TJI.K M 13 DWORD MATL TJUBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, .1909. 3 UNCLE JOE TO QUI! HIS JOB? So Declares Victor Murilock, Insur licnt From Kansas Says ' Ho Will Have To. WASHINGTON', i). , Ib.o. Tlial Siuiil;i'i- ('iinnuii IiuIIijvim Hint the houm In in dungor of liuiiifr oitp tin cil by tin- Di'inocnilH mill will ley tu hiivo It In llii- Ki'iililii!iniH by im iiiiiiniMiitf hi ii'liii'ini'iit from tlm Hiii'iild'r'H poNt lii'l'oni lint Iti'iiililli"Ui priniurii'H next .limit, wmh Iho Mnlo mi'iit made today hy Victor Murdoch ul' Kiiiimiih, tli lender of t ho "iiimirg iml " in the limine. "Alum! the lirnl of .Jniwi, watch Caiiiinii aiiiioiincc that lit) will not Hcrxc iih speaker after liiH promMit lonii," naiil .Munlncli. "lie has kccii the writing an the wall." .Murdoch nays he in coiivinccil that Caiinoti will he eliminated iih upeuhor, no niatter whether tho hoiifiii in Dcin otmilie. or Republican. The "insurg ent" are arrntlgiinr a meeting for to day or tomorrow to iaap out a logi latixo urogram. "We want three things," Miiil .Miiriloch. "Kirt. we want to take from the speaker the right to impiiro for what purxie a member dinirc to obtain the floor: sooiuid, we want to take iiwy from the Mtiknr the power to iiuiint coininiltoe to Imlgo the power in a commit tec Hiiril, we want to abolish the rule which make the hpenkor a member of the committee on rule.'' OKDlNANCi: NO. 200. An orillnnnre declaring the assess menl on the tiropurty bonoflllod'fnr tho cost of layliiK n nlx-lnch water main on (I rape street and directing the recorder to enter a statement thereof In the, wntor main lion dock et. The city of Modford doth ordain an folltlWH Section 1. Whereas, tho city coun cil did heretofore by rcMolutlon d clarc Its Intention to by a six-Inch water uintn on (Jrape Htrect to Jack son Htrect from Went Mnln. north, and to assess the corft thereof on the property fronting on snld portion of Niild Ntreet In proportion to the front age of unld property, and did fix a time nnd plnro for hearing protests ngnlnsi the laying of until water main on wild portion of unld ntreet nnd the nHHCHKincnt of tho com thereof an aforesaid. s Anil wlicreiiM, unld resolution watt duly publlNlicd nnd pouted n , re quired hy section 110 of tho chnrtor of unld city, Ami whereas, n mooting of tho council wiim held at the time and place fixed In mild resolution for tho purpove of considering any hiicIi pro tOHtN, but no such protests were at said tlmo or nt nny other time mndo to or received by the council to the laying of Fald water mnln or the assessment of tho coHt thereof iih nforennld, nnd unld coun cil having coiiHldered the mutter nnd dooming that snld water main wiim and Im of m.iterlal heneflt to mild city and Hint all property to ho assessed therefore would he benefitted there by to the extent of tho probable amount of the respective assessments to bn lovled ugalitHt unld property, did order unld water mnln laid. And wbereiiH, tho coat of unld water tun In him been nnd hereby Is determined to bo tho mini of 3, 1)4 1.10. Now therefore, It Ih horoby further determined Hint tho proportionate Bhure of tho coHt of laying unld wntor mnln of each parcel of tlm proporty fronting bn unld portion of wild ntreet Ih tho amount Hot opposlto tho description of each purcol or plcco of land tmlow nnd Hint ench ploco of parcel of Innd benefitted bj the Iny liiK of mild water mnln to tho full extent of tho amount Hot opposite tho description of ench parcel or ploco nnd that tho respective nmountft rop recent tho proportlonnl bonoflt of said water mnln to Hnld respective pnrcelK of proporty nnd aUo tho pro liortlonal frontngo thcorof on Bald portion of nnld Btroot, and tho coun cil iIooh horoby declaro onch of tho pnrcelK of property doscrlbod below to bo nssossod nnd onch of tho Bnmo horoby Ih assessed tho amount not op poHlto each duHorlptlon of ho coat of laying wild water mnln. ASSIOHHMKNT KOIl A RIX-INCII WATKU MAIN ON C1HAPB ST., FROM WIS ST MAIN, NQUTH TO JACKSON STRHHT. AHHOHinont No, 1 Dolroy Ootcholl, the hoiiHi half of lot 18, block 05, original towiiHlto In tho city of Mod ford, Orogon, frontngo 70 feet on weHt Hide drape street, dorfcrlbed Vol. 72, pane :iii:i. county recorder's, rec ords of .lackHon cunty, Oregon. 70 feet; into per foot. 1 I 1-10 cents: amount due, $00.08. AHHOHHinent No. 2 Pnvld II. Mil ler, the north half of lot 18, block 55, original towiiHlto In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 70 feet on west Hide (Irapo Htroot. ileHcrlbed Vol. 25, pngo 200, Vol. 52. pngo 100, county rccorder'H rocordn of JuckBon count v, Oregon. 70 foots rate por foot, H I -1-10 contHi amount duo, $00.08. , . AHHOHHinent No. II N. 11. Nyo. lot 1. block 55. orlglnnl towiiHlto In tho city of Modford, Orogon. frontngo 1-10 feet on west Hldo Ornpo street, do Hcrlbod Vol. 10, pnKo 150, county re cordor'H recordH of JuckBon county, OroKon. 110 foot: rate por foot, 01 1-10 contHj amount duo, $13.3.10. AHHOHHiiiont No. I Ida Schonior horn, lot 1, block 50, original towii Hlto In tho olty of Modford, Oregon, frontage 50 foot on wost Hldo Ornpo Htruot,, doHcrlbod Vol. 31, pngo 501, county rocordor'a records of JackHon CITY NOTICES. county, Oregon, 50 foot. Ii I 1-1 0 cotitii; fi'utv rnto pup IIIIIOIIIll duo, $17.20. AhhomiikiiiI No. 5 Ma Schemer Inn ii, lot 2, block 50, original town Mite In tbi city of Medford. Oregon, fi outage fid foci on went Hide (Irapo Htreet, dem'rllied Vol. .'II, page Mil, 'county rucorder'H recordM of JackHon county, Oregon. f0 feet; rale pur foot, tM I-Ml con tu i amount duo, $17,20 AHHONMiiiont No. IS (I. t,. Sclioinor horu, lot .'I. block 50, original towii Hlto In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on went Hide Ornpo i Htreet, described Vol. 08, page 103, j county recorder h rocorilM of JnokHnii i county, Oregon. 50 foot; rato per foot, lit 1-10 coutHi amount duo,1 $17.20. I AiuiOHmont No. 7- 0. . Hchemor-i horn, lot I, block 50. original town-! nlto In toll city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on wont Hide Ornpo' ntreet, ileHcrlbed Vol. 08, pngo 103,' ! county rccorder'H recordfc of JackHon I county. Oregon. T, II. 50 feet; rato per foot, Ji I I-10 coiiIh; amount duo,, $17.20. i ! ANHeHHinont No, H -William Ii".,i !niichiil J. ami William I,. Hiilley, I lot 5, block 50, original towiiHlto In the city of Medford, Oregon, front ago 50 foot on went Hide Ornpo Htreet, idoHcrllicd Vol, 28, page 303, county I recotder'H recordH of JackHon county, 1 , Oregon. 50 feet; rate por foot, , l I 1-10 tun tii ; amount duo, $17.20. I 'AHHOHHinent No. ti--Wllllnni V. I llalloy, lot C, block 50. original towii Hlto In tho city of Modford. Oregon frontage 5)1 feet on went Hide Orapo Htreei. deHcrlhed Vol. 31, pago 215,' county rccorder'H rocordn of JackHon county. Oregon. 50 feet; rate por foot. ! I 1-10 couth; amount duo, $17.20. ; AHHOHHinent No. 10 Stephen A. Nye. lot'l. block 57. original townnlto, In th city of Modford, Oregon, front-, age fill reut on woHt Hldo Ornpo Htreet, ' north, doHcrlbod Vol. 02, pago 355, county recordor'il rocordH of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 foot; rate per' foot. 01 1-10 conU; amount duo,1 $17.20. AHHOHHiiiont No. 11 Stephen A. , Nye. lot 2. block 57, original towiiHlto In tho city of Modford. Oregon, front- ago 50 foot on went Hide Ornpo Htroot, 'north. doHcrlbod Vol. 02. page 355. county rccorder'H recordH of JackHon , county. Oregon. 00 foot; .rato por foot, fll 4-10 centH; amount duo,' $17.20. AMiwHinont No. 12 Oortrudo J. Iteddy. lot 3. block 57, original (own- hKo In the city of Modford. Oregon, frontngo 5u feet on went Hide Ornpo , Ntreet, north, described Vol. 51. pngo 608. county rccorder'H rocordH of Jacknon county, Oregon. 00 foot; rate per foot, 91 4-10 coutn; amount due. $47.20. AhhohhiiicuI No, 13 Oortrudo J. Iteddy, lot 4, block 57, original towii Hlto In the city of Modford, Oregon, ! fronuigo 50 fool on wont Hide Ornpo i Htreet, north, doHcrlbod Vol. 54, pago 508, county rccorder'H records of IJackHon count, Oregon. 60 foot: rule por foot, U4 4-10 coiUh; amount I duo, $47.20. ' AHHCHSinent No. 14 J. K. Toft, lot 1 5, block 67, original towiiHlto in tho city of MeJford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on went side (irapo Htreet. north, described Vol. 4 9, page 227, county rccorder'H records of JnckBon county, Oregon. 60 foots rate por foot,; 91 4-10 contn; amount duo, $47.20. ' AHHoHHinont No. IS J. B. Toft, lot G, block 67. original townnlto In tho city , of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 50 foot on went Hldo Ornpo Htreet, nortl , do Hcrlbod Vol. 19, pngo 227. county rc corder'H records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato por foot, 91 1-10 conta; amount duo, 47.20. AHHOHHinent No. 10 Wllllnm Charley, lot 1. block r.S, original towiiHlto In the city of Modford, Ore gon, frontngo 50 foot on weHt HldOi Ornpo Htreet, north, doBcrlbed Vol. ' II. pago 610, county recorder'H roc-1 ,orilH of JackHon county, Orognn. 60 foot; rato por foot, 94 4-10 cents; ' amount due, $47.20. ) AHKOHHinent No. 17 Wllllnm' Charley, lot 2, block 68, original townnlto In the city of Medford, Ore gon, frontngo 60 foot on woat sldo , Ornpo Htroot, north, doHcrlbod Vol. 41. pngo 640, county recorder's rec- I ordH of JackHon county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot, 94 4-10 contH; ! amount duo, $47.20. I AHBOHHinent No. 18 D. K. WIIhoii. lot 3, block 68, original towiiHlto in I thu city of Modford, Oro:;on, frontngo1 60 foot on west Hldo Ornpo street, i 'north. doHcrlbod Vol. CO, pngo C22, i county recorder's records of Jnckuon county. Oregon. ' 60 foot; rnto por' 'foot, 91 1-10 contH; amount duo, $47.20. AHHoHHinont No. 19 D. F. Wilson,, lot 4, block 6S, original townnlto In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo i 50 foot on west sldo Ornpo Htroot, north, described Vol. 09, pngo 022, i county recorder's records of Juckson county, Oregon. 50 foot; rato por. foot. 94 4-10 contB; amount duo,! $17.20. I ABBOBsniont No. 20 W. 1). Ynnt j and John Nloinnn, lot 6, block 58, j original townalto In tho city of Med ford, Oregon, frontago CO foot on , woHt Bldo Ornpo Htroot, north, do Hcrlbod Vol. 59. pngo 403, rounty ro- cordor'H recordH of Jnckrou county, . Oregon. 50 foot; rnto por foot, 94 1-10 cents; amount duo, $47.20. AHHOHHinent No, 21 W. 1). Ynnt and John Nolmnn, lot 0, block 58,1 original townslto In tho city of Mod ford. Oregon, frontago 60 foot on i wont sldo Orapo Htroot, north, do Hcrlbod Vol. 69, pago 103, county ro cordor'B recordH or Jackson county, Oregon. 60 foot; rato por foot. 91 4-10 contB; niuount duo. $4 7.20. AHHOHBiiio,nt No. 22 W. II. Monro, lot 1, block 59, original towiiBlto In tho city or Modford, Orojcon, frontago 50 foot on woat sldo Ornpo Htroot, north, doscrlbod Vol. 58, pago 87, county recorder's rorords of Jackson county, Oregon. 60 foot; rato por foot, 91 1-10 coats; amount duo, $17,20, AHHoasmont No. 23 I.nnnnn Woody, lot 2, block 59, oiigtnnl towiiHlto In tho city nt Modford, Oro gon, frontngo 50 foot on west sldo Ornpo stroot, north, described Vol. 17. pngo 105, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Orogon. Sold for taxes 1902.' 60 foot! rnto por 4 CITY NOTICES. root, $94 1-10 contH; amount duo, $17.20. AmhohhiiiciiI No. 24 Oregon and Calirornla Land Co., lot 3 .block 69. original towiiHlto In the city of Med ford. Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on went Hide (Snipe Htreet, north, do Mi rlbed Vol. .ii. page 3 IS, county re coider'H lecords of. JhcIchoii county, Oregon 60 feet; rate per foot, 9 1 l-lo cent; amount due, $17.20. AhrohmiuciiI No. 25 Oregon and California l.nnd Co., lot I, block 69, original towiiHlto In tho city of Med ford, Oregon, frontage 60 foot on wont Hide Ornpo Htreet, north, do Hcrlbod Vol. 61, pngo 34 8, county ro corder'n records of Jacknon county, Oregon. 50 fool; rnto por foot, 94 4-10 cenlHr amount duo. $47.20. AHHOHHinent No20 W. II. Mnult . lot 5, block 69. orlglnd towiiBlto In tho city of Modford, Orogon, front ngn 60 feet on went side Ornpo Htroot, north, deHcrlhed Vol. 49, pago 273, county recorder'H records of JackHon county. Oregon. 50 feet; rato por foot. 91 1-10 contH; amount duo, $47.20. AHHoHHinont No. 27 W. II. .Mnult oy. lot ii. block 59. original IowiihIIo In tho city of Modford, Oregon, front ngo 50 feet on went nldo Ornpo Htreet, north, (lemrlbed Vol. 49. pngo 273. county recorder'H recordH of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 foot; rato por foot, 9 1 1-10 cents; amount duo, $47.20. AHHOHHinent No. 28 P. C. Illg hnm. ol ux, lot 1, block 00, original towiiHlto, In tho city of Medford, Oro gon, frontngo 60 feet on went Hldo (Snipe Htreet. north, described Vol. 65. page 117. county recorder's rec ordH of Jackson countv. Oregon. 50 foot; rnto- por foot, 94 4-10 cents; amount due, $ 17.20. AHHOHHinent No. 29 Mnry K. Wll HaiiiH. lot 2. block 00. original town site In the city of .Modford. Oregon, frontage 60 foot on wost side Ornpo street, north, described Vol. 14. page 329, county recorder' records of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rnto per foot. 9 1 1-10 cents: amount due. $17.20. AMH!iiont No. 30 C. C. Hook nian. lot 3. block 00. original townslto In the city of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 foot on wost sldo Ornpo street, north, described Vol. 11. pngo 41. county recorder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 foot; rnto per fooot. 94 4-10; nnlount duo, $47.20. . AHHOHHinent No. 31 C. C. Heok mnn. lot 4. block 00, original towii Hlto In the city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 60 fool on west sldo Grnpo street, north, described Vol. 11. pngo 41. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet: rato per foot. 94 4-10 cents; amount due. $47.20. Assessment No. 32 C. C. Ueek mnn, lot 6. block CO, original town slto In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 60 feet on wost aide Grnpo stroot. north, described Vol. 11. pngo 41, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate por foot. 94 4-10 cents; amount duo. $47.20. Assessment No. 33 C. C. llook mnn. lot 0, block GO, original town slto In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 60 feet on wost bUIo Grnpe street, north, described Vol. 11, pngo 41, rounty recorder's records of Jnckuon county, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto per foot, 94 4-10 cents; amount duo. $17.20. AsHessinent No. 34 Orogon nnd Cnllfomla Land Co., lot J. block Gl, orlglnnl townslto In tho city of Mod ford, Oregon, frontago 50 foot on west sldo Orapo street, north, de scribed Vol. 51, pngo 348, county ro cordor'a records of Jnckeon county, Oregon. 50 foot: rato per foot, 94 4-10 cents; amount duo. $4 7.20. Assessment No. 35 Oregon nnd California Kami Co., lot 2. block CI. original towiiBlto In the city of Mod ford, Oregon, frontngo 00 feet on wost side Ornpo street, north, de scribed Vol. 61. pngo 318. county ro cordor'a records of Jackson county, Oregon. 00 foot; rato por foot, 94 4-10 cents; amount due, $4 7.20. Assessment No. 3C Oregon nnd California Land Co., lot 3, block Gl. original townslto In tho city of Med ford, Oregon, frontngo 112 foot on wost Bldo Ornpo Btroot, north, do scrlbod Vol. 51, pngo 348, county re corder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 112 feot: rnto por foot, 91 1-10 cents; amount duo $105.75. Assessment No. 37 Emily J. Crouch, lot 7. block 3S. orlglnnl towuslto In tho city of Modford, Oro gon, frontngo 100.12 feet on enst aldo Grnpo street, north, described Vol. 27, pngo 193, county rocordor'a records of Jnckson county, Orogon. 150.12 feet; rato per foot, 94 4-10 cents; amount duo, $147.40. Assessment No. 38 C. C. Ileok mnn, lot S, block 3S, original town slto In tho city of Medford, Orogon, frontngo 50 foot on oust sldo Ornpo street, north, described Vol. 27, pngo 193, county recorder's records of Jackaon county, Oregon. 00 feet; rato por foot, 94 4-10 cents; amount duo, $17.20. Assessment No. 39 C. C. Uook ninn, lot 9, block 38. original town slto In the city of Modford, Orogon, frontngo 60 foot on oast sldo Ornpo street, north, described Vol. 11. pngo 41, county recorder's records of Jack Hon county, Orogon. 60 foot: rato por foot, 91 4-10 cents; niuount duo, $47.20. - , Assessment no. u. v. iiuok mnn, lot 10, block 38, original town slto In tho city of Medford, Orogon, frontage 50 foot on east sldo Ornpo street, north, doscrlbod Vol. 11, pngo 41, county recorder's records of Jack soii county, Orogon. 00 feot; rato per foot, 91 1-10 coats; amount duo, $17 20. ABBOHHinont No. 11 C. O. lleok man, lot 11, block 38. original towii Hlto, In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontago 00 feot on onst sldo Orapo stroot, North, doscrlbod Vol. 11, pngo 1 1 , county rocordor'a rocords of Jack son county, Orogon. 00 feot; rnto por foot 94 1-10 conta; amount $47.20. Assessment No. 120. O. Heok mnn, lot 12, block 38, original town slto. In tho city of Modford, OroRon, frontngo 50 foot on onst sldo Ornpo Btroot, North, doscrlbod Vol. 11, pngo 41, county recordor's records of Jack tf t t 't 't tttt t CITY NOTICES. son county, Orogon. 60 feet; rnto per foot 94 4-10 contH; amount duo $47.20. AhhchhiiioiiI No. 13- Oregon and California Land Co., lot 7, block 39, original townslto, In tie- rlty of Mod ford. Oregon, frontage r,o feet im east Hide Orapo Htroot, Nona. ib-HorHcd Vol. 61, pago 318. rouniv recorder's recordH of Jaekiioii county, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto per foot 91 1-10 cents; amount duo $ 17.20. , ; AHuoiHincnt No, 14- Oregon and, ('Hllfortii Land Co., lot x. block 39, original towiiHlto, In the city of Mod ford, Oregon, frontage 60 feet on east side Orapo street. Norih, described Vol. 01, pngo 348, county rocordor'a recordH of Jackson county. Orogon. 60 feet; rnto por foot 9t 4-10 contH; amount duo $17,20. AHHoHHinont No. 45 Margaret MtirHt. lot 9, block 39. original town alto in the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 foot on onst sldo Orapo street, North, described vol. 28. page 532, county recorder'H records of Jackson county, Orogon 50 feet'; rate per foot 94 4-10 cents; amount duo $47.20. Assessment No. 40 Margaret Hurst, lot 10, block 39. original town slto In the city of Medford. Orogon, frontngo 00 feot on cast Hide Orasio Htreet, North, described Vol. 28, page 632. county recorder's records of j Jackson county, Oregon. 60 feet; rato' per foot 94.4 cents; amount duoj $47.20. Assessment No. 4 7 Herman Law roiitz, lot 11, block 39. orlclnnl town slto in the city of Medford, Orogon, frontage 50 feet on east side Grape , street. North, doHcrlbod Vol. 51, jiago 510, county recorder'H records of JHckson county, Oregon. 50 feot; rato por foot 94.4 cents; amount duo1 $47.20. 1 Assessment No. 4 Herman Law-i rentr.. lot 12, block 39. original town-' site In the city of Medford. Oregon, frontage 50 feot on east side Orapo stret. North, described Vol. 51. page; 510. county recorder'H records of JnrkHon county. Oregon. 60 foot; i rato er foot 94.4 cents; amount duo t - n h ! 1 . w v. Assessment No. 49 Margaret F. j Hurst, lot 7, block 40, original town-, site In the city of .Medford, Oregon,, frontngo 00 feet on east side Grnpo street, North, described Vol. 4S. pago 597. county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 00 feet: t rate per foot 94.1 cents; amount due' $17.20. Assessment No. 50 Mnrgaret F. , Hurst, lot S, block 40. original town site In the city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 00 feet on oast side Grnpo1 street, North, described Vol. 48, pagoi 697. county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet: rato . tier foot 94.4 cents; amount duel $47.20. AHsossnient No. 01 D. T. fcawton, I lot 9. block 40. orlglnnl townslto In, tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 50 fet on enHt side Grape street, , North, described Vol. 72, page 291, J county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto ser foot I 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20. i Assessment No. 52 D. T. Lawton, lot 9. block 40. original townslto In tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo j 50 feet on onst sldo Grnie street,) North, described Vol. 72. pnge 291, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Orogon. 50 feot; rn ior foot) 91.4 cents; amount due $ 17.20. j Assessment No. 63 W. W. Hum- phroys. lot 11, block 40, original! townslto In tho city of Medford, Ore-! gon. frontage 50 feet on east sldej Grnpe street, North, doscrlbod Vol. 72 Singe 421, county recorder's records' of Jnckson county. Oregon. 60 feet; , rnto per foot 94.1 cents; amount duo. $47.20. Assessment No. 64 Marlon E. Tryer, lot 12, block 40, orlglnnl town slto In tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on enst side Grnpo Btroot, North, described Vol. 72, pngo' 420, county recorder's records of! Jnckson county, Orogon. 00 feot; rntoi per foot 94.4 cents: amount duo $47.20. Assessment No. 55 Medford Hrew-i lug Co., lot 7, block 41, original; townslto In the city of Medford, Ore-i gon, frontngo 00 feet on east sldo Orapo street, North, described Vol. I 33, pngo 1G7, county recorder's rec- ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 foot; rnto por foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20. Assessment No. 56 Medford Brew ing Co., lot 8, block 41, orlglnnl town slto in the city or .Moutorii. urgonti frontngo 50 feet on enst sldo Grnpo street, North, described Vol. 33, pago , 167, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 00 feet; rate, per foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20. . Assessmnot No. 57 Medford Drew- lug Co., lot 9, block 11, orlglnnl town-, site In tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontago 00 feet on east sldo Grnpo, stroot, North, described Vol. 33, pngo1 107, county recorder's records of Jackson county. Oregon. 60 feet: rnto, per foot 94.4; cents; amount duo. $47.20. Assessment No. 5S Medford Hrow-i lug Co., lot 10, block 41. original, townslto In tho city of Medford. Oro- gon, frontage 50 feet on onst sldo Ornpo street. North, described Vol. 33. pit-re 167, county recorder's rec-j ords of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 foot; rnto per foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20, ABsessmont No. 59 Modford Brow ing Co., lot 11, block 41. orlglnnl townslto in the city of Medford, Oro gon, frontago 50 feot on enst sldo Orapo at root North, described Vol. 33. pngo 167. county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 foot: rato per foot 94.4 cents; nmouut duo $17.20. Assessment No. CO Medford Brow-. Ing Co., lot 12. block 11. orlalnnl . townslto In tho city of Medford. Ore-' goon, frontngo 50 feet on onst sldo; Orapo street, North, described Vol. t 33. pngo 167, county recorder's roc ords of Jnckson county, Orogon, 50 foot; Til to per foot 94.1 conts; f niuount duo $ 17.20. AsHossmont No. 0 7 C. C, Beok iniiii, lot 13, block 42, orlglnnl town slto In tho city of Medford, Orogon, frontago 50 feot on enat Bldo Ornpo stroot, Nortn, doscrlbod Vol. 18, pngo 010, county recorder's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feot; rnto 4 4 CITY NOTICES. - per foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20. AsHCHHirlent No. 02 C. C. Book man, lot It. block 12, orlglnnl town slto In tho city of Medford. Oregon, frontago 50 foot on east sldo Orapo Htreet. North, described Vol. 18. pago 010, county recorder's recordH of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet; rato pir foot 94.4 cents; amount due $17.20. Assessment No. S3 C. C. Book man, lot 15, block 42, orlglnal'town slto In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontago 60 feot on oast side Ornjio Htroot, North, described Vol. 18, pago 010, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 60 feot; rate per foot 94.1 cents; amount duo $47.20. AssosBmoni No. i C. C. Beck man, lot 16, block 42, original town slto In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontngo 50 feet on cast aldo Grape street, North, described Vol. 11, lingo 41, county recorder's recorda of Jnckao ncounty, Oregon. 50 foot rnto tier foot 91.4 cents; amount due $47.20. Aasosament No. 65 C. C. Beek man, lot 17, block 42, orlglnnl town slto In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on east aide Grape street, North, described Vol. 11, page 41. county rocordor'a records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet: rate por foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $17.20. Assessment No. CG C. C. Bcek man, lot 18, block 42, original town slto in tho city of Medford, Orogon, frontago 50 feet on east side Grape street, North, described Vol. 11, pago 11, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate per foot 94.4 centa; amount due $47.20. Assessment No. C7 John A. Smith, lot 13, block 43, original tovnalte In the city of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on oast side Orapo street. North, described Vol. 29. page 446, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feot; rato per foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20. Af"?mcn? Xn. OS JnVirt A. Smith, lot 14. block 43. original town slto In tho city of Modford., Oregon, frontage 50 teet on east sldo Grape stroot. North, doscrlbod Vol. 2,6. tago 309, county recorder's records of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rate por foot 94.4 cents; amount duo $47.20. Assessment No. 69 John A. Smith, lot 15. block 43. original townslte In the city of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on east side Grape street. North, described Vol. 26, page 300, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county. Oregon. 50 feet: rate jier foot 94.4 cents; amount due $47.20. Assessment No. 70 Rachel M. Whiteside. lot 16. block 43, original townslto In the city of Medford, Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on east aldo Grape street. North, described' Vol. 27. pago 396, county recorder's rec ords of Jackson county, Oregon. 50 feet: rate per foot 94.4 cents; amount due $47.20. Assessment No. 71 Rachel M. Whiteside, lot 17. block 43. orlglnnl townslto In tho city of Medford. Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on east side Grape street, North, described Vol. 28.' page 15, county recorder's rec ords of Jnckson county, Oregon. 50 feet; rato per foot 94.4 cents; nmount duo $47.20. Assessment No. i2 Rachel M. Whiteside, lot IS, block 43. original townslto In the city of Medford, Ore gon, frontage 50 feet on east side Grapo street. North, described Vol. 2S. page 15, county recorder's rec ords of Jackso ncounty, Oregon. 50 feet: rato per foot 94.4; amount duo $47.20. Assessment No. 73 Eliza Wood ford, tho north 90 feet lot 16, block 44, original townslto In tho city of Medford, Orogon, frontago 90 feet on east sldo Grapo street, North, des cribed Vol. 26. jiago 209, county re corder's records of Jnckson county. Oregon. 50 feet: rnto por foot 94.4 cents; amount due $47.20. Assessment No. 74 L. M. Wood ford, tho south 50 foet of lot 16, block 44, original townslto In tho city of Medford, Orogon, frontage 50 feet on east sldo Grapo street, North, described Vol. 59, jiago 631. county recorder's records of Jnckson coun ty, Oregon. 50 feet; rnto per foot 94.4 cents; nmount duo $47,20. Assessment No. 75 L. Neldor meyer nnd Calllo Palm, lot 17, block 44, original town3jto In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 140 feet on east sldo Grapo street. North, doscrlbod Vol. 61, pages 314 and 315, county recordor's records of Jnckson county, Oregon. 140 feet: rnto per foot 94.4 cents; nmount duo $132.16. Section 2 Tho recorder of tho city of Medford Is hereby directed to enter a statement of said several as sessments In tho water mnln lien docket. Tho' foregoing ordlnnnce was pnss ed bv tho city council of tho city of Medford on the . . day of 1909, bv tho following vote: Merrick . . ., Effort .... Emorlck .... Welch .... Demmor .... Wortmnn .... Approved W. 11. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER. Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 259. An ordinance assessing tho proper tv rdjacont to nnd benefited by tho 6-Inch moral sower constructed nlong nllov for tho cost of constructing the sani'o and providing tho manner of carrying said assessments Into full effect, , , Tho city of Medford doth ordnln as follows: Section 1. Whereas, tho council did horotoforo provldo by ordlnanco for tho serving of ownors of property n.ltnrnilt in mill lllMWI f 1 1 Oil 1)V tllO construction of tho lateral sowor horelnnftor described to nppenr bo foro said council nnd show cnuso, If any, why said proporty should not bo nssoBsed for tho construction of snld sowor, nnd did fix r. tlmo for homing nny such protests, which no tice was duly glvon In nccordnnco with Bald ordlnnnco more thnn ton days boforo tho boglnnlng of tho con struction of snld sowor, but no pro tests ngatnst said construction or j CITY NOTICES. tfftt lt f asflessmcBt of tho cost thereof waa made by nnyono, nnd snld scwor was, by said council, ordered constructed; and, Wherens, tho cost of tho construc tion of snld sower hns been nnd Is hereby determined to be tho sum of $330; Now. therefore, aald city doth horo by ordnln and (ferlarc Hint ench pnr el of property described below It adjacent to nnd benefited by that certain lateral sower, 6 Inches In i alzo. constructed on Alley through block 25, original townslte, and that tho proportion of tho cost of said sewer which each of snld parcels of Innd should bear, based on tho bene fits derived resectlvcly by said sev eral tracts of Innd, Is tho amount act oppol" description of each Biich pnrrM VI'-w at each of said par rff ii f.ttip! v benfited In the nmn'tnt set opsioslto Its description below by tho construction of aald Hewer, nnd that said nevcrnl amounts reorcont the projiortlonal benoflts ft - veral parcels from said sewc. And each of said parcels Is hereby assessed tho amount net op posite Its description below for the construction of said sewer. ASSESSMENT FOR A 6-INCH LAT ERAL SEWER ALONG ALLEY THROUGH BLOCK NO. 25. ORIG INAL TOWNSITE. IN THE CITY OF MEDFORD. OREGON. Assessment No. 1 Charles F. Young, lot 1, block 25, original town site In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 50 feet; rate per foot, 55 cents; amount duo. $27.50. Assessment No. 2 W. W. Htimph erys, lot 2, block 25, original town slto In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on alley In roar of said lot. 50 feot; rate per foot, 55 cents: nmount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 3 F. M. Stewart, lot 3, block 25. original townslte In tho city of Modford, Oregon, frontago "0 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 50 feet: rate per foot, 55 centa; amount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 4 Jane Carroll, !ot 4. block 23, original townslte In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontago 50 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 60 feet; rate per foot. 55 cents; amount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 5 Jackson Coun ty Building and Loan Association, lot 5. block 25. original townslto In the city of Medford, Oregon. 50 feet: rate per foot, 55 cents; amount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 6 Maud Hocken yos. lot 6, block 25, original townslte In tho city of Medford, Oregon, front age 50 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 50 feet; rate per foot, 55 cents; amount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 7 C. E. Collins, lot 7. block 25, original townslte In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 50 feet; rate per foot, 55 cents; amount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 8 C. E. Collins, lot S, block 25, original townslte In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 50 feet: rato per foot, 55 cents; nmount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 9 Irvln Dahack, lot 9, block 25. original townslte in the city of Medford, Oregon, frontage 50 feet on alley In rear or said lot. 50 feet: rato ner foot. 55 cents; nmount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 10 Irvln Dahack, lot 10. block 25, original townslte In the city of Modford. Oregon, frontage 50 feet on alley of rear of said lot. 50 feet: rato ner foot. 55 cents; nmount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 11 Irvln Dahnck, lot 11. block 25, orlglnnl townslte In tho city of Medford, Oregon, frontnge 50 feet on alley In rear of said lot. 50 feet; rate per foot. 55 cents; amount due, $27.50. Assessment No. 12 Irvln Dahack, lot 12, block 25, original townslte In the city of Medford, Oregon, frontnge 50 feet on alley In renr of said lot. 50 feet: rate per foot, 55 cents; amount duo, $27.50. Section 2. And It Is hereby order ed and ordained that said several as sessments and the liens be entered In the Hon docket of said city, and that thereupon notice bo given the owners or reputed ownors of said property, and that the same be en forced and collected in the manner provided by the charter of snld city for tho collection of assessments for tho Improvements of streets therein. Section 3. It Is further ordered thnt tho notlco above provided for be 6-Inch lateral sewer constructed along published three times In tho Dally Mall Tribune, a newspaper published nnd of general circulation In said city, In tho manner provided by ordi nance No. 250 of said city. Tho foregoing ordinance was pass ed by tho city council of the city of Medford on tho 16th day of Novem ber, 1909, by tho followInR vote: Merlek. nyo; Elfert, aye; Welch, ab sent; Emorlck. nyo; Demmor, nyo; Wortmnn, nyo. Approved November lith. 1909. W. H. CANON. Mnyor. Attest: ROBT. W. TELFER, Recorder. BESOXtfJTION AND GKAUTSR AMENDMENT Be it nolved, by tho city council of tho city of Modford: Section 1. Thnt there Is hereby pro posed to nnd submitted to the leual voters of tho city of Medford for ap proval or rejection tho following pro posed amendment to the chnrter of said city, to-wlt; A chnrtor amendment to the chnrter of tho city of Modford. Oregon, amend Ing sub-section 4! of section 25 and section 100 of said chnrter gUIng the tlmo for which contracts mny be en tered Into nnd franchises be grnnted by snld city. Tho people of tho city of Medford do ordnln as follows: Section 1. That sub-sectlon 42 of sec tion 25 of tho chnrtor of Modford be amended so ns to read ns follows: 12. No franchise or contract shall be BrnnteiWjy tho city or city council for n longer porlod thnn ten years, except street rnllwny franchises, which mny bo Brnnted for such period ns the counoll or legal voters of said city may seo fit. 4 CITY NOTICES. - Bcctlnn 2. Thnt nectlon 100 of the charter of nnlil city of Mcdfcrd be nmfndml no nn to rend ah follows: Hoctlon 100. No con'trnct shnll ti en tered Into hy thn city, or any friuiehlno Krnnted by It, for a loncer period thnn ten yenrn, except franchises for Htreet rnllwnyH, which mny ho grnnted for such perlndn ni thn city council or voters of until city may neo tit. No franchise shnll grant nny cxclimlvo right or rlchtn Section 2. Ho It further resolved, That nald charter nmnndment he so pro poned and Hiilimlttcd to the voters of said city an nforesald nt n special elec tion called nnd to bo held In said city on the 14th day of December, 1009, nnd that the recorder of aald city cause rfnld proposed charter amendment to be print ed, publlnhed and posted In conformity with ordinance No. 124 of Hnld city. The foregoing resolution was passed by the olty council of the city of Med ford on November 27, 1900, by the fol lowing vote: Merrick aye, Welch aye, Wortmnn nye, Elfert aye, Demmer aye, Rmerlck ayo. Approved November 27th, 1M9. W. JI. CANON, Mayor. Attest: ROBT. W TELFER, City Ilceorder. rphe following- Ih the form In which Hnld measure will appear upon the bal lot: SPECIAL ELECTIO. December 14th, 1900. Mark between number nnd nnswer vot ed for. Submitted by order of th city coun cil. Charter Amendment Vote yes or no. A charter amendment to the chnrter of the city of Medford, amending sub section 42 of section 2S nnd section 100 of snld chnrter, fixing the tlmo for which contract may be entered into and franchises bo granted by sold city nnd exterdlnp tho time for which street rail way franchises may be granted by said city. I 400 I TE8 I 401 NO I .' $15,000 CITY OP MEDFORD, OH., N IMPROVErENT BONDS. jredford, Or.. Nov. 17, 1009. The City Council of Medford, Or egon, will receive scaled bids up to 4:30 o'clock p. ra., December 7, 1909, for the sale of $15,000 6 per cent 10-ycar Improvement Bonds, bids to be accompanied by a certified check equal to five per cent of tho amount bid for. The right to reject any or nil bids is resedve'd. Bids to be addressed to Robert W Telfor, City Recorder. Certified check to be made payable to tho Tity of Medford, Oregon. , City Recorder. Dated Medford, Oregon, November 17, 1009. 227 ROBERT W. TELFER, RESOLUTION. Be It Resloved, by tho city coun cil or tno city ot .ueaiora: Section 1. That there bo and here by is ordered n special election in said city, to be held on the 14th day ! of December, 1909, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 5 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of submitting to tho legal voters of said city at snld election for their approval or . rejection a proposed charter amend ment to tho charter of said city, en titled as follows: A charter amendment to the char ter of tho city of Medford, Oregon, amending sub-section 42 of section 23 and section 100 of said chnrter, fixing tho tlmo for which contracts may be entered Into and franchises bo granted by said city." which charter amendment hns heretofore been proposed by and ordered sup- imltted to the legal voters of said ' city by the city council of said city. 1 Sctlon 2. Tho following places are , hereby designated as tho places In tho several wards at which said elec tion will be hold: First ward-r-Commerclal club I cond ward Hotel Nash sample 1 room. . . Third ward City hall. Section 3. Tho following are ! hereby designated and appointed as , judges of said election: For tho First ward J. S. Saer 1 iudgo: C. W. Davis, who shall also act as clerk: C. O. Taylor, who &hall ' also act as clerk. , For tho Second ward L. D. Har , shall also act as clerk. For tho Tiurn wm 4 "Thfmordor la hero- Approved Nom Att08t: ROUT. VT. TBLFRR. 219 city Recorder. Notice. Notice is hereby given Hint tho nn (krsi"uea will apply nt tno next tor SS meeting of tho city council ous liquors in loss quantities thn' So" JZ at the ,not.l Moore .bar, an ints 0 and 10. h ook 45, of tho tow i now of Bedford, in Jnckson STurr&i a period I of six month Dated November l8AU