THIS MIS1JF0RD MAIL TIIFBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, DJROEMBER 7, 1909. Classified Advertisements, Business Directory And Market Reports 4 JUST LIKE SUMMER SAYS NORTH DAKOTAN "This Cold?' Well Say, You Ought to no Dack Where They Warm Their Feet on Ice." "Ho yon cull thin winter, to yon?" ruin ii rh I'd John W. Rudflold of Hope, N. I)., ti poll entering tho Nash yos turday nftornoon, ns ho mopped thu nwiml from It In hi row. "Why, up whom rotiiu from thu loy would bo going barufootud and tho KrlH liohlltiK let croii in kocIiiIh on tho Inwn. Thin Isn't wlutur weathor not to mo, ntiyway; It Ih moro llku tho tall ond of ii hot Hiimnuir. Wlutii I 1 f t Hope u wmik or ho ago two font of snow covori'd tho ground mill It wan nip ping cold about 15 degree below vuro - hut wo only looked upon It an a prolluilititry playful cold miap, and uohody thought anything of It. Wlnm It KftM from 30 to 50 bolow zero and i w hitvit tli ion or four foot of hiiow, I thou we Ih'kIii to put on out car in 11 f Tm and Hit up and nntk'o thlngx. "Why, souwtliuoM In January and! February It guts ho cold In our conn-J try that people warm their fet ty putting tlu'iu on an ordinary cuke of lev. It inula mo niiiIIk to hco tho way hoiiio of your pimplu Ko liundlod . up on a day Ilko thin, shivering, Htm f-1 flug and tryliiK to mako tlioiimolvos , bullovo that they arc really cold, when 1 am only two degrees from actually ( suffering from prickly heat. My town! In not down rlKhl In thu mlddlu of an alniOHt trooloHH prnlrlo hh expansive, an an ocean. You can imagine tho I swoop tho wind gets whoa It really settles down to business In January and February and how It Htlimx and ciiU tho faco, hut a North Dakotati I'tiohloui KotH IiIh noiui or earn frozou, liucaiiHo ho goes prupnrod for tho cold, Hut woo to tho man, woman or child i who K'X'K out Improporly clothed j when tho mercury Ih nhoul 40 bo-( low and a Htlff wind Ih blowing. Ho- foro they know It hardly they will bo( chilled to tho bono and will perhaps have annexed a frozen uoho, earn or chin. fcQfffll "I recall ono day laHt winter when thu mercury wan hovorliiK around tho 30-bolow mark, , a tenderfoot from UllnolH rodo across country from Mayvlllo to Hope 24 iiiIIoh lu a bobsled with n high box. Ho thought ho wa warmly drossed--atid ho was for tho country ho camo from but when ho arrived at llopo early In tho evening ho wn actually Htlff with tho cold and had to bo car ried Into tho hotel. Ho wasn't froz en nlmply numbed from head to foot. Ah ho thawed out ho hocamo dull and drowsy, as If ho had takon aonio Hort of drug. Ho wont to bod at 8 o'clock and novor got up until 4 tho next aftornoon. It warn con jilo of dayH boforo ho not hack lu form. Tlml's tho way tho North Da kota cold HorvoH lieoplo who nr not used to It at first turns 'cm over to old MorphoiiB for n week or two, Cold ami wintry In .Modford today? Noth ing to It but a breath or Hummer from tho balmy valloyl" Tho Emoriok enfo open till I o'clock ovory night. "'-4 baker"city blacksmiths fight duel in street IIAKHR CITY, Or., Doc. 7. Fol lowing a quarrel over tho rights of hoiiio property, two blnckHiultliB nam ed Landing and ThomaH, according to Information rocolvod horo today, on .gngotl In it gun duel on tho HtrootH. Landing wits hit on tho Hldo of tho lioad, hut hi not fatally Injured. Thorn uh cHcapod Injury, UNIFORMITY OF LIVESTOCK LAWS ASSOCIATION AIM SPOKANE, WiihIi., Dec. 7. Uni formity In lawH relating to tho llvo ntonk InduHtry, a movement of vital IntoroHt to tho ontlro northwoHt, will ho advocated at tho annunl mooting ot tho Washington Livestock associa tion In Spokuuo Jnnuary 4 and G. Tho packing houso Industry In tho north weHt will alHo rocolvo full consldoru tlon. TAXIDERMIST AND FURRIER Send your trophies to mo for mount ing. Big gumo heads, fih, birds and mammals mounloil lino to ti.ituro by Improved motlioilH. 1 do tanning, miikr hv rugs, mako, romodol and oleiu. fur gnviuonts. Express nml mail or dorfl promptly attended to. . C. M. HARRIS. 405 Washington Stroot, Portland, Or, Tolephouo Main 3000. PORTLAND MARKETS. llojM, Wool nml IlidoH, Ilopn 1008 crop, choice, 17; prlmo to cholco, 16c; prime, IGVic; medium, 16c; 1909 cholco, 23c; prlmo, 22c; medium, 20 n. Wool 1D09, Wlllamotto raHoy, 20T2 4c; ciuitorn Oregon, 203 23c, flhoetmklns Shearing, lOJCc each; nhort wool, 20 50c; modlum wool, COcQtl oach; long wool, 7Gc0 11.26 Hch. Tallow Prlmo, por lb., 3'c; No. 2 nnd nreaiie, 2fl2'c. Chlttlm bark & i lAc. Mohair 1909, 23fr24n lb HldoH Dry IiIiIch, 1718n lb; Krct'ii, 9V4CM0',c )b; bullR, croon talt, To lb; klpn, lOiMOHclh; caIvoh Kroon, 10(f l8c lb. lltitter, I'Kgn nnd Poultry. l'KK" Local, candled, select, iZ'Aci ordlaary run 40f42c; sec oniU, 32c; loeal storaRO, 32Wiu3Gc; itaHtiiru ntoraKo, 32(3Gca. Mutter Fnt Dellvory f o. b. Port land Hwe!t cream, Zi 4c; sour, Hutlor Kxtwi creamery, 3Cc; fan cy, 34 ft 36c; store, 22V4c. ChecHo Kancy full cror.m flatk. 18c; trlpletH and dalsloH, 18c; YounR AmorlciH, 19n. Poultry Mixed chickens. 137 13V4c; fancy Iioiib, 14c; roosters, old, lofffllc; sprlnKB. 14 Vic; kocso. 10c; ducks, 22 22 Vic; pIroouh, scjuabs, $2 dor; dresnid chickens, KVifflSc; wild Koeso, 0 dox, (iiiiln, I'lour am) Hay. Parley Producers' prices 190U Feed, $25.75; rolled, 30; brew ing. Y2C.G0. Wheat Track Club, 9193c; bluestom. f 1.01 fi 1.03; rod, 90c; for tyfold. UGJ9fic; Turkey rod. 91(tf 92c; Wlllametto valloy, 94c. MlllstuffH SelllnB prlco Urnn. $25.50; mlddlluRH, $32; shorts, $27.60; rhop, $221 28; alfalfa meal, $19 per ton. Flour Now crop, patents, $5.00; strnlKht. $2.36; bakern, $4.S5r5.00; Wlllamotto valloy. $4.90 bhl; export Krndes, $4; graham, H, $5.00; whole whoat, $G.80; rye. 60, $0.60; batos, $3. Hay producers' prices Now timothy, Wlllamotto valley fnncy, $1R; ordinary, $17; eastern Oregon, $20; mixed, $14 HG; clovor No. 1, $14 016; whoat,'$14 1G; cheat, $15 J 1C; alfalfa, $16. Oats Spot, dcllvory. now, produc ers' price Track No. 1 whlto, $29 0 29.50; Bray, $2828.50. Corn Wtolo, $38; cracked, $37 ton. i Fruit and VestftMi. Fresh Frulto OronRs, Valonclas, $3,26 0'3.6O a box; bananas, 6c lb; lemons, $6?6 box; urapofrult, $4; pears, 60 $1,16; Tokay Rrapos. 90c fl$1.35; Concords, 12 V4 01Go; huok Uebcrrles, 8c. Potatoes KolllnR, now, $1; bur ins, eastern Multnomah r.nd Clacka- cwt; sarllc. 10013c lb. Apples $1 1.60. Vegetable Now turnips, Oregon, 80 if 90c sock; beots, $1.26; carrots, 80 90c sack; cabbaRO, local, 75 90c; tomatoos, local, fancy, 60c crato: bonns, 10c lb; cauliflower, 75 90c dox; peas, lOo lb; horsoradlah, 10c; Eroen onions, 10c dox; poppors, boll, 10c lb; head lottuco, 20c doz; hot house, $1.25 box; rndlshos, lOo dox. bunches; cMory, 40(fr85o; obs rlnnt. $Ka1.26 crato; corn, $1.25 sack; swoot potntoos, $1.75frl.85. Klco Imperial Japan No. 1, 5VSo; No. 2, 6'',c: Now Orloana hoad, C 3-4 CT7c; Creole 6 Vie. UeanHSmlll white. $5.50; largs white, $4.60; pink, $4.25; bayou, $5.76; hlmas, $; redo, $7.60. Groceries, Nuts, Ktc. SuBnr Cubo, $0.26; -powdorod, $5.85; fruit or borry, $5.85; dry granulated, $5.76; coonf. A. $5.0G; extra 11, $6.16, golden O $5.26, D yel low $5.16, boot $5.05, bp.rrola 15c, half barrola 30o, boxos 66o advanco on nac! bnnls, cash nuolntlons.) Honey Now, 13V4o lb. MontM, Fish nnd lVovlslons. Pressed Mor.tD Front stroot hogs, fancy, 9Vde; ordinary, 9c; veals, ex tra, 1010Vio; ordlnnry, 10c; heavy 6ff 0o; mutton, 7c; lambH, 7c, Hams, Ilacon, etc. Portlaand pack (local) ham, 17 Vic; broakfast bacon, 18V4 27c; boiled ham, 25 0 20c; picnics, 14c; cottnBO' roll, 15c; roBulnr short clears, smokod, lCVio; hacks, smokod, 10V4c; plckloil A SNAP Flvo-room bungalow and lot In fiast Modford, on oasy tonus If talc on nt onco. llqulro UK MAIN BTltKKT, MKDFOHI), OH. f v f 4- Fill a Long Felt Want By Using the Classified Ad Columns of the Modford Mail Tribune No matter what it ih you noed. a want ad will bring it at a next to noth ing COHt. Something to trade? Something to Bell ? A classified ad will do it in record time. They work while you sleep. They reach the multitude. Do you want to rent a house or a furnished room ? Tho quickest and best way iB through the classified ad. Have you lost something ? A classified ad will find it. Do you want to Know tho leading business firms of Medford the wide awako ones ? Look at the directory and at the advertising columns of the Mail Tribune No homo in Medford is complete without the Mail Tribune and Medford is a city of ootnpluto homes Everybody reads tho Mail Tribune and everybody roads its want ads. f. y,r 4 tongues, 00c each. Local hard Kettlo leaf, 10s, 1716c lb; 5e, 17 6-Sc lb; 50-lb. tins, 17o lb; stoam rendered, 10s, 6Vc lb; 6s, 1C 5-8c lb; compound 10s, llV'c lb. Clams HardsLell. por box, $2.40; razor clams, $2 box. Fish Hock cod, 10c; lb; floun .ors, Cc lb; halibut, Sc lb; striped boss. 15c lb; catfish, 10c lb; salmon, stoelhoad, 7c lb; silvers, Cc lb; solos, fic lb; shrimps, 12c lb; perch, Cc lb: torn cod, Ec lb; lobctcrs, 35c lb; crawfish, 23c per doz; sturgeon, 12V4c lb; black basH, 20c lb; silver nmolts, Cc lb; black cod, 7V&c lb; rrabs, $1 6 1.50 doz. Oyntora Shoalwator bay, per gal lon, $2.50; per 100 lb. sack. $5; Olympla, per Ballon, $2.40; per 100 lb. sack, $7 ft 7.50; canned. COc can, 3"c dozen; eastern In obeli, $1.75 por 100. Coal oil Pearl, Astral an 1 Star. lc gnllon; eocene, 22c gallon, claim? 28c gallon; headlight, 20',,c gallcu; oxtra star, 22c gallon; water white, UV4315V&0 gallon; special water whljo. 15c gallon. Gasoline lied crown and motor. 1C4T23C gallon; 8C gasollt o, 30 ? 37 Vic Ballon; V. M. & P. naphtha, 13 Va $J'20V4c gallon; cnglnu dlstll lnS. OfflCc gallon. Cattle Ilcst etocrs, weighing I200 pounds, $4.60; medium ctco-s, $4.25; best cows, $3.36; best holfors, $3.00; bulls, $1.75C2.25; stags, $2.503. Hogs Bmt east of tbo mountains, $8; Wlllamotto valley, best, $7,75 0 7.86; stockors, $4ffl; pig. $607. ghoop Dent wethers, t4.25 04.5O; ordinary, $4fl4.50; Dprlrg lnmbs, $6.25; atrr.lght owes, $3.6004.00; mixed lots, "$4.00. Calvos Dest, $5; ordinary, $3.50 04.60. MEDFORD MARKETS. t" Fruit and VetaWos. (Prices paid by Med rd merchants Applos, l2c lb; poara, lV4 0c: Potatooa, lo lb: onions, $1.50 cwt;; green onions, 35c dor. bunchos; enrmts. (a)VAai boots. KSl.c: niiblini'iv H.o! tumins. llo ; nara- nips, lo andlc lb.; squash, 30o and .fl dox.; jmmpkins, 1U ntm ic. Butter, Egos and Poultry. (Prices paid bv Medford merchants. Ranch buttor, 35c; fancy cream- ory. 37Mio. Fresh ranch OBE. 0j. Mined iMultrv. 10c: spring chick ens, 15c; ducks, 10c; turkeys, 17c. Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Prioos paid produoors.) Hay Timothy, $10; alfalfa. $15; grass, $14 ton, Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; new,'$l hnshol; oats, $39 ton; barloy, old, $10. (Selling prices.") Rollel bio.'ey. $2 cm $34.50 ton; bran, $1 70: r iddling. $1 .S"i il !'fi; shorts. $1.80(3)1.85. Roof, ?"jm 3c; pork 6V4c; mutton 3y2o; lamb, 4V&o; veal (dressed), Oo I 4 f-f-t-4--f-t-4 LOST. LOST $10 reward For tho delivery of one yearling part black filly with slur, branded with B upsidoMlown in oirelo; vory gontlo. V. A. Dunlap, Talent. . V LOST Dog, answers to namo of "Barney." Liberal roward If roturn od to Elwood & Burnott, Sovoutu stroot, 223 4- 4- -r "t- T FOR RENT. t J"-4" FOlt RENT Largo now barn; will accommodate four ho:.d of horsos, 3 rigs and 12 tons of hay. Inqulro on promlsoB. 000 West Hlovonth, cor nor Orango. 223 4-f -f-f -f-f-f V4 - 'f44 - 4 - 4 - 44 - 4t4 - f44' T4'4"f4 4 4-4 4 4 FOR RENT. : FOK HEN'T jrodern furnif.lied rooms 112ninK' street. FOR SALIC Two good overcoats, ono $2, tho other $5. Sco the store, .723 Shorman street. East Med ford. 224 FOR HKXT Kewly completed Heven iooiii modern bungalow, close in. One-half block from Main Mrect nnd paving; ruasonablc rent. Phone MiSs Fulfs. IO.jI Mam. 227 FO ItENT Furnished rooms. No. 10 N. Grape st. 224 FOR IIFJNT Llvo at tho Palms, now brick building, now furniture, strict- ly modern, corner Grape an 1 Main ; streots. FOR RENT Desk room in lance', heated office, second floor, .0 jnonth. 133 V. Main st. 222 FOR RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, sultnblo tor fruit, alfalfa, stock or gcnorcl farming. Inqutro at offlco Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main street. ROOJI AND BOARD Room and board for 2 mn, 203 Xnrigan street, ono block north of store on West Jackson street -fr enn cai c ' Ull WriftaW FOR SALE Span of horses, har ness nnd wagon. Call at the em plovmeut bureau office in Xnylr & Phills' building, room 5. 224 FOR SALE 5-aere tract inside lim its, suitable for subdivision, already surveyed and staked. This is a real snap nnd this adv. will not appear ng'ain. Benson Investment Co., over Bank. 222 FOR SALE ltlO acres good grapo and peach land, one niilo from Mer lin $10 per acre, easy terms. "II" caro of Tribune office. 227 FOR SALE Rock Spring coal for salo. Seo Burlidgo, the drayman. 223 FOR SALE Young orchard in bear ing. Mat Calhoun, Phoenix, Or. FOR SALE Automobiles; or will trnda for real cstato. 31 North B stroot. 231 FOR SALE Team ponies, harness nnd hack; good reason for soiling. J. W. Wo kef lu. 1102 West Tonth street. 222 FOR SALE Ranch, 200 acres, 50 acres cleared, houso, 2 barns, sheds, etc, 50 applo, plum, pear and other fruit trees and small fruits, 40 head cattlo, 7 horses, 100 chickens, farm tools, 10 miles from Eaglo Point. Box 607, Medford, Or. 224 FOR SALEStock ranch, ,200 acres, 10 miles east of Eaglo Point. Box 007. 222 FINE saddio horso, gaited, gentlo for lady or child. K. A. ITeflor, Mission Cafo, 20 S. C st. FOR SALE--Choieo business proper ty at a bargain, oil long time; easy tonus Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE 50 acres choico applo land, 25 acres full bearlug wlntor apples, ood sovon voom houso, barn and lare packing house, all Sin' lomonts. Only 2 miles from a city of 7,000. A nap at. A snap at $21,000. Seo or wilto F, G. MoWllllams, Ashland, Ore. 238 "tor'SALE Inm oxclusivo nBont for tho Morrill piano. Anyono wanting a strictly hlgh-grado piano can save 25 por cont by buying of mo. Call at 119 South Ivy stroot and seo pi ano. J. D. Honsolman. 223 FOR SALE $1000, 5-room houso and ono lot, 31 S. Orango; water, sowor, tolopltono and light hnndy, Turin! on nromisos. 220 FOR SALE Oak, fir and piuo eord wood, 12 and 10-ineh; nlso dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono ordor to Main 4201. ftt 44 -f4-4--f 4-4- f 't"f44-44'4't44'4'f4' 4- f -t- FOR SALE. FOR SALE Or excban&o tor Med ford real cstato or ranch, 110 acres tobacco farm on Pemnsylvanla rail road In southern Maryland, 85 acres in cultivation, 25 acres In white- oak timber, 15 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also suitable for potatoes, melons and fruit; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaches; 4 0 miles south' of Baltimore, 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, D.' C; abundanco of water; good roads; mild climate. Address Box 20, Maail Tribune of fice for SALE 5, 10, 20 and 30 ac.e tracts for salo near Phoonlx. Matt Calhouu. FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore tracts just within nnd adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5 annual pay merK Address P. O Box 418. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 161 acro improved farm, located miles of Grants Pass; good irriga tion. Writo for particulars. Cle- ments-Basler Realty Co., owners, Grants Pass. Or. 201 FOR SALE 75-acre ranch, with good 'water right; finest frvlt land; chap:; also property In Portland; will trado for Modford p-oporty Seo Coleman at cigar factory. 4- -t-TV WANTED. t- 4-4- WANTED Christmas stamping at reasonable prices. 234 West Fifth street. 228 WANTED Gentleman and rite de sire board and room vitu privato family. References exchanged. WANTED To fnrnishe plans and estimates without cost; if you in tend building can save yon money. Inquire at Star restaurant or ad dress Box 818. N. G. Ilolmes, con tractor and builder. 232 WANTED If you Intend building, como and seo mo; can savo you mon oy; plans and estimates furnished without cost. Inqulro at Star res taurant or address Box 818. N. G. Holmos, contractor nnd bulldor.221 WANTED Family wants to rent six or seven room houso r.t once, con nected with tho sower. Address W. B. Harris, 132 North Ivy street. WANTED To buy n good, gentlo buggy horso, not over 5 or C yoars old; bay or black in color, medium size. E. T. Lowis, Ashland, Or. 224 WANTED To buy two good fresh Jcrsoy cows, not over 5 yenrs old, not giving less than 3Jj gnllons of rich milk por day. E. T. Lowis, Ashland, Or. 224 WANTED To buy 100 Barred Plymouth pullets thnt will bo enrly layors in spring; want best breed. E. T. Lowis, Ashland, Or. 224 WANTED To buy a good second hand top buggy and harness. E. T. Lowis. Ashland, Or. 224 WANTED Good, clean cotton rags wanted nt Mnall Trlbuno offlco. 224 FOR EXCHANGE 1C0 acres near town and tallroad for southorn Cal ifornia property. Address Exchango caro Mall Trlbuno. 224 WANTED Man and wifo or family of two; man to caro for lawn and chores, woman as cook and houso work. Call jt Condor Water Si Powor Co., office. Medford. 210. WANTED Room and board for two mon, 203 Nnrriffan street, ono blook north of storo on West Jaoksonville stroot. WANTED Nurso wants ensos. Phono. Farmora 70; box 872. 224 WANTED Exporioncod quarry man. Addross P. O. Box 418, Modtord, Or. f tt 4' BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4 Sewing Machines. Singer and Whelor & Wilson sowing machines for rent and for sale on easy payments. All kinds repaired and work guaranteed. Best oil and needles for all makes at the Singer store, 27 South C st. Phone 3431. Attorrwys. WITniNGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-la No. 0 D street, ground floor. COLVIO & RE AMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Reames. Lawyers. Of fice Medford National Bank Build- ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, at tb Mooro Hotel. ELLA M. GASNYAW Palm block Stenographic work dona quickly ani well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main st., Mcdfon Ore. Pbone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. ha. the best equipped job office ii Southern Oregon; Portia jd price 37 South rvntrnl nve. Opticians. DR. GOBLE fhe only exclusive op ''Han betweeu Portland and Sac raruenio Office on West Main streiii an-i rmir.tnd. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock ano make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho Ul. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. T. O'Rrir O. D. Naj THE MEDFORD ! ICK CQ. Brick: manufactu.-n. 3&d eontn. tors; also lime, cemc. v and pks in any quantity. Office, Medfo?. National bank blJg. bonee Mail. 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 351. Night Phonos C. W. Conklin 3601; J. H. Butler 3571. Pbno Instruction. H ARMONY, sight reading, mnsica form. 'Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan Cottage of Music. Miss Kara Gray, Studios, 144 South Central nvenue Phono 493. Paint Stores. M. J. METCALF Points, Brushes, Wall Paper, Glass, Varnishes Stams and Wall Tints. 318 E. Main St., Medford. Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thome, ngt. Store opened from to C. Phono 3871. 237 Riversid nvenue. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and mado t( order 128 North G street. Photograph Studios. MACKEY'S STUDIO "Poso with Maokoy and die with joy." Ovar Al len & Reagan's store; entrance oo Soventh street. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside avenue. Phono 801. Civil Engineers WILL take by contract, on reason able tonus, all kinds of work, also irrigating, planting and cultivating etc. Landscape gardening, rlrst class roforonces. William Peters, Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 East Main street. Medford, Oregon. Kindergarten. KINDERGARTEN 1000 W. Main stroet. Hours : From 0 a. m. to 11 :30 a. m. For parttoulars apply to Misf Arra Harmon, dirootor, at the school Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Meals 15o; beds, 15o. Give us a trial. 20 Central avenue, upstairs. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., sue cessore to Shearer & Phillips, painters and decorators in all branches; weathored oak on inside finish a speoialty. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot S04 N. Beatty si. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Bill Pesters VERNE T. CANON BUI Poster and Distributor. AH orders promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Young and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES, Architect nnd Build ing Superintendent, P. O. Box 486, Medford, Or. Your building re spectfufly solicited. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealorB in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly St., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all lands. A trial order solicited. MORDOF.F & WOLFF Cook Stoves and Ranges. New nnd Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St .South Phonn fll. Medford. Or. Drayage and Transfer. Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in the trust. H. B. Patterson, office, xn Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLE.Y NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Coik. Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Bo c 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. H. S. .BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office 1 and Scvonth. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guaran teed strietly first-class. Residence No. 406 Bea'tty street. A card wilt bring, me to you. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. IL L. Huillkr, 707 Main street West. Private lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan College of Mnsio. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 493. 144 South Centra) avenue. Building and Lean Assoelatlan JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION-O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. Main street. Carpenters and Builders. P. E. HHiL Will furnish plans an list of all timber to bo put in build ing. Medford, Oregon W. G. HOLMES, contractor and builder; plans and ostimates furn ished. Iuquiro Star restaurant or address Box'818. Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore son. . Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and res ident phono Main 3432. S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Ilnskius' Building. Phone Main 1001. ' CONROY & CLANCY Offlco In Stewart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone, Main 341; privato phone, Main 612, S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Ray. Office hours: 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office In Jaoksoa Co. Bank Building. DR. F. G. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW -Oateop athle Physicians. Mission Blook, Phon 291. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER, Ey specialist, when others fail. Offie in F,agle Pharraaoy, Main 233, Es4 Main near D'Anjou. ......