Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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arly Xmas Sale
Says He Was Onco Upon a Time a So Says William J. Bryan In Com-. Wedding Bells Did Not Ring as. They
Congressman, Which Is In
deed Neyvs to Americans.
moncr Says Every Indica
tion Points That
' PARIS, Dec. 3. Upon tho arrival LINCOLN, Neb., Dee. 3. William
Lore of Robert Bacon to assume his J. Hryan in Tho Couiiuoner today
duties as American ambassador to says:
, . "Has it occurred to yo uthat Talt
n'nran7"7.l,c-J"u and Aldrieh are likely to head the
Were Scheduled to Do
Groom and Money
Government May Be Forced to Con
demn Property on Which
to Build Fortifications.
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Deo. 3. The
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 3. No-
nouncing hor previous statement to government may ultimately be forced
tho effect thnt she would marry Ar-'to institute condemnation proceed-
thur Gordon, Mrs. May E. Miller, a ings to seoure ft site for tho irojoed
' . ... i ..... fnrMMnnttrMia nt Nun Pitiirn im Imtnl.t
.u..u..... .v.... Homiblican ticket in the next cam-1 wmsotuo wuiow, rosining at i ; " .
ot Henry White, fronnthe post as- "-Pcmi uu m mi i.i.m mm tho forts elsewhere, according to rea
. t . pnign? 'Boylo avenue, sworo out a warrant '., , , 'i..
mimed by Bacon: Tnfi' indnrspmont of Ullrich's' t i ! i estate men here today.
"When White was aniU.scsdor at , l indorsement ot .iimui s ( chBPJpn. hor fmuceo with ielony cm-, That such notion will bo nocessnrv
n..rt nf Ri. Jnmos." thn Journal , 8 "lcfM!u,sm,V hl? 1,rmse of th. ? IT I ber.xloment. Tho police are looking a,ecamo ov:,lont wi.ol. it ns loan.,.,!
ncii uui us nit' uvm ur aim uu-,
. . li.l . ... In H thn
. V r,n",on tour through the west, tanking cn unnblo lo &A traco o Mnu
laudatory comments upon the corpj-i
. only a mere representatives In cou- rat;on aU o thc
lor Uordon tpdny, but so inr tmvu tliat nul OWMor8 ,m pin,,,,',,,.. t,,
build a number of iottn"is no vni-5.
Tho couple were to have been mar- 0HS portions of promised sites and
ried Inst night, according to the first incrcnso tho prico of the lnnd.
CSS. 1V. !, l.o.l . '. ,. I.
Tho American residents of Paris trr'":": nCZ,7,i .w r. announcement oy Mrs. .Miner to nor' When it became known that gov
e glad to here of this hitherto un- " " "V"'"" , ' , V menus, uut uio womung neiis mil onmu
nitfil ni r n miiifc nnn i n lit it i
uppon- ,10t
niitr us sclicuulod for the sousoik niirtnth nnciinn rC tin. lmiii ii.iriH ..
vvimiiii 'nitUVMI IfL IHV IIIIIU IIVIU 41U
ulfc'closeu Honor won uy iiui ueiure , 4I - . s ... . - " " curium noruou 01 t-
So omorged Into International prom- ?'1 . h?f ,,.cke YI,h .prcnt tnncy. sUo nlleRes, tlmt Gonlon pWppcil out f , ,
TnenS. .BUt tm,C ' "Kn" her! tho honeymoon funds, which, it resllUcd. Aecordim;
"Aldrieh hns announced that ho
inencc. t
iuo aruc.e ..Mu V won't be n candidate for the senate.
sressmnn rati anu says inui uur-
Sri cured apartments in a house owned government.
are gun a-r 4U . nlthoiiKh shchas
disclosed honor won by Taft before! ,. , .7 .
in real estate
lit? tit llllt'llOl' ov.
is allcRed, beloiiRed to her. ,wrts, the land owners have inten-
Gordon eamo to Los Afiiroles from
n rvnt Who t ic tnnrn tin hirn 1 Minn,T i. i n
i3g his service In the national legls-, "" V" u , " V " i" " U"K 8PV?nM no!uus 1,0 Sl, lriccs fo- 'eir properties from the
... . . , . ...... ..If.ll. IV .V
in lure nc iuuuu muicvn iu .uunuu
one day.
"The "congressman
tend a gala performance
at which the royalty
vkrj a - iiiiKv r . ...... .
cssnry ticket at the American em-, do fc snv lo , 1 Micr ?J" TTt?Blr tloce.e1 1"3 nn'
a8Sy. iint" aooui iour weeKS njro .ur. .Miner instituted, if the lnnd is desired.
. The "congrssman" thereupon, ac- ,URtI nrranKements for her weddinp. , TTZ
, ih. prl, -.. w-s in. f ,A honoymoon tnp was decided upon. MONTANA HEAVY
cording to the Paris paper, was m i - ' . cuccrocD mnu e-rmist-
"u. u iivn. iuuu in- uuttiuuiu a. ti is hiil'j;i.'ii, .in- aurrbntn rnuin oinirvC
u';i i Mm ....) ..r ..
1 .... II. U V.V. 11111 I. II
V 7 T oy 'urs- 'u,"er Blen" 110 wcy eottages. it is estimnted that the
years been in fact. nnm nnn.n;...,i nn.i i,n- i,.,n,i ... , . . .. ., . ,.. .
wisneu to ai-, ....... . Tnft , A1(1r;01 5n 101o 'JT "T ' r"c " .rcu ,l,c 1 "uo" &,nu's WI"
of the opera. . , , . ,, ; u--uk uur o uuhusmuh. ,,nxe nDont 'joo ono acked to the
were to bo pres-.., . .. .., .-V V A V 1 "u i irpK-iuiy oi propuny m present vn uo of the anils. Th s the
mii!fht thn nee- " ' uim, mm umiuhhcu iu.s hchiui hi irovenimont W in imnix oil tn niiv
We Invite you to Come
and Examine the
Saturday Bargains
All duplicate sale slips should
be held as brownikar coupons
The HnLchason Co.
Formerly Baker-Hutchason Co.
' chnso tickets for the journev. He did ! on.ynfLf.n.PjElJL
'not return.
HMm.t . V. n . 1.1. AlAt)iAe TTdiA not nf
the sort that ould look well at thei eventa the 10th, at the Metho- ;Icr advanced money to him to pur-1
It .Is then stated that to this day .
.the scllght has rankled In "a certain
large" bosom and that the offer orjnn lrriir All 1 III
a complimentary ticket to the London , II T Rrr(lL AllAIll
fc,,jrj .
(Continued rrom rape 1.)
niMnl rrnresentntive of Mexico
"i - - i
Creel, who recently secured 30 days (
leave of absence from his post nsj
Kovernor of Chihuahua, has been in
conference with President Diaz for!
several days.
' Fitting Up Dental Rooms in Atkins
Block Has Dr. Barber
as Partner.
Dr. J. M. Keene and Dr. F. S. Bar-
School Enumerator Is Having
Time of His Life In Check
ing 'Em Up.
Immenso plant of tho Roynl flouring
mills ot Great Palls was compelled
to suspend operations lato yesterday
, and Its scores of employes are In en
I forced Idleness. Tho striking switch
men In nil Montana centers are main
, talnlngtin unbroken front today. No 1
i deflections from their ranks at thc
. principal terminal points havo been
reported, although a few men nro
the said to havo returned to work tn the
Savoy Theater Exhibiting Film Show
ing Ball Ganto Between Pitts
burg and Detroit Teams.
, outlying districts.
Strike nrenkers nt Work.
r.... , ; SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 3. In con
trast to tho situation yesterday, there s,nt. (1f tj,c famous plnyers in action
O. Martin, who is taking tho ' is marked activity in the locnl rail- n.,,1 ic r
------- iiiiu v jwuit uuttfi it. t uuiuiiiinf
The Snvoy has secured the picture;,
of the firht punc of the champion
ship htk" between Detroit and
I'ittsburc for the baseball rhauipion-
ship of tho world. Tho pictures show
nff.inlQ hArn nffirm t Iif riwrt . ... '
4i VViT i 11 ner are mtlng up dental rooms in tno census or sencol children In East roni Jaru ioaay ana neiwcen l-o nnii Cobb, WaRner, CInrke, Adams, Mul-
ri KVVMAALail "Icere formerly occupied by tho for- Medford, says that ho has butted Into ! 30 "trlke-brcakcrs are at work clean- U nd other stars.
h5v.?.toS!,-er in the Alklns bu,ld,ng on Main more trouble In trynB to count the ' Xv Jl iA "WWn
- ofrn- .n l l, . . T . . ".. . l"v Ul IHIU Kill
I - Buiuumcicu iu uti iuo nt work this mnrnhir u-li lo hrno ...
up and tako notice, and mnyhe
ion, by which the United States sev
cred diplomatic relations witn Ae-1 rjr. Keene Is so well known to the six months' tourney across tho nlalns . crows worn hnsv In thn nron vrh. ....n i:.n.. , nrt-i.
layn, wa8 written nftc-r a conference 1 pcop,e Qf southern 0regoa that hoijn tho .50a ern yardB. Whllo no freight Is belnK A couple of well-known fans who
with Mexican officials when Mexico
advised Knox to write such n letter.
Activity in San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Dec. 3.
Despite the announcements of Colonel
needs no introduction, and tbo fact
that he has resumed practice will bo
learned with pleasure by hli former
Dr. Barber comes highly recom-
"They seem to tako me for an I recc,mJ by the railroads, officials of witnessed nn advance e.xhibition of
agent of some sort" says Mr. Mar- f" a"f Cted "nee declare that por- t10 films yesterday afternoon are
t. 1(.fc..fc T . J 'Bbablo shipments aro bolng moved en till undecided ns to whether tho tint-
wub o uU uBcuv route and that tho situation Is Im-
for anything except prosperity. I
havo had doors shut In my face and
havo had to wado through dogs and
proving hourly.
Yon Schroeder, in command of the mended from Denver, where he was
. a - a it; . i fnrmorlv 1 nr. t nr1 nVuT hna tusf rnm.
army transport senice at ims pun, - . i other thlnKS In cettlnc to the back
.1 r--L in- j i nlcfoH n nnst.irriifliinto rnnrno nnrlAr I ulu" -""b " (,l.lllU(, lo me DUCK
io .no exiect ,nia no or b u. -; - ; " door to secure the Information I am attempt of tho officials of tho North
Office I ton as Iirnkies.
TACOMA. Wash., Dec. 3. Tho first
However, I havo compiled em Pacific to copo with thc situation
.-a e 21. - ttti.; i i Tlr Rrnnhv nr thn rThlr.itrn ilpntnl rnl
xtcciveu irum iuu r usuiukiuu uu- ; ' - - seekine
teZn ofthe war department to" d authorities on dental work in the " gh to show that tho Med-, brought about by the strike of the
icnuon oi me war aeparimeni xo ford schools aro increasing more rap-, switchmen was mado todny, when
"Francisco, the work of overhauling
the bis transport Crook is beiner con-
a " .1 1 1 m t i 1 ! n 1 ft nnno In 41ia
imiieu Willi ievensn liasie lOUay. w.v . o I nrnhnhlv ho iiKAfnl tn tnn In Intor
Late last eveninc additional men I profession and will be prepared with- j"Ja?,,jr bo UBOfuI t0 mo ,n ,ater
were detailed to work on the Crook. I In the next few days to give their i '
The ship has laid idle in the stream ! patrons tho very latest in the line of i
i.nM n,n ,i st ;ithelr Drofesslon. ,WtLlrir WUMfcN r-UHUtU
V- V w UIU J I14UII ( J VU4 f UUU V J47
not believed thnt the Washington au
thorities are going to several thou-1
sand dollars' expense to
The best lecture you ever heard
have her! "Grit and Gumption," at tho M. E.
overhauled only to return her to her ' church, Friday evening, December
anchorage for another indefinite pe- 1 10, by Dr. Young of Portland. Get
riod. I your seats. 220
pirp was right or wrong on one close
decision. Incidentally, that decision
hnd something to do with the winning
of the came.
SACRAMENTO. Cal.. Doc. 3.-
Drs. Keene and Barber are fitting I ,dly than ovor ln attendance, and they placed yard masters and office Owing to an unusual rise of the wn-
their offices with the most up-to-date aavo aiBO accumu,aa a mnu oi mis-, m mo jaruo io iuko uio Pinces tors ot tho American river, President
line of the dental 1 ce,,aneouB imormauon wnicn wiu(oi uio swuenmen. aoverai engines Lovett of tho Southern Pacific road
wuro in operation touny ana many , ,s several hours behind his schedule
cars of perishable goods were moved, on his return trip to the east.
At the freight offlco no freight Is Lovelt's special reached Roscvillo
being received, however. Tho offlco jnst evening to find thnt a 12-foot
Is closed and Instructions nro that rise in the river had rendered n tres
not a pound of freight bo received tic over tho river unsafe, nnd his
under any conditions. Very little train was run back to this city and,
freight is coming in. : dispatched via Davis nnd Knight's
I Landing.
Portland Suffers Little. ! Tho Sacramento river was a rmrlv
POItTLAND, Doc. 3. Portland , to thc rnmnairo of tho Amoriean ves-
lato Millionaire Charles L. Fair, to "'PPo touay are suiiering vory in- terdny, rising eight feet. Doth
A title to 100 acres of lnnd, alleg
ed to be clouded, may cause Mrs.
Theresa Olrichs and Mrs. Virginia
Vnilderbilt of Now York, heirs of the
THE gift of a Piano or Angolus Playor
Piano is a gift to overy mombor of
tho family; ia a gift that will bo en
joyed evory day in tho year; is a gift that
will entertain visitors and guests; is a gift
that will .bring pleasure to tho giver him
self; is a gift of all gifts, for it's a stopping
stone to higher culture and refinement, and
a gift that'll be onjoyod not only on Xmas
morning, but for many of thorn to come.
Make reservation today. Don't dolay.
Very easy holiday terms.
A big bunch of special bargains in usod
Knabo and Mason-& Hamlin Piano deal
ers. The Wiley B. Allen Co.
Apple King Says Medford Should
Have Had Much of Her Lit
erature There Dur
ing Show.
journey from the east to Sun Ber- Uo Inconvenlenco as a result of tho;8treains aro subsiding today,
nnrd nn tn mvn nvMnncn In rOnnr thn ' striKO OI tno SWUCnmen. Wlin 1110
. title.
' That the two wealthy women may
bo drawn in'to tho suit involving val
uable property in this city because
H. B. Tronson, whoso car of Splt-
xonbergs won tho sweepstakes at tho
Spokano applo show, returned to
Hertford Thursday night and left Fri
day afternoon for Eaglo Point
Mr, Tronson Is, of courso,
at winning tho grnnd prlzo for Jack
eon county, but states that a great
chnnco to advertise tho Rogue River
of a writ in the case was brought hnB beon tho cnfl0 8lnco thc Btr,ko wnH
into court. ' callL'" n" shipments or a porlsiinuio
nature aro being forwarded by ex-
PRESC0TT MAY LOSE HIS Prc89 Branch; T. A. Vegoll and wife, city;
JOB AS REGISTRAR! j J. J. Lynch, Btnnloy linker, San Fran
ICHARD PARR ON STAND 1 cIhco: II. HuddloHton, Portland; John
General P. C. Prescott, register for
tho United States land office at Los
England's Hous eof Commons Scat
ters to the Four Winds In
Order to Cam
Anccles. is to lose his position when , Pnrr took tho stand todny In tho gov-, burg; Mrs. Pearl Whlto, city.
Id's nrftsont tnrm nxni TWomW ' ernment caso against tho sugar trust i At tho Nash C. W, McKenn, II.
LONDON, Dec. 3. The capital Is'js, according to a report current hero' nnd tol(1 ,10W bo discovered tho moth- j Wortondyko, Robort Burns, W. A.
practically, deserted of parllamenta-1 today jod of dofrnudlng tho government by Ward, R, 13. Colwoll, Qoorgo Whlt-
nans today. Released from their du-t was stated, weights.
ties, many members of the house of hn8 mnde ovory offort lo securo ft ro. n0 ald that ho saw Kohoo, cno of
commons havo left tho city to com- nnnointment. Tho rumor. Imwnvnr. tho dofondants in tho action, sitting
I mence their personal political cam- jins jt lnnt prnnk Buren of Los An-! near a govornraont weigher, Ho said idlh; G. L. Small, San Francisco; G. H.
. elated ,mgns ln their constituencies. goles, private secretary to Senator ' Kohoo'fl peculiar position attracted Hamilton, San Francjsco; O. E. Man-
Hint,! urgo; .v, u. jjuuih, rurgu, i.
M. True, San Francisco; (1. W, Lohr
burg, Portland; A. A. McDonald, Port
lnnd. I
exception ot shipments ot shipments1 HOTEL ARRIVALS
of perlshablo articles, tho Hill lines! .
operating out of Portland contlnuo to I At tho Moore L. A. Singleton,
recolvo freight, subject to delay. As 'Oakland; Dr. F. 8. Harbor nnd wlfo, '
Portland; H. A. Hnrvoy, Mrs. R. A.
Hnrvey, Seattlo; H. L. Holgato, L. J.
Bonn, Corvallls; H. B. Shorman, Long
IN FAMOUS SUGAR TRIAL rtll clty! F. u. liolHlngor, C. KaBs
Ihofor, Jncksonvlllo; If. W. Johnston,
NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Richard Now York; Loon McClollnn, ' Roso-
comb, Tom R, Smith, J, F. Condon,
Portland; C. C. Smith, Ashland; B. p.
Morton, Portland; W. ID. Lyon, Red-
Chancellor Llgyd-Georgo, whoso , -prank Flint, will succeed to tho post. 1 hlfJ attention. Ho ordored Kohoo to
budget precipitated tho crisis in par
liament, was first to open tho Strug- WHERE IS 1 IAS RORRIN?
valley was lost through tho fact that glo between tho factions, with a lunch j '
thoro was no Modford literature at tho . eon. Tho luncheon was timed for,rcwartj Offered for Information
biiow ior uiBinuuiion. .Mr. xronson tno prorogation oi parliament ana tno Pnnpornlnn Hie uhoronhnnio
chancollor's utterances will probably
mark tho opening of the fight I Tho uildersitrned is desirous of get
throughout tho country. ! ting into communication with Mr.
iu miou tuuajr Muyu-uBurso aua KIIR Roblnns, formerly of Polk
lad a fow booklets which ho distrib
uted, but could not tocuro any moro,
rlthough ho wroto nnd telegraphed
. froauontly.
, "There was really nothing to it," Winston Churchill uttacked tho house (,01mtv ari,nn niwi ,.,u tinv d-r,
?8ld Mr. Tronson In speaking of tho of lords as an Institution. Lloyd-1 wiml ' (o tho rson puttjn ' Ilim
Bl ow. "Wo had them beaten every j George roforred to its mombors ae 1 communication with tho said Rob
way. Thoro were no apples there "ancient wax-works," and declared It , iinSi A matter of much importance
which would compare with tho Roguo to bo "tho father of Incompetent Address Walter L Toozo Jr nttor
3Uver fru,t" ,rul" . ; wUliUIinoy-nt-lttW, Dallas, Or. ' " 221 "
stand up nnd discovered a hole in
tho stanchion of tho scales,
Parr then told him ho took tho
scales to pieces and found tho spVlng
nand discovered tho means by which
fnlso wolghts woro recordod.
Parr testified that Dock Superin
tendent!1 Spltzor tried to brlbo him to
report tho scales out of ordor nnd
drop tho mutter.
Possess Individuality
and Character
That is the reaaon our trade is
constantly increasing on our Dor
othy Dodd and Walk-Over shoos,
Thore are none bettor made.
PRICE $3,60, $4,00 AND $6,00,
Hotel Moore Building
Send your trophios to mo for mount
ing. Hig game heads, fish, birds nnd
majnmals mounted true to nature byi
imptoved methods. I do tanning, mukf
fiiir rugn, make, remodol nnd olciu I
fur garments, Express nnd mail or-
dors promptly attondod to, ,
Got your tickets for Dr. Young's
groat lecture, "flrit and Gumption,"
held Friday evening, Docembor 10, nt 405 Washington Stroot, Portlund, Or
M. E. church. 220 Tolephouo Mnin 3000.
Donlors in
All hinds of custom work and repairing done on short notico
317 East Sovcnth Stroot MEDFORD, OREGON