Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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    jrenon Historical aoolety
OitV Hall
"A'P'PT T?s"&T'Wf1 A? HT1HFI? Wni?t b tlio titlo won by a car of Rogue River apples that won the sweepstakes prize at the great Spokane apple ' show in" compotitioii
j. M.M. a m-j9 v w a a. jt.ja.xv u A.L- witfi lrmt lrom all sections or America, proving conclusively that Jtoguc Kivcr
fruit is the most perfect grown' in any country.
United Pi'. AwNocliilldn,
' Tim only pnpor In tlio
world published In it city tlio
hIxii of .Medford having n
lcnfccil wire.
Medford Mail Tribune
Today nnd Friday, fair.
Wednesday, cloudy. High,
42; low, 36 j range, 42.
No. 219.
Evory Indication TodayThat
Qovornmont Intends to
Forco Immodiato Solution
of Nicaragua!! Situation.
Passport Is Sent Nicaraguan
Ministor by Secretary
Troublo Is in Sight.
WAHHINOTON, Doc. 2. There I
every Indication today Hint I'ncto
Hnin Intends to forco Immediate- solu
Hon of the Nlcaraguai! nlttintton nnd
thnt tlio action of Secretary Knox
In discontinuing diplomatic relations
with the Zol-yaii government monna
an Immediate movement looking to
ward a domination of tlio nlUmtlon.
The order for tlio transport I'ral
rlu to unit this afternoon with 700
marines for Central American watorii
nnd the Vorktown nnd Albany now at
Mngdnlenn to tall for Corlnto means
that thin country In going to demand
an cxplnnntton of tho cruolty to her
cltlxt'iiH In Nicaragua,
'Mnvtx It emir to Quit.
NEW ORLEANS, La., Dec. 2.
lir.iulilntit Vnlnvn la rnnilv in clvn tin
IiIh office and allow 8ecrotnry of State'
Knox to nnmo his successor, according
to a Htatement given out by Coiihui
(lonornl, AlUchul, who la considered
Zelaya'B puraonal roproaontntlvo In tho
United Stntcs:
Tho Btntement followo tho nrrlvnl
of two cnblo messages for Altxchul,
wlilch are bollevod to linvo boon from
The iiowb tin t Secretary Knox hnd
sent pnHHportu to tho Nicaraguan rop
rcHentntlvo at Washington wp.a flash
ed to Zolnya from hero last night. Tho
message received today nro suppos
edly to bo his roply.
Murines Are Armed.
Tho marines sailing from Philadel
phia today nro fully oqulppod with
ammunition and supplIeB for a hnrd
enmpatgn. In ovory way tholr do
parturo has tho nppearanco hf "moan
ing luminous."
Tho unbont Yorktown nnd tho
cruiser Albany are ordored to pro
ceed southward Immediately. Thoy
will Join the I)es Moines on tho west
coaBt of Nlcnragun. Manngun, tho
capital, whero Zolnya In ft voluntnr.y
prisoner, Ih near tho west coast and
It Ih probable Hint any movoment
mndo by hlm would bo In tho direc
tion of tho Pacific.
It Ih known that tho atnto dopart
monflH In tho possosBlon of moro In
formation than Iiiih been mado public
and that there Ih moro ronson for tho
warlike preparations than Is Known
by tho public.
Will Demand Retribution.
Thnt tho United States will deinnnd
retribution for tho execution of tho
two Americano cannot bo' doubted,
Tlioro Ih not tho least doubt but Zo
lnya would Instantly Hiibmlt to almost
any conditions of an ngroomont with
thlH country that would allow him
personal protection.
Everything polntB to tho probabil
ity of tho United Stntoa having de
termined to treat with Zolnya only ns
nn onomy. Tho posltlvo refusal to
donl with tho roprosontatlvoB of Zo
lnya aottld that point.
Transports (lotting Heady.
though tho nnny trnnsport of tlclnlH at
this port tlony. that-ordora havo boon
rocolvod Indicating tho possibility of
troops holng Bont to Nicaragua, tho
big transports Oroolc and Ruford to
day nro being overhauled and put Into
seagoing Bhapo,
At tho Proaldlo thoro Ih nu ovldont
undor ourront of oxcltomont and un
usual onthuB.nsm Ib bolng shown by
tho onllstod mon ovor tho possibility
1 - 1
IONHO.V, Dec. 2. It !ecnmn known today thnt 8lr Thomas Upton,
nlnco IiIn return front. America, luus culled into ronxultntJon omo of tho
forvniOHt jrnclit designer of Grvnt Itrltiiln and Is tlldriiKslnc with them
lite luteal designs In ynchtn whrro sjweil In considered. No less than 20 dif
ferent design will tx submitted (u lijm. H0 has promised a Inrgo bonus
itNlde from tho regular prlco to tho mit uIim design is nrveptod. Sir Thom
as, Nlure hit return, I in time nnd time again declared Hint he will carry
off firt honors in tho next cup race with America.
Miss Poaso of Boys and
Girls Aid Society of Ore
gon Tenders Thanks for
Aid Extended.
"I desire to most heartily thank
tlio people of Medford nnd Jnckson
county for tlio nssistnuco tlioy havo
tendered tho Hoys' & Girls' Aid soci
ety of Oregon," Hinted Miss Myrtio
), Ponso. district visitor and investi
gator of tho society, who is in Mod-
ford on business in connection with
lior duties.
"To Medford thanks arc duo to
the ninny who have aided uh in our
work nnd to tlio public school chil
dren who linvo but roeontly ondownd
n comfort cot in tho Portland home.
To Jackson coilnty for tho contribu
tion of $10 n ninth to uid in tho
"Great inlorost lias been Inken in
our work by tho people of this sec
tion," continued Miss Pense, "nnd it
in u plonsuro to work here. We nro
rving to make little ones moro eom-
forluhlo, who have mot with misfor
tune early in life It ivn groat work
uid co-oporntion is needed, nnd no
where havo I met with greater re
sponse lliun in this city and county."
Miss Ponso has made several trips
in tlio interest of lior society to Med
ford. Tho society is doing n great
donl for tho unfortunate ohildron of
tlio stuto. nnd her onuso is one
worthy of support,
Mr. Hates is hnving a four-room
rosidonco built on North Havtlett
stroot. J. H. Martin is tho builder,
iirllvn Hnrvlrn. Tlin Nloarneiinn nit-
itiation Is tho boIo topic of dlsouaslon
In tho barracks, and speculation Is
irntiKi-fil nu In Mil, tl-nmiH Hint tll'obllblV
would bo sont to tho troublo zono In
1 I II . Ill 1IT 1.1 1 L.
tlio ovoni tnni mo w wnsuingion au-
thorltlos dooldod to ocoupy Nicaragua,
' j til i
Call Issued for Mass Meet
ing Stating That This
"Power for Evil" Should
Bo Forever Destroyed.
LONDON, Dec. 2. Tho National
Democratic lengtto today Issued a call
for a great mass meeting to bo hold
1 1. Trafalgar squaro on Saturday whon
tho wa'rfaro upon the houso of lorda
following tho rejection of tho budget
will begin.
Tho call say a:
"The lords have declared war
ngalnst tho pooplo."
It urges tho pooplo to destroy for
ovor the "power for evil" now exorcis
ed by tho lords.
I'artlaniont will bo pro-rogued at 2
o'clock tomorrow nftornoon If tho
present pinna nro carried out.
Tho prorogation will dlssolvo pnr
llnmont only until January 1, aa It
Is considered unsnfo to end tho bcs
slon Irrevocably, ns would bo tho enso
If It wore not for tho presor.t crisis.
Tho budget debnto was resumed to
day In tho houso of conunons, when
Pronilor Aaqulth presented a resolu
tion stating:
"That tho action of tho houso of
lords In, refusing to enact tho finan
cial provision mndo by tho houso of
conunons for tho year Is a breach of
tho constitution nnd usurpation of tho
houso of commons."
Tho pronilor himself led tho dobnto
In which tho lords wero sovoroly scor
ed for their action,
TJTCVfY Tnv . Don. 9. Tl 5b vnnnrt.
0d hovo on good nuthority that after
January 1 tho innuugomont nnd eou-
d.,l !' Hut Suit liviuinn nf tlio
Southern Pacific will rovort from tlio
1 V . t rt I
uregou snort i.ino to tuo souinovn
(Pneifio company.
j Jim -JACK ! GRIP ill
Managers Accept Bid of
Rickard and Gleanson
Fight Will Be Held in or
Near San Francisco.
Tom McOarey of Los Angel
es Says He Got a Cold Deck
Deal Probably in July.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. It was an
nounced today that the managers of
Jeffries nnd Johnson have accepted
tho bid'of E. Ms Rickard, allied with
Jack Glcnson, for staging the world's
championship fight. The proposition
accepted was the first offered by
Rickard, namely:
A guaranteed pur of $101,000
nnd two-thirds cjf the receipts from
moving pictures. I
It is understooc that Promoter Cof
froth is in the deal with Ricknrd and
Glenson nnd that the fight will be
held nt or near San Francisco.
Tho fighters nro figuring n big in
come from the pictures.
Tho only positive decision ns to tho
location of the fight was set forth in
tho bid when it wns stated that the
battle must be held "in California,
evadn or Utah."
Tom McCarev of Los Ancrelcs
claims that the thing wns "framed
up" against him. ami he never would
have n chnnce ngainst the "combine"
no mutter what his bid infant hnvo
Oceanview. where Gleason nro-
poscs to erect an nrenn, probably will
bo tho scene of the bur battle. Rick
ard may hold Ely up as the place for
a wmie lor advertising purposes, but
his business sense will tell him thnt
the uoirical place is whore tho norm-
lation can be found. Ely, which is ns
isolated ns Goldficld, could not get
tho crowd, nnd $101,000 is n lot of
McCnrey's claim that tho cards
vvero stacked ngniust him seems jus
tified at this distance, on tho frfc of
his flat ptirso offor, but tho fighters
nro banking heavily on tho picture
money and tho 10 2-3 per cent moro
of tho privileges thnt Rickard offer-id
looked mighty good.
Granev's "out" wns not unexpect
ed. ITo cot in Into nnd further hurt
his ehnnces by tnlkincr of iobs and
displaying n grouch the moment he
hit Nw iork.
J. II. Cooley of Medford was at
iVshland "Wednesday evening receiv
ing tho Knight Templnr degree in
Mnlta Commnndery.
Southern Pacific Pays That Sum to
Heirs of Walter Swartzfager,
Recently Killer).
Tho heirs of tho late Wnlter
Swnrtzfagor of Jacksonville, whoso
death several months ago resulted
from injuries fulling from
Southern Pacific train nt Grants
Pass, linvo compromised their olnim
ngninst tlio railroad company for
Swnrtzfagor had tnken pnssngo on
a regular train for Grants Pass, Uo
alighted from tho train while it wts
still iu motion, fell mid received tho
injuries which caused his death.
After Working for Months
Preparing Estimates and
Taking Inventory of Prop
erties, Hafer Loses Same.
Gets Wrong Grip While on
Train and Loses Valuable
Papers May Return.
KALAMAZOO. Mich., Dec. 2. Ed
gar S. Hafer, general manager of
the Crater Lake Lumber company of
Medford, Or., who is stopping at the
Hurdick hotel, mourns the loss of a
suitcase containing valuable reports
and cstimntcs of extensive lumber
tracts on the Pacific const. Mr. IJa
fer arrived in Knlamnzoo from tho
west last Tuesday night nnd lost his
grip ns he left the train nt the Mich
igan Central depot. ,
Mr. Hafer had an appointment in
Kalamazoo with C. A. Dewing nnd
Edward Woodbury to confer 'with
them on matters of mutual interest
concerning lumber property on the
const no occupied a seat in the
air car nnd when tho train arrived
nt the station the porter carried two
grips, presumably Mr. Hnfer's, to the
As the train was pulling ont Mr.
Ilnfcr discovered that one of his
grips wns missing nnd that ho had
been given another party's crip bv
mistake. Ho gave the unknown's
grip to one of the porters, instruct
ing him to endenvor to locnte his own
grip nnd forward it to Kalamazoo.
Investigation by the Michigan Cen
tral authorities developed that the
grip Mr. Unfer bad given the porter
was the property of n W. E. Critten
den of Clatonin, Neb. So far Mr.
Crittenden has not been located,
neither has Mr. Hnfer's enso been
returned 'to him.
Tho papers and reports in tho
missing case involve several weeks of
hnrd lnbor in their preparation, nnd
while of great value to tho repre
sentative of the lumber company, are
worthless to others. Unless the pn-
pers are returned immediately, Mr.
Hafer will have to go back to Ore
gon nnd begin the work nil over
Mr. Hafer is under the impression
that tho party who secured his grip
is holding it for the sake of a reward
being offered.
For tho pnst three months Mr. Iln
fcr has been hnrd nt work in this
city preparing n completo inventory
nnd ostimnto of the entire holdings of
tho Crator Lake Lumber company. It
is tnese papers which ho lost.
Famous Damage Suit Will Be Heard
In Circuit Court Starting on
December 15.
Tho now famous suit of Harrington
vs. W. E. Phlpps et nl., for 120,000
for falso imprisonment will como up
In tho circuit court for trlnl on De
cember 1C. For 8omo tlmo tho casb
hns dragged along nnd only recently
was tho order mndo sotting tho enso
for trial.
Tho case grow out of a bitterly wag
ed contest ovor tho ownership of tho
Offlco saloon in this city, during
which Harrington was jailed for coti
tompt of court, County Judgo Noll
Is mndo a party to tho suit with W,
13. Phlpps.
fp . ij FORCED 10
fftr ! CLOSE
f The wealher man sure
enough has got 'em. Here ho
- Is six weeks ahead of time
with a snow storm. Medford
awoke this morning to realize
f that It Is nearly Chrlatmaa
-f ttmo and father was sore be-
cause ho forgot to bring In
tho wood.
Nearly an Inch of snow fell
Thursday morning, unusually
early In the winter. Last
-f winter tho first snow fell on
January 22. However, by noon
-f tho clouds had rolled away
and tho sun came out as if to
tnako up for December's Ht-
tie Joke.
Fair weather is promised
for Friday.
$3 36 HALF BOX
A. C. Allen of Hollywood
Orchard Notified of Sale of
314 Half Boxes of Fancy
Cornice at $3.36.
A. C. Allen of the Hollywood or
chard received notice today that 314
halt boxes of Cornice pears from his
orchard had sold at $3.36 a halt box
In London.
This is the high price for Cornice
this year in tho London market, be-
ng per box. They are among
the first to bo offered.
January sales In London are always
tho highest and it is confidently ex
pected that tho" price will go ovr $S
a box.
Friends of the Policy Realize That
Their Fight Will Center In the
Committee on Public
friends of tho policy of conservation
of nntural resources realize today that
their fight In tho congress which con
venes Monday will bo centered in tho
houso committeo on lands. It Is said
that tho conservation measured are
apt to slumber in tho committeo plg
eonholo unless Fltzgorald's amend
ment to tho houso rules can bo oper
ated to forco tho measures out.
Speakor Cannon and Representa
tive Mondoll of Wyoming, who Is
chairman of tho lands committeo, nro
snld to havo an understanding. Mon
doll owns a great amount of Innd in
It will bo assortod that Secretary
nalllngor's recommendations for con
servation legislation nro for tho most
part unconstitutional, A member
who is linod up with Cannon and
Mondoll In tho tight today said:
"To say that a sovorelgn state can
not control tlio waters within Its bor
ders Is propostorous.
cunt MINES
Traffic and Trade in North
west Paralyzed by Switch
men's Strike Officials
Admit Its Seriousness.
Men Are Paid Off and Fran
tic Efforts Are Being Made
to Replace the Strikers.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 2. Strike
breakers brought from Milwaukee and
Chicago arrived here today to replace
the striking members of tho National
Switchmen's union..
Although many of the places vacat
ed by the strikers were filled with
the imported men. there was little im
provement in the local situation, nnd
traffic on all hues between this city
and the Pacific coast is in a chaotic
condition. Additional strikebreakers
are expected to arrive from Chicago
tonignr, and tomorrow tho first con
certed attempt of the roads centering
here to relieve the tienp probably
will be made.
Five thousand flour mills ouera-
tives are idle here and in Minneap
olis today. All tho great mills in
the Twin Cities have closed down.
BUTTE. Mont.. Dec. 2. The im
mense Boston and Montana mines of
tho Amalgamated Conner comnanv
closed down today as a result of the
strike of tho switchmen, which has
paralyzed traffic and trade through
out this section. Three thousand
men nro thrown out of employment
because of the action of the mine of
The inability to secure transpor
tation of oro- to the smelters nt Great
Falls was given ns the immediate
cause of the closincr of tho mines.
Because of the resulting shortngo of
ore, the Great Falls smelters wero
compelled also to close and there nro
1500 operatives idlo today. Freight
traffic on tho lines of the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern railroads
throughout Moutana is completely
California Lumber Shippers Will Be
Reimbursed for High Rates
Paid Since the Year
SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 2.
As a result of a protest against tho
Southern Pacific company filed be
foro tho Interstate commorco commis
sion by lumbor shippers of Washing
ton nnd Oregon, tho railroad will re
fund to California shippers nil tolls
collected slnco November, 1907, in
excess of tho rates in effect before
that time.
Although tho protest of tho Ore
gon and Washington shippers was
sustained, and reimbursement mado,
California lumbor men failed to fllo
a similar protest. Attorney O. W.
Dufrbrow of tho Southern Pacltio
yesterday Issued notice that the com
pany would voluntarily mako tho re
funds. Aa a rcault of Durbrow's announce
ment, Examiner Georgo N. Prown has
called off refunding suits brought In
tho local courts against tho road. It
was stated that moro than $100,000
would bo returned to California ship
pers, it