I THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 3009. LAND OF NOD CLUB MEETS IN 'PETTY OFFICIALS Annual Reduction AIRSHIP MEET MONDAY NIGHT REGULAR SESSION; MAKE TROUBLE GATHERING FOR Sale Three Aeronauts Are Already in Los Angeles Others Close Con- ' tracts to Be at the Meet. LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Dec. 2. C. P. Willard and Roy Ktmbcnshue, with two aeroplanes and three dirigibles, the first competitors to arrive of those who will participate in the aeri al contests during a week of aviation to bo held here in January, are in this city today. The French aeronauts will pail from Havre Christians day for Los Angeles, bringing with them n number of heavier-thnn-nir machines. The contracts with the French bird-men were closed yesterday af ternoon, according to a cablegram received here by the committee from Edmund Geary, manager of n syn dicate of foreign avintors. The ca ble message follows: "I accept your proposition receiv ed today and guarantee the nppenr nnce of Paul ITan, rescarrol, Mais son and four mechanicians, with two "cross-channel" Bleriot machines and two of Paul-Hans' own machines." "Now I kuow where I stand. I will start to advertise the exhibition and will advise yon daily of the progress here. I donJt think you quite realize the ononnous cost of getting this show out. Paulhnn alone cots me $1G,000 flir the American tour actu al contract, no 'show fake' there fore I am deeply involved. "I can get other aviators probably on proportionate terms with an equiv alent arrangement, half down hero and half on the appearance nnd ful fillment of the contract nt Los An geles. I will advice ns to these pos sibilities and will co-operate in pverv way possible to make your meet a great success. We snil from ITnvre on the Bretagne, December 23." L0VETT LEAVES FRISCO: RETURNS TO THE EAST OAKLAND. Cnl., Dec. 2. -Robert S. Lovett. president of the S'oiiUiern Pacific company, left on h:s sr-e-ia train for Chicago at dawn today. With him were the member of the party of Southern Pncifi Mff.pi.ils which has nccomnanicd the .m-nate on his tour of the Pacific c m r President Lovett spent his last day in San Francisco in conference with Southern Pacific official in the Flood building, the local headquar ters of the Harriman roads. lie lunched nt the University club with n party of railroad and local busi ness men. WILL PLAY GAME INERT OF BLISS Player Whose Leg Was Broken In Recent Game Will Be Aided by Fellow Players. SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 2. Tho barnstorming All-Star National League and Philadelphia American baseball clubs will play Saturday af- ternoon at Recreation park, the pro ' ceeds of tho game to tio given to Jack Bliss, catcher of the St. Louis Na tionals, whoso left Jeg' was broken in n game nt Stockton last Monday. Bliss, according to the doctors who nro attending him, probably will not bo ablo to play again until Into next season. His leg gwns fractured n few inclips above the ankle nnd tho ligaments of his left kneo are badly torn. NOW GALLAGHER IS GONE; I CALHOUN CASE BLOCKED i SAX-FRANCISCO, Cnl., Deo. a. 1 Tlio whoronbouts of "J Jim" Gnl Jnjjhor, member of the Schmilz boodl-1 inj; board of supervisors nnd tho stnr! witness of tho prosecution in the ro- cent irrnft trials, still remains n mys tcry to District Attorney LniiL'rfon I and tho police of this city, who nro trying to locate him. Gallagher has boon subpoenaed to appear ns n wit nessi in tho trinl of Patrick Cnlhoun, tho indicted trolley magnato, Decem ber 0. Last Thursday Gallagher dropped from sight, and it is believed thnt ho has journeyed eastward. Immediately upon tho discovery of Gallaghor's disappearance, District Attornoy Langdon notified tho polico department to instruct tho polico of tho Atlnntio seaboard oitios to watch for Gallagher. Reports last night in dicalo that tho former supervisor is still mnstor of his own movements. Lnngdou declared tho Calhoun caso will bo grontfy handicapped, Popular Musical Extravaganza Will Be at the Medford Theater First of the Coming Week. "The Land of Nod," n musical ex travaganza in n prologue nnd two nets, by Adams and Hough, with music by Joseph Howard, will be the attraction nt the Medford theater, Monday, December 0. The produc tion is under the management of Samuel R. Rork, nnd comes here fresh from Broadway, where it scor ed one of the greatest successes of any musicnl comedy in New York last season. One of the principal "THE MAN IN THE MOON." "Land of Nod." reasons why "The Lnnd of Nod" has been so unusually successful is on account of its decidedly uniipie char acter creations and tho novelty and picturesqueness of the piny, which are brieflv described as follows: Tho prologue shows a beautiful garden of flowers, where children "are at play. Little "Bonnie" falls asleep beneath a ro,ebuh. and the change of scene to the first act discloses her in "The Lnnd of Nod." Tn this mysterious sleeplaud. with such strange features as a peppermint river, a house of cards, a candy bridge, bnlloon trees and mushroom palaces, Bonnie starts exploring. She encounters "The Jnck of Hearts" and his parent. "The King and Queen of Ilenrts." "The Weather Man," who mnkes all kind of weather while you. wait: "April Fool" and the "Snndmnn" and his pal, "Knockout Drops," and the merry old "Man in the Moon." All of these queer people contribute to her amusement and entertainment. In the second net the "Nightmare Pal ace" of the "Land of Dreams" is en tered and the plot, begun in tho pre ceding net, is carried to n logical ! conclusion. The production represents nn 'enormous investment nnd is said to be one of the most magnificent spec tacles ever sent en tour. The cast re mains nlraost the same since the or iginal performance. Knox Wilsou, who has always been the featured comedian, will be seen in his original part of "April Fool." Prominent in the cast are Noil Mc Neil and Anna McNabb, who have been stnrred and featured with big musical productions for several years and are great favorites here. Other I well-known nnmes include Florence iSinnott, Louise Tozier, Dorothy El ,lis, Claude Lightner, Willinm Mor gan, Nelson Riley nnd Robert La jLojide. The chorus is said to inclnds some stunning young women. Seats now selling. SICK MAN DISAPPEARS FROM AMBULANCE RAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 2, Officials of the Central Emergency hospital are completely mystified to day by tho strango disappearance from the hospital ambulance of Jus, Doyle of Oakland, who was supposed to bo dying from epilepsy. So acute was Doyle's caso that the physic-inns nt tho Emergency hospi tal determined to move him to tho in firmary of tho city, and Into last eve ning nn ambulance was summoned nnd Doylo was carried carefully from his room. When tho big van arrived nt the infirmary tho stretcher had been va cated. No nttondant had accompan ied tho sick, and how ho managed to leavo the ambulance is a mystery to tho hospital officials. A debating team composed of Uni versity of Oregon girls will moot n similar team from the Univorsity of Washington in tho spring. Women of tho university nro taking much interest in literary socioty work and hopo to win this debate. Bills Were Ordered Paid and Other Routine Matters Were Attend ed to at Wednesday's Meeting. The Medford Commorcinl club met last evening in regular session and considerable business was transacted. Carl Muusou, A. C. Burggess and David H. Palmer were elected to ' membership. The following bills which had been presented to the club for payment were ordered paid: Medford Furni ture Co., $2.Jo; Sanborn, Vail & Co., $1.83; 0. M. Bordeaux, $S0; Valley Sign & Carriage Works, $3; Hutchi son & Lumsden, $40; Postal Tele graph & Cable Co.. 30 cents: Hull Art Studio, HO cents; Rogue River Elec tric Co.. $8; Sunset Mngazine, $120; Medford Publishing Co., $10.73: Pa cific Const Stamp Works, $2.23; Medford Book Store, $3.(50; Medford Studio, $1; Sanborn, Vail & Co., $3.SS. Total. $2S2.S)S. N. S. Bennett, in appreciation of the support rendered him by members of the Commercial club in selling Iih nursery slock, presented the club with a box of cigars and a box of ap Mes. J. A. Wcsterlund gave a report of the SHikaue Apple Show and said that it was qualitv alone that won the prize for the Rogue River vallev. A dUeusion followed upon various subjects of interest to the club mem bers and short talk were made by Archdeacon Chambers- and Rev. Lu cas of the Episcopal church; also ny Messrs. Root. Picket, Walters, Cowle and Bennett. BARONESS GAVE $200 TO FRISCO'S CHARITY j SAN FRANCISCO. Cnl., Dee 'At least one party that accompanied the Japanese commercial commi-sun on its recent tour commemorated the' visit by charity that is creating a sensation among the offieinls of the' Widows' and Orphans' Aid sonYty of1 the police. Baroness Shibuslinwa, wife of the leader of the Japancso (delegation, sent to Chief of Poliee Cook $200 to be applied to fir as sociation's fund. The money wo nc-1 companied by a note from Japanese1 I Consul M. Nngai, stating gthat (lie' : bnroness' gift war prompted by the ' courtesies shown by the local police to the visitors and the worthiness of the cause. Orders for sweet cream or hntier milk promptly filled. Phon thi ireameir. First-Class Ladies' and Gents' Bootblack Parlors DYEING AND OILING A SPECIALTY. I V. W. Howard, Const Champion Bootblack, Prop ' 0 S. CENTRAL AVENUE. ' For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, ones, tents, blankets, wag on sheets, axle grease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, see J. C Smith 314 E. Main. Wi are Oioww-Bnr direct trom m V , H Our Troea ax crown tltlcUr K I ,3 WITHOUT IRRIGATION W 1 Writ for tn catalog. Lam totk of CUk Fruit, Kit 44 OrntmuUl Tf, 0r3 W I H Vb Soil I fruit FUih tad SkrelUr A Kk I , 3 w Tub Dalle Nursriue8 W 1 I Americans Complain Regarding Mi nor Officials' Actions Toward them in Nlcaraguan Republic. NEW ORLEANS, La., Doc. 2. -Since tho civil war in Nicaragua bo ran numerous ivitoi-ts of indignities jand oppressions suffered by foreign .era at tho hands of potty officers of the Honduras government on tho At lantic seacoast towns have reached here. It is said that a strong pro test will be registered at Washington, 'nnd Americans, whom, it is said, hnve been mistreated, will ask for protection of tho government, Ono American who has just arrived here from Honduras said thta the sit uation is becoming unbearable, and it is said that the foreigners would bo compelled to arm themselves to pro tect themselves and property. It is nsserted by passengers arriv ing from Central America that the ! petty officers have no respect for an I American, tl is said that the offi cials expect a crisis soon and all are gathering "graft" against that time when they will be out of office. Americans, it is claimed, are the principal sufferers (hereby. The University of Oregon ox peel to issue, ns a supplement to the Feb- j ruary number of the I'tiiverity Bul letin, a vomplete directory of all Or egon high sehooU. Il will eontnt" the tinine of the tcachfr-. the miIi jects taught by each. t!iir prep.ir:'. tion, the number of year-, in the high school course, etc.. and is to be sort out free of charge. It's a Pleasure "Indeed to pay your grocery hill when you deal here for the items are always correct. What gives it additional pleas ure is the fact that you know Full Value for vour monev has been receiv ed that you are charged with the lowest prices' on the very best goods. It's mutual pleasure doing bus iness with us. Allen The Square THE gift of a Piano or Angelus Player Piano is a gift to every member of the family; is a gift that will bo on joyed every day in the year; is a gift that will entertain visitors and guests; if a gift that will bring pleasure to tho giver him self; is a gift of all gifts, for it's a stepping stone to higher culture and refinmont, and a gift that'll be enjoyed not only on Xmas morning, but for many of them to come. Make reservation today. Don't delay. Very easy holiday terms, A big bunch of special bargains in used pianos. Knabo and Mason & Hamlin Piano deal ers. The Wiley B. Allen Co. 112 MAIN STREET MR W ATAAW e L Tryouts for tho interstate debat ing teams are being held at the Uni versity of Oregon, in which 10 men are participating. Eleven men are to be chosen for tho teams. Just Arrived One of the finest stooks of Roses that over came to Medford, all of tho newest nnd old-tried varieties. Why don't you send that si?k friend of yours or your sweetheart a bunch of Carnations T Delivery any part of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants East Main St. Pliniiu 000. m I Reagan Deal Grocers J Till Hats and Millinery Goods Less Than dost I RR OWN mm Msrmttr In Case of vSicKness l il O N 13 a 0 '1 1 MEDFORD PHARMACY Near I'ohI Olfiuo All Night Survioo Kreu Delivery CRESTBROOK ORCHARD TRACTS 10 Adjoining Hlllcrcst orchard and con tain uncxcclcd deep, rich soil. Ren- Lsonablo prices nnd generous terms. OREGON ORCHARDS SYNDICATE LUNG AGENTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY WANTED Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED. B. H. Harris & Co, MEDFORD, Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs GOLD RAY Olfioo: 20!) West Operating Quarry DKALEUS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE REAL Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land .v j Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Room 10, JaGkson Deuel & Kentuor's Store 20 Acres OREGON GRANITE CO. Main St., Mvdfonl, Oro. at Gold Ray, Oregon ESTATE Realty Co County Bank Building I i