Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1909, Image 1

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    Urr-nnn Historical Soclefy
ruu Wall
In thd title won
with fruit from
by a car of Rogue River app aa that won the sweepstakes prize at. the great Spokane apple show in competition
all sections of America, proving conclusively that Rogue River fruit is the most perfect grown jn any country.
Uulttil Pi Awiwlnllun.
Full IawihI Wlro IU'Ktrt
Thu only paper lu tho
world published In a city tho
hIxd of Muilfonl having n
JciiMi'tl wire.
tfiiK weatttkr.
Today and Thursday, cloudy,'
occasional showers. Tues
day, cloudy, high fr., low CO,
rango 52.
No. 218.
All Attompta to Block Pro
gram Havo Mot With Do
foat Taking of Evidence
Has Boon Begun.
Oaso Rapidly Progressing,
but Will Consume a Month
at Least Calculation.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. So far a
the sugar trust cuso ha continued
in thtH city t ho government lias scored
nt every point and tlio taking of evi
dence i under way. Alt motions to
block progresn on tcchuiculiticK have
been overruled.
Andrew J. Mnlone, formerly n
clerk in Cashier Pcndeningol'H office
nt the Williamsburg plant of the hu
kii rtniHt, who nwore that ho Haw
Pcndcrnugel pay customs employes
with vouchors, wont on the stnd to
dny. Malnue nworo that the checkers re
ceived $2.60 per day and government
checkers received $3, although thu
envelopes wero marked a if tlio gov
enimcnt checkers received the same
an the other.
The defense in trying to create the
impression that the, company, in or
der to pay old employes more wage,
without onusing friction, found it no
coKHary to plneo incorrect figures on
the ontmdo of the pay envcloeH.
Parliament About to Be Dissolved
Financial Situation Is ,
ltictiunl Parr, nh acting deputy In the cuntoinii department In New York,
tina glvcu out a uli6tlotfl wtuUient regarding the frauds perpetrated upon
tliv government In the nugnr tnut scnnditlii dntlng back to 1P07, when be was
acting a a njhxIuI agent for the treasury department and luvcutlgHtliiK nc
cunntloiii against the sugar (runt, lie state that on one occasion when bo
elml a wtilplood of sugar nt the Ilrooklyn dock and before be bad made bis
reKrt of the Mlture a telephone order from the treasury department at Wash
lnjcton apprised bltn that no aeUurea were -to be made. lie soya ho was at a
loss to kuow how tfio department learned no quickly of the occurrence and
believes It wan a part of a plan to thwart hi vffortH to ferret out the sugar
frauds. Parr's statement have tieen referred to James Reynolds, who was
assistant secretary of the treasury at the time the seizure was made and Is
now a member of the new tariff board, Mr. Iteynolds has Issued a prelim
inary statement In which tie makes a general denial of Parr's charges.
13th Child, Born on 13th,
Age Twice 13, Jailed 13th,
Gets 13 Years, Freed 13th
Convicted cn 13th for Crime on 13th,
Sentenced on 13th, He Has
$13.13 in the Bank.
(Unlleil Press tensed Wire,)
LONDON, Dec. 1. Tlio feeling
hero today in that thu house of lord,
hy the rejection of thu budget, Healed
Hh own doom.
Tlio parliament wont into session
onrly today in preparation for tlio
dissolution of parliament.
Premier Asquith conferred with
the king todny. Tlio kinr will, it in
expected, call tho privy council to
gothor and draw up an order prorog
ue parliament, which probably will
ho Ront to tlio houso of coinmoiiH to
morrow or Friday.
Tho financial situation in chnntio
nnd until tho now parliament as
RomhloH tho nuthoritioa will attempt
to collect ta.NOH under the old law.
Attention is now being directed to
tlio election, in which tho people will
pasH upon the action of the lord in
rol'iising tho budget.
Mr. and Mrs. H. ( Lucas of Gales
burg, III., are among Hume who are
spoking n homo in n olinmto and
country about liku tlio Rogue, River
(United I'rnss I.ensprt wire.)
SAN niANCISCO, Cal., Doe. 1.
In ohnrgo of Detective Sergeant Goo.
MoMnlwii, Louie Willie, a youthful
Chinese, will bo taken to San Quon
tin today to pay tlio oxtrenio penally
for tlio murder of bin stopmolhor
near San Lu'ih Obispo, on August 17.
Louio'a father, who Ib a wealthy
rnnohov, had mado valuablo gifts of
jowolry to his wifo, To soouro oor
taiu trinkets tlio lad murdered tho
woiiian and hid lior body in tho yard
of tho ranch Iiouro. IIo is 10 yonvs
of ago.
Ready to Make Move at Any Moment in Nicaragua Mat
ter May Adjust the Matter Without Resort to Arms
Crisis Is at Hand United States Making Arrange
ments for tho Transportation of Troops to Scene.
(United Press Leaned Wire.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. Thoro furtbort developments today
In tho NIcnraguan situation, tho Gov
ernment waiting for further advices
from Central America.
An official of tho stato dopartmont
today stated that It was bollovod that
ovory thing "would bo adjusted with
out resort to arms, but that tho gov
ornmont would bo ready to act quick
ly In caso tho demands of tho govern
ment wore Ignored.
Tlio entlro matter now hinges upon
tho Impending battlo between tho
Nlcaraguun forces. It la bollovod that
tho crlslH Is at hand,
Undo Sam After Ships.
SAN FItANCI8CO, Cal., Doc, 1.
It waa rumored horo today that tho
United Stetcn' (pilot Investigation of
tho Htcamor Algoa, tho proporty of
tho Pacific Coast Steamship compnny,
JiaR a direct bearing on tho prosont
Rtralncd Nlcnragua situation.
Hopresontatlvcs of tho transport
service nro Raid to havo secured plans
of tho vessel, which woro forwarded
to WaHhlngton, nnd It Is thought that
tho ship may bo purchased or leased
and held In readiness for moving
troops or field eiulpmont should her
services bo requlrod.
Tho Algoa has a gross tonnago of
"575 tons, nnd Is 445 feet lu length.
Sho hns been Idlo Blnce January, 1907
except for a two months' period, when
she was utillzod to transport coal.
Colonel von Schroedor, superin
tendent of tho army transport serv
ice, ptnted today that ho has rocolv-
cd official orders to preparo tho trans
port Logan to sail for tho Philippines
as scheduled, on December C. No
Instructions concerning tho transports
Iluford and Crook havo yet been for
warded from Washington.
Princeton lHsnhled.
SOUTH DEND, Wash., Dec. 1.
Tho United States gunnoat Princeton,
on routo from Puget sound navy yard
to Nlcaragunn waters to assist In pro
tecting American Interests, Is lying
at nnchor In tho lower bay, hnvlng
boon roported off the coast horo Mon
day night. Tho Princeton was tow
ed In by the tug Daring. In just what
manner tho wnrshlp Is disabled could
not bo lenrned, nlthough It Is bollov
od tho troublo Is with her engines.
Former City Recorder Col
lins Found to Be Owing the
City $115.8S Difference
Found of $618.95.
Wherever It Was Shown
That Clerical Errors Were
Responsible Passed Over.
A special session of the city coun
cil held Tuesday evening was devoted
to the consideration of the report re
cently mnde by eiperts upon former
City Recorder Collins' books. The
expert? had reported n shortage o
$(118.05, but after thoroughly going
into tho mntter InM evening tho coun
cil only found $115.88, which will b
charged up to Mr. Collins. Wher
ever it was shown that Mr. Collins
had not benefited by the errors, the
council decided not to hold him for
the amount., AH of the errors were
of a clerical rraffiie, suck ns any man
might make.
Owing to the complaints being
made by property owners regarding
bitulithic pavement nnd a so-called
"monopoly," the council voted that n
committee of two make a trip and
look into the methods of paving in
ther cities, which will be done before
next summer.
Tom McCarey of Los Angeles Goes
as High as $110,000 Gleason
of Frisco Offers $125,000.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
NRWOASTDIU, Pn.i Doc. 1. Tho
hammering of workmon on tha gal
lows on which ho Is to bo hanged
tomorrow throw Prod Uosona Into
nn hour nftor tho carpenters began
tho erection of tho posts, tho doomed
mnn watched through tho bars. Sud
denly ho hurled himself to tho floor,
writhing In torror. After nn hour'.B
work tho Jnll physician, Fathor Do
nilta, iutoted 1.1 m nnd ho was put to
paroxysms of hysteria, nnd whon tho .bed.
Uov. Fathor Nicholas Domltn ontored Women of tho local W. O. T. U.
i.m mil m Mm ellv tall todav ho who prosontod a potltlon to tho gov-
throw himself nt tho priest's foot and In tho prisoner's behalf, drop-
bogged nltoouBly that ho uso his In- d tho matter today..
fluonco to securo a stay of execution.
Tho gnllows nro bolng built In tho pm jj, Hopkins returned Wcdnos-
Jallyard but n fow foot from the grat- (nv f,.om n business trip to Port-
lug of Rosona's cell. For moro than Mn,
(United Press Leased Wire.)
IIOHOKEN, N. J., Dec. 1. When
tho bids for tho world's champion
ship prirefight between Jeffries nnd
Johnson were opened this nftemoon
it was found Hint nil tho promoters
had deposited nt least $5000 nnd in
some instances ns much ns $20,000
was posted ns n gunrnnteo of good
iM ioiiowmg propositions wore
considered :
By Tom McCnvey, for tho Pacific
iVthletie club of Los Angeles, 100 per
cent of tho gross receipts, with 00
per cent of the moving pieture re
ceipts, or a guaranteed purso of
$110,000 and 50 per cent of the pie
turo rccoipts.
By Bicknrd and Gleason, who did
not stnto the place where they would
hold tho fight, other than that it
would be in "Cnlifornin, Nevada or
Utah," offering n guaranteed purso
of $101,000 nnd 00 per cent of the
moving picture receipts.
By Olenson &. Coffrroth, stipulnt
mg that tho fight bo held on July -1,
1010, at Colmn, New, or Snn Frnn
eisco, offering $125,000 for nil tho
privileges, of deposit of $15,000, n
piirrso of $75,000 and 25 per cent of
the pictures or 80 per cent of tho
gross receipts, nnd 00 2-3 per cent
of tho picturo receipts.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 1. Mrs.
Rose Stokes-Phelps, wife of tho mil
lionaire socialist of New York and
Boston, hns sent n cheek for $50 nnd
words of encouragement to tho freo
speech fighetrs here.
Tho letter was received by Elizn
both Ctorloy Plynn, tlio T. W. W.
lender, who was nvrested horo last
night on charges of conspiracy.
Northwest Has Hardly a
Freight Train Moving on
Account of Switchmen All
Walking Out on Strike.
Passenger and Mail Trains
Moving, Being Made Up by
the Train Crews.
(United Press Leased "Wire.)
TACOMA, Wash., Dec 1. North
ern Pacific and Great Northern rail
way yards here are In an almost com
plete tleup today through a general
strike of the switchmen on the lines
extending from St Paul west. On tho
Northern Pacific lines 150 Tacoma
switchmen are out and nearly every
wheel which depends on the mis stop
ped. Passenger trains are being op
erated, but freight traffic Is almost
at a standstill.
Tho Northern Pacific this morning
started a move to break the strlko
hero by ordering brakemen 1o talcd
tho places of the switchmen and In
this way threo switch engines wero
used principally to switch passenger
cars, however, little attempt being
made to handle freight business. The
local Milwaukee yards were not af
fected by the strike order.
No Freights In Seattle.
SEATTLE, Syash.. Dec. 1.
1. Is
: thirteen an unlucky number?
just read:
Abo Lake, twice 13 years old, a
convict, was pardoned here on the
13th, having been convicted of at
tacking his sister-in-law.
He Is the 13th child, born on the
13th of tho month, alleged to have
committed his crime on the 13th, was
tried and convicted on the 13th, was
sentenced to 13 years, received at
prison on Friday, the 13th, and beg
ged to bo put In cell 13, but that cell
was taken.
He was pardoned on the 13th, and
his sister-in-law committed suicide 13
months ago. He bad to his credit at
the penitentiary $13.13.
New Street Will Probably
Be Opened From Main
Just East of Bridg e South
to Washington Street.
Prepartaions are being made for
the planting pf..40 acres of the
Phippa tract east of Bear creek, to
orchard the coming spring.
This movement means one or both
of two things in the wn' of improve
ments on the east side a bridgo
aeross Bear creek at the foot of
Washington and n new street con
necting with Main, jnst east of tho
bridge and running south to Wash
ington. It is more than likely that
YwlM, tlinan nnf lnic in 41ia 'Plitnnj
freight trains are arriving- in Seattle i tract will be made
todny over tho Northern Pacific, tho
Great Northern or Milwaukee rail
roads, and freight for shipment to
tho cast is being refused by the com
panies affected by the strike of tho
switchmen. Passenger and mall
trains are movllng, but nro being
made up by the train crews. Nego
tiations looking to the settlement of
tho trouble aro being carried on at
St. Paul, according to local railroad
officials, but it is not expected that
any definite word of tho progress of
nffalrs will be received until tonight.
People From All Sections
Are Writing Asking for
Particulars Regarding Ap
ples in Rogue River Valley.
Never Before Was Commer
cial Club So Deluged With
Inquiries of Apple Land.
Not Affect Tortland.
rORTLAND, Or., Dec. 1. Local
switchmen will take no part In the
strlko ordered yesterday by tho
switchmen's union of North America,
nccordlng to an announcement mado
hero today. Tills Is explained by tho
fact that nil switchmen employed In
tho Portland ynrds are affiliated with
tho Brotherhood of Railway Train
men nnd nro not associated with tho
switchmen's union which ordered the
Tho switchmen employed In the lo-
cal terminals aro "on the Job todny
and freight traffic Is moving without
Spokane Affected.
SPOKANE, Wash.. Dec. 1. With
only tho officers of tho general yards
and depot to handle the trains and
switching business hero todny, tho
freight tleup following tho general
strike called by tho switchmen's
union Inst night Is complete.
Not n freight train on tho Great
Northorn or Norohtrn Pacific Is mov
ing. About S00 men nro Idlo on this
The Christmas rush of freight will
bo sent via tho O. R. & N. and tho
Canadian Pnclflc.
A committee of the city council w
new negotiating for the opening of o
street from the west end of Wash
ington to Jackson street with n view
to bridging the stream, nnd it is un
derstood that negotiations are also
in progress to open the street on the
east side of the creek from Main
to Washington.
Apparently Indifferent, But It Is
Known He Felt Relieved When
He Reached His Car.
An average of 75 letters a day are
pouring in on the secretary of tho
Commercial club all containing tho
same refrain", which can be briefly
summed up In the one word, "Ap
ples." From the secretary's point of
view, the world has suddenly gone
crazy on apples in general and Rogne
River apples in particular.
When the Commercial club tinder
took to arrange for exhibiting a car
load of Rogue River Spltzenbergs at
the national apple show It was ven
tured by the bolder ones that it the
car won a prize that the advertising
the valley would receive would be
invaluable, and that assertion has
been more than verified, for since the
local car won tho sweepstakes hun
dreds of people have written asking
for information. "Apples we want
to know about apples and applo
land," and the secretary has his
hands full singing King Apple's
No less than 2000 letters havo been
received as a direct result of the win
cing of tho sweepstakes 1n Spokane,
and there seems to be no abatement
In sight. The whole affair was the
greatest advertisement the valley ever
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. Cowan of North
Yakima, Wash., nro hero looking
over tho prospects for good invest
ments in Southern Oregon.
2."50 Out nt Butte.
BPTTF. Mont.. Boo. 1. About
!2,ri0 switchmen nro on strike in Mon-
tnna today and freight traffic is nt a
tahdstill. Passenirer trains, howv-
pver. are lieiiEr moved as usual, as
the trniuKion do the switching neeos
nrv for them. The vnn1 nffected in
this state arc the Northorn Pacific,
tlio Great Northern nrt (ho Chicago.
Milwaukeo & Paget Sound.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. 1. Not
withstanding tho apparent indiffer
ence with which John D. Rockefeller
upon his nrrlval In New York was re
ported to havo referred to tho sup
posed attempt to kidnap him. It is
known hero that ho exhibited much
uneasiness until ho was safely aboard
his prlvato car, bound for his coun
try homo In tho Pantlco hills.
Whon tho news of tho plot was
brought to him he ordered the usual
guard about his homo relnfqrced, nnd
sorvants throughout the night patrol
ed tho house In which many lights
woro left burning.
All efforts of tho police to find tho
originators of tho kidnaping schomo
have proved futile.
Explosion In Nitroglycerine Haza
zine Wrecks Town In West Vir
ginia Kills Man and Horse.
CAMERON, W. Va.. Dec. 1. C
Schuster, an oil worker, was blown
to atoms today by an explosion In a
nltro-glycerlne magazine nt Merlettta,
near here. Bits of hide nnd bone ot
tho horso Schuster was riding past
tho mngazlno when tho explosion oc
curred wero scattered for a radius of
50 yards.
Many houses In the village wore
Jarred looso from their foundations
by the force of tho blast. Scores of
windows were shattered.
Tho Sunday nftemoon meetings at
tho Socialist hnll on North Grnpo
street nro becoming very interesting.
"Rosolvcd, That tho city officials
of Spokane nro consured for their
actions in trying to prohibit freo
speech and freo press," is the ques
tion for next Sunday afternoon. Dis
cussion oponcd by Georgo IT. Miller,
followod by Earnest Walters, II. P.
Gould and otliors.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 1.
Joe Willis of San Francisco defeat
ed Jnok Greer of Donvor last night
nt McCnroy's pavillion before ono of
tlio largest crowds which havo over
pnokod that fight shod.
From tho first tap of tho gong un
til tho closo of tho tenth round both
henvios fought like demons. Their
rapid interchanges brought tho fnns
shouting to their feet timo after
Following the gnmo exhibition last
night, fight fans today declare Hint
Willis has earned tho right to meet
Jim Flyiin. They assert that ho enn
give tho husky firemnn nil ho is
looking for, and are anxious to see
tlio two brouvht together.