THE MEDFORD MATT, TRIBUNE, M.EDFQRD, OREGON, SUNDAY, DEOEMHER 12, .1009. ' 14 tl ltl H i t r ttt 4t A Page of Business Opportunities and Other Chances j k f fr 4--f-f4-4-4--f--f4-4- MllMPnoUS SPILLS TAKEN BY BICYCLE RIDERS "NEW YORK. Dec. 10. As n ro suit of tho numerous spills duriug the night, tho six rending teams m tuc tix-'dny grind nt Madison bquar Garden aro nbout five miles behitu the previous record today. At 10 o'clock this morning tho lead' era had covered 2,038 miles and sov .en lops. .' sA number of protests were filed to fdftv as a conscoucnce of tho falls fseverol of which it is claimed were deliberately caused by tho men who "were being distanced. 'REFUSED ADMISSION TO t CLUB; ARE INDIGNANT SAN" FRANCISCO, Dec, 10. Be cnue two Jewish women were denied admission to membership in tho San ,$Frnnoisco Musical Club, the entire "Jewish membership of the organiza tion indipinnt today. The women who were refused arc Sirs. A. Meyer and Miss Elsie Rhein- linrt. While the secretary, Miss ITcl- Tcn Coburn Heath, insist that they were shut out for no personal rea- son, bnt because tho membership was growing too large. The Jewish pop filiation consider the matter in tho Hight of n personal affront. .HOUSE ADJOURNS TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 10. .After a very brief session, the house of representatives ndjourned at 12:04 o'eolck today until Tuesday. CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Office of City Treasurer, Medford, Oregon, Dec. 10th, 1909. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand in the city treas ury for the redemption of all out standing city warnnts issued against Sewer District No. 7, protested May 12th, 1909,- and warrants 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 issued against Sewer district No. 8, protested May 12th, 1909. Also warrants 52 and 53, is sued ngainst Oakdale Avenue im provement fund, protsed August 0. 1909, and warrants 43, 44, 45 nnd 40. issued against Seventh Street im provement fund, protested July 12, 1909. Interest on the same will eease after the above date. L. L. JACOBS, 228 City Treasurer. Medford, Oregon: This certifies that we have sold Hall's Texas Won der for the cuwj of all kidney, blad der, and rheumatie troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It gives quick aud permanent rcRef. 60 days' treatment m each bot tle. Medford Phannacv. THAT CHRISTMAS PRESEXT. A nice piece of cabinet work or mission furniture makes an Ideal gift, Yery appropriate and useful. We spe cialize In making tho "out of tho or dinary" pieces. In fact, anything In the mission furniture or cabinet work lines made to your order, any finish you may desire. Drop In and got our prices. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS, Shop near corner Eighth and Holly streets. Phone 3362. taxidermist and furrier Send your trophies to me for mount ing. Big game heads, fish, birds and mummals mounted true to nature by improved methods. I do tanning, malar ftv rugs, make, remodel nnd clem, fui garments. Express and mail or ders promptly attended to. C. M. HARRIS. 40fi Washington Street, Portland. Or. Tfllepbone Mnin 3(100 AN INFALLIBLE GUIDE " TO THE GENERAL CHARACTER OF A COMMUNITY is found in Its showing of store fronts, show windows and ? ELECTRIC SIGNS Many places hnvo drawn away from their forty years sleep and aro adopt l; Ing slogans: Going nftor business and , sonernlly stirring things up. ELECTRIC ADVERTISING PLAYS A PROMINENT PART In all such movements, nnd mnnv cit ies owo their advancement to Its lib oral use. ROGl'E RIVER ELECTRIC CO. A SNAP FIvo-room bungalow and lot in East Medford, on easy tonus If tak en nt onco, Ilqulre 115 MAIN STREET, MEDFORD. OR. THREE VOTES CAST FOR JEFFRIES FOR MAYOR LOS ANGELES. Dec. 10. Jim Jerries, 'Undefeated Champion of the World," amyor or Los Angeles T How would that sound f It was learned todnv that at clast thrco voters in this city have tested such a combination of titles nnd found them satisfactory. When the votes .for tho various candidates for mu nicipal offices were .officially can vassed yesterday three votes wero found to have been cast for the boiler-maker for mayor. Portland Markets. f. 4- -t--f -- nops. Wool and nides. Hops 190S crop, choice, 17c; prime to choice, 16c; prime, 15 He; medium, 15c; 1999 choice, 23c; prime, 22c; medium, 20c Wool 1909, Willamette vaHey, 20$?24c; eastern Oregon, 2023c. Sheepskins Shearing, 10 J? 25c each; short wool, 25?50c; medium wool, BOctffSl each; long wool, 75c 11.25 each. Tallow Prime, per lb., 3 4c; No. 2 and grease, 2 2 ic. Chittim bark 4 f 4 He. Mohair 1909. 23 if 24c b Hides Dry hides, 17G,lSHc lb; Sreen, 9H10Hc lb; bulls, green 3alt, Tclb; kips, 1010i.clb; calves green, lC&lSc lb. ' Butter, Eggs and Poultry. Ekes Local. candled, select. iZVsc: ordinary run 40042c; sec onds. 32c; local storage, 32 H 35c; eastern storage, 3235cc. Butter Fat Delivery f o. b. Port land Sweet creamj 34c; sour. 32Hc Butter Extra creamery, 36c; fan cy, 34 35c; store, 22 He. Cheeso Fancy full cream flat. 13c; triplets and datsies, 18c; Young Americas, 19c Poultry Mixed chickens. 13 13 He; fancy hens, 14c; roosters, old, lOUlle: springs, 14 He; geese, 10c; ducks, 2222Hc; pigeons, squabs, 2 dox; dressed chickens, 17 H 18c; .lid geese, $6 doz. Grain. Flour and liny. Barley Producers' prices 190B Feed. $25.75; rolled, $30; brew ing. $26.50. Wheat Track Club, 91093c; blucstem, $1.01 1.03; red, 90c; for tyfold, 9596c; Turkey red. 91 92c; Willamette valley, 94c. MlUstuffs Selling price Bran, $25.50; middlings, $32; shorts, $27.50; chop, $2228; alfalfa meal, $19 per ton. Flour Now crop, patents, $5.00; straight, $2.35; bakers, $4.855.00; Willamette valloy, $4.90 bbl; export urados. $4; graham, is, $5.60; wholo wheat, $5.80; rye, 50, $6.50; bales, $3. Ray producers' prices New timothy, Willamette valloy fancy, $18; ordinary, $17; oaatcrn Oregon, $20; mixed, $14 0 15; clover No. 1, $14015; wheat, $14015; cheat, $15 016; alfalfa, $15. Oats Spot delivery, new, produc ers' price Track No. 1 whlto, $29 0 29.50; gray, $28028.50. Corn Wlole, $36; 'cracked, $37 ton. Fruits and Vegetables. Fresh Fruits Oronges, Valenclas, $3.25 03.50 a box; bananas, 5c lb; lomons, $5 06 box; grapefruit, $4; pears, 500 $1.16; Tokay grapos, 90c 0$1.35; Concords, 12 H 015c; huck Ueberrles, 8c. Potatoes Eelling, new, $1; buy ing, eastern Multnomah r.nd Clacka- enrrots, llVc: beets, cwt; garlic 10 012c lb. Apples $101.50. Vegetables New turnips, Oregon, 80 090c sack; beets, $1.25; carrots, 80090c sack; cabbage, local, 750 90c; tomatoes, local, fancy, 50c crato; beans, 10c lb; caullflowor, 75 090c doz; peas, 10c lb; horsoradloh, 10c; green onions, 10c doz; poppers, bell, 10c lb; head lettuce, 20c doz; hot house, $1.25 box; radishes, 10c doz. bunchos; calory, 40085c; CBS riant, $101. 2C crato;' corn, $1.25 sack; sweet potatoes, $1.75 01.85. Rico Imperial Japan No. 1, 5 He; No. 2, 5i4c; Now Orleans head, G 3-4 07c; Creole, 5t4c. Beans Smlll whlto, $5.50; large whlto, $4.50; pink, $4.25; bayou, $5.75; Llmas, $; rods, $7.50. Groceries, Nuts, Etc. Sugar Cube, $0.26; powdered, $5.85; fruit or borry, $5.85; dry granulatod, $5.75; coonf. A. $5.65; extra B, $5,15, golden C $5.25, D yel low $5.15, boot $5.65, barrels 15c, hnlf barrols 30c, boxes 56c advanco on sack basis, cash quotations.) Honey Now, 13 He lb. Meats, Fish nnd Provisions. Dressod Mcr.ts Front street hogs, The Day Brings Its Quota of Quests For You Something must bo seought something is needed something must be found quickly. Maybe the quest's objective is money n house a boarding place a uselVpiece of machinery or furniture a worker a job a tenant. In any of these instances, and in any one of a huudred others, tho, uso and utilization of want ads. will mako the quests feasible and, nearly always suc cessful. Price One cent a word. No ad. less than 15 cents. Six insertions for tho price of five. One month, 50 conts a line. fancy, 9 He; ordinary, 9c; veals, ex tra, 10 010 He; ordinary, 10c; heavy 5 06c; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c Hams, Bacon, etc Portlannd pack (local) ham, 17 He; breakfast bacon. 1SH027C, boiled hnm, 250 26c; picnics, 14c; cottngo roll, 15c; regular short clears, smoked, 16 He; backs, smoked, 16 He; pickled tongues, 66c ench. Local Lard Kettlo leaf, 10s, 17Hc lb; 5s, 17 5-30 lb; 60-lb. tins, 17c lb; stoam rendorod, 10s, 16Hc lb; 5s, 16 5-S lb; ompound 10s, HMc lb. Clams Hardshell, por box, $2.40; razor clams, $2 box. Fish Rock cod. 10c; lb; floun- dors, 6c lb; halibut, 8c lb; striped bass, 15c lb; cattish, 10c lb; salmon. steolhend, 7c lb; silvers, 6c lb; soles.' F0R rKNT Newly completed soven 6c lb; shrimps. 12 He lb; perch. 6c, ntQm moAom bunBnlowf closo in. lb; torn cod. 8c lb; lobsters, 35c lb; ; Ono-hnlf block from Mum street nnd crawfish. 23c por doz; sturgeon. 12 He lb; black bass, 20c lb; silver smelts. 6c lb; black cod, 7 He lb; crabs, $101.60 doz. Oystera Shoalwator bay, per gal-: Ion, $3.50; por 100 lb. sack. $5;' ?mP'tt' Eirl "itV EI A, ID. BACK, l.u, tuuuiru, wvu iau, 37c dozen; eastern In shell, $1.75 ; per 100. Coal oil Poarl, Astral and Star, 19c gallon; eocene, 22c gallon; clalne 2 So gallon; headlight. 20Hc gallon: extra star. 32c gallon; water white. ll-H15Ho gallon; special water whlto. 15e gallon. , OaBollno Red crown and mptor, 1623o gallon; 86 gasolli o. 30 37 He gallon; V. M. fc P. naphtha, 13H02OH gallon; engine distil-lat-o. 916o gallon. Cattle Best steers, weighing 1200 Bteot-s. $4.25; ir.- i nn I leiiors, j.uu, pounds, $4.50; medium best cows, $3.25; best heifers bulls, $1.75 02.25; stags, $3.5003.1 iT-..n TJrvif Aiof rt tha mnirifn Infl 1 $8; Willamette valley, best, $7,750 FOR SALE-Chcap ots m rn.r Tor.. mir- niP-. S6tfD7. mount ntldhoii. Also house on 'a.L r,,f h 14.2B m 4.50:1 ..Jin. llr.ft. nnrlrcr Inmha. ' " ' R!.R. rtWI.t WM. 13.5004.00: .;.Vi.; 14.00. , Calves-Bosl, $5; ordinary, $3.50 j 04.50. MEDFORD MARKETS. f-f4--f-f4-4--f4----f---f-"----- Fruit and Vegetables. (Prices paid by Med rd merchant s.) Apples, 102c lb; peers, lH0c: Potatoea, lo lb: onions, $1.50 cwt;; green onions, 35o doz. bunches; oabbage, VAa: turnips, lVc, pars nips, lc nnd lJ.c lb.; squnsh, 30c and $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10 and 15c. Butter, Egos and Poultry. (Prices paid bv Medford raerehnnts. Ranch butter, 35c; fancy cream ery. 37i2c. Fresh ranch eggs, 503. Mixed poultry. 10fj; spring chick ens, 15c; ducks, 10c turKcys, 17c. Feed and MlUstuffs. (Prices pnid prodtiiiors.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfnlfn. $15; grass, $14 torf. Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; new, $1 bushel; onts, $39 ton; barley, old, $10. (Selling prices. RolleJ ba'.'fy, $2 c-vt $34.50 ton; bran, $1 70: .(Idling, $1 SVtM 00; Hlmrts. 1.80rS1.85. Ueof, Yh'-t 3c; pork CHc: mutton I 3Vc; 'nmh, 4Vc; veal (dressed), flc I 4. V -f -f-f-f 4 LOST. LOST Docombor 0, n belt nnd sou venir bolt pin with Canadian em blem, a mnplo loaf. Rownrd if re turned to Agnes Isnncs LOST Yesterday on Phoenix roud, near Voorhcos' crossing, boys' rub hor coat. Tol. Dr. John Hart, Far mer 14X1. Reward. 227 LOST 10 rownrd For tho delivery of 0110 yearling part black filly with star, branded with B upsido down in circlo; vory gentle. V. A. Dunlnp, Talent. 1 STRAYED Into my enclosure, cow and calf, very wild. Owner will plcnso remove. L. P. Hubbard, cor ner Jacksonville Komi nnd Dell Lane. 4- -f4- 4- FOR RENT. f 4-4- 4 f4-4---4--f I FOR KENT Rooms for light house- keeping. 404 West Second. 221) FOR KENT Furnished rooms. No. 10 North Grape street. 231 Furnished FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, strictly modorn house; inquire 0 S. Ornngo street. 724 FOR RENT Furnished rooms for Indies; closo in; bath, etc. 429 N. Centrnl nve. 230 imvng. rensonnblo rent. Phone Miss , Fulfs, 1051 Main. 227 poirKENT07o aT tho TaTm8rn"ow brick bulldlne. now furniture, strlet- jy modern, corner Grape and Main streets. FOR RENT Desk room in large heated office, second floor, .?C month. 133 W. Main st. 222 FOR RENT FarmB. from 40 acres i upwara. bu.u o ,or iru.v. ......... atock or general farming. Inquire at I . - l m Ik - 1 1 " 50 w. Mn!n ..rAnL omen Lunuur tvuiur ol x-uwur turn , ROOM AxVD BOARD Room and board lor - mon, rangan sireoi, ono block north of store on West Jackson streot. 217 4 4. VE 4- 4- 4 f FOR SALE Span of work : linn, hnniess, wngon. Address h. t. A. c. n.t m i.. Dinner, uo inyior i-.iipps kioK' 228 Hnmilton streot, rents for $10 per ... , ..f !., I mottUIJ UI1U Ul Hlti-i.ii-.ii , K"0" liorhei lur ,m...i;..... n. Wm. E. Trncey, box S20. 227 FOR SALE Dakery with good trado cheap for cash. Sickness cause of slllng. W. T. York & Co. 228 FOK SALE Horse, harness nnd light spring wagon. 27 South C. stroot. 227 FOR SALE Hnvo two lots for sale in Kenwood ndition nt n prico you can mako monoy on. See Baldwin, West end Fourth street. 230 FOR SALE Eight-room house, plumbing dono nnd four ncres of lnnd; Fish Lake ditch through cen ter; 1 miles north from Medford postoffice. For terms apply to A. C. Taylor, R. F. D. No. 1, Centrnl Point. 228 FOR SALE 100 acres good grnpo nnd peach land, ono milo from Mor lin $10 per acre, easy terms. "II" enro of Tribune office. 22; FOR SALE Young orchnrd in hoar ing. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Or. ' FOR SALE Oak, fir nnd pino oord vood, 12 uud 10-inch; nlso dry rnil wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono order to Main 4201. ' FOR SALE Automobiles; or will trado for real ostntc. 31 North I) streot. 231 FOR SALE aonuino Nnvnjo blank et. Inquiro nt Medford Fttrnituro Co. FOR SALE 7C-acro ranch, with gool wator right; finest fruit land; chnnp:; also property In Portland; will trado for Medford poporty 800 Coloman at cigar factory. FOR SALE- -Choico business proper ty nt 11 bargain, on long timo; easy terms Address P. O Px '118. FOR SALE Furnished houso nnd 2 lots two hlooks from Main streot on Rivorsido nvonuos, $2300; tonns. Ad dress P. O. box J4. 228 FOR SALE f nnd 10-noro tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at a bargain, on 5 annual pay ments. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Household good. I IT. Newtown street. 23 1 FOR SALE Pony 7 years old, for saddle or buggy cheap. Address E. P. A. Bittner, 208 Taylor & Phippt Jlldg. 22S. FOR SALE Team poulos, harness nnd hack; good reasons for soiling. J. W. Wakof Id, 1103 West Tenth street. 222 FOR 8 ALE Or oxcliatiRo tor Mod ford real cstnto or ranch, 110 acres tobacco farm on Pennsylvania rail road In southern Maryland. 85 acres In cultivation, 2C ncres In whlto oak timber, 15 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also nuttnblo for potatoes, molons nnd fruit; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaches; 40 miles south of Hnltlmore, 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, D. c(i abundaneo of wntor; good roads; mild cllmato. Address Box 20, Maall Trlbuno of- tlco. TO TRADl 10 Tola lno7cTd"dt (ton td city for automobile. What have you? Addrws D, caro Mall Tribune. 230 WANTED. WANTED Laundress to take work j ,ioIne Adress E. F. A. Wittier. .inyjor nnu iuug.- .win m . i tti n . ? WANTED Furnished houso or room for light housekeeping. Inquire for E. W. Huntley, Mooro Hotel. 0 WANTED Fertilizer ngent wnnted toell fertilizers on commission. At- trnctivo proposition offered. Ad dress Mountain Copper Co., Ltd., Io0 Pine street, Snn Fruncisco, Car 228 WANTED To ront suite of furnish ed housekeeping rooms. 15 Tribune 228 FOR SALE Horse and 411 South Laurel street. wagon nt 248 WANTED To ront 5 or 0-room eot tnge. S. 15, Tribune. 228 WANTED Board nnd room by mnn and wife. Rofcronces exchanged. S. 15, Tribune. 228 WANTED Competent girl for fnm Ily of two; will pay $1 a day. Write or call at 2 1 9 North Oakdalo avenue. Call mornings. 225 WANTED Maricd man to work on fruit ranch; orchnrd oxporionco not necessnry, pennnnont job to the right parties. Address 7, caro of Tribune. 230 WANTED Fertilizer ngont wanted to :i!izcrs nit coiumisHion; nt icli- c nrohoxitioii offered ; uddn-. 'I nt- Iniii Copper Company, 150 1 - icct. Sun Francisco, Cnl. 228 WANTED Japanese wnnts position as 11 cook mid general housework. A dd retw "," care of box 2(11. 230 WAMLD Christinas stamping at rensonnblo prices. 234 West Fifth street. 228 WANTED To fumislio plans nnd estimates without cost; if you in tend building can save you moiioy, Inquiro nt Star restaurant or Ad dress Box 818. N, 0. Holmes, con tractor and buildor, 232 WANTED FntnllynTilBToont"sli or sovon room Iioiibo nt onco, con nected with tho sowor. Address W. I). Harris, 132 North Ivy stroot. WANTED Experienced quarry mini. Address- P. 0. Box 418, Medford, Or. i f rt s npsg ninrrvrnnv Restaurants. JIKE HIVE RESTAURANT Mollis I'xj; liedH, llf. (live iih u trial. 20 Con t nil tivoiuie. upstairs. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN-! OOlT w7 Mnin stroot, Hours: From 0 a. in. to .11 :30 n. in. For pnrtioulars apply to Miss Arrn Hnrmon, dirootor, at the soliool BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4 CHIMNEY SWEEP If your ohlni uoy needs cleaning bo Huro and hco I). I). WoodH, Iamivo ordurn nt tho Medford Hardware Co., or phono 2f81. 231 Auctioneers. E. F. A. IUTTNER Auutionoer, will bo found in room 208, Tnylor & Pltipjm Ruilding, Sowlnrj Machines. Singer nnd Whcolor & Wilson sowing machines for ront nnd for snlo on enuy payments. AH kinds repaired and work guaranteed. Host oil nnd needles for nil makes nt tho SLugcr store, 27 South C Ht. Phono 3-101. Attorneys. WlTHINClTON & KEMiY Lawyers. Pnhn Building. PORTER J. N'EFF Attonicv-nt-lav No. 0 I) Mtreot. rrnund floor COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reamps. Lawyers. Of. fico Medford National Hank Hulld ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUMIilC STENOORAPHER, tit UV Monro Hotel. ELLA M. OAUN'YAW-Palm block Stenographic work donu quickly nnA well. RmI Estate. MEN'SON INVESTMENT CO - Ren' estate, loan and firo iusiirniiec Office 112 W. Main St.. Medfkm Ore Plume 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PPBLISHINO CO. hn the bext equipped jb iffico it Soiitbom Oregon; Portln id prico 3" S.intb Central nve Opticians. DR. (10I1LE TI10 only oxciusivu op ttcinn botwoon Portland and Sac rnmiMito Offico on Went Main utreel ntn 'iiiir.rtd. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jow elurs, carry a complete stook an make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opjxisito the Nash Ho tl. Brick Companies. O. W. Priddy. . T. O'Brff O. D. Na THE MEDFORD ' VCK CO. Brick mnniifnotii.- . "uid oontru tors; nlso lime, cmr. ' And pWi in nny uunutity. Office, Medfo Nntionnl bank blJg. , ''bunco Malt 515. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dortnkors. Day Phono 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3001; J. II Butler 3571. PLno Instruction. HARMONY, sight rending, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 1-1 4 South Central avenue Phono 403. Paint Stores. M. J. METCALF Paints, Brushes, Wall Pupor, Glass, VarnishoH Stnini. and Wnll Tints. 318 E. Mnin St. Medford. Orogon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. 8. Koui thortio, ngt. Store opened from , to fl. Phono 3871. 237 Rivorsid nvonttu. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH -Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware 011 htiud ami mndo to ordor 128 North G stroot. Photograph Studios. Carriage and Auto PajntlnpL VALLEY SKIN AND CARRIAGE M)RK ilii'h-oliinf woil guurnii l cud. Siifiii.. Rivurriido iivenim. M.U'KKY'S ETUDIO '"Pj-o ivilf .'.I.iekcy and die willi joy." O-or' Ion & Reagan's store; entrance 00 Seventh street. i Civil Engineers WILL tnko' by contract, on reason. nblo tonus, nil kinds of work, also irrigating, planting nnd cultivating,; oto. Laudsoapo gardoning. First elnss roforoncoH, William Potors. Civil Engiiioor, Phono 1801, 322 East Main stroet, Modford, Oregon. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. , Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., sua cesHoni to Shearer & Phillips, pnlntora nnd decorators in nil brandies: woathorud oak on innld finish n HeelnHy. Our grcon roof ntuitiN guaranteed not to spot. 50:1 N. Bentty st. P. O. Box 11, Modford. Bill Posters VERNE T. CNON-Bill Poster and Distributor. All orders promptly fillod. Room 7, Jnoknon County Jlii'lLB"'"!' M,,fHri, Sit' Qlrilard Parlor S. T. BROWN .if CO. Billiards, Oi gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Voting and Hull building. A nice cool pliteo to spend the hot nftor noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES, Arohitout mid Build ing Superintendent, P. O. Box 480, Medford, Or. Your building ro "peolftilly Nollcitcd. . Furniture H K WILSON & CO., dealers in uew and M'lind Imnil furnltuni and hnrd wui. Aceiilx for Mound City kit clicn cabiuut. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner 8th and Holly Sts., Mod ford. Mission Furnitunt mndo to ordor. Cnbluot work of all kind. A rrinl order solicited. MORIIOFF A W()TfP - Cook Stovu nnd Rnnges, New nnd Second Hnnd Fitniitnro. EniU' old .Htiind, 18-20 Drayage and Transfer. Nurseries QUA ICE R NURSERIES - -Our treoo nro budded, not grafted. Our stook is not irrigated. Wo gtinrautea ev erything put out Wa aro not in the trust. II. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nnnh. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of hlgli.grndo nursery stock. C. E. Co-ik. Prop. R. It. V depot. P. O. Bo c 841. Phone 583. .Nfedfurd. Transfer and Drayage. II. S. BRUMBLEDrayage aud transfer. Bnggago stored. Office r and Soventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work gunrnn teed strictly first'clnss. Rcsidonco No. -100 Bcatty streot. A card wiD brin mo you. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. II. L. Huillicr, 707 Mnin strvet Wost. Private lessons in singing (utothod Rossini) and lnngungoH rl'roneli Itnfian, Gonnnu, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Pinno instruothn Motropolitnn Co 1 1 ego of Musio. Miss Florn Orny. Phono 103. 11 1 Sonth Central nvonuo. Building and Loan Association JAC1CSON COUNTY BWLDINO AND LOAN ASSOCIATION-O. C, Boggs, Acting Secretary, 12b E. Main trooLJ Carpenters and Builders. F71inrnX"irrfurnbh plaim an list of all timber to ho pxit in build ing. Modford, Oregon, W. G. HOLMES, contractor and buildor; plans nnd estimates furn ished. Inquiro Star restaurant or iiddross Box 818. Dciiiisis. DR. FRANK ROBERTS DontUt Offico hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miloi Building, Main btrcut, Modford, Oro Kiili . Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. HTEARN?, M. 1).-Opposite Jaoksou County bank. Night, cnlle1 promptly answered. Offioo aud ras- Jdont phono Main 3132. S. ArLOCKWOOD, M. I). MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. IX Offices in Hnskins' Building. Phono Mam 1001. CONHOY & CLANCY-Offico In Btowart llulldlng I'liyslclnns nnd Hurgoons. Offlro phono, Main 341; prlvato phono, Main 012, S..R. SEELY, M. D.-Physieinn ntui Surgeon. Modorn otjuippml opo rat ing rooniB. X-Ray, Offico hours-10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Juokson Co. Bank Building. DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS OARLOW Osteop at h 1 0 PiiyslciatiH. Mission Block, Phone 201. Modford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey spoo'alist, when others full. Offlot in Fuglo Phannaoy. Mam 233. East. Main noar D'Anjnu.