Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 03, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford MailTribune FIGHTERS FIGHT
A consolidation of tho Modrord Moll, cutnbUqhcil 1SS9S tho Southern Oregon.
Ion. oUbllfllKd 1902: tho Democratic Times, established 1S72; tho Ashland Trib
une, established 1S96, and tho Medford Tribune, established 190. j
Official Paper of the City of Medford.
GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor nnd Maimer. '
Entered as second class matter November 1. 1909. nt tho r-ostofftce at Medford. i
Oregon, under the act of March 3, 139. j
5.00 One month by mall or carrier. I .50
St. Mark's Episcopal Church.
Every Sunday son-toon us follows:
Sunday school at 10 a. in.; morning
"onioo, .11 o'clock, evening orvico
at T:'.I0, For special services, ttpo
cial notice will lie given. liucns,
icclor, temporary rc-idonco, IK) MU-
ino year, by mall.
Trouble Starts Right Off the Reel
When Big Boys and Pro
moters Get To-Bcthcr.
Oil the first day of December, a uniform set of demur
rage rules, which will do more to prevent discrimination
hehveon shinners and to srive the small man a
i w
Prosuytcrlan Church.
A sermon to the young people .in
December f at .10 :!,'), "Motility and
httcctiveness," is the subject. Totne tletoe street,
early us wo commence on time. Eve- ;
nitK service at 7:30 oVtookj Sunday . rjaptlst Church,
.-chool at 10 a. in, C. E. society nt, . , ' , , , . , ,
G:30 p. in. i ' ""I'tist church next Sunday
1 'Rev. Dr. Dyer, whoso splendid nor-
Christian Science. jinons evervoue delights tt hear, will
Christian SofnnW service m-e '"IV the pulpit in the morning.
HOHOKEN, X. J., Dee. 3.-' Jeffries
and Johnson nnd Tex Riokurds and
Jnek Gleason, tho promoters, wrang
led for hours today nt Nuegel's hotel
every Sunday 'at 11 o'clock at 123 ,lov- NN,,0(,S W,JI ,,,, llu nvp,""K
I Grape street, north of Shennan.Clnv """" 0" I vcniiiK. Do-
imusio house. Subject of tho lesson-! 0',n,,,.or JJUV' ,AAV I,olmo.8 i
, sermon for December 6, "God, tho truing. ; w' Vw a nos of
i . i i
thatt any other act since the passage of the anti-rebate over two ot ,oui,nB the tunm-j JRgg Qm g
law, were put into effect on more than two hundred tnou- 1 " ' " ' M , missionary from Chinn. will sponk on odist church
,.:i j . tt:,i mi, tnkehoMor and the final division ot; china nt the Free Methodist church "Money nnd
Biiuiiuiucsonuuiuuuin uu; umiwu. s., mrso noxt Sumlay Deccmbcr 5, at ,.M cveiiltiir. "The It
of tho rules. Which, by agreement aillOUg tUO railroads and I n ;3 understood that tho hottest! P. Curios will bo exhibited and it v." Special
siblc for the fortune which will bd
divided botween the contestants.
state railroad commissions, will be made uniform all over fight- is over the nomine of n stake
thft United States, is the first real niece of hoWlr ns iwwon will bo napon
constructive regulation of railroads ever done by the in-
complislnnent is due largely to Commissioner Franklin I o'clock to sign the final articles, but
K. Lane of California, whom President Roosevelt once 'it ,wns nenriy r.:3o o'clock when,
, .,1 ,,,, i i i Jeffries, Bergor, Hickard and Glen-
desci'ibed as "the best man on the interstate commerce son nrrivCd together. A bip crowd
COinniission." iwus 011 hand and Jeffries was cheer-
The rules were adopted at TVashmgton recently by theta'S'L"", tSSTS
National Association of Railway Commissions, which also were erected with cheers,
found that big shipping interests had substituted violation I, T,!e wjy went into secret session,
i i j.i n i i -i. j j i a bnrruiB all reporters.
of demurrage rules for the old habit of demanding rebates , ?Tex" Kiekard, said that ho Jmd
and that bv refusing to pav demurrage charges they main- received twq tclcBrams from promi-
welcome. Sunday school nt 10 a. m. vitctl to ,l,oso surv5,!rt'
momiue at tho Moth-
the subject will bo
the Kiuedoin"; in tho
eason of Chiistiau-
music at both services.
tho sorvieo will be very interestiui: Strniurors and those without church
and everybody is cordially invited to homes nro cordially invited, h. F.
nttend. Helknnp.
tneir own cars.
This has all been swe
. . - , ' j.1 i i " j uont mea in Salt Lake City
to return cars on time or pay the consequences. The "pri- interfered -with if hold there, lie said!
vate car" was being used the committee found, pnurtl- ISSjffi LSSLirCT2i3!
cally to eliminate smaller shippers, because no railroad , in ;cast Salt Lake was chosen as the
nnii'f nvfipf rtannirrnflro nhnvornc frnm oln'nnorc wlin rvnnrl , stiYne f the battle. ,
C1 i uickaru satd that lie wad m favor
ot holdine tho fight at Salt Lako if
pt away bv the new COde, Which 'nJ conditions were favorable. How-
provides briefly: (1) All private Cars m railroad service tor train in California, and there is a
are to be subject to demurrage rules. (2) Forty-eight stwne probability that Sau Frvcfseo
hoirrs' free time wiU be allowed for loading and unloading & CoSroth rp'ofto6"!::
all commodities, but one da extra will be allowed when bination, though Ricknrd.teaia that if
cars are held for re-consignment, switching orders or in- Sm f-raneiseo was the place chosen
i.- o t j j. xi xi s Coffroth's arena will be probably
spection. (3) Industries owning their own tracks and, used. He said it would havo to be
switching engines will not be allowed any extra time. (4) , f"lareed so that it would hold bo-
,A, . a ,'. , c i i v y ' tween 40.000 and 50,000 persons.
At the expiration of free time a charge of $1 a day or;
fraction will be exacted. (5) No railroad can refund 'g; t,lcdcIhr'stitin churc,V cor"cr
murrage charges unless weather conditions are suchjhjthns0fo Jj"
the freight will be damaged by loading or unloading or at the n o'clock hour the c. w.
,mUrn ;x i,.-.or,;ui -p,. x x x xi. B. M. will have charge of the services I
1 , nn" W1" reder a splendid program; 4
(6) Shippere can average then demurrage charges at the 'e. e. at 0:30 p. m; at 7:30 Brother
end of each calendar month bv receiving credit for the wonder of Portland, corresponding
, i j t i "i j t xi -x- secretary of the O. C. M. C, will
cars they have loaded or unloaded before the expiration speak. Everybody welcome, w.
Of the free time. T,ieo' Matlock, pastor.
Among the most flagrant abuses that the committee ; Jrenr Dr. Young on "Grit and
remedies by the new code are those of shippers using care Gumption," at the M. e. church,
for warehouses while waiting for a rise in prices under the StsTcents81"61, DecembcorO010-
guise of holding care for re-consignment. It Vas found ; .
that five or seven days was allowed in some pjJrTs of the1,, DuV,ail. t0 hcaLT).r' Youn of
x,... : x rm.. i j..x..:i
uuuiiu.jf xur x tj-uuxisigxuxitjxiL. xiiu su-taucu ixiuusu jiu i tion" nt tho M. E. church
rule" which gave shippers who own their own tracksand ; evening, December 10.
engines more ume tnan rne orainary snipper to ioaa ana
unload cars was abolished because it was utilized to freeze j
out less wealthy shippers.
The vast importance of having a code of demurrage
rules that it uniform all over the countiy will, in the opin-4
ion of railroad experts, render a repetition of the car!
shortage of 1907 impossible, and. may even clean out the1
empty cars from New England, the "graveyard of care,"
when the west needs transportation to get its produce to
Everybody Wears Hose
and you arc no exception to the rule, and for that rea
son we say don't buy hosiery until vou have seen the
line' we are showing at
2 pair for 25 cents
Everything from the smallest infants to the largest
men in town can be fitted here and in a strictly fast
color hose at, your choice, 2 pairs for 25c
A Gifted Healer.
The humble chinch bug has had fame thrust upon it. j
Plodding modestly through life, sleeping during the
winter months, and conducting its business operations qui
etly during the summer, nobody expected the chinch to
f urnisli much of a subject for the scientists.
And yet, the entomologists of the department of agri
culture have just issued an elaborate treatise emblazoning
to the world the disreputable character of the common
chinch. This animal" never assails man. He takes his por
tion of the grain and corn, but never vulgarly descends, as
do. some brother bugs, to feeding on the human anatomy.
The bugologists bury the poor chinch under a load of
alleged iniquities they swear he has caused damage ag
gregating during the past GO years something like $350,
000,000 by his grain eating proclivities, and they end the
book with a long list of poisons and sprays, and other de
vices designed to exterminate him. Hereafter it will lie
no cinch to be a chinch.
Get liTe Habit
Keep your eye
on this store from this on. No store ever in Medford
offered such' a selection or assortment at anything like
the prices of those to be found here. Come in and see.
The Busy Store
(United' Press leased Wire.)
pAKLAND, Cal., Dec. 3. John S.
day after being out just 30 minutes.
The chargo was made in connec
tion with tho recent scandals in tho
office of the public administrator, it
ImirifV o arrnA flint T1a1niau n a )tnn
Dolaucoy, one of the prominent nt- gol or pubHo Adn,,lll8trn'tor Gray,
toruoys of Onklnnd, was found guilty withhold funds from estates in hi
of felony embezzlemont by a jury to-ciiarge.
Edw. Olnoy was visited by a citi
zen of cur city who, after investigat
ing the healer, claims and pro-.
nounces him a remarkablo man. I
When interviewed tho gentleman said:1
"In tho person of Mr. OIney I found 1
a man of profound significance He'
has a gift, call it what you will, tint I
is beyond my comprehension, fori
1 - .1 T I
power uu uuua possess, j. wuu. novur
very intorested in this sort of a
thing, but, having a roaring in my
ears, I desired to see what ho could
do. He cured mo, all right, and while
there a gentleman whom I know pos
itively to havo been crippled with
rheumatism for two years was honi
ed and was able to put on his coat
without aid. I wns dumbfounded
and do not hesitate to say that ho
is beyond mo. I did not mention my
experience to my friends nnd rela
tives for fear they would discredit
my sanity or consider rno too credu
lous. However, I would advise ev
ery one sick and suffering to seo Mr.
Olnoy and bo healed. Ho is always
glad to meet you and invites, every
body to call on him and get n free
booklet otid an explanation of his
work. You can bo healed. Consul
tation free. Office in tho Palms, cor
ner Main and Grape streets, Med
Vd. Hours 0 n. m. to 8 p. m.
More Light
Less Money
See J. W. Whitney, 211 W. Main
With Aitken, the Plumber
Gas Lighting Systems
The Best
Rex Market
Huth & Pech Props. Phone32 71
Tho bout rcnoltition for you
to mnko is to rorno to uu for
your 'next unit, if you want
Horaotlilug out of tho onlinnry.
Wo Jo tho best work ant charge,
the lowcnt prices.
J. E, ENYAHT. President
JOHN S OltTII. Cm. In.,,
J. A. PERRY. Yloe.Prenldejt.
W. D. JACKSON, Asn't CanhUr.
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS $10,000
Safety boxes (or rent. A general Banking Ruslness transacted.
We solicit your patronage.
Gal. Squash, per can 35c
Gallon Pears, per can 40c
Gallon Apples, per can.... 35c
Gallon Loganberries, can.. 50c
Gallon String Beans, can.. 40c
Gallon Tomatoes, can 35c
Sampson's Prunes, 4 for... 25c
Gallon Rhubard, per can... 45c
Superb Drips, 'i gal 40c
Superb Drips, I gal 65c
Rock Candy Drips, I gal... 80c
Palace Drips, I gal 80c
Eureka Syrup, I gal 85c
Preferred Stock Syrup, Jj
Pllon 60c
Don't forget our home-made
Rex Grocery
"One Price to Everybody"
The Bungalow Rink
Opon Evory Afternoon fTonr 2 Until
Evening from E:30 Until 10 o'Clook.
W. A. ROBBINS, Proprietor
iJ U. '!.
iui..; 1
Tho Roguo Rivor Canning & Evaporating company will devote t
Mondays and Thursdays of each wook to custom work in tho mmi
ufiicturo of cider, npplo buttor mid jollios.
Phono your ordors for nioo Hwoot cidor to 11X2. Deliveries will
ho mndo on Tuosduyfl and Fridays of onoh week.
Mill In West Medford. Phone 11X2.