TJIIO MUDKOIM) MAIL TlllUUr" MEDFORD, ORKOOX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1909. ISOCIAL AND PERSONAL U I SIAIVI litis MUWo dlIM LARGEST BLOCK' ROMAN D Mr. Cniisnn anil children who have Ill'Olt Ml l(IW Willi M SOI'illllS attack of typhoid lover on tlii ciiHt side of Hour crock, am rapidly improving. Tlio pleasant hoiiiit of Mr. anil Mrs. J. Ii. of North Central avu nuo in now one of joyous laughter anil litHl i'iirnintiil music on Hid return of their daughter, Miss Veuitu, fniiu lier, three month' miuiul visit aniMig relatives anil friends in California cities. down Sunday where Mr. AloMnuus ami Mr. K'niney are Improving their iroMirly on Hani JaokHon slrool with a now Htihsluii tial sidewalk, a long-foil want. WORK IN WOODS ACROSS COUNTRY :' BUSINESS LOCALS Flowers, Fountains, Trees, (or $0, 000,000 Office Building Over looking Battery In New York City. NEW YORK, Dec. 7. Now York' largest nkysoruppor will cast it hIiuiIow over teh battery. Towering' thirty-one stories above. Nearly All Mills In Washington Starting From Ashland Main Road Closed Owing to Heavy Fall of Snow Over That State. North Will Be Covered With Crushed Stone. WOODLAND. Wanh Doc. 7 Tho recent cold snap anil snowstorm ban ' 4 4 . - f -r 4- Llvo at the Palms, now trick tmlldlng, new furniture, utrictly modern, cor ner Grape and Main street. Ella Oaunyaw, public stenographer room 4; Palm bnildine. Nicely furnished roomi with all modern conveniences at tho Palma, The Kmcrick cafe open till 1 o'clock evory night. 24 Tho Emerick enfe open till 1 oVIpck every night. 224 GRANDSON OF ASTOR IS BEATEN BY THUGS NEW YOHK, Dec. 7. Wiliam As-, tor Drayton, a grandson of John j Jacob Astor, was found unconscious (Tidings.) Orowine out of tho action of the ro.ltml In the closing down of near-1 rf n flhort Une ly all tho mills and logging camps of , , ' . the ground, it will eontain 1 1,0130,000 1 Klver, some of whlcb will not ' w "- ....i.s.. r....i .. .. i.i rlro-onon until after tho holidays. It able condition of the mam county . lv. 1 ollonlor of tons county, iH nr0.00( sonaro fret. In it will bo'1" rumored that ono of tho largest thoroughfare out of AhuIuiuI north- in .Me.llor.1 on a Iiiimii trip, , ,n0l( of pm,iIIKl lmuiy UUM mills on tho river will not operate wnu toward Talent, improved with l. (J. r.riekMui ot the luroal scr- of hIcmiii pipe, sixty-five miles of r tho old management, ami ',.rMu.,i tosk , has come an agitation I early today on West Fifty-sond vieti, went to AMhlnn.1 Tuesday on eoii.luit-. ami wiring ami :i,000 elee. the losses of thu past yoar on arrount for the continuance of the improve-i ir im,i i,ppn l.innic.inrked official business. lri fixhlrfl(,. J of breaks In the booms at the mouth m,.nt nur,iwnrd through the countv ,, ?,,?,?" are not coUX Hon. I. (1. Smith of (limit I'nSH, From the curb lo the roof it will f ImvIh river may deter Homo of the w Im,itl l,iKhwny across Jack- f,i " - i ... I; .... r.,,.,1 i.. ....,..., I.,.. .... ... .. mini. was. ill .Meiuoru .Moijuay on proe. uieaxiiie -i lit leei. in iiuiiiliiig it win '"hh' (. i'"., ,1)n county uliuil uc, u not n Itomanj pravton xvns unnblc to describe H liilllt MIM imiSH. lie OMei 1.(11)0 otiH n A rneliirn wi nvui. uiu iiiiimviihu On rl Heekou ami I), ('. Mronhv Hteul. 7..'n0.000 common brick-. 000.. Weir ill iliU city from AkIiIiiikI Mon- 000 face bricks, l.,000 barroN of bnvo to adopt other means of getting lay. , ceuiont. .Mt..ono Mimre feet of floor; t,lwlr timber out. I?. Martin ami ,1. WiM were among archct. 'JtKl.OIIO cubic feet of eimlcri th (Irani- las pcnplo in Mpilfonl fill, 12.r.000 Mouarc feel of girder AMERICAN WIFE Monday. covering, -150,000 mature feet of par- OF YOUNG ZELAYA iibevnnce temporarily and perlum .IMin lliiekley of Applegntt' win in tiium tile. IVD.OOO miimro fl of m.til firing, owing to the uncxpccteil i Walter Smith and Anna M. Ilich- Medford Monday. column covering, 210,000 mpinic feet W.SIIIN(5TO.V. 7. In the ?x- atiC8 0f thg,wanJhor man, wlio withnr,is. rTerbert E Tood and jfnn' E II. lu Jlly, Jr., riiipuriiitondmit of of will furring, fi.fiOO cubic vnr.U ff oeutlvo matiHlori at tho capital of Nlca- ti3 frcnk nci0ll3 jins ,,Byfl,i mvo,,: s ' " 3 thf U. S. fi-b liHtcluirv at th mouth caissons. 17.000 cubic vnnU of enrth rnK" ' "'"' Waslilncton worn- .;,, Unnv nn out 0f (oor tii i J III K ,lftlll1f . ..AM A . boldlnK taat are on th river will y0I)i(tIlf, 1UV(J m.rtlst,mKM t0 ,)C , . . . . . ' -.Hti-lled with in the IDiayton's watch and purse were left The project for the crushed rock , untouched. iinprovemc.iil of tho road lending in-1 to Ashland from the north i hold In MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. JNu .-.LATA aheynnce temporarily ami perhaps m.til Miriii!'. owiliL' to the uncxDocted , Heavy Calf Shoes For Boys Just what is needed for this wot weather. "VVe have too manyin stock and will make the price mighty interesting and worth your while to investigate if you are in need of a boy's shoe. of lilk cicok. wan in Mndfonl Tu-. OMtavHlion, 'LW) cubic fcot of mw-lH"- formerly Miss Mnrwerlto lii.Vk ile. 'JO.OOO cubic feet of Indiana lim.'- W. H. Silverman of Clratita I'aaa stons, H.000 tniat of ornamental (er- w a Medford visitor Monday. , rn eot. fil.000 suiue fett of ilfor It. U. Kcgan wnn in Jacksonville lath, Ro.000 sminro ynnU of pls-tur. Tuibiv on a bii-ine-M i-it. J0O.00O HiichI feci of onmcc -lofi'- I'ruii'. Mi..o, tin- l'.,,,.:.- I' t tn. T- crs, fiOO.OOO feet of comb grain yd- cliiiiit, nltcmled ho performances of low pirni flooring. 2,H0Q wimlowis fall. The county court had arranged sr. cvigliter or w. nnKor ot we fr curing H lnrg amount of postofflcodepattmont. She Is tho wife ,.n,.,l rok from tlw Waren t'om- flf ('. Alfonso Zolara.Hon of the pre- ,,.lVV plnut below Eagle Milk, u-cd blent of N'trarNguH. m mH rtCeut paviug owrHtiou in' About two yeai-s ago Miss Unkor. A-liInn. It wa? to be cotten out then not much more than a school- lUt!. 0,mii, work in .Medford ws lrl. met Alfonso Zelaya. who was at completed, and Roadmaster True had WHY BE SICK WHEN YOU CAN BE HEALED? "Vly Land of Nod" Monday night. 00.000 scinnre feci of 0O' Washington. It waR a cas pan? get to R0 nt thi, work ,lf HMlt.lrtV Holier! Ittld IHe ID d froirt a liiiMlnesa trip (a I'ott inn. i. .i,.,,- nannnn ,.,,.,.i nr . ,-:.,.1a. of love st first stent, ami wey were- M;, ,i, , wtn .n i, hir,y". y. i,M'i" T '...... " ' . " ... WlH. I'lllil llf .llll-L.lllt ill.. Un .1 lit llil.llin. Illdlltil. Ml 110(1 fiti.l ill' Inl... Mwijfonl i-ilor Trnwday. j rim1r nvquirnd for floor nreh TJic -cbool tnclimr f tomorrow i- ami between leeper of the floor of more than usual importune to the will fill fiOO.OOO cubic feet Hpuroji. Hi(nni of (he heboid, inasmuch a- at mutely 2",O00,O0O pounds. It repre- t tint time will be levied a special lax enu the consumntioii of 12'i.ODO weighli". .10.000 feot of copper clmin. "-"wl soon aftorwani. ueccnuy, tho Warnm Company were knocked l.'O.OOO feet of ground, 80,000 feet f ro"n " into a cocked bat by the weather m. parcuts-ln-law, the hrlde hail to miu Ir fe repor,0(i ,i,at ,jiev 1IlVP' gb to work. Sho got a position as Ul.,H.ded .work on their paving I musician In a moving picture show ....nirnct nt .Medford until sprint:.' Iti Washington. Her husband 1 ( which it i expected carries with it a i ?h engaged. Thalr Joint oarnlngs Hispoiision of the much neded-rond, hardy suppllod their wants, .iior , improvement tiroieot for a like ner- l.l..i . for-hohool purjioHoH for the coming Ioiih of coal, sufficient lo develoii wh!l on Invitation from President j0(j( ntis tjl0 eoni,ty crusher outfit' year, l-.vcry palron and legal volcr .r.".000,on0 hor-c jMiwer hour- of ca- "icy went o iicarntua, auu. lf,u), , VRVI ,( reciuisition nf- hIiouIiI atteiul thin inutiiiL' ami parti- crgy. ' , thoro tho yaro now. ,Hr tue unfavorable weather' condi- oipale in the deliberation. I There will bo 2.100 hor-o power Tile parents of the yoiin:' v '.fe liavi titm now prevailing tire past. The directors of Lone l'ino din- boilers, 2,000 borne power in engine-. not loartI 'r,,m hor "UlC0 Septemtjor jrtime ti,e ,,,1 ;,0 AMilnnd1 trie!, cit-t of Medford, have decided 1,200 kilowatts in gencrnlor capnei- 1. and they do not Itnow whether flbo from tlle nortIl j, ns fit,rce ns cvcr to contitiuo tho fall term of school I v. (I5.000 snunro fect o fradiator is ueau or ame. and. in fact, nil but impassible, hav- candlo power in ono mouth longer than Iiiih ben the surface, 100,000 custom, continuing tho lenn through1 electric livht. Dejjcinlier. Ibis step is due to the, Old buildings on ,!Jic ti!ornre beicg increased attemlauco under the till- or ilown The -rnclnrc will be an ago of Miss Webb, whohas given sat- addition to the twenty-five White infautiou to pupils ami parents alike, hall building. The completed sky- Jho spring term wil opon in March, scraper will front .107.2V. feet op irg been greatly aevravated by the heavy haufing of last summer and tit. COLD WOMEN BEG DRINKS AND GIVER IS ARRESTED fall by the paring company's outfits to and from the rock crushing plant. MIDDI.ICTOWN. Conn.. Dec. 7. -- j(1I.koti r0iintv has mnde more Tho town of Old Saybrook. which vot- progress j,r mad buiitlini: in the Inst cd lo go dry for tno nnic umo-wuuia f,,w vonrs t,.an )(,for j h. I). Harris, of Chi Calif., for- H..itorv i.lnce. eovcriiie fil.r7ir jonnr a Bcoro of 'car8- ,B cxcltL'A al.,ho ar Historj. notably in thendministrntion tnorly eiigngcd in fruit growing here, feet, or twentv-ono citv lots. It will r0Ht ,f c Chapman, proprietor oi of Countv Judge Dunn, whose im is in Medford on business. (cost $8,000,000. To Olu S.-.ybronko Inno. Tho-arrest ( PmvCtncnr policy is being largely fol- E. W. llrownlftv of Em.ln !,!.. Tl... Rinlna nntu. nn.i Tn. wns caused two women dotectlves, i,nv ,i ,m,tur tr.e I)r.,spn re;inp. Iil- .was in Medford Tuesday. provemen! Compniiv nnouncod vo- MrB- Vorna s McCormnck of '-w there is room for great imnrovemcnts V. ('. Urown of Eugene is a Med- terdny thnt it had purchased the ' antl Mr"' a,nrsu -cv-orrnacK oi . vot Evorjrl(,dy believe ingtod Tonl visitor. stock of the Hatterv Place flenltv Unvton roads. Wliy not have them as far ns W. C. Mclfay of Table Hock wah , Company, which will build the -ky in Medford Tuesday on a short busi-, scrnpor nt once. Tho nrchitoct-i nrc menu trip. Henry Williams of Little Ilutto was in Medford Tuesday. Frank Goodman of Hilt, Calif., is Clinton & Russell. On tho Washington street front will bo n pnrk, with gardons, lawns. fountains, trees, over which the of In Medford for a fow days, visiting fices will look. Tho pnrk will bo tOO '.friends. j feot wido and 200 feet deep. II. W. Miller of Kuglo lVjint spout Monday in Medford Harvey C. Htonewcll of ltueli pro duct is spending a few days in Mcd ford. William McClcllan of flranls I'nss is spending a few days in tho city HOME CURE. FOR ECZEMA Oil of Wlnternreen, Thymol. Glycer ine; Etc., Usod'a&ai Simple. Wash. I It really seems stnmgo- that- sw (many pcoplo suffer-year in and year out with ecezmnk when it in- now ofi the main county thomnchfnre is con cenied, nt least? The county com missioners are soon to ifx the ap portionment of taxes for the coming year and" make np the lnidgcl of probable expenses. A good' round levy for road purines will meet with' less objection on the part-of the tax payers ami the pnbltc; than any otl(-- er feature ot the budget nniifiiii a . i I nnttts ortt nt U,UUI0 i, ... ... n ,..... ' h-mhui- ii nil- oiiiikvi. FOR LAND OFFICE BOOKS. secret thab oil wintonswiMi ,,wl r , .9 , , JUNEAU, Alaska, Doc. 7. William mnkes a wash, than is bound' to cure, K. West, a snocial ngont of tho gen-1 Old obstinate-ousos, it is-true, oun- HOTEL ARRIVALS' oral land office today kmimiiciI frotn mot be cured in a fow days, but there lf.... l n ..( CI.AA Hill 1. . i. t. -I - Iii.muiwui.oo iuu, iv. j. uiuiiuni, m Vp i i r , . , uT"l,r awolutoly no autortic Urom ockbiiiii S:ui Francisco: E. Heller, Chlcagot-G; Medford on business - 0R llR ,ht cortiiin books lk U. d , . nmh , p f IVarl Davidson who resides on itod States land ho.e have , Hmmedlatoly that won- Wbodbttry: C. M. Loe, Sp.rrFrancrsco; Sard ,,, creek ,s in Mcllord visiting, ,,ecn Hemeted. The wuiuit In-, J.oen , , . , c00, Mm, J III in iiiijii mm inriiiin. 1) IICCII II, 1110 liaililS oi u i iiiu-u , ,Il H,..Ii,,I, a nL-M. . n.n.... ,i-r t. . Mrr Olueyr is offcitting: groat vitgs iii Mbdfordt. A. party came- froc Avjiland to see the healer yosUrdaf nnd Uirec out of their number waj- bcaletl. Joe- Snj'dcr was- nureel of a' mpturo in ono week tv treatment. Charley Bnllow wns entirely neal'C of liver nud kidnoy rrouBIo' on gau-' tlcinnn had his hearing. restoii?d. Do not tniss this- opportunity to In htvJbd. Call ami be convinced1 of Hs-hcuJ-! ing power and receive ft free Rooklct. j This is the-lust vroek ftat the- 'wsateri will be in Medford. Don't wait tilT, the List day buc come- early in ti week and" you wfll bo-ocaleiL Office in the Palms, consr Main and' Grape- str-wts. Consultation free Ifturs B a. bo 8 p. in. Jardinieres Yc arc showing the largest line of LOUWELSA "WELLE R, Delta and rat Jardinieres ever shown in Aledford'; regular $2.50 to $10.00 values; just look around and see what others ask for these goods and then come in and see our line at $1.00 to $3.50 Each 1 placed in the hands oj "Tlinrles II. -Jtrown of Jneksonvfllo Stntos marshal. Tin books are said was in Medford Monday. John r. Sully of Applegnto was n' cases now under nivosligat 511 at .recent Medford visitor. "The cily council mots in regular .-KCRsinn at the cily hall this evening. Paddy Malloy of Eileen is spending a few davs in Medford. Itov. A. A. Holme.- of California will preach at the Haptist churuh next .Sunday. W. H. Wailo of Ashland wns a re ncnt business visitor in Medford. Alfred Johnson of Central Point spent Saturday in Modford on busi ness. tiou thnt comes. whon thu itch is tnkeu , Portland; Miss E. Kont,. II. J. Shull, j to have a bearing on lh-j coal f , , u rmum, tai Applegato: N. Swartz, ' ' ..A... .Itkilill lll.-ndl H.rll 'III lit. 1 ..... ..tL . effect, tho ltoh is allayed. J.nero i Portland; L. D.- Harris ClUOQs A. W no need of exporinwnt tho patient ) Clark, San Francisco; H. I Kelly.! knows at OllCOi 'Jr., Trail; W, D. Shorman, Grants, Instead of trvine to compound tae Pass: James 3. Wyatt-. W. It Shoirr1 GO BACK TO MEXICO 0, 0f wintorgrooiv thymol gjyeorino, 1 San Frftnclsco; H. L. Shlly, Seat- etc., in the- right proportions ourselves j tb. SAX ANTONIO, Texas, Doc. 7. wo aro using ft presoripti-wi whiohris; At tho Mtioro Sam Wolf, Salt Julius Ueersiau, J, II. Oilppln. Spokane. RUIZ WILL NOT HAVE TO Tnoz Huiz, who has bou held horo for universally found tho most effcvtivo.jT.ako; two months awaiting extradition to n j8 known ns tho D. D. D. Proscnp-1 Portland; D. C. Itrophv Curl Bvo- Mexico on ft chnrgo of murder was tiou, or Oil of Wintorgrotn ComKu,d relcasod horo today, tho governor it is made by the D. I). D. Co. of Chi holding that tho ovidenco against himCngo, nnd our long oxperieneo with was not sufficient to warrant hold-; this remedy has given us great confi- r,u ,. ... i,Ai n,i ng. huiz was ono 01 1110 imiers 01 deuce m its morns. jMouioni i-unr- roo.nlng houso rtccommoJatlons la , l dar.a revolt in 181)2, and served ,nnoy company, druggists. this city, many of tho pooplo In InBt '' :" " " i-- ulgllt's sl.ow woro without rooms. ROOSEVELT SAW NATIVES KILL A LION WITH SPEARS' offense Too Late to Classify. son, Ashland; K. I!. Clnrko and wife, Mllwuukw: .1. W. Palz, Ueddlngj B. Marttn, J. West Grants Pass; Mr. Randall, city; V. It. Drown, Eugene; W. F. Ilrogliammor, Portland; F. P. Cook, San Francisco; 12. W. Ilromloy, EaKlo Point. C. F. Willis, Portland; For That Dull Feeling After Eating. 1 a. e. Poiinfor, coos nay; j. f. I lmvo used Chamborlain's Stomach ' Urowu ami wife. Eagle Point. nnd Iiivor Tnblots for somo timo and - can tostify that thoy lmvo douo 1110 ( VMBHHawMa-a---i You Can Buy N. Y. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Winter Nelis Direct from tho GKOWEItS. Ab- scJutoly Reliable and Dependable Stock grown by Nurserymen who know how. Wrlto us for prices before signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY 18 E. Yakima Ave., North Yakima, Waslu I Get the Habit I I ..for your I Xmas Goods! Also Remember We are showing the largest line of Toilet Cases, -llbimis, Photo Boxes, Manicure Sefs, , Traveling Cases, Shaving Sets and Fancy Box Goods ever shown in Medford, prices from 25c to $7.50 Each HUSSEY'S The Busy Store LONDIANl, llrilish Kast Afric.i, Den. 7.-- Col. Hoosovelt, his son Kor mit, Kdiuund Heller and Leslie A. Tarltou arrived horo today from Onus Tnghisu Plateau. All are in splendid health. Col. lloosovolt ex pressed himself as delighloil at again mooting It. J. Cuninghanio and others of tho American party who nwaitod him hero. Col. lloosovolt is greatly oliitod over tho success of tho hunt on tho plutonu. Among tin' drilling sights witnessed wiih lion hilling with fipenrs hv Munill warriors. . TIuh evening tho parly proceeded fo N,joro, whore thoy wil Ibo tho gnosis of Lord Dolmnoro on his raiuth until Doccnibor 10,, when they will go to Nairobi, I-'Olt SALK Knrnishcd house and - moro good tlmn any inuiotis 1 nnvo lots two blocks from Main street on 1 ovor usod. My troublo wns a hoavy llivorsido avonuo ; $-300 j tonus. Ad-1 dull fooling nf tor onting. David ; dress 1. O. box (M. 2-8 Froonmn, Kompt, Nova Scotia. Thoso 1 tublots strongthon tho stomneh nnd VOW SALE Eight-mom house, limprovo tho digestion. Thoy nlso reg pliiniliing dono nud four acres of ulato tho Hvor a d bowels. Thoynro' land; Fish Lake ditch through con- far suporior to pills, but cost no; tor; 1 miles north from Modford moro. Clot n froo stunplo nt Leon D. ) postoffice. For terms apply to A. Hnskins' Phnnnnoy nnd seo what a. C. Taylor, 11. V. D. No. 1, Contral splondid modioino it is. I P0i,,t' 228 lqst jjgj-jjj FARHEn's I For Eczema, Totter anil Salt Rheum. I HEN HOUSE-NO REWARD Tho intonso itching chnrnotorisllo j M.inMH , . ...,,., of thoso uilinonts is almost instantly' MALONH, N, Y Doc. 7, A farinor nllnved by Chamberlain's Salvo. Morloy named Jones, who has a Mnnv sovoVo cases lmvo boon cured , ' lrool oC Hons, wont to food, by IL For Balo by Loon B. Hnskins' 1' fundny morning and Pha naov. ' found they bad boon stolon. , F. N. CUMMINGS T. W. OSGOOD OSGOOD & CUMMINGS Civil Engineers THE BEST EQUIPPED ENGINEERING OFFICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Survovs, Maps, Plalis, Specifications, Reports, Estimates, Etc., Water Pow ers and "Water Works, Paving and Rorid Making, Sowerago, Railroads, Ir rigation and Drainage. OFFICE: MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. e Best AT THE Rex Market Huth 6c Pech Props. Phone32 71