12 IS FINE EFFECTS IN wtm GOTHAM'S NEW HOME OF HIGH ART THE... NASH LIVERY CO. OF On Tuesday Evening Theatergoers Tomorrow Evening Musical Extrnva 1 ganza Known Far and I Wide Is to Ai- I pear. Will Welcome Again the Old-Time Musical Favorite. KING DODO MERRY MONARCH LAND mmBmmiwninwwmvmmmi'mmmimainttrmm lil t 1 1 miiiiiiiii IV(jPKBwi i John Cort is giving to the theater goers this season an elnborato revi val of the greatest of all comedy opera successes, "King Dodo." This is ono ot the first musical treats that comes to the Medford Theater Tues day, December 7. King Dodo of Dodoland is pos sessed of the idea that ho would llko to regain his youth. To this end he does all sorts ot foolish things, such as having the calendaf set back the trifle ot 30 years and keeping his colurt physician In constant dread ot a violent death if he does not discov er for him the elixir of eternal youth. J A young soldier of fortune, Piola, has had the temerity to fall in love' til. i i.i i . .i Willi 111U JIU 3 MillU, 4YUl'l.l, UUU; proposes to marry her. To this King Dodo objects most strenuously, for she is tne apple ot his eye and he In tends to acquire youth himselt and marry her, until Piola promises to take him to a fountain which will make him young again. The second act ot the opera finds all of the interested persons in Spoop juland, which Is ruled by a queen of surpassing loveliness, who an nounces that she will marry none but an old man of experience. When Dodo I and his entourage are taken before her as prisoners she sees in him the man she has been waiting for, and, as she pleases Dodo's fan cy, the wooding speeds right merrily until a conspiiacy is batched and Dodo Is given a drink from a spring which is indeed a veritable fountain of youth. Presto, the old king Is transformed Into a boy. This pleases Dodo, but the queen will have none of him. Again the conspirators come to the rescue, tor, with the idea of drowning the favor ite they throw him in the same spring and by its marvelous power he is again transformed into the decrepit old monarch he was when the queen- of the Spoopju people lost her heart 1 to him. Dodo is of a forgiving dis- his blessing and his kingdom to Piola account." Thus all of the compllca- position, and when ho finds that the ' and Angela, telling tho former to "go tlons are happily adjusted. queen will bo his he gives everyone Into tho 'king' business on his own' There are more than 20 exceed- THE NEW THEATER, NEW YORK, AFRICA'S HOME OF HIGH ART IN THE DRAMA, AND THREE OF ITS STARS. The opening of the New theater in New York city, destined as the home of the highest dramatic art In the United Stntes and built and controlled under the patronage of a coterie of wealthy art patrons, was one of the must auspicious events In the history of the drama in America. The play for the opening was Shakespeare's "Antony and Cleopatra," the cast Including such famous players as 13. II. Sotheru. Julia Marlowe, A. V. Anson, Ktiland Buckstone, Ferdinand Gottschalk. Charles Iiulsnr, Beatrice Forbes-Itoliertsoii. Jessie Itusle.v and Henry Stanford. The second play scheduled for tbe theater Is "The Cottnge In tho Air." by Edward Knoblauch, a young Aniern an author. The New theater combines nil t .it Is modern and up to date In theater architecture ai:! probably tlu most beautiful playhouse In this country. A beautiful production ot musical comedy and extravagance will occu py tho stago ot the Medford theater I Monday, December ti, when "Tho I hand of Nod will bo piesentod. This Is one ot those massive organizations which are chunictorlzud by a plentl tude of comedians, singers and danc ers and nuinurous chorus ami ballet, atid In which sconuiy, costumes ami offsets" are lavishly displayed. "The : Laud of Nod" has Impressed Itself mrongly on all who have witnessed It on account of Its decidedly unique i character creations, such as "tho man In tho moon," "Welsh Karcblt," ' Sandman," "King and Queen uf Hearts." "April Fool" and similar uiuMiul parsonages. The locale lu which they move la only encountered i In tales of fairy laud and In Arabian Nights. It Is nil clever and Interest- 1 lug and Its comedy Is whole and good, j Tho musical score contnlns plenty of i tho Jingling, catchy sort ot . compo sition which enlivens and satisfies. Practically tho samo excellent can. which made "The Laud ot Nod" so conspicuous nmong New Yorkf suc cesses constitutes the present com pany, Including Knox Wilson, wlio will be seen In his original part. Prominent lu the cast are Nell Mc Neil nud Anna McNabb. Tho demand for "The Land of Nod" has become so great that no less than three companies will have to be organized to tilt It. Mnnngors' all over the country are bidding for! the attraction; tho "tlmo" already offered would suffice for u ten years' continuous run. Under tho clrcum-i stances, Manager Hnzelrlgg Is form-1 nnto In obtaining tho original pro-' ductlon and company, which will play hero Monday, December C. I Have the Best Turnouts in the City You ate trualed right, llio (irn'e is right, the leant right in fact, ovorylliitu; Is tight Count and mco. NASH LI VERY CO. GOID RAY GRANITE CO, Orfico: L'OU Wt-at Main St., Mt'tlfoicl, Oio. Operating Quarry at Cold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE Ingly tuneful musical numbers to bo heard In "King Dodo." Some of tho vocnl gems are Tho Tale of a Bum- bio Bee," "Look In tho Book nnd See," "A Jolly Old Potentate," "Two Hearts Mndo One," "Tho Ktuluent Doctor Fizz." "Diana," "Tho Cat's Quartet," "I'll Do or Die." "Old Father Time." "Tho Lad Who Leads," and ' In tho Spring." I The Bungalow Rink Open Every Afternoon from 2 Until 0 1 M. Evening from K:30 Until 10 o'Clock. ADMISSION SUNDAY, 10 CENTS. SKATES 25 CENTS. MUSIC BY THE BAND. W. A. ROBBINS, Proprietor Medford Theatre, Tuesday, DEC. 7 ' , ' ' JOHN CORT KINS DODO PRESENTS A Mammoth New Production in His Revival of the Greatest of Comedy Opera Succes6ss KING DODO Replying To Your Favor of tHe llth -1 BY PIXLEY & LUDERS "ARE YOU WISE"? More Song Hits Than Were Ever Written for a Comic Opera "The Tale of a Bumble Bee," ''In the Garden of My Heart" "I'll Do or Die" "For Love I Live Alone" "Diana" "Claim Thou Thine Own" "The Eminent Dr. Fizz" "A Jolly Old Potentate" "True As the Stars Above" "Gay Butterfly" "Two Hearts Made One" ' "The Lad Who Leads" "Good Nlnht, Dear" SEATS ON SALE MONAY MORN ING, 60c, $1.00, $1.50. With ELEANOR KENT as Piola, WILLIAM FRIEND as King Dodo, Zoe Barnett, William Herman West, Laura Millard, Osborn Ciemson, Louise Mink, Charles J. Udell and an exceptionally attractive chorus of 50