10 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR MOON". KIWDAY, DECEMBER f. WO!). SHOULD CONSIDER AUTUMN FOLIAGE In selection of trees for street planting one should consider their beauty In autumn and select trees accordingly Making the city more beautiful. for, It has been observed that when a I fortuity of green. It would seem, however, that the unnniil recurrence of tliis lavish display is not npprcci luted as it should be, that little at Mention is paid to itaside from the few who delight in nature study. Thoreau very justly remarks that "if such a phenomenon oeeurred hut onee It would be handed down by tradition to posterity, and get into the inyth- t ... . . i . i ; r : ill lllu buivcuuii ui sivi:iva iun 11 mis uitii uumtu'u mum worn a ' ... i street and lnghway planting some ree shows n distinctive sport of his , ljfk mu,0lWion of lho soasonS) consideration should be given to the kind the peculiarity is n persisten Lu, varlous'tm, spooio;; asslune (luir colors which he leaves will display m one, and a recurrence may be looked t b fa ,nr imkn, , the fall months, n matter as import- for each year If a red maple dw.8omo loe1UJos u m bo tfftr, or ant as that of tree habit or graceful plays one highly colored branch m,n( but u our rf or fa lloM outline. Although a purely esthetic early August, while the rest ot its t nlwft' arrivfl ill,ncctmliuitfc with ons, its important has been urged at foliage is still green, i may be .lo-,ho nlmniIIlu. Horo ntul thcro imli. times by scicntisis as well as writers 1,ended upon to exhibit the same phc-; vMull troes lMny l(0 8Knv , lU)miin,, on woodland scenery. We hail with nomcnon next season. The white ma- thcir Rny Hvcrv. nnd Ulcro ,m, pleasure the green foliage of each re- pie, as a rule, has yellow leaves t in wh wi , ,. th() u unimg spnng, but the light none the autumn; but if some one tree of thwlarond (he mul is wntm with rc. less m the bnlhaut display made by species shows a mixture of red .and j uri.n VTne the painted leaves in autumn, and so, yellow in its leaves it will do the T! when we como to choose our trees samo through each successive year. , equqRS GET SENTENCE SIX MONTHS IN JAIL .I,,.... I SPOKAXK. Wash., Deo. James Wilson and I. J. Foote, editors of the Industrial paper in this city, were today sentenced to six months in jail on charges of conspiracy. They ap pealed from the sentence and were for planting, everything else being On some oaks the leaves, instead of equal, why not give a preference to turning red, change from green to the species which afford a pleasing yellow or russet; but, whatever the aspect in both spring and fall. peculiarity in this respect, each in- In considering this question it is dividual will retain it in a marked well to remember that, while certain degree vear after year. Tho pcrsist species generally show the same color enoy of this abnormal variation in each fall, there is apt to be some var- color has been observed so often that . .. it.. .... i.i.. .. .:... union in tins respect, uccnsionniiy . u..u.u a..,.,, . , nieaseA mx $o000 bonds. The charges some inmvimiai win exiu ui an e - " ".-. .. ...... ...v. fl .)st Uw ,wo men wcw , ou, tirely ditlerent tint irom tlie prevail- ngt "e nine, uy using eimiugs ""irowt1 ot tHC freo.speee lllg OHU OL mill Sl'Cl'll'S, WIUIC ire- f.'n- 4""i unraa v. uinimuo unit qnently several tints, and at times exhibit a constant color, to propagate two or more distinct colors, will be trees of desirable autumn lints nnd found on the same tree. The red furnish stock to their 'nslomers. maple is noted for tho scarlet hue warranted to display certain nttrae of its leaves in early fall; but here tivc features in this respect. The and there a tree of this species will purple or copper beech, used so es display a yellow foliage at thnt sea- tensively in lawn planting, was prop son. Then, again, the other soft ma- agated in this way from a single tree, pie, the white or silver mnple, which which showed an abnormal color in generally turns yellow, will in some its foliage. places present a single tree with 1 There seems to be a popular hn leaves showing a red color to con- pression that the period in which our siderable extent. forests .displayed their autumnal Most of our oaks are a brilliant beauty is" of brief duration. A little red or scarlet in October, but some thought and observation will show of them change each autumn from that this is hardly the case. By the green to russet without the usual in- first of August, throughout New termediate bright tints thnt gener- England and the Middle States, many ally precede the russet. The hard, or of our soft maples display their scar- sugar maple, cannot bo classified un- let standards of approaching fall; in der any one particular color, for it September the forests on our moun not only displays various ones on the tain slopes and uplnnd plateaus .uo same tree, but ereen. vellow and red at their best: in October tho wood- are often found on the same elaf. The ! lands along our valleys and the tree . 14.4 r V CUIUS CiMJlrJlja lilt, It H1(W ANNOUNCEMENT The Kogue llivor Canning fc Fvaporatim; company will devote Mondays and Thursdays of each week to custom work in the man ufacture of eider, apple butter and jellies. Phone your orders for nico sweet eider to 11XU. Deliveries will he made on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week. ROGUE KIVER CANNERY & EVAPORATING COMPANY Mll In West Mcdford. Phone 11X2. LOOK Let mo make a monogram fob I;r you, individual and diatinctitvo in design, or make any kind or desrgn of jowelry in gold or silver. Watch for announcement of chnt go of location soon iu more spucfoiw and modern quarters. GEO. A BUTT, The Watchmaker and Jeweler, 135 West Main Street, Corner of Grape. -speech fight. DULUTH MAN TAKES OVER HEINZE COPPER WORKS ntTTB. Mont., Dec. 4. A. V. Welviti of Dultith, Minn., president of the Butte Superior Copper company. has tnken over the great concentrat ing works of F. Augustus Heinze at Basin, Mont., according to an an nouncement here today. Welvin is in this city with a party of Minnesota bankers and capitalists who are rumored to bo connected with the deal. It was announced that tho Superior company would be gin the shipment of ore to tho Basin works next Monday if transportation facilities can be arranged. For That Dull FeellnG After Eating. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time and that line our village streets present' can testify that they have done me their most brilliant effects; nnd even 'more good than any tabletis I have successive tints durinc their trnnsi-!in November the persistent russet , ever used. My trouble was a heavy tion, passing from yellow to a beau-. leaves of the oaks are still in pleas- dull feeling after eating. David tiful shade of brown. On some trees, ing evidence, while hero and there on j Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. These noticeably the red maple, a single some late maturing trees mny be seen , tablets strengthen the stomach and branch will assume a brilliant color, 1 a f aiat glow befitting this twilight improve tho digestion. They also rcg generally red in August, vhi!e the season of the year. Thus we havoulate the liver and bowels. They arc rest of the folintre is still rrrcen. This four months in which to study this ; far superior to pills, but cost no may be attributed to some lack of vi- pleasing exhibition of nature, a pe- (more. Get a free samplo at Leon B. tality in the particular branch thus riod nearly as long as that in which , Haskins' Pharmacy and see what a affected. the venial fohace retains its uni- splendid medicine it is ash, for instance, show three or four Medford Iron Works E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. Foundry and Machinist All Vr, of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t tchlncry Ancnts In Southern Oreuon for FAIRBANKS, MOPSE & CO. 1 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING in all its brunchoH is our specialty. Specifi cations on contracts regardless of their si.e promptly furnished and satisfaction guar anteed. "We also carry the finest line of Art Fixtures and Gonoral Elootrical Sup plios between Portland and San Francisco, if your house needs wiring, your motor re paired, or you need fixtures of tiny descrip tion, givo us a trial. Southern Oregon Electric Company PHONE 1091. 30 S. GRAPE ST. Union livery, Feed and Sale Stable PHONE 1821. 113 SOUTH BARTLETT ST. BALED HAY AND GRAIN. Home First Class Moles and Horses BARGAINS, IF TAKEN SOON Why Buy AN INFERIOR GRADE OF BUTTER TO SAVE ONE OR TWO CENTS ON THE POUND, when you can tt tho hcHt for alnuitt the Name price from your local creiiineryr We ilon't mix our huttcr. Auk your grocer for it ami tlum encourage home imlimtry. If your grocer don't hnmllu it, phone us. Sweet cream, milk and huttertnilk delivered every day. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY. Phono No. 2681 CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 530 AoreB P. C. Hansen. 'Vow Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. Wo cam class of nnv size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. Adjolnlnn Hlllcrest orchard and con tain unoxcolcd deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and (jencrous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY " , , , .. , : III llll VAN DE CAR & J ASMANN diamond setters Manuf acturing Jewelers OPTICIANS WILL BE IN THEIR NEW STORE IN THE PHIPPS BUILDING ON EAST MAIN STREET THE FIRST OF THE WEEK AND Ready for Business r WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, GOLD AND SILVER WARE AND' EVERYTHING USUALLY FOUND IN THE MOST UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY ESTABLISH-MENTS. MR. VAN DE CAR IS A WATCHMAKER WITH . SIXTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE, EIGHT YEARS OF WHICH TIME HE HAS WORKED ON SPLIT SECONDS AND RAILROAD WATCHES. HE UNDERSTANDS WATCH AD JUSTING THOR OUGHLY. ANY ARTICLE PPURCHASED OF THEM WILL BE NEATLY ENGRAVED WITHOUT CHARGE. MR. JASMANN IS AN A.l. MANUFACTURING JEWELER, CAN MAKE OR REPAIR ANY ARTICLE IN THE JEWELRY LINE WITH NEATNESS AND TASTE OF ART, HE HAS MADE A SPECIALTY OF MONOGRAM WORK, TAKING NUGGET GOLD AND MAKING INITIALS PLEASING TO THE EYE. WE EXPECT TO CARRY ONLY THE HIGHEST GRADES OF JEWELRY, AND OUR MOTTO WILL BE: "PLEASE OUR CUSTOMERS AND MAKE NEW ONES." B. T. Van De Car J. G. Jasmann Phipps Building, Medford, Oregon