Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 12, 1909, Second Section, Page 11, Image 11

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Sermon by
Putor Brooklyn
hi I'lQOO
Ntiiidny, Dec. & I 'tutor Itussoll had
it hirgu attendance today nt tint llrook
lyn Tabernacle. Ho look for hi text
tin word of tliii Savior, "No iniiii Imv
In I,' nit IiIm IiiiikI to thu plow, mid' look
ing luti'k, U lit for tlio KliiKdotn of
Ood" (Luke Ix, (K!. Tlio discourse f ol
io wh:
I'lii) Urcnt Toucher did not use the
methods of modern revivalists l so
euro a following Ho (Mil not iiHk tlio
multitudes to ralso their ti it ml If they
would prefer to go to heaven tit death
mid thru publish thuin nit eonvorts--Christians,
Indeed IiIh methods were
thu very reverse of this, avoiding nil
kinds of scnsnllonal npponlN to pride,
sclllshncii. vanity, etc. lie set forth
In plain lernnt the dlltleultlc to ho i'.x
ptTtcd hy nil those who espouse his
Ionise mid become his disciples. 1 1
funwirned thorn thnt It would menu
tlio taking tip of n cross nud thu bear
I ilk' of It In IiIm footsteps In the nar
row wny of nelf sacrifice. I In warned
these, saying. "Miirrel not, If the
wurld hole you. Yo know thnt It tutted
mo heforo It lotted you. If yo were of
the world, the world would lovo hi
own; hut because yo oru not of the
world, hut I Intvo choiieu you out of
the world, thi'ri'foro tlio world hitteth
you" (I John III, 13; John xv, IS, Ul.
Instead of trying to producu nu ex
eltetiient whleh would ovor-balunce the
Judgment of Ids hearers mid lend llieui
to profess whitt they subsequently
would not ho nhlo or willing to prnc
the, the Ureal Teuelier, on the con
trnry, wild to those contemplating dls
cIpU'Nhlp, "Hit down Unit nud count the
eimt," IriNteud of attempting to swny
thu uiultltuden, our Iord took it dif
ferent count1 mid attempted to tnnku
disciples of only it iipechtl cIiih-i uot
the poor, not the rich, not 'thu learned,
not the Ignorant, hut, Irrespective of
these class line, and distinctions, hi
cull was to nil thorio who loved right
eousness mid lint in Iniquity. All IIioho
who were weary uutl heavy-laden, op
pri'iti(d by slu mid Its penalty to them
solves nud their frlends-theso be
culled to learn or him and Hud rent of
Thenceforth that class, having been
brought In touch with thu Itedeeiuer,
can iiiulto further progress only
through faith In hi in and submission
to hi guidance Into all Truth nud Into
fellowship with thu rather. Thu class
thus luilueuceil wo believe to bu small
nit compared to humanity an it whole
only that portion which In honesty of
heart deplored sin mid longs for
righteousness mid fellowship with Uod.
These, like (he remainder of thu race,
tint by tiaturi' fallen, Imperfect, Hluful,
condemned, but In these Ntlll persists
some trace of the limine of Uod, iu
the perfection of which father Adnui
was created. It l thin trace or Htraln
of tlio Itlvlue chamcter repreHeiited
by conscience mid faith which lends
them to rocogulr.u their fallen mid Hlu
ful condition, nu compared with thu
Divine standard of pirfectlou, mid thin
becomes thu basis of their calling or
drawing or Uod, their "ear." "lie that
hath nu ear, let hint hear" (Itevelatlon
II, 7). It will be observed that wo oro
not Npeclnlly blaming or condemning
those who have not thu hearing ear.
Uu tlio contrary wu rometuher thu
gracious wortU of .Scripture, thnt In
Hod's due time, "All thu blind eyc
hIiiiII be opened; nil tlio deaf earn hIihII
bo unstopped" (IhiiIiiIi xxxv, C). Wo
nro Kind of (IiIh promise of (I ml that
ultimately nil hIiiiII .hco nud till shall
hear mid all Mm 1 1 know Illin. from tho
least to the greatest. Wu rejoice, too,
thnt when they know llliu truly, they
will rejoice, even as do wo now. Tlmt
will bo their tlmu of reHpoiiHlhlllty,
their time of trial or Judgment for life
or death eternal on tho earthly plane.
Tho Kingdom of Qod.
Our text speaks of thu Kingdom of
(lod. And It In Important thnt we
Hint of nil notice that theno word hnvo
lu the Scripture u two-fold slgnlll
eanee. For Instance, our Lord Jesus
tiiUKht tlmt we should pray to thu ra
ther, "Thy KttiKdum come; thy will
be done on earth ns It Is dono lu
heaven." The referouco of this prayer
Is to the Millennial rolgu or govern
ineiit of Christ, which St. Paul de
ohires will begin at tho .Second Coin
ing of our Lord, mid continue until ho
Nhall have put down ill Insubordina
tion, nil sin, everything contrary to
Divine character and Law. It will bo
the Kingdom of (lod which will sub
duo all things. It will he the Kingdom
of (iod amongst men perfected when
all things shall have been subdued.
And when Chrlst'H mediatorial King
dom shall he, at thu end of thu Mil
lennium, delivered hack to (lod, oven
tho rather, Cod's Kingdom will have J
fully eomo In the earth. Clod's will
thuii will bo possible of accomplish
inout by men, because all will have
leached perfection; and Ohdst'M media
torial Kingdom will end because It will
bu no longer necessary. It will have
accomplished the great purpose for
which It wiih Intended,
It was not, howovor, respecting that
Millennial reign, that mediatorial
Kingdom, thnt our Lord spoko In our
Unfit For the
"No Man Having Put Hit Hand
to the Plow and Looking Back, It
Hi For the Kingdom ci Cod" (Luke
ix, 62).
text, nor did ho refer to the lrfet
the th;; artiio olid of tho Milieu
Klngdoin. as It will bo turned over to
ilium mid will Inst forever. Our Urd
...I the words, "Not Ut for the King-
,n of (od." as he dl.i In many oth
, .. i.i ;..'.i...
Church class now called of the rather
to bo thu "Kingdom," lu the sense 0f
being the kings nnd priest f that
KI.,g,loml.e royalty of that King-
lorn-the reigning family- the iM-cn.
the Lnu.b's Wtfe. nss.K-h.ted with the
Heavenly llrldegroo.n. King or kings
mid Lord of lords, lu his rule of ,,,
ihousand years
Not Fit For the Kingdom.
Wo now hnvo before our minds the
...... ......... I.I.I. II u,Jn.
: " r; , . .
i iiimini ui .1111, in unit, hum wu run
readily sen that our ljrd could nut
refer to tho Millennial Kingdom mid
.',V''J"!y T'lbu ''"VlT!?,1 !0
he lit for thu lullueiices of his Milieu
ii In I If Iiil'iIiiiii. I icon 1 1 mi Hint Ivlneilmii I
Is for the very puriosi. of
t,,""!!,,.K..wU.!i A1.'0 .U,.,n.1 i "'""I'idom. Moreo'vertho tvord drunka, d in
during the thousand years of Its reign
of righteousness uplifting men out of
sin and death conditions If they w.,,.
to the full human perfection which
Adam lost, which Jesus redeemed, and
which Is to bo rest or is I to the willing
nnd obedient, as Hu I'eler declare
. .. i, , ,,
AVH. :r-V. .rUi ": "'. , '"
our Lord must hnvo referred to those
called of the I'nther and accepted hy
himself to he chiseled nud H)llslicd--fo
be taught lu the School of Christ
and eventually to become tils llrlde
and Joint-heir lu the Millennial King,
ilom. No man will be esteemed lit for
ii share In that Millennial Kingdom,
unless he attains to tho glorious iiinll
lies of character, salntshlp, which the
Scriptures set forth ns the Dlvlno
stmidnrd "Copies of Clod's dear Hon"
(Itomans vlll. '.D.
' , ,.,,, . .
heKlngdoml" Ut us think
i-iit what these won s '-
"! It for th
for a inome
fy. I'lrst of nil wo recognize thnt. ns
sinners, we were most thoruughly
uiiflt for nny favor of (.iod. much less
this greatest of all favors, Jolut-helr-ship
with his Sou nud "partakers of
tho Divine nature" (II Peter I. -ii. Hut
that dllllculty has nil beeu overcome
witli tliose wno nnvo come unto uoii , ui mr uil imiikuuiu u vu. nu ikiiu .packages delivered by the express
through Christ and been Hindu partak , that thu Lord "resisted! the proud and c0,pnnics n lue city 0f New York
ers of his holy Spirit of ndoptlon. Of glveth grnco to the humble" (I I'eter v, one nulount t0 ovcr two ujimons, in
such we rend. "It Is Uod that Justl O l'rlde Is ono of the tlilngn which chlcngo and Phllndelphln about n mil
lleth! Who Is he thnt condeiutieth" Ood hnles. It Is n foe to righteous Mon nnU n half ench. In Boston over a
(Itonmns vlll. 03-aii. It Is Clirlst thnt nesa in general nud leads cuptlvo ,non nn(J jn other cities a propor
dhsl for our sins nud who now Is our j many Into sin. Wlieu we read that t0nnte number. When it is retlected
Advocate. Who could lu any wise i Ood sIjowh his fnvor to the humble, tunt hJa is un flVerngu of nearly one
come between us nnd our Savior nnd i wo nmy bo sure that thu favor of ,aCnKe for every man, woman and
our Hrnvenly rather?
.. . ... . . .
nut tins jtiHuucaiion is not enougu
If we were paint actually Instead of
merely rit-konwlly we would not be fit
for the Kingdom of Uod we would
not be lit to govern others to lie
"kings mid priests unto Uod and to
reign on the earth" (Itevelatlon xx, Ui.
We should still ho unlit to be the
Judges of the world, ns thu Scriptures
declare that wo shall be. snylng.
Know ye not thnt the saints shall
Judge thu world" (l Corinthians vl, Ui.jfor those who have generally good In ,,resa companies alone represents a
Our Heavenly rather In bringing tontlons mid who would rather do , VI,ll0 of hundreds of millions,
many sous unto glory made the Cap-! right than do wroug. Wo may rejolco ma does not tnke Into neeouut the
tain of their salvation (Jesusi perfect j with such that they tiro better than j Brcat number of buudles carried by
through surferlngs. Should wu think their uelghbors, but they are uot lit for the messenger boys. Iu the four cities
It strange thnt we, his younger broth-1 tho Kingdom of Uod, unless their lovo abovo mentioned these amount to near
reij. Justified through his blood, should tor righteousness, for Truth, for tho ! y half million lu number. Tho Jo
be required, not merely to maku a pro- i will of Uod, be so llnuly established vmj 0ld saint could scarcely get along
fesslon of Uodllness, Ttollness, but also thnt they are ready and willing to "en- , without their help,
to approve or attest that sentiment to dure hardness us good soldiers of Jesus jn addition. It Is necessary for Santa
bo a part or our very character! is ' Clirlst" and to "light a good light" to ciuns to enlist the services of an array
not what wo as the Church of Christ I the end of the course, laying hold upon i 0r extra store clerks, delivery wagons
experience very reasonable Indeed- j eternal life nud glory nud InunortnU ! unij teamsters, it can readily be seen
who would bo prepared to teach the
world meekness, patience, brotherly
kindness, long-suffering, love, without
tlrst of all developing these various
qualities of character In himself? And
how could he develop these and bu
tested except under Just such schooling
mid disciplining lullueiices as now are
upon the Church of Christ, with a
view to making us tit for thu glorious
position of our high calling or Uod lu
Christ Jesus?
When tho Scriptures refer to tho
Church as being lit for tho Kingdom
and as bung the "overcoiucis" for
whom tlio Kingdom Is prepared, and
who shall tdiaro Its glories ami honors,
hecnuso "they are worthy" (Itevelatlon :
III. Ii, wu mt to understand this wor-
(Illness mid lltness, not that they were ,
originally no, but that by Clod's grace,
through Christ, it transformation work
will eventually bring mime to this glorl-
oils position where Uod himself will es-
teem them mnlhu to bu called his ehll
dron, anil to be Jolnt-helrs with IiIm t
Son, the Ureal King. j
Various Kinds of Fltnets. I
There Is ..u certain Hlan.lard of fit.
..... ft. It,., tv'l Inn. ...,.l ,,,. nll.m-
will do; but there may bo quite a va
rloty of coiuytlous which make ono im
Jlt for the Kingdom. Ono of these Is
murder. ".No murderer hath olenn.l
life abiding In him" (1 .lohn III, Kn.
IIo would he unlit for tho Kingdom.
This would not signify, however, that
ono who had onco been a murderer
might not, by a sound conversion and
by faithfulness lu tho School of Christ,
become a 11101111101' of tho Kingdom
class, Hut tho word murder hero used
has a broader meaning than Is gener
ally attached to It-tho meaning which
St. .lohn gave to llio word whon ho
said that whosoever hatoth his brother
Is a murderer (I John II. 111. Wo
mow, then, that no brntlier-hntcr In
tit for llio Kingdom. Hut, sorno may
hnvo been brotheMmlerN ami Have
been washed, demised, sanctified,
, brought Into lienrt-relntlonNlilp with
I thu Lord mid Into lovo of tho brethren.
If ko, thu Implication 1m that they have
lout tho fplrlt of murder from their
hearts nud nro brother-haters no long
er. Tho Hcrlpturi tell us also that It
will ho possible for a mini who has ,
uccn ngurniivciy wuhiicu iroui ins iur-
mcr condition of sln-ilcOleinejit mid
who linH bw.n clothwl of tho lord
ymbollcally In n robo of righteous- I lb n" the homes In Christendom
new mid who hnd been begotten of t "lct of Dec. 21 and leaves pros
the holy Hplrlt of lovo to turn from e r Kooi children nnd even ro
thlri holy commandment of love-to 'ncrnbers somo who nro not so good.
I ". from wity or r g.,.eou con, u, .,,,-, .. emu,,,.
,TI' Apostle gives the Illustration of
' t"" tlmt was wnst.wi returning o
wallowing lu thu mlro (II I'eler II.
22. Hut Uu- ho of such Is holcss If
i (In! sti'ii Ik iitkon with full Intention
innii iieiineration -ir mo reium to n
. murderous condition of heart-brother
I hatlng-bo with the full cons.-nt of the
I The Apostle, however, does I...I
, "'tu that up to a vermin point there
of rs.-overy nnd hence he
urge-nil of the faithful to assist these,
saying. "He that converteth n sinner
(once n nro neri rrom me error or ins
ways Niinu save a soui irom (lentil.
Again we read, "No. drunkard shall
enter lulo' the Kingdom of Uod" (1
vii.. . ,IW
iCorlnthlnim vl. UU
lie surely would
bo unlit. This does nut, however, Im
ply thnt nil total nbstaluers from In
Iftvlnmil IlLluiru f, rn III fur fllft K 111,.
! dom. Neither does It I ly that a
druuknrd i.ulght not reform mid thus
cense to be a druuknrd. nud hy the
. ,., , fnr ,f ,
the Mllile Is freiiueutly used In n llg
umtlve setiKe. it represents nu addled
"m for
we rend, that Babylon's cup innde till
llio nations drunk (Itevelatlon xvlll,
2-3i. This slgnllles thut fellowship
I ZZ'u L Z V, , ,r ni s
'with false doctrines has permeate!.
, lnlluenesl. bewildered tho world in
general. Owl's people pnrtnklng of
Christ's cup of surferlug nro said to
recelvo "the spirit of n sound inlnd"
clearness of understanding respecting
thu Divine character nnd I'lnn nud the
principles of righteousness. All who
will be lit for the Kingdom may bo
expected to have considerable clear
ness of understanding resjiectlng Di
vine things. They nro to know Uod,
nnd by receiving his Spirit, they nro
to have undcrstmidlug of "the deep
I things of Uod.Avhleb the natural man
xmU,tnml (l cir,,.,i,w n,
, i0-H. Of this our Lord spoke, saying.
"This Is life eternal, that they might j "ur,uK , 100 lwo oellorl! -!
know ilieo tho only true Uod. nnd Je- xnaa wncn bn"ta ctt8, on ,boin t0,.car
sus Christ, whom thou hast sent." ? " 0 J1" PacWnRcs. they hnvo
to double their forces. To gain an Idea
Th. Importanc. of Fidelity. of he jmmenglty of tue burdens Use
ITIdo Is another iUilllty of tho heart cetitlomun imnoses on them n tow
) which would tender Its possessor tin-
jotiiiiiuirsiii. mm mu m-uevinvr ilC,ij that there arc someth ug
. I... 1 1. 1.. tt'lll. ...!. . . .
ror too numniu moue. nun wnni
carefulness this should lend us to
search our hearts nud put nwny every-
thing lu tho nnturo of pride, self-con
celt. Love Is the fullllllitg or the Utw.
U)V0 Is thu Law of the New Creation:
nud pride Is a foe to love, it Is related
to selllshnesN. which Is n deep seated
foe of every grace of thu holy Spirit.
Tho Lord wishes us to seo thnt tho
Heavenly rather Is uot merely calling
ty. une oi uwi'8 oujecis in permit
ting the world nnd tho flesh and tho
Adversary to have the owcr which
they now possess to counteract and to
light against our good Piteutlons nnd
good resolutions Is explained lu tho
Scriptures, wo rena "ine t.oru your
Ood proveth you. to know whether
yo love tho Lord your Uod with all
your heart and with nil your soul"
(Deuteronomy xlll, 3). If love of alu
or lovo of self or lovo of any earthly
thing (cau overbalance our love'to tho
Lord mid to his Truth atul his people,
wu are not worthy of a place In tho
Kliigdoin-uot lit for the Kingdom.
'ot merely good professions, but raltu
fulness jinto death. Ilxtty of charac
ter, are required of the Lord of such
as he would honor with a sharo In thu
An Abundant Entrance. j
Having noticed that lack of lovo.
jnL.j 0f zeal, lack oNconstnucy, lack of
devotion woidd unlit for the Kingdom,
lot us notlco some of the characterls
tics necessary to a place lit tho King-
doin-soino of tho qualities, therefore,
which wo must each cultivate lit our
"Wll ill'UrtS, Which WU IlltlSt OUOll do
Tolnii In his nwii cltatacter. The ADOS'
tlo explains these and urges tho mat
ter thus, "Add to your faith fortitude;
and lo fortitude knowledge; mid to
knowledge temperance; and to temper
anco patience; and lo patience goi'Jl
ness; nud to godliness brotherly kind
ness; nud to brotherly Kindness lovo.
Vor If these things bo In you nml
abound, they niako you that yo shall j
neither be barren nor unfruitful lu tho
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ... ,
for If yo do these things, yo shall nov-'
or fall; for so an . entrance shall bo
ministered unto you abundantly Into
tho everlasting Kingdom of our Lord
mid Savior Jesus Clirlst" (II l'otor 1,
Citvx Y T"l "id 4.'p
! JtfcJX V CtXlLD KJX.
Santa Claus
(Copyright, IM, by American I'ren Ao
elation. J
IXE usual conception of Santa
Claus la that of a rather Inno-
I A cont. nnsophlatlcated, though
benevolent old gentleman who
" --- -
(jo hH to be jUl.o up to date to attend
He la so '
" """" "
cb n man of nffnlrs that It Is nece
"Or for , , to adopt modern me h
Nowndnys It is essential for
, through an army of assistants and
doputio. and
js ness than &nt t u J VUca he
t?rtI " , h? f1" "
mlnht have lxeu possible for him to ,
nakc a Pl vtal to nlltho homes
where Wu g fts were expected but
'" -""h-. -- u,,uui
-". ""--'"o1-'
the postman, the delivery man and n
whole lot of other folks Into his serv
ice. For example, he appoints as depu
ties nt least half a million extra ex
preMiucn In the United States a one,
i Ordinarily the express companies have
I1"" nutnu f ctnidoyees but
jigures are necessary. The Christmas
ovr Hehtv millions of men. women
, nml children lu Uncle Sam's domain,
, ,ho stupendous proportions of this
chrlstnms business enn be realized
0 m.count 0f the expense of sending
, n.knires bv exnross it Is estimated
, tnnt few if any of these Christmas
bundles are worth less than $2, jrhllo
K01ue 0f them nro valued ut hundreds
nf ,0llnr?. It Is thus seen that the
Christmas business handled by the ex
j that for a couple of weeks he Is about
the biggest busluess uinu on earth. If
j his army were ono of war rather than
, peace he could conquer the world,
I Then ho musters in n large array, of
Salvation Army nnd Volunteer lads
m sant Mu.saun hoy.
and lasses to gather and cook Christ
mas dinners for tho poor and to help
distribute his presents In the tenement
districts, llu never forgets the needy.
Hut amoug his great array of depu
ties let us not forget the postman.
Who has not seen the faithful servaut
staggering under Ids great loads on
Christmas morning? The business
done by Undo Sam's postotllce for the
two weeks before Christinas is Just
about double what It Is at ordinary
times. All this is because of Santa
Claus, so the extra clerks nnd postuun
needed must bu credited up to him.
I j r . i
(4Jb I.
"The Page Fence Men"
134 Riverside Avenue, North MEDFORD, OREGON
Your Comfort
My mamma, when we build our
Wants plenty closets in it.
She says she'll tell the architeck
That's how he must begin it.
My papa says he doesn't oare
A fig for big clothespresses,
But what he wants is plenty room,
And that he'll have, he guesses.
But I don't care how little 'tis,
A palace or a shanty,
I want a chimney big enough
To let in dear old Santyt
is Our
If you cannot reach us in person, you enn reach us by -
Phone 3272.
It is a good habit. It is n rapidly growing habit with nil Med
t'ord. It is n habit by which thousands snvo iu their daily nnd
monthly nnd yearly expenditures. It is a habit that becomes
med tlio oftonor people buy horo. And tho broad reason is sat
isfaction. Peonlo aro satisfied with our groceries. People nro
satisfied with our prices. Peoplo nro sntisfiod with the wnys of
tho store, its manners and inothods.
Rex Grocery
"One Price
to Everybody