Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 12, 1909, First Section, Page 3, Image 3

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, Tim reception tendered tint Itov. ()f floiinoil'H "Avo Maria." Vocally
Mr. Lucas and wlf , Hut recently ur
rlvi'tl rector of Ht. Mnrk'M HtilHcoial
church, ut tint Mparloiui nntl iiiihitlo
luiiiiti of Mr. ami Mrs. W. T. lloVor
Itluo, 202 Mouth On lulu lo avenue, wax
larnHy attended ilurln:: tho rocop
tlon hoiirH, and urowdii thruiigml thu, for nearly an hour Itttgr, It
tiling linpOHHlblu to exchange tho do:
nlrott kiOoiIiiki: with friends lissom
hied. In Hut receiving lino nimbitlng
Hut charming IiohIoiih In thu hull and
iuIiikIIiik with Hid guests wuru MrH".
Wllllnni AldenhiiKun, Mrn, I,. J.:.
. Ilrnwn. Mr. II. ('. IConlner, M rs II.
I I'latt. Mi'H. It, W. (Iray, Mm IVr-1
rival Hhea, MIhh ('. RnwHon. A orow'd J
formed about thu rector mid his wife,
whllo on Hut oppottlto ttltln of tho par
lor, Honrcoly sucond In point of dls
Huctloii to Hut honor guestc iiIno stir
rotiudt'd ly IiIh many admiring
m ii Ijipcil . her Hinging lacked neither
mini or artist In poise, and tho autll
encit wan unnnlmoti In expressions of
HiitlNfactlon In tho success of Mod
ford'M iiwocoiit singer.
Tiio Wcdiu'Hilay Hltidy cliih nnd
their Invited ImiobIm woro vory plotis
aiitly onUirtnlumcnt at tho houm of
Mrs. W. I. Vawter, .110 Went Main
Mi net, on WudnoHdny afternoon, Do
ceinlicr X, v Hi a piano recital played
hy Mr. W. H. Mold of thin city. Tho
program was a continuation of tho
ouo given laut-wuuk at H'o RaptlM
church, and was mads up of Mc
Dowell ami (lottHclialk loinpoHlilous
Tlui Inttor. a native of New Orleans,
and hut recuiitly dnceiiHetl, wMlo the
couipoiter of many brilliant and bonu
tlful plecMM of the salon type, cannot
re nl; (ih an art lot of originality, depth
nud power, with iniiiiv of Mm Hum
fr.....K wnt. the KlKtit 10. CharM ( n A1,,rm. ,..,.....,.
K-n.l.tlt.K. uP "f tho dloeeso of ,, .
()reon. w Ii.h... prenence wa r. dellxht. w)l0rtuny for tho UM
.nil mirprlM, to many. buutlurod . f .(r.iit r ,, whM
throuKhout ttio rooms wore Krcful , MoJW) numl)()rH woro munlml.
'". wnwo urn couiu r imV0(, ,, II111cll inJoyo,,. T, ,,,
in (he gracefully appointed dlnlmc f)(nn(1 mlir(, (jf ,,p n(,(l)
mps Sang
Pate 0tiartkGood Will Coward Ifieti
room wiim u howl of duop rod uurnn
linn IdoNNoiiiH, clasely arm n sod. Mm.
Jghn linneburg. seated In tho hay
window nl thu head of tJtvo table. pour
ed coffee, while opposite l.or Mm. M.
I'urdlu poured uhocolate. AhmUHiik
MymtiatheHc Intel-out of tho Indian, n re
nted an atmosphere to which both
plnyur and lltttouor Hcoiifd Hiiscoptl
hie. Mm. Vnwtor received at tho door,
ICopyrlKht, IS"), ly J. WolU Clmmprify
I'toiri ii Ceploy irlnt. copyright, I'M. by
CurtlR ft Cameron.)
out toRothor with a charm and clonr
ttonti of Htylo that enchains tho at
tention. Further, tho columo Is pro-
,n the dlnliiK room wan Mr. Snodl.or - nuUhor Mm hy vM cuU of
ami uu .miwuw aiico nireei. tun i.vv 7. ; . ., ,ui n..n .i mnrlPl
ICniner and Kall.I.ei. Shea, three at- ""' 1,our '" t Prournm.
.. t ... i ... t .1 i I .nl.lnl.' n.likHH nmra ntiil ,
trncllve yoiitiK Klrln Rownt-d In whlte.l ruiruniinwniB wore ere. n .le.....uH,. ......... . ,....,.....
Mr. and Mm. l.ucnH are from Mloh- ,n" '"""'b room. Aim. 1;. puoiie diiiiuiiikh, hi i.....u.i.a.
11. rickel ami Mm. v. w. iioiiih pour- ami "vliiicii ovon nurriou lournw aro,
ml. while Mm. Vawter wiih further familiar with. Spaco Is glvon to a
1km 11 . n'ld brliiK a moNt happy record
of offlclejicy ami popularity, both In,
ttplrltual and nodal llfo of the imrllt i ' Mm. Campbell and Mm. , description of tho classic fountain In
In which they lived. With a Htroi.K '"' AtnotiK Hiobo prosont were the park at Portland, vhlch U 0:10 of
. n 1 1 , , ,,....1.1.... m... r a... ll'nrtK.H'M rnnol itlinu a nnrl
choir orcnnlr-atlon, ami active and
ilUfernliiK ladleH kuIIiI, and tho plaim
for the ertictlon of the nvw church
hiilldliiK. well flmincetl, tho outlook
for the future U eHpeclally lirlKlit.
Mix Hazel ICuyart, who Iiiih licen
NiiemlliiK the piihI Mtven montliR In
New York city nnd 1'nllnadeii, N. J.,
the KucHt of her mint, Mm. J. A. Whit
man, In on her return homo, HpeiidliiK
today In UtKniiNport, led., vhtltliiK rel
atlvi'M. MImh linyart expectH to ho
itevernl weokn on tho way home, an
die hnH uuany relatlvcH ami friends
In the flint whom uho will vlnlt. A
warm wolcomo awaltn her nn uho Ih
one of tho moHt popular glrln In tho
youiiKor not.
MiitulamoH Bnedlcor, Helen IiihIc iriK,
J. 15. Watt. W. J. Warner, Wllllnni
Colvlir. It. 15. Onto, M. 15. Worrell, A.
15. IteniiicR, It. T. nurnett. K. W. Hol
IIh. 15 II. I'lckel, M. I.. Alford, l V.
KtreetH. It. 0. Wortmnn, O. I. I)avl.
II. 0. Smith, II. 11. Tiittlo. Jnmes
Campbell Porter Netf, W. V. linn,
1 15. M. Andrews, A. I.. Mnmhall and
MIhhoh Alice 8lrceii. Helen Worroll, wiih n clone Heconu. 1:10 prucs woro
Olln Lovl Warner'8 most chnuto nnd
uohlo pIcccK of work. j
"... j
Tho roKiilar mooting of tho Flvo ,
Hundred club Frldny nftornoon wns
hold at the homo of Mm, 13. I). 151
wood on Central nvcnuo, South. Tho
highest Hcoro wn plnyod by MIbs Ger
trude Weekc. Mm. H. 13. Hoyden
ICopyrleht, 1400, by O.
.V. Witte, New
(CapyrlcUt. 1W2. by J.
Well Champner. I'rotn Copley print, copyright. 1XO. by
Curtli & Cnnveroa, IkutonJ
Flora Oray nnd Hoho Fielder,
MIhh Helen Wntt. n ntudent nt St.
HcIcii'h Hall, Portlnnd, In expected
homo ClirlstinaH dny to Hpcrd the Hol
iday Mention wl'h ho. parent, Mr.
and Mm. J. 13.
.Med ford Houvenlr Bpoona.
Tho third populnr enrd party of
tho SwnBtlkn club will ho hid Tus
dny nftornoon, December 14, nt the
homo of Mm. V. 0. Porter, C19 East
Main street.
Tho LndleB' Guild wan ontertaln-
Mm. A. 15. He.uiicK nnd Mm, It, T.
Uurnott of JnckKoavIllo vmro KiioatH,'d nl Itn rt-Kular nieetlnB Thuradny
of the WinlneHiInv rluh nt the nftornoon nt tho homo of Mm. It. W.
lllnhop ScnddlnR. was tho guosl ot rnc,ln, nt tho ,,, o( M, ,w. 1. Grny. 116 South Mlstlotoo Btreet.
Mr. nnd Mm. Forrtor, Mnln strcot, .. wl I
durliiK hlM rocont visit. I ... Tho nnnunl fnlr nnd beznr of the
Orio of tho moHt delightfully ontor- I.adloH' Aid society of tho Prcsby-
will bo hold In the
Tho nporn houso wnti never moro
elahoratoly docoratod than It was Sun-
. talnltiR and Instructive books In tho torlnn church
dny for tho UlkH memorial oxerclses, non-flctlon section of tho public lt-(AnKlo opera houso December IS.
tho decoration committee bolnu C. W. hrnry Is "American Masters of Sculp-, Tho Informal dnnclug party given
Ilellbrounor, John Wilkinson, 15. It. ture," by CharloH II. Chnffln, nn np- by tho Indies of tho Greater Medford
Van Dyke, J. G. Ooblo, 13. C, Gaddls, preclatlon of a few leading American club for tho benefit of tho public II
Orover Comm. J. W. Jacobs. Tho Hrulptom who havo nchloved dlstlnc- brary fund wan well attended and
generous uho of tho emblematic col
ors, purple and white, rollovod by
stage draperies of tho .intlonnl col
ors, nnd nu nrtlstlo nrrnngomont of
white carnations, wiim vory 'ff(jctlvo.
The distribution of favors of Califor
nia violets at tho door gavu pleasure.
Mm. lliuelrlKK has been much com-
Hon In an atmosphcro of commorclal- proved one of tho moHt enjoyablo of t
Ism Hint Is n hindrance to tho dovol- tho Reason's social gatherings. Good
opment of Hie art iih It exists In I5u- music was provided and tho hall was
ropeon countries. Tho chapters on not overcrowded, making dancing cn-
"Tho Decorntlvo Motlvo" and tho Joyublo. Eighteen dollars waa clear-j
"Ideal Motive" aro worthy of study od for tho library fund nnd will boj
from tho standpoint of tho Individ- used In making additions to tho Ju-(
ual. Tho blogrnphlcal sketches nro vonllo section nnd tho department of
pllmeuted on her finished rendering written with 11 distinct human Inter- current fiction.
The following officers were elected
' by Ilenmes chapter, O. E. S., No. CC,
nt tho regular meeting Wednesday
Worthy nintron, Miss Gertrude
Weeks; worthy pntron, J. E. Watt;
nssoclnto matron, Mrs. M. L. Alford;
secretary, Mm. J. It. Woodford; treas
urer. Mm. Charles Strang; conduc
tress, Mrs. I. L. Hamilton; nssoclato
conductress, Mm. F. E. Merrick.
An Informal dancing party nt
Smith's hall was much enjoyed by a
Jolly crowd of young people Thursday
evening. Cake, coffee nnd sand
wiches were served. Tho following
woro present:
Misses Maude Ling. Mnbel Jones,
Melissa Unit, Myrtle Cnlhoun, Grace
Calhoun, Jennie Hansen, Hazel Rags
dale, Mabel Whelpley, Constance Mc-
KlUIgnn, Enid Hamilton, Maude Sage,
Mnry Hnswoll, Messrs. Bert Lawrence,
Isaac FIdogar, Henry Haswell, Charles
Henselman, Chnrles Campbell, Jesse
Tiiqjor, Ralph McKay, Frank Miller,
Orvlllo Johnson, Wilson Rothermol,
Clnrenco bnge, Harvey Ling, Wnrd
Whiteside, Harry Barneburg.
Tho G. A. R. and W. R. C. friends
of Mrs. M. M. Johnson gave her a sur
prise party Monday evening, Decern-,
1009 West Main stro?t, on Monday
evening, December 20.
Tho Wednesday Study- club will
meet December 15 at the homo of.
Mm. James Campbll on West Elev-!
enth street. This is tho Christmas'
meeting and tho topic Is "Giving that
Is Gaining," and had been previously
assigned to Mm. .1. F. Mundy, who
Is absent on an eastern trip. In her
absence Mrs. R. E. Ga'i will be the
essayist and a paper Interesting and
full of tho Christmas spirit Is assured.
Rev. and Mm. W. F. Shields enter
tained tho officers of the church and
their wives at the manse Friday eve
ning with dellghtfvl hospitality. Mirth
provoking games were played and
solos were sung by W. H. Gore and
Will Watt, after which Mrs. Shields,
cssisted by Miss Alice Elder, served a
' I of nlneannlo salad nnd wafers, ent.
ter, Mrs. W. F. Shoults, In honor of fe0 and lce cream. A pleasurable
l. r r v. kiii...H rr! I ' . . . .....
nan nour was spent in looKing over
tho music of tho' Christmas cantata
her 66th birthday. Tho evening waa
spent with games nnd music and aft
er a sumptuous lunch the guests de
parted with many expressions ot cs
toem and good will for tho estimable
Monday evening J. R. Allen enter
tained with a dinner at tho Hotel
Nash grill followed by a theater par
ty, attending "Tho Land of Nod."
Mr. Allen's guests were: Mr. and Mm.
John Olwell, Miss Catherine Rogeir,
Miss Grace Andrews, Mr. Conro Flero,
and Mr. Boudlnot Conner.
with Mm.
pants t.
J. F. Hutchason as accom-
Notwithstanding the. many counter
attractions Friday evening, the lec
ture at the Methodist church by Dr.
Benjamin Young of Portland on the
subject. "Grit and Gumption," was
well attended and much enjoyed.
Tho Men's Brotherhood of the M.
E. church, an organization of moro
than 50 members, which does much
practical work in the church, held a
Tho vountr neonle of the Presbvto- Inislnnsa nnd snMnl m a. Hni nt tliA
rlan church met at the home of Mr. church Wednesday evening and made
and Mm. Shields Monday evening and arrangements for a banquet to bo
organized a social and literary club j given in the near future in the par-
for tho benefit of the young people
of tho church, anad congregation. Mr.
Will Watt was elected president. Tho
lors of tho church.
Mr. L. L. Breeder, general man-
club will hold bi-monthly meetings, J ager of the phonographic department J
tno secoona 01 wnicn win iaKo piaco 01 me anrman, Clay House, Is In tho
at the home of the Misses Harmon, city on business.
Th0 oyster supper given by tho
men of the Christum church at tho
Tabernacle Tuesday evening wns n
most successful nffnlr, nbout $25 bo
Ing cleared. Among thoso having
the affair In chargo wero: Mr. Bos
woll, Harry Boswoll, Ed Plcrco and
Fred Dny.
Mr. Conro Flero wns host Tuesdny
ovenlng nt a delightful dinner party
at the Hotel Nash grill, hnving as his
guests Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hamlll,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Olwell, Mlss Cath
orino Rogers, Miss Oraco Andrews,
Mr. J. R. Allen and Mr. BurdlC jCon
ner. Tho party afterward attended
"King Dodo."
The married people's dancing club
that enjoyed so many pleasant par
ties last wlntor has been reorgan
ized and wilt hold Its first meeting
next Wednesday night at Angel's op
era house. Memborshlp Is by In
vitation. ...
Mrs. Charles Ferguson, who, with
her little daughter, Graco, has boon
making her mother, Mrs. S. T. How
ard, an extended visit, left Tuesday
for her horn In Hereford, Tex.
Mrs. M. L. Alford's sister, Mm.
Sargent, and her husband. Colonel
H. H. Sargent. U. S. cavalry, were ex
pected to sail Monday from San Fran
cisco on tho transport Logan for the
Philippines, where Colonel Sargent
has been ordered with his regiment.
Tuesday evening at tho annual
meeting of the Chester A. Arthur
post. No. 47, G. A. R., officers were
elected for the next year as follows:
Commander, O. W. Elghmy; S. V.
C C. C. Paul; I. V. C, Alex Duff;
chaplain, James Kelso; O. M., Jacob
Kllppel; O. D., I. I. Stacy: O. G
D. E. Clay; guard, Victor Paul.
Unique and attractive post cards
bearing a reproduction of the photo
graph of the Oregon Glee club, have
been received announcing the annual
concert by the club Wednesday, De
cember 22. Mr. Vernon Vawter, who
is a member of the club, has been
making good as an amateur actor and
has a prominent part on tho pro
gram. .
Among the college students ex
pected home for the holidays are
Misses Clara Wines, Ruth Merrick,
Louise Glbboney, Fred Strang, Ver
non Vawter, Clarence Gore of the IT.
of C, Miss Bess Kentner of tho U.
of C, John Porter of the O. R. C,
Misses Helen Watt and Fern Hutch
ison of St. Helen s Hall.
Thi next dance given by the Swas
tika club will be held J?ew Year's
ore as announced on the schedule of
dates sent to members. Siipper"wlll
be served and it will doubtless be the
event of the holiday season.
Reports from Council Bluffs, la.,
are to tho effect that Mrs. Edgar
Hafer, the popular leader In the lo
cal smart set. Is being entertained
vory extensively by the society ladies
of that city.
What Local Stores Offers Some Hints For Xmas Buyers
In no way uru the motroplitiui
tumloiicies of MuuTonl moro clearly
ftliown tliuii in tho largo ami varied
Ktook of kdo()h provided by nil local
inorcliniits in their Bupanito mid In -viviilunl
I inert for thu sutist'autiim of
thu Cliriutmuu tilioppor. In every
, store nud in overwhelming variety, in
found uu uxcullout and tip-to-duto
Btnol; of thu Htitplu articles of t ratio
upon which ninny dopoml for gifta
rnllior than upon ntticloH of ques
tionable uho mid bounty. Novor lio
foio woro those. Htookrt o complete,
ho varied and no alluringly dmpluy
eil. A Hiifo rule to follow mid ouo
which nppllon to the pomou whtisu
slender 1 111 I'm) iiiuhI bo iiiudo to 10
uieililier ninny iih well iih to the ouo
who ean bpoiul liberally mid to
pleusu lior own fmiey, in that lliu
gift whether inoxpoiiHivo, or eoHlly
blutll lie tint bent of itn kind. A
Hiuiply liommcd pure linen luuidker-1
chief that comIh fifty renin in in hot-1
lor IiinIu than u poor imitation of
mi art print nl double tho prieo.
Another point to romomboi' in thu nu
leutiou of 11 gift !h lo oIiooho some-1
lliinir tlm vuluo of which you know
11I1011I rntltor Hum uiiiko an effort to
Kiitisfy 11 friuiid'H known nrlisliu,
liiHtoH, nn attempt Hint may result
in OiHitppoiiilmenl iiiiIchk your knowl
edge of urt-vulmm in equal to liis,
anil you also know juhI what ho ul
. leud.v has. .SoiihUiIo and itsoful
pftu afford tho most mitiisfnolioii.
Buy I'miiKiire,
rnny young innrried pooplo fol
low tho plnn of furnishing tlioir homo
grmlitally, inntingiiip; to ho both coin-
fortiiblu mid happy on 11 littlo mid
milling n really good pioco of fur
niture from time to time as cirouni-
Ftmicoft permit. In this way tho
houso is not filled with mi array of
cheap mid uiiHiitisfnotory makeshifts
hut thu finished homo is artistic mid
tho furnituro is snali as wilt Inst 11
life-timo and give 11 sense of satis
fuotion. Just now tho tendency 111
furnituro is toward tho severely plain
nnd tho host designs depending for
tlioir beauty upon tho griiin mul pol
ish of tho wood mid showing mi en
tiro absence of uu iitlotnpt nt orna
mentation. Cabinet made pieces nro
ospociully desirable) mul from tho
numhur of really bountiful designs
iiiiuIq in tho local shops, tho idea is
evidently popular. Tho furnituro
storos nlso show dining room sets
mid sepnrto chairs, davenports nud
small tables mude in mission liiuts,
that nro very interesting,
Kvpiiutdon Evident.
No where is tho oxpnusion of hus
inesK moro evident than in tho lead
ing fnvuiluro storos; with floor Bprico
doubled mid quudruplod ovor last
your, moro room is nvnilnhlo for the
display of tho fino pieces, while the
stock itself is largo nnd varied in
proportion. What moro nuooptuhln
gifts to any meiulior of tho family
than a onrofully chosen birdseye
innplo dressed of ouu of tho now de
signs or u hnndsotno ehair or n much
neodeil china cabinet. Among the
very nowost design seen in tho store
hero is u handsome bedroom set of
Circassian walnut, tho wood is boun
tifully grained, Rtiscoptiblo of a fino
polish mid tho model exclusive. Suoli
furnituro is easily kept free from initio part of tho ponulntion. A wo- copy of "Tho Seven Ages of Child- leather goods that is sure to bo snap
lust and its natural bounty is n in's fiove is 0110 article of dros-i hood," by Jesio Wilcox Smith, that 1 pcd up by discriminating buyers as
iiuuui uuini mil is iitwayb iuum iuj- &uua mr buvcrui uuiitu. iuc Mtu.v ;
iitliitu,? Silm iiin 1ini cttmll ntnlit- cnntiriic nri nciiiitn11 tnllVillal nil
It one wishes to select something ion fop ,lrtss in lho ubBtraetf Iimy;the old favorites, Mis Aleott, Jlnr-
saerifieo looks to comfort in shoes, gnret Ward, Frnnk Webster, Mnrgur
hut she desires gloves that aro fresh. !ot Sidney and Castleman, occupying
well fitting nud modish. There is no conspicuous places',
hotter gift for num. woman or child1 . Nowi whc Pblio library is n
ii,,!.. mm iiMir..ii .1, ,,,, 1... littlo short in tho most recent fiction
lltllll " IV Hill 1 V I i 1 1 ,
luodoratelv priced us one wishe or when people hnve most leisure uusuo m oweci ana execution.
ostly to the point of elegance. Why Ior rena"Ri 0110 turns wmi especial 1 "i u cuoiceM uu-
iiiiii-uko jiiusob, imigiiiiuu
coveis, note-book holders, nro on
soon ns seep, is on sale at local store.
Tho work is done by Mrs. J. F. Root,
a recent nrrivial from the east, and
each pieco is n marvel of skill and
good taste. Only the finest nnd
softest of material is employed, and
there is nothing shown anywhere
source of dulight to the possessor.
If ouu wishes to soleet somcthini
still moro individual, the pieces fin
ished with cross-baud vouoor, simi
lar to piano finish, mid polished to
n high state of reflecting powor, nro
uuoxccllcd. Among smaller pieces,
musio cabinots, footstools nnd tu
houretts nro seen, while if ouo wishes
i . J..1 1 !
3 ' 1 " : instead of ,1, ."terest to the now novels.
..!..'... ...... , 1 your family :t lrott.V waist imt'orn or Recent Fiction
I'limti w tin his. iiireMLf-n iiiiii iimtiitwiii. - -
pieco or ,"..'i-s ores,1., tioin ol wim-ii rioi
11111 1 lllllll. I MM lllf- I 111,11 1 1II1I. ... . .
Ono cannot tako ovon a hastv sur- ni,.K 11I...1 ,.n., Crt,...i,. . i,... .1:.... 1 R'ss bottoms that nro exceedingly
vov of thu stores without lieuu' nn. ii., .......l iv.. 1 m ... ,c .1 ,...1.. ...:.i. .... i-i. .1.. i 1 oriiaiueuiai.
----- .... ,llu .... ,,lu ,Fl ,v luntii- uiiii sfri'iu viiriir. uiiiii) 11111 iii'siirmiivu
CA A .1 1 1 tAMf.ak.ntA .I.a 1. ........
n , ....II.,,.,, 1 1.. r . .1 , . , 1 01110 mm luiiumuo mo uu J IV ussgs-
d in a good variety of patterns ; " 1 '" ' " . 01 ti e szroiigost oooks ot orcu sor of of At this same
d a conservative rnneu of eojor. slK 01 ln":.11'" vuu'c 01 :1 .P,c '-V'"0 ,s " story ot tho first century by Ilnr- L,oru 5s nm . R, nm1 .
t aunn JJoberson, entitled, "Mury!,a nf ,.., ... ...
" iiv. nt tli u w,.i.-.mi ...... ..... ..e -r 1..1.. u ni.. -1 i-i.t .. i "ujisii, iumiiiu
VT 11. ...
pressed with tho euro with which to-wenr article. What nicer gift than element give a graphic picture of thorf 1 t L r 1 1 1
goods have boon selected to meet lo- one of the pretty French broadcloth life and times that lingers in momoiTir,, fnch
eal needs. It is no longer necessary capes now m popular. They are after tho volume is laid aside or ex- ! ' "l"Kn if T J"f" T '
or ndvisablo to patronise the mail shown in the delicate tints so nttrae- chnnged for another. ,".U , l0k) Potterj-, ex-
order houses, for prices nro us low uve for c-i.inL wenr and also in the Threo other book, that nro among j,1' "!Ve,,r"i! IT" k "l"1"
mid iii iiiniiv eiiRej iiui.i.. nf luun.i ci 1....1 .i,..,i..o r 1.1. .. .. .1 . 1 . 11 1 "nt'i eut-glnss. A uninue cut-class
' f - - - -, ,.v F t'liiMMiii -uu' wi iiiiii: l im nit' tiJitiiii i .si iti iii-. iiiiii 11 rn imi
many merchants guuruntooing to and black that may bo utilized foi tliusiastically reeonunended bv wide
duplicate any until order nt tho sanio
or u loss prico, if given tho oppor
tunity. Why risk buying goods out
of town nnd of inferior quality, thus
depriving oneself ol tho plousuro of
Mroot gnr.uei ts. renders, are "Tho Foreigner," bv
Suitable Hooks. Ivalph Conner, "Tho Silver Horde,"
Foremost among (ho season's most l,-v nx llenc,, ",ul "Tho plnter," by
siiital.lo irifts aro books. Tim l'iehl Whituker. Ail the stories by .Myrtle
t p : ,:.i.. ... Ivoed. ninoii!? which nvn "I.nveiulpi'
making personal selection, wl.ou tho - nnd Old r,,eo "Old Robo nnd Si ve "
ui'iiii' iiivi v-iiiiii 1 -iii iiu ifuiivi villliU
mid gttarmiteos satisfuotion.
Dry CJoods.
Tho dry goods morchant with his
endless nnd bewildering enumeration
giving such varioty in stylo of bind
ing, that fow Christmns lists will ho
considered comploto that do not in
clude a fow books.
In tho children's section ono may
'Flowers of the nu.t' and "Love
Lottors of n Musician." contain a
sweot nnd tendo;1 hord of romance
nnd nro told with a delicacy nud
clinrm nro irrosistible. Besides thoso
of dainty collars, dressy gloves, select tho highly-colored nnd vividly volumos aro bound in dolicnto pur-
fnnoy hoso, filmy hiindkoreliiove.s, illustrated juvenijo rhvius that nro l,-',c' K,1 "V1 w,lito tIlut "mljos
lings, belts and novelty jewelry, nut- sold for a fow cents ami provo such ,I,0IU ,?J'o as gift-books,
urnlly gut lho hulk ut holiday time nf n delicht to tho littlo folks, or 0110 ' Leather Goods.
parlor or boudoir lamp with globo
and cord attached is ouo of the
lovoliost singlo nvfieles shown and of
courso, it has no dupliento besides
being reasonably priced. Hand paint
ed .Tiipnneso wnro, painted to repre
sent 11 eanvns background and show
ing tho seam in tho canvas, nro of
delicato color nnd graceful form and
mny bo had in various ornamental
jars suited to my-lndy'a dieting ta
ble Silver.
Nothing is moro popular this non
son in table silvor than tho hami
hnuunored models ; tea spoons, kiuvQS
nun imiks nun iiiiiuy ,lllglU ICt'0o
small pu.rchnsos designed for lho fern- mny prefer a bountifully illustrated A vory special lino of haud-toolcd aro offered, and while they havo'nev-'
I er been siiown hero before they are
deservedly well liked. What prettier
gift for tho young matron than a set
of baud-hammered silver bread and
butter spreaders?
Sinco the tendency in house-finishing
and furnishintr is toward 1 the
wood-browns, neutral greens iyid
sombre tones in general, n liking is
expressed far n few pieces o,f b'right
brass so placed as to relieve by con
trast any dullness of offect. How
the brightly burnished surface sdems
to catch all tho light in tho room nnd
reflect it back tenfold, The otchod
brass is somewhat dull in, finish nud
lmndsomo desk sets, ns well ns small
soDarato pieces, nro seen, while the
linnd-lininmered pieces hi both Rus
sian and Japanese handicraft show
nttraetivo salvors .for the pinto rail,
imposing fire-plneo sots , nndirous,
jnrdineiros, forn dishes and n variety
of grange "pieojes1, flint any house
keeper would find 'nso'ful.
Something for Sis.
Ask nuy girl wimt sho wnns for
Christmas and the clinucos nro that
niuo out of ten without a moment's
lipsitnti,on will sa,y, "A pair of Swodo
pnrty slippers black," iiroviding, of
courso that 'sho is not iilrondy tho
dolightful 'jmsseior of a "pnitv- You
can easily find them too, hut remem
ber that thq si?os rem a littlo smnll,
so either Jot, tho young ludy. filj hor
6olf or buy with tho privilege of exchange-.
' . 7
A Viotor or Fdison tulking mn
chiuo is 11 present that gives nnrholo
fimijy sntisfnotieiirvhio,n guitnr or
mnidqin. jg ofjcft tfio rift most do-
(Conlliitlfeil on pngo 5.)
1T1 1