Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 12, 1909, Second Section, Page 16, Image 16

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    i !
The Holiday Season
HAS BEEN ANTICIPATED II K l 13. As usual, wc surest -early trading as a menus lo an end. Vou do not encounter
extra large crowds, the displays are more complete, goods are fresh, the exclusive numbers more liable to meet wilh.your approval,
salespeople ready and anxious to serve you. deliveries arranged to suit your convenience, and, hesf of all. your holiday shopping can
bo accomplished without fatigue and possible disappointment.
PRACTICAL GIFTS The kinds that may be used by recipients with satisfaction are the best to give. Our stocks are varied, tak
ing in everything in the line of wearing apparel for infants, girls, misses and women, and include such items as Xmas novoltios, hand
kerchiefs, hosiery, ribbons, centerpieces, cushion tops, fancy aprons, plumes, lounging robes, umbrellas, millinery, kimonas, gloves,
silk underwear, suits, coats, etc.
Remember there are onlv eleven more bu vinir days before Xmas.
Don't Fail to see Our Display Window
"Where is the woman who
docs not love dainty hosiery?
Such being the case, why not
present your friend with a
pair? Wc have them in all
oloi-s and weights, especial
ly in the well known 'Onyx'
brand, in silk, at from 95c to
$2.50 per pair, and "Onyx"
lisle embroidered at from
50c to $2.00 per pair.
The largest and most desirable stock of ladies'
and misses' coat sweaters in both long and short
styles in the very latest and most wanted colors
is to be found at this store. In order to reduce the
stock we quote the following prices:
$12.00 values $8.00
$9.00 values $6.00
$6.00 values 1 $4.00
$5.00 values $3.50
$3.00 values $2.50
Come in and get fitted with
a Corset that will be a comfort
to you both as regards style
and price. We are sole agents
for the following makes:
Gossard $5.00 to $15v00
La Grecque $1.75 to 5.00
li. &G $1.00 to $3.50
We arc making a special offering in Fin's for
the holiday season, all the latest and desirable
stvlcs in prevailing shades. at one-third to ono-half
There is in our opinion
nothing yon could give' a
friend that would Ic more
acceptable than a nice I'm
brclla. We have them to
match any costume from 75c
to $10.00.
The Different Kind
"We feel confident that there is not a lady who sees this ad who will not avail
herself of this remarkable half-price offering, providing she has- not already
secured her winter hat. Here you will find beautiful creations suitable for ovo
ery face, trimmed by artists in their line and everything strictly up-to-date.
Take advantage of this offer at once, as thev will go quickly.
1-2 OFF
Chlldrens' Dresses
and Cloaks
In making gifts to the little
ones of your friends or loved
one's household, why not con
sider the usefulness of the gift
and instead of loading them
down with toys that are soon
destroyed and forgotten, give
them a nice dress or coat? Wc
have them at; very moderate
prices when value is consider
ed and nothing could be more
You would seek far to find a more
suitable line of ladies' Bags and
Purses. Very useful and desirable as
gifts. From 75c to $15.00.
Space forbids
enumerating the
many and varied
st'les. Come and
see them. Prices
are right.
Here in all colors
and shades,
widths and
grades, and ev
erything priocd
at economy point.
P CttlCOltS
Did you ever stop to think what a
nice present a Silk Petticoat would
make? If not, come and let us show
you our assortment, which we have
on sale at the following prices :
$15.00 values : $10.00
$12.00 values :. $8.00
$9.00 values $6.00
$6.00 values $3.95
Willi :mm
Ladies and Children
This item is of especial interest
just now, when cool winds blow and a
cold snap may come at any times, and
comfortable, well made underwear is
not to be ignored. We have the of
ferings of the best known makers,
such as the "Merodo" and "La
Grecque" and Italian Silk Under
wear in all weights and sizes for b6th
ladies, misses and children. Sale
An unsurpassed showing of dainty
Aprons, suitable for tea and chafing
dish parties or for gift purposes. We
have not only a large and most varied
assortment, but everything is as new
and fresh as they were the day they
were made and only the daintiest ma
terial is used in their construction.
Vory low priced.
Wo liuvo unilouhtodly
llio most roliiihlo gloves
(in tho tniirloit in tlio
fmnoiiH "I'orrin fllovo"
which coiium in nil
IiimIoh from $1.25 to
Wo uro proud of lnir
HliowiiiK .in thiH linn iih
wo have" iiuulo it n
ixiint to Hociirn nothing
hut Ilia moHt worthy
(iinlilii'H, all offcrml at
Kmtcriiil rcdiictioiiH,
Tluty will mulio uont
ninl ino.i!iiiHivo fifn.
Ladies' Waists
If you are looking for some
thing that is really acceptable
to nine out of every ten women
vou should select a nice Silk
Waist, as there is no one thing
that will Give more satisfaction
than the stylish and durable
waists we carry. Our assort
ment is such 'that you will have
no trouble in making a selection.
Experienced, Conscientious Employes
Most of the annoyances attendant upon h oliday shopping, mid largely due to ineffi
cient employes, are eliminated here. Our regular sales force is a well trained organiza
tion thoroughly imbued with our principles of courteous, intelligent treatment of cus
tomers under all conditions. Our packers are skilled in the handling of merchandise, and
annoyances due to receipt of damaged articles are reduced to a minimum. Our shipping
facilities enable us to make deliveries to out-of-town customers with creditable prompt
ness considering the difficulties of holiday service.
Ladies' Suits
and Dresses
There is no need in dwelling on
the merits of our Suits and .Dresses,
as there is not a lady who has over
visited our store that does not
know (bat we handle the best v."
ue for th6 money ever shown in the
city. I f you have not; already made
a selection it will pay you to do so
now. Reat) Ihcse values:
$10.00 Suits $21.50
$35.00 Suits $18.75
$.'50.00 Suits $10.75
$25.00 Suits $14,75
$20.00 Suits $9.25