Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 28, 1909, First Section, Page 7, Image 7

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This is the title of the "DAtflELS FOR DUDS" 1910 Calendar.
Last season this store put out the famous "Joy of Life" calendar, the
finest calendar published by the World's famous premier calendar
publishers, the Osborne Company. This season we have again se-
cured the priz winning calendar.
it .
' It,
Ready for Distribution December 5th at
2 ,
Largest Clothing' Store in Southern Oregon
Cables Go Out Feared That Loss of
Life Is Heavy Martinique
Believed Center.
(United Preae Leaaed Wire.)
NRW YOHK, Nov. 27. Anothor
novore Htonn has struck tlie West In
dies and cnblo communication is out
of commission.
Tho situation is much tho samo as
that after tho Rront hurrienno early
this raonii.
Information so far roceivod Indi
cates that tho Btonn wns moat sovoro
in tho Lessor Antiltos. Guadoloupo
nnd Mnrtiniquo aro boliovod to bo in
tho storm center.
(United Preaa Leaaed Wire.)
KEWANEE, III., Nov. 27. Hilly
l'npkc, tho middleweight boxer, htul a
narrow cscapo from death tonight
when his automobilo was struck by a
city streetcar. Papko was coining
down tho main thoroughfare of tho
icity when ho noticed iv small boy
ahead of him on a bicycle. Tho boy
collided with n pedestrian, falliuR
directly in front of Papko's heavy
machine Papko applied tho brakes
and turned his car onto tho streetcar
tracks squarely in front of a rapidly
moving streetcar. Thoro was an aw
ful crash. Papko was badly shaken
up but was uninjjured.
Tho lad escaped tho automohilo
wheels and was unhurt, while the
man vfhom tho boy struck with tho
bioyclo has maany bruisos.
Tho now Arranotch collar is bcitiR
introduced bv Daniels for Duds. 21.r
Continued f r,on Fatffe 3
iho la apendlng (ha winter with her
husband and dauchter at the Hotel
Moorj. will sing "Oh Lord of Life" at
the Presbyterian' church Sunday morn
Inir. The song ia composed by Mrs.
Itodgera' alater, Mary Turner Salter,
und la published by the Shlrmlr com
pany, for whom Mrs. Turner wrltea ex
clualvely. ,
Mrs. O. C. Noble of South Orange
street was 'given a surprise birthday
greeting nt her home Wednesday night
by moro than a score of friends from
th 'O. A. n. post nnd W. R- C , who
enetred tho house during her absence
anad proceeded to make themselves at
home. Mrs. Noble. was sent for and
u most pleasant social evening spent.
The Christian Endeavor society of
the Presbyterian church spent a merry
ovenlng In the church parlors Wednes
day evenlnc. playing games and enjoy
Inir an Impromptu musical program.
Itrcfreshments of Ice cream and wafers
wero served.
The members of the Five Hundred
club were very pleasantly enterUlned
Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
J. O. Gobel. 333 East Sixth street The
hlgheit score was played by Mr. Scott
Davis and the second highest by Mrs.
H. E. Hoyden. '
Mr. and Mrs. Qoscoe Johnson gave a
dinner Friday evening at their artis
tic bungalow homo on Catherine street
for a group of young friends, the oc
casion being Mrs Johnson's birthday.
After a delicious five-course dinner the
evening was spent with unique and
original games that proved most enter
taining. An egg, from which the con
tents had been blown, had been painted
to represent a fothball; goals and a
field were arranged on the dining table
and a fast game played, the "foot
ball' being blown between tho goals.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are arrivals with
in the year from Chicago, and already
have made a warm place for themselves
In tho hearts of the young people.
Thosa enjoying Mr. and Mrs. Johnson's t
hospitality were Miss Mary Gore, Miss
Harmon, Miss Arra Harmon, Miss Gray,
C. W. Gore and C A Weaver.
The Ladles' Guild of the Episcopal
church will hold Us regular meeting
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 at the home
of Mrs. Etta Bates, 236 North Central
A Jolly class party given for the
Junior class of the high school by Mies
Iola Whistler at her home at the Bear
Creek orchards, one and a half miles
south of town, was one of the most suc
cessful affairs given this year for the
class. The disentangling of Interwov
en hearts and diamonds provided much
merriment, which was followed by an
advertisement contest, for which artis
tic bell-shapod programs were provid
ed. Flinch, five hundred and whist wero
played and the Virginia reel danced. A
supper of sandwiches, cocoa, apple sal
ad and cake was partaken of. The chap
eron was Mrs. W A. Stewart Those
present: Clifford Polk, Leland Bever
Idge, Grace Mitchell, Iola Whistler, Ver
na Hammond, Isolte Eubanks, Genevieve
Wortman. Mary Gore. Dora Smock, Ma
bel Thomas, Mamie Swan, Lillian Pierce,
Mildred Gearig, Opal Daley, Vernon
Ourrett, Charles Cooley, Albert Howell
and Ben Forbes.
Miss Ms tare' Nmi, daughter of "Mr.
and M-a r. W. N m, was aaril w
Thursday night at her home In this city
to Mr. Frank CI, IJeas. The ceremony
was strictly a family affair, no friends
or relatives being apprised of the affair
in advance. The young couple were pres
ent in the afternoon at a family Thanks
giving dinner given by the bride's aunt,
Mrs E. E. Bagley, but no hint of the
approaching wedding was dropped dur
ing the dinner party. While the friends
of the pair have for some time past
been expecting an announcement, none
were taken Into their confidence, and
the wedding came as a surprise to all.
The bride is a great favorite In Ash
land's younger social set, and the groom
Is a popular engineer in the Southern
Pacific service, being one of the young
est engineers on the entire line.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
S. M. Dorranco of the Episcopal church,
the bride being one of his parishioners.
The couple will make their home In Ash
land. A very delightful Impromptu dance
was given Thursday night In the fine i
big hall of the Elks' temple. Telephone
notice of the event was sent to local
Elks during the afternoon and evening
by a few with whom the idea originat
ed and by 9 o'clock about 40 couples
were enjoying tho terpslchorean art o
the polished maple floor of the lodgo
room. Jordan's orchestra furnished thai
music, and the initiation of the new
dance floor was continued until after
1 o'clock, when a fight lunch was sarv
ed in the refreshment room.
A number of the members of the old
Entre Nous Dancing club gave a moat
enjoyable dance In the opera house on
Thanksgiving eve The music was fur
nished by the Begat orchestra and 21
couples enjoyed the evening to the full
est. Thursday being the 18th anniversary
of her birth, a number of high school
pupils, classmates of the young lady.
surprIs- "' Ruth Osmun at her horn
on Mechanic street that evening. The
visitors carried dainty refreshments and
games with them, and though unexpect
ed, ware made very welcome and- all en
Joyed the evening as only high school
pupils can.
Complete Stock
Right Prices
i 3i
1 i