Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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mm? Arwm?ni?n "r a it. mRTimNnn a inm?Ai?n nuinnnv
1 !)()!),
1 90S, by Ihi
1907. 1908. by
THINK I'll go eco Jane nu board
this evening." Ordo remarked to
his mother as he arose from the.
Every Sunday Jane Ilubbard offered
to all who came a "Sunday night
lunch," and the refreshments were
served by tho guests themselves.
Orde found about the usual crowd
gathered. Jane herself, tall, dcllberato
In movement and In speech, kindly
and thoughtful, talked in a corner
with Ernest Colburn, who was Jnst
out of college and who 4worked in a
bank. Orde, standing In the doorway,
looked upon qulto the usual thing,
only he missed the Incubus. Search
ing the room with his eyes, ho at
length discovered that Incoherent, des
iccated, but persistent youth vls-a-vls
with a stranger. Orde made out the
white of her gown In the shadows, the
willowy outline of ber small and slen
der figure and the gracious forward
bend of her head.
"So you're back at last, are you.
Jack? drawled Jane In her lazy, good
natured wv. "Come and meet Miss
Bishop. Carroll, 1 want to present Mr.
Orde bowed ceremoniously. Tho girl
inclined gracefully her small bead
with the glossy hair. The Incubus,
his sallow face twisted In a wry
smile, held to the edge of his chair
with characteristic pertinacity.
"Well, Walter," Orde addressed him
genially, "are you having a good
"Yes, Indeed!"
Ills chair was planted squarely to
exclude all others. Orde surveyed the
situation with good humor.
"Going to keep the other fellow from
retting a chance, I sec."
"Yes. Indeed!"
Orde bent over and, wtth great ease,
lifted Incubus,' chair nnd all. and set
him facing Mlgnonne Smith and the
croquet ball.
"Here. Mlgnonne." said be, "I've
brought you another assistant"
He returned to the lamp to find the
girl, ber dark eyes alight with amuse
ment watching him intently.
"Walter is a very bright man In his
own line." said Orde. swinging for
ward a chair, "but he mustn't bo al
lowed any monopolies."
"How do you know I want him so
summarily removed?" the girl asked
"W'l." argued Orde. "I got him to
say all be ever says to any girl, Tes,
indeed!' so you couldn't have any more
conversation from him. Besides, I
want to talk to you myself."
"Do you always get what you want?"
Inquired the girl.
Orde laughed.
"Any one can get anything ho wants
if only be wants it bad enough," be
"Some people." Bho amended. "How
ever, I forgive you. I will even flat
ter you by saying 1 am glad you came.
You look to have reached tho age of
discretion. I venture to say that these
boys' idea of a lively evening Is to
throw bread about tho table"
Ordo flushed a little. The last time
he bad supped at Jane nubbard's that
was exactly what they did do.
"They are young, of course," be said,
"and you and I aro very old and wise."
"Now, tell me, what do you do?"
"What do I do?" asked Orde, puz
tied. "Yes. Everybody does something
out west here."
"I'm a river driver Just now."
"A river driver?" she repeated.
"Why, I've Just been bearing a great
deal about you from Mrs. Baggs."
"Ob!" said Ordo. "Then you know
what a drunken, swearing, worthless
lot of toughs we are, don't you?"
"Thero Is Hell's Half Mile," she re
minded him.
"Oh, yes," said Ordo bitterly, "there's
nell'a naif Mile! Whoso fault is that?
My rlvermcn's-tny boys? Look here!
I suppose you couldn't understand It If
you tried a month. But supposo you
wore working out In tho woods nine
months of the year. Supposo you slept
in rough blankets on the ground or In
bunks, ato rough food, never uaw a
woman or a book, undertook work to
scare your city men up n tree, risked
your llfo a dozen times a week In a
tanglo of logs, with tho big slver roar
ing behind Just waiting to swallow
your saw nothing but woods and river,
wero cold and hungry nnd wet nnd so
tired you couldn't wiggle And then
suppose you hit town, where thero
wero all tho things you hadn't bad.
and tho first thing you struck was
Hell's Half Mile. Say, you've seen wa
ter behind a Jam, haven't you? Water
power's a good thing in n roll! course,
whoro it has wheels to turn, but be
hind a Jam it Just rips things. Oh.
what's tho uso talking? A girl doesn't
kuow what It means. She couldn't un
"I think I begin to understand n lit
tlo," said she softly. "But they aro n
heartless class In splto of all their
Edward White
courage, aren't thev?" ' reputatlou." said Orde. "If wo tell l" " , ""w" "l 11 "-
"Heartlessr exploded Ordo. "There's these follows thnt we'll got out their I1'" x ' tin? iu-tuiieo, as m tho sie
no kinder lot of men on earth. Thero . logs for them and then dou't do It I'll ters.
Isn't a man on that river who doesn't ' be dead around here." The sketches arc well on tho road
chip In Ave or ten dollars when a tnanj Newmark pursued the subject. "I've to completion and they will be ready
is hurt or killed, and that means three' I no objection to telllmr you about my- !fr li,lijl.1,h,mi Tlintxri'nv. Snnm v.iT.
or four days' hard work for him. And
ho may not know or like tho injured
man at all. Why" ,
"What's all the excitement?" drawl
cd Jano Hubbard behind them. "Can't
you make It n to be continued in our
next? We're most starved."
"Yes, indeed!" chimed the Incubus.
The company trooped out to the din
tng room, where the table, spread with . Idea." Ho produced a bundle of scrib
al! the good things, awaited them. ' bled tinners from his coat pocket. "I
To Orde's relief no one threw any
bread, although tho whole hearted fun
grew boisterous enough before the
close of the meal.
In spite of her half scornful refer
ences to "bread throwing" Miss Bishop
Joined with evident pleasure In the '
After the meal was finished Orde.
with determination, made his way to
Miss Bishop's side. She turned to
tho piano, struck a few chords, and
then, her long hands wandering Idly
and softly up and down the keys, she
smiled at tllern over her shoulder.
Song followed song, at tlrst quickly,
then at longer Intervals. The girl still
sat at the piano, her head thrown
back Idly, her hands wandering softly
in and out of melodies and modula-
The mocking had aone from her eye
and mouth.
tions. Orde Anally saw only the shim- t
mcr of her white figure and the white
outline of ber bead and throat At I
last her bands fell In her lap. She sat I
looking straight ahead of ber. ,
Ordo came to her. !
"That was a wonderfully beautiful '
thing." said he. "What was It?" I
Sbo turned to him. and be saw that
the mocking had. gone from her eyes j
and mouth, leaving them quite simple, I
like a child's.
He hesitated and stammered awk
wardly. "It was so still and soothing
it made mo think of tho river some
times about dusk. What was it?"
"It wasn't anything. I was impro
vising." "You made it up yourself?"
"It was myself, I suppose. I love
to build myself a garden and wander
on until I lose myself in it I'm glad
thero was a river in tho garden a nice,
still, twilight river."
At this moment the ontsldo door
opened to admit Mr. and Mrs. nub-
bard, who had. according to their usual M n Q 0 rjeceraber 2 and
Sunday custom, been spending the "l
evening with a neighbor. The com- One nnd ono-third'faro on the cor
pany began to break up. , tificato nlan will bo mndo from nil
Ordo pushed his broad shoulders in
to screen Carroll Bishop from the oth-
"Aro you staying hero?" he asked.
"I'm visiting Jane."
"Are you going to bo hero long?"
was Ordo'a next question.
"About a month."
"I am coming to sco you," announced
Orde. "Good night."
Ho took her hand, dropped It and
followed tho others Into the hall, lcav-
Inn Ima titrtni1lnr It tltn Inrnn Clin
watched htm until tho outer door had
closcd behind him. Jano Hubbard, ro- ,
turning after a moment from tbc ball,
found ber at tho piano again, her bead
slightly ono side, playing with painful
and accurate exactness a simplo ono
finger melody.
Reaching his home, Ordo walked
confidently to tho narrow stairs and
ascended them. Subconsciously ho
tivolded tho creaking step, but outsldo
his mother's door ho stopped, arrested
by a greeting from within.
"That you, Jack?" queried Grandma
For answer Ordo entered. Ho mado
out tho great square bed and divined
tho tiny figure of his mother.
"Mother," sahl ho abruptly, "I'vo
met tho girl I want for my wife."
Grandma Orde sat up In bed.
"Who la shoV sho demanded.
"Her namo is Carroll Bishop," said
Ordo, "and she's visiting Jano Hub
bard." "Yea, but who is sho?" insisted
Grandma Ordo. "Where Is sho from?"
Ordo stnrcd at her in the dim light
"Why, mother, blest If I know thatl"
UK next evcnnig on reaching
homo Orde found thnt Now
lunrk liml preceded lilm by some
few momenta.
After supper Utile led the way up
two tights of uarrow stairs to his
"Well." said he. "I've mndo up my
mind today to go In with you. It may
uot work out. but It's n pood chance.
1 don't know who you tire uor how
( much of u business man you are, but
I'll risk It."
' "I'm putting In $20,000." pointed out
i Newtnark
' self. New York Iwirn and bred; expe
rience with Cooper & Dunne, brokers,
.eight years Money from a legacy.
Parents dead. No relatives to speak
Orde nodded gravely.
"Nowr" said Newmark. "have you
bad time to do any figuring?"
"Well." replied Orde. "I have a rough
take Daly as a sample, becauso I've
been with his outfit. It costs him to
run nnd deliver his logs 100 miles nbout
$2 a thousand feet. He's tho only big
manufacturer up here. I supposo It
costs the other nlno tlrms-from two to
two and a half a thousand."
Newmark Jotted down figures.
"Do these meu all conduct separato
drives?" he Inquired.
"All but Proctor and old Helnzman.
They pool lu together."
"Now." went on Newmark. "If we
were to drive the whole river, how I
could we Improve on that?" i
"In the tlrst place we wouldn't need
so many meu. I could run the river ,
on 300 easy enough. That saves wages
and grub ou 200 right there. And, of
course, a few Improvements on tho i
river would save time, which In our j
case would mean money. Wo would
not need so many separate cook outfits
and'all that. Then. too. if wo a greed , g d trophies to me for mount
to sort nnd deliver we d have to build . . . . . ,
sorting booms down at Monrovia." , 'P- pnme beads, ftsh, birth ami
"Suppose we bad all that. What, mncunnls mounted true to ii.iture by
for example, do you reckon you could improved methods. I do tannine mala'
bring Daly's logs down for?" J fcir ruga, mnkc, remodel nnd clcnu
1 Orde fell Into deep thought. fur -garments. Express nnd mnil or
"I suppose somewhere about a dol- ,ere promptlv nttonded to.
Inr," he aunounced at last. He looked i C.M. HARRIS,
up a trifle startled. "Why." ho cried. , 4g5 Wnshinp,on Strcctt portond, Or.
"that looks like big money! A hun-, T-ini.- if-:., innn
, dred per cent!"
? Newmark smiled.
"Hold on." said he. "I don't know
anything nbout this business, but I
can see a few things. In the first
place, close figuring will probably add
; a few cents to that dollar. And then
! all our Improvements will bo valueless
after we've got through using them.
You said yesterday they'd probably
stand us in $73,000. Even nt a dollar
profit we'd have to drive 75.000.000 be-
roro We got a cent back,
course, we've got to agree to drive for
n little less than they could them
selves." That's so," agreed Orde, crestfallen.
"However." said Newmark briskly
as ho arose, "there's good money In It,
ns yon say. Now, how soon can you
leave Daly?"
"By the middle of the week."
"That's good. Then we'll go Into
this matter of expense thoroughly and
! establish our schedule of rates to sub
i mlt to the different Arms,"
poir,t8 on tho Southern Pacific (lineB,
I. 0reon) to Tho Dale3 an( rcturn. ,
Tickets on sale November 29, 30, De
cember 1, 2 and 3. Final return ,
limit December 0. ,
Important addresses will be made
by representatives of the U. S. de
partment of nffricttlturo, department'
of Rood roads; Prof. Philip S. Rose,
Madison, Wis.; B. B. Clark, editor
American Threshermnn; Hon. Lionel
Webster, Portland, Or., nnd oth-
ers, on subjects or importance
m 1 1 1 .1 !!.... I., ...til 1,,. I
inu jiuiiiiiuu nullum hi ku" '"
given as prizes for tho best wheat I
raised in Oregon. '
Silver cup for outfit threshing1
$100 prize bushel of grain. '
For further information call on
any Southern Pacific agent, or writo
to William MpMurrny, general pas
sengor agent, Portlnnd, Or.
Methodist Minister Recommends
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and'Dlarrhooea Remedy.
"I have used Chamberlain's Colio,
Cholora and Diarrhoea Remedy for(
Boveral years lor diarrhoea. 1 con
sider it tho best remedy T have over
tried for that trouble. I bought a bot
tlo of it a fow days ago from our
druggist, Mr. R. R. Brooks, I shad
ever bo glad to sponk a word in it'i
praise when I have Uio opportunity."
Rov. J, D. Knnpp, pastor M. E.
' "lmh. Milos Grave, Pa. Sold by
joi. B. Ilasldns' Pharmacy.
(To be continued.)
Is your thinking op on stralRlit f
Aro you .sufficiently familiar with
the liniinc!s firnw of Ihe city to lie
able to tell who they nic by the de
scriptions that wil Ibe given of thorn
In the "Knowloilire Competition"
which is to he printed in Ibe Mail
Tribune on Thurdny.
Considerable curio-ily has been en- i
gonodercd by the announcement made
a few days since, and as Ihe time'
approaches for the publication ofi
the unique feature the curiosity is
growing. All the curiosity in the
world is not wrapped up in the fe
male population, cither. There seems
Stable prize are to be given away to
the parties who are licet enough in
their thoucht to identify thc-c jvoplc
rcadly, and since time is the essence
of this proposition, it would pay
those who nro expecting to enter to
win to watch tho ads of the paper
closely, so that they may be the
more able to discern the popular
characteristics that belong to tho va
rious business firms of tho city.
Tho competition wil bo open to all
except employes of the Mail Tribune
and their families.
On account of tho Increased cost
I of feed, wo, tho undersigned dalry
imen of Medford, find It nccossary to
Iralso tho prlco of milk to ten cents
a quart, retail, and 25 cents a gallon,
' wholesale, on and after December 1,
1 1909.
I Northbound. .
No. 20,Rosoburg Pass... 7:41 . ra
NTo. l'J'Sbtistn Limited... 02'a. m
No. lGlOregon Express . . 5 :24 p. m
No. 14lPortlnnd Express. 8:30 p.m.
Southbound. J
No. lllShnsta Limited... f):M a. m.
No. l.llCalifornia Express 10 :35 n. m.
No. 13lS. F. Express 3:32p.m.
Medford to Jacksonville.
Motor car leaves 8:00 a.m.
Train leaves 10:45 a. tn
Train leaves 3 :35 p. m.
Train leaves 0:00 p.m.
Motor car leaves 0:30 o. rv
Jacksonville to Hcdforfl.
Motor leaves
Train leaves . . . .
Tain leaves
Train leaves
Motor car leaves
7 :00 a. m.
8:45 a. ro
2 :30 p. ru
4 :30 p. m
7:30 p. m.
No. 1
No. 3
No. 2
Leaves Medford...
8:00 n. m
2 :20 p. m.
10:10 a. m
5:00 p. m.
8:45 n. m.
0 :05 a. m
3:05 p.m.
4:15 p. m.
fLoaves Medford...
Arrived Medford..
No. 4
No. 2
No. 3
Arrives Medford...
Arrive Eagle Pt. . ..
Loaves Eaglo Pt...
Arrives Eaglo Pt. .
No. 4
Lenvec Ent;le Pt. . .
Northbound .
Southbound .
Eagle Point.
8:55 a.m. 8:10 p. m.
9:00 p. m.'3:00p. m.
12:00 p. m.
7 )
Is an aid to rather
than a test of your
If you don't get
the baking results
you, should try a
sack of Olympic-
it always makes
good things to eat.
It's "better
than ever."
foutuxv Ktooaua ltn.U)Oo.,l'oTL4JiiJ,0ooi
1 Annual
Just Arrived
One of tho finest stocks of Roses
thnt ever came to Medford, nil of
the newest and old-tried varieties.
Why don't you send that sick
friend of yours or your sweothcart
a bunch of CnnintioiiH?
Deliver' nny part of city.
Cut Flowers and Potted Plants
East Main St. Phono 000.
First-Class Ladies' and Gents'
V. W. Howard,
Const Champion Bootblack, Prop
For the Best
In harness, saddles, whips,
olies, tents, blankets, wag
on sheets, axlo grease and
gall cure, as well as all kinds
of custom work, see
J. C.Smith
314 E. Main.
t-i -vat yv 4
must be well located for
operating and logging.
Transportation facilities
near by. Land with some
white pine prefered.
Furnish cruising by 40,s
and maps. Only princi
pals need apply.
Clark & Cowles
Box 666 Medford, Ore.
Reduction Sale I
ZUI Hats and Millinery
Goods Less Than Gost
-Office: 209 Woat
Operating . Quarry
Farm Land Timber Land
j Orchard Land
Residences City Lots
Orchards and Mining Claims
Room 10, Jackson
Second Floor
Deuel & Kentner's
Main St., Mudford, Oro.
at Gold Ray, Oregon
Realty Co
County Bank Building