rpinn MWiwnDM r a r r, riii?niT"' urmnuvwn nrowrirwr qitxttuv rvtrnt;urm,M? r. mnn L 4. 4 4 . -mmmmmmmmmm Dr. mill MrH. ('. M. HiiiImmi, I or inorly of ICiuiHiiH City, but inum ro oinitly of (lnliU'ii'liI, Nov., uio unions tint IhIomI ittri vmIm in Muill'orri. Dr. Iliulieo wuh for tsifthl yimiH itHtioniut oil with Dr. J. D. (Iril'lith. n notoil Hiiru'miii of Kiiiihiih City In ItOHpitnl work, mid tlniH coinuH to iik with mi oiivliiltln rit)iitatloii im a MiirKO'oii ' ni id KtiiK'nil primlilionor. Mr. Mur ium Ih a tnlrnlcd vocaliM ami will ho Of HM'iiilly wcli'otni'i! to Mcill'onl .)' nil lovorn of latiHlu, Tint InilicM of I lu 1'rtinhytnrian church will hohl a ChriHtiiiUM ha.aar i; uu-ili 'ngltf Ojmrn hound 8nnrt.ilu.V," : Dpi'cinhor IH. A kooi! illnnor will Im worvcd at ikioii. All klinl of .uprou nu (I fnuny article for gift "will ho . on Haiti; almi homo cooking, oaniicil fruit ami candy, 'ft . Tho ladloM of tho ProHhylnrinn ! , ohuroh will havo n Ladinn' Homo . ' -Journal and Haturdity Kvoning Pout booth at thoir haxaar, Doootnhor 18. Jtonnw with tht'in or kIvo thorn your now HiihMnription. Thoy havo a prnlly card to hoiiiI, uiviuur tho tiiirao of tho donor, if you wlnh to bond rltlmr for a gift. W. K. llamincl of Knjjlo Point w:ih it Mculfnrri visitor Friday, w Onwnld Wont of Snlotn, state rail road commifiHionor, wati in Modford . Saturday on official Imfilnenn. K. F. Ornham and F..M. HolmiiKor1 of Pronpoot w6ro iir Medford Friday. . ' JainoM LawIrMM of Applouato Mtfit j Friday night mid Sntunlny in MM-1 fonl. v Mrs. F. Pclouto" and son of KiirIo 1 Point wcro XTedford visitors Sutur V Jay. A. W. Mlllor has movod Into tho ' now bungalow rocontly built by Mm. V. M. Cheiwmqro In East Modford. Tho thonnouiotor ro(t'mlorcd 21 do ' vroen at Jnekmmvillo Friday niorn Inir, tho coldest morning of the mn fion bo far. Tho ladic of the Kpixcopal church nro arrancinp for a rocoption to ov. William I.iicuh. tho now rector of St. Mark's church, to bo hold at tho rcHidcuco of Mr. Povoridi;o, on South Oakdalo avoutio, Woduoxday ovoninjr, Dccciubor 8. Itnv, Mr. l.u cnH hnH mado fricnln of all of Ii'ih congregation ninco coming horo a fow wcokH niro, and Iiiih aUo made GAME TO PLAY; REMAINED TO PAY Delluhtcd Medford One Evening and Was Delighted by Hedfcrd Next Day. route dn hit mimical tour. Ho pur chaHcd a tou-ncro lot from tho Ore gon Orchard Syndicate in tneir not ed "CrcHtbrook" tract and ( will re turn horo later to live on it. a good iuiproHHioii with thoHO wliotri ho hurt mot oiitHido of tho church. Tho reception in open to all ami tho ladioH would be gliul ' huo every one call ami meet Mr. and MrH. I.iicuh. lion. W. M. Colvitf went to AhIi lund Friday cvcnini to attend a mooting of the NoIiIuh of the MyHtld Shrine. I , County .luilgo Neil wuh in Medford Violinist Saturday on official himinoHH. Mrn. M. M. Taylor of JaekHonvillo viHitcd Medford Saturday. Iti MrH. S. It. Taylor wuh in M ml fork) from JaekHonvillo Snturduy. Mr. and MrH. I). II. Drowcny ar- ri viwl from I'nrtlmid FriditV. Mr. Drowenv Ih tho now divinion Hunorin- Adolph Knauer, tho violinint, who tendont of the Pacific Staten Tele-1 ho doligliteil u Medford audicneo Fri phono & Telegraph company, which, diiy-wcning nt tho'oponi hoyse, wuh drvbdrm compriHM the, outio ,of jn Umi' H() dci htt.d Suturduy that JnekKon, JoHophiuo nbd Klamath. I. int., , . 'in .I . V1..11J.11 ,.t nu.....r.. ho decided to locate here wtiilo on panned through McdfoVd Friday on route to Oakland, Cal., to ifpcnd tho 'winter. Mr. MoClrllan ill n i.tcr of John S. Orth of tho Modford Na tional bank. 1 ' Nov. K. F.'A. Hittron of Colorado and 'family nro among tho rccont ar rivalH in Modford. Itov. Hittron in tho advance guard of woven Colorado familicH who aro looking for looa tioiiH, ami ho linn ill ready Hcnt them word to como on, Frank Plymalo, who Iiiih been Handing Hoveral dayx in Medford, loft Saturday morning for bin claim in tho Dutto creek Hoetiou. Itov, Itobert KnnH wn in Modford Saturdav moniini: 011 bin return homo to JaekHonvillo after a vinit to tho upiier valley. County .Judgp Noll, wob in Medford Saturday on bunlncfis. JoHcph .Schmidtliug pf . Portland, who Iiam been vinititng' rolutivert and friondH in Medford, loft Saturday moming for Iloscburg on hw way home. Minh Oraco. Henry of- JaekHon villo Hpent Saturday evening in Mod ford. A. K. Itcamen of JaekHonvillo wnn in Medford on buHmoHH Saturday. A big crowd of "rah-rah" boyn fnim OrantH PaAn were in Medford Saturday to attend tho football game V. C. Ilrown, manager of the F,u geue branch of tho Oregon Granite company, is in Medford conferring with company official here. Colonel Oeorgo P. Minis of Central Point wan in Medford recently on' hiiHineHR. rmi:,vri:.sT hticiki: tiihbatknh. (C'intlnunil from pfice 1.) TROOPS HURRY TO CHECK MOBS imiDOEPOIlT, Ohio, Doc. 4. A call for troops to tako chargo ot tbo iitrlko filtuntlon at tho Aetna Stand ard Stool mill today followed tho crisis resulting from tho wife ot a strlko-broAkcr bolng struck by a brick hurled at her'husband. Tho situation Is critical and sor oral persons already baro boon wounded In tho rioting In which shots haro boon fired. VJndsor Darin, a striker, was shot In tho leg. Two guards woro seriously hurt. Strikebreakers Arriring. Tho company Is rushing strike breakers horo from Clovoland and PlttHburgand moro troublo Is feared. Tho mlll'offlclals Bay thoy will fill tho 'places of all tbo strikers and positively refuso to deal with thorn. Fifteen hundred soldiers, with Drlgadlor Goncral Speaks In com mand, havo arrived heer and as sumed control ot tho strlko situation. Over n million men will engage di rectly in a battle with the railroadw iiiiIohh Homo fortunate ciroumHlance ariHCH to avert the trouble. More than 160.000 miloH of railroad track will be idle. It wan announced thin afternoon that 22 rnilroadH with terminulH in Chicago hnve decided to maintain thoir Htnml in reftiHing to grant tho demand of their employes for a 10 por cent wage increflne', If tK6 rondA refuse to compromiflo it In believed tho ntrong pro-strike feeling that is prevalent horo will rcsirit in the greatost induHtrinl struggle id Amer ican history. ,r r W. 0. Leo, grandronfltcr of ,.the. Itnilwny Trainmen; President Cnrtor of tho Railway Firemen and A. B. Oarotnon, president of tho Ilallvvay Conductors, conferred with commit tees representing the organisation!) of trainmon, engineers, fircmep and conductorri. What tranHpired at tho conference was not made public' Premdent Stone of the Brotherhood I of Locomotivo Engineers is-expected (0 arrive hero tomorrow-'or Monday. 1 Injuries were reported. Aboolutoly no damage was caused by tho storm and unless It continues for some time nothing Is to bo fear ed. This storm is tho first In years to coma this early In tho year. Howard Htirprlwd. The present hhow Htorm is tho earliest of its kind in tho recollec tion of J. S. Howard, the first poHt master of Medford, one of its oldest citizens, and often called "the father or Mcdtord. "I know that this1 is the first time since I have been in Southern Ore gon that we Have had snow before Christinas," said Mr: lldtfard, "and I also know tbof there, will be some 2000 people in Medford who will say I didn't tell the truth-when they read the, statement.- -fThe, only, other time that I remember when we had a snow as early as this Was In' 1861, and by the first' of 'January there was 'two feet of snow all .over tho valley. I am hoping that 'it will hot occur that way thirt year, as 1 am some older than I was (ben, and wading through snow doesn't appeal to paeV t-i.i r 7? KTOItM KING REIGN'S. (Continued from psjr 1.) ay. May Hurt Election. GRANTS PASS, Dec. 4. Accom panied by a stinging wind Granti Pass oxporlcnccd JJs first snow fall this season. Tho snow commenced fajllng about 10 o'clock this morn ing and stoppod about three and with a rising tomperafuro. It commenced again during tho evening. Tho city election occurs Monday and tho politicians are' fearful as to tho oftect of bad weather In scttidg out tho voto, the, present contest bo lng ono of tho most exciting la a number of years. Tho Local Situation. . To tho groat suprlse of local peo plo a "real live" snow storm Bwcpt ovor city and valley aSturday morn ing, continued until afternoon, stop ped for a short time about 5 o'clock but resumed about 7 and Is still con tinuing this morning at 2 a. in. Nearly four Inches hare fallen and moro is expected. A high wind accompanied the storm and for a period played havoc with signs in tho city, tossing them nbout endangering pedestrians. No Yqu Can Buy 1 N. Y, Pippin Spitz Partleit 10 off c Cornice. . Winter Nells Direct from the GROWERS. Ab solutely Reliable and Dependable Stock grown by NaneTyuea irbo know bow. Write us for prices before signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY 18 E. Yakima Ave., North Yakima, Wash. BENSON'S BARGAINS We are Headquarters for Small Orchard Jracts Unit plan installments from ono acre up, oithor tear ing orchards or undeveloped land. " Several of these or chards have produced $1000 per acre annually net. Call at our office or write for details. I IM I El I 111 Our plan of terms makes investment easy. Own some property nnd receive your share of the increase in value this spring. 2 1-2 acres on Newtown street, good 5-room houso, well and outbuildings, nearly all set to fruit..... !..$3a00 2 1-2 acres between Peach and Newtown streets; nicely located fpr subdividing T.r $2100 We have several good building lots near-Jackson afcreot; will go at, each , $250 We represent seven strong fire insurance companies. Insure before the fire; its too late after. Within 100 feet of Oakdale avenue, new 10-room modern house, south front, large lot $2500 Ivy street, 1 1-2 blocks from Main; modem 6-room house, completely furnished; must go at $3200 A fine business location, half block from Main street on Grape $8000 Surety Bonds We represent the TJnion. Guarantee As sociation of Portland. Become informed about, our ten and twenty-acre orch ard tracts, mostly undeveloped and prices right. One 5-acro tract close in, will make 26 building lotSi-Fig-ure it out and see for yourself what you can make on it........ $4000 Our rental department can handle your houses right. Benson Investment Company New Offices Upstairs, Northwest Cor. Main and Grape Sts. - The 1910 Cadillac "30'? $1950 Fully Equipped It's Here And It's Right THE ELEGANT APPEARANCE OP THE CADILLAC WILL MEET YOUR APPROVAL. CALL AT OUR SALESROOM, EX AMINE THIS CAR AND GET DEM ONSTRATION. CATALOGUE SENT ON REQUEST. NOTHING BUT THE FINEST MA TERIAL AND FINEST WORKMAN SHIP GOES INTO THIS CAR. EVERY BUYER OF A CADILLAC IS A FRIEND AND BOOSTER. WHEN IT PLEASES THEM IT WILL PLEASE YOU. The new 1910 CADILLAC ' '30M Price $1950, Fully Equi pped. In the CADILLAC you will find New Features that will appeal to you-f eatures that you will not find in any other car selling for TWICE THE PRICE. This car must be seen to be appreciated Model 10 BUICK TOURABOUT Price $1200. Model 10 BUICK RUNABOUT -Price $1150. The Motoring Public has taken to these cars as naturally as a DUCK SO WATER THE BUICK MODEL 10 IS ONE OF THE BEST SMALL CARS IN AMERICA A CAR OF CLASSY LINES, WITH A DASHING AP PEARANCE THAT IS WANTED BY EVERY PROSPECTIVE PUR CHASER WHO LOOKS IT OVER OR WHO RIDES IN IT. C. H. SNYDER MOTOR CAR COMPANY AGENTS PIERCE, ARROW, CADILLAC, BUICK. 104 S. BARTLETT ST., COR. EIGHTH, MEDFORD, OR,