THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKGON. FRIDAY, DEGEMRIOR 10. 1J)0). E FALLS IN TEMPLE TO BE SHALL INTERESTS Cost of Electricity Per week for the average family for heating and cooking ; WELL: RESCUED HEAD OF LEAGUE OR PEOPLE RULE? Swims for Hours Until Finally He is Discovered and After Con siderable Work Taken From Well. California Man Will Probably Named Next Proridcnt of Na tional Bavchall League. Be Bob -La Follette Asks Pcrtient Ques- tions In His Wcokly Points i to Recent Tariff ! Session. v i - f A horso belonging to tho Mcdford Browing & Ice Co., fell in nn old well this morning nbout 3 o'clock and was rescued from his predicament after considerable work. Tho well had been unused for some time and had been covered with PITTSBURG. Pa., Dec. 10. Wil-I MADISON, Wis., Dec. 10. "Shall Ham C. Temple of Winters, Cal., a former owner of the Pittsburg club, may bo tho next president of tho Na tional league. The namo of tho Cal lfornlan la being prominently men-. tho will of the special Interests con tinue to prevail In national legisla tion, or shall It bo the wilt of the peoplo?" This question Is asked Speaker Cannon and Senator Aldrlch la to- Issue of Senator La Follotto's tloned today aB a possible successor planking which with the passage of in tho posltlou made vacant by tho day's Is' time became decayed. Tho horso was j untlmely dcalU of Harry c Puuiam. Weekly. running- lose mien ioi onciv oi "te pnd whlch ha8 boen mled temporarily Declaring Aldrlch and Cannon aro ice plant and during tho night fell , hv Wlll!am Hevaler. tho bosses of tho national leitlalnturo Templo has accepted an invitation , aud nothing can be dono without from Barney Dreyfus presont owner their sanction, La Follette Bays: of the Pirates, to atten.t the banquet I "Wo need only to look as far back llriHtkfuit Unking 4;jo :oo coo ii-.oo Moiulny .... fikw.h. 1 kw.h. Tutuvlny ,,1 kw.h. 0 kw.h. VTodneudAy kw.h. 3 kw.h. ThtirtUy , , kw.h. 0 kw.h. Krldy .....1 , kw.h. o kw.h. RMunwy , . kw.h. 3 kw.h. Sunday .... H kw.h. 0 kw.h. ToUI.. ,5H kw.h. 7 kw.h. Iron I n IT TiOO u:oo 0 kw.h. SH kw.h. 0 kw.h. 0 kw.h. 1 kw.h. 0 kw.h. kw.h. Dlnnor u:30 1180 kw.h. kw.h. kw.h. 1 kw.h. 1 kw.h, SH kw.h. li kw.h. kw.h. Kw.h. Mint). Day U kw.h. H kw.h. 0 kw.h. kw.h. 0 kw.h. 1 kdfh. 0 kW,h t kw.h. Huppr 4:10 coo H kw.h. 1 kw.h. H kw.h. 0 kw.h. i kw.h. H kw.h. 0 kw.h. 9 kw.h. MIho. Nlntit kw.h. U kw.h. 0 kw.h. 0 kw.h. M kw.h, 0 kw.h. 1 kw.h. t kw.h. Total 4 kw.h. T kw.h. B kw.h. 3 kw.h. 1 kw.h. I kw.h. 4 kw.h, St kw.h. ;.vj through the rotten curbinc into tho wrtter. The woll is thirty fet deep, and the water stood within eight foot . "c ! that Dreyfus and other nag mcnt for enough hose to reach from ; d,scuss tno presldcncy wltu he nearest hydran to the well, so J , wa8 offcred tho berth t 41.. rpl. j...i Ul "u uiuiut-ni was nis-h0 will give to his chnmplonB at tho as the tariff session to seo what kind covered by one of the employees , tho Waldorf-Astoria hotel in Now of legislation will recelvo tho approv nbout six o clock and a telephonic ; York Dccembcr 15. It is believed nl of Aldrlch. We need only to re request was sent to the fire depart-1 at rjrovfus and other nacnates will call Cannon's recent sneeches In tho him. Tern- middle west to tell where ho stnnds. iiiui u miKiii ue iiucu up nna me,., i ,.. .., , i , i . ,i. i,l . rr UiiJ S Ul'lUlO MIU ll'Ubllt; ,o ltuii:u IU f. v h.iut. ta uu, ItulliVU Kill llv inr- chargo had no authority to let the llAPA -11 l . K "IHLT imns were ni l.rntort thn m.hllr Inlnrnaii nv ...Mi Wolvorton to Manage Oaklaiul. um win unu a quiet out speeuy in OAKLAND, Cal., Dec. 10. Harry , torment In tho burial ground that Wolverton. an old time National already holds so many of Its kind." tho hands 01 the present governing ory of dlvlno right of the dollars to l board, but declined. t rule; that Is not drawn with caro to Oiir rate for cooking and heating is 5c per K. W- H., making the cost $1.55 per week ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO, MEDFORD, OREGON once mnde to rescue the animal. A tripod was built and n block and ! tncqle arranged to lift the horse from the hole. Just as tho tnckle! A. 111 A 1 "1.1w ,1 Unnnn .1 i . league siar, win luanugu uio uunmuu nX nit i t ii i T club In the Pacific Coast baseball pulled out, but tho strain was kept , ,, up and when the tnckle had reached ,easU nMt 'e"?' aCCrdt'Dg l ,a.n UB k,: 4t. i ' announcement today at tho club's n,i i. n..A n .i . .headquarters -.w.., iiu.rc uuu 1111 IU 111U KrilUIIU. iV President Wnlter, It, MISS CASE SAYS YES; HER MOTHER SAYS NO LET TREE PLANTING WAIT, SAYS O'GARA SAN FKAXCISCO. Doe. 10. In I couple of the men assisting had n'ar- '? Stnt0d.' has about completed nego- spite of her mothers vehement de- row escapes from the fnllinir tim-1 Jlury iVueie unse oi i on- bers but the object of the work was ! wUI a83Ume charge f tUe 0ak,ands' InU the young American linger completed ' and th deal wlU Probabl' 00 closed whose engagement to Claus Spreck- Tho animal seemed none the worsr wib,, the next fw dayf- u els- Jr" ctly was rumored today for his involuntary bath, with the WolTerton was formerly a member . re-affmned her betrothal to Willnrd excent on nf l.nin hn,lK. M,:iloiT 01 l"S v-""-ko ' i"r"nK uunug .MCICIUI Meatll Ot tills City I - - f " .illl.4 Pathologist Believes Trees Will Do Better if They Are Not Plant ed Until Ground Drys DENMARK STILL BACKS COOK IIP Head of Committee to Examine Data Does Not Givo Credancc to Charge of Fraud. Professor P. J. O'Gara has pre- COPK.N'MAOEN, Donmnrk, Doc. 10. 'the days of.. Captain Anson, Danny ''Yes." said Miss Case. "I have pared tho following statement by re- Thnt tho committee from tho far- Four 10-acre tracts of first-class ' LnS' Dann" Fr,ond Cnd 5Ialacn,a hcnnl it said thnt my mother frowned nuest In regard to planting of shado ,. of tho university of Copenhagen fruit land, well located, uncleared ;! ?,ttredfsf: a,S wor tho nI- J the report of my e.Wment to .trees in the city: 'which will examine tho polar records $75.00 per acre one-third cah- ,orm of the BaItlraore and Now "iork Mr. Beam, but neverthe ess, the re- Almost every day tho question Is 1 terms P 0 To 544 I lubs. ; port is well founded and I feel sure aKcd: "Is It advisable to plant trees of Dr. ! rederlek A. Cook do not con- i : ! I Throughout last season Wolverton that my mother's wihes in the mat- at this tlmot" Tho answer to this sldor sorlotisly tho charges of fnuid GAVE PARTY TO PAY HER j played third base fo rtho Newark ter are in accord with my own. j question Is comowhat difficult slnco brought against tho oxploror by Cnp- DEBTS, THEN PASSED AWAY! eastern league, wmcn nn- "At any rate, 1 nm of ae. and 1 1 a goou ueai ueponus upon uio iypo tnln AK8t Wedol Ixioso and (leorgo ! isned secona wiien the season's av- am aointr to be married. Ouilo nut hundred and seventy men are 1 sn5d before. I have hopes that my , temporary condition Is II r in the cadet repiment at the ! enpnpement to Mr. Beam wiM bo iaiJIttlo difference In tho SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Dec 10 ' erages were completed. If tho nego- uraly I shall marry whom I nleuse." Believing the operation to which she!tlonS that are be,ns conductcd are : Wl,e "ed if she would marry was to submit the following dnv 1 concluded successfuil'. Wolverton , Beam should her mother forbid it. would prove fatal, Mrs. Almn Dod- 1 report at akland before the , she replied, in tho voice thnt recently eon, a society lender of this citV,',end ot next January- caused the European musical critics and the onlv woman lnvr ; i,:i" to write pajre-? of compliments: "As city, entertained her friends nt am Six informal card party Wednesday ev ening". She appeared to bo in the best of spirits, and presided over tho entertainment with her usual jrac iqusness. The fololwing morning she underwent the operation. Before takinir an anaethetic she declared that the party of the night before was planned to rpay her social debts before she departed this world. POPE'S CAR NEWTOWNS GOING TO LIVERPOOL (New York Produce Buletin.) Manager McComber at D. Cross ley & Sons, reported, that a car of western Newtown Pippins, of record quality, wns on tho way to his firm in Now York. This carload was ,'n competition the finest apples ever produced anywhere on earth, at tho National Apple Show in Spokauo, Wash., and was awarded a special prize of honor. Just what disposi tion will be made of them is not yet determined upon, but it is quite prob- uuie mat n considerable portion will arming in tue cadet regimen Oregon Agricultural College, of soli, subsoil and drainage. How ever, It will be best to refrain from tree planting for the reasons horo given. Trees aro rjfton Jnjured by being planted In ' wet soil. Whether tho excessive tnolsturo Is a permanent or likely to mako results. It Dunklo of Now York, was tho declara tion today of Professor Kills Strom- ! Ingcn, Its president. Ileforo ho left Denmark for Amor Ira Professor Stroniliigo.i stated thnt Cook discussed with a numbor of Dnnlsh scientists tho very thlngH on which tho charges were based. Ac- entiro accordance with my mother's 'flxcesslvo molsturo Is pormanent, tho cording to tho professor, Cook enHlly views and pleasure." Miss Case de 'iw SEA GOING TUG ON ROCKS; SIX IN DANGER had been engaged to Sprcckles. PORTLAND, Me., Dec. 10. Tho .ocean-going tug Portland, has gone on the rocks near Portsomuth, ac cording to a report received here ear ly today. Her crew of six men were said to be in grave danger. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. R. A. Holmes to J". V. Keyes, lot 2, block 2, Bungalow nd. to Medford Mary E. Corbin to Chester Tuttle, 120 ncres, section 20, HANDSOME BUNGALOW IN i township 38, 4 w ASHLAND NEARLY BURNS i Allen A. Conger to Alex Mc Millan, part block T, second I ASHLAND. Dec. 10. -The Misses Hargrove nre very thankful to the firemen and neighbors, who saved their new bungalow, corner of First avenue and B street from probable total destruction by firo reecntly. I ho fire was in the basement, 1 railroad cd. to Ashland.. J. C. Smith to W. H. Stewart, west Y2 lots 9 and -0, block 7, Park ad. to 3Iedford. . . . I. V. Brittsone to W. M. Ab I bott, part lot 14, Ashland I H'd Ass'n tract 10 700 10 10 GOO but just how it caught is somewhat of a James A. Burch to L. T. Cor- tnystory. The bungalow, one of the n'SH 10 ncres, township 118, handsomest in Ashland, had just been 2 w. . . completed and moved into on Friday J- C. Emorick to Chns. M. En of Inst week. Tho only fires were 1 f.'hh, part D L C 45, town- go to Liverpool. Tho fruit is of tho t " open stove grato In tho living 1 ship 37, 1 w 3500 ....... ' 1 r r- 1 ,r room nnd the. kitchen range. A pit In ' acooy to James ai. variety and appearance that can be 6ent there to some ndvantngo. Theso apples were grown by Charles Pope nt Ashland, Oregon. EASTERN HORTICULTURISTS TO LOOK OVER VALLEY - Prof. W. J.. Green, horticulturist of tho Ohio experiemnt station, nnd a representative of the Indiana experi ment station are expetced to arrive horo Saturday for the purpose of .looking over tho valley. , Theso gentlemen were nt the Spo knne apple show and the sight pf that carload of prize winning apples cre ated a desiro to see the section in which thoy were grown, nnd learn something of tho soil nnd the meth ods which produced tho prize win ners. Thoy will bo horo several days. FOURTEEN SAVED FROM STEAMER W. C. RICHARDSON BUFFALO, N. Y Deo. 10, Four teen survivors of tho wreck of tho grain Bteamor W. C. Richardson, which foundered yesterday, were brought to this port tonight by tho freighter, Payne. Sovon of tho Richardson's crew, according to tho survivors, were drowned when tho vessel sunk. Tho Pnyno was anchored near tho sceno of tho wreck arid succeeded in trans ferring fourteen of tho crew of tho doomed ship to her decks. in the basement took caro of tho ash es from the grate, but it wns supposed to be perfectly safe. The smoke poured itno the first and second floors firecly, nnd but for the timely arrival of the firemen and neighbors, tho handsome home would doubtless have been destroyed. As it was quite a little damago was done, tho auoinn tof which, however, hns not yet been surveyed by tho in surance adjusters. , There aro twelve literary societies with an average membership of thirty at the Oregon Arioulturnl College. Conley, lot 17, block 27, Tolo Snmo to same, lot 18, block 27, Tolo John Newstrong toM. Billing er, 100 ncres, section 22, township 30, 1 w Bert Anderson to Edwin S. Ilitzlor, lots 5 and 0, block 2, Anderson Toft nd. to Medford Sarah J. Combs to H. A. Pnr matur, lots 22, 23 and 24, block 1, White's ud. to Ash land James A. Burch to L. T. Cor nish, 40 acres, section 24, WOODMEN OF GRANTS PASS 1 township 38,-2 w ELECT THEIR NEW OFFICERS, J. C. Emorick to Chns. E. En- I glish, part D L C 45, town- GRANTS PASS, Or., Dec. 10. ' ship 37, 1 w Tho Grants Pass lodges of Woodmen P. Donegun, Sr. to P. Done of tho World and Mddern Woodmen j gan, Jr., land in Jaqkson- of Americn have held their elections I villo nnd tho fololwing have been elected: I Anthony Becks to D. J. In the W. O. W. J. A. Paxson, C. C; ! Cropps, 100 acres, section Walter Harmon, A. L.; Geo. Slover, 4, township 33, 2 w banker; Marcus W. Robbins, clerk; .Chns H. Aners to A. B. C. A. Winetrout, escort; D. A. Grimes, watchman; E. W. Delphy, sentry; E. V. Smith and A. Letchor, managers. For tho M. W, A. M. T. Goe, con sul; Clarence Smith, adviser; W. R. Hodkinson, banker; D. A. Harmon, clerk; J. R. Ends, escort; John Pat riok? watchman ; C. E. nildreth, son- try; Marcus W, Robbins, mnnagor, 35 20 20 10 10 GOO 3500 Cropps, 100 ncres, section 4, township 32 vr CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Services every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Subject of losson-sor-mon, "God, the Preserver of Man." All aro wolcomo, Sunday school at Tho installations will tako plnco on 10 o'clock. 128 North Grapo street, the first meetings in Junuary. north of Sherman Clay music house. water prevents tho air from reaching tho roots, whllo If It Is only tempo rary, tho trampling of tho' soil In packing it around tho roots In plant' convinced his Interrogators ot his competency nnd exhibited n thorough knowledge of tho pulnts of which his detractors accused him ot being Igno- Ing causes it to stick together so that rant. on drying It becomes bakod, leaving thorn Impacted In a hard lump of Tho Oregon Agricultural College earth which excludes tho air. We oxhibita of tho AlaHka-Yukon-Pacifiii know that excesslv air currents In tho ( Exposition won tho gold medal for soil aro Injurious by drying tho roots, tho best educational exhibit. Grand but a constant pormeatton of tho soil j prizes wcro also awarded to oach of by tho air Is necessary to supply tho the sovon dopnrtmontnl exhibits root system with oxygen. Either sat uration or baking of tho soil will prevent tho normal supply of oxygen from reaching tho roots. Even in well drained fields undralned pock-! ots occur hore and thero and aro J jnoro or less difficult to deal with In treo planting. I , If tho trees nro already on hand, thoy may bo proporly disposed of temporarily by heeling In. This ls best dono by digging a shallow trench ; In woll drained soli and aftor spread-j Ing tho trees out and placing them, not over three or four deep, tho roots should bo well covered with oarth. I Trees should novor bo heeled In In bunches or bundles, as they aro re ceived from tho nursery, unless tho bunchearo vory small. In all probability thoro will bo Homo flno weather for trco planting during tho month of February, or possibly carllor, ho that If tho trees aro proporly taken caro of until tho good weather comes thoy will havo a much hotter chanco than It planted at this time. This statement apples not only to tho planting ot fruit trees, but shado trocs as well. Kor Muguzlno Lovers. Roadlng tables with many of the populur current magazines will bo avallablo Saturday night, 7 to 9 p, m. In tho Medford public library. ! nmj.jL.. , ',. l.jj l. You Can Buy N. Y. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis Direct from tho (HIOWEI.8. Ab solutely Reliable and Dependable Stock grown by Nurserymen who know how. Write us for prices boforo signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY 18 E. YnklHiA Ave,, North Ywklnin, Wash. In Case of vSicKrxess PHONE 3 (Ml MEDFORD PHARMACY Neur PobI Olficu All Night Service Kroo l)ul ivory 1 WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AN'D SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FTJRKISUED. i o. n. narris ot o. MEDFORD, OREGON I Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs REAL ESTATE RESOLVED Tho best resolution for you to make is to oorno to us for your next suit, if you want something out of tho ordinary. We do tho best work and chargo the lowest prioos. W. W. EIFERT TIIK FKOQBtiSBIVB TAXLOX Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land s Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty to Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building ANNOUNCEMENT The Rogue Ilivor Canning & Kvnporating oonipany will dovoto Mondays and Thursdays of eaoh wook to custom work in tho man ufacture of cider, applo butter aud jollies. Phono your orilors for nioo swuot cider to 11X2. Delivorioa will bo made on Tuesdays and Fridays of oach wook. ROGUE RIVER CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mill In West Medford. phone 11X2. H. O. Hansen. Tom Moffat We mako any kind and stylo of windows. Wo carry phifw of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. J