) 'qfoaatEDEORD mail TKittJNE, MEflteokb. oiraaoN. Wednesday. December .1. 1909. 4 1 Jf FRISCO WANTS WOULD COLLECT DEBT WITH FISTS AVIATION DAY CHECK: GONE AIM WAS TRUE "If You Catch 'Im" CASHES PHONEY BOOKKEEPER Los Anjjclcs Planning to Have Big - Time and Now San Fran . dsco Would Fol low Suit. SAN FRANCISCO, Cat., Doc 1. Plans wore launched In San Francis co, Oakland and Berkeley today to Bocuro for the bay cities an aviation week similar to that planned by Los Angeles promoters for January 10 to 20, 1910. 4 In view of tlie fact that the Los Angeles 'enthusiasts -probably will bring several leading European ex ponents of aerial navigation to this country, members of the Pacific Aero club of this city believe that tho vis itors may be persuaded to appear In San Francisco at the conclusion of their Los Angeles engagements. Do Lamar, a French aviator, who uses a Blerlot monoplane. Is In San Francisco endeavoring to arrange for an exhibition flight on Christmas day. The Frenchman will make an effort to cross San Francisco bay In his aircraft If a puree of $5000 Is offered for the successful consumma tion of the attempt. The amount ho asks, however, has not been as sured him. WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1. In spite of the Inoportunltles of those In charge of the avlttlon week planned for Los Angeles next January, tho government has refused to send tho $30,000 biplane purchased from the Wright brothers to participate In the meet. According to an announcement to day, tho Request of the Los Angeles promoters was denied because" no aviator In the government service Is available to take the great machine Woodvllle Man Takes Account (hit of Man's Hide After He Had Been Given the Horse Laugh. Warner, Wortman & Gore Out to the Tune of $86 Other Victims Are Also Left. Heaves Account Book at Robber anil Spoils His Aim, Saving His Employers' Life. There has always been a question f SEATTLE, Wash., Doc. 1. Qtion- ns tor how the flro occurred which tm Potitson. manager of the Diamond .Wnwn.1 llrtnrv nvU rnal.tnnnn An IC0 Company hi tills City, la nllVO to- WOODVILLE, Or.. Dec. 1. Frank Ollmore is being tried before Justice 'MnrrtlnrL nf HiOil llltl frwlnv for linv. , , . , ... , , I,, , i im because of tho nccurato mark ing used too forcible means In col-.the east sld0 several weeks ago, and UBn8hl of w -u lllUtlwln( n ,,00,.. lectins a debt. A man named Nea-now It Is currently reported that tho keeper, who heaved a book at a mask- land had hired a team from Ollmore (jro was started by Davis himself for ed robber last evening Jimt as ho and whon the latter demanded pay-, tno purpose of gettlngthc Insurance, fired a revolver at Pontoon, tlofloct- ment gave him tho horse laugh. His lt t'hls l)0 tnil ne faljed ln n ci. K hl8 nUn shortly tftor fi o'clock merriment was III timed, as Ollmore culatlons. as the company collected tho desporndo .entered tho Ice com- proceoded to wipe up portions of tho tho cianna nsnlust tho unfinished pany's office and shovlnc a revolver adjacent landscape with his form, building for material and labor, paid over tho roll-top desk of Manager so emiuenuy sausucu were tue cm- u,em nml turned over the small bal- Donlson said: "Hand out tho coin lens who witnessed tho encounter nnCo t0 DavIs. In the safe and bo quick. I mean with the Job done by Gllmoro that It DaV8 last week commenced re- business." Donlson Jumped up nml Is probable that tho bystanders will ln,lldtn anil had considerable mate-, backed aualnat the wall, tho robber chip In on the flno as a testimonial ( rlal on tho ground and the building leveling his gun at the manager's and also as evidence that It you pay ( started. Saturday evening ho drop- head. your bills In Woodvllle you will not;,,e(1 lnto Warner. Wortman & Gore's At that moment Baldwin sent an be likely to get Into trouble. I storc antl lmI(1 hifl crocorv bill, ten- account book- throuch the air that derlng a check on the Jnckson Coun- struck the Intruder on tho pistol arm Bring Him to The Art Studio Where Tlioy Curry a Vine Lino of Present for CHRISTMAS, NEW YEAR, WEDDINGS, BIRTHDAYS, ETC. im will lie surprised to poo an immtrlmoiit wo hnvo lo offer in llio wiiy of ClirinliiuiH llooklvln, PoMennK Stationery, Fnioy I'om-s, Soonoiv, Ait and Soonio N'uyliios, Photo ntitt Pontonnl Album, Sla Pillows, Iliinioil NovulUOa, .''yrornpliio Outfits, Mutoiiul ami Parts. In fuel, tlioy uuiMt, bo neon lo lie nnpiwintoil. It is a plutisuro lo show nnr Kods. CHRISTMAS POSTCARDS FROM ONE CENT UP. 331 E. Main St., Medf ord, Oregon, Room 3 Up Stairs Quick Money Needed. My 26 lots including a good f- room house, must go lor $-uiuu. ty bank for $SG In piyment. Tho uul the bullet burled Itself In the bill was sixty-odd, and Davis ex- wall behind Donlson. Sevornl om plalned that he needed Httlo spend- ployes In the next room rushed In at Property just outside of city Km- j tng money, and was given the differ- j tho sound of the shot and when the its. $2,500 cash, rest easy pay- ence In cr.sk The check was pre- oandlt stnrted to run ho was pur- ments. Address Roy W. Harris, sented at tho bank Monday mornlug sued. Tho man eluded his pursuers room 5, Palms Rooming House, Med-land returned marked, "No funds." 0n tho water front. ford, Oregon. 212 1 Investigation showed that Davis had I no funds lu any hank In town, nor UAMMDMn 5AVQ up Croup Cured and a Child's Life Saved j ever had ba.l. KNOWS NOTHING OF PLAN "It affords me great plcnsure to1 A search for Mr. Davis revealed i.. . . , . . - i . x' r.-M I ' vrtni nA , t . !. .. trn.. ,.. i -,,,. i it, ti, ills loiai nnu ccmiiicie nunencc, iusu or iwnrv, uct. i. juuh ,infn - nr i.u . enne H run run ml Indnv rlnnliwl Ihn rotinrt thousands who havo been benefited ... , , . ,, rr..,hr. MH.an. by Chamberlnm a Cough Remedy. My the hardwaro nnd ,umber In ,lU nCw ,nR ,ho SprlnB Va,u.y Water coiupanv child, Andrew, when only three years , . .....w nf Snn PmnMn im.i i.o.i. 1i..pa tn old, was taken with a severe attack-!,,. . . ,. ,,lo,,,i ,urii -iti, him n mmi.innf inn nf Mm of croup, and thanks to the prompt , NMcholson Hard- water company and the Hammond :,se ,f t hamberlam s ConRh Remedy, j m ThQ -povv.er compan.. his ife was saved, and today he ,a, t used wa, recovered, Uut i do not know what McCiitcheon's to the Pacific toast. The training of , r" t c "' r the carpenters are out the amount of business In the city Is." said Ham- ,,,. I- . ji. Jr, 01 0a" -'"11'"K -leXnS. i,- ,1 Wnrnnr Wnrlmnn mnnil. "lint I (In knnw Mint wo llltl This remedy has been m use for ' , .,.. .. ..u,i,i , Gore loso SS6. 'not discuss any consolidation of his many years. Thousands of mothers ,, ,. . ,. 011 , .. , ' plant with mlno. It he had any sug-. keep it at hand, and it has nevcri : ..,. ,., ' been known to fail. For sale by Ella Gaunyaw, public stenographer. ! nJa....nAT' t'Tt room 4. PnlT. h.uldinC Ul l"K ""'I'a.uia. n u.um, , Annual Reduction Sale Till Hats and Millinery Goods Less Than Gost MRS. W. I. BROWN Second Floor Deuel & Kentnor's Store army men for a trial service was dls continued recently because of lack of funds. HUSBAND RECONCILED TO WIFE BY DAUGHTER (United Presn Leased Wire.) SAN BERNARDINO, Cnl., Dee. 1. Because Walter B. Preston snatch ed his child from tho path of a speeding automobile, dii'orco pro ceedings begun bv Mrs. Preston were brought to nu abrunt close and tha family which was rended by domes tic discord is reunited today. Mrs. Preston wns crossing a street with her 5-year-old dnughter, nnd the little girl ran ahead and was direct ly in the path of a big touring car. Seeing the danger of her daughter, Mrs. Preston screamed. Her cry attracted the attention of her hus bnud, standing on n corner nearby. In a moment he had darted across the street nnd had carried the child out of danger. The rescue paved tho way for reconciliation., A few mo ments later Mrs. Preston met her at torney and secured her complaint which alleged desertion. She held one end and her husband took n grip oa the other und they tore the doc ument in two. GOVERNMENT TO .WAGE WAR ON BOOTLEGGERS SAN DIEGO, Cnl., Dec. 1. Active warfare on the bootleggers who nro engaged in selling liquor to the In dians is being waged here nnd throughout the southwest by govern ment agents acting on instructions from the interior departments. The Ben-ices of Ben Crevecocur, tho nor ed Indian scout, have been secured by federal agents to secure evidence. Crevecoeur has been nt work for several weeks and several saloon. men have been arrested nnd charged with selling "Poor Lo" firewnter. Government agents nro engaged in visiting various Indian reservations, and it is expected that wholesale ar rests will follow as n result of their investigations. A Methodist Minister Recommends' Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera : and'DIarrhooca Remedy. Leon B. Hasldns' Pharmacy. I did not broach tho subject to me." ADMIRAL TOGA . POLICE LOOKING MADE COUNCILLOR Hero of the Russian War Is Practi cally Retired From the Navy. TOKIO, Dec. 1. Admiral Heihn- chiro Togo, famous hero of the Rus- Chief Witness for Prosecution Calhoun Case Has Disappeared. in PORTLAND BONDHOLDERS TO INVESTIGATE BOOKS PORTLAND. Or.. Dec. 1. It was nnnounced today that a meeting for the purpose of making a thorough In vestigation Into the affairs of tho Omaha Independent Telephono com pany was held last night by tho Port- I land bond holders. It was decided nt t this meeting to formulate somo con l certed plan of action to forco the Omaha company to tako enro of tho I bond Interest or to mako other sys i terns safe to the bond holders. "I havo used Chumborlniu'fl Colic, Cholera nnd Dinrrhoen Remedy for! several years for dinrrhoen. I con sider' it tho best remedy I hnvo ever tried for that trouble. I bought a bot tle of it a few days ago from our druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks. I nhnii ever bo glnd to spank n word in it') praise when I hnvo the opportunity." Rev. J. D. Knapp, pastor M. E. I'hurch, Miles Orve, I'n. Sold by Leon B. Ilaskins' Phnrmney. 1171 iwnrw I Timber and Coal Lands ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING CON TRACTS TAKEN AND ESTIMATES FU UK I SUED. B. H. Harris & Co, MfrDFORD, OREGON Office in Jackson County Bank Upstairs FRIENDS BELIEVE DR. COOK IS HIDING IN MAINE NEW YORK. Dec. 1. Friends of SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl., Dec. 1. Under the direction of District At torney Lnncrdon. search is bein;' sinn war, practically went into retire-, mn(jc today for "Big Jim" Gallagher, ment when he was appointed coun- j member of tho doodling board of su- cillor of the navy. pervisors during the mayoralty of ! -r . - . . l Kticrnnn SnlimitT lnllnrrftnr w in u'nc inuecemger .lUb. Admiral "ZL'I, .Dr. Frederick Cook are growing con- was made chief of the naval staff, 'rocent Rraft trjni3 ,3 subpenned t0'fIdent ,n tho,r uo,lof tllftt 1,10 nrook' and since that time has been nctivoa ppear as a witness in the Calhoun 1 ,yn exI),orer haB 80,,Kht seclusion in directing the policies and methods !,'! .i,;j. !, n.mi. n n.. ' omewhoro In Now England and will it" i . .- i i tut titiu uvLiitn itvviuuui w iu i.n n A general shift day, ersultinf; L 1 uMiKumeui uuu posis. nuuy pro-1 inL,Ws dUnnnenrmieo. District At motions were made. , t T ,., . '.,, lUn ,:!lar records. t i i. n : a I Ronorts yestordar from wells xq- nri itrirr a mi rT urn nnnu i iw iciuuiuim tiu iuiihj i ituu 11-4111 BELIEVE ANOTHER BODY ... ..,!: c..i,. I Pot. Me., stated that Cook had on- IS DEEP IN WELL PortIaniit Dcnverf Chicago nnd Now tored tho pln0 Va,Ioy sanitarium In (United PrnTasea wire) York wcro io to watch for the for- c,t- Another from a Now LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Dec. i er supervisor. Detective William "T is believed that nnotber body reposes "urns, who was active in tho last ; """f " WY. Jh" " ... .. .. i'ni p rn... nri.:.... cuneratlnft at a health roaort there. in tho wnters or the old well ot the w"" Ui "'" " " nunn.i.K- dpsertnd Crinklnw rnnnli. Lntr. lnt ion. Bums WttS informed of Gnl- night newspapermen dragged the, laKher's disappearance nnd ho will bottom of tho well with improvised K to Now Yor kto guard against the witness' departure to uurope. According to Langdon, the teytl- liooks and brought to the surface a large white object which resembled a body. Owing to the darkness itmony 01 uaiingiier is necessary 'it wus impossible to ascertain positivo-,tho coining Calhoun trial. Langdon ly whether it was another murder i80"1 "Without Gallagher wo can ;b victim. nothing. All the money in tho trnns- actions wo will mnko public in court Thomas Dartholomew, the drug- went through Gallagher's hands. Gal- Orders for sweet creum or butter milk promptly filled. Phone th rpnmerr Just Arrived One of tho finest stocks of Roses that over came to Mcdford, all of the newest nnd old-tried varietios. Why don't you send that sick friend of yours or your swecthoart a bunch of Cnmntionnf Delivery any pnrt of city. MEDFORD GREENHOUSE. Cut Flowers and Potted Plants East Main St. Phono 000. GOLD RAY GRANITE CO. Olfico: 209 Woat Muin St., Mudford, Oro. Operating Quarry at Gold Ray, Oregon gist, Is lying 111 at tho Valley hospital lnghor is our chief witness, nnd tin with a severe attack of pneumonia, less liu returns the prosecution of tho - - graft crises will bo soriouslv linndi- Taxi UJtlU-lJNAii xi U JN U-ArCl AIS JVLAJJUAi' iSAJjliJUT, capped WITH "LAND OP NOD," MONDAY. "If wo can find Gnllnchor we will - r, - -. . mtirvu uiu,) uiimi iw niiwtv iiiut i it II v ,it is to his interest to return and live up to tho agreement wo made with hiiiu in which ho wns granted very valuable things in exchange for 1 f.oi:..w..,,. w,. ...:n .. i.. ..? him thnt by his flightho gives us to understand that he had been nor-' sunded to go and tho whole thing luih nn unsavory aspect." , NOTIOK TO STOCKHOLDERS. Notice Is hereby given that thero will bo a mooting of tho stockholders of tho Dluo Ledge Extonulon Coppor, company at 4 o'clock p. m. Decem ber 8, 1909, at room 9, Palm build ing, Modfbrd, Or., for tho purposo of making arrangements for doing assessment work. Unless such ar rangements nro mado at onco, tho company's properties will bo lost. Hv order oftho president. 210 First-Class Ladies' and Gents' Bootblack Parlors DYEING AND OILING A i SPECIALTY. I I V. W. Howard, ' Const Champion Bootblack, Prop j 0 S. CENTRAL AVENUE. DEALERS IN BUILDING, MONUMENTAL AND CRUSHED GRANITE "Onlor Olympic Flour- it makes Kood )rond nnd biscuits." Mother. A 1) o 1 u t o 1 y clean and nm', wlioli'Komo and uutritiouH iniido from hp loctc'd JfortU westorn wheat Insist upon Olympic "there lan't nny juiirnw KOOU' i?uIaiviiUui4 For the Best In harness, saddles, whips, obes, tents, hlankets, wag on sheets, axle orease and gall cure, as well as all kinds of custom work, seo J. G.Smith 314 E. Main. REAL ESTATE Farmland Timber Land Orchard Land Residences City Lots Orchards and Mining Claims Medford Realty Co Room 10, Jackson County Bank Building i H. WITIIINQTON, Secretary. fOMLi)nrtouinioMit.MOo.,i'oii.ii),oiiioo i