THE MEDFORD mJL TRIBUNE, MEDluin., OREGON, FRIDAY, T) 150 KM WAR . 1909. TONG WAR AGAIN IS FRISCO After a Truce of Five Days Hostili ties Will Be Immediately Re sumedNo Settlement . Possible. 'jf I - iverman ; SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 3. After i truce of five days, during which every effort was mnde to ef fect a settlement between the warr ing On Yick tong mid the Yce family, open hostilities will be resumed im mediately. Called together by the council of tire powerful Six Companies, repre sentatives of both factions met last evening to consider terms of n trenty. The proposal of an addi tional truce during which nn attempt would be made to adjudicate the dif ficulties, was turned down uncondi tionally by the Yces because of a clause binding the Yees to cause no arrest among their enemies during that time. At the conclusion of the meeting a I I CopyrlnM. I90S. by h McCtur Comp4njr. v'ojijrijht, 1907. 1905. bj Stcwtrl s By Stewart Edward White Chapter 12 S lUNDAV afternoon Orde. lenvlug Newmark to devices of Ills own, walked slowly up the main street, turned to the right down one of the shaded side resldeuce streets that ended Anally In a beautl 1 ful glistening sand hill. Onle seated himself on the smooth, clean sand nud removed his hat. lie saw these things and In Imagination the far upper stretches of the river, with the mills ' and yards and booms extending for list of the lenders of the Yees with , miles, and still above them the marshes ihe prices set upon their heads. Is and the flats where the river widened said to be posted at the On Yick! below the Big Bend. That would be headquarters. At the fiend of the; locat,on ff thc boon of tno ft with S1000 posted after it JJJgr jyi reported to have been the name ofiva,uat,on To rlpht nnd left stretrhed Yce Sing, lender of the lees. , tho on: .Michigan coast, with hills Surrounded by five white guards, . t0ppC( wjth the green of twisted pines. Yee s-ing left yesterday for Sacra- flrs and beeches, with-nl ways Its beach mento, where he was subpoenaed to ' of sand, deep and dry to the very edge, nupenr as a witness in a civil case. After he had cooled he arose and Ever since hostilities between the two ' made his way back to a pleasant hard elements began, Sing has been in hid-' wood 0Tf nmb ing in tho Chinese quarter, nntleri wed slowly farther and farther Into "How would you like to live In a place like that all your life?" asked Orde. "1 don't know." She weighed her words carefully. "It would depend heavy guard. The police are making prepara tions ot put n stop to any attempt on the part of the tong men to renew the forest. A fresh breeze darkened tho blue velvet surface of the water, tumbled the white foam hissing up the beach, blew forward over the dunes a fluo five deaths. Special officers prob ably will be assigned to the China town squad. HEW METHODIST PARSONAGE ns tho present onejins outgrown its usefulness. Several siteshnve been offered the board and they will reach a decision soon. the feud thnt already has resulted in j hurrying wist of sand and bore to i Orde nt last the refreshment of the I wide spaces. A woman, walking slow i ly. bent her head ngnlnst tbe force of ; this wind. j Orde watched her Idly. lie caught Id auun iu dc. tncui lu i and sdden movements nm tne 8Way ! of her willowy Ogure. GRANTS PASS, Or., Deo. 3. The As though directed by some nnseen contract for the building of the new guide, her course veered mora and Methodist parsonage has been let to more until It led directly to the spot Contractor Mnrk Day, and bnilding wbere Orde stood, operations will commence shortlv. ' WneD 800 wns This will be one of "ie finest resi- uTlteVt'lMt fences in the city. The school board hc is nlso considenng the possibility of i so the young man i i t...:i.i: , . . vrucuuK a uvw infill m-uuui uumuuf., ; COUIU SCO some thing besides tbe top of her hat. Orde looked plump Into ber eyes. Hello!" she said cheerfully nnd unsurprised and sank down crosslecced at bis feet. f? o.wl n..Ui ' motionless, over- v(i come by astonish ment. Her face, its long oval framed In tbe bands of the "Hello r the tald gray veil and tbe cheerfully. down turned brim of the bat, looked up smUlng Into his. "Why. Miss Bishop!" cried Orde. find Ing his voice. "What are you doing here?" A faint Ebado of annoyance crossed her brow. "Ob. I could ask tbe same of you, and then we'd talk about bow sur prised we are, world without end." said JOSEPHINE DEPUTY SHERIFF CROSSES HIS LAST DIVIDE GRANTS PASS, Or., Dec. 3. Walter Smith, deputy sheriff for Jo sephine oounty, died this afternoon from tuberculosis. He has been dep uty sheriff for the past three years, aud the close confinement in the of fice, he doing all the office work, evidently hurried on Hie disease. lie -was raised in Southern Oregon, his father being one of the first settlers in this town. He leaves n mother, .brother and two sisters. FIND NEW WAY TO DRIVE OUT MONEY SHARKS y ft 11 IVV1 Only 1 Day Left of the LaGreque Corset Demonstration TOMORROW, SATURDAY but one day more in which you can get the invaluable advice of the New York expert corsetiere, Mme. Petree about the corset best adapted to set your figue off to its greatest advantage. LaGreque corsets are the embodiment of grace and comfort. Skillfully designed and correct in manufacture, they develop an ereet, stylish, fig ure and give sweeping lines to the simplest dress. No wide awake wo man can affort to miss this except- jt ional opportuaity to get expert ad- C advice and see the latest New York f styles. Come in today. u (J 01 SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 3. Cor poration Counsel Connor believes he 1ms found a way to assist Mayor , she. "The Important thing Is that here Nelson S. Pratt in his efforts to rid Is sand to plsy In. and there la tbe lake. Spoknne of sulary lonn and chattel 1 and hero are we, and tbe day Is charm- morttraco neencies which charco , big, and It's good to be alive. Sit down more tkun the legal rate of interest. Instead of compelling the "sharks" to forfeit notes, whereon interest ex- and dig a bole! We'vo all the common days to explain things In." Orde laughed and seated himself to face her. Without further talk and ceeding the principal has been PJ, quite gravely they commenced to scoop lie purposes prosecuting tho owners I out an excavation between them, pll of buildings in which these agencies , ing the sand over themselves nnd on are located upon the charge of keep- j sltber side as was most convenient, ing disorderly houses. This will , As tbe hole grew deeper they bad to force tho agencies to the street. Thc ! ,can over more nD(1 rooro- Their bends code in tho state of Washington des- I foretimes brushed ever so lightly: ignutes as a disorderly house "any I J0, tbaDaf perforco touched. Sho ,,. i . , .. ' ooked up bnppl y at Orde. thrusting Place where illegal practices are , te 00Bemlr , front of hPr cyc habitually earned on," and, as tho , sbe nroso t0 ber feeti Bnaklng the Btututes soy that tho tukmg of usury 8an(i frco from her skirts. "Now let's is an unlawful uct, though tho law j go somewhere else," sbe said. "I does not prohibit tho borrower from ; think through these woods.. Can wo paying it, Mr. Connor believes thnt ! get back to town this way?" prosecutions can bo carried to sue- "Ves," replied Orde. "Tho lumber eossful conclusion. Ho contends tho 3acks 8l,y thnt tho woods aro tho poor stntuto menus that any person who 'n"n'f overcoat." maintains a place of business, in Orde followed her In silence. She i..... . i t i seemed to uo quite w unout respons - :yhuh tho law against usury is linb- Wllt ln rt!Kanl( hlm, aud yet nI) oc. itunlly yio ated,,is gu.I y of j nrnaoin remu llirowt. In his n disorderly house, and ho purposed j direction proved that ho was not for- iiriiunng urresis io mnKO a test. "Good ntghf." Thc place Isn't of so much lmKrtnucc, It seems to me. It's. the life one Is called to. It's whether one finds her soul's realm or not that a place Is liva ble or not." Orde looked out over tbe raw little village with a new Interest. Her whole nspect seemed to have changed with tbe descent Into the con ventionality of the village street. Tbe old, gentle, though self coutained re serve had returned. "I came down with 'Jane nnd Mrs. Hubbnrd to see Mr. Hubbard off on tbe boat for Milwaukee last night," she told him. "Of course we had to wait over Sunday Mrs. Hubbard and Jane bad to see some relative or other. but 1 preferred to take a walk." "Where are you staying?" asked Orde. "At the Bennetts'." Tbcy said little more until thc Ben netts' gate was reached. Ordo de clined to go ln. "I want to thank you," sbe said. "You djd not once act. as though, you thought I was silly or crazy. And you didn't try, as all the rest of them would, to act silly too. You couldn't have done It. Ob. you may bavo felt It I know!" Sbe smiled one of her quaint and quizzical smiles. "But men nren't built for foolishness. They have to leave that to us. You've been very nice this afternoon, and It's helped a lot. Good night." Orde. however, wnlked back to the hotel in a black rage with himself over what be termed his Imbecility. As he rpiui'tnlKTed It he had tnadt Just ono consecutive speech that afternoon. Uoc." said he to Xewmark, "what's tbe plural form of Incubus? Isn't It busses?' " "Incubl." answered Xewmnrlc. "Thanks," said Orde gloomily Cost of Electricity Per week for the average family for heating and cooking Ilrrnkfnnt llaklni; Ironlni; I)lnmr Mine Huppor Mine. 8:30 S:0O 7:00 11.30 Da)1 4:10 NlRht Totnl S:00 11:00 11:00 1. 00 S.00 Monday ;kwh. 1 kw.h. 0 kw.h. IWkwh Hkwh. Vi Kv h. 0 kw.h. i kw.h. Tui'Mlny ..1 kwh. Olfw.h, 2 H kw.h. lHkwh. tkwli. 1 kw h. Hkwh. 7 kw.h. Wednesday kw.h. 3 kw.h. 0 kw.h. kw li. 0 kw h. H kw h. 0 kw li. S kw.h. Thursday . . kw.h. 0 kw h. 0 kw.h. 1 kw.h, U kw.h. 0 kw h. 0 kw It. 2 kw.h, Friday . ...1 kwh. 0 kw.h. kw.h. 1 kwh. 0 kwh, H kw h. H kw.h. S kw.h. Saturday . . i kw.h, 3 kw.h, 0 kw.h. m kw h. I kw h. V kw.h. 0 kw.h, kw.h. Sunday .... H kw.h. 0 kw.h. 0 kw.h. IHkwh. 0 kwh. 0 kw.h. 1 kw.h. 4 kw.h. Total.. .5H kwh. 7 kw.h. : o kwh. 2 kw.h. 3 kwh. 3 kw.h. 31 kwh. Our rate for cooking and heating is 5c per K. H., making the cost $1.55 per week ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. MEDFORD, OREGON (To bo continued.) Special School Meeting. Notice is horcBy given to the legal voters of School District No. 40 of Jackson county, State of Oregon, that a special school meeting of said district will bo held at tho high school on tho 8th day of December 1009, nt 2 o'clock, for tho following objects: For voting a special tax. Dated this 27th day of November. J. B. WATT, Chairman Board of Directors. Attest: ORIS CRAWFORD, District Clerk. PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING All Work Guaranteed Pricos RoiiHonablo COFFEILN & PRICE 11 North D St.. Modford, Oro. Phone 303.' DON'T FORGET ! To see my Silver Toilet and Man icuring Sets and Silver Novelties all new in latest styles and designs If you really want u bargain, if you know ono when you see it, if you have IGOO to incest wo can how you a real snap. For fuithur information address Box 105, city. DAUV YOUH STOCKINGS On your sowing machine. Table Unon, laco curtalno or your clothing can ' bo mondod with the darner. Froo demonstration at Deuel & Kentnor's Btoro. Special prlco this weok, 35 conts. 221 gotten. Finally they emerged from the beech woods, Shu turned aud waved her hat at the beech woods fulling Hombur ngalimt the lowering sun. "Goodby," sho said gravely, "and pleasant dreams to you. I hope those very saucy little birds won't keep you awake." She looked 'up at Orde. "He was rather nice to us this afternoon," sho explained, "und It's always well to bo pollto to them anyway." Sho gnzed steadily at Orde for sigus of aintne ment. lie resolutely held his face sympathetic, "Now I think wo'll go home." said sho. WE D0NT BELIEVE YOU CAN BEAT THIS: Thirty-two acres in this tract, fine fruit land, about two miles from n shipping point. Tho buildings consist of a fivc-rom box house, good-sized barn, etc. Thore are 12 acres of 5 nnd 0-yenr-old ap ples, mostly Nowtowns, with com mercial peaches planted between ns fillers. Also threo acres of young pear treos und somo family orchard. Four acres in alfalfa. Six or eight acres of timber, mont l.y oak nnd laurel, Thoro is a pumping plant on tho place which supplies water for tho garden and nlfnlfa, equipped with gasolino ongino. About 40 rods from a cood school. Has rural mail do livory and tolephone. Prico 10,500. Terms. W. T. YORK & CO. The New Improved Aladdin INCANDESCENT KEROSENE MANTLE LAMP. Costs One Cent for Six Continuous Hours' Burning. Brightest, purest and safest light. It nsves Oil, requires littlo careJ burns without noise or odoi" can't cxplodo. lor salo by W. E. STACY " E. O. AYLER, Gen. Agents AGENTS WANTED. Lamps1 may bo seen nt Shorty Darnell's storo. Martin J. Reddy THE JEWELER Near P. O. lJ. O. Hansen. Tom Moffat We make any kind and style of windows. Wo carry glass of any size on hand. Medford Sash & Door Co. CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 5-10-20 Acres Adjoining Hlllcrest orchard and con tain unoxceled deep, rich soil. Rea sonable prices and generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE SELLING AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY t Medford Iron Works I E. G. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. I Foundry and Machinist J All Mr..' of Engines, Spraying Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma clilnery. Agents In Southern Oregon for 1 FAIRBANKS, M0PSE & CO. Union Livery, Feed and Sale Stable PHONE 1021. 3 SOUTH BARTLETT ST. BALED HAY AND GRAIN. Home First Class Mules and Horses BARGAINS, IF TAKEN SOON