinors nro classified both as to occupation and sow Tho nnmes af fixed include ninny prominent men nnd women. Hooth Tnrkington sent regrots thnt ho could not si;u one thousand times. Mark Twain, Geo. Ade, Willinin Dean Ilowells, Mary Johustoh nnd Ellen fllsngow have siuned. Prominent ninonf tho gov oniors of stntos is tho Into John A. Johnson of Miiinesotn. Few of tho slaio oxooutives havo refused to sign, Bay tho suffragists. Tho city council of Grants Pass on Monday evening voted unanimous ly to grant John R. Allen a franchise In thnt city for nn electric road. Tho nctlon was taken after two weeks of consideration and wns approved by tho entire town. The franchise provides for tho right I to operate nn electric line In that city for a term of 50 years. Ashland Arts Tonight Tho city council of Ashland will take action In regard to Mr. Allen's application for an electric road fran chlse. . In all probability tho matter thero will bo submitted to tho people for n voto on tho question. It will undoubtedly carry, according to ex- presslons mado by prominent men of Mrs. T. B. Kinsman. Mother of Dr'.tnnt city. ZELAYA S ABOUT TO RESIGN AID O'GARA MUST Capital in Hands of Rabid Pro-Revolution Mob, Who Shout "Hurrah for Estrada and Taft" Big Battle Ex pected Soon. NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 14. Managua, tho capital of Nicaragua, Is In tho hands of a rabid pro-revolution mob, according to a cable, ap parently authentic, from Oreytown late today. Tho streets are thronged with ex cited KIcaraguans. Shouting mobs are parading before tho palace, cry ing "Hurrah for Estrada and Taft." Rumors that Zelaya Is about to make good his declaration that he would resign have thrown tho popu lace Into the greatest excitement. Another la being circulated to the effect that the dictator Is planning a flight from tho country. Demand Resignation. Tho Zlayan troops arc making no effort to quell the' rioters and the disturbance Is hourly growing In In tensity. By popular cry tho people are demanding tho immediate abdi cation or iseiaya, and If his resigna tion Is not forthcoming It Is feared the palaco will bo stormed. J. L. Helms, Buys Property Occupied by Nash Stables. Mis. T. H. Kinsman, formerly Ashland but whois now residins MISS PRETZ TURNS DOWN SPOKANE'S OFFER of m ' KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 14. Floronco Pretz,.tho creator of mill gen "God of things as they ought to , bo." had positively refused to accent this city with her son, J. L. Holms, 'tho Spoknno Rooster club's offer of D. V. S., has purchased tho S. ft. $1000 If sho would resumQ her art Lnno property on Front street, whoro , studios. tho Issh livery stables are now locat ed, nud will later improvo tho prop erty. Mrs. Kinsman owns considerable SPOKANE STRIKERS ARE STILL OUT; NO TROUBLE property in Ashland nnd is now huv-' SPOKANK, Wash., Deo. 4. Dos iiiR plnns drnwn for a now brick pito tho fact that no local strikers buildinc in that city. Recently sliejlmvo returned to work, tlio officials moved to Medford to tako up hov,o tho railroads involved in tho rosideneo hero with her son. ! switchmen's striko declared today Mrs. Kinsman states that sho is 'that conditions again were normal, not decided as yot as to what im-jnnd that tho striko had been broken provomeuts she will place upon the so far as thoy woro concorued. The property sho recently purchased in ndjustmont of difficulties In tho use this oity, thnt being a matter of tho of non-union men in tho local yards future. hns nverted 0, fuol-fiunino for this , city. Many train loads of coal two F. S. Harrison of Ashland wns a! being rushed horo from tho north and recent Modford visitor. J oast. Estrada Abandons Defensive. BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua. Dec. 14 '(By wireless toColon.) Provbv ional President Estrada has aban doned the defenslvo and Is massing his forces for an attack upon the Zelayans, according to advices brought from tho revolutionists camp today. Tho Impending battle, which promises to be the most im portant of tho revolution, probably will bo fought at Recero, 12 miles from Rama. Gunboat to Aid. Tho light gunboat Blanca, which Is in the hnnds of the revolutionists. lies near Recero. The boat is equip ped with Hotchklss and rapid firing guns, which it Is believed will be utll ized in the general attack. Estrada's sudden determination to assumo tho offenslve is the result of urgent appeals from sympathizers with tho revolutionary movement in Mexico and the United States, in ad dition to its Nlcaraguan sponsors. His consular representative at Wash ington, Senor Castrlllo, particularly urged that tbo attack b0 made im EM HELP Unless County Commission ers Change Their Policy in Regard to Employment of Inspectors Warfare on Or chard Pests Will Be at End. ORTIS HAMILTON IS FOUND GUILTY Attorney Is Preparing Application for New Trial Penalty Is From Ono to Ten Years. Unless tho county commissioners change their policy In regard to the employment of inspectors to assist In the warfare against fruit pests, P. J. O'Gara, pathologist of tho depart ment of agriculture, will pack up and go back to Washington to be as signed to some other district. Pro fessor O'Gara is disgusted with the turn affairs have taken. Inspectors Let Go. Last month tho county court cut J. C. Altken, one of the inspectors. from the list, pleading economy. Now another, T. F. Smith of Ashland, is to bo let go and George W. Taylor, Jackson county's Teteran inspector. has In deep disgust prepared his resignation to tako effect at the first of the year. The attitude of the commissioners throughout has been lukewarm toward the fight which has done so much to aid the valley, and has given It a nation-wide reputa tion, and this attltudo has disgusted the men who have been making the fight. . . Pro'essor O'Gara has little to say In regard to the matter, but does state that unless ho la accorded full support that he can do better else whero. Fruit growers of the valley are planning to take up the matter with tho county commissioners direct and see wbat can bo done. It would work great damage to tho valley to allow Professor O'Gara to leave. His presence is needed and all of the or ehardtsts realize this. CITY MARSHAL FINED FOR PROFANE LANGUAGE LA CENTER, Wash., Dec. 14. It cost City Marshal W. D. Wamplo Just $1 per word for using profano lan guage on tho streets of this town. As marshal Wample explained In tho courtroom today ho became "all het up" oyer the romarks of a neigh bor, "and Just had to let off a little steam." As tho marshal only "uncorked" fivo "cuss" words Jusflce of tho Peaco Brothers let him off with a fine of $5. OLYMPIA, Wash., Dec. 14. At torney T. M, Vanco Is today prepar ing an application for a new trial for Ortis Hamilton, former adjutant gon oral of tho Washington stato guard, who last ulsht wnR found guilty of larceny by embezzlement In collec lng and converting tho stato's funds to his own uso. While tho specific chargo on which Hamilton was convicted was tho em bezzlement of ?11SS, his total pecu lations aro placod la the neighbor hood of $30,000. Tho ponnlty prescribed by statute for th0 offenso U from ono to ton years in the ponltnnltry. Although a sentouco of ono year In the county jail Is dlscrotlonnry with tho court. Hamilton appeared unnffected whon tho vordlct of tho Jury was read, nnd today when asked for a statement on Us finding, merely smil ed nnd said: "Thoro are sovoral days to como." BANK CLOSES ITS Again Guarantee Banking Act Is Called Upon to Protect Depositors. GUTHRIE, Okln., Doc. 14. Tho. First Stato bank of Ktefer, Okln., closed its doors today as tho result of the falluro of tho Farmers' Na tional btyik at Tulsac. Tho bnnk'a. officials declared that tho depositors will bo fully protected by tho bank's gunrnuty fund under tho Oklahoma banking laws. H0BS0N STILL IS AFTER SIX MORE BATTLESHIPS WASHINGTON, D. C, Deo. 1. Declaring that war is inevitable nnd urging tho building of six hnttloships annually to keep tho lmvnl strength of tho United Stntos at least as groat ns of Japan, Hichmond Ponrson Ilob son today mndo a pica in tiio house for war-time preparations. Ho doclnred Poarl Harbor tho piv ot of tho world with Japan controlling tho wators around it nnd nskod for nn adequate navy in tho Pacific, ocean to protect against tho advancon of an incoming nation.