THE MEDFORD MAIL TJtlJBUK MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1909. WOLGAST WNS I THE FASTCOHTEST :Stamls Out Today as Must Formlblc Opponent That Could Be Pit ted Analnst Dnt Nelson. HEART OF THE DESCHUTE (United I'ii'hm I.piixpil Wire 1 (By Hid KiiigNidor.) SA.S' FIIANCIHCO, Nov. 0. Atl 'WoIgnnt today Mtnud out iih tho imohI formidable opponent tliut could lio .pitted nguiiiMt Untiling Nelson for the .lightweight crown mill all thai has boon mild in doriHioii of tin; .Milwnu- kccnn'H victory over their Dane in their Icii-ioiiiid liiittln in Los Angeles must hu taken haul;. A rank oiitNiditt' in tlio hutting, ooiit'i'diid no cluiiici) whatever ngoinst tlio uvr LuW Powell, Woluaal lnwt niKhl gave the local hoy tlio wost beating of hit cni'Mur and did it ho eofcily thai seasoned ringidors hat tip and took notice. ( It cannot ho paid that Powell had one round on an uvuu hum I;. Wolgost wns on top nil tlio time, never giving il'oucll a hit of a breathing spell, nnd so fait wiih tin pace he out that Low "JorKut practically all ho knew before tlio second roiiiid wiih over. Played for Stomitrli. Stimitthfiivo miiiihIioh in tlm stomach, .followed hy stout left cuffs on tlio nr. took all the stonui out of Powell hoforc tlio hattlo had fairly Marled and h decided wan WolijitHt before the rounds had gouo into two figures that tlio ringside betting 'iw 2 to 1 thru W'oluiiMt would win, whereas ho ItMil entered tho ring on tlio short ond .' 4jf lO'to-d proposition. , Wognt licver vnriod his plan of' ljutlle. It wan simply a uao of dig frn- the stomach and hnok the left for (he hend IhrjitiKhoiil and do-pilc ljowoll's vaunted clexerni'", the l'i fine I hi! chimin' campaign wn highly uccctful. CRUISERS READY TO SAIL. Cnnilnuod from pmr ."Eslrndn staying that lio tmil roculvcil 'proposal of surrender from Honor (Caldoron, representing Proiildont '. iayn. Tlio proponnl wiih ,rejecteil ly E trailu, tTiu iiiuhhiiko Mutes, and thnt Zolayn's army linn boon cnolrolod hyj the HMtmila forces mill Ioiivoh tho In-1 forouco that uitliliiK Init an uncon ditional surrender would' bo conld-j rod. . I-Yonrh Cruiser lvn RoiiU', I SAN JOSH, Cota lUon, Nov. 30. , An n riwult of many complaints con earning the reported mlHtrontmont of1 Tronchmon In NIcnrnRun, n Kronen (warship from Martinique nrrlvd lioro today on route to tho turbulent re public. Now of tho IndlKiiltlofl to which. Trench residents of Nicaragua aro aliened to have been subjected wnaj broiiKht to tho Kronch coneul hero by, FaiiHtlno Montell, a French Hubjoct, who linn lived In '.olnyn'a domain fori many yonm. A thorough InvoatlKa-: Hon baa been ordered by tlio French luithorltleH. , EDEN PRECINCT ITEMS. N. W. 1 trophy of Wngoneq Crook wan doing trading In Talent Satur day. Mr. and Mm. C. C. Ilartlv of North Talent npontThnnkHgiving with Mm. ITnrtley'H parents in Ashland. L. A. Drake and wife of North lMioonix wore Modford luminous call er IiihI Monday. ; Androw Tinner of upper Wngonor Creek was. lining trading in Talent Snturdny. An ontertninmont nnd box social .t i... ii... n.. l.'. ...... ,P a L'l I'll iiv lllll illinium i.iiiiuiiii.i ... lMioonix last Thursday evening was n biiccoss in evory way and tho neat sum of .t.p wiih roalizod. Many of the boxen Hold for $3. Contrary to a report that the agent for tho Western Art company of San l'Vanc'iNco would never hIiow up, nnd Unit they wore believed to he fnikern, they delivered nil pi the pic tures ns agreed, nnd their patrons nre all highly plonsoil in both Talent nnd Phoenix. Tho Sahhath ncliool institute held nt I'hoeuix last Saturday and Sun day, conducted by fho tjlnte leader of Preshytorinn Sunday schools, was wellhundlod. One foature of the in stitute was that u union mioting was lield nt both tho Presbyterian and tho Disoiplo oliureli Thursday, bring ing all! Ithnsc interested togethor. "Mr. and Airs. A. v. Clemens nt Con tml Point wore visiting thoir son U. M. Clomons, who is foreman of tho Estop orchard wost of Talent one day Inst week. Mr. Clemens says that Central Pnlnl is receiving its Bhnro of new comors, many investing llioro. Miss Clara Allen and Mrs. C. Car ey woro Tnlont slmppors IiihI Snturdny, TILLMAN, The Leading City J. J. Hills statement to G. Springer of Deschutes Valley 7AStl 5MSSWlS.C0UM- THE HILI LINE Tho Oregon Trunk has purclinHed from tho Ci'ook County Investment eompany owner of Jlillnmn u JiOO-foot right of way through the city, and in the deed of conveyance the railroad is required to build a passenger and freight depot, provide switching facilities and warehouses, adequate for .the handling of the enormous freight that is certain to he originated at this noinl. Trains will probably be running into Hillman by October next year. These are facts, confirmed by those who actually know what is be inir done. THE HARRIMAN LINE The 0. R. & or Deschutes railroad, as it is called, is building as rap idly as Hill. Nearly 4000 men, 900 teams and six steam shovels are work ing night and day. Visions of gigantic grain crops, thousands of acres of magnificent timber and millions of acres of growing products inspire the great railroad builders to hurry with might and main iuto this marvelous virgin empire of unprecedented wealth. What awaits the railroad stares the investor in the face crreat returns for the money. All The World Will Help Make Hillman Prosperous NOTICE! To give everybody fair warning, and because of the unprec edented demand for HILLMAN property, the price of every lot in HILLMAN will be doubled December 15, 1909. YOU CAN SELECT YOUR LOTS NOW AT PRICES RANGING FROM $10.00 to $100.00 HUNDREDS S3LD ALREADY TO THE SHREW D INVESTORS. BETTER BUY NOW. Mail the coupon to us today YOU TAKE IT FROM US There is no OPPORTUNITY in the great Northwest that anywhere near approaches this one, of an investment, small or large, in the property of llILLaEAN, the loading city of the AVONDElttiTL DESCIiUTES VAL LEY AND DESTINED TO BE THE BrOGEST SHIPPING POINT ON THIS OREGON TRUNK RAILWAY, now being built by Hill. Oregon trunk railway HAS JUST PURCHASED 27 ACRES IN THE VERY HEAR,!1 OF jz? jz? HILLMAN j& j& fhis fact alone settes the future of HILLMAN as the big railroad center of the Deschutes Valles. The confidence of J.J.HP11 is suffcient for anyone, THE NEW T0WNSITE OF HILLMAN IS LOCAT ED AT THE JUNCTION OF FOUR RAILROADS AND EIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAYS. THE CHIEF CITY ON BOTH THE HARRIMAN AND HILL LINES. It would be ,f ar safer to call at our8 office now. F.B. EDGINGTON SELLING AGENT Office Next to Dr. Shearer, Angle Block THIS IS THE COUPON: Tear it out; cut it out, but mail it to us at once. F. B. Edgington, e lliug Agent, An gle block, Medford, Or.: Please mail me at once illustrated booklet describing the DESCHUTES VALLEY AND THE TOWNSITE OE HILLLAN. ign name here Address in full ; Note to Out-of-Town People Lots iu H I IjLMAN are selling so rapidly that ya &re ml able to make reservations for anybody unless application is accompa nied by a check for $10. These applica tions will be taken care of as they ar rive. The best remaining lots will be se lected for you and you will bo notified. T t L Mrs. K. flihbs wns ninonR tlioso nt toiulhiK tho Sunday school institute Inst Saturday afternoon. Tho workmon for tho Talent olec trio liht company woro wiring sev eral hoii-eB !, Phoenix Saturday. i i..i.i... .... ,.r n.i..ii'j ..1.1..., v,u .lmvn fm,,, v. ' 't pneumonia and la grippe. James OwiiiRB, of Owings Bros., is confined to his bed with a severe one;- Civk S.iturday. lCinniott Heeson returned to Klam Uert Scranton, who with his father in the is employed L. H. Ihown ,.n. v lut Sntiirdnv. Mr. Roe- noav Vumcn, camo up saturaay son has hen back to Talent for tho for a brief visit with relatives and last ten days looking after business .ineiuls. matters, James Briscoos, n prominent resi- Charloy Terrill of Browusburc was dent and stock raisor of North Ev viHiting in Talent last Sunday. Chas. 'uns Crook, was among tho busy says Brownsburg has lioeoine n live ly lit t lo town sinco tho railroad oamp has camo so near and that land buy ers am plentiful in that section of Into. N i Notice. Owing to tho fact that our Christ mas postals are coming in aifd wo aro orowded for room to display thorn wo will offer all postals at a 20 per cout discount for ono day only, Sat urday, Novombor 13. This will nf ford a good opportunity for you to lnv in a huddIv for futuro corre sponding at a prieo that will pay you. Look over our Christmas goods that aro coming in. It is a plonsuro to how Uiom. Ilcmembor, $1 worth of postals will only cost you 80 cents no.t Sat urday. Tho Who Jny Postal Shop, 331 E. Main st., up stairs, Frank H. Hull, proprietor. shoppers iu tho city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Calahau of North Central avenuo has u very sick boy with typhoid fovor. Dr. Stovonson is in attendance L. A. Hookor of North Beatty street is laying tho foundation for a ten-room rosidonco which will bo modern iu nil its departments, Mr. While of north Control avenuo is lying dangorously ill with pneu monia. Wia. Stacoy, Waltor Vincont and Mr. Foster of North Bonrdman loft Sunday for North Tablo Book on their fall dujuk hunt. Ivan Ilumasou, formorly a rosidont of Medford, is horo from Portland on busiuosb. Dr. C. II. Convoy was nt Jackson ville Tuesday morning looking after business mattors. J. II. Cochran loft Tuesday for Qlondalo on business, and will visit Koseburg boforo his return. A. S. Bnraos of Ashland, ex-shor-1 John S. Frauimo of Forgo, N. D., nnd lectures Is iff of Jackson county, was in Mod- is among thoso who aro looking over entire middle ford on business Tuesdnv. tho vnllov with n. vinw nf lopfttintr. I otales, O. F. Treforu of Ashland was at Ir K"est of the Nash. Jacksonville on profesioual business J. .C, Pendleton of Tablo Rook is Tuesday. in Medford for treatment for a Kov. Iiobort Emus of Jncksonvillo Rrowtu on his lott eye. Iho optic was a Medford visitor Tuesday. ,ins 1,0011 troubling him for somo time Dr. F. O. DeCnrlow mado Jackson- u n operation was porlormeu last week by Dr. Conroy for tho removal of n foreign growth. It. M. Whitman of Eoglo Point was a visitor in Medford Tuesday. Tho W. C. T. U. has prepared a special urogram for "Mothers' day." visit Tuesday ville a profesioual morning. Sam Sandry of Woodvillo Medford Monday. , Mark Whipplo of Woodvillo paid Medford a business visit Monday. was in i Win. Huster of Eugeno is in Med-i'Tllt! nieeting is to be held nt tho homo ford today. I Dr. Myrtle N I.ockwood on hast Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. II. Gorr of San Main street. All mothors aro urged Jose, Calif., nro in Medford, looking !0 1)0 Present, whether you nro a over tho uossibilities of thn llnmm "Whito Kibboner" or not. You nro known through the west and western It you want to lif ar a good lecture and sound reasoning such as you have not otten tho pleasure of hearing don't fall to hear Dr. Young Friday evening, December 10. Don't think that Dr. Young is only a preacher, for as a lecturer ho stands with the best on tho American platform todny, being eagerly sought for by tho Chautauquas and leading lecture bureaus of tho United States. over tho possibilities of tho Koguo Hiver Vulloy. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. MoNair of Ash land are registered at tho Mooro. W. 0. Smith of Wolf Creek is iu Medford attending to business mnt- F. L. Ton Voile and C. II. Snyder woro at Cenrtol Point Tuesday. Col. Ton Velio denies that ho has sold his fruit ranch in thnt seotion, or that ho has any intention of doing so. ."That rnncn is mo appio ot my oyo," no says, "and somo or theso days I will proauoo trim uioveon that will open tho oyes of all of you." tors. welcome. Tho timo is 3 o'olock. Married In the Nash hotel par lors, Sunday, Novembor 28, 1009, at 2 o'olock p. m., A. Frederick Rosen stock and Grave Fioldor, both of Ashland, Rev. G. LeRoy Hall, officiating. DR. YOUXO OP rORTLAXD COra TO MEDFORD. TO Dr. Young ot tho Taylor street church of Portland and formor pastor I of tho First M. E. church ot Salt Lake City, will give one ot his famous and Mrs. C. II. Cnrov and f Inspiring lectures Docombor 10 at Sonttlo aro registered at the Mooro.!"0 Methodist church on North Dart- ion street. ; At tho mention of Dr. Young's nanio noarly ovoryouo In tho city will nottco tor tho tamo of his work S. B. Henry of Grant Pass is Medford today on business. W, Woodnrd nnd Alfred Jonos of ,mmi Ashland nro registered at tho Nnsh. WJ0 HOTEL ARRIVALS. At tho Nash O. R. McLean, Grants Pass; Samuel L. Henry, Grants Pass; Robert Taylor and wifo, Portland; W. E. Berry, Port land; W. Woodward, Ashland; Al fred Jones, Ashland; F. C. Taylor and wife, Portland; John S. Fran nue, Fargo, N. D.; A. D. Coulli, So attle; John A. Tomoy, city; II. A. Moore, San Francisco; F. D. Beacon, San Francisco; Bon Wertnver, San Francisco; F. M. Mowarts, San Francisco; II. D. Unit, Berkeley; J. C. Pendloton, Tablo Rock; R. M. Whitman, Eaglo Point. At tho Mooro A. Hall, city; Geo. Whitcome, city; Win. Rustor, Eugene; C. S. Piorco, Rochester, N. Y.j C. E. MoArdoll, Portland; A. C. Smith, San Francisco, Mrs, Chas, II. Gorr, Sau Jose; W. G. Smith, Wolf Creek, Ore,; F. M. Bovol, San Francisco; Mrs. C. II. Carey nnd daughter, Soat tlo; J, S. MNair and wife, Ashland; F. Pelvuzo, Eagle Point. DEAD MAN DRIVES TEAM JWO DAYS Holding Reins In Lifeless Hands Chlco Farmer Drives Team for Forty-eight Hours. (United Press Leased Wire.) CIIICO, Col., Nov. 30. After sit ting lifeless for two days iu tho soat of a carriage, tho stiffened hands grasping tho reins, tho body of Silas Stoekwell, au aged faruior of Butte, was taken to his home today. Tho horso hitched to Stockwoll's light buggy apparently had wandered about tho country for noarly forty eight hours. When found by Stock well's neighbors, it was cropping tho grass in a pasturo, it's master sitting upright in tho soat cold in death. Physicians who examined tho body doclarod tho man had died from heart failure. Tho survoyors who have boon at work locating a lino for tho Pacific & Eastorn havo beon driven Into the valley by tho hard weathor and work temporarily Is suspendod bo far aa tho locating ot the line Is concornod. - hp : aewiT" via, 't "r