THE atEDlTORD MAIL TRIBUNE, AL WD FORD, OK1WON, SUNDAY, DUC10MB10R 12, 15)09. MEDFORDMAILTRIBUNE; CHRlSTMAS shopping PUBLISHED DAILY KXCKPT SATUKDAY. A consolldntlon of tho Medford Mall, established 1SS9: tho Southern Owgon Ian, established 1903; the Dcmocratlo Times, established 1ST:; tho Ashln;id Trlb une, established 1896, and tho Mcdford Tribune, cstauiisneu mu. Official Paper of the City of Medford. Tlll'i Mail Trihiine today prints a lis tising moirhants of Mod ford an GEOHQE PUTNAM. Editor and Mutineer. EntitMd as second class matter November 1. 1 909. at tho postofflce at MeSford. Oregon, under tho act of March S. 1S79. ioe year, by mall. SUBSCRIPT! ON RATES: fS.OO Ono month by mall or carrier.... .50 NEW YEAR'S ISSUE THE most consistent, persistent, effective advertiser of the Rogue River valley and Medford is the Mail Tribune. Every issue is an advertisement, some of them very creditable, of this sqction. A few weeks ago a 24-page issue of Sunday papers, con taining matter of interest about the valley and city was printed. Although 5000 papers were run off, the entire issue was exhausted within a 'few days. Repeated calls for the paper since show how great the demand is for this class of literature, especially as the Commercial club pam phlet is exhausted, and there must be something at hand to bridge the gap. To supply this demand the Mail Tribune will issue a Homeseekers' section to the New Year's issue, on Sun day, January 2, containing full data illustrative and des criptive of the resources, advantages and opportunities of the Rogue River valley. New cuts, made. especially for this issue, will be used, and full accounts of the records made bv the orchards this season be riven, and at least 10.000 copies printed perhaps more, according to the de mand. .4s it is desirable to keep the Homeseekers' section as small as possible, in order to save postage for those send ing it forth, no display advertising .vill be arriwl. "What advertising there is will be in the form of "oaderjg, the rest of the space being taken bv the exhaustive writuup and illustrations of the valley. A feature of the issue will be a resume of the mercan tile, financial, manufacturing, realty and professional in terests of Medford and vicinity and will reflect the enter prise and achievements of our business and professional men. The progress and advancement made by Medford during the year will be shown, together with the improve ments completed, under way and in contemplation. Everyone interested in the errowth of Medford and the development of the surrounding country will co-operate it" wim us in snrnnrinif this issun rnr nun wuin. iiiir reii- resentatives are now in the field gathering data and xre senting plans. Courtesy shown them will be greatly appreciated. list of tho live advor- ind their Christmas offerings. It is a showing that no ojher town of similar size in the world can equal, because no other city can produce stores in tho same class with those of Medford. . Do your Christmas trading early to avoid the rush. Keep this issue as a guide for bargains and patronize those with enterprise enough to present their offerings to the public. The live merchant is an asset to any community, itolp him along by patronizing him. Tho only way to build up city is to patronizo home industry and keep the moifey at jiome. You can do this by buying from those whose advertise ments appear in the Mail Tribune. REV- HALL GOES TO M ARSHFIELD IS HERE GATHERING , DATA FOR BOOKLET Edwin D. Whitney of Southern Pa cific Publicity Department Visits Medford. TALENT TO WIPE OUT BONDED SCHOOL DEBT After Serving, for Many Months in This City Pastor Accopts Call From Coos County. Edwin D. Whitney of Portland. Residents Vote Nine Mill Tax Order to Clear District of Indebtedness. In Nov. O. LoKoy Hull, who rocontly resigned from tho pastorate of tho First Uaptist church, hits accepted n call from Mnrehfleld ami will tnko up lii.s labor in (hut suction about tho firat of tho your. How. Hull ydl ho tho only Ilanttat pastor in two counties of that part of Oregon. All friends of ltov. and Mrs. Hull arc invited to attend u farofccll re ception to ho hold at tho church Wednesday ovoninp, December 15, at 8 p. in. A good time is promised. I CAMBRIDGE GETS AWAY WITH OXFORD AT FOOTBALL LONDON. Deo. 11. Cambridge wan defeated hy Oxford in tho foot hall jamo today hy a score of thirty-six to three. You must liavo moat wlion tho weather nrows chill. It makes blood and helps you resist tho cold. Protect yourself by seclny that Undo Sam has protected you. Look for tho stamp of his approval. Inspected meat Is SAFE and COSTS NO MORE. Union Me?!. Co Jl . J L For the Best Tho Talent residents havo levied a who has In charge tho work of pre- ;ne mju 8chooj tnx for tho comi,11( paring tho written matter In the new! Q aiemoru panipniei, is in vueuioru . . rooking up particulars In regard to valley and city. Ho Is delighted with what ho has seen so far. Twenty-one years ago Mr. Whlt- lovied for maintninaucc of tho school. A two mill tax for tho payment of tho cost of tho new school luuwe, fumituro for tho school, repairing ney saw tho valley, and at that tlmol , . . . . , , ..r.i.. t A,ion . school outhouses, interest on bond gave It tho name Italy of America, , . , , . , i . . zli.u u . ..i..t .1 ed indebtedness and interest on school warrants. A five mill tax for the principal of the bonded indebtedness. The number of Hero is a snap: 100 acres one mile from railroad station; 100 acres good red soil, sovorul thousand cords irood wood which has a ready mark et. Price, $lf0; ono-third cash, lone time on balance. P. O. box f) 14. 231 AN APPRECIATION. NEW STATE OF SISKIYOU (Oregon Journal.) The Medford Daily Mail t Tribune is n really wonder ful newspaper to be published in a city no larger than Med ford. In adition to an after noon daily, replete with local and general news, it is now issuing a Sunday morning pa per of 1G or more pages, .such as would bo creditable in a city of 2."),000 inhabitants. It is np-to-dato in every rcspcei, thoroughly independent and nggressivo-in all matters of development ;and that it is appreciated by the wide awake, enterprising people of Medford its large advertising patronnge shows. They have reason to ho prond of their newspaper. which has been so extenslvoly used every visit Medford and tho Itoguo lm"n,e"i 01 t, ..n.. ... t,,m n bonded indel unci iuiiuj luuna uirhn. lu ....... wu , . .1 . . t , , . i i.i. .1. r. i ehi dren drawing money this year ill s also connected with tho Crator .. ...... . , , . i , , itho district is 144. The amount ifi Lake company. ... ... . 4 lft, 0.. ,PI I number of children enrolled in tlioj school this year at the present tim-j 's 113. Tho census shows that the employ ment of a third teacher in the school, the building of an addition to thej school house and the purchase of more fupiituro were absolutely nee-' essnry, thrcfore the district tnx to pay for theso things was necessnry. I At the schol meeting in July 1'ic people voterf to consolidate the school districts and build n fine school house. Since the ndioining seh-wil , districts hnd no bonded indebtedness. in order to consolidate, it was neee--! sary for district No. 22 to pay off it I I indebtedness, nod that was the -tc( Jtnken. at the meeting. The citizen?. . . it. .1 I.. 1. n'M'ni in i m; jiiffi inr lu.-'i moiigiii u good ccopomy to pay tho principal and stop the interest. A Select Line Ladies' Purses and Handbags AT COST Herman Bros. 317 E. Seventh St. 1 IN THE LINE OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FIXTURES, WIRING ND DYNAMO REPAIRING SEE MEOFORD'S PREMIER ELEC TRICIANS. FLYNN BROS. 132 WEST MAIN STREET. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING1 All Work Qunrantcc'il IMcom RimHomihlu COFFEEN . PRICE 11 North D St.. Modford. Oro. Phone 303; F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Civil Engineers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Surveys, Maps, Plans, Specifications, Reports, Estimates, Etc., Water Pow ers and Water Works, Paving and Road Making, Sewerage, Railroads, Ir rigation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. NOTICE All Yoomon are requested to bo at tho regular meeting of tho Order In f' tho Redmon hall Monday evening at 7:30 p. m. 299 ARRANGEMENT OF TREES BY formally endorsing the movement of the new state of Siskiyou and appointing committees to launch the campaign for secession, the Jackson County Press asso ciation struck a popular chord and one destined to have far-reaching and beneficial results. e Citizens of the proposed new commonwealth do not be long to the "Can't Do It club." They are going to show that it can be done by doing it. To the average Oregoman the obstacles and red tape procedure, necessary to accom plish the end in view, seem insurmountable, but not to the citizens of "Siskiyou " To be sure, no state has ever been divided after admis sion, except Virginia, but that is no reason why several should not be, particularly Oregon, where a majority of the population are narrow-visioned mossbacks and exert most of their energy in blocking progress. Southern Oreeron has nothing in common with western . i;m " i .is a t.a .n. ,UW trainer man wun rererenco w iirfnii a amereiiL ruiimw;. uuicicui imvuih-d, n i,.ia m i, 1 i ,n ent people. Our needs and desires are not comprehended Irregularity, ovrcrowdlnB and unoc-; Bhapes. Lamp posts an well an treoo 1 1 ' .t . X A f-t I 4-V. -1 .-.-1 C3Ml4-lll .. . l ml . - I . . . . . . . ana. nO inclination la allOWIl IV uyiiiuiciiciiu. tucui. uuuur cupicu Bpucus. mo uvoruKO nro iipt-ineu nrnamoniai ny many peo ern Oreeron. like northern California, is utterly ignored, except when it comes to paying taxes, without representation in state or national government a vast empire with ocean harbors, with greater natural resources, greater timber and mineral wealth and scenic attractions than any section on the globe. With eastern Oregon seceding on the one hand and southern Oregon on the other, the "Willamette valley will be loft peacefully vegetate by itself and the Salem hog and the Portland pig can root undisturbed among the pest laden orchards, wallow in the streaks of mire called roads, drink Arbuckle coffee and read the Oregonian. The ladles of the Greater Medford ( its entire lenRth with tho aamo ape club have furnished tho following ar- cles, or at least for sovoral blocks. ticlo anent tho planting of trees In DJr UB,'"K ono k,n,J on a atrect n 8tat- tho city I 'y architectural effect Is obtained ..'that will always bo pleasing and In street planting tho trees should ,mprc8Blve WhIo varot. mny ,)0 de. b0 placed with reference to tho room ( 8rablo for Its educational tondoncy, they will need when fully grown, It should not be permitted becauso of rather than with referenco to tho lot tho Irregular, unsightly appearance THE CHRISTMAS STAMP THE ladies of the Greater Medford club have paused long enough in their campaign for a city beautiful to take charge of the sale of the "Christmas Stamp," ev ery penny of the proceeds going to fight the great white plague in Portland. It is to be hoped that everyone will purchase these stamps and use them on their letters. The Christmas Stamp originated in Denmark, when in 1904 the Danish government issued a Christmas stamp, with the king's head and the word "Jul" the same as our "lino" on it. it was not good tor postage, only as a "sticker" for Christmas letters, post cards and packages. The nroceeds from it were used for the supnort of a tuber culosis hospital for little children. This Christmas season the National Red Cross society has issued the stamp in America, the proceeds to go to fight tuberculosis in the state in which the stamp is sold. is to narrow to permit a treo on each, plo, but no ono would oven think of and so tho propr spacing on a block J erecting lamp posts of different must bo determined Irrespective of .heights, slzo nnd nppearanco on tho tho wishes of tho property owners, jsamo street. Tho ndvantago of a each of whom might want a treo In variety nro bettor secured by plnnt- front of his houeo. If a block ls.Jng different species on different t fully planted, tho trees on ono sldo j streets. A pleasing and ndvlsablo va of tho street should stand opposlto(rIatlon of this rule has been sug tho spaces on tho othr sldo. Plant-: gested by Mr. Lowls Collins, sccro Ing at half distance, with tho Inton-.tary of tho Ilrooklyn Treo Planting Hon of removing every othor treo In. society, that at tho Intersection of time, Is sometimes dono In order towldo streets an elm should bo placed obtain moro shade at tho start. But at each corner, an arrangement this plan Is an objectionable ono; tho Intermediate trees are seldom romov- whlch would ndd rnthor than detract from tho architectural appearance A ed, and In their crowded condition chango of trees may. bo allowed on become Ill-shaped and undersized, rural driveways wboro tho Irregular- Tho arrangement Is a. doubtful oxpo-llty of tho scenery will bettor pormlt dlont, oven If tho superfluous oneri such an arrangement, but oven then aro removed at tho proper time; for fit 1b hotter to avoid abrupt, repeated whllo tho trees aro small thoy afford j changes by planting tho samo species neither beauty nor shade, no matter ifor a considerable distance. how closely they wor0 planted. Tho I Although overy residential strcot only case lnu which Intervals might I should bo well shaded, an oxcoptlon bo filled with ndvantago Is In a row may bo mado In commercial thor- of old trees that havo passed maturity and aro nearlng their ond. In such caso tlmo can bo saved by planting young ones In th0 spaces, for when tho old decaying trees fall tho young ones will ho well along toward re placing thorn. On residential streets where tho houses stanad woll back from tho fence line with lawns or wide yards In front, tho trees should not bo placed at tho curb, but InslUo tho walk where thoy will bo free from Injury, obtain moro moisture and af ford an equally good shndo. An avo nu0 should be planted throughout oughfarcB. Tho latter, In some In stances, might b0 planted and thus rendered moro attractlvo without In terfering with buslnoss oporatlons, In Kuropean cities tho commercial stroots often prosont a pleasing pic turo on account of th0 follago, which nlso hides from vlow tho marts of, trado: whllo In Holland tho wharves I In somo places aro shaded by tall trees that m4nglo tholr branches and, leaves with tho yardarms and rigging , of vessels unloading at tho docks closo by, ! SOME 9-acre tracts of commercial pears, close in. Prices and terms that will suit you we know. Let ns show you. i S Benson Investment Company Order Now FOR YOUB XMAS TURKEYS, CHICKENS, ETC. WE CARRY 13 7I27E? LINE IN THE CITY WITHOUT EXCEPTION . , V Huth & Pech Props. Phone 3271 ! Union Livery, Feed and Sale Stable PHONE 1821. BALED ' 113 SOUTH BARTLETT ST. HAY AND GRAIN. Home First Class Mules and Horses BARGAINS, IF TAKEN SOON J. E. ENYAIIT, Prosidont JOnN 8 ORTH, IVIn, . J. A. PEltRY, Vico-Presidont. f W. B. JACKSON, AhhH Cashier. THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK UAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $10,000 Safety boxes for rent. A general Banking Business transacted. Wo solicit your patronane. u