Tins MISDFOW) MAtlv T1UBUNI4, aircPFORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEiMBER 28. 1909. IT asm: a anmpfrx na i 1 I I). W,' IVneo'of Elk Crock was in Mi'dfrd Hutimluy m liu-ine. 1 1 lAlnicH Ihiil'lhiS water on tin tipper 4ltiKitu wish iih hig)i, II' not higher, Chilli In, November, llHKI, llio record jfnionth lip Id tliltt llinu. Atnl. Munilo Riddle in vislttlng lr timiiltor, Mrri. flonrgo ImutoH, of tilth fully. J ClinrlfH E. 'full hit Mtld llm WoM Vildo HtiililtiH to Fro.d Downing nnd K, Jl. Knrlow, who will oniiduot tho Inm lin'H In fntnio under tlio firm nnmo W Downing & Knrlow. IT. 1 1. Kelly, Jr., nrt In Medford front Trail Saturday. Mrs. TlnjiniiM".iiol(nii loft Sulur luy evening; for i'orllniid on a vlait of several wdoUh durnfton. v Cluronoo (Ion, who it ntlondiug tlta U. of O. nt Eugene, nj-nt Tliiutkfl glving at luiimi in Modl'nrd. John I'ortor immo homo from Cor vallU, uhoro hu Im attending tlioO. A. ('., lit upend Thnukagiviiig willi his pnronlH, .Mr. anil Mr. I. C. l'or tor. , .Mr. ninl .Mr. (1. H. Holdlnger of Tnlmit wnro in Mudfonl Friday nnd Saturday. Deputy Sheriff William I'tnVli wn in Jackwnnvillu Saturday on liuimtf. Mr. Jo Kimacll of .Inekmiltvillo wiw in Modioid Saturday chopping. Dnvo Ioua of Elk Crook wim i:i Modfoid Saturday on luminous. (In Newbury who in .luokdonvillo on pr(ifional liimiiiUAii Saturday. Tho now Arrnnoti'li collar in btiini: introduced liy Dnniel for Dud. 'JIB Van l) Cor anil .Ioiuiiiiii will uliott ly omiii an iii-to-dHti j"Mlry utore on I "nil Main wired in tlio now I'hipp building. A complete ( i of tlio fluent jewelry over "oen in Southern Orison him arrived and will bo installed n noon ns the onrpcnlt"- finit.li their work, tliu finit of the week. Hcforo making Christum o leolioiiH, wait nnd fcco IIioao goods. They aro up to ditto and tho latoht in design and finish. Al Sturgis in building a modern tuo-Hlory house with all tlio latent convenience on his Applcgnlo farm, where ho has spoilt mnt of hi tiino for tlio punt two mouths. Tlio family may movo onto (he fann next mini mor. It Ih one of tlio finest farms in tho county, oouHisling of 1(10 nonw of rich alluvinl noil, for which ho! recently refused sfJrt.OOO. j .Marlon Tryer of Talonl received n telegram Thursday telling him o eoino at oneo to JfaryHvillo, Cal.. 15,000 GIRLS WIN IN FIGHT Shirtwaist Makers Go Back to Work . After Employes' Capitulate ' Dlttcr Flflht Was , Waoed. MJnlloit Vtf I.cnr..l Wlro) ji N'KW YOHIC, Kov. 27.--Oiio hi dred and iiiueloon hliirlu'iiisl maiiji fiiclurcrM cigiitiilalod today to Qio tornm mado hy their 15,000 ntrikfiiK fihlrtwail j;irl dinployoH, and lite 1B, 000 nt went lim-k to work, victor iotiH, At lilt) Hitmo linn; 1'J lenders, of Ihu Hlriko wyro ieiitto I'liilitdelpjiin hy tho union', nrnicd with authority to call ft Konornl utriko of all tho liirl waint iiiakorn in that city if it 'it found, iih MUHpccled, that tho N'c' York iiianiifiidturorji aro turning over tlimr work to iniiinu net tirerx tti tint i (own. $100,000 CLEVER SWINDLEFTS GRAB Gets Away With Bin, Haul In Portland After Operating There for Some Time Under Very Nose of tho Authorities. l'Oim,ANI), Or., Nov. 27. Foi1 ornl mithorition estimate that S. V. Oavidor, who Iiiih Kkied town after hiincoiiiK many noor porsoim, hart netted $100,000. Davidor while in Portland wnB known to detceliveB nil jover Jhc, country an a thief of the most doporato diameter. Hit pic ture In in tho roKiic' (itllery. There wan never any effort made to arroM him unlit the ooret servico landed evidence and when he hoard ho had henn indicted hy the federal Krnnd jury he skipped. EVERYTHING READY FOR WOLGAST-POWELL GO GARFIELD SAYS LAW IS GOOD Replies to Recent Statement of Arcli liold In Regard to Sher man Anti-Trust ' Law. TAFT WORKING WALL STREET ME E CLEVELAND, O., Nov. where hi nupllow, Frank Tryer, Vn lyinte in nu uiicnncioUK eouditfpn, en lined from falling from a trmii. Upon arriving ho found that it tym not Ii'im nophew, hut somonue el.e.-:Ile will return Saturday evening to iiU homo in Talont. it .Mrs. John .McClendou mid Mtn. I.uko .Inntiinx of Hold Hill werin fudford Sntnrdny. A. I). Cornell 1ms reliinnid from n -iiit with hiii fa mi linyoinfwyppji vihit with his family in Grant Pits. Joohu A. Mullor of Trail is spuuM ink' a few dny in .Med ford on husi- ll(8. Mr. nnd Mix. 0. F. lino of Lin coin, Neh., arc registered nt 'the Mooroe. J M. A. and V. 11. Wntkins of Wat kiiiH, Or., were in Mcdtord Sntnrdny doing Iiumiiuhh with local tnerchaiit-. V. I. Swctland of Steamhont was in Medford Sntnrdny Inlying supplies for tho milling' reason. A. C 1 luiimi- f Ornntu Pass mn in Medford Friday on profoipnnl hiiNiucss. , A. Miller, formerly of tho finn of Miller & F.whnnk, left Saturday nfht for Ontario, Or., there to niako hit homo for xomo timo. Mr. Miller ha-j roHidcd in Medford for the pnt five yearH and Iiiih many friends who re L'rel hin depnrlurc. (I'tiltml VrtH I.ad Vlr.) SAN FH A NCI SCO, Cal., Nov. 27. Everything in in iendino for th" BtoiiK jvhiidi will cull Ad Wolnt and Lew Powell into thorin for their 20-round u'O nt the Drenmlaml nreiiit Monday nilit. Hoth men put n whirlwind fininh to their (milling to day and tomorrow will confine their work to mild fc.vinnnslum exorcise i't order to keep their muscle limbered up. It i nnnounced tonight that Powell tips tho hen mat 131 and Wo) gflfrt nt 127. Met tine; on the- result continues hrisk, with Powell the fa vorite nt 30 to 7. Woljjust declares he has $1000 to bet on himself at the odds. Former Secretary of the Interior J. It. Garfield today answered the fttntumcnt of John I). Archbold (hat tho St. Louis decision against the Standard Oil company had proved that the Sherman anti-tnifat law was uuHntisfactory and would probably ichuH' in Its repeal. Garfield said: "The statement has been made rc- 'ocntly thnt the St. LouU decision w:i barroii of viotorj'i mctly proving j that till) nuti-tniHt law was uiiKatH I fuel pry. Such nn interpretation is 'iinj.jillifiod.- It is true that Colonel Koocvclt pointed out nu mimtific jtory oouditioii of the lnw and urped I a oliniiKo, hut he only did ho on the condition the. government have con trol over the industrial corporations similar to .flint over regular railwuy nnd other common carriers. "Tho court sustained our conten tion thnt the law "-ecks to prohibit companies from unfair competition 'and the restraint of'trade." Will Contain Many Important Mat ters and Will Define His Policies Against Roosevelt's. BEAUTIFUL WOMAN TAKES HER OWN LIFE LANGFORD BACKS HIS DEFI TO JOHNSON VITH REAL COIN f MOSTON, Mnss., Nov. 27. Snm Longford lias covered his deft to Jack JohiiHon wiih a $10,000 forfeit. This morning Laugford's manager, Joo Woodman, deoi!ed t.:i .flooo hills nt tho bporting editu' office of the Moston American with tho under standing tho amount wns to go as n lido bet. After he ixisted the money Woodman snid: "All we ask Johnson is to post $r000, the same to cover any loss nrising out of complication with the legal nuthorities of California." (fnltwl I'rei I.am-J Wire.) NEW ORLEANS, La., Nov. 27. Mrrs, C. W.. Toll, the beautiful wife of Captain C. W. Tull of the Pan iiina canal commission, committed suiuidde at her Panama home today, according to dispatches received here. , It was nt first thought that Mrs. Tull had been murdered, hut nn in ' vostigation showed that she had cut her own jujgulnr vein with a hatchet. Mrs. Tull, who was only 20 years old, was considered one of tHc most . beautiful women in Panama. No rensou is assigned for the suicide in the dispatches. Unltfl Pros Loaned Wlro.) WASHINGTON I). C, Nqv. 27. Although the opening of the 01st 'congress is only nine days off, Pres ident Taft has not yet written n lino of his nnnual message. Ho has nil the necessary material within bound, however, ond the actual composition of the document will not be a hard job. The message was tinder consider ation nt the cabinet meeting yester day and tho finishing touches were .on it. j The mcssnge will be the first com prehensive nnd concise enunciation of Mr. Tuft's own policies, as distin 'guished fro intho.e ho inherited from Mr. Roosevelt. The question of greatest public importance nnd utmost impersonal 'concern to President Taft, ns pre sented in his communication to con J gross, will be such tilings ns the Hepburn railroad act, as will give the interstate commerce commission power to control railroad companies and the right to appeal nnything di rect to the supreme court; the grant ing of initiative powers to the inter state commerce commission in bring ing complaints against corporation.; granting the commission authority to fix rates after a complaint is filed; power for commission to protect ship pers; to compel through rates nnd to regulate the issuance of stocks nnd bonds and prohibit the holding of in terests in competing lines; to allow ' l ec - i r 1 it. ituiiii; uieeuieiiis luuna 10 uieir ap proval and to place telegraph and tel ephone companies under tho jjuris- w- lw V. aU UiUtllW.TIUll Vli IUU fifimo fnnt?rif nc rnilrnnr1c GETS SCARE Mone yand Politics Frightens Street Into Another Bad Break Stocks. Reclined In Harmony. M THE CHURCHES , JOM PMINT1NG Letter bends, bill heads, statements cards, tags en velopes pamphlets; prices right. II. V. Monde. 123 East Main. OLD FAMILY FEUD RESULTS IN DEATH (United Press leased Wire.) HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. 27. As the result of nn old feud, Pnul and Lee Dunham, brothers, wore shot and kill ed todnv bv Edward Weber. (United Pross Leaned Wire.) NEW YORK, Nov. 27. Money and polifitcs frightened Wall street into another bad break today. Amalga mated Copper led because it wns the most vulnerable issue, but nil the stocks declined in harmony, showing thnt the cause of the break was gen eral and not confined to any one set of securities. In early trading when Amalgamated was weak the trndcis got a notion that the copper merger had been abandoned, but this is not true. Whether the merger is a bull ish or bearish argument on stocks is a separate 'question, but tho merger itself is progressing favorably. What caused the trouble was a report that Morgan nnd a few other favored ones had received from Washington advance drafts of the president's message. Reports of what these advance nd' iiccs contained indicate thnt the president intends to say nothing more to congress than he has already said in his various speeches. The presi dent proposes, according to Wall street reports to day, to let the inter-commerce commission have so ma'ny powers that it amounts to the wiping out Of the boards of directors of all corjwrations of which Morgan is said to be a member. Morgan as said to be laboring with Mr. Taft in the hope of getting some modification of the language which he considers more alarming than the situation warrants. Christian Science. Services Sundoy morning nt 11 o'clock: Subject of losMon-sermon for next Sunday! "Anoiont and Mod ren Nooromnnoy or Mesmerism and Hypnotism." AH are welocmo. buti daj school at 10 o'clock. 128 North Grape street, north of Shcnnnn-O" Music House, SON OF ENGLISH LORD BLOWS OUT HIS BRAINS SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 27. "I prefer death in this manner to con finement in a mental hospital," wrote Stanley E. Wakelin, whose private papers indicate that he was tho sou of an English lord, just before he sent a bullet into his head. The body, found Thursday, was identified this afternoon. Wakelin, a consumptive, came to Seattle two weeks ago in the hope ot benefititng his health. Preshyterlan Church. Next Sunday, Novembor 28, preaching nt 11 a. m. The subject of the sermon is "The Divinity of Christ a Necessity." We would like to consider this vital question to gether for one-half hour. Special music. Preaching nt 7:30 p. .$ Sundn.y school at 10 a. m.; U. t. ciety at 0:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Hicks, pastor of th Baptist church at AshlAnd, will o" cupy the pulpit at the Medford Bap tist church in the morning. In th evening Enrl Olin will lead the ser vices. Tucsdaj', December 7, Rev. A. A. Holmes of Horning, Cal., will open n series of meetings, continui" until the following Sunday. ..Beautiful and impressive services arc promised for nil thnt worship at the First Methodist Episcopal church next Snndny. The music will bo es pecially in keeping with the spirit of praise and Thanksgiving. A Inrjr chorus of 25 voices will sing "Tbt Lord Is Exalted," by West, and "While the Earth Rernaineth," by Tourf. Rev. W. R. Dyer, whose ser mons are intellectual fenatfl as well as spiritual uplifts, will preach the morning sermon nnd Rev. Bclku the evening sermon. First Methodist Episcopal Church. Mornim? service. 11 o'clock Or- 'T ' . gnu voluntary: invocation sentence (Harringtonl, invocation; "Glona Patria" (Meineke); processional "O Mother, Dear,. Jerusalem' (Ward) ; Apostles' creed; prayer; anthem, "The Lord Is Exalted" (West); re sponsive reading from Psalter; "Glo ria Patria" (Greatorex) lesson from New Testament; organ offertory; offertory .sentence; Hymn 71; ser mon, "TK&Glory tf the Mystery Among the" Gentiles"; Rev. W. R. Dyer, D. D.; Hymn 428; benediction organ postlude. Dr. F. G. Carlow was a Jackson ville visitor Saturday morning. mm LaGreque (Borsets jtfa You are cordially invited to an Exhibition and Demonstration of La Greque (Borsets Prom Monday, Novombor 29th, to Saturday, Decem ber 4th, 1909. An export corset iero from New York will bo here to sjiow you how much improvement you can make in your figure by wearing these stylish, shapely and thoroughly practical corsets. Jilvor.v woman desirous of looking her best should get export advice of this New York Oorsetierc. AVith hor aid you will enhance the good linos of your figure and !n : rove any poor one. I WW. mm WW MORE THAN A BEAUTIFIER OF FORM : A HYGIENIC SUPPORT AND ''' : PROMOTER OF HEALTH LA GTJECQUE Corsets first won popularity among opera singers, who quickly appreciated the advan tage of a fashionable stay which did not interfere with full, deep breathing. The athletic woman became equally enthusiastic, the dressy women in general learned that the "well defined waist lino and roomy cut over the diaphragm t not only gave greater comfort, but also added to one's ' grace of form. Special models aro designed to inept thepeculiar ... demtinds of various physiques. A1 satisfactory fit-' is certain; permanence of a correct contour assured during the life of the corset. Prices Ran$e From $1. 75 to $5.00 'if. '9 ' Ladies' and Misses' Suits In Silk and Woolen Textures Tho best bargains of tho year in handsome, styl ish garments. Every suit or dress is tho season's lat est, style, tho shades becoming, tho materials among tho best and most favored by fashion, and all magnificont values. Tho assortment is complete no two exactly alike. Tho values such as no storo in sonthorn Oregon has ovor oqualod. Do not judgo tho values of theso offorings ih anay way by tho price. Tho value can only bo attested by seeing tho morchandiso, which is strictly first-class, and worth doublo tho sale price, -f 05.00 values t $18s75 $20.00 values $12.00 $.1750 values $9,25 i Girl's Dresses $30,00 values $16.00 $25,00 values $13,00 AVe have tho most complete line of children's Drosses to be found in southern Oregon. They aro to bo found in all tho most desirable weights and colors, with work manship such as distinguishes all tho clothing handled by us, which means that it is impossible to buy anything better ; $1.25 up