ADDT J? T"Tvr J. a.X X J-.L lvllJ I'llllCll 'l'HH AnkOcIiUIoII, 'II lcnned WI111 Itcport Tim only pnpor In tlio world piilillnliiKl In n city tho Hlo of Modfnrd having n IcitMi'il uiro, FOURTH YEAR. AMERICANS WERE TERRIBLY TORTURED MARIAN ZE Cannon and Groco After Be ing Fiendishly Tortured, Aro Out Into Small Piocos ""and Thon Burned. GUNBOAT PRAIRIE IS ASHORE IN DELAWARE Groat Activity in San Fran cisco, Wlioro Transports Aro Being Overhauled. iu,ri:ni:i.ns, Nicaragua, doc. :i. It in rcorted hero todny that tlio ' bodies of Cannon and Groco, tlio Americans executed tit Managua, . woro cut into small pieces and bunird. - Preceding this, they nro said to hnvo been tortured in tlio inont fiend ish way. It is alleged that t lit h barbarous work wan duno at tlio direction of President Zeluyn. Jndiciitions aro that fighting has been in progress at llama now for two dnys and that tho troops of tlio revolutionists have fared well. Honoris pay that the army of the provisional president, Estrada, is in hotter condition than that of Zolnyn. News of dofcat of tho Zulayan forces iH cxpooled horo nt any timo Tnilrlo In Anhorr. WILMINGTON, Del., Doc. 3. Tho tninpshin I'rairie, with hor 700 ma Hues and Hoar-Admiral Kimball on board, en ronto to Central America, went aground lust evening in tho Del aware, river, and all efforts to float hor at Inch tide this morning proved futile. Another attempt will ho made tonight. Powerful tugs will bo used in an effort to drug her info tho channel. Tho I'rairie went aground last night ns hIio wns starling on tho voyngo from Philadelphia to tho Kent of trouble in the Isthmus country. Mexico to Help. MTCXM'O CITY, Mox., Deo. 3. Mu,xie,1 ifill side with tli6 United SUtoH in the Nicaragua!! fiaco, and oti outcome will probably bo friendly between Mexico and tho United SlnloH. Tho Hlatomont in mndo today that tho government is now consider ing tho advisability of Bonding Ku ri(iio Creel former nmhnssndor to iliy United States, to Manngua an tho (Continued on pnso 8.) STORM RACING ALONG ENGLAND'S COAST LAYA Over 1 00 Aro Dead as Result of Ter rific Qalc In Engllsh n .... Channel. V I.ON'llON, Dec. a. It In OHtlmnted tin Hlilpplng clrelolH thnt nt lonBt 100 ' poisons nro missing nnd ulnny have boon lout In tlio torrlflo liurrlcnno which has boon swooping tho coast of Great Ilrltaln for novum! dayH. Tho IntoiiBlty of tho storm Inorons- i oil hint nlKht and ninny biuiiU bouts woro wroclcod nlopg tho conBt. Pour too'n vobhoIh nro roportod lost, lnclud lug tho Coiwohh' which wns In colli Blon with nn unknown oinft, Only ono mombor of tho crow of tlio Con gross oBcapoil, OTT nrX-Tl? AOT? T Til lH t,lc 'itl0 won a car pf ;R'UC Hiver apples thai won (lie sweepstakes prize at the g rcat Spokane npplo show in competition VT vJ? .1 HLv VV VJ1j1 with fruit from all sections of America, pro ving conclusively that Rogue River fruit i s the most perfect grown in any country. Medford RK RICH PLACER i SOLD m I $16,000 Poarco Mine on Poorman's Crook Sold to Los Angolos Mon by Pearco and Sons Dovolopment Promised. HAS PRODUCED THOUSANDS IN DUST Has Been Handicapped for Some Timo by Lack of Wa ter Plenty of Funds Now. The Pearco mine, on Poormun'd creek, one of thu richest nniong tho old placer mines of Juokstm county has been wold by I). J. S. Pearco & Sonn to n company contosed of V, A. Ramsey of' Lor Angeles and oth ers for n consideration of $10,000 This property consists of 210 nores of rich placer ground, from which sineo tlio early mining days thou sands of dollars hnvo been taken an uunlly. The gravel bank is deep, but tho "old river channel," tho prosonco of which has mndo tlio rich hydraulic mines in Northern California nnd Southern Oregon, in very mnrked. The "old channel" shows up on thu ridges on each side of tho creek, nnd the richness of tho pincers in the bed of Poominn's ereok hnvo been pro verbial unco mining wns first bo- gun in Jackson county. .Mr. Penreo and his sons have worKcci me claim lor mnny years, but have been inoro or less handi I 1 ll If M capped by lack of wntor to opornto the heavy bank, except in exceptional seasons, The now company hns nmplo means for development purposes and is nr ranging ofr nn increnso in tho wntor supply so thnt it mny bo hydrnulickod nt a good profit. Tho Pcnrco mino is noted for tho big nugget r which hnvo boon found there, and is regnrded ns a continua tion, nniong old minors, of tho aurif erous strenk of grnvel which mndo tho Sterling and tho Sturgis mines famous. WOMAN GETS EXCITED AND LOSES HER VOICE LOS ANGKLKS, Cal Hoc. 3. Mrs. H K. Klinthrope has lost hor voice, due to excitement attending n thrilling enpturo of Prod Murray, n liurglnr, who today faces four charges of htirglnry, all of which ho confessed. $75,000 LOSS IN WALLA WALLA FIRE i Bin Department Store BurnsOil Stove Explodes, Starting Conflagration. WALLA WALLA, Wn,h Dee. 3, Tho Mottor-Wlieolor department storo was gulled by firo horo ourly today, cnusing a loss estimntod at .$7r),000. Tho firo wns cnusod by tho ox- plosion of an oil stovo in tho offico of tho ooncorn nt 7:30 o'clock this morning. Hoforo tho firo doparlinont arrived on tlio scoiiq thu building wns a mnss of flnnios, Employoa of tho storo managed to savo about f por cent of tho stock, Tho loss is pnvlinlly oovorod by nijurntjco, MEDFORD, GIVES MILLION FIGHT DISEASE JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER, WHO GIVES $1,000,000 TO STAMP OUT HOOKWORM; SCIENTIST WHO WILL AID IN WORK. John I). Itockefeller Iiiih been so Impressed by n-niWiig nboul the bookworm disease recently thnt ho has con tributed $1,000,000 as a fund to stamp out tho mnlndy and has appointed a committee of eminent scientists to carry on the light. Chief among those designated by Mr. Itockefeller nro Dr. William II. Welch of Baltimore. prcNldcnt of the Amerlrnn Medical association, nml Dr. Simon Flexner, director of the Itockefeller Institute Por Medical KeHcnrch In New York. Most of the work nnd tho experiments in seeking out remedies with which to com Imt the (lliease will Ik carried on at the Itockefeller institute. Mr. Itockefeller sent letters to n dozen or mora sci entists nsUluc them to meet him In his New York otlice to discuss tho undertaking. The hookworm has been called tllppniitly the "Inry bug." It makes mon lary because it makes them unfit for work. It Is a microscopic -worm, a parasite, which originates in polluted sol! and enters the human body through the pores of tho naked feet of farm laburors or is swnllowed with food taken from mud stained hands. MONTANA HEAVY SUFFERER FROM STRIKE ALL INDUSTRIES OVER STATE ARE FORCED TO CLOSE nUTTM, Mont., Doc. 3. -It was an nounced today that tho largo coal mines at Stockott, Dolt and Sand Coulee, In tho country tributary to (Ircnt Palls, would close tonight ns n esult of tho switchmen's strike that has demoralized freight transportn- tloiiton nil rnllronds In this ccctlon. Tho Moonlight nnd Pnrrott mines f tho Amalgamated Copper company In nccordnnco with nn nnnouncomont by tho mino officials last ovonlug closed this morning because suffici ent coal for their operation could not bo brought Into tho city. Including tho minors who woro hrowu out of employment becnuso of ho closing of tho lloston and Mon ann mines of -tho Amnlgnniatod com pany yostordny, It Is ostlmntod today thnt 4C00 mon nro ldlo. Threatens to Spread, Tho distressing conditions provnll- ng among tho minora throntons to oxtoud to othor ludusti-'os throughout tho stato unless Immedlnto rollot from tho curtailment of transporta tion faclalltlos Is forthcoming. Tho (Continued on irnuo S.) Mail Tribune OKlCCiON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 3, 3909. : ALL FRUIT GROWERS URGED TO ATTEND Kvory fruit grower in tho valley is urged to attend the mooting of tho Horticultural society Snturdny nftemooiv ns much business of import nnco is to be considered. ROAD IN BUTTE FALLS IN SPRING Chief Engineer of Pacific & Eastern Railroad Is Pleased by the Rapid Progress of Work. Tho Pnoifio & Enstern rnilrond will hnvo boon completed in tho enrly spring, if matters movo along as rapidly ns nt tho present timo, no cording to Chief Engineer Gorig of tlio roiul. Alrendy nonrly fivo mile of trnok have been laid nnd work is progressing rapidly till along jho lino. Moro rolling slock is soon to bo Oretjon Historical society. City Hall APPLICATION FOR OVER FOR WEEK After discussing the application of John It. Allen for a trolley lino fran chise nt length, the city council of Grants Pass on Thursday ovonlng de cided to allow tho matter to go ovor for a week, or next Thursday ove ntng, when tho matter will conio up for final passage. Mr, Allen has returned from Grants Pnss and states that ho believes that tho franchlso will bo passed, as ho has offered that city a fair proposition and thoy reallzo tho bonoflt to bo do rlved from tho bulldlug of such a lino. Paul and Floyd Pearco of Jack sonville woro in Medford Friday on business. ndilcd to tho equipment, and nniong it will bo a now chair car, which will add considerable to tho convouionco of tho travolitig public. Alrondy tho trnok hns been lowored fivo foot in tho cut boyond Eagle Point, and it is still boiug loworod. Tlio ruin hns intorfered uomowhut, but not seriously. FRANCHISE GOES LOOKING POLITICAL Citizens Beginning to Cast About in Search of Candi dates for City Offices Four to Be Elected. THREE COUNCILMEN AND RECORDER OUT Election tbBe Held Early in January Promises to Be Quiet No Hard Fights. With tho annual city election only about four weeks off, citizens are be ginning to cast about for suitable timber of which to make candidates. No nnmcs ns yet are prominently mentioned. The consensus of opin ion this year seems to be that no fac tional fight is wanted, but that men of good sound business senso should bo elected regardless of party men who can give the city a sonnd finan cial administration, such as has ob tained during the present yenr. Three couucilmen retire this year, Messrs. Eifert, Wortmnn nnd Mer rick. All three nro spoken of as can didates to succeed themselves, but they do not seem inclined thnt wnv. Each has done good work for tho city and each has been censured nt times A councilman's Hfo is not a pleasure at tho best. uoucri v. ieuer, wtio was ap pointed city recorder a few months ago, is being urged to become a can didate to succeed himself. lie has given completo satisfaction, nnd if he will run, should ensily win. In all probability steps will be taken to invoke the initiative and vote to pay tho mayor and council men a salary in tho future. Tho men give up much of their time for city affairs and should bo reimbursed in some manner. At present there nro no factional fights ontho horizon and the election will probably bo a quiet one. Then tho city will movo forwnrd rapidly, not being torn by internal strife. SPOKANE IN GRIP OF SEVERE SNOW STORM SPOKANE. Wash., Dec. 3. Spo knno is experiencing its first renl snow storm of tho season. The pre cipitation is unusually heavy for this period of tho year. FRUIT GROWERS TO MEET SATURDAY Professor O'Gara Will Address Club on Pollination and Tree Budding. Tho rcgulnr monthly mooting of the Roguo Rivor Vnlloy Horticultural so cioty will bo hold at tho Commercial club rooms Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock sharp. Professor O'Gnm l will nddross tho socioty on "Cross- Pollinntion nnd Treo Rudding," At tho mooting last Snturdny nt Gold Hill much intorost wns dovolop ed nmong tho fruit growors of that section and conunitteos woro appoint ed to bring tlio growors of thnt sec tion into lino in tho mnttor of co operating in tho workings of tho so oioty in tho wny of tho growing of hotter fruit and also in tho organiza tion of n uiiiou of fruit growors 1 TIIK WKATIIKIt. Today and Saturday, fair, cloudy, High, -Hi low, 31; range, .18. No. 220. PAVING ON MAIN With Two Weeks of Good Weather Work Can Be Eas ily Concluded to the City Limits. CRUSHED ROCK IS STILL ARRIVING Company Ready to Rush the Work as Soon as Street Dries Out. If the weather man will be good for a week or so the residents of West Main street will be relieved of tho handicap they now have, for tho work of paving can be begun just as soon as the surface dnes enongh to permit tho work. There has been no cessation in tho shipment of the crashed rock from Jacksonville, nnd the paving company is in shape to start work on short notice and push it rapidly to n fin ish. Tho street hns been closed ever since it has been graded for the lay ing of the pavement, and a few days of good weather, which seems in prospect now, will see paving opera tions rushed on West Main. "We nre anxiously wntching the weather," stated ono of tho foremen today, "and just tho moment that we can get ono the street wo will do so. With a few days of clear weather wo will rapidly complete the work. Two weeks would bo sufficient. PLEASANT PARTY HELD ON WESTHAIN STREET Tuesday evening, December 2, n pleasant little company responded to invitations from Mr. and Mrs. Thonins of 718 West Main street, nnd woro delightfully entertained with singing by Mrs. George Kendall of Spokano, Wash., in whoso honor the entertainment wns given, nnd n piano duet by Mrs. Thomas and Miss hvft Poley nnd pinno solos by Miss Poley and Miss Mary Orr. Miss Mary also gavo two humorous reci tntions, nil of which wns greatly en joyed. Tho company was served with dainty refreshments of enko and cream by tho hostess. Mrs. Kendall returns to her homo in Spoknne on Tuesdny, December 7., Wo hope her visit of six weoks hns been so pleas ant nniong us that she mny soon re turn to mnko Medford her home. WATER OWNERS TO MEET TOMORROW Adjudication of Water Rights Will De Considered at Meeting In Eagle Point. A meotlng of tho wator owners along Ltttlo Dutto creek will bo hold ac Eaglo Point Saturday at which timo tho adjudication of tho wator rights along that stream In accord ance Avith tho stato law which pro vides that wator not heretofore ap propriated will bocomo tho property of tho stato, will bo taken up. Tho surveys hnvo recontly boon jundo by It. P. Cowglll, assistant state onglncer, and this -meeting Is held to rectify ns far as posalblo any errors In his roport, Koxt Monday, Docomber 0, a sec ond mooting will bo held In Modford, MAY Fl