THIS MICDKORU.MAILTKIBUNK, MKDFOIil), OK ISO ON. SUNDAY, DKOtt.M HIW IL 1!)G!). CRUDE ROBBERS EACH SAYS OTHER NEGROES KILL GIVE AWAY PLOT BOLD VAMPIRE THEEE WOMEN E avoy Theatre ARE BANQUETED AT FAKE REPORT Girls of Domestic Science Class Prepares Great Feed Which is Very Heartily Attacked. Inexperience of Woulri-Be Bank Wives of the Slain Hen Accuse Horriblo Crlmo In Georgia Negroes Fight Promoter Says It Is Outrago D RON HEROES GLESON R TONIGHT The Hit of The Season On The Little Big Horn Wreckers Disclose Scheme to Polices-Methods are Ameturish. Each Other of Being Responsible for Crime. Are Accused of Crime Bloodhounds gn Trail. to Accuso Fighters of Partici pating In a Doublo Deal. Tho close of the football season in which the eMdford high school team won tho championship of south ern Oregon, by defcatinf all coiners, was celebrated Friday night by a re cootion given by the domestic scienco class of the high school to the mem bers of the team and to Coach S. B. Hall. Tho football boys have brought honor umLgloryto Medford by-their series of victories on-the field, but the girlsjproved to them. Friday, that thoy were capable to preparing tho viands that go to make the muscle and vim necessary to win great con tests. The high school assembly room was appropriately decorated with the colors of black and red, and the menu was -highly appreciated by the gridiron heroes. At tho conclusion of the banquet Prof. S. B. Hall who has given much of his time to the building up of tho team and to whose coaching and strenuous efofrts the success of the Medford football team is in a great measure due, was presented with a set of cuff buttons and a scarf piu by tho members of the team as a token of their appreciation of his work. The football, scared and battered, but still in the ring, which figured in five victorious games for Medford, occupied a central position in the banquet hall and was afterward pre sented to Coach Hall, to be added to his collection as souvenir of the championship team for 1909. STRIKING SWITCHMEN CAN NOT RETURN TO WORK SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 10. The danger of a clash between members of : the switchmen's union and the Great Northern officials became imminent today when it was announced that) the striking switchmen will not be al-1 lowed to return to work. I The railroad officials declare that; they have filled the places of tho old men with imported strike-breakers, whom they claim, are giving entire satisfaction and refuse to allow the old men to return to their former places. BOLD AERONAUT FALLS TO GROUND AND IS CRUSHED BERLIN, Dec. 11. Captain Engle hnrt, a pupil of tho Wright Brothers, was seriously injured today while driving a Wright aeroplane at Johan-nestal. Te machine collapsed in the air and was completely wrecked. The captain was caught under the wreck age and crushed. Tho doctors believe that Engle- hart will recover. The accident was caused by the motor stopping in midair. Tho machine fell so rapidly that Englehurt did not even have time to crange his position. He was grasp ing tho levers when he struck the ground. The aeroplane was so badly dam aged that it cannot be repaired. SELLS POOR BUTTER Ashland Butter Man Fined $25 for Disposing of Adulterated Goods. ASHLAND, Dec. 11. Inspector Chatterlln from the state dairy com mission's office pounced upon D, Per ozzl, proprietor of tho Ashland croamery, this morning and haled him beforo Recorder Eggleston on a charge of selling adulterated butter put up as his high grade, pure "Gold Medal" product. Porozzl pleaded guilty to the charge and a nominal flno of $25 was Imposed upon him, merely by way of a warning. The exposure of tho local croamory man a methods la the talk of tho town, and Indignation Is run ning high as tho Ashland creamery's extenslvo business was built up by the loyal support of tho local consu mers, who have for months post been victimized by the questionable meth ods to which Porozzl today pleadod guilty. Doth of the local meat markets wore also flnod for Belling lard adul terated with beef fat and not prop erly laboled. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 11. De tectives of the local police depart ment today are searching for C. A. Smith, who Is alleged In a telegram from tho authorities at Reno, Nov., of being an accomplice In what thoy bcltovo to havo boon a clover plot to rob the Farmers and Merchants' Na tional, bank of Reno of morc than $50,000. The schemo failed because of the amateurish methoda.of tho pjlotters. According to the Reno directions a man gtvlng the namo of E. J. Ray mond was arrested In that city fol lowing his attempt to pass an alleged check tor $860. The check was drawn In his favor upon tho Wells, Fargo Nevada National bank of this city and was signed with the name of J. C. Cavanaugh. Tho check was held for collection and sent to the Amer ican National bank here, which In turn passed It to th0 Wells Fargo National. While the offllcals of both banks were puzzling over tho slip, they were Informed by the Western Union Telegraph company that a messago had been filed at one of their San Francisco stations to the Reno bank stating that "Cavanaugh" has sufficient on deposit to cover the.check and that Cavanaugh had Identified his signature. The officials of the Wells, Fargo bank Immediately wired tho Reno bank the contents of the telegram, also telling that they carried no ac count under Cavanaugh's name. Ray mond was then placed under arrest. Tho Reno officers Immediately ask-' ed the arrest of Smith, believing thati he knew of the messaed filed with the telegraph to secure tho payment of the check. Raymond refused to name any possible accomplice to the Reno officers. A receipted bill In ( his pocket and a label In his coat bore the name of A. J. Waters. 1 Thomas McCarthy, a Barbary, Coast bartender, was arrested today upon tho receipt of telegraphic ad-, vices from Reno to tho effect that ho ', might be Implicated In the plot. He declared his Innocence of 'any cor nectlon with the affair, declaring that ho was In Reno when the spurious! messaflo was sent from there. 1 OAKLAND..Cal.. Doc. 11 Deep- SAVANNAH. Cla.. Dec. 11. Vol rooted bitterness endh for th otheri',owlnB R horrible triple crlmo In aro the- attitudes of Mr. Eugene ft .... , . , , Wood oul Mrs Ui:.:iel Jwobs. wMfwhlch tw wl,Uc wou,0 Bln,n ows'ot the two mci v.'l ose lives paid t and ono probably fatally wounded, forfeit to thovdomostlc tragedy that bloodhounds today aro on the trail wrecked two homes. I0f negroes suspected of tho bloody Dr. Eugono Wood, a prominent , dctds and thoro Is grav danger of physician and club man, who was j vlolenco If they aro run down. The Bald to be the soul mate of Mrs. Ja-' d0ad: cobs, was shot and killed Thursday) Mr8t Elizabeth Gnlbblo and her evening on a crowded Oakland thor- j dnnghtor Miss Carrlo Plaudor. oirghfareby tho lawful husband ofi jkjr5 Magglo Hunter, his ntflnlty who then committed sut- Tho tnroo women were alono last cldo. Today tho women so vitally ( nlRnt )n tho Grlbblo home when Un concerned In tho tragedy each lay wor) nttackod. When the crlmo was tho blamo at tho door of tho other, discovered Mrs. Grlbblo and Miss "Mrs. Jacobs sapped my husband's panier wore dead and Mrs. Hunter llfo and his solf control," sobbed waa unconscious. Mrs. Wood, speaking of tho rola- Wnn0 thoro , mt!o possibility of tlons of tho physician and tho worn- MrJI Hunter living. It Is hoped that an. "For two years I havo felt that sne will reKan consciousness long such would b0 the result. That worn- cn0ngh to glvo a description of tho an's lnfluenco over my husband was murderer or murderers, that of a vampire. Tho police arrested Thomas Hunt- "Tholrs wns a sordid attachment. r a pant0r and paper-hanger, hus I don't think either actually loved band of Mr8 Maggie Huntor, who Is the other. If sho has a conscience, jn tt hospital. Tho woman In a wild the awful ending of tho affair has ' dollrlum accused her husband of tho wrecked her life, besides killing her bloody deeds. Tho pollco do not husband and mine." ( tink that ho Is guilty, but will hold Mrs. Jacobs was Just as bitter In h)m untl! h y. regans hor Bonses. her charges. Sho declared: "I feel that Mrs. Wood, Intention- q,q fqur 0pERAT0S ally or not, Incited my husband to M ctdikf mako an attack on Dr. Wood. Sho wnT uu u" ,mt has maligned me and lied about mo,' .v,IW,-,r . . n ,n T. and yet I bear her no resentment. -CINCINNATI, Ohio, Dec. 10. It "Dr. Wood and I were unhappy became known today that ninety per In our homes and our casual acqualn- cont,of te,cP'1 lra 1 , tanco ripened Into love. I expect- ,uml,,0' !he,B1f 0,,r ,lroad "uo ! ed to marry him when w0 secured " u . , un ,UL iubuu" our divorces. Neither woman stat- of .flnk?or. h,,!?r ivor ed her plans for tho future. Mrs. ? strJk Thf "cheved ' the un- Wood is almost prostrated by tho lon ,lcndor t 0 u,u'ea,e . ,nf tdc! shock Incident to the murder of hor phen of tho system will demand husband, ar- has been under a phy- at their requests be granted with slclan's ca (most continually slnco 1,10 f,nt nHemqtive ot a strike. then. Eai... woman was willing to discuss her side of the case. SAN FRANCISCO, Doe. 11. Tnok Gleason, one of tho successful bidder for the Jol'frios-Juhiison fight, blew into town at midnight, mnd as u hornet over tho oritieisuiN that havo been honicd upon tho head of persons Involved in tho secret muting at Hobokeu at which tho fi ll nl articles for the fight were signed. "Thorn was no fixing, no jobbing, no crookedness, or anything that wiih not absolutely on the level at that meeting," declared Oleason as he stopped off the train. or Just Arrived Ono of tho finest stocks of Roses that ovor came to Medford, all of the nowost and old-tried varietioo. Why don't you send that aiok friend of yours or your nwcothenrt a bunch of Carnations T Dolivory nny part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Hast .Main St. Phono GOO. EAT'YOUR SOUP--A laughograph THE GENERAL.S PRESNT--A Scream ONE DIME BOY SHOOTS SWEETHEART THEN KILLS HIMSELF KLAMATH SEWER BONDS ARE SOLD WASHINGTON. Dec. 10. Jeal ousy resulting from n school boy love KLAMATH FALLS, Dec. 9.-The at "eevlopcd into a double trng- cuy uuru luuii) tviiuu miner omuu bids on tho $40,000 twenty-year sew- eightecn, shot and killed Laura Bra- HUGE TIMBER FRAUDS i FORMED IN WASHINGTON SEATTLE. Wash.. Dec. 10. Charged wth grand larceny in con nection with a timber deal involving nineteen hundred acres of land in northern King ocunty Theodore Cogswell is under nrrest here today and a deputy sheriff is looking for P. n. Casey & Co., with n warrant of a similar nature to the one served on Cogswell, issued nt the instance of N. Lebovitz and Herman Kron field, who allege thnt the two real estate dealers secured from them $8,000 by fraudulent representation. er bonds wereopened yesterdny by don gfctcen years old, and Inter the city council. Only two were con- comittcd suicide, sidered, that of E. II. Rollins & Sons Tho girl was on hor way front of Boston of $40,00-1, tho bonds to 'school at noon when she was up bear 5 per cent interest and that of I"-oched by Sybold. After the boy 1 , ,,,. i"n(i sot "l0 K'ri down ho started to Horns Brothers of oPrtlnnd of 40,- , nm away- Sovora mcn puraucj him 427.50, interest to bo 5y2 per cent. and when ho saw thnt lie was about The former was accepted so Klam to bo overtaken ho turned the rovol ath Falls can sell her 5 per cent Ver upon himself. bonds above par, which is more than osme older cities can do. ' NORTH TO RETAIN OLD As soon as possible tho work of j jqq fj SAN FRANCISCO laying the sewers will commence, and - it is almost certain that tho main! WASHINGTON, D. C. Dec. 10. sewer will bo upon Klamath avenue nort n. Xorlh of San Francisco was instend of Mam street. , recommeded for reappointment as immigration commissioner nt Sail WE D0NT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, finu fruit land, about two miles from a shipping point. The buildings consist of a five-room box house, good-sized barn, otc. Thoro nro 12 acres of f and (1-year-old ap pies, mostly Kuwtowns, with com niorin! peaches planted between ns fillers. Also, three ncres jf vonng pear trees nnd some family orchard. Four acres in alfalfa. Six or eight acres of Umber, most ly oak nnd laurel. There is a pumping plant on tho place which supplies wnter for the garden and nlfnlfn, cqnippod with gasoline engine. About 40 rods from a eood school. Has rural mail de livery and telephone. Price $10,600. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. In Case of vSicKness l'HON E 3 0 ! 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Nonr Post Olfico All Night Sorvico Kroo Dolivory WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGJNEE1UNU AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES I'VUS' (SUED. B. H. Harris & Co. MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs REAL ESTATE Mrs. C. H. Carey and her dnughter, Glndis, of Seattle, Wash., are spend ing the winter with her friend, Mrs.; C. W. Conklin, 205 X. Apple streot. E CAPITALIZED 100,000 Garnett-Corey Harware Company Files Articles New Building Under Way. THREE WORKMEN ARE KILLED IN EXPLOSION FLOWERS JUNCTION, Ohio, Dec. 10. Three workmen were killed in Btnntly in a terrific powder explosion at tho plant of the Austin Powder Mills here late today. Francisco. His name whs forwarded to the senate. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. Articles of Incorporation of the GarnettCorey Hardware company havo been filed with tho county clerk. Tho Incorporators of record aro H. C. Garnott, O. N. Corey, C. C. Johnson, O. .H. Johnson, W. A. Alt ken and Den Garnott, and the busi ness of the company will bo that of conducting a wholesale and retail hardware business. The capitalization Is placed at $100,000. , Tho Garnett-Corey company havo under construction a 50x100 foot building, three stories and basement, at tho corner of Grape and Main streets, and Intend putting In a stock of hardware and building material in proportion to tho over-growing trado In that lino In southern Oregon, The fpundatlon Is now about com pleted for tho building and from now on tho construction .will bo pushed, TELEPHONE COMPANY IS- INCORPORATED Tho intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe enses have been cured by it. For sale by Leon B. Haskins' Pharmacy. - EVERY CITY SHOULD BLOW 1 Its own horn If It expects to let folks Southern Oreaon Home Telephone & knZXZ S a Telegraph Company Have Filed Articles. Tyson nnd Bo Benll of eOntrn Point were in Medford on business Saturday. Articles of Incorporation havo beon fllod with tho county clerk of tho Homo Telephone ana Telegraph com pany of Southorn Oregon. Tho arti cles of Incorporation stato tho busi ness ot the company to bo tho con struction and operation of tolophono and telegraph lines, together with tho maintenance and extension of tho same. Tho Incorporators of record aro J. II. Llggort, .William M. Colvlg, Don old C. Colvlg and W. C. Greon. Tho principal placo of business and main offlco of tho company Is Medford, Or,, and tho capitalization consists of 8330 shares of stock at a par value of $30 each sayliig Medford cunt, vl'.on other li ttle dinky places aro booming things ai.d booming them strong? HA NO OUT AN KMXTIUO 8IGN j Kvory place that Is making a go of It Is making good use of KIjKCTHIC advkktisino ItOGt'U IMVKK KLIXTIUO CO. You Can Buy N. Y. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis Direct from tho dHOWEHS. Ab solutely Reliable and Dependable Stock grown by Nurserymen who know how. Wrlto us for prices boforo signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY 18 10, Yakima Ave., Nortli Yaklmn, Wash. Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building Do you osmotimcs lliink that if you "hud it to do over again" you would havo advertised more effectively the year? Well, you nro 'doing it again," beginning now, So il- pnst over litstrnto what you wish you had dnuo before by what you do from this timo ward, RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to mako is to come to us for your next suit, if you want something out of (ho ordinary. We do tho best work and clmrgo the lowest prices, W. W. EIFERT TUB FBOCmttBSIVB TAILOR : ANNOUNCEMENT The Hoguo Uivor Canning & Kvaporutinf company will dovoto , Mopdaya nnd Thursdays of oaoh week to custom work in tho niiiii iifnctiiro of eider, npplo btiltor uud jollios. Phono your ordors for nice mvuot cider to 1VX2. Deliveries will bo mado on TuesduyB and Fridays of ouch week. ROGUE RIVER CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mill In West Medford. pt,onB X2. C. Hanson. Toni M0ffat, We niuko any kind nnd stylo of windows. Wo carry plfiw of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. J I