TIIIO A1EDF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1909. 1 Classified Advertisements, Business Directory And Market Reports j OF FRUIT A SUCCESS Experiments Conducted In Iowa Show Best Results May Oc Gen erally Adopted. Experiment nl the Inwu oxpiiri inoiil ulnlioii hiivit llmniimlily demon utrnlod that partly colori'd fruit iIimih not have mh good keeping pi 1 1 1 i t i m mh linrd, ripe, highly coluicd fruit. Tint flavor uiul tt'.xtuii',an wi'll n tlu Ken oral tit triictivi'iii'MK ami market value, o fllix iiniiiiiliin) fruit iliil nut oipuil (hat of llio better rolbri'd fruit. That fruit nhould Iiu Htori'd im-iiH'iliati-ly niter pit'king in I'liiphiiHiri'd in n recent bulletin on IliN nubjoct, intiil liy tho Iowa oxporimont Mn t ton. Anv method of handling tin fruit that IiiihIimih tho ripening "for it in pii'kril HliortitiH tho porioil of niiimnreiiil value, no matter whore tin' fruit i Htorcil. Any treatment that clieeliH the ripening prolong tho marketing period. The growth of an apple in Mopped when it jm picked. Aflor this time the ript'iiing procefM'S a io liaHleneil anil jiroxreHH more rap idly than they do when the frruit in tiio winr on the tree, even in the -amo temperature. The rapiilily of this ripening pnicenH iuereine in a high temperature and i retarded in a low temperature. Early varieties there fore, ripen iiiueli fabler after picking than do the later winter ""ft, and vhould he himtened to the MnliiKP hoine nx hiiipii a poiniblo! Any ih'liiy hot ween harvestinir and Hot-big in nt the expellee of the keep in ipuilitv of tlie frruit. Tho'oxlent if thin Iom depend iiii hevernl thing. The most eouimon of thex ore the temperature during the periml of delay and tho eouditiou under which the fruit i held, whether in piles in the oreluird, ill t ijelit liuild - iiiim, where the warm air rannot piihh ff rapidly, or in trnnxit in tiK.it ear. It i not iiai'omuion during a long period of delay, especially in warm weather, for ftingn ilixpitxcs that oiium) deeay to not started and do velop rapidly while the fruit i warm and not he cheeked entirely when ' placed in Morncc. I'reipieiilly the void Hlorngc warehouseman i unjust lv hlamed for such a eouditiou of fruit, when upon it removal some months later many apples are found to ho partly decayed. With variolic that are Kiihjecl to nonld immediatp torni:o tend to reduce and retard thu development of that trouble to a very, marked decree. A wrapper nerves to reduce tho hriiihini; that may result from poor packing, or from rough handling in traiiHDorlalion. It retard hrivelinir. and adds to the value of the fruit hv lirosorving the attraetivo appearance, mill the fruit will sell hotter on the market than if unwrapped. Wrappers cost ahout 20 cents per thousand Tho wrapping of tho late winter nods linn very little ndvnntiigo, ex cept for the fancy trade, as it iIook not maternally add to thu keeping qualities of tho fruit, hut with the arlior soils a wrapper lias a distinct ndvnntngo in extending tho life of the fruit, preserving lift natural bnght ness and loHHoiiiug thu amount of do cay. The doinauil by literary Hooioties throughout tho Htnto for the Oregon High .School Debuting League Itullo t in has been la rue. The Hullotin I'oiitaiiiH a full discussion of effect ive debuting, in addition to cnmplcto bibliographies on u numlior of im portant subjects. SPECIAL RATE TO THE OREGON THRESHERS' ASSOCIATION, At Tho Dalles, Or., December 2 ntitl 3, 1900. Uno and ono-third faro on tno cor litioalu plan will ho niado from all points on tho Southern l'anifia (linen in Oraj;on) to Tho Dnlloa and return. 1'iokotH on Halo November 121), HO, Uo oomnor J, U and !1. Final rotiun limit Duoomhor (I. v important addrossos' will he innno iiy ropreHontatives of tho U. S. uu p.inmont of nrioiilturo, itopartmoiu of Knnd voihIhj Prof, Philip S. Hose, MiuliHon, WiH.j B. B. Clark, editor jimorionu 'nuoshorinan; Hon. Lionel 1. WoliBtor, Porlland, Or., and oth oih, on Huhjoots of importance. Two humlrod dollars in g;old will be p,lvon an prizos for the host whout raiHod in Orof,'on. ' Silvor oup for outfit tlu'osliluu; 5100 prizo IiiirIioI of p;raiu. For furlhor informntion call on nny Southern Paeifio hkouI, or wrilo io William MoMumiy, gonoral diih ouo;or iigenl, Portland, Or. Ordora for awoot croam or buttor inlllc promptly flllod, Pjiono tho roamory, PORTLAND MARKETS. lloM, Wool mill I llilc. Ilojm 1U08 croii, ohotno, 17c; prlmo to choice, lOo; prime, ITi'jc; medium, 15c; 1009 choice, 2.1u; prime, 22c; medium, 20c. Wool .1009, Willamette vuHoy, 20 '2 4c; eastern Orogon, 20023c. Sheepskins Shearing, 10H2Gc each; short wool, 25ffG0c; moillum wool, KOcWIl each; long wool, 75c 11.25 onch. Tnlldw Prlmo, por lb., 3 1c; No. 2 mid grouse, 2f(' 2'4c. Ohlttlm Imrk 4 M Wc. Mohair 1909, 83 024c lb Hides Dry hides, 17fl'18'4c lb; Kroon, D'4ff1014c lb; bulls, groon nalt, Tclb; klpH, 10fl' lOVSc lb; calves Kroon. lCfllflo lb. Hotter, I'kr mill Poultry. Eggs Local, candled, select, 42.1,6c; ordinary run -10 (0 42c; sec on(1, 32c; local ntortiKo, 32 Q 35c; oantorn HtoniRo, 325T3Dcc. Hutter Knt Delivery, f o. b. Port land Bwcet cream, 34 14-c; nour, 32 Vi c. Hutter Kxtra creamery, 3Cc; fan cy, 34CT3Cc; utore, 22MrC. Cheoiio Kancy full crer.m flath. 18c; triplets and iIuIhIcm, ISc; Young Americas, 19 c. Poultry Mixed chickens. 13U 13 He; fancy heim, 1 Ic; rooKtom, old, 10ffllc; BprliiKH. 14 Vic: 10ci duckH, 22?22'c; plKOOHH. MqunbH, 12 dox; ilri'HBjd chlokonn, 17 it 18c; wild cootie. C doz. Cnilii, I'lour anil liny. Ilarley ProilucorB' price 1909 I'Voil, $20.70: rolled, $30; brow Inn. $2CT,0. Wheat Track Club, 01 93c;, bluoMtem. $1.011.03; rod, 90c; for tyfoltl, 9r.J90c; Turkey rod. 9 1 '0 92c; Wlllnmetto valley, 94c. j MlUnttiffri Solllntr prlco Ilrnn, i $20.00; middlings, $32; shorts. $27.00; chop. $222S; alfalfa nioal, 19 por ton. i Flour Now crop, patents, $5.0.0; , straight, $2.30; bakers. $4. SO U 0.00; i Wlllaniotto valley, $1.90 bbl; export1 grades, $4; grabnin, Ms. $0.00: wholo wheat, 0.S0; rye, 00. $0.00; bales, $3. Hoy proitiicors' prices New timothy, Wlllnmotto valley fancy, $18: ordinary, $.17; eastern Oregon, $20; mixed, $14 010; clover No. 1, $145-10; wheat. $14810; cheat, $10 0' 10; alfalfa. $10. Oats Spot delivery, now, produc ors' prlco Track No. 1 whIU. $29 29.00; gray, $28(f28.00. Corn Wlole, $30; cracked, $37 ton. Fruits itnil Vegetable. 3,20 & 3.00 a box; bananas, 0c lb; loinons, OG'O box; grapofrult, $4; pears, OOjrl.lO; Tokay grapes, 90c (IT 1.35; Concords, 12M0c; buck lleberrles, Sc. Potatoes Rolling, new, $1; buy ing, castorn Multnomah .n,d Clacka cwt; garlic, 10 ZM2c lb. Apples $lf 1.C0. Vegetables Now turnips, Oregon, 80 90c sack; boots, $1.20; enrrots, 8090o sack; cnbbago, local, 70 90c; tomatoes, local, fancy, 00c crato; bonus, lOo lb; caullflowor, 70(ff90c doz; peas, 10a lb; hornoradlnb, 10c; groon onions, 10c dor; poppers, boll, 10c lb; bond lettuce, 20c doz; hot house, $1.20 box; radlshos, 10c doz. bunches; olory, lOffTSOc; og3 plant, 1 CP 1.20 crato; corn, $1.25 sack; swoot potatoes, $1.70 1. SO. Itlco Imperial Japan No. 1, 5c; No 2, TiXr; jfow Orloans bead, 0 3-4 (fl'Ve: Creole, 0 Uc Means "nlll white, $5.00; largs white. $ I ; pink, $4.20; bayou, tu, 70; Minns, $; reds, $7.00. Orocerles, Nuts, Ute. Sugar Cubo, C2G; powdorod, 5.80: fruit or bony, O.SG; dry granulated, $G.7Gj coonf, A. $0.05; - extra 1), $5.10, golden O $0.20, D yol- low $5. 15, boot $0,00, barroln 15c, half barrels 30c, boxes 05c advance on sack hauls. ensh quotations,) Honey Now, 13 lie lb. Meats, Fish ami Provisions. DrosBod Mor.to Front streot hogs, fancy, 9Vjo; ordinary, 9c; voala, ex tra, lOflitOVi-o; ordinary, 10c; heavy GCfflo; mutton, 7c; lambs, 7c. Hntns, Hncon, etc Portlaand pnek (local) bnm, 17'o; breakfast bacon, 18(n)27o; boiled ham, 25 2fic; plcnlca, 1 lo; cottngo. roll, 15c; rogular abort clearo, anioked, 10 Vic; backs, aninkod, lOHc; plcklod tonguoH, COc oach. Local Lard Kottlo leaf, 10a, mdo lb; Oa, 17 5-8o lb; 50-lb. Una, 17n lb; Rtoatn rondorod, 10a, ICVjC lb: Oh, 10 5-8c lb; compound 10a, 11 Mo lb. Olnma Hardoholl, por box, $2,40; rnzor olamo, $2 box. Flub Hook cod, 10o; lb; floun- dora, Oo lb; halibut, 80 lb; striped basR, 15a lb; catfish, 10c lb; salmon, Btoolhoad, 7o lb; allvors, Go lb; solos, Co lb; Bhrlinpa, 120 lb; porch, Go Fill a Long' Felt Want Us.in the Classified Ad Columns of Medford Mail Tribune f By No matter wliat it in you need, a want ad will bring it at a next to noth ing COBt. Something to trade? Something to sell ? A classified ad will do it in record time. They work while you sloop. Thoy reach tho multitude. Do you want to rent a house or a furnished room ? The quickest and best way is through tho classified ad. Have you lost something ? A classified ad will find it. Do you want to know tho loading business firms of Medford the wide awake ones ? Look at the diiectory and at the advertising columns of tho Mail Tribune. No homo in Medford is complete without the Mail Tribune and Medford b a city of complete homes Everybody reads the Mail Tribune and everybody reads its want ad6. lb; torn cod, 8c lb; lobctern, 3ftc lb; crawflflh, 23c por doz; sturgeon, 12!c lb; black basn, 20c lb; nl!vor BtnoltN, Cc lb; black cod, 7 Vic lb; crnhn, $1 3 1.00 doz. Oysters Bhonl water bay, per gal lon, $2.00; per 100 lb. sack. $0; Olympla, per gallon, $2.40; por 100 lb. sack, $7 07.00; canned, COc can, 37c dozen; er.Rtern In shell, $1.70 por 100. Coal oil Pearl, Astral and Star, 19c Ration; eocene, 22c gallon; elalne 2Sc gallon; headlight, 20c gallon; extra star, 22c gallon; vater wblto, 1 1 V6 Q 1 0 xk c gallon ; special wator white, 10c gallon. Gasoline Hod crown and motor. 10?23c gallon: go gasolii c. 30 37V&C gallon; V. M. & P. naphtha. 13V4tf'20V4c gallon; englnu distil late, 9$7lCc gallon. Cattle HcBt steorn, weighing 1200 pounilH, n.r,o; modium iec-s. i.-u; host cows. $3.20; host bol'irs. $3.00; bulls, $1.70r2.25; stags. $:.50r,3. u0B8 nest oast of the mountains, jg; willamctto valley, host, $7.70C 7. so; stockors, $4 G; pigs, $G7. Sheep Host wethers, 4.25 4.50; ordinary, 4 0 4.00; sprlrg lambs, 5.25; straight owes, 3.004.00; mixed lots, $4.00. Calves-Host, ; ordinary, 3.D0 1 C4.50. Mrnrnnn markets. Fruit and v-etables. (Prices pnid by Med rd merchants Apples, 10 2c lb; pears, 1Z?c Potatoes, lo lb: onions, $1.50 cwt;; green onions, 35c dot. bunches; enrrots, llc; beets, 1&t Vc; oabbngo, ll2c; turnips, lic; pars nips, lo nnd lo lb.; squnsh, 30c mid $1 doz.; pumpkins, 10 nnd 15c. Butter, Egos and Poultry. (Pricos paid by Medford merchants. itnncii nuitor, joc; m.iey cri?aiu erv. 37V5c. Freah ranch eggs, 50j. Mixed p.ultry, 10c; spring chiek- ens, lor; chicks, iuo- uirKuja, nt. Feed and Mlllstuffs. (Prices paid producors.) Hay Timothy, $10; nlfalfa. $15; grass, $M ton. Wheat Old, $1.20 bushel; now, $1. bushel; oats, $39 tn; barley, old. $10. (Selling prices. RolleJ lw''V, 2 mi $4.50 ton; brnn, Jt 70! ddllns. $ I S't V 1 '.'0; shorts. $l.S0fn)l.S5. Ileof, 3c; pork GVic; mutton 3i'o; lamb, -IVje; veal (drossod), Oo i-f -f---f LOST. t. 4. 4- LOST Dog, niiHWors to unmo of "Harney." Liberal reward It return ed to Elwood & Ruruett, Seventh stroot. 222 LOST Gold buoklo, onnmolod ill blnuk nud white. Howard if return ed nt oueo. Mrs. A. E. Foster, cure Mnil Triliuiooffipo V4--f FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnished roonm No. 10 N. Grapo st. 224 FOlTTtENT Largo now barn; will ncconunodato four ho.-.d of horaca, 3 rlga and 12 tons of hay. Inqulro on promises. 900 "West Klovonth, cor nor Oraimo. 223 FORltENTTTlvont tho Paiins, now brick building, now furnlturo, strict ly niodorn, covnor Grapo nnl Main strcots, FOR RENT 1 aulto of modornJur nlahod' housokooplng rooniB, wllr bo vacant Docombor 4, Mrs. Joo Tliotn n8, 222 South Holly. FOIJ RENT Farms, from 40 acres upward, aultablo tor fruit, alfalfa, stock or general fanning. Inqulro at office Condor Water & Powor com pany, 209 W. Main stroot. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. .15 N. Bnrtlott st. 218 FOR RENT. 4--f-f -f-f-f---- i. FOR RENT Pleasantly located and modern furnished rooms with bath. Call 004 West 10th street or 124 King street. Tel. 141. ROOM AND BOAIID Room and board for 2 men, 203 KariRnn street,' one bloek north of store on c;t Jackson street. .217 -f-f-f- 4--f'f . FOR SALE. FOR SALE Automobile, or trade for real estate. 31 N. B street. 231 FOR SALE Toam ponies, barnesa street. --- n n FOR SALE Ranch. 200 ncres. 50 acres cleared, house,. 2 barns, sheds, etc. 50 apple, plum, pear and other ', fruit trees and small fruits, 40 head' cattle, 7 horses, 100 chickens, farm, tools, 10 miles from Eaglo Point. Hox GO", Medford, Or. 224 FOR SALE I am cxclusrvTagent for tho Merrill pitno. Anyone wanting aj strictly high-grade piano can save . 25 nor cent by buying of mo. Call! nt 119 South Ivy street and soo pi ano. J. D. Henselman. 223 FOR SALE 271. 2 acre?, 1( mile east 3 acres in younc orch- 01 laient nrd, 10 acres in allaltn, balance is ! ! . . 1 t t good alfalfa land, independent irri gating water. Frank A Reed, R. F. P.. Talent. Ore. 221 EXCHANGE I have Improved resi dence property In Medford, valuod at 2500 which I will exchange for California property or will sell on easy terms. Box 111. 221 FOR SALE Stock ranch, ,200 acres, 10 miles east of Eagle Point. Box 007. 222 FINE saddle horse, gnited, gentle for Indy or child. E. A. Ileflor, Mission Cufe, 20 S. C st. FOR SALE $1000, 5-room house nnd 0110 lot, 31 S. Ornnge; water, sowor, telephone and light handy. Inquire on promises. 226 FOR SALFj Bay horse, works nwy plnco; weight 1245; cheap. E. A Hofler, Mission Cafe. FOR SALE 1100-pound undo team clienp. E. A. Hofler, Mission Cafe FOR SALE 50 acres choico apple land, 25 i.crcs full bearing wlntor apples, ood sovon room house, barn and lar-:o packing houso, all lin' lemonts. Only 2 miles from a city of 7,000. A nap tit.' A snap at m.OOO. Soo or wilto F. G. McWllllams, Ashland, Ore. 23S FOR SALE Oak, fir nnd pino cord- wood, 12 nnd 10-inch; also dry rail wood; dry pitch for kindling. Phono order to Main -1201. FOR SALE Or exchange tor Med ford real cstato or ranch, 110 acres tobacco farm on Pennsylvania rail road In southern Maryland, S5 acres In cultivation, 25 acres In whlto oak timber, 15 acres timothy meadow; rich, loamy soil, also sultnblo for potatoes, melons and fruit; espec ially adapted Mr Maryland penches; 40 miles south of nnltlmoro, 25 miles from United States Capitol, Washington, D. C; nbundnnco of wator; good roads; mild cllmato. Address Ilox 20, Mnnll Trlbuno of flco. FOR SALE 300 tiors of first-olnss pino wood, thoroughly seasoned; will deliver W tioys to any 0110 nt $2.50 por tier. W. L. Howard, Phoonix. Or. tf FOR SALE 5, 10, 20 nnd 30 aero trncts for sale near Phoonix. Matt Calhoun, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN 100- noro invproved fnrin, looatod fl'a miles of Grants Pass; good irriga tion. Write- for particulars. Clo-monts-Baslor Realty Co., owners, Grants Pass, Or. 201 the FOR SALE. -f 4. -f -f'f FOR SALE 75-acro ranch, with good wator right; finest fruit land; chap:; also property in Portland; will trade for Medford property. See Coleman at cigar factory. , FOR SALE 5 and 10-acre tracts just within and adjoining city lim its, at n bargain, on 5 annual pay merts. Address P. O. Box 418. FOR SALE Finely split stovewood in oak, fir and pine, and cordwood sawed into lG-inch length blocks. Call on F. Osenbrugge, Stuiebaker Bros. Warehouse. FOR HAiE Choice business proper- 1 in 1 1 1 an1j1c.111 1 v. . . J WANTED ' WANTED Married man to work on ranch; experience not necessary; permanent Job for the right parties. Address T, care of Tribune office. WANTED To rent, rooming house, not too far out. Address G giving number of rooms, location and terms 1 care .win xriDune. rj j WANTED Good, clean cotton rags wauted at Maall Tribune office. 224 roil exuhamjE loo acres near town and railroad for southern Cal ifornia property. Address Exchange caro Mall Tribune. 224 WANTED Young lady to set type, Ono with experience preferred. Call or address Record Office, Central Point, Or. 218 WANTED Suite consisting of bed room, sitting room, with fireplace, and uso of bathroom. Address Wl, Trlbuno office. 221 WANTED Schoolgirl to work for bonrd. 1518 W. .Main st. 220 WANTED Lady who wishes a good steady position to do pressing and sowing. Good position nnd salary to right party. Pantorlum Dye Works, No. 5 North Fir street. 219 WANTED To buy a good Jersey cow. Address P. O. box 361, 220 WANTED Man and wifo for family of two; man to caro for lawn and chores, woman as cook and house work. Call at Condor Water & Power Co.. office. Medford. 21G WANTED Room nnd board for two men, 203 Nnrrignn street, one block north of store on West Jacksonville street. WANTED ?1000, ono year, on 8 acro orchard Just planted; houso nnd barn; closo In. Address E, caro Mall Tribune. 220 WANTED Nurso wants casos. Phono, Farmors 70; box 872. 224 WANTED Experienced ouarrv man. Address P. O. Box 418, Medford, Or. . . VANTED 12 wood choppers to chop cordwood and tiorwood. Address E. W. Liljogrnu. TolojOr -t- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. . Sewing Machines. Singer nnd Wheelor & Wilson sowing machines for rent nnd for snlo on easy payments. All kinds ropnirod and work guaranteed, Best oil nnd needles for all makes at tho Singer store, 27 South C st. Phono 3431. Restaurants. BEE HIVE RESTAURANT Moals 15o; beds, 15o, Give us a trial. 29 Control avenue, upstairs. Attorneys. WITIIINGTON & KELLY Lawyers. Palm Building. PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-lavi No. 0 D street, ground floor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLVJO & HEA.MES W. M. Col vin, C. L. Ilcntnes. Lawyers. Of fico Medford National Bank Build ing. Second floor. Stenographer. PUIJLIC STENOGRAPHER, nt iho Moore Hotel. J. C. LOWREY, Stenographer nnd no tary. 29 Jackson County Bank bldg. ELLA M. OA UNY A W Palm block. Stenographic work dona quickly and well. Real Estate. BENSON INVESTMENT CO. Real estate, loans and fire insurance Office 112 W. Main St., Medford Ore. Pbone 3073. Printers and Publishers. MEDFORD PUBLISHING CO. ba the best equipped job office is Southern Oregon; Portia id prices 37 South Central ave. Opticians. DH. GOBLE The only exclusive op tician between Portland and Sac raruento Office on West Main street and .rKi,r.i!id. Jeweler. ELWOOD AND BURNETT, the jew elers, carry a complete stock an make a specialty of high grade re pair work. Opposite the Nash Ho tel. GEO. A. BCTT Watchmaker, Jew eler and Engraver. My jewelry stoc is up-to-date. My facilities, in cluding experience and material for repair work, are the best in the city. Corner G and Seventh streets. Brick Companies. G. W. Priddy. T. O'Brir O. D. Naj . THE MEDFORD ! ICK CO. BricK manufact- pnd contnj. tors; also lime, cemci and pfast; in any quantity. Office, Medfoj National bank bUg. ''boneo Mair. 545. Undertakers. MEDFORD FURNITURE CO. Un dertakers. Day Phone 351. Night Phones C. W. Conklin 3001; J. H. Butler3571. FLno Instruction. HARMONY, sight reading, musical form. Mrs. E. E. Gore, Metropolitan College of Music. Miss Flora Gray, Studios, 144 South Central avenue. Phone 493. Plumbing. JACK MOORE Contractor for plumbing, heating and sewering. Eleventh and Front, Medford, Or. Phono 123. Paint Stores. M. J. METCALF Paints, Brushes, Wall Papor, Glass, Varnishes Stains and Wall Tints. 318 E. Main St, Medford, Oregon. Tea Companies. GRAND UNION TEA CO. S. Kemr thorae, agt. Store opened from to 6. Phone 3S71. 237 Rivcreid avenue. Tin Shops. J. A. SMITH Tin shop. Tin and sheet iron ware on hand and made to order 128 North G street. Photograph Studios. MACKEY.'S STUDIO "Poso with Mnckey and die with joy." Over Al Ion & Reagan's store; entrauco 00 Seventh street. Carriage and Auto Painting. VALLEY SIGN AND CARRIAGE WORKS High-class work guaran teed. Signs. Rivorside avonuo. Phono S01. Painting and Decorating. MEDFORD DECORATING CO., suc cessors to Shoarer & Phillips, painters and decorators in all branches; weathered oak on insido finish a specialty. Our green roof stains guaranteed not to spot. 504 N. Beatty st. P. O. Box 14, Medford. Elocution. CLASS WORK and individual les sons. Mrs. Roscoo A. Johnson, 008 Cnthorino st., Tuttlo's Addition. P. O. Box 272. Civil Engineers WILL tnko by coutraot, on roason- nblo tonus, all kinds of work, also irrigating, planting and cultivating, etc, Landscape gardening. First olass references. William Poters, Civil Engineer, Phono 1801, 322 East Main street, Medford, Oregon. t4-ft f f-ff Kindergarten. KINDEROARfEN 1 009 "w7 Main street. Hours: From 0 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. For particulars apply to Mian Arra Harmon, director, at tho school Bill Posters VERNE T. CANON Bill Postor and Distributor. AH ordors promptly filled. Room 7, Jackson County Bank Building, Medford, Or. Billiard Parlors S. T. BROWN & CO. Billiards, Ci gars and Soft Drinks. Up stairs, Yonng and Hall building. A nice cool place to spend the hot after noons. Architects. J. K. A. BILES, Architect nnd Build ing Superintendent, P. O. Box 486, Medford, Or. Your building re spcctfully solicited. Furniture H. F. WILSON & CO., dealers in new and second hand furniture and hard ware. Agents for Mound City kit chen cabinet. 323 E. Seventh st. MISSION FURNITURE WORKS Comer 8th and Holly Sta., Med ford. Mission Furniture made to order. Cabinet work of all kinds. A trial order solicited. MORDOFF & WOLFF Cook Stovea and Ranges. New and Second Hand Furniture. Ends' old stand, 18-20 F St .South. Phone 91. Medford, Or. Drayage and Transfer. ADAMS & MOORE, GENERAL Draying and Transfer, will call anywhere in city. Phone Main 50L Stand at S. P. Denot Nurseries QUAKER NURSERIES Our treea are budded, riot grafted. Our stock is not irrigated. We guarantee ev erything put out. We are not in tho trust. H. B. Patterson, office, ui Hotel Nash. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY NURSERY Growers of high-grade nursory stock. C. E. Ccik. Prop. R. R. V depot. P. O. Bot 841. Phone 583. Medford. Transfer and Drayage. H. S. BRUMBLE-rDrayage nnd transfer. Baggage stored. Office C and Seventh. Cement Workers. : B. J. ADYLOTT All work gutwran teed strictly first-class. Residence No. 400 Beatty street. A card will bring me to you. Music. MUSIC AND LANGUAGES Mrs. H. L. lluillier, 707 Main street West. Privato lessons in singing (method Rossini) and languages French, Italian, German, Spanish. MRS. E. E. GORE Piano instrocti-jn Metropolitan Collego'of Music. Miss Flora Gray. Phono 493. 144 South Centrnl avenue. Bulldlno and Loan Association JACKSON COUNTY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION O. C. Boggs, Acting Secretary, 12b E. Main street. Carpenters and Builders. F. E. niLL Will furnhh plans nn list of all timber to be put in build ins. Medford, Oregon Dentists. DR. FRANK ROBERTS Dentist. Office hours: 8 to 12, 1 to 4. Milea Building, Main street, Medford, Ore gon. , Physicians and Surgeons. R. W. STEARNS, M. D. Opposito Jackson County bank. Night calls promptly answered. Office nnd res ident phone Main 1432. . . . . . S. A. LOCKWOOD, M. D. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Offices in Ilaskins' Building. Phone Main 1001. CONROY & CLANCY Office In Stowart Building Physicians and Surgeons. Offlco phono, Main 341; private phone, Main G12. S. R. SEELY, M. D. Physician and Surgoon.' Modern equipped operat ing rooms. X-Rny. Office houro; 10-12. 2-4 n. m Offic 111 Jaokson Pit UntiV B'li'dimr DR. F. G CAHLOW, OR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteop at h I 0 Physicians. Mission Blnok. Phori 291. Medford. CALL ON DR. E. J. BONNER. Evu specialist, wlmn others fail. Offio in Eagle Pharmacy. Main 233. East Main near D'Anjou.