rmiin Miflmrnn.n matt, trirttnk. m re 1 wn it, n. , i. tjiuihsijay. d kujua w ( u. I'juu. a. I 1. 1 s i ii v - - - - - - - - ' - i - i 4 .H. -f r CITY NOTICES. 1 CITY N8TICES. CITY NOTICES. t f Mt4 4ftf t4t t4 4- CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. CITY NOTICES. t f tt t CITY NOTICES. uiiiiinanvI': no, 2(i:t. An ordinance declaring (hit assess ment on tlio it'0Mir(y benefitted for tint cost of luyliii: it Mix Inch water in In on Orange hi root ami directing tlio recorder to nntor it statement thereof in tint wittur Hon docket. Tlio City nf Mod ford doth ordain ns follows; Hoctlon 1. Whoroas, t)io city council did liorotoffiro by resolution dooltyo Its Intention to lay' a Mix In -It water iriiiln on Orange streot to Klovonth Hi rout i wont, from Mnln street, west, nn, I to niisciis tlio cost tl ereof on the property fronting on I tld portion or Hitld street lu propor-1 on l(i i tho fiontiiKo of iid property nit tl iald Btreel Is tho nnioiiiit set oppo tilt the iteNcrlptlou of ouch parcel or pleco of laud below and that each : ...1 1 1 .1...... 1... imrrei or lut-ii. 01 limn iiimm-i ii m-u the laying of said water main to the full extent of the ntnount so set op- poslto the description of each par- eel or piece and that the respective utiiounts represent the proportional benefit of hii Id water main to said respective parcels of property and nlxo the proportional frontage there of on said portion of said atreet and win council uocb uereiiy uecmre eucn . of tho parroU of property described below to be nssossed and ench of the Bittiio hereby h assessed the amount set opposite ench description of the cost of laying said water mnln, AHSIJBSMKNT FOR A SIX-INCH WATKR MAIN ON OltANOH HTItKKT. SOUTH, IIKTWKBN AsMesmunt Noble, lot 0 and south hair - - . . . ... w block 3, Park addition In tho clty!,, or .Meilioni, uregun, .... iLw.u, uiiin Oinnue street, 1 jind did fix a tliixi anil pliico for AimeBBinent No. l l--Mnry it. on, Wl, ,,ort,m 0f Bald street and tho AunM,.mpnl N ijb n. IMckel. ago 100.26 feet on north side Fourth ; county, Oregon; 135 feet; rate per lieitrlng pi otoBts ..gainst the laying lot 15. block 2. Itrk add tlon In the , ainollnt tho ,.08t thereof afore- m n.i w r Mimihv lot i treet. West, described Vol. 40. pago Moot 76.85 cents; amount duo 1103.74 of said waler .nittln on said portion city of Modford, Oregon, frontage 50 i?i.1",nR"n',tn j, otllon n the city 13. county recorder's records of, An-CHnimt N'o. 34 William L. of said street and the nisnHHiiicnt of ' feet on arst Hide Oritngo "triMit. A , wlu,rcan mt reHolutlou was .w'1?,'1 oroin fro ace 103 feet Jackson county. Oregon: 106.26 MH'.-. co-ntr ctng at a point flltuat- the cimt thereof ns iiforcH.ild. outh. described Vol. 17. page 025. , , . , , ,ni,,,n10,i r..- I , ' Ln,, , , lil r, Ko r 1 1 t roo t Woit teat; rate per foot 76.85 cents; erf n chains 44 links north and And whe.ima, sr.ld resolution win "" ' recorder b recordH of JiickHon , , u n0 f the char- J " " l? n,,aK0 121 'county amount duo $81.60. 199.63 feet west of the southeast duly publish.,; and posted i.h re- ".. i,m 't d m 'w M ,,,r of aV My' , ,. ?oS?A Assessment No. 23-Josephlno F.; corner of the southwest quarter of qiiliod by section 110 of the charier '' i.;JUv' ',,K, Mrv II Orr 1 A'"1 wl'or,0',!,'1 " 'el n,: of , ,l 10 Oregon; 53 feet: rate per foot 76.85 Clark, beginning 12 chains 40 links' ' northenBt quarter of section 25. of sail city. ii ft S wn" AvM nt l,10.l,,1" n,ml 1 10 centi; amount due $40.73. north of the BOiithonst corner of the " 'uth, range 2 west of And whereas. meeting of (he 'p J - 1 r , ' pi,.,.,., fixed In suld resolutlcn for the " V 15 Ida M Cor- northwest quarter In section 25. In Wll -netto meridian, and from council whi held at the time unci I 'V J li'ilfor . C '"'n,n" " purpose of evrisU'erliig nny such pro- tl, '".h.oin nt a r.olnt sltuato.l township 37 Routh. range 2 west of , said point running west 100 feet. Place fixed In Haiti resolution for the ' ' 'Cl V 7 v " u'",- ,,ut no roU',t" V'"r0 , "l. nn' fiVoi H Willamette meridian, and run- thonco north 100 feet, thenco east purpose of n,..Mldorl..K any hucI, , r vm m,d' ""y 1 ' " lo.n" rerscUon of the 1th Itao of Wt nlng thenco west S chains 53 links,1 100 feet, thenco south 100 feet to proie.ls. but no pioteMH were nt said . . UZ m Z ,1 S received by f.o councl to the laying '.fnr" thence north C cltalns 22 links. Place o beginning frontage 100 feet time or at any other tlmo mailt to ' ". "r "JiJ,Vf '.." 'i 1 r f said water main to tho assessing of f'1' V'T...: i, n. L, thenco oast 1 1 chnlns 3S links, thence ' north side Fourth street. West. or iwctved i.y tnc eonncll to tne lay- , v; , , V t,,,.,..;,, 1,,.. t. cost tliereo as atorwiii , . aim ie ' -"minrt,.r of cMon south C chains 22 links, thenco west nueu vol 01, page o, couniy re- algo act n8 cierk; scott V. Davis, wno lug of sal.' water main or tl... a- lJU". ' ' . i'-rL n.l.Mtimt In ''" ,,avl,,K "'f?""1 th" St ," ?r?.vnsWn 37 ouh 2 chains 85 links to place of begin-'corder's records of Jackson county. Lna nig0 act as dork. MMmunt o( the cwt tt.,.reof as afore- r' i v , t .,.rd) n,aUt'r- mln tint bp Id water " l rldlsrand """K. containing 7.08 acres more or Oregon; 100 feet; rate per foot 76.85 SocUon 4, The recorder Is here Mid, and snld council hnvl,,M en- iif S2 ?H msln wh9 an,' Is of materlHl beatflt to .'L JJ, t'ar , fnrthenr"",ni lees, nnd from said southwest cor-; cents; amount due $76.85. ,,y dlrcctcd to Blvo notIco 0f said ltloml tit,, iiiatler, mid iWemliiK thai - " 'fl " ',,r f oot f l OS- c"' nn1 lh"1 '-""l'9 ' ,M! 1 a-Vl J hene ho ith 182 10 feet ner or beginning point running Assossnient No. 35 Mrs. Ida election In tho same mannor as is wild water iiinlu wss and Is ,.f ma- i L iaris sn himhssI tbrefor would be bone- ' ;.' l ? r feet thence north' thence north 0 chains 22 links, thence Kenworthy. beginning at the south- nrovlded by tho chnrtor In tho caso IoHhI benefit in said city snd that nil im. i.- tH.rehy to tho extent ot the l"' " , .hi'.T. Mil 1 01 reel -"st 4 chains S3 links, thenco south west cornor of l.-.nd 28 D, 43S. and of annual elections In said city." (ironfrty to be xwoKnod Hierefor Asm-mmcnt No. W Itiwellma A. ,,r.8i,j Bniot .t of the roapcrtlvv ; ",, uLel Jml 6 chains 22 links, thenco wet running thenco north on west line The foregoing ordinance was pass would I. oeiiefltUMl thereby to the Morrleon. con.metirlng at he o ill.- M1,llu,;, t0 ;0 cvloO Klnst M t heiic , nor ' J""1 "1 $ cbclns S3 links ro place of said surans lot 757 feet to cor- ed by the city council of the city ot Zi of llw " al I, ' t.o l it of the "V,4, ror,V,r,:,f ''.W W P:-wy. "-!irild water main K " J' ."Jf'X" ot beginning, cortalnlng 3 acres, ner on the street, thence west on Medfonl by the following vote, on esp 'ctlvV I Jew h , . i rM ",l"",, "'clty r.f Medford. Ore- n(1, J t orth J."':. frantrK? 318.17 feet on rorth side south line of said street 112 feet 3 1 November 27th. 1909: Merrick aye. Mn. nst s. W TrSri . did order mT. "" 1,r,,JM'?' 5 And wherca;.. the cost of said wa- J ;- 1 Jn S y OrSon? Kortl. street. Wet. describe -. Vol 59, Inches to corner on Bald street, thence , Welch aye. Emerlck aye, Elfert aye, water mnln laid ,h' ' .' i'IU . I fl wft,t, V'. U-r main ho been and l.ereby s dt- ii,rXt?rni7r rinu' PK . county recorder's records outh 757 feet to cornor on north Wortman nye. Dommor aye. iwclved bv tho eonncll to the lav- ""V- " ... . .... f. j cost tbereo as aforwiaKl. nnU tlio ; '', " r. w inaiii iiiw im,,' ! auii iittreey i. ,i.-- frontage I IS feet on woet side Orange ,.,,.,., lhi it- i.ronortlonate Aseeesment No. twrtnlneti to im tue Biiin or iua i.iii. .,., c,i,. ,i.cfw,t. tr rini ,,r n,. r i.vinr iui-i vmior dre.' coromenclni; at .Sow therefore. It Is hereby fur- ' ' ' "- "V,. ,i. Ponortv corner of the 1 1.66 a ther detruili.ed that the proportion- f - . - if . . ,UKi,t by Owirge W. nto share of the cost of laying said Asuesmnont No. 13-1. V. Wake- r.r,,.,. ,!. J. Day of O. Mlngus water main of witch wrcl f tUe rill. eonimunelng at tho northeast cr,,i(jn of oarll jCe or par- ol of January 30. 1899. as iinuiri) iroiuiiiK aiu iniriiuu in ,orner .mai. oiiw.r.i. nr.01 intion in tne city or .Mearortt. urogon, jou, 101 1, diock -. iiuhbi uuui- yi .saia norinensi quarter 01 eniu Becuun, 37s county recorder's records or EIOIITH STREET, WEST. I frontage 60 feot on woat sldo Orango tlon In the city of Medfoid, Oregon. Ing at a point situated chnn 60 links, thenco west, 1 chain . jackson county. Oregon; 52.8 feet; Assessment No. 1 Ella Carney, tro,t, south. 66 feet; rato per' foot, ' frontage 105 feet on south Bido feet north of tne souiuwcbi 60 ,nkg tQ t0 placc of beglnnlnK. rato per foot 76.85 cents: amount due lot 1, block 3, Paric addition in 1110 ji.or,; nmount due. $58. SO . Fourth Btreot. West, described vol. ...corner 01 u.e buuiuu-udi "'containing 1 ncre. $40.57. city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 Assessment No. 171. W. Thomas. ' pago . .. county recorder's records of the northwest quarter section -6. in CommenclnR at a polnt 4 cnan8 45 ! ScetIon , And lprehv or(,fir. feet on west side Orange street. ,ot tf. block 6. Park addition In the ' Jackson county. Oregon: 5S feet; rate 1 township 3, south, rango 2 west ot ,nflmeIagtnCa,n,dai12 chains 40 links cdwdorialned Booth. dcHcrlbed Vol. 44, page 373. rIty of Medfrd. Oregon, frontage 50, per foot 76.S5 cents; amount due, the VHtamet JSiunffn'! "orth o? the southwe'st corner of the iSnM tt? county recorder's rocords of Jncl'.BOi, ft.,.t u Wllt Hldo Orange street. . $42.26. thonco north 197 4 feet to a point, northeast quarter of section 25. in j the wateY main lien docket of sr.ld county. Oregon. 50 feel; rate per (,th. 50 feet: rate per foot, $1.05; f Assessment No. 2 William Lew-is u"," ,,,"r intersection of tho south township 37 south of range 2 west of i Cty, ad that thereupon notice bo foot, $1.05; nmount due, $52.50 amount due. $52.50. let tix.. lot 1, Lewis addition In the u n'nS l" ,n Voad thence east 125.3 tho Wlllametto meridian, and run- given tie o-mers or reputed owners Assessment No. 2 Jackson tour.- ABseswment No. 181. W. ThoninB, city of Medford. Oregon, frontago 178 ,,n 0,," "--,7,,, 107 4 Vet thenco nlng thenco east parallel with tho.0f said property, and that tho same ty Hulldlng and Loan Asoclatlon., lot jol x,, block 6. Park nddltlon In the feet on south sldo Fourth street. West f " , o nlace of beirln- 80,'th 1,n0 ' 8a,d nuarter section 2 . 2. block :i. Park ndiuon in 1110 city rty of Medford. Oregon, rrontttgo 00 , described vol. .., pago ...county re- ; frnn,ni." ,r, ',. on 80lith chains 75 links, thence north parai-; of Medford. Oregon, rrontage 1." flH)t on enBt side Ornngu street, soutn. cordor'B records or JacKson county. " B mVt nwt ,!oerll)ed Iel with tio west line of said quarter , feet on west sldo Orange street. r,u feet; rnto per foot. $1.05; amount . Oregon: 178 feet; rnto per foot 76.85 j L 01 " a " Medford ore- section 12 chains 44 links, thenco' 11011111, (lescriiieii voi. tuj, imKi .., ,1,,,,, rs.iiii. , tcentB; amount ouo tun. jo. :.:. . t't. - font 7c S5 west cnains 3D unKs, mence soum in, county recorder's reconM of Jnrtson, Assessment No. 1D-0. C. Hoggs.! AsH088IU0nt No. 3j. E. Toft, .ot . amountluo , $96.06. 1 c. c.nnL"s..2; ,lntks- thcnc , 1 ' county, iiregon. i, 101 M. oiock u. rnrx luiuuiuu 111 ihu 1 block 4, Crowoll B nddltlon in tne Ans.snn'ient No IS Edwnrd S. jennin nu units, uiumu suuui u chuiiio iiK.i, tl...... ............ , rnj 01 ..iviii.,1 ., win,"". cy ot .Meuioru, uregon, iruutiiKe stiiiBon commencing at a point 1.37 -- ""na " i,m" " "'""'"""'i Asuessment No. Mirnix'in im mi roi mu umnKi- o', ".h. jnn feet on south aldo Kotirtn street, cj,nin8 B0Uti, 0f th northwest corner containing i.n ir""'"f" llrown. lot 3, block 3. Pi.r' addition 50 f,....; rate per foot. $1.05; amount Wc8t ,,08crn,ed Vol. ... page ... c't I".1, 0thenst quarter of tho north- 2S7-f.0 .n nrth Bi?Fourth In tho city of Medlom. urvgou, tine. county recorder's records or JacKson w . n,mrter 0f section 26. In town- Rtrcet. west, uebtriuea voi. ... i.b;c frontage 50 feet on went sine urange ,saoss ne m .o. - '-. V county. Oregon: 50 feet; rnto per root ,,, 37 BOUtn rnng0 2 west of tho i-"; oi. ... page count, 1- . r ... .1 if.. I 1 1.. in l.l.w.1. ft trtit n.l.llflnn In Mlrt ... ... . .... . . n nn nmi u, n ....... , .....eiw . . . M.1wa .A.n.Ja nf IfiKL'SAn nnnt- I Bireet, soutn, tieBcriuun . . "'"V" ,' '"'ifi ( conis; nmouui. uuo 10. uo. Wlllnluetto meridian, in Oregon, and 0 liagO 13. COUIliy reconior B reroniB n OI .Memiirti, uruK". '"h" AMMamnnl Xn 4 E R Pock lot rnnnlnir ihnnrn enst 3 CO chains, wregon; .o,.iu iei, t.nu in-i iuui tTjaekson count); Oregon. 50 feet; J''Vnw-tMo KcsouliroO chains; tbenc?wt 76.S5 cents; amount due $220 63 , rate tier foot. $1.0C; amo'int due. 00 feet; rato por foot, $1.05, amount . ,,,,.,..,, nmnn. frnnince 10C i r.n ni.ninn . i,ene ..ortl, 6.20 chnlns Assessment No. 20 William $52.50. v-..mni'ii No o , .,om,m ' feet on south side Fourth street, to plnco of beginning, containing 2.23 Teagtie. lot 2. block t.. Olson nddl- AsBesBinen No. 4 A. II. I Mi lor. Aynnt No. -1 K " Wc8, aoiicri,)C(, VoI. 71, pngo 28. acres moro or loss, saving, excepting tlon In the city of Mw ford. Oregon, lot 4. nml the north half of lot 5. (, o d n o. lot 1- blocl 0. arK add r0corder's records of Jackson nd reserving from tho foregoing a frontage 54 feet on north sldo Fourth block 3. Park wilt mi In tlio city of Ion In tho d of 50 feet; rnto per foot strip of land 30 feet In width along street. West, described Vol. 71. page Medford. Oregon, 'frontago 5 feet frontago 50 feet on pns . Hlilo onhl 7C.Rr. pmiIss nmoiint diio $43.03. 'ihn nntlm west side of snld nrem- 211. county recorder's records of on west side Orange street, south, street, south. BO foot: rato por foot, ' ." .. . .... mi ....iiiiiii ci nr.. m.w. mil .lim tr.'J Till. I A i .... w..w.,iu ,.f .InrliHiiti rutin-i AMMeBHinont No. 22 Ronilllia I eiiii,w... ....... - 'n i i,,i ti i.iork 0. Park nddl- tlon ,V.05 Sun! due; $785. ' ' Hon In tho Vlty of Medford, Oregon, , fr .i,. u ...... n , iniiiiiiuii .1 i ii' . r .............. I . . r n ..... .... ....... . ' south, described Vol. 54, pngo U.0.jton ln the city of Medford, Oregon. county recorder's records of Jackson frontage 44 feet on enBt aldo Orango vi'i.... . . u.,,.. ...... . . a . ..,. fnnt i "VMV. , . 178.75. ""v.' . r frontage 59.3 foot on south sldo . con .tent. . Bnt Assessment No. 2S -T. A. Olson. p! m. for tho purpose of ' J., ' ; ZXV Ruin hit ' "l "'K. f""n iinJ Fourth Btreot. West, described VoI.'bou ' nut o.u w lot 2, block 1. Olson nddltlon In tne , t0 tho legal voters of ' ' ; un, n in ti.., nitvi ABseuu e .vn r,9. iini:o 247. county recorder's rec-; noruiwoi yy.... city of Medford, Oregon, rrontngo &4 Bald olectlon for their 'I " ..:.V n '? I olid feet' n!!u0:,'01., '. "V 'L V 'n, . onis of JacJcson county. Oregon; 59.3 nnrier m no foet on north, sldo Fourth street, rejection a proposed o street, south.; ILV" ."' "ft V''. . -V l feet; rato per foot 70.85 cents; j . 'w ',:,, wst- ascribed vol. tl. pago z. mont to the charter of .oVv!,:5 .iSiSVT. kson o?r7pr. .TS;8 XT, recorder n iuiuu u v- u. in; ninot nt due, fii-.o". wi-or,,n . ... and runn ng tnenco uorin u..o cuaiua foot 76 S5 cents: nmount duo $41.50 ssmhbbsbbbsbbbesbbbbsmbbbbbrbbbbi , Oregon. 50 feet; ntto. lor foot. section 2. And It If. hereby order- lot 0, block 3. Crpwoll'H nddltlon In t,.0..co pn8t i.eo chains, thence south ro0.1 ' c 0 T ' n " ' ' h sl.on; amount due, orditlnod that said several as- uo city oi .Mouimi. w gin, u. , 620 clinln8 lhonce W(tst 1(!0 chains nii;"-"V V;,,,.'," oiKnn"rn ditlon I ABsess.nent No. 7-llomor . liar- t d ni 0 ,... , 59.3 feet on sOutli sldo Fourth i street. , of ,K..,lmilnK, containing 1 . ,0 lu"h' P"8 I ,ey ml block 7urt midiiion in ii.Vniiv of Medfonl. Oregon, fronlngo 50 feot on wtmi hiuo 01 uihuku , .1.1.. r-.. . ,. , Htreot, south, described Vol. 57, pngo llil, county recorder's rocords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet; into lr ft ,,or,i llino,lllt ,llu' $52,50. Assessment ""y.'..'.. VV or MmihfrJl. reV;;;:' fVontag,. 50 ,r' tho Improvomenta of strep.s there feot on oast Hldo Oiango Htreot, south , jUi doscrlhcd Vol. 70, pngo MS, county section 3. It is fnithr ordorod that rocorder'H reconia o jiu kh 1 . ! VI'V1-,,, , ; "Lo I'na DO. I AHscHMiiient No. 1' Hogg". lot 10. block 2, Turk adltliin In the city or .Mouioiu, wiuK""! iiwmtihv v" feet on east Hldo Oningo Htreot, south, described Vol. 75, page 335, county rccorder'H rocordn of Jack son county. Oregon. H. r' twf, rnto per foot, $1.05; amount due, $52.50. .AHHOHinnont No. 10 O. 0. RoggH. lot II, block 2. Park addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 foot on oast Hldo Ornngo streot, south, described Vol. 70, pngo 335, county recorder's recordH of JiiekHim coun ty, Oregon, 11. I). 50 foot; rnto por foot, $1.05; nmount duo. $52.50. AHHouHinont No. llO. C, lloggH, lot. 12, block 2, Park ndltlon lu the city of Modford, Oregon, rrontngo 50 root on enflt sldo Orango streot, Houth, doHcrlbod Vol. 70, pngo 335, county rocordor'a rocordH or JuckHon por root. Il.or.i amount duo, nun, Assessment No. 12 Mnry H. Ort, lot 1.1, block 2. Park Addition In tlio city or Mcdford, Oregon, frontago 42 font ii unMi u I if j Ontntrn m( I'rtut ..!... AntitiUii Vnl. 47. nni'i. nsni'l city of Modfpfit. Oregon, frontage 50 root on 0UDI mo oi urituge Hireei, Houth, described Vol. 47, pngo C25, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet: rale Pr foot, fl.OBj niiimiiit J1 ,llf, T ? Kltnlnir. In Jackson count v Orouon. county. Oregon. 42 font; rnto . v Or J 42 I f t" rnto nor Mn ,,ccl"ro ItH '"fntion to , 82.59 feet; rato per foot 7G.8& cents; coni i',ntV, & ? ' .J... . '.Tin 0r!4.lnch wntor mnln on West Fourth amount duo 103.47. chnl ....... I. .nitjifiTu ,r Innlatti i.iij ".v. -w ............. ... - - AMOMnTont No 18Mnry 11. brr.l"trl ,r(,,n North OrmiKo :reot to( AsHOSnment No. 13 B. B. Plckol, the ... . ritni ii u ' ii iiiiiiiiii inif .ii i'i . m . i i.A i'mihhv nu ri in tii mj ii LiiriiDL titini ii-i " ii. i r t n a lePI. HIMIUI lll IWPl III MUCH III utr- ,, ... A .tin atlllt l' I2III7. I. . i..!,..,, rtranr,' 51 R 17 1ln of nnnnlv ,-r.fwl loo.lln frnm or lot l. block s. I arK nuoi- ,an,, ,)( w ami ,,ial ,. Bctl , 00 l ,. pages uJ. o&o, ueeu recorus oi laInotU mcrdian. and running thence quarter of northwest quarter of see the city of Medford. Oregon. or ,,.,, of ,..,j ,g j:ciiflteil b. tno Jackson county. Oregon, thence sotttl WCft R chalni, 53 ,)nk, thence north tlon 25. township 37, rango 2 west lining thence south HIS feet. Irving of n-iM waler main to the full along the westerly line or said tract c cnnns 22 nK.8( lncnce west 20 Jackson county, Oregon, frontago 112 ll...t tr.O fin. I llnrlll' 1 C.K flldl .,r tli. ..ir..f an Ri.t nllliriltO Of lallll t ClUllIlS lltlKS, lienCe !,. no ini. .l.onnn cnnlti ' tcuit nn cnutk at.ln E-ni.rH, . Hon In ami ru tlieuc ". 1 . . t,wt ion reel to plant or itegiuning. frontage 118 feel on west side Orange street, smith. 118 feet: rate ,.r foot. $1.05; amount due, $123.00. Asseiwment No. H A. O. Molony. .. . . r- t 11..... .11. I .. loi in. i urn t. noun jiuiiinii in iiiu ..... ... r .... r.i Lion in tne feet on west sMo Orange street, south. M feet: rat,, per foot. $1.05; , ,, ,.. tr.rt.r.r. Assessment No. 15 John Wllkon- son, lot 1, block 0. Park nddltlon In the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 51 feet on west side Orange Btreot, south. 51 feet: rnto per foot, $1.05; amount due, $53.56 ABKvnsment No. 10 William Ross, the east 100 feet of block 1, Ross ad- nil v-..n. ....... w... ..n' strwt. south. . 50 foot: rato por root, ' .w on. nmonnt duo. $52.50. '" abbubhiuuiii. mi, ;, r.n.winiii lot 10. block ti. l'aric niuu sosHiuonts and tho lions bo entered In , ti.,, wntor main Hon docket of said city, and that thoroupon notice no ulvon tho owners or roputod ownors u..i,i urnimriv and that tho snino ' of snld piopoit), i nd nl 1110 f' ", ! . . . - 1 .. 1 , . ii,..l l llin mnil. 1 be enforced nnd co lectml In tho nmi i- nor provided by tho churtor of snld ,-ltv for tho collet) :tlon of nsHossnionts ,,0 ,10tl,0 novo r0vldod for bo pub IIh1.o.I three times In tho Dally Mall Ti'lhuiie. a nowapapor publlHhod of mwrtt circulation In said city tho niaiiiir providd by ordlnnnco No. 250 of mild city I mi., f. ,liwr nr.llnnni'A U'llH DIIHH- 1 , , ,7i,v. V.,.,.rii of ilu. cltv of! ed by tho city council of the utj or , Medford on tho nan nay ot rsooui-, bor, 19011, by tho following voto: Merrick nyo, Welch nbsont, KUort aye, Kniorlck nyo, Wortnmn nyo, Dommor nyo, Approved November 17, 1009. W. II. OANON, Mayor. Attost: "ROUT W. TRLF13H, Recordor. ORDINANCE NO. 20 2. An ordlnnnco doclarlng tho aBsoss- iiumt on th properly benefited' for tlio ront of laying a witter mnln on i Went Fourth street and directing tho ton, lot 15, block 2, Wolverton sub- recorder to enter a statement thereof division In tho city of Mcdford, Ore- In the water main linn docket. (grin, frontage 132.50 feot on south , The City of Modford doth ordaln'sldo Fourth street, West, dcscrlbod follOWH oIIowh! Section 1. whereas tho iihhcbs the .c.obui increoi on the property ironung on hilI.i iiortlon of said streot In ' ' rly nml (1n fX ' J,(U'0 for hcarln iagaiiist tho laying of s.t iir.Miii.l rm I. Mill f riltllllL'li Of Hill itj wnier innin ... ...v- ... ...... ... .- de.vlpt ion or sucJi picco or par- c and that the respective amounts represent the proportional benefits of said water main to said respective parcels of property a-id also the pro- portlonal frontago thereof on sain poriion oi saiu sireci, iinu me ranntn .w, m.u n..uw. ...... ... -. .i... i....i.v ,i.,ninr nrii ,if itn. nnr. cols of property described below to bo nssessod and ench of tho same here- ..i,.. ...,., mi .ii.i iiorninrtini hv km res-1 rnr,ia nf .inrkumi county, urccon : v. ,. I. I..M ailllllllll UHB f. V.. v..u. .i.....-,fr.n If U Vfti.nhv fttrlliir ......... liv is nssvsseti mo nmouui set. oppu- v .j.......v. ... , . sl'to each rospectlvo description for tho tlon of said described premises, cost of layln:? said water main. ' frontago H2.C , feet sou h side ASSESSMENT FOR A FOUR-INCH . Fourth street. West, described ol. WATER MAIN ON WEST FOURTH 1 f9, pago 505. county recorders rcc STREET FROM NORTH ORANOE ords of Jnckson county. Oregon: ktukht TO WEST CORPORA- 1 42.67 feet; rnto per foot ,0.85; TION BOUNDARY, Assessment No. 1 Anderson Bsessnient No. 5 Gold Ray Real- Co.. lot 8. block 3. Crowoll's nddl- hi Mm r iv nf Merifnr.l. Orocon. ontaun 59.3 feet on south sldo rt h street. West, described vol. ii... iini'n .1 , ...li.iiiv I. .1.. ill. 11 n 1171- m. n . ... l ...... MnA con'ty. Oregon: 59.3 1 of rnto nor foot 70.85 cents; ........ I ntnmint ilun 145 57. ty .11 AflflniiBinnnt fi finhl Hnv lloal-t - .- - . .... . a Vol. county recorder's reci 05, pago 438, recordH of Jackson county, urogon, ieei. imu foot 70.85 cents; amount duo fin.i,,. AssessniPnt No. S (1. T. Lawrentz, lot 5. block 3. Crowoll's addition In ... rnn unu . v.......... 10 p,(y )f j,edford. Oregon, rontago ,5,1.3 ro'0t on south sldo Fourth cot, ()f ,,(ckson county, Oregon; 87.59 foot: rnto por root 70. SB UlllOUIlt tl HO ?07.31. coins AHsessinont No. I0-Frod H. Cool Rnnoko nddl . ()f Modf0ra. Oregon fionliiKO 137.59 reet on routh sldo I Assessment No. 1 Anderson and Assessment .-so. 1, 1.11110 West, tiescruied vol. hj, page uuu, (U)ac,.i,od property: Beginning 7.5, county rocorder'H rocords of Jackson i th ln8 g0llth nml r, o0 chains cast county, urogon; n.J loet; rato por of tlio northwest cornor or tho south foot 7fl.45 amount duo $15.5,. . enf)t qunrt(,v nf tho northwest iiunr- Aatinuuinonr Vn 0 liVOil II. Pnnk f e.wtllon l Ti fn trtU'imllln 37 ot uk., lot 15. block 1. Roanoko nddl-' 80th. rnngo 2 west of tho Willamette nnty. orofion; reot. l'0r and ironiago .h.hh uoi nu mmi iw u.ti enn ns, tnoucu east, i.uu ruuuia, ,: .., , :,",. n.im n,i,iitim, in tho 1 1., .i. ,...... wf..o, ,i..t,n,.ii,A,i v,ii ' .i i. f? OA ti,i.nn lot 12. block J, pnim addition in mo mi r mil in ouwi, ii voi, ii.ov. ...v.. . .... uiuiuu mium u.uv v.11111110, i..u..vw - , n,..,,,. tvnntnfn Rn I ... imt'n ... eotintv recorder's records .a, inn chnlns to nlnen of lioclu- of Moafoiil, Oiegon. riontago &u Fourth street, West, described Vol. .. I Asscssiuoiit. No. 21 Everett Fin pago ,., county rocorder'H rocords or, joy, beginning nt tho southwest cor Jaeksoii county. Oregon; S7.59 feotS'nni. or Lowls-Martlu 1-ncro trnct or rato per roov 7G.S5; nmount duo ?G7,31. No. 11 C, D. Wolvor-Mrnct In tho southonst o,unrtor of sec-1'"0 J,,p 15, block 1, Wol vor-1 tlon 25, In township 37 south, ; 'i.4 m In tho city or Med-, rango 2 west or tho 'Willnmetto mor-' Asses A88.esHiiioiit No, 1.... .... in, 11 lllil Ul. 11. a. II, V '. ...l,. ., ......'. I... ...i!..ii.... ,.. f M...I. toil H miliinviouiii in urawij ii ..v- rotd. Oregon, fron ago 132.59 reel ou hoii h sldo Fourth Htreot, West, lies- or lod Vol. ... pago .. county ro- cordor county, Orogon; 82,59 foot; rnto por foot 70.85 cents: ntnount duo $03.47. Assessment No. 12 C. I), wol vor- .Vol. 70, page 208, county recorders l(Mcl j Htirnrnlt addition In the city 3" of Medford, Oregon, frontago 103.5 ' ,n,feet on Booth side Fourth street, ''jlWest. described Vol. 72. pago 121. t uio umo """county recorder's recordB or Jackson Ing protests county. Oregon: 53.5 feet; rnto per f re. ur. nntn: mnntint duo i4i.ii. JO .Mry M. Lnil- CTS IrnCl OI lallU InaCK anil hllaa -..,( r , .. mum p.'.h. uiict. m w.v .... of land sold to one honwortny, thence north to the northwest corner of said Konworthy land, thnce west along the north lino of the ?rV' "V.. " ":"if V r.V na v. ............... - more or chb. but reserving and ex cop ing from thlH-. c0"vne of land herotofo wn)ed to Lll- Iscs. containing .28 of an aero moro or less, to bo used for road purposes, tlio innu lnientieit to uu oeruuj tun- veyod exclusive or said roau contnin- ing i.uu ncres moro or it', num- n ..a uiit mi r.tnr An nnrii Bum Hniirin .iku kfi.uv ivvv.'.. ..v.. v.. w .v.. .... street. West, deccrlbed Vol. 57. pago 257. county recorders recorus ot T.l..nn .M..I.. nmnnil' "HI nn fent I Jackson county. Oregon; 207.00 foot; rft 'tr luta u0i, LVUlo umwutH . . m a m . or n.itminf (... irn r. t Vooitoumnitt Vn 1 l I 1 1 IIOVH. pmco ot uvHiiiiuiiH. ium.u.....H ncro moro or less, rrontngo u...u feet on north sldo Fourth sirepi, West, described Vol. 72. pago la,, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 105.0 feet: rato per foot 70.S5 cents; amount duo S1.15. , ' 1 ' " : ..... UHH fU.OU V.V'lllO .....Minn ....u Assossniont No. 20 Rnchnol Wrls half ot tho following 1 Him- containing 1 aero moro or less, " lllllg, COllntllliiiK ' iitiu iiiuiu in n-oo, : r....V,.,n mi; .mi nn iinrMi Blilo ' ' IKM vK, Vok' orda or Jnckson county, Orogon; 52. S root: rate por root 70. S5 cents; i amount duo -iu.if. ii chain 01 links wost of tho south - ' . - ... i. t..i n .west corner ot inn iinu t,ui u, '...'a. . ... . . ,......r wnaf nf Mm IWMUnmnttn 111 or - ,...iv. - ...-v ... ... v , dlitn, aim running inenco weai. c, chains 23 links, thenco north 0 chains 20 links, thenco east 3 chains, 1 23 links, thonco south 0 chains 20 links to plnco of beginning, contain-' nmminff flu II (IH.Ik4 Villi-. l..v I in i'.iki Ing 2 acres moro or less, frontage 213.18 foot on north Aide Fourth street, Went, described Vol. 67, pago T,r,, county recorder! record of Jackson county, Oregon; 213.18 feet; rate per foot 7C.8G cents; amount ouo siu3,z. Assessment No. 22 II. C. Martin, menclng at a point situated 12.40 , ot tho southwest quarter of tho north ns north and 8.53 chains west of 'ot quartor section 25. In township southeast corner of tho north-37 south, range 2 west of tho Wll nf 9 r in tn nm. Mamette mcrld Inn . and rtinn! nir thence snip 37 soutn, range - west oi ino Willamette meridian, and from gald point running thence north 6.22 chnlns, thenco west 1.01 chains, inenco boiuii o.zz cnains. mence casi 1.01 chains to place of beginning. contnininc l ncre moro or lean, rroni- rAta . t ham ia Tff C MnnM .i,,- tO!J r.1 l n , 10 nltnlna JH llnlra tmrHi A, u e,...M. aeef hobb of tU nft-(h. Ul LliV nUtUll loot. IIIIIIVI - i. Sliifc- L. ,.,, ., ., .. cjian8 00 HnKs, thence wes chnn8 s5 ,lnk8 t0 the ,,ac0 0 R,nnInB containing 7.0S acres, f 432 3 feet on north g,de F( f be- front- Fourth sv Oil VOl UV-l Ut.U TVS aW 250. county recorder's records of jacKSon county. Oregon; 432.3 teet; rato per foot 76.85 cents; amount duo $332.22. Assessment No. 25 William Erd- man. beginning at a point 2 chnlns so nnKB ensi ana 1- cnains iu iintta south, rango 2 west of the Willamette north of the center of section 25. ' meridian, and running thenco north In township 37 south of rango 2 west 6,20 chains, thence east 1.60 chains, of tho Willamette meridian, and run- thenco south 6.20 chains, thenco west nlng thenco north parallel with the i,6o chains to place of beginning, west line of tho northeast quarter of containing 1 aero more or less, front said section 6 chains 22 links, thenco ago 52.8 feet on north side Fourth east parallel to tne soutn line 01 JacKson county. Oregon; t reel. rate per toot. ,o.ao cent., umuimv i..uv. Assessment No, 2, wiuinm, rengue, 101 i, oiock u. uison aum- , I nn. f. ,i.A mi,. rr imirnrii iirnf-nn iiuii. 111 l..i, ...l. jk v. frontago 54 feet on north side Fourth street, West, described vol. i, pago 11 .o.nnls nf oil. county recorder's records a.. . r I . 4 jacKson couniy, urt'Kuir, ui iwi, nuw ok amount duo 1 tli ,i .... . orecon. front- - vnrth. i h v, ,v ,V, .V 209, county recorder's records of Jneksou county. Oregon; 54 feet; rnto per foot 70. S5 cents; nmount duo $11.50. Assessment No. 30 Clarence Ends, lot 11. block 3, Palm addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontago tfl.5 feet on north sldo Fourth street, West, described Vol. 0 3, pngo S3, county recorder's records of Jnckson .., . ,,arii,nil Vol CI unco S3 08t, llOHCl 1U0U OI, U.t, pngo ao, county rocoi-der's records of Jackson Assossment No. 32 George H. Knds, lot 13. block 3. Palm addition In tho city of Medford, Orogon, front nuo 50 feot on north sldo Fourth streot, West, described Vol. 03. pngo , rou..! .ll .L. vVa , recorder c records ot i . iu'ksou I'unnii , urunuii. uu , . -.. cr.. .inn l'l'l . I Uvii liniviiiiv ' AsSOSSIllOllt No. 33 Llzzlo Wig- 0,1 c e" 12.40 links north and 389.03 feet west of tlio southeast comer of the southwest aftor of tho nor east quartor of section 25, in township 37 root on norm hkio rourin mrvui, Boiitli. range 2 went of tho Willamette 1 meridian, In Oregon, and from Bald point thence went GO feet, tlicnco j north 100 feet, thenco eact GO foot, thonco south 100 feet to place of beginning; commencing at a point 12 cnawm iu nnKs norm ana 6 cnains ''nun went, oi me soumcnsi corner "'fi' aa . . 'neheg thonco sonth 100 feet, thenco lnt 84 foot 9 Inches to tho piece of ! beginning, frontago 135 feet on north " "ul ""i i . ! v'- 40, page i 353, Vol. 42, pago 504, "" vw.w. u o.av,.. TanlrOltlt'lltn tn f fx4 tr itinnnn tin fj nlnnr nnrth lino nf anlil nnnntv rnnrl nflf rnn f n J ri In ir 1 OT. n oraa tfin--. rr tu nil In i-ti-nnrotn llmOa Mnn v au vs vJ h ,V U V 1 .... . ". pago 337, county recorder's record3 of Jackson county. Orccon: 112 feet: rato per foot 76.85 cents; amount due $86.07. west one-half of the following des crlbed nronertv: becinnlnc 7.57 chains south and 5.20 chains east of 'the northwest corner of tho south-! east quarter of tho northwest quar-l ter of section 25. in township 37 J , street, West, described Vol. 72. page bo enforced r-nd collected In tho man nor provided by tho charter of said city for tho collection ot assessments for tho improvements of streets there- Section 3. It Is further ordered that the notIco rbovo provided for be published tfcree times la the Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published and of general circulation in said Ity, In tho manner provided by ordl- nenco No. 250 of said city. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford on tho 16th day of Novem ber, 1909. by the following vote: Morrlck aye. Wolch . absent Elfert aye, Emorlck ayo, Wortman aye, Demmer ayo. Approved November 17, 1909. W. h. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. Recorder. RESOLUTION. Bo it Resloved, by the city coun cil of tho city of Medford: Section 1. That there bo and here by Is ordorcd a Bpoclal election ln said city, to bo held on tho 14th day of December, 1909, between the and 5 o clock submitting said city at approval or chartsr amend- said city, on- Are Going Have you a frioncl coming west? You ought to bring ono to Medford. Gall and see us. Lot us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phone, address or oall on Southern Pacific R. R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent A charter nmondtnent to tho char tor of tho city of Mcdford, Oregon, amending sub-soctlon 43 of section 25 and section 100 of said charter, fixing tho tlmo for which contracts may bo ontored Into and franchises bo granted by said city." which charter amondmont has heretofore been proposed by and ordorod sub mitted to tho legal voters of said city by tho city council of said city. Sctlon 2. Tho following places are horcby designated as tho places In tho several wards at which said elec tion will bo held: First ward Commercial club rooms. Second ward Hotel Nash sample room. ' Third ward City hall. Section 3. Tho following are hereby designated and appointed as Judges of said election: For tho First ward J. S. Sawyer, Judgo; C. W, Davis, who shall also act as clerk; C. C. Taylor, who shall also act as clerk. For tho Second ward L. IJ. Har nor, Judgo; II. II. Harvey, who sha also act as clerk; Wm. Ulrlch, wh shall also act as clerk. For tho Third ward M. F. Mc Gowan, Judge; II. B. Ctdy, who shali Approved W. II. CANON, Mayor. Attest: RODT. W. TELFER. 213 City Recorder. For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum. Tho intense itching- characteristic of these ailments is nlmost instnntly allayed bv Chamberlain's Salvo. i fany severe cases have been cured hv it. For sale bv Leon B. Hnskins' jpharmacv- Just Arrived Ono of tho finest stocks of Rosea that evor came to Medford, all of the newest and old-tried varieties. Why don't yon send that Biek friend of yours or your sweetheart a bunch of Carnations! Delivery any part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants East Main St. Phone COO. WE D0NT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fine fruit land, about two miles from a shipping point. Tho buildings contest of a five-room box house, pood-sized barn, etc. There nro 12 ncres of 5 and 0-yenr-old ap ples, mostly Nowtowns, with com menrfal peaches planted between ns fillers. Also three acres of yonsg pear trees and some family orchard. Four acres in alfalfa. Six or eipht acres of timber, most ry oak nnd laurel. Thoro is n pumping plnnt on the place which supplies water for tho garden and alfalfa, onuippod with gasoline engine. About 40 rods from n pood school. Has rural mail de livery nnd telephone. Price $10,500. Termj. W. T. YORK & CO. You East ?