Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 12, 1909, First Section, Image 5

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A. ('. Miu'ki'hh, who loeonlly m'
cIiIIMIm! till) RoUlllll(t) Mllltllllll to Moil-
J'iiiiI front Mi', Cook, 1h preparing to
muliii this lllllltillll dill) of llio ioh-
ili'iici) portions of tin) city, by tlio
. llllilllillg III llOIIKIH lipilll Olioll lot.
Two bungalows iuo already iiudor
way, to tio i!iiiiiilii(iiil on or before
March 1, It) 10. In aililltlon to those
(liu iiuw owner purposes building on
' 28 lotH In tlio tract ami liy Jnuo 1,
31)10, those buildings will lio ready
for occupancy .and will bo cither for
rout or for sitlo,
, , John tlriuvu of Ccntnil Point wan'
k ii Modford visitor on business Tliurn
v lay.
' Thn residents on Kant 'Main stroll
nro deeply approclatlvo of tlio throe
onisHlngM recently put in at tlio juno-
tioiiM of Phippx, Cottage and Almond
2 streets with tlio main thoroughfare.
I Hn fori) those crossings woro put in
there was but ono crossing from tlio
' oast end of tlio Hoar creek bridge to
tlio foot of Nob Hill, anil peoplo who
wished to visit their neighbors across
tho street woro coinpolloil to uiaki) a
long detour or walk through tho mini.
Charles Ohciichaiii anil wifo of Mlgl
Iluttt) an) spending tho winter in Port
, lam!.
Prof. U. O. Smith .supuriiituiiiUnit
of tho Modford hcIioiiIm, wiih at Jnok-
sonvillo nStorduy on official btisi-
County tfuperintondont J. Percy,
' WoIIh wiih a cMdford visitor Satur
day. Mr .V. II. Carroll of Hitch wiih a
rt'cunt Modford visitor.
II. I., Do Vannoy of Ashland was
n vlMltor la Modford Saturday.
Hnrry II. Wells of O ran In Pan Hpont
Saturday In Mcdford.
Misses Annotto nnl Lou I ho Scott,
who hnvu been visiting friends In
Mod ford for a fow days, havo return
nl to tholr homo In (lotd Hill.
Walter Howard, a fonnor resident,
1h visiting In Modforil.
Kdltor Kaiser and Wagner of Ash
lunil woro Modford visitors Friday
C. V. llrnnt of ICugono wns a ro
ootit visitor In Modford.
John Morn, who him noon visiting
lil.i pa run In In San Francisco, has
returned houii).
Horry Johnson of Williams Creole
wiih a rocoat Modford vlHltor. j
MIhm Mary Onhotiriio of Redding,
Cnl., Ih vtilllng hor parents In thlH
otty. ;
TtiomnH Ilartliolouiow, who wan so-
rlotmly 111 with pneumonia latuly, titm
recovered so far an to ho nhlo to re
sume hU duties In lio city.
12. .1. Smith, who In nttouillug tho
University of Kugono, Ih expected
homo for (liu holldayH next Friday.
W. T. llrown of Hvniis Crook spout
Saturday In Modford on IiiihIiiohh. '
Spokane Chamber of Commerce Orrjanizatlon in Both Houses Will Qc Judijc at National Apple Show Visits
Denys Buying Wcnatclito Apples
for Display In City of
New York. i
8P0JCANH, Wash., Doc. II. UO.
Monroo, secretary of tho Bpoka'no
chumbor of commorco, mado th fol-
Foufjht During the Entire
Session Now
i On.
Mcdford and is Well Pleased
With Rogue River
' Valley.
"At tho Spokano National Apple
Show tho car of Itojjuo river apples
which won first honors, carrying off
tho Bweopstakcs and titlo "Applo
Kinc of Ajncrica,' won on qaulity,"
states W. J. Oron, one of tho judges,
who spent Saturday in Mcdford look-
for exploitation puponoii In NVw York
WASHINGTON, Deo. 11. Kn-
x'ouruKfld hy the sentiment they found
at thoir respective homos this sum.
..... ...! I .1!
i. . .......... ...l..l.i tn ,,,ul " kuiiuui nunii-iu uinuuii-
lowing tatmont tonlKht rolatlv,to (flnt w.(h (h(j ,,nyno.AIdrich turiff
tho reports printed, In Wonatchoo pa- ,aW( 0 Ho-oulloI iiiHiirKcnts or pro
pers and sent out from that city toVresslvo mcmbors of tho Hcnuhlicun
tho offoct that tho oruanUatlon has 'party, tiro hero in force prepared to.inROvor tho valloy.
hoiiKht a car of nolccted apples there ! Wli lho orffaiilzntion in both houses I Mr. Greon is tho superintendent of
iii ii niiiiiimiui in HUM ftcnnioil OI con-' uu vmu uaiiciuucii. uiuiiuii. iiu
ltchh. Hut nn cxarnintion of tho 1 "no to the Spokane apple show as a
stnto of nfnlrs at tho canitol shows ' rcproHontntivo of the Ohio Exneri-
"Thoro Is not a word of truth In jml wy ,vc a hard task mapped ' uont Station and also as a judge and
tho reports. Tho fruit was purchas-OUt for tlKni) Tjlcir -lf,ht w;, (!0I). 1 was so much imprescd with tho Bhow
od hy private pnrtlos to bo usod In ajHj8t nnfPy j,, making things as uii-'inic mado by the Rogu river valloy,
private entorprliie, In which tho Hpo-. ,,caHant UH H)HH,d for Cannon and' tl""t ho has had his leave extended
kano chamhor of commorc Is not con-, Aldrich. and fnmo hero for the purpose of
cornod. William D. Flnloy, whono Mnd we can worry them oonaiilor- seeiriL' as much as possible of tho
natno wnn used as assistant secretary ,bly," Congressman Miirdook. the . territory which produced tho champ-
of ourorKanliatlon, Is In uo way ldun rP,l haired insurgent leader from Knu-!n apples of the world,
tlflod with th chumbor of commorco Mas, says with a smile. "You have n wonderful valley,"
and lins not been In our employ for 'f wiioh Uncle Joo smiles grimly , continued Mr. Green, "and as won
mori) than a year. This orKanlzatlon ud remarks that ho is used to un- derfully progressive number of fruit
Is not In any way concornod with tho pleasant things by th't slime. And grower. Your success at tho show
proposua exhibition in .now orK city then he pounds li s desk with sleeves n well deserved."
nor hos It been called upon by anyone rolled up and says, "Let them come
to furnish funds to Install and main- 0n. I'm just spoiling for a fi:ht."
tain tho display of apples In Now 1 The fiuht acainst tho ortranUntion
York or any othor city." in the special session last summer I T"is little rhyme's to tell you
Hon II. Hlco, secretary of tho Na- was ueocssnrily confined to tho tnr-Ju3t where to go and when
tlonal Apple show, says that his or- Iff bill, but this winter tho Republi-jTo purchase all your Christmas gifts
ganUatlon la not Interested In tho cans will split on several issues. Tho Fr women, children, men.
oxhmlblllon In New York', nddlnic that ' jwistal savings bank, tho tnriff com-1 At Angle opera house, a bazaar to be
Mr. l-'lnley's employment as field man J mission idea, reform in interstate ' Given by the Presbyterian Kirk
ended with tho closo of tho applo commerce legislation, and several nth- Where ladies all in gay nttire
or things (hat wcro promised hy the! "1 "pll their handiwork',
platforms of both parties, will be j The dnv is Saturduy, don't forgot,
storm centers, nftor tho regular np- Tho 18th of December
pmpriation bills nro disposed of and i And if you don't find what you want
orhap, in between times. J 'Twill surely be a wonder.
Why Is a Speaker. For dolls will be there by tho score,
Tho big problem for ttho progres-; Apron and fancy things galore,
cives in tho houso is how to get a , Kdibles too, and candy pink,
vote on any of these or kindred is-' And friend can cozily chat with
j sues. Tho rule under whioh the friend
I lower house of eni-r"' - ''oo 1 While toy ''Old Moehn" drink,
lies were framed mi that recognition' then do not foruct tho date
of a mctnhor is left to the speaker And come and buy, ere its too late.
'nnd if tho organization of the house
wants to discouraco amendments to
measure- tho congressman who is
1 nnxjotisly clamoring to present one
Voal and Dressing, ttniN that ho can t catch the ppcak
VegctalilcN , cr's eye.
Cream Com Cream Mashori Potatoes Then, too. the hono considers
DosHort i only those measures that are report !
Pie or Pudding . bv committee. Their meetings are t-e-
Pickles Olives Colory cret, and if tlio majority desire- to
f Kill a hill, it is simply loft in a con
show on November 20.
Mm I Tickets, 9i.(M.
Ioront I.uiirli Counter.
Iti'Kulnr Meals, Mo
1c Kiimlay IHiiiiit 'Mc.
California Growers Discouraged
Over This Season High Freight
and Bugs to
Overheard by Wife of Congressman Apple 3how In Denver Next Month
Chicken Plo
Poof and llrown Gravy
Pork and Applo Sauco
WATSON VILLE, Dec. 11. "Why
wasto tlmo In discussing ways of
fighting fruit pests," Bald a disgust-
ed grower tnls morning, referring to
tho program of tho Stato Fruit Grow
ers' convention. "If It la a question
whether tho banks or tbo bugs aro
to tako tho orchards, tbo bugs may
as well havo them, and money can
bo savod by not spraying. There Is
too much fruit grown anyway, and
tho bugs should bo encouraged to re
duco tho crop."
A Feeling of DlscoaragemcBt.
Remarks llko these of courso not
wholly serious aro common among
tho growers of deciduous frnlt and
table grapes. There is a general feclr
lng of discouragement over tho re
sults of tho year's shipments to the
cast and tho light buying for can
ning purposes. Tho sntiment Is unan
imous that freight rates must be re
duced to reasonable figures before
tho deciduous fruit growing Indus
try can florlsh. There Is a strong
feeling that tho growers of such fruit
aro discriminated against in favor of
th0 cltruB growers, who have long
enjoyed a postage stamp rato of $1.15
per 100 pounds to all eastern points,
while tho deciduous growers have
been obliged to pay a rate of tl.45
to New York and other points east of
Chicago. And nearly half tho ship
ments of deciduous fruit and table
grapes go cast of Chicago about 47
per cent, It Is said.
Voracious Freight Itntes.
Careful Inquiry among growers and
shippers here shows that tho decidu
ous fruit Industry Is not In a pros
perous or promising condition. There
1b no encouragement to plant more
' orchards nnd vineyards unless freight
BUCHTER LEAVES FOR j rates be lowered far beyond the com-
P0SITI0N IN TAC0MA! paratlvely small reductions recently
t made by the overland railroads.
J. J. lluehler loavo- Saturday ov-j It Is needful, however, to guard
oiling for Portland nnd from thoro ' against statements too sweeping In
will go ti Tnootnii. whoio he will as. character, so far as this year's shio-
sttnio nu iuiiwiitaiit jKisition with the monts nro-concerned. Some districts
to Declare That It Will Be
Will Be Gala Affair-Big
Exhibit Planned.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 It bo-j DENVER, Col., Doc. U.-All Don
camo known today through tho wlfo;vcr will make a. special effort to on
of a prominent Insurgent of tho house t0rtaln tho pretty girls from tho ap
that Speaker Cannon fears for tbo pTedlstrlcts of Colorado and Now
safety of the republican majority In Mexico during the big applo oxposi-
confM.r ZXl2ar'' lhm,h0,ha,bT t,on ,n th0 Auditorium tho first weok
confiding to closo political frlonds , . .
that tho domocrats will gain control.,"1 JanUhr. and hon ono of this
Seated In a chair opposite tho of tbo fair sex, -with cheeks
speaker on tho Chicago express last, as rod as tho Juicy apples that grow
night was tho wifo of a membor of'n their sections of tho state, is crown
tho house who Is an Insurgent. She' j L
1,., ... ... , . . ! ed "qucon of the apple show" all
heard all that the speaker had to say
to a friend who was riding with h!m.jDonvcr W,U pa 'hom l tho hoa-
Tho woman's attention was first at- j tlful consort of brilliant King Ap-
tracted to the conversation between pie.
th speaker and his friend by tho fre
quent mention of her husband's naino
Tho young queen will be crowned
In the Auditorium Friday night, and
and the abusive language used by tho on Saturday night a brilliant ball will
speaker In denouncing andS discuss- b tendered the queen and her court
lng tho Insurgent movement. In tho spacious ball room of tho
tno saia tne speaker was most pos-. Brown Palace hotel.
Itlv0 In his declaration that tho pres
ent split and dissatisfaction In the
house due to the tariff bill and the
Tho coronation will take" place amid
all the pomp and ceremony of a sim
ilar scene In the old world. Tho
rules of the house could havo but stage settings will be elaborate and
ono result, namely, a democratic . tho robes and costumes magnificent.
house at the ncxt.coongrcsalonal elec- Lords and dukea and gallant knights
will bo there In fact, all of the great
nobles of tho apple domain In all of
the splendor of their greatness. Im
mediately surrounding the queen will
be the rest of the pretty girls from
the apple districts, who will be maids
of honor '
In looking around for trees to plant
that orchard of yours don't forcet to
sec L. E. Hover. Ho has the goods
as orders for over 200,000 trees for
this season will prove. 228
Why Buy
CENTS ON THE POUND, when you can got the best for almost tho
same price from your local creamery Wo don't mix our butter. Ask
your grocer for it and thus encourage home industry. If yonr grocer
don't handle it, phone us.
Sweet cream, milk nnd buttermilk delivered every day.
Pacific States Telcphono and Tele- hnve fared better than others, nnd
-'raph company. Mr. Uuchtcr has sonie fruits likewise. It appears that
been mniiasor of the Medford ex- fairly satisfactory returns wer had
1 1 1 1 ! i ii I .ii....,!! I...I.. . .1 . .' - . l . . i r:r.... . i i i n
i u...t,,t I'niiiwiiuiu iu uiu ii ' imiiKf ii'i iiiu- iiMi'uii iimiiiii irom cnernes, jiiuuib iiiiu uiirnuia,
.ilenth. And all tho kinir's horses and durini; thnt time has systeiiiized : and that at least part of the pear
cannot forco n renort cither favor- tho business nnd secured needed im- shlnmonts turned out well.
Deputy Sheriff R. II, Dow was a . , ,, Ailoy. San Francisco; ! nbly or unfavorably so as to civc:piorcmcnts to such nn extent that
At tho Moore Henry Will, Oak-
.... n . . r . 11.1.3 lllillliiwl i ii r.. .... u! . ... .
V . AlKHlSOn, aan rrancisco, U. A. '" m mu hihuiiu way iil ii. me m-ui'im iiiucvin ii uiu cuui-i
Pitman. II. N. Smith, Portland; O. killing legislation against which ovenpany. In the re-organiration of the, HATTER OF MUNICIPAL
W. Hurtle, i.os Angeles; J. C. Currle, tunjority of tho members would not j const service Mr. Puchter was trnns-
Pdrtlnnd; U. I.ubln. D. Franklin, San '! to recortl their votes. And Ua-1 f erred to the Tncomn office, whore 'nwl m c-"1
visitor In Modford Saturday evening. L u niiode, Portland: R. Farrolla. tho huso a chnnco to voto on
llonry W. Hwcoiwnior oi Appiogaio
was In Medford Snlurday on business,
A benefit for the Medford band is
plnnned for next Friday ovonlng.
W. It. Fisher of Talent wits n ro
cont visitor in Modford.
Clnroiico L. lleamcs has returned
fro ma btiHiiioss trip to Portland.
Dr. .1. H. Heddy Js back from a
visit in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Stoddard havo
returned from u nortliorii trip.
V. O. Kriokson leaves today for a
trip to his old homo in North Dakota.
it. i his work has been highly approved flJ . Mppp
ofiby the ueneral officers of tho com-,Ab A Mtttt
Frnnclsco; J. A. Ilobbs, Eugono; WIN, 010 '",0 noldfi every committo in the; Ins peculiar talents as on organizer
limn Young, Now York. ! P"'"1 f Ids hand. i nnd systomitizer of business nro
At tho Nash J. II. James, city; WJmt will nimbly hnnon is that needed.
W. A. Taylor, C. A. Klngnian, W. F. "'o insurgonts, aided nnd nbottod by, Mr. W. II. Drewory, who succeeds
McKlnney, San Francisco; B. F. Tay- '10 democrats, will uso overy parilia-. him as district malinger of the dis
lor, Bugeno; A. S. Schott, F. 11. muutnr.v deviso known to legislation ' tricL comprising Jnckson county,
Bdlngton, Portland; W. J. Orcon, l,rJ 'ooso soino pnrt oi tlio ma- Josephine, ivinmntii ana i.nKo coun
ties has been with tho compnuy for
fifteen venrs nnd his job will be to
make his district, of which Medford
TO THADK City lots for unto. Ad
drosH P. O. Ilox (I7H, Modford. 231
(Continued from png0 3).
' . ..I. f .
Wooster; 11, A, Phillips. Snn Fran- ,,,"li''
clsoo; Mrs. Sadlo IIArdlck, Mrs. Cora J 'ho sennlo. it is a littlo different.
MnCnrmlck. Honltln: 11. llrath. Port-'With but ninety iiioinbors, the up
land; J. C. Pendleton, Verno Pen- l,or bouse proceeds on rulos that nl-, is liendouarters, ono of tho most
dloton, Tnblo Rock. 'ow ""i' member to talk" as long as prosa'ssive of the Paoific coast sys-
, ho wants about anything or nothing, I (cm.
t to mitv. i.ntp nf ilu. ""' ,0 offcr "moiidniciits to any bill
To cam money is only half of the , , 0 (ml W
prob em of prospering wisely using .,. ,. , 1 . .
!. ... ... ,t ' thiiiKs thnt ho can hold his forces in
irod by tho boy or girl.
Ono word about pictures don't.
Few plot tiros are really worth living
with and them tholr selection is a
mill tor of Hiioh individual, intimate
and personal nature that tho recip
ient would doubtless profur to make
hor own choice, She is them at lib
erty to tako into ncount tha light in
which the picture must hung, tho
proportion to tho wall spneo, tho col
ors most hnrmonioiifl nnd tho sub
ject of most Intorost.
Ono Lady's Choice.
Ono lady who Iiiib iv carefully ap
pointed ,houHo nnd ninny lively pos
sesion wiih hoard to say an Intiniato
friend, "Give iuo Hoinothing personal,
pretty and frivolous, such as you
havo. Jack h able to got all we want
for thn housci." And indeed, it Is onsy
to nvor-do tho utilitarian side of oven
ClirislinitH giving.
With tlio spirit of joy and good-will
pervading tho air, generosity nnd lovo
filling tlio heart, money reasonably
plontiful and goods nlnmoring for
purohiiHoi'H, nioioliaiitH aro Hiiro of
a gonoroiiH patronage
Tlioso dainty, perishahlo 'bits of
iicodlowork done at homo iu odd mo
niontH, whon lovo and a f foot Ion Is
wrought into every stitch I However
generous Ranla OIiiiik may ho,
fliristmaH will not bo ChriHliniis un
less sonin gifts nro of that character.
To tho woman who wauls jewelry,
bronchos, rings, brnonlots, diamonds,
a honulifnl toilet sot, dainty hnnd
colorod, or wntor oolor onlondnrs, n
.. . it . ! 1
vimi to iuo fltnros carrying uugu ua
it boing tho other half.
tiscd thngs,
Huy adver-
Too Late to Classify.
FOR ItKNT Four-room houso on
Ivy street, one block south of park.
Address or iniuiro at 211 South
Grape. 2112
lino ns well ns ho', did when the tnr-J Messrs. Can Do Carr and Jnsmann
iff bill wns up. The insurgents, led nro now located in their now quarters
There Is nothing that brings as sure
returns as the spectacular lighting of
the business streets of a city. j
Every one '''ill help your business
and add to tho prestige of oar city.
Peoplo looking for places to sottlo
down or Invest their money In, flee
tho city of tho unknown or Infrequent
electric sign as they would a Sodom
or Gomorrah.
For tbo Lack of Such Things
Moans Iluslncss Stagnation.
For diamonds, watches, jewel
ry, silverware, -rich '-cut glass,
clocks, silver toilet sets and nov
elties, I am showing the largest
and finest selection of loose and " '
mounted diamonds I have
ever shown in Medford. If you
are looking for anything in- the.
diamond line, large or small,
plain or fancy, I have it.
MarfnJ. Reddy
Near P. O.
FOR HKNT Ono orlwo nicoly fur
nished rooms, heat and hath null
eelotrio lights. Reasonable. On
South Central avenue. Phono 801,
FOR RENT Snlto of
housekeeping rooms;
720 Wost Elovonth.
four or -two
lowor floor.
WANTED 10 moil to buy 4.00
nienl tickets at the Mission Cafo;
host meals In town; rogulnr moats
2f,o. 227
WANTED Will buy
hens nud chlckons,
nil kinds of
Mlualnn cafo.
For That Dull Fooling, After Eating.
I have used Chamborlaiu'H Stomauh
and Liver Tablots for somo tlmo nnd
cnu tostify that tlioy havo dono mo
moro good than nny tnblotis I have
ovor usod, My troublo was n hoavy
dull fooling aftor eating. David
Freomnii, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These
tnblots strengthen tho stomach and
improvo tho digestion. Tlioy also rog
ulato tho llvor a id bowels. Tlioy aro
far superior to plli but cost no
moro. Got ft froo snmplo at Looti H,
Hnsklnfl' rhnrmnoy nnd soo what a
flortmoutH will roKiilt iii Hiitisfaetion. Isplondld modioino it is.
b Cummins nnd I.nFollotlo sav that
tho tnriff was a party measure and
they noint witli prido to tho dents
that tho tariff discussion left in tho
nmior of tho senator from Rhode Is
land. They nro going to niako n bin
effort to deepen those dents nnd
niako a fow moro.
Notico is herebv given that tho un
dersigned will apply to tho city
council of tho city of oMfdord, Ore
gon, nt its next mooting for n license
to sell splritous, vinous and malt
liquors, in quantities less than a gal
lon, for a poriod of six months, nt its
pluco of business at lots 0, 7, 8
and 0, in block 20, in the city of
Medford, Oregon,
Dntod Dooombor 8, J000.
SPOKANK, Doc. 11. Tho finish iu
tho Cunningham coal caso shows
much ovldonco fnvorablo to Louis R,
Glavis. This investigation, liowovor,
lias boon coiiduoteil by tho forest
service which is antagonistic to Sec
retary Rallingor. Soino of tho toMi
inony introduced seemed to provo too
friendly to tho Rnllingor intorost and
some of tho men noousod. Publio
opinion is suspondod.a
Gregory's Studio will bo opon Sun
days for settings until furthor no
tice. 223
In tho Phlpps building with a now
stock of Jewelry In tho very latest
designs and fashions, also diamonds, '
cut glass, gold nnad sllvor ware. I
watches, brooches, combs, belt pins,
signet rings, etc., In many varlottes.
na tvnll na II. llInH ruff links nm.
... . . - -
bloms. buttons, etc., everything dl- i
rect from the fnctory, nothing old ,
or shopworn. Remember tho place
Nicely furnished rooms with all
modorn convonloncos at tho PnlniB.
Phono 1001 for tons and coffeo.
Peoplo needing help of any kind
should call at employment bureau
and loavo order. No oxponso to oni
plovor. Room 208, Taylor & Pliipps
nidg. 228
Rest tea and coffeo obtainable at
HO South Grupo street. Southern
Orogon Tea & Coffeo Co.
If dissatisfied with your coffoo or
tea phone 1001.
Christmas reduction salo on all
niillinorv. All hats at cost. Spoeial
sales each Tuesday and Friday will
continuo. Lottie M. Howard, 100 N.
Ceu trul avonue. eod-lt
Any ono having business, stock,
goods of any kind for salo or trade,
list it witli the business chance man,
Room 20S, Taylor & Pliipps Buldg.
I had a reputation for being a
wind jammer, I would say my
sales were 200,000 trees and
people would consider the source.
However, I prefer to say
Eden Valley Nursery
Box 823
N. S. Bennett
Best Stock of Bulbs and Berry bushes in the city