2 THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDK)RDt OREGON", ERLDAY, DECEMBER 3, .190!). FLIES TO ESCAPE BIG BUILDING LAST FOOTBALL ELK MEMORIAL WILES OF GIRLS YEAR IN SIGHT GAME SATURDAY FULLY ARRANGED ENGINEERS HAVE THRILLING j" EXPERIENCE IN MOUNTAINS,! Wealthy Bachelor Has His Life Made Everything Indicates That Next Year Local Boys Will Meet Grants Pass Impressive Services Are to Bo Held Miserable by Pretty Girls Who Would Call Him Their "Hubby." SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 3. " 'There's no fool liko nn old one,' nnd I am tho victim of uiy own folly. I'm sick nnd tired of it nil. and I want to quit, but they won't let me. I never want to see another woman Will Shatter All Building Records in City of Medford. Next year will see al building rec ords eclipsed in Medford, if tho preparations for new buildings arc any indication of what may be ex pected later. Outside of the buildings for which ground has already been broken, a In Final Game of Season Good One Promised. Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when the official's whistle blows will SPOKANE. Wash., Dec Tlirilling woi'o tho experiences of a party of Northern Pacific railway j engineer ami surveyors, under 11. II. l'uyuo of Spokane, just returned from the unsettled territory in Con -. tral Idaho. Payne and the crows j worked in tho mountain nearly eight mouths, and it is understood a feas ible route bus been found to tap sev- eral of the rich mineral and timber ., , . . , belts. On uno of tho trips, lasting fi t following a bnct scss.on oL Med- ,. . . . ford Lodge. No. UH8. P., P. 0. Hlks, outsido of their own party. A Sunday Afternoon jn Opera House All Are Invited. begin the final battle between the 'Thursday evening, final arrange- suoro 0f horses were lost and some .!. . II. . . . . Medford high,!"1"1 r5 I'enecieu tor wiu meuuir- r tho men hud narrow escapes from mi wnu'w u ue ueiu in uiu .uuiuuiii ueatli. Much tug gaino was oncoun- onera house at 2 o'clock Sundav af- t tWtsA t tit it litlla mill ortVAPnl 11 iw . . f VV4 All IIIU IIIIIC1 111(11 PVMMIII gnmo oi me season, aim upon i"c (crnoon Q rants Pass school teams. and This will be the last ns long ns I live; theyro PeslennS!numb0r nro in nrosnect and will belresu,t of il depends the champion-1 As these services will be public deer foil before tho engineers' rifles. 1'nvttrt itini1 tttniti tP iiitiittt iitnl the life out of me. What I want now, ercctcd durillp the oominB vcnr, ( sliip of Southern Oregon. Both teams the nconle of Medford will have their these, with other drawings, ho will 13 n SLvnr ,ltlJ The bmudiiiRS at the corner of have plnved several Hard games this "PPortuiiity to 9ee this organ- submit to the engineering departn.ent William B.hiedcme5cr, a wealthy Ml.n nnJ Rivers5do avemie have' ' nni, ,11iM,n. nr., Lvi ""tion in n serious mood. While the nt St. Paul early this month. The WlUOWer, OU jeiirs, "i", , vnontml hv Hio tonnnts nn.l tli , . " ' , MkS III! DCllCVO 111 having ft gOOtl time linn ,.mitmimllitt..l ,v (he riillwnv I fices at 628 Kookery building, Spo- oK, structunjs are be; , d . stone unturned that would in any nnd that the man with a smile on his 00mpnny will open a big territory in Kuiii.-, ..u ... -., .............v.. ... order to c,ear tho round f t, way ueiraci iroui mo cnauee 01 mem nice nu ol me nine is one 01 ine unw lind n,d niatoully in tho do . 111 I U4U-i " VIViU HIV lUllllli XII 4, till" I li lillia ItllliU'lUHJ til IIIU t days ago that he would share uls ;constmction of a modem building on being in the best condition for this best men to meet and know, they can vclopment of tho country for mi fortune of 2aO,000 with a woman ,he gite The phug ,mvo not qs Ramc he serious and thoimhtfiil. nnd tho around, under 3o years of ope, if she came becn fu perfected for ,j j b f)d. Th0 Grants Pass team will be services Sunday afternoon will nn- on up to his ideal as a lite partner, but u is Slfo fo gnv H t . wu eounl to the occns5on ns thev j,nVe doubtedly bo impressively rendered trtfln tli.c innfnsjinn hotnro flppim . ... - - ... . ' . . .... 11. : il...: ........ .1.... .....v .... uo p t0 dnt0 n cven. respect ami m n goon group ot players that nro last the city to escape a throng of women kecpinR with the spirit of progress of , nnd active and have showed rapid responmng 10 ins iirujiui. itjle cjj , j, It is on this, their memorial day, that tho entire membership of the or der is gathered, the roll called of those who have fallen in life' strug' 1 llnliri1v.moilf cini'A fnn mlplv cnuciin "Hejoro l piacea mat nuio naer-, xrodford No 8S T a n samcSt which is dno ,0 tll0 fn,,t tisement m a California paper, say- Rt hag purchnscd 50s80 feet on they have had the careful attention those absent ones remember. inB mat u uie nRia pnnj ans Sixth street, near Hollv. adioininr.of two cood conches. One of the iei1 ' n'1 eulojry. wen, uio weuuuii,' iw the mi race beine constructed for the strongest points of the Grants Pass' ' "'' !''"5 orjrniusn I could not find a woman to take .Vallev Auto company by Anderson & team is their ability to handle end , tion. has indeed been fortunate, and the place at my lonely fireside, ae-j Qreen and jj put,p a buildin of nms. for the interference which these chai" of membership remains in dermeyer said, but now the rs,at ,oast twQ storie5.( and perhnps j lnds put uo would do credit to a col-( Kut vor cvf lo,,Ke3 through troopmg 111 from all sides. I never fm, nA i j... Mp..,, nnm. nml lmv nmvnn t,nt H,v!oiit tho United States have been so Circuit Court. Corn Turner vs. Howard Turner- -Divorce; decree granted. John Harrington vs. V. K. Phipps et nl. Set for trial December lft. Emma Flolir vs. Charles Flohr Divorce; decree. It's a Pleasure Indeed to pay your jjroi'or.v when you deal here for the items are always eorreel. What tfives it additional ploas ure is the t'aet that you know Full Value for your money has been receiv edthat you tiro charged with the lowest priees on the very best goods. Jt's mutual pleasure doing bus iness with us. i Allen Reagan The Square Deal Grocers roalized there were so many women Tf t. :.;., . nro almost sum in mnl-o vnr.U nt fortunate. In memory of these and in the world. Most of them get right ld : b nd . f ,n, n ; line-plunirinu'. Put. while thev nrelin tnbuto to them, theso sen-ices will . . " . . . . U. 1..IJ down to brass tacks, too. "I have received letters from ev ery state, territory nnd province on this continent, except Texas, and ev ery moment of my time has becn taken up in answering letters and telephone calls and receiving appli- (tractf ft vJew ,o cants, mostly young women, who tnmi t, seemed to be under the impression janother structure worthy IO U X I'U'lUl illl. UUUU UUk SJ 1 V k V J i I f" r-- ----- - - " this Dronertv thnt will mmnnm fn. stronc in these nnd other noints. tho, 00 uc'a rorably with any lodge home in the Medford team hns proven itself !, A Hplcmhilly nrranged program wll state. , strong along sovoral lines. 1 bo rendered. The sen-ices will begin Lodge No. 1168, B. P. 0. E are local boys have shown great ! Promptly at 2 o'clock. All visiting negotiating for property on Sixth nbi,ity in the handling of the forward E!ks nnd M members of tho order street, onoosite the nbove-mnnt?onP,1 Pss this season, and in a few in-!""1 1,1001 nt 11,0 ,0UK roo,n pmmpi. buildintr nn stances have made good gains on it. . o ciock p. m. xno general ,11 ua They have not failed in nnv trnmn soiP"0'10 ,s mvited to share theso ser- J III 1 v w o - growing city of Medford. 1 '"- .. . . ' ..: .1 1 1.;.. 1 t of the lar tn,s season to mnko good gains l"c "'euiijerMiip, uuu mmi on tho oxchaniro of mints, fnr xvl.nntho innuiries that the committco are t.. 1 1 t : .. r vwu. , r:r - . vue case, n0eer, uuu .u icuiug iu - Ground hns been broken their grent fullback steps back a few , receiving concenimg me sealing ca- be ?"e ,u.nt1' .imet 16 restored." 'rooming house, modern in all its'vrds nnd places his toe into the lmcit' ,f the 0Pora ,,0l,S0' 5t l -With this Niedermeyer pal ed down ifeatures t the 'tion of A ball it is destined to overcome tho "eod thnt the invitation will be the ro I top of his-big desk, hiding ;and Flfth streetg and Ri y force of gravity and travel down tho ' "ecepted. several hundred unopened letters i T,, ,,c ... .. fi0lt1 ns if on wines. t ' from curious eyes; drew the blinds, ; room3 or more; - I They lmvc thrce men nn of wh5ch ' GAMBLER TURNED disconnected tne teiepnone msmi- i;s nimost firo of n goal from n drop ments, and, after slipping a generous MANY TREES ARE "Wck if within reasonable distance, top into the colored hall boy s hand,! BEING PLANTED IN VALLEY nml e sends the ball from he hiked for the tall timber nlong placement between the uprights from the St. Joe river in Northern Tdaho . A consen.ative cst , f 1 almost any part of tho field. ucru ue iiojies iu get uiu kiuks oiu nrnn,F ,1t ,. ..,-., . .... Their strnnMst tviinla nn. in A. , ..w- "uivh i 111 UU 11 till ll'U IU I I1C rt I ...v Rogue River vnllev this season to fensive work nnd lino plunpng. The Just Arrived Ono of tho finest stooks of Rosen thnt over camo to Medford, nil of tho nowest nnd old-tried variotios. Why don't you send thnt siok friend of yours or your sweetheart n bunch of Carnations? Delivery nny part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants Hast Main St. Phono 000. In Case of vSickness PHONE 3 0 4 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near Post Offico All Night Sorvico Froo Dolivory DOWN BY COURT of his tangled nerves. CLAIMS HE NEVER SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. The supromo court today denied a petl- tion for a writ of habeas corpus filed ' by Attorney Carroll Cook In behalf of Charles Drown, who It, under ar teat charged with violating the Walker-Otis natl-gambllng law. I Drown was arrested at tl-o Emery- vlllo race track upon a warrant sworn , n 1... r . itaIh.. t......i . prospective, there will be nearly Without n doubt this will bo n ' Ioyod DIfltrIc, A.torn(MP Donn. fruit totals something over 15,000 1 '"tter is whero they are sure of ynrd ncres of land. nKe fr when tho nble linemen open Judgincr from the sales nlrpmlvlthe opponent's line the massive back , - ., . . 'l. il . t it in , ' tutu iiuun uiiuu u Huruui 01 made and the orders coming in andinut' through the gnp like n cyclone. ,1V r.nP ,,. ,,,.,iv ' SirilfP Bill iM strict 'Attorney D 1 IlLlLll nlLL :, . ' "ws J,m,,,t'a ,n ine vniiey 7 ; hue. Helms claimed to have laid a ' Ithis season. ; that has ever appeared m tins bet of $2 wUh Brown 0 a ho0 I inese iree orders are nearly a couniry, nnn ior me namc(i Roao chorrr aciH u,n d uu n,ii jifor fruit-growing trees, the propor-1 first ti,no ' the history of Medford Asked Man to Buy Him a Drink and t;on of ornamental shrubs nnd lnnV -will its citizens have n chance to see When tho Man Couldn't See It; He Smashed Him. John Kelly, who claims that he never has worked and never will, is in the city jail, serving out a $20 fine imposed upon him by Recorder Telfer. Kelly asked Ed Hoe! to buy a drink, nnd the latter couldn't see why ho should, and Kelly, in order to help his vision, swatted him one in the face, closing one eye nnd leaving tho other to look for reasons why the drink should bo pnrchnsed. Instead, trees being relatively small. From a P00(I Rnme real football. five to seven years from now this! 15,000 acres of orchard will he n,l,1- SAFE-CRACKERS AT WORK ed to those coming into bearing each I year, and the prediction made thnt1 one day the Rogue River vallev. from SACRAMENTO, Cal., Dec. 3. Kx- NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned CALIFORNIA CAPITAL I wiH aPP'' at tu0 regular meeting rt , j tho city council of Medford. Oregon, on December 7, 1909, for license to Ashland to Grants Pnss would bo'ner,enced cracksmen some time last ; sell malt, vinous and spirituos liquors a solid orchard, will come near bein-l nfKht blew onen tno 8nfo of tho Gold- m less quantities than ono gallon, nt fulfilled. r''en star laundry In the residence dls- lota 14, 15 and 10, block 21, in Med- trlct and made good their escapo with ford, Uregon, tor a period of aix omntns. , YOUNG & HALL. , Dated November 21st. First-Class Ladies' and Gents' BootblacK Parlors DYEING AND OILING A SPECIALTY. V. W. Howard, Const Champion Bootblnck, Prop G S. CENTRAL AVENUE. WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs MUCH PROPERTY LOST 300 ,n 8,Ivor' 'caving no clue. Nltro- IN WASHINGTON STORM s,ycerlne and a 8,edEe wero U9od- I The robbery was not discovered un- BELLINGHAM. WnaV. tw i ima morning, wiion tho proprietor Whutcomb and Skagit counties are today emerging from tho worst flood opened the place. Hoel looked for a policeman and hndiin the history of the country. Mil Kelly haled before tho city mngis-1 Hons of dollars worth of property hns ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. trate. Twenty dollars was tho fine been lost, at least ono life has hpon ' W. H. Milton to W. S. Greene. imposed, and no money being forth-j forfeited and there is not n town on 40 5-0 acres in Bection 9, coming, the prisoner wns given the .the Nooksack nnd Skngit rivers but! township 30, 4 west $ 3,100 V. Angle to W. B. Jackson, lot 0, block 2, Willeke ad dition to Medford 10 J. W. Cox, to O. Miller, land on Central avenue, Med ford 10 B. E. King to II. G. Mnthes, lots 33 nnd 34, block Q, Railroad addition to Ash- Innd 2,000 option of working on the streets.! has been inundated by tho wnters. Then it was that he made the fore-1 The losses can bo estimated only going declaration, nnd tho city must 1 roughly, but tho following figures bonrd him for the next ten days. re conservative: Whutcomb coun Jnmes Ryan, plain drunk, nnd Pat ty, $223,500; Skngit county, $380, CoIIins, drunk nnd fiehting, were ns-' 800; dnmago to railroad property, sessed $10 each, nnd not having the .$000,000. wherewithal, nro taking their ease nt the city's expense. MRS. JACOBS DIES AFTER WEEK OF SUFFERING COAL LAND CASES IS RESUMED IN SPOKANE NOTICE. On account ot tho increased cost of feed, wo, tho undersigned dairy-1 mon of Medford, find it necessary to , ralao tho price of milk to ton conts a quart, retail, and 25 cents a gallon, wholesale on and attor December 1, 1909. WARNER & SNIDER, J. C. OAUIOUN, J. M. SCHMIDT, I II. H. CALHOUN, J. V. KEEZER. For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, .obes, tents, blankets) wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C. Smith 314 E. Main. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Olfico: 209 West Main St., Medford, Oro. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE L. J. Lnrson to P. Lambert. SPOKANE, Wash.. Dec. 3. Tho 80 acres, section 32, town- Cunningham coal land henrinir. which ship 35, 2 west LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Dee. 3. ! was heard in Seattle, has been re- J Conley to Qold Rny Mrs. Nicholas Jacobs died at the sumed here today in the federal court Realty Co., lots 17 and 18, Crocker Street Hospital early today building. The morning session was I block 27, Tolo Hkeetorfl-Uriffith to Innd in sec- w. ..x. v..vu. .,irnfnui uiwia lining .iMj.iiiup; nunniiJii want - from injuries sustained Thanksgiving dovoted to hearing the testimony of .Addie N. Skeetoi night when an automobile containing lentrymen living in Spokane, including Wilded Freel. 11 members of tho Jacobs' family I A. R. Campbell, John A. Finch und was struck by n streetcar at Latin Arthur D. Jones. Tho testimony is station nnd Jacobs nnd four of his children wore instantly killed. ETor two-monthfl-old baby, who wns badly injured, is still in a serious con dition nt the hospital. NO FOOTBALL FOR WHITMAN NEXT YEAR WALLA WALLA, Wash., Dec. 3. Tho fnoulty of Whitman college has posted notitce to tho effect that un less the footbnll rule snro modified to such nn extent ns to eliminnto mass plnys Hint football will bo nbolishcd at the institution. Injuries to light Whitman men in tho Thnnksgiving gnmo with tho brawny Washington state collego team i ssnid to have been responsible for tho notice boing posted. being taken by Special Commissioner W. J. MeOeo, but tho case is being heard before Commissioner Fred T. Denett of tho general land offico. NORWEGIAN POET IS ILL UNTO HIS DEATH PARIS, Dec. 3. Bjornstporno BJorson, tho great Norwegian poet, dramatist and novelist, who has been dangerously ill for two weeks, is suf fering from arterial sclorosls and tho doctors declare today that his vital ity is miraculous. For ten days ho has been kept allvo by stumllants and artificial breathing, and tho phy sicians aro hopoful ho may recover In splto of tho torrlblo odds against him. He will ho 77 years old If ho lives until next Monday. 100 400 400 10 tion 24, township 37, 2 west F. IT. Cook to C. Burgess, blocks 1 and 2, Roanoke Addition to Medford T. J. McAndrewB to W. F. Quisenbury, lots 11 nnd 32, block 1, Rrynnt's addition to Medford THAT CHRISTMAS PRESENT. A nice pleco of cabinet work or mission furniture makes an Ideal gift, vory appropriate and useful. Wo spe cialize in making tho "out ot tho or dinary" piecos. In fact, anything in tho mission furniture or cabinet work linos made to your ordor, any finish you may deslro. Drop in and got our prices. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS, Shop near corner Eighth and Holly streets. Phono 3362. ' Are You Going East 7 Have you a friend coming west? You ought to bring one to Medford. Call and ' see us. Let us talk routes and rates with you. Information cheerfully fur nished. Phone, address or call on Southern Pacific R. R. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Agent REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building J J