J. H, Wall wiih lit Cunt ml I'oiiil I'Vitliiy on liiiHiiii'HN. Mr. W'ull will 1 tin ti L 'Jft iuiiom lo fruit this nonoon. MiH, Curny of Bonlllo, who pinch used troirty' ndjoiniiitf llio "-101" orchnnl Imit spring, In liuro looking nt'liir luir IntoniHtH. Slit) will Hpmid (ho winter in Mcdt'ord. Henry I'. Hinlth, formerly or this vlly, In iiKiiin in Modford visiting frlonda. Arihiii' Drown niont Thursday in OritniH 1'iihh. Jungo IIuiihoii of Klamath Knllrt Mopped ovur in thin olty between IrtiinH1 r'riiluy. John K. Allen linn returned from u Inirtin'oHH trip to (Inintx I'unk, IMitor N. X. I'littisoii of Central 1'olnt .wiih in Med ford Thursday on IjllKinOHM. Kolicit 0. Smith of Omuls Pass 1h ALL HOPE GONE FOR J. I WALSH Motion for New Trial Is Denied Supremo Court Alone Stands Between Him and Jail. ' TALK OF SCHOOL FOR EAST SIDE .. . i T CHICAGO, Don. 3. Tho United Htutcft circuit curt today dunlud a motion for n now trial for John It. 'Walnli, tho former flnanclitl ItlriK. and lio wn put In tho ciiHtody of tho mar filial. Only tho nujiromo court of tho Uultod Htntoit now Htnndn between tho man who Ih it phyHlcnt wreck and tho doorM of tho iionltontlnry. Tho for- mor financier nnd maKiiato noomed ut I torly criiNhod when tho decision was 1 1 t...t .i it i..... i.......' 1 1 1 .. . ir in i i i i minium iiinvii. nun 11111:11 liilllllH ttl Modford on n nhorl biiHineim trip. ' rnvltUy of ,nto uiinr oh winioy ih HponmiiK ft low, VuMx will ho hold In ciiBtody. It I School Board Consldcrinu Several Propositions to Secure Prop erty as a School Site. dnyn willt frienda in thin city. William Duncan in vimiliiiK with frivndH in tlim olty. , Cliirotii'o li, ltuainoH leaven today for Klamath FiiIIh to np-al: at thu Klkn' momorinl norvieun there Suu dity. Ili'nry Tyler of (IrnntR Pan Ih spending ft fow dnyn in thin .city. Dr. It. O. Gale of Mnrshfiold i (pending n tow week? in tlio city. Ho may locnto horo. Tho rttuiiiing of tho woodwork in tin. Syndicate block has ccn lot to Walter Pollard. John F. White wiih t Hrownidinro Friday on nuHincHK. William Puhl of Jitckriouvillo wiih t Modford vlnitor Friday. It. K. Ilanna, Jr., wn a Medford visitor Friday on prufoHniounl Imim. IICHH. C. KitHitftfor of JackHonville npont Thursday night in Modford. II. L. Moli;itto and I .mi in J. Menu of Conallin Hro in Modford on btis iiioRH mattorH. .' C. C. Smith of Ashland wns n Modford visitor Friday. A. It. IioiuIh nnd K. C. Manning of FnrKO, N. D,, nro in Modford with n vlow to inventing. I.oon McClollan of HoHohuru is in Medford on a viml. Tho panlor of tho Christian ohuroh nud wife rcccivod n hard poundiuK on Wodue.Mday ovonini; when near i"0 of tin inoiuluTS cnuii.' in on tliom, with ovorj' inomlior liriugiuh' n iHJiind of hoini'thtni; kooiI lo out. All had ufNidi'iidid time, v Henry C. Scaddcn of Horkoley, Cnl., i upoudiiiK ft fow dnyn with rel atives in the valley. W. C. HondorHOii of Central Point wns in Modford Thurnday on hiiHi ne.SH. Fred J. Illakelov of ItoBohunj in in Medford on humnoRH. Colonel J. F. Mundy lm' returned fi-om n liufiinepu trip to Portland. Colonel It. C. WaHhhnni of Tahlq lloek wnH in .fodfonl Friday on a liuxineKH visit. uudorHtood, until January In ordor to allow lilt) attorney)! to fllo a motion for a writ of certiorari to tho supremo court. lVfWH ThU man who wan tho head of tho CIiIcjiko National hank and promoter of many IiIk financial ItiHtltutlorn, han fotiKht har.d and mada ono of tho moHt roinarkablo nLriiKKien on record to avo hlmiolt from Clio stato prtson. Tho Unit Iiiim now Kono ngalnHt him Tho Ihkiio htiH now ro'iio nKalnat him In ovory Inutnnce and only ono thin thrclnd of hope Ir loft. Evon his friends thin afternoon fta ythoy aro unable to hid much chance now for him to oncapo tho penitentiary sen tence. AVhon tho WIUU financial atructuro collapHcd, thin city received one of, tho Rrcatoiit ahocks In Us uUtory. Ho had been prominent In all llnoa of ac tivity and woe ono of tho.vory foro moal men of tho city. Tho Invoatl Kntlona revealed mlauao of the money dopoMlted In bin band and various crimed of hlKh finance were charged ngalnat him. .N'lcoly fiirnlnhed roomn with nil modern convenloncoB at tho I'aluiH. A Hplendld driving hor for iiale. Will drlvo doiiblo or kIiikIo; well broke; not afraid of nutOR Knrpilro of Ii, IJ. Wrrr.cr, off lev Warner, Woilmi'U & Gore. 220 Another one of tho popular dances will bo Riven nt tbo Wigwam on to-. . morrow nlRht. 220 Tho boanl of chool directors ro Llvw tlt tho PalrnH, now brick bulldlntf, conHldorliifc novoral proponltlons as j now frnturo, atrlctly modern, cor to tho location of a school in Kast i nor Orapo and Main Htrccts. Mdroru. No donnito slto has yet D0n't forgot tho danco at tho Wlg- beon decided upon, but tho necessity warn Saturday night. ' 220 u, Ella Gaunynw, public 8tcnoKrnphor. 7 ill "'"" "" " "- " f room 4, Pnlra bn d me. nntiilillNlimimt Ih hI m til v n matter of tlimi. nml a iiliort limn nt tlmt. I OtiefH who No. 3 is in the Tribune NoRotlatlons r-enly In progress ontet and call and get a Houvenir havo failed, but tho bourd has not booklet lor notificwncs. m given up tho seurch for a location A tonrn of gray drivinir and saddle for an ICast Sldo school. horHcs for Hale; perfectly matched. Nash Livery Stable. 218 NEW ELECTRIC COMPANY Orders for sweet crenin or butter HAS OPENED BUSINESS milk promptly filled. Phone tho cronraerr. Tho Southom Oregon Klectrio Co. has opened street South. loed of F. P. Lane and W. II. War ren, both of whom arc expert elec- Hnve you noticed tho difference in offices nt 30 Grape (ho stores that nre lighted with The company is com- Whitnev's cas lights and other kind? More licht and Jess money , ooo triciutiH and who are known to the! Attend the danco at tbo Wigwam pooplo of Medford by the work thoy tomorrow night. Good music and a havo done here. ' general good time In store for all. 220 Iloth these Kcntlemcu hnve been in j ' tho employ of tho Pncihe Telephone & Telegraph company until lately, when they concluded to branch out for themKclveH. Both have had wide experience in nil olasKCH of electrical work. W: P. Stillwell of Sterling waff a vi(tor in Medford Fridny. John Hoyd of Jacksonville spent Friday in Medford with friends. Dr. Younj: will ivo hii;famoiH lec-j turo on "(Irit and Oumption" Friday oveninj; nt the Methodist church, Do-1 ccmbor 10. 220 BELIEVE PRINCESS OF ROYAL BLOOD IS DYING, rOPKKIIAGKK. Dec. 3. It i re portcd here today tlint.I'rineuHH Wal-1 deinnr, tho wife of tho king's young- est brother, is dying. All the mem bers of tho royal family have been summoned to her bedside. Prince Wnldeinnr, who is with his two sons , traveling, lias boon notified.1 Princess Wnldemar has been stif-1 ferine from influenza for two week. Her condition was not believed to be! serious until Wednesday evening, whou h)iq began to sink. j Hoforo lior mnrringo in 1885 sho was Princess Mario of Orlenns. She, is ii cousin to tho pretender of tho French throne. World' ClmmplonMilp Series nt Tho Savoy Theater. Pictures of tho world's champion ship baseball series between Pittsburg and Detroit will bo shown tonight at tho Savoy. Tnoy havo created a wide sensation all over tho United States. Excellent views of tho grounds, tho crowds, players nnd tho gamo Itself, are thrown upon tho curtain with startling vividness. Don't miss see ing tho mighty Wagner and Speed Hoy Cobb In action. You will havo tho baseball fever In five minutes. Too Late to Classify. LOST White bulldog, big brown Bpot along center of bnck, growth under throat, answers to namo of "Towzo." Address. J. Craig, box 41, Medford. ? 223 WANTED Gentleman and wife de slro furnished room and board with private family. References exchang ed. Address A. care Tribune. 221 WANTED Gentleman and wlfo de slro room with heat In private fam ily. Hofcrcnces exchanged. Address A, caro Tribune. 221 The Wonder Store Wants You to Know That We Need Room Our toyn nre coming in and no room to put them in. Wo n'wd room and money. Both am eeeontial. espec ially tho money. We will soli any book in tho store Saturday for 25 Cents 20 Per Cent Off from any article in the store. All goods aro marked in plain figures. This means a sav ing of 20 coots on every dollar. j THE. WONDER STORE 1 NOTICE U uereby given that tho undersigned will apply at, tho regular mooting of tho city council at Medford, Orcgoa, on December 7, 1909, for license to sell malt, vinous and splrltsus liquors In less quantities than one gallon at lot 17, block 20, la Medford. Oregon, for a period of six montlB. Dated November 2 A. O. M, SELSBV Medford, Oregon: This certifies that wo have sold Hall's Texas Won der for the euro of all kidney, blad der and rheumatic troubles for ten years, and have never had a com plaint. It gives quiet and permanent relief. GO days' treatment in each bot tle. Medford Pharmacy. LOST Lady's long coat, near W. T. York's office or onk trees back of tho Jacksonville track on Seventh street. Reward if returned to Ken- yon & Crawford's office. 221 ' Don't miss Dr. Young's grent lec ture at the M. E. church. North Villi IIIIDVUail IVIUI .11 I..VJ ........v.w. . n . . . ,Ir, . . n Another feature of tho prngram Is tho rtlett s trect, on Ont nnd Gump Picture of Annctto Kollorman, "tho,10"' lna evcmri December 10. r i .. i if ....it -.1 t. ...... r n ' .0 Diving Venus" and champion woman ' swimmer of tho world. Miss Koller m.iu Is soon In all hor cquatlc feats. Tho film being a reproduction of her! great vaudovlllo act now running In ! tho enst to crowded houses. Sho Is , tho most talked woman In tho United States today because of hor raro grace and beauty. Laughs will bo produced by "Adolo's Birthday." a roar comedy, full of fun. This Is tho highest priced plc turo bill ovor shown In Medford. You can't miss It. Ono dime. A SNAP Five-room bungalow and lot In East Medford, on easy terms It tak en at once. Ilqutre 1 Iff MAIN" STKKET, MEDFOKD. OR. You Can Buy I N. Y. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis Direct from tho GnOWEKS. Ab solutely Reliable and Dependable Stock grown by Nurserymen who know how. Write us for prices before signing a contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY 18 E. Ynklma Ave., North Ynklma, Wash. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING in all its branches is our specialty. Specifi cations on contracts regardless of their sizo promptly furnished and satisfaction guar anteed. "We also carry the finest line of Art Fixtures and General Electrical Sup ' p'lies between Portland and San Francisco. If your house needs wiring, your motor re paired, or you need fixtures of any descrip tiongive us a trial. ,t Southern Oregon Electric Company PHONE 1091. 3 36 S. GRAPE ST. LOOK Let me make a monogram fob for yon, individual and distinctitvo in design, or make any kind or design of jewelry in gold or silvan. Watch for announcement of charge of location soon in moro spaeiou and modern quarters. GEO. A BUTT, The Watchmaker and Jeweler, 135 West Main Street, Corner of Grape. NOW IS THE , TIME To Buy Christmas Gifts NECKWEAR Tho range of silks aiid the variety of shades surpasses any collection over shown here. Prices 25c to $2.00 W"D'' SILK UMBRELLAS For ladies and gentlemen. Many beautiful designs in handles $1.00 to $10.00 : HOLIDAY SUSPENDERS. In handsome individual boxes, in handsome now de signs, combined with perfect comfort and extreme dura bility : 75o to $3.00 SMOKING JACKETS AND HOUSE COATS Some of them are extremely swell. Prices $5.00 to $12.50 REEFERS AND MUFFLERS Many rare offerings in plain and fancy pat terns. Ask to see our new ELKS REEFER the kind that appeals to men of good taste. Prices 50c to $3.50 WigSl:. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS Largo and classy assortment of the season's newest .50c to $1.50 Washington fashioned Apparel TM WMHIMTON Mk BATH AND LOUNGING ROBES. VW&l In handsome blanket effects in colors and Persian hues with moccasins to match. Tlioso aro oxtromely swell $5.00 to $15.00 A beautiful assortment of Collar Bags, all prices $1.25 to $3.00 A suit of clothes, an overcoat or cravenette and a nice hat or dressy shirt make a nice present. Think it over. Don't delay. Our stock is new and fresh and tho prices aro modest. Pack ages laid aside. DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY THE TOGGERY"Medf Qrds Fashion Store for Men