n TF1I0 MISPFORP MAIL TRIBUNE, M.TSDJJ OltJJ, OKKUUN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. 7 t n 4 D ft f -f -f -f -f ' ? -f 4- -f 4 -f -f l miH t FOR GOOD CATTLE (Premiums Offered for Best Christ mas Cattle Shipped to Portland. PORTLAND, Or., I . .!. Tho ol'rtluiid liivuHtoi'k Exchange offorn for Ihu Iii'mI ('liriHliiuiH cuttlu tdilppud to tin Portland union stockyards ihu following proniEuum : C'nr HtnirH, not Ichh (Iiiiii '20 bond Firm, .flTiOj hi-cuimI, $75, ' Cnr cowh, not less than 20 head 'Find, $150; m-cond, .7fi. BomI Muglu Htunr Fir!, $2fj nee ond, $15. Mont h'iiiuIo !ow Kirn I, $25; huo )d, $15. Cattle to Ixi judged morning of Do ocuihi'r I I and Mold at auction that afternoon. Judge, John F. O'HIion, Portland; Frank Brown, Carlton, Or.; 0. V. Oainnih', Portland. Thin Mirt of fiiicoiirngiMiii'iil nliould bo an incentive for tho hrodoor and feeder of cat tic. It in in Unit with tho odn oatloual work undertaken hy this -fouipany nud to which tho prima of tho Pacific uorthwimt in lending val uable aid. Receipts nt tho Portland Union Htockyardn for tho month ending lo lny have bona: Cattlo 0518, cnlvcH 581, sheep 7541), hogs 12,7-1-1, home "274. Tlumo receipt arc an evidence of the utility of a livestock market. Tho approximate valuo of tho -IS? onr that made up tho receipts wns $.rill7,f)00, a tidy hiiiu that went into the iMH'kctx of the farmer mid Mnekmcu of Washington, Idaho and Oregon. Tho cattle mnrkot linn heon con sistent throughout tho month, flood attic have drought good price, peciallv in the iimtauce of iciwh. Top price for Htecr wan $1.75, top price for cowh $:i.75, nud npayed heifer Hold at $1. Light calve have hecu in wtning demand with lop at $..25. Shee have come forward In light ipiantitio ami medium to Mor rpial itv. flood wethers, what few then) Merc, wold at .f 1.75 for yearlings and l.5lt for 2-year-oldn. Lamb sold nt $5.75 for the huHt that wore of fered. t I log havo come forward rather freely, and while during the first week in the month prices sagged a little, the market promptly r tvered nnd ha been utrong and high. Tops were $8.10, with hulk of nk at $8. All of tho price herein ipioted hnvo been on good qiinlilic for thin mar ket. Poor quality stuff has sold low and the divergence between good and Voor grade is constantly growing wider. SEA CAPTAIN RETIRES AFTER 50 YEARS' SERVICE LIVERPOOL, Dec. .1. Comploling R0 yearn of sorvico at Hon, Captain John Pritchnrd of the palatial Cun nrd liner Mnnrelnnin, now ploughing it way from Now York to Liverpool, will retire when his ship roaches hor berth in this harbor. Oaptnin Pritchnrd starlod bin son career nt tho ago of ton years nfl a cabin lioy on n Welsh tramp Bteamor. lie ontrrcd tho sorvico of tho Cunard line HO yenrrt ago, and roso rapidly until lio wan given command of tho it. i .Mauroinnm, the ship that bus sot inanv speed records for trans-Atlan- tio trip. SPECIAL RATE TO THE OREGON THRESHERSASSOCIATION, At Tho Dalles, Or., December 2 and 3, 1009. Ono and ouo-third furo on tho cot tlricnto plan will ho tnndo from nil point. on tho Snuthorn Pncifio (linos in Oregon) to Tho DuIIoh nnd return. TlokotH on snlo Novombor 20, 30, l)o cemnor J, 2 nnd 8. Final return iiimit Docomber 0. 'Important nddrosHns will he mono oy roprosontntivoH of tho' U. 8. no pftnmont of ngrioulturo, dopartmenv of good ronds; Prof. Philip 8. 1(oho, Madison, Wis.; D, D. Clark, oditor vmorioan Throshonnnn; ITon. IJonol ill. Wobstor, Portlnnd, Or., nnd olh ors, on Hiibjoots of iniportnnoo. Two hundred dollurs in gold will be given na prizoa for tho host whoat rriisoil in Oregon. Sllvor cup for outfit throshing 5F100 prizo hudhol of grain." For further Information call on any Southern Paoifio agont, or writo to William MoMurrny, gonoral nns Bongor agont, Portland, Or. NOTIOT3. Tho Modtord gonoral dollvory will bogln on tho first of Docoinbor. Pick up nt 1:30 nnd 3:30 p, in, No chnngo 'In tho morning dollvory, 217 MHDFORD GENERAL DELIVBUY. ff4t-ffff Ht f 1 4 PORTLAND MARKETS. . H f f fttHt IIomi, Wool null lllile. Ilopn 1108 crop, choice, 17c; prlmo to cbolco, 10c; prime, lfi'jo; medium, 15c; 1000 choice, 23c; prime, 22ci incJIiiin, 20c. Wool1009, Wlllamotto vnHey, 2091'24c; cantorn Oreson, 20230. Bhottklnn Shearing, lOf0 2Gc itaclit tihort wool, 2C 8G0c; "medium wool, COcCPfl oflch; lone wwil, 7Cc9 1 1.25 each. Tallow--Prlmo, per lb., 3 4c; No. 2 nnd uremic, 2fT2c. Chlttlm bnrk 04V4c. Mohair 1000, 23 ft 24c lb Mldon Dry hldoH, 17lSV4c lb; fircitn, 9 Si 0VjC lb; billU, groou unit, Tc lb; Ulpn, 10rl0clb; cnlvcH greon, 16fl8o lb. Hotter, ICgg nnd Poultry. Kkk l.ocnl, candled, nolcct, 42ViC, ordinary run iOQt 2c; neo onil. 32c; local rtorngo, 32Mift3Sc; mHtorn HtoniRO, 32'iQ3Ccc, Hotter Fat Dollvory f o. b. Port land Sweet crenm, 34 Vic; our, 32V4c. Iluttor I'xtM. crorwnory, 3Vc; fan cy, 34J'-30c; iitore. 22 Vic. Cheeflc Poncy full cream flatt., ISc; trlpletH nnd dalalctf, 18c; Yotinc Amcrlcai, 19c. Poultry Mixod oblckonn, Utt 13V4c; fancy honB, 14c; rotor, old, 1 Off He; eprlngi, 1 4 Vic; gooflo, 10c; duckn, 22)22 Vic; ytROona, squabs, $3 dos; drcmo4 chldcetui, 17 Vi (tflSn; wild geofie, l dot. Grain, Flour and Hay. Harley Producers' price 1909 Feed, I2&.75; rollod, $30; brow ing, 2C.C0. Wheat Trock Club, 91 93c; blueatem. 1.01T1.03; red, 90c; for tyfold, 96C9c; Turkey rod. 91 92c; Wlllamctto valley, 94c. Mlllntuffa Selling prlco Drnn, $2ft.&0; middling, $32; Bhorts, $27. no; chop. $22 28; alfalfa meal, $19 per ton. Flour Now crop, patentH, $5.00; Btrnlght, $2.35; bokcra, $4. 8505.00; Wlllamotto valley, $4.90 bbl; export grades, $4; graham, . 5G.C0; whole wheat, $6.80; ryo, 50, $C50; baton, $3. liny producers' prices Now timothy, Wlllamotto valley fancy, $18; ordlnury, $17; eastern Oregon, $20; mixed, $14T15; clover No. 1, $1115; wheat. $14 15: cheat, $15 1G; alfalfa, $15. Oats Spot dollvory, now, produc ers' prlco Track No. 1 whIU, $29 29.5fl; gray, $282S.G0. Corn Wlole, $30; cracked, $37 ton. Fruits nnd Vegetables. Fresh Frultn Orongcs, Vnlonclns, $3.25 3.50 a box; bananas, 5c lb; lemons, $60 box; grapefruit, $4; penrs, 50 $1.15; Tokay grnpos, 90c $1.36; Concords, 12Vi(?Uc; lilick lloberrlos, 8c. Potatoes Rolling, now, $1; buy ing, eastern Multnomah : nd Clacka- cwt; garlic, 10 12c lb. Apples $11. 60. Vegotablco Now turnips, Orogon, 090o seek; beots, $1.25; carrots, AO 90c sack; cabbago, local, 75 90c; tomatoes, local, fancy, 60c crato; boans, 10o lb; cauliflower, 75 90c dor; pens, 10c lb; horsoradlah, 10c; greon onions, 10a doz; poppers, boll, 10c lb; hend lettuce, 20o doz; hot- bouse, $1.25 box; rndlsbos, 10c doz. bunches; calory, 40 85c; ogs riant, $11.26 crato; corn, $1.25 sack; flwoot potntoos, $1.76 1.85. Hlco Imperial Japan No. 1, 5 Vic; No. 3, 6 Vie; Now Orleans hoad, 6 3-4 Vc; Creole, 5 Vic IlonnH Imlll whlto, $5. GO; lnrgo white. $4 "0; pink, $4.25; bnyou, f 3.75 j Limns, $; rods, $7.50. flrocerles, Nuts, Ktc. Sugar Cubo, $C.2; powdorod, $5.85; fruit or borry, , $5.85; dry grnnulated, $5.76; coonf. A. $5.65; oxtrn II, $5.15, goldon O $5.25, D yol low $5.15, boot $5.05, bnrrola 15o, hnlf barrels 30o, boxos 55c advance on snck bnBln. c,nBh quotations.) Honoy Now, 13Vio lb. Mts, FMi nnd Provisions, Dressod Mor.ts Front street hogs, fnncy, 9 Vic; ordinary, 9c; veals, ex tra, 1010V$o-; ordinary, 10c; heavy 5c; mutton, 7o; lambs, 7c. Homo, Dacon,. oto.' Portlannd pack (local) ham, 17 Vic; breakfast bneon, 18Vi27c; bollod ham, 25 20c; picnloo, 14o; cotthsro" roll, 15o; regular short clenrs, omokod, lOVid backs, smokod, 10 Vic; pickled tongues, 60c eneh. Local Lard Kottlo loaf, 10s, 17 Vic lb; 5s, 17 0-Sc lb; 50-lb. tins, 17o lb; atonm rondorod, 10s, IGVio lb; 6s, 10 5-8o lb; compound 10s, HV4o lb. OlnmB Hnrdoholl, por box, $3.40; razor clams, $3 box, Fish Rook cod, 10c; lb; floun ders, Oc lb; halibut, 8a lb;, strlpod bass, 15o lb; cattish, lOo lb; salmon, stoolhond, 7o lb; ellvors, Go lb; soles, 4- Fill a 4- f 4- By Using No matter what it is you need, a want ad will bring it at a next to noth ing COHt. Something to trade? Something to sell ? A cliiHHifiod ad will do it in record time. They work while you sleep. They reach the multitude. Do you want to rent a house or a furnished room ? The quickest and best way is through the classified ad. Havo you lost something ? A classified ad will find if. Do you want to know the leading business firms of Medford tho wide awake ones ? Look nt tho directory and at tho advertising columns of tho Mail ft ! J nbuno. No home in Medford is complete without the Mail Tribune and Medford is a city of comploto honieB Everybody reads the Mail Tribune and everybody roads its want adB. 6c lb; shrimps, 12 Vic lb; porch, 6c Hi; torn cod, 8c lb; lobctors, 35c lb; crawflnh, 23c per doz; sturgoon, 12Vi'C lb; black bnss, 20c lb; silver smolts, Cc lb; black cod, 7 Vic lb; crabs, $1 1.50 doz, Oysten Shoalwator bay, por gul lon, $2.50; por 100 lb. sack, $5; Olrmpla, per gallon, $2.40; por 100 lb. sack, $77.50; canned, 00c can, 37a dozen; castorn In oboll, $1.75 per 100. Coal oil Pearl, Astral nail Star, 19c gallon; eocone, 22c gallon; elnlne 28c gallon; headlight, 20 Vic gallon; oxtrn star, 23c gallon; vrntor whlto, HVilC'io gallon; special wntor white, 16o gallon. Gasoline Red crown and motor, 10 23c callon; 86 gaaollio, 30 37Vio galUn; V. tM. & P. naphtha, 13Vi20Vio gallon; engine dlstll lao. 9 16c gallon. Cattle nest etoers, weighing 1200 pounds, $4.50; medium cteo'-s, $4.25; best cows. $3.25; best hcl'ors. $3.00; bulls, $1.752.25; rtam. $2.50 3. Hogs Dest cast of tho mountains, $8; Wlllamotto valley, host, $7.75 7.86; stockors, $4 6; pigs, $007. Snoop Rest wethers, $4.25 4.60; ordinary, $4 4.50; spring lambs, $5.25; Btrr.lght owes, $3.5004.00; mixed lets, $4.00. Culvcs Rest. $5; ordinary, $3.50 4.50. MEDFORD MARKETS. Fruit and veiables. (Prices paid by Med. rd merchants Apples, l2c lb; poars, lVic: Potntoofl, lo lb: oniona, $1.50 cwt;; green onitns, 35c dot. bunches; carrots, llVic; beets, KcJiVijc; oabbaKO, lVfcc; turnips, lVic; pars nips, 3c ntd 1V0 lb.; sqnnah, 30c and .fl dor..; pumpkina, 10 nud 15c. Butter, Eggs and Poultry. (Pricen paid bv Medford merchnnts. Ranch buttor, 36c; faacy croom- ery. 37Vc. Fresn rnncn 055s, ouj. Mwod panltry, 10c; spring cWok ons, 15c; ducks, 10c tucKey. 17c. Feed and Millstuffs. (Priqea paid prodacara.) ITaj Timothy, $10; nlfalfn, $15; irrnsB, $14 ton. Wbeat Old, $1.20 bushel; now, $1 IniRbel; onta, $30 ton; barley, old. $JO. (Selling prices. RolleJ ba.i.y, $2 cm $34.50 ton; brnn. $1 70: r-iddllnfia, $1 SI VI 90; shortH. $1.80(0)1.95. Roof, ?Vi 'o 3c; park GVic: mutton 3Vo; lamb, 4ic; vcnl (dressed), 0o Ordora for woot crenm or buttor mtlk promptly filled. Phono tho cronmory. LOST. k -f 4' f4't LOST Cignr enso with owner's nnmo insido. Return to paint store, 318 E. Main. Metealf. LOST Dog, nnswors to namo of "Harney." Liberal roward If roturu od to Elwood & Burnott, Soyenth stroet. 222 LOST Gold buckle, onnmolod in blnck nnd white. Rownrd if return ed nt once. Mrs. A. E. Foster, enrb Mail Tribune office 216 Fbn RENT. f-f-f-f-f-f-----f-f---f--4--f4-'f-f'f IX)R RENT Furnlshod rooms. No. 10 N. Grapo st. 224 FOR RENT Largo now barn; will nccommodato four ho.-.d of horses, 3 rigs nnd 12 tons of hay, Inquire on promises. 900 Woat Elovonth, cor nor Ornngo. 223 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, 218 45 N. Bartlott st. FOR RENT LIvo nt tho Palms, now brick building, new turntturo, strict ly modern, cornor Qrapo and Main stroots. Long' Felt the Classified Ad Cclumna of Medford Mail Tribune FOR RENT. FOR RENT 1 suite of modern fur nlshod housekeeping rooms, will bo vacant Docoinbor 4. Mrs. Joo Thom as, 222 South Holly. FOR RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, sul'.nblo for fruit, alfalfa, stock or gonoral farming. Inquire at offlco Condor Water & Power com pany, 209 W. Main street. ROOM AND BOARD Room nnd bonrd for 2 men, 203 Narigan street, ono block north of store on Weat Jaokaon street 217 FOR SALE. FOR SALE Automobile, or trade for real estate. 31 N. B street. 231 FOR SALE Team ponies, harness nnd hack; good rcasoni for selling. J. W. Wokef Id, 1102 West Tenth street. 222 FOR SALE Ranch, 200 acres, 50 noma rinnrwi hniiBn ? hnm nheds etc. 50 apple, plum, pear and other! fruit trees nnd small fruits, 40 head cattle, 7 horses, 100 chickens, farm tools, 10 miles from Eaglo Point. Box 6 07, Medford, or. 24 FOR SALE I am exclusive agont for tho Merrill piano. Anyone wanting a strictly high-grndo piano can Bavo 25 per cent by buying of mo. Call at 119 South Ivy street nnd seo pi ano. J. D. Henselman. 223 FOR SALE 2Y acres, milo enst of Talent. 3 ncres in young oreh nrd, 10 ncres in nlfnlfn, bnlnnco is good nlfnlfn Innd, independent irri gating water. Frank A Reed, R. F. P., Talent. Ore. 221 EXCHANGE I havo improved resi dence property In Medford, valued at $2500 wl.lch I will exchango for California property or will sell on easy terms. Box ill. 221 FOR SALE Stock ranch, ,200 ncres, 10 miles cast of Englo Point. Box 007. 222 FINE snddld horse, gaited, gentlo for Indy or child. E. A. Hcfler, Mission Cafe, 20 S. C st. FOR SALE $1CM, 5-room bouse nud ona lot, 31 S. Ornngo; water, Bower, telephone nnd light handy. Inquire on premises. 220 FOR SALE BO acres choico upplo land, 25 f.crea full bearing wlntor apples, good sovon room kouso, barn nnd laro packing houso, all !io' lomoats. Only 2 miles from a city of 7,000. A nap at. A snap at $21,000. Seo or wilte F. G. McWIIIInms, Ashland, Oro. 238 FOR SALE Oak, fir nnd pine cord wood, 12 and 10-inob; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono ordor to Main 4201. FOR SALE Or exchango tor Mod- ford real cstnto or ranch, 110 acres tobacco farm on Pennsylvania rail road In southorn Maryland, 85 acres In cultivation, 25 acres in whlto oak timber, 16 ncroa timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also suitable for potntoos, molons and fruit; espec ially adapted for Maryland peaches; 40 mlloa south of Baltimore, 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, . P. C; abundanco of wntor; good roads; mild cllraato. Address Box 20, Maall Trlbuno of fice. FOR SALE 6, 10, 20 and 30 nc.-o tracts for sale near Phoonlx. Matt Calhoun. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 100- noro improved farm, loontod GVa milos of Grants Pass; good irriga tion. Writo for particulars. Clo-inonts-Baslor Realty Co., owners, Grouts Pnss, Or. 201 FOR SALEChoioo business proper ty nt a bargain, on long time; ensy torma Address P. O. Box 418. Want the FOR SALE FOR SALE 75-acro ranch, with good water right; finest fruit land; cknnp:; also property in Portland; will trado for Medford property. Soo Coloman at cigar factory. FOR SALE 5 and 10-aore tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, nt a bargain, on 5, ar.-nual pay ments. Addresa P. O. Box 418. iff? X WANTED Office room, cither the whole or portion, Leave nnswer with Daley & Toft. 222 WANTED Man to romovo swill from rear of building. Call at Louvro cafo. 219 WANTED Family want to rent six or seven room house at onco, con nected with tho sewer. Address W. B. Harris, 132 North Ivy street. WANTED To buy n good, gentle ' bueev hor.e. not 6vcr 5 or G yenrs old; bay or black in color, medium size. E. T. Lewis, Ashlnnd, Or. 224 WANTED To buv two good fresh Jcrsey cows, not over 5 yc .cars old, not giving less than 3V gallons of rich milk per dny. E. T. Lewis, Ashland. Or. 224 WANTED To buy 100 Barred Plymouth pullets that will bo early layers in spring; want best breed. E. T. Lewis, Ashland, Or. 224 WANTED To buy n good second hand top buggy nnd harness. E. T. Lowis, Ashland. Or. " 224 WANTED Someono with about $1500 to invest who kuows n good thing when ho sees it. Address Box 105, city. WANTED "Married man to work on ranch; oxporlonco not necessary; pormancnt Job for tho right parties. Address T, enro of Tribune office. WANTED Good, clean cotton raga wanted at Mnall Tribune office. for EXCHANGE -160 acres near town and railroad for southorn Cal ifornia property. Address Exchango care Mall Tribune. 224 WANTED Sulto consisting of bod' room, sitting room, with fireplace, and uso of bathroom. Addross Wl, Trlbuno offlco. 221 WANTED Schoolgirl to work for board, 1518 W. Main st 220 WANTED To buy n good Jorsoy cow. Address P. O.'box 361. 220 WANTED Man nnd wifo for family of two; man to enro for lawn and chores, woman ns cook nnd houso work. Call at Condor Water & Power Co., office, Medford. 216 WANTED Room nud bonrd for two mon, 203 Narrigan street, ono block north of store on West Jacksonville street WANTED $1000, ono year, on 8 nxro orchard Just planted; houso and barn; close In. Address E, caro Mall Trlbuno. 230 WANTED Nurse wants casos. Phone, Farmers 70; box 872. 224 WANTED Experienced quarry man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. misiNPe-e. niRPP.TSRV W Sewing Machines. Singer and Wheolor & Wilson sewing machines for ront nnd for Bnlo on easy payments. All kinds ropnirod nnd work guaranteed, Bost oil nnd noodles for nil makes nt tho Singer storo, 27 South C st. Phono 3431. Restaurants. BEE niVE RESTAURANT Menls loo; bods, 15o. Givo us a trial. 20 Central avenue, upstairs. BUSINESS DlflECTORV Attorneys. WITHINOTON & KELLY- -Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attornaj-at-lnw No. 9 D street, ground floor. COLVIO & REAMES W. M. Col vig, C. L. Rcamcs. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank Baild- ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, at the Moore Hotel. ELLA M. GAUNYAW Palm block. Stenographic work doo quickly ani well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main Bt., Medford Ore. Phone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. baf the best equipped job office ii Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DR. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac ramento Office on West Main street and rnuroaH. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, tha jew elers, carry a complete stock ant make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nasi Ho Ul. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. .. T. OTki O. D. Na- THE MEDFORD ! IICK CO. Bricli manufactu v end contra tors; also lime, ccma'$ and pteet; in any .quantity. Office, Medfor National bank blJg. .honee Mau. 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3601; J. H, Butler 3571. PLfio Instruction. HARMONY, sight rending, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phono 493. Plumbing. JACK MOORE Contractor for plumbing, beating and sewering, Eleventh and Front, Medford, Or, Phono 123. Paint Stores. II. J. METGALF Paints, Brushes, Wall Paper, Glass, Varnishes Stains and WaJl Tjp9j 18 E. Mara St., Medford. Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kcmr thorno, agt. Store opened from . to 6. Phone 3871. 237 Riversid avenue. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop, fin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to ordor 128 North G street. Photograph Studios. MACKEYiS STUDIO "Poso with Mackey nnd dio with joy." Over Al len & Reagnn's store; entrance on Seventh street. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Riverside nvenuo. Phono 801. Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., sue cessors to Shearer- & Phillips, painters and decorators in nil branches; weathered oak on insida finish n specialty. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Boatty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Elocution. CLASS WORK and individual les sons. Mrs. Roscoe A. Johnson, 608 Cathorino st, Tuttlo's Addition. P. O. Box 272. Civil Engineers WILL take by contract, on reason able tonus, nil kinds of work, also irrigating, plnnting and cultivating., oto. Lnndsoapo gardening. First I class references. William Peters, j Civil Engineer, Phone 1801, 322 East (Mniu street, Modford, Oregon. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Klnderqarten. iflNDEROARTBN 1006"w7 Main street. Houre: From 0 n. m. to 1130 a. m. For particulars apply to Miss Arra Harmon, director, nt the Bohool Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill PoBtar and Distributor. All orders promptly fdled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Partem 8. T. BROWN & 00. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Hall building. A aic cooi place to spend the hot after noons. Architects. r. K. A. BILES, Architect nnd Build ing Superintendent, P. O. Box 480, Medford, Or. Your building re spectfuny solicited. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in uaw and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Corner Stb and Holly Bte., Med ford. Mission Furniture mads to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial ordor solicited. MORE OFF & WOLFF Cook. Stores and Ranges. New and Second Hand Fnmitnre. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F 8t .South. Phone 91. Medford, Or. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE, GENERAL Draying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main SQL Stand at S. P. Depot Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our trees are budded, not grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not m the trust H. B. Patterson, office, in Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursery stock. C. E. Conk. Prop. R. R. V. depot. P. O. Boc 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. n. S. BRUMBLE Drayage and transfer. Baggage stored. Office 0 and Seventh. Cement Workers. B. J. ADYLOTT All work guamn" teed strictly first-class. Residonco No. 400 Bentty street. A card will bring me to ypu. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. . Iluillier, 707 Jtfil street West. Privato fessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages- jFrench Italian, German, Spanish. S MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instruction Metropolitan Colloge of Mnsio. Miss Flora Gray. Phone 49?, 144 Sontb. Central avenue. Bull-Una and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 128 E. .Main street". Carpenters and. Builders. F. E. HILL Will furabh plans au list of all timber to be pat in build ing. Medford, Oregon, Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Miles Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon. Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposite Jaokson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office and res ident phono Main 1432. , . S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Haskins' Building. Phono Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Offlco la Stowart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Office phone, Main 341; private phonp, Main 612, S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Rny. Office hours t 10-12, 2-4 p. m. Office in Jaokson Co. Bank Building. PH. P. O. CARLOW. Did. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath lo PhyBioians. Mission Block, Phone 201, Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. ""BONNER. Ey specialist, when others fail, Office in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East: Main near D'Anjou.