j Her Lesson j I In Loving ll W it Nrvrtr Our, bill tl IWouMliI rr llUinri lly I.OUISK OLNKY ropyrlulil. ISM, by Anniicliitnl entry I'iwm, - After II mI lllKllt no llMlli'x- Mini her nml Iiit sighed hi tliu change In licr daughter. Anno .Moimn it cut in ,hcr ronin mill Inched tin- door. Throw lllg aside Iht luce cloak, she turned on nil Die llylitn mill, lull unit KfJt rul III her fiitfuliiK yellow kijwii. nmhIIinI hcriolf In the mirror. Ill li'iiil Hunter liml nut hUci rm- ii rlnptli' dunce, lint had ilewihil lilmiii Hi Mollle Pierce. Aiiiic heirim lo rt lie Hml tliU liml been (In; ut.ln t HllligH for sonic I line Miitrl ' I c i n iilmi Imil nut come near .Vd I . yitir m'k. before she linil broken liei I'lltfllHtHIII'Ilt with KMllllll. lll.T.' Illll tli't becu (Isitcw oUuilMjl Ii MMlWr ll"f niluilr.'t. Purely nt iweut cveii m woiuttn has mil Ml tU MH"r to id trtnt: Wiih win lierutnlnK rt wiHlit'iW The , mirror mis rcuwnirlMg. I lor tliif brown eye wcr lame nnd rimr ty-r heavy Itt rk hair perfectly arm ns: ed. her oval face mid small hcml ecr 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 tliitliii;iilliM Sin' Hinlliil rue f tin . mill' n illniili ilfi'iHMicil In lnr rlni'k. Hut wIumi Iiit fine fell to re mim' hc iinli'il critically tlmt she look tl iMinil. alumni unhappy: the corners f her uiotilh drooped mnl two rnnH little linen showed between Iiit eyes. Anne bcunn in take slock of herself TdiiIkIiI she lind nriunHy sat out three dances with t lie chapcrntm, Nhc faced (lit' fnct tlmt Iiit friends were locom lug fewer: flint Hie men rnllcil less often. Invited Iiit less often to share their pleasures. 'The drls" no longer dropped In to gossip of clothes nml tncrrymnktnga nml licnus. Vw. even In Hie family things hml changed. Ucr mother, always Invltur, was also pa tlrnt. Harry, with "c frank neiw of fotirteeti. remarked, when she wan lr rltntod wllh him. that ntic was hecom Ins n croirn old mnlil .lenu nntnitl eomleneenillnK younger nlnler nln. Rho wnn quite utiro Hint It win ttleh nnl'n ptnee to mttke the flmt move to wnril reconelllmlon. even thouch iihe nd tti 1 1 led tq hTelf Hint the fnult hml been mostly hern. At Inst she went to bed nml cried herself to sleeps Hul she ii wo Uo ertrly, an much enrller llimi uiunl t tint, n she lay thlnkln;;, It enme to her that not for months had she rrnlly seen her father, not for months bnd. she hrenkfflflted with "' fnmlly Ou Impulse she rose, took n eold jilunce nml dressed for the street She lind nearly (lnjslird when ttio rlsliiK bell rnriR. She stood nervously adjusting her colls r nt the mirror, a little sensitive nliout poltiK down lest some member of the fnmlly might comment on her unwonted presence, when she notetl Tlmt she looked positively cross. It iniule her WHm old. She by mi effort imule kcrsclf smile, mid the dliuple ngiiln showitl Itself. Then she starliM for the door Just In time to encounter Hurry, who wok coming with nn old gong to nwnkein her. Yesterilny she would hnve roiiiphllnetl to her mother loduy she Indghed nshe scmnpered bnrk In his room to Mulsh dressing Vheu she henrd (he brenkfiiHt hell she sinned slowly downstairs, mid nn she reached I he lower hall she caught her own iiiiino spoltoi) by her mother In an auxlntm lone. Involuntarily she pnused. Her fnther replied: "Pnn't worry, mother, Anne nerds a Ichhoi) In IovIiik. Sho will have to suf. fer till she liml out that no woman Is loved and sought unless she Is luv-lug-lovnhlc. She will not bo her old attractive self till she stops holnc bored and sarensk and Is pleased and Interested and shows Hint she Is. She Is gelling selllsh. and nothing but thinking of others will do her any good." "Hut. Fred," her mother's volco con (lulled, "(Mellaril never came near her last night nor Morris nor Henry Par ker. Do you suppose I hey resent her treatment of Hlehiird? And she N never about when our older friends cull and never u In tlm morning, lias It occurred to you that Itlchnrd may hnvo shown her he wauled to break With her and that she In unhappy about II? Last night he was so devol ed to Molly Pierce!" "Nonsense! Itlchnrd simply had n real mini's self respect. She dismissed hint for nothing, and I don't blame him for not crawling back like n whip ped puppy. Perhaps he Is geillm; In torcstcd In Molly -a live young fell." Is not going lo let the caprice of on, woman spoil life for him. lie did caiv lie inld me himself when II ft fit hup pencil Hint he was all cut up aboiil ll. but thai sin1 would have lo cull him back herself. She hasn't done so Well, I here W nobody like him Yes, (mother cup, dear, please" Anne lied softly buck to her room, her cheeks nnd oyos ablaze, fury In her heart Ilnw dared they! How dared they dls cuss her ii tTa Irs and side with Itlfh nrd! Then ll came upon her that these two dear persons, the dearest In Ihe world, loved her and hud a right lo say to each other what tliuy thought nbout their own child. And (hoy were right-Hint was the worst .of It. What should Hho do? After a inoinenl'H hesltallon she went quietly down and took her place at the table, bidding them good morning us If nothing had occurred. I lurry nnd Jean came chasing each other down the hall lo Jolu Uio family, and thou everybody seemed to begin talking and laughing. In spite ot herself Aum bei'iiiue Interested She Iniiulied. ami at her new goml unluie llnn oilend to iln irolf wllh hi'i'-Hiipreiiii' romli' sroiixlon on Iim purl. She iii'i'eitcil, TIkmi 'is hot f ti t Iiit left his seal sho followed another IiiiihiImc; sho ollered to walk to the otllce with him lor I In 1 uxori'lxc. Ills eyes widened a little with surprise, but they slarlcd off Joy fully together, father and lull daugh ter, arm In iirin, ihmnuli Hie crisp an ""' ,'rl',, ""' owntown. It e air stung a I tmnti nlr the full mile d wns a good mile, ami lb heart she was still furious and a lit; H' M IIIIIH IIIMMII MM IHIMI n nif rfi rlmi.L.,. of l.r. Mnllle IMnri'i.. ll I That little silly doll! Yet stranger things had happened. She suddenly realized what a blank she hud iinnle of her own life. She lurued lino u ipilei side street and walked xwlfiU ui-niy. , hardly senlug where Hie w.-m. (lore she raised a hand in wipe ti..t- evi. - iii'y siiinrieu sirani;"n i. uinm ' whs slrauiie. especluiM ifll new. leur- fill wnkeiilut from the HHitlletle dniiili she Keeuied I" have been hwt In for n I your Of course It was loo late lor. Itli'lmrd lo foi'Klve her. but at leimt hIic eonl, I inn k e If up to her d'iir family. IteiiHMIlberlliif I hill she must meet her brother, she suddenly turned a j corner nml ran Into Ij IiIk mini who, frntii Hie Impact, must have been com lug along at smne speed. She uaspi'd lo see that It was Itlchunl. as asioii Isheil as she. Kur.lnn at her as If he hud never seen her before, al her fresh color, her bright eyes, the fugitive tear on her. cheek He hardly knew what he said, but she laughed merrily. I "I really did not Intend to-ltnock I you down! I'm sorry. Dick." She called him Dick with mnulfest good feeling. The man's heart IcuimmI ns he looked at her glowing fnce. lie turn ed to walk wllh her n little. "doing home? You don't look like I a girl who danced till 1 this morning. .Anne. 1 must say." "I sat out three dances," she no- Harry says I'm cut - anv wlint oho wouia not even i,r. iiimiirhf n fmv iinn urnr "I'm sorry," she repeated. He turned to her eagerly. "Anne." h, .,m i . ii ,nJ, .., ni be said In a loxr voice, jou could not Sir?nd ai die nnd say you arc sorry for-nny. thing else. On. Anne, could you? Hho only nodded an Instant while sho swallowed tho remnant of her old pride, tie. was leaking down nt her. glorying In her blush. Then sho spoke fully and freely. Kladly. ..... .. V i-.li- -...i i - ........ ...... rcry sorry, nick, tier eyes, run or tears, bravely met his gaze. Of course Itlchnrd Hunter knew he could not kits her on the street, but ho also knew that It would not bo long till they reached her homo. Ho knew, too, that whatever demonstration ho made Annc'a mother would not care. lie bided his ttmo. Meantime be and Anne wero very hnppy. A Common Frsk. When P. T. Ilurtni.n wns In the mil. scum business In New York one of his i mtat Jovial friends s was nayiorn ciarK, d said: I J"1 for j "Claylord, I was about to set Mr. Clark. 1 ,;. .,.-. r I am not. Impn sslxe- ' showmnn. "But the ex- "On my honor ly replied the pensei" "Oh, hang Hie expense!" Interrupted Mr. Clark, brimful of cnthushisin over the business project of his friend. "If you can get any such freak as that your fortune'a made. But wliat's the thing called?" "Well," replied Mr. Itanium, with Just tho faintest suggestion of a twin kle In his left eye, "It belongs to the bntraehlan family of animals nnd lif the vernacular Is called the-tlio-tad-pole!" Errors of Alma-Tndomn. In spile of nil the palus I have tnken to bo accurate In matters of archaeol ogy I have often beun reminded how easy It Is to fall short of absolute per fection. There Is alwayH some ono whose specialty enables him to know more than you do on some particular point, and. besides, there are many de tails about which classical archaeology Is unfortunately silent. Once, for In stance. I Introduced a sunllower Into one of my pictures, thlnl.iug. us It be longed to the Jerusalem urllchorio fam ily. I was quite safe In tills, Alas. I learned too late Hint the Biinllower and Its forty species are quite a modern Importation from South America! Nm was tills the only botaiilcnl slip o' which I have been accused. In ono o1 my Itoman ciuiviihch 1 am said to huv Introduced the Clematlc Jackmaniil credit for whose discovery Iwlongs to the guntleuian whoso nnnio It bears. In my "Sappho" I wns told by a critic that I had pnlnted n scat which bo longs lo quite another period. 'This timo I wns right, for the snmo scat Is to lie found on tunny early Greek vast'B. AluiU'Tndouin In Strand Mnga-tine. , , red stnln Into her cheek. ;inn uiiiii'iiiini'i nupinuuii, im mini county recorder's records of Jnckson ",r" """0 " "-'- "Jiiine ivn.u Leaving her father at his olllce, she "e hml brought liar Hack to lile by county, Oregon: r,!(..i feet; rate per J"'1, , i . I I -uri" Bl,-Ui' started back, reineniberlng her "dale" massaging her heart. To prove his foot 76.86 cents; amount due $15.57. JJoiit, rJf. Vkor-'illW ufSnckMon on the links wllh her brother. She nM'rlioiin before nssninbloil l'riuntlN, Astsjssmt'nt No. 8 (!. T. I.awrontz, f.().lty Oregon- 105 6 foot rate per .had an hour yot nnd wns minded in n1(, younir mini nlaecil n mirror be- !ot ,,,0i;lf. i.cwill '..M,,(lu," '" foot 76.85 cents: amount duo S81.15. wander off by herself and think. At c ,i, u... , Vr1 5" Vr'""' . roniage ..., wnm.l rnnltv. Hn. l m.. nl.t mnl.l la Hint CBl COrilOrailOll UOUHUarv nnu Ul rklHIll uuu . ' ..... v - - ,,,. rout. thernnf on h ock 1. Summ t add t on n tho c ty snip a soutn, range - w wi.y you din not osk mo ror a waiisj Mr, frnn(inr nn of Medford. Oregon, frontaco 103.5 Willamette meridian, and "lou Imvp-rcfuscd me so many , . x . . . .,.. . fc0, on B0Uth B,do FoUrth street. ' point running thence times I began to accept my fate. 1 - ,,,n.inn , t,n rrnninm nt ni,i West, described Vol. 72. naen 121.chalns. thenco west 1.61 "I'm-aorry-Dlck." Hhe Interrupted 'proporty, and did fix tho timo nnd county recorder's records of Jackson thence south 6.22 chains. him to n famous litterateur In the days of our 'determined Hint Hie proportionate dres. commencing nt tno nounwcsi amount duo J-t-t.5i. fathers. They were a well mntched shnro of tho cost of laying said water corner of the 14.55 acres tract of land Assessment No. 24 Paul Denimcr. pair of practical Jokers. One day when main of each pnrcol of tho property bought by George . Isaacs and Silas commencing 12 chnlns 40 links north Mr. Clark droppwl In nt the museum. I fronting on said portion of said street J. flay of C ingus nnd wife on of the south east corner of the north- ns wuh JuTuH oTii Mr Ita riiiiin nt' ' the amount set opposite the de- Jnnunry 30 lS9 t ns recorded in Vol. west quarter section 25. township ns was ins custom, Air. l aniuii. np . . . . , , " ,mr,.ei of 1". pages 553. 553, deed records of 37 south, rnnga 2 west of the WU- pnrcntly much excited, hurried hisr'piip no eacn jieco cr r. i , , COuntv. Orecon. thence south lametto morldlnn. and runnlnc thenco friend Into the private otllce an you, I wnill jour iiiivhv. I irate ox'eill Of HlO .',1 "O'Ult SO 80t Opposite ""'ll' .' huh'vv" iu iiiu nut- t un, lis ,10 iiiiib, i, ,v lit. L- ouuiii u chance to purchase the most wonder- ' desvlptlon of auclt ploeo or par- ,,f l"nd sold to ono Konworthy, chains 22 links, thenco west 2 ful of all zoological freaks. II'h nt llrst col and that tho respective amounts thence north to tho northwest cornor chnlns 85 links to the place of be- a perfect sh. then it changes to a four represent the proportional benefits of . '( snld Konworthy land, thnco west ginning, containing ..OS acres, front- IfCKwl land animal, then It climbs said water main to said respective 1 "long tho north line o tho land ago 432.3 feet on north side rourth trees in "- pnrc elH of property nnd also the pro- hereby convoyed C I chnlns to place street. Wost. described ol. 26 page hi You're lukinu" InterJecled portlonal .frontago thereof on said 'of beginning, containing 2.55 acres 200. county recorder s records of nan, inure jokiiik, nnirjitun ,".. 1 ..n more or lots, but rosorv nir nnd ex- Jackson county. Orecon: 432.3 feet: FRIENDS COME FOR FUNERAL AND FIND CORPSE ALIVE ST. PAI'I,, .Minn., Dec, H. "is .Mrs. Cliarlottii Wiltier, who is Mii- poseil in liuve n leeninlioil In heart fiillnic in n dentist's nlinir on Kitn flit v. nlive or ilenil," is (lie ipioslioii iln.i hi I'.i.il i'ii,il of ll,,, uniniiii Hint HI. liml liioii.U nl Uio uoiiimi mo iiskiug llimiiselvi'H today. Ak (In, Iii.i1 v i.r Mm. Wilth.e In v .,n ii slnli ul ;i o'clock vcstorilav niter- " , ' """"" ii imj liner " l"..o....co,l n ive by Vapr Tormed upon the glims ...id ' i ......... I'll.VHellKlS Wele mediately sum- minion effniu lu.iuo us ulioilft IIIIMIIMI, JMHM nil wcer iniule by the pliysieiaiiM to re Mixilnte Hie woiiimii tlm lips were seen to move ami mutter iiuiutelli- i ((ibly. Kollnwiiiic Hie iiiiiioiinccumiit of die ,' tiliv-ifimtH. die fuimnil wnm nost- IMitieu imil tliu iioniito (iiiu tinny cur- liiiue- were diMiiicil by the oxeited liieuils of Mrs. Wilner. letter in tli dnv llieiis-einlilod nlivsieiuiiM mi. imuneeil that riuf.r mortis had set in , ,, .. . , "' "" . . dead. ('. K. Colliiim, die contractor, win ut (lo,l Kay Wednesday. f fttt f tt CITY N0TIC.ES. (iiihiVAWivn oc corder's records of Jnrkson county. 23 link's, thence soutii C chains 20 , V. .iVninril.' M,T.'ne Ort'on: s2 r's' twl'- ra?t' I'r foot links tq place of beginning, contain ment n C",H; H,"0Unt UW r,3A- ,nR 2 acrc8 more or ,e8S- frontae Iho cost (!l .a !.ru water nml!. on .. ls-'1- J" ,h J".?! Wnat Pnurtli street and directing tho oi i ouriii street ami uiri.cuuh iiiu ".". "V.. J In the water main lien docket. I ti,,; cmiv nf Medford doth ordain follows: Sectlcn 1. Whereas tho rlty council did heretoforo by Its res- lutlon declaro its Intention to lay n ! -1-Inch water main on West Fourth . street from North Ornngo street to I ..!.,,. fr mnr n iirnin.tK .!.. tiw. in.-tnr- nf i,M u-ntnV tnnin on snld portion of said street and tho amount of the cost thereof nforc- 'mid. , Ba.a resolution wns rC , by 8ect!tm 'n6 ot tho dinr. tur of sold city. ' AnJ wilurcai r, meeting of the council wns hold nt tho time nnd the pluco fixed In suld resolution for tho, purposo of considering nny such pro- tests, but no protest wero at any Uuch Mmo or n. nnv time u ado to or v; rOCOIVGU UJ 1,0 CUUnCll VU IIIO IUj IIIK o' snld water main to tho assessing of t! 3 cost titoreo as aforesaid, nnd tho said council having considered tho matter, deeming 0 at s.-ld water main waii and Is of material honof It to' sald city and that nil propeity to bo assessed therefor would bo bene- fitted thereby to the extent of tho And whereas, thu cost of snld wa- tor mnln hns boon nnd horeby Is do- t t.rmliio.i n o tho sum o' $2947.64. 947.64, sow. thorofore, It Is beroby further' nnrcl of b nd Is Lonofltcd b' tho laying Jf b:iI,' water main to th6 full, '' "ort-by declaro each nf tlio par- described below to bo a8HOHg0, alu Jcli of t'i samo lioro- bv Is assessed the nmount set oppo- probable BlIlOl tit Of thO respective memo uurui iuv iei io pwiu ui ur- o unuiuu iiukb, memu wi-si assessments to Ve levied against snld ginning, frontage 103.67 feet on south 4 chains 83 links to place pr.vorty did or tcr raid water main 8'do Fourth street. West, described of beginning, containing 3 acres,, i..i' ' Vol. 69. nnco 156. county recorder's frontneo 318.17 feet on rorth side sltooach respective description for the , rrontngo t.o. teoi sou n sine hks east nno cnains iu iinns cost of hyln'i said wate- main ' Fourth street, West, described Vol. north of the center of section 25. ASSFSSMFNT FOH FOHU-INCH l)!, r,u,r, county recorder's rec-'ln township 37 south of rnngo 2 wost WATER MAIN ON WEST FOUHTII ords of Jackson county, Orogon; of tho Wlllnmotto morldlnn, nnd run STREET' FROM NORTH ORANGE H2.fi" foot; rato per foot 70. 85; nlng thonco north parallel with the STREET TO WEST CORPORA- nmount duo $109.64. west line of tho northeast quarter of TION BOUNDARY Assossment No. 17 Lilllo said section 6 chains 22 links, thonco Assossment No l--Andorsnn nnd Sample (so iccord). commotio- enst parallel to tho south lino of Toft, lot 1, block 2. Bungalow addl-'lK "t n point sltunted 591.S 1. said "ortheaot quarter of said section Hon In the cltv of Medford Orogon ' foot north of the southwest 1 chain t0 links, thonco west 1 chnin frontago 105 'feet on smith Hide" cornor of the southeast quarter of 00 links to t..o plnco of beginning, i.i..hm. w.,o .i.,Q.rii,..,i vni tho northwest ounrtor section 25, in containing 1 aero. pago ... county recorder's records ,,f , Jnckson county OreKon; 55 foot; rato ner foot 76 S5 cents' amount duo pii root ,i,.m. cents, amount uuo nltv of Medford Orouon frontline 106 foot on south' sldo Fourth atroot. I Wont f doscrS Vol" . . ! imgo . .' recorders records of JackBon AsseSSIUOIlt No William I.OWIS 1 "ciok im iniuivui-iiiiii ui iiiu Pimm nn, noun. o. ouim, ... ibv - ...ovv,. et iiv lot 1 l.oivlB nddlHon In tho lino of county rond, thenco east 125,3 tho Wlllnmotto meridian, nnd run- . "X; ''....Iiy Vl?.V ...1 1 i feot: thonco south 197.4 foot, thenco nine thonco enst pnrnllol with tho IfootonVoHUi BldoKoiirtiirt wost 125.3 feet to place of begin- south lino o f snld quarto r section 2 I described Vol ... iiuko ... comity ro- "I", frontngo 125 feot on south chnlns .5 links, thonco north pnrnl- rimlort county. '"Wo Fourth street. West, described lol with tho west lino of said qunrtor Ohkoii" 78 tll -"' 0( Moufortl. Ore- section 12 chains 4 1 links, thenco ec. ts" amount di.o $08 36 ''n; 125 feot; rate per foot 70.S5 wost I chains 35 links, thenco south AssessS tot cents; nmount duo $90.00. 0 chains 22 links, thonco east 1 L ,. . TTn' i',i I... .' iw ' Assessment No. IS Edward S. chain 00 links, thonco south 0 chnlns lftfl'l I I VMMIVH countv count v Orouoii' 56 feet' rnto nor foot ship 37 soutn, rnngo 2 west of tno l.t-i. oi. jj, page i.u. couni. le 76 i oo its- in nt t n $4a.03. Wl lainotto meridian, in Oregon, nnd cordor's records of Jnckson county. tneo east 3.60 chnlns. Orogon; 2S7.10 foot; rato per foot 2 I block I Cniwoll'H addition In tho thonco south 6.20 chnlns, thenco west 70.S5 cents; amount duo $220.63. elk-' f 1 Mot ford O i Z I 106 j 3.tt0 chnlns. thonco north C.2U chains Assessniont No. 26 William ffi m soutl, ST Fourth street, I to Plnco nf beginning, continuing 2 23 Tongue lot 2 block 6 O U30 addl Wost described Vol. -71. imgo 28, ncroa moro or loss, saving, excepting Hon In tho city of Medford, Orogon, county recorder's records 'of Jackson ( and reserving from the foregoing n frontngo, 54 feet on noHh Bl.le Fourth county. Orogon; 56 root; rato por foot ' strip of land 30 foot in width along streot. West, doscrlbed 1. 71. pngo 70.85 tho entire wost sldo of snld pre.n-: 211. county recorders records of Assessment No. 5 Hold Hay Honl-, laos, containing .28 of mi ncro moro Jnckson county. Oregon; 54 feot, ty Co., lot 8, block 3. Crowoll's nddl- or loss, to ho used for road purposes, , rate per foot 7CS.. cents, nmount Hon in tho city of Medford, Orogon, i tho Innd Intondod to ho hereby con- duo $41.50. . routngtl U.l I foot on south sldo voyod exclusive of said road contain-1 Assossment No. 27-Wllj Inm Fourth Btreot, West, descrlbod Vol. ng l.lio ncroa moro or loss, ironi- league, int i, oiock u, u 5 9 , page 2 47. county reeor lor's -ec- ngo 207.00 foot on north sldo Fourth ' Hon In tho city of Medford. Oregon, ords ( " ' Jnckson c ity. Oregon; 59.3 streot. Wost, doccrlbod Vol. 57, pngo frontago 54 foet on north sldo Fourth S; t o" f 70.85 co Us; 257. county recorder's records of street. West, doscrlbed Vol. 71. pngo nmount U to $45 57. Jackson county. Oregon; 207.00 feot; 211. county rocordor'o records of ABSosan 0 Qold Kay llonl- rato per foot 70.85 cents; nmount Jnckson county. Oregon; oi feet; rnto HITY NOTICES. ly Co., lot 7. block H. frowell's ail dltlon lit Din city of Medford, Oregon, ; frnutago b'J.Z foot on south sldo Fourin sircoi, wesi, oinirioen vol. fi!), page 217, enmity recorder's roc- ords of Jackson county. Orfgoti; .''J..T f'' t; r"'" f02l 70 H' '"nt: Klmnt ,,)lc 15,07. i Assewinierit No. 7- I'm II It. I'eeh, i i fi ltUw.lt a. fro well iiiiiiiiion iti H f'1) of Medford. Oron. frontage f f ' , , , ,,(1,r t , Wes. XscH W.'mt! ! described Vol. 5S. paL 550.' county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; C8.3 f.-t. rate per amount due Sir. 57. fuNiucul fwi. Kri'd II. Cook et ux . lot 15, block 1. Itoanoko addi tion In Hip city of Medford. Oregon. f.t; rnt per foot amouitt due $67. SI. Assessuiunt N, l0-FrwU II. Cook ijx.. lot IS, Wort.2. Itoanoke dtll- L 4n" "7 tm"rn' V" " ironiae li.nvieei on ronin sme i inirrn iitmi, nest, ueacnowi vol. ...L 1:;. L rJ! 1 tht'nc' solth f'-30 chains, thence of .laekson county, Oregon; Si.,.9 , ,,, , ' . ,. t KJ,222S s-lofeo? ,c- "inning at the Kinthweet cor- tu J TSWh J7 :Jnli "r IwI-MmUb l-acre tract or tV-V amount due , ehan C1 nK(, wet of the mulh. ' 1- west corner of the Paul Demmer Assosmntrtt No. tl C. D. Wolver- tract In the southeast quarter of sec ion et ux., lot 15, block 1, Wolver- Hon 25, In township 37 south, ton's subdivision In the city of Med- rnge 2 wont of the Willamette mer ford. Oregon, frontnge 1S2. 50 feet on hllnn. and running thence west 3 south side I'ourth street. Wwt. dea- chains 23 links, thence north C crlbod Vol. ... page ... county re- chains 20 links, thenco east 3 chains 101 ",OCK - ""nerioii Hiio- i ,..r.,i rk, division In the city of Medford. Ore- . 132.59 feet on south' 8ld0 Four;h street, west, described vol. .0. page 258. county recorders cd? of Jn.c,(8on county. Oregon; S2-S9 I'er foot ,c-85 cent8! ' amount duo 0J.i7. Assessment No. 13 E. n. Plckel, ul. ,,IUtll, IUL I , countv. urccon: bli.b reeu ratn ncr foot 76.85 cents: nmount due $41.11. Assessment No. H E. B. Plckel, B. Klum nnd W. C. Murphy, lot 1. "lock 2, Summ t ndd Hon n the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 103 feet " 80",h 8,d FUrth 8treet WC8t described Vol. 72, paK0 121. county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 53 feet: rate per foot 70.85 cents; amount due $40.73. ' Assessment No. 15 Ida M. Cor- noyer, commencing nt a point sltunted 269.93 feet enBt of the point of In- tersectlon of the south line of West ivi, u,n nn. r u,.' u puivi vov w. w county road In the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter of section 25, In township 37 south, range 2 w?Bt of the Willamette meridian, and from Bald point running thenco cast 103.67 feet; thence south 132.10 feet, thenco west 104.25 feet, thence north a-. to leet, tnence casi iuj teei, records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 103.67 feet: rnte per foot 76. S5 cents; niuouni one i;m. nmount due $79.67. Assessment .no. io .Mnry ai. unu- along the westerly line of said trnct f ljnil 3 chains 90 links, thenco ''i'l lB from this conveyance 1 acre of Innd heretoforo convoyod to I.ll- 1,L Sniuplo off of tho westerly por- 1,011 ot 81,1(1 described promises, township .17 south, rnngo 2 west of l"' Willamette morldlnn, nnd from Btilil point of commencing running siiuson, commencing ui n pouu 1,01 flmlnb south of th northwest cornor . of tho southeast quarter of the north-1 west uiiariei- oi section -u, in town- ......... .1 I . I .... . .1... ,1, li.ii.iml.,1. -IV rT ,nn ' n'AOf nr f-f4-4-f-f - 4--f -f f!ITV MnTIPFS duo iir9.r4. Assessment .So. 10- -T. (J. Floyd, comnionclng at ii point '..'." chains soiiin nnu ;;.io cnnins east or tno northwost cortior of the southoHst fiunrter of tho northwest (iiarter of Si'. Ill township 37 south. rn 2 west of the Willamette mer- 'dlan, In Jackson county, Oregon, nd runiilnK thence north 0.20 chains l'l''"L'".t''.",t ch"1""' tnco south c.20 chains, thence wwit 1.60 chains t I'lnco of beglnn'ng. containing 1 !". the east half of the following described property: noglnnlng ..57 f,,'a'M ""lh nn1 520 c,l",n8 "f ' northwest corner of the south- east quarter of the northwest quar ter of section 2n, In townshlu ?, south, range 2 west of the Willamette frontage 105.0 feet on north side I'ourth street, West, described Vol. 72, page 378. county recorder's rec ords (if .laekson enuntv. Oreunri: rate pr root 7;.S5 cnts; amount due $-10.57, Aascsament No. 21 Everett Fin- rm-ui, nvm, uvbuiiicu tui. hi. u.ih ir.f: wniv r,,ii,r'. mnr,i f 166. county Jnckson county. Oregon; 213.18 feet; rate per ro0l cents; amount uuo Assessment .no. a h. u. .Manin,. commencing at a point situated 12.40' chains north and 8.53 chains west of . the southeast comer of the north-. w. ....... w . u. ww.aw,. ww, - " " est oi tne from said north 6.22 chains, I thence eastj unums iu huib ui uckiuuiiik, containing 1 acre more or less, front- age 106.26 feet on north s de Fourth street. West, described Vol. 40, page , 1 53. county recorder's records of ! Jnckson county. Oregon; 106.26 fCCt: at, i0t 76,85 CCDtS: amount duo $81.66. ' Assessment No. 23 Josephine F. Clark, beginning 12 chains 40 links (north ot the southeast corner ot tho northwest quarter In 6ectlon 25, In , township 37 south, range 2,-est of tho Wlllamotte meridian, and run- nlng thenco west 8 chains 53 links, u,.... c .t,.in. oo uk t.vu.u uui iu u vnuiuo aM iutnu thence east 11 chains 38 links, thence south 6 chains 22 links, thenco west ; 2 chains 85 links to place of begln- nlng, containing 7.0S acres more or less, and from said southwest cor- ner or beginning point running thence north 6 chains 22 links, ttyence erst i cnains units, tnenco Boutn i Fourth street, West, described Vol 59, page 464, county recorder's records oi jacKson county, urcgon; ,113.11 feet; rato per foot 70. ho cents; wost S chnlns 53 links, thenco north 6 chains 22 links, thonce west 2 rato per foot ,o.S5 duo $332.22 Assossment No. 2; cents; amount ; William ttrn- man, beginning at a point 2 chnlns Commencing at a point 4 chnlns 45, links cast nnd 12 chnlns 40 links north of tho southwest corner of tho 1 northeast quarter of section 25. in hhud iu mu imw u, uut,...,....-,, containing 4.41 acres, frontago 2 S7. 1 0 foot on north sldeo Fourth ui-n, ,h-,, ...... ..... ... ..t,. ffinrid in n u twl ninnlnt' tinnnn nnrlit . . i .. . . . i. i . i nn , . .i . . . CITY NOTICES. per foot 76.85 cents; amount due JH.iio, Assossniunt No. 28T. A. Olson, lot 2, block 1, Olson addition In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontnge 51 feet on north aide Fourth streot. j ed and ordnlnotl tlmt said fmvonl na West. described Vol. 72, liflire 293. I osinntH nrnt Hit llnnn hn anfitrml In county recorders records of Jackson .9r''Kor,: r'' fwt; ra,e !' foot 16.86 cents; amount due $ ll.Sfl. Aasesament No. 29 William Hcff. nor, lot 1, block 1, Olson's addition in tho city of Medford. Oregon, front age 54 feet on north side Fourth streot, West, described Vol. 02, page 269, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Orogon; 51 feet; rate - 'oot 76.85 cents; amount due $11.50. A -P'nant No. 30 Clarence Eads. lot 11. block 3, Palm addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage -16.5 feet on north sldo Fourth street, W-t de"-f,od Vol. 63, page 83, " ' n " '-Jer'a records of Jnckson county. Oregon; 46.5 foot; rato per foot 76. S5 cents; amount due $35.73. Assessment No. 31 Clsronco Eads, lot 12. block 3. Palm addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on north aldo Fourth street, Wtt. described Vol. 63, page 83. county recorder's records of Jackson countv. Oregon; 50 feet; rate per foot 76.85 cents; amount duo$38.42. AasBmont No. 32 George H. Kada. lot 13. block 3. Palm addition In the city of Medford, Oregon, front ngo 50 feet on north side Fourth street. West, described Vol. 63. pagei 82. county recorder's records oft jacKson county. Oregon: 50 feet; rate per foot 76.85; amount due $38.12. Asaeaement No. 33 Lizzie Wlg- Kin. commencing kt a nnlnt itnanr! 12.40 links north and 2S9.03 feet west of tho southeast corner of the Buui.iini.-ai una ner 01 ine noruieasi quarter of section 25. In townshln 37 south, range 2 west of tho Willamette meridian, In Oregon, and from said point thence west 50 feet., thenco north 100 feet, thenco east 50 feet. thence south 100 feet to place of Beginning; commencing at a point 12 chains 40 links north end 6 chains 43 links or the southeast corner of tho southwest quarter of tho north east quarter section 25, In township 37 south, rango 2 west of the Wil lamette meridian, and running thence north 100 feet, thenco cast 84 feet 9 Inches, thenco south 100 feet, thence west 84 reet 9 Inches to tho piece of beginning, frontago 135 feet on north sldo. Fourth street. West, described Vol. 40, page 353, Vol. 42, pago 504, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon; 135 feet; rato' per foot 76.85 cents: amount due $103.74 Assessment No. 34 William L. Miller, commencing at a point situat ed 12 chains 44 links north and 199.63 feet west of the southeast cornor ot tho southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 25, township 37 south, rango 2 west of the Willamette meridian, and from said point running west 100 feet, thenco north 100 feet, thence east 100 feet, thenco south 100 feet to place of beginning, frontage 100 feet on north sldo Fourth street, west. described Vol. 54. pago 68, county re- coraor8 recoras or Jackson countv. Oregon; 100 feot; rato per foot 7j6.86 cents; amount due $76.85. Assessment No. 35 Mrs. Ida Kenworthy. beginning at tho south west corner of l.-.nd 28 D, 438, and running thence north on west lino of said surans lot 757 feet to cor ner on tho street, thence west on south line ot said street 112 fqet 3 Inches to corner on said street, thence south 757 feet to corner on north line of county road leading from Jacksonville to Medford, thence east along north lino of snld county rpad 112 feot 3 Inches to -place of begin ning, containing 1.95 acres more or less, all in corporato limits town ot Medford, and known locally as Oliver McGreo lot, nnd located on southeast quarter of northwest quarter of sec tion 25, township 37, rango 2 west Jackson county, Oregon, frontage 112 feet on south side Fourth street, West, described Vol. 42, pago 337, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon: 112 feet; rato per foot 76. S5 cents; amount duo $S6.07. Assossment No. 36 W. L. Orr, tho west one-half of tho following des cribed property: beginning 7.57 chnlns south nnd 5.20 chains east of tho northwest corner of the south east quarter of tho northwest quar ter of section 25. In township 37 south, rango 2 west of the Willamette morldlan, nnd running thenco north 6.20 chnlus. thonco east 1.60 chains, thenco south 6.20 chains, thenco west 1.60 chnlns to plnco of beglunlng, containing 1 aero moro or less, front nero 52. S feot on north sldo Fourth streot, "West, described Vol. 72, pago Are You Going East ? Have you a friend coming west'? You ought to bring one to Medford. Call and see us. Let us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phono, address or all on Southern Pacific R. R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent CITY NOTICES. Jf .T78, county recorders records of Jnckson county, Oregon; 52,8 foot rnto por foot 7C.8S conta; amount duo II0.G7. Section 2. And It Is horohy ordor- ' the water main lien docket of Hnld city, and thct tltoreuron notlco ho i Kiren ( i. o rera or reputed ownora of said prope.ty, and that tho snmo he enmrced mk! collected In tho man ner provided by the charter of said city for tho collection ot assessments for tho Improvements of streots there in. Section 3. It Is furthor ordered that the notlco rhovo provided for ho published tfcroe times In tho Hall Mall Tribune, a newspaper publlohed end of general circulation In Bald' city, In tho manner provided by ordi nance No. 250 of said city. Tho foregoing ordinance wna pass ed by tho city council of tho city of Medford on tho 16th day of Novom bor, 1909, by tho following vote: Merrick aye, Welch absont, Elfert ayo, Emorlck aye, Wortman nyo, Demmer aya. Approved Novombor 17, 1909. W. h. CANON, Mayor. Attost: ItOHT. W. TELFER, Recorder. $15,000 Cm OF MEDFORD, OR., IMPROVEMENT BONDS. -; Medford, Or., Nov. 17, 1000. The City Council of Medford, Or-, ogon, will receive sealed bids up to 4:30 o'clock p. m December 7, 1001), for the snlo of .51"i,00n 0 per cent 10-yenr Improx-cment Bonds, bids lo 'be accompanied by n certified check j equal to five per cent of the nmount mt. 1.. . . lb ? .r- .The n?ht.to cct nn-v or all bids is resedve'd; Bids to be addressed to Robert W Telfor, City Recorder. Certified check to be made payable to the 2ily of Medford, Oregon. City Recorder. Dated Medford, Oregon, November 17, 1009. 227 ROBERT W. TELFER, RESOLUTION. Bo It Hesloved, by tho city coun cil of tho city of Medford: . Section 1. That there be and here by Is ordered a special election In Bfild city, to bo held on tho 14th' day of December, 1909, between the, hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and '5 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of submitting to tho legal voters of said city at said election for their approval or rejection a proposed charter, amend ment to tho charter 6f said city, eri-' titled as follows; A charter amendment to the char tor of tho city of Medford, Oregon, amending sub-section 42 of section 25 and section 100 of said charter, fixing tho timo for which contracts may bo entered Intp and franchises be granted byt said city," which! charter amendment has heretofore been proposed by and ordered sub mitted to tho legal voters of said city by the city council of said city. Sctfon 2. The following places aril hereby designated as the places In the several wards at which said elec tion will bo held: First ward Commercial club rooms. Secopd ward Hotel Nash samplo room. Third ward City hall. Section 3. Tho following are hereby designated and appointed as Judges ot said election: For tho First ward J. S. Sawyer, Judga; C. W. Davis, who shall also act as clerk; C. C. Taylor, who shall also act as clerk. For tho Second ward L. B. Hor ner, Judge; H. H. Harvey, who aha' also act as clerk; Wm. Ulrloh, wh shall also act as clerk. For tho Third ward M. F. Mt Gownn, Judgo; H. B. Cady, who BhaU also act as clerk; Scott V. Davis, who shall also act ns clerk. Section 4. Tho recorder Is here by directed to glvo notlco of said election In tho samo manner as la provided by tho charter in tho caso of nnnunl elections In snld city. Tho foregoing ordlnanco was pass ed by tho city council of the city of Medford by tho following vote, on Novembor 27th, 1909: Merrick nye, Welch ayo, Emorlck aye, Elfert aye, Wortman nyo. Demmer aye. Approved Novombor 29, 1909. W. H . CANON. Mayor. Attest: TtOBT. W. TELFER. 219 City Rocordor.