THE MED.rOK D MALL TRIBlfl"' MlifDIfORD, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER. 28, 100.0. Medford MailTribune; The picturesque valley of the Roirue. hemmed in by verdure ehul hills, is the greatest natural fruit belt in the. I'l'nMSIIED DAILY KXCK1T SATIMUUY. A consolldntlon of .the Medford Mnll, established 1SS9; the Southern OroKon lan, established ll02. tin- Democratic Times, established ISIS; the Ashland Trib une. nlillshHl 1S96. nnd the Medford Tribune, established 100$. " Ufficial Paper of the City of Medford. OEOHGE PUTNAM. Editor ami Mannpor. pntored as second class matter November -1, 1909. nt tho tostoffiee at Medford, Orepon, under the net of-March S, 139. no year, by mall. SJ7BSCRIPTI OX HATES: , J5.00 One month by mall or carrier. ...I ,G0 AN ACRE OR TWO OF FRUIT MITCHELL IN WASHINGTON TO ADVISE WITH PARKER U'ni'ld 'hniv cull nl .. .,,...l.:.i.i i, .iil i i. ' . "" the perfect product. Here are D0.000 aeres of eouuuer-! Mi. Liorld viu , eial orchards that cannot be equaled on the globe, whose dent of tho National Clvlo iVdoru-1 apples win the sweepstakes prizes at world's apple shows, ! went to WnslmiKton today to1 whose pears sell to Unhands epicures at $10 n box, whose!1'0 lvTa !!. Umay ,w,,, All,l,il ' iia.ii.1iiw .-. Pii.of ,,1o ..f ...i..l.iv. ,..i i iNukoi- will appear lu-loro tlw i products command the highest price in the worlds mar- n reversal of tho .leoision of the courts of tho District of Columbia, commit liiijj .Mitchell, .Satmtul Clomp- I era anil Frank .Morrison to jail for disobeying an injunction forbiddbiR them to put the name of the Huok Stovo & Kanuo eompany of St. Louis upon their list, marked, "We don't patronize." "The iight intiHt continue to up hold the boycott," mud .Mr. Mitchell. NO LtFE appeals more to the eitMyorn man of the world, to the rtired business man oi" to tho younth iii the morning of life, and to the lover of out-of-doors than horticulture. In God's pure sunshine he can follow the simple life;1 breath 'pure mountain air and lead the life worth while. f There is physical exercise a. plenty to rebuild the body, refresh the jaded mind and restore fading health, and brain work sufficient f o oxercise all the faculties, for the success ful orohardist must possess those qualities that make for success in the commercial world. There is ample thnofor leisure, stud and recreation hence fruit raising is the ideal occupation for the man of culture the gentleman. In the Rogue River valley, conditions are ideal. Uenco we find the highest grade of intelligence, men who have made names in the professions, on the stock exchange and in commerce, men from all sections of the globe, among the orcnaraists ot rue vauey aim m love wrui tneir occupation. USC(l for agricultural and fruit purposes, the elevation and No plaoe in the world does, finer fruit :grow, apples, ' si0pG being ideal, and the soil, proved bv experiments al pears and peaches that command. the highest prices in .ajl ; VCIUY conducted, adapted to fruit of all -kinds, markets of the world, retiu-as Jfhrit net as high as $1000 Over $25,000,000 in placer gold has been taken from an acre to the grower, and sometimes higher. Bartlett , the soil within a few miles of Medford and each vear sees pears have yielded $2250 an acrOli the Bear Creek or- a substantial increase in the total vield. Over a million ' chard, Cornice pears from the Hillerest orchard sold at dollars spent in developing one mine in the Blue Ledge, $10.03 a box in London, Winter Nelis pears have netted district proves it one of the greatest copper deposits of $15:50 a tree the entire orchard, Newtown Pippin apples the west, and railroad and smelter will soon make it ae average the grower from $2 to $3 a box at the orchard and j t.essible and a prolific producer. Within sight of Med nearly the entire crop goes to England,. and Spitzenbergs ford's doors are coal mines under development, with an yield even more and are the favorite fruit of New York j average vein of 12 feet, estimated to vield 2000 tons per, swelldom. Returns so far received this season show that dsn of fine bituminous om kets orchards which yield over $1000 tin aero annuallv to the grower. The planted orchard area is increasing at the 'rate of 15,000 acres annually, and will eventually com prise a quarter million acres or more. Medford is the railroad center of the present and the future. Within two years it will be the only city in west ern Oregon except Portland to have a competing railroad and will be connected bv trolley with nearbv cities. Al ready its railroad business, both passenger and freight, exceeds that of any other place in the state except Port land. With the completion of the railroads under con struction and planned, will come the lumber mills and the smelters, the payrolls and population. The Pacific & Eastern railroad, on which 1000 men are now rushing construction to the Cascades and beyond,' will tap the largest of the remaining sugar pine belts, con taining eight billion feet of merchantable standing timber,, half of which is sugar and yellow pine. To cut this tim ber will require seven sawmills cutting a hundred tho.u saand feet each per day for 800 days in the year for a term of 40 years, equivalent to 35 carloads a day. or over 10,000 cars a year during the entire year, insuring labor for over 2000 emploves, or a pavroll in manufacturing lumber of $3,000,000 a year. As the timber is cut, the land can be Spitzenbergs have netted $1500 an acre, Newtowns $1-120 an acre, Bartletts $10S0 an acre, d'Aiijous $9S0 ari acre, seven-year-old Howells $718 per acre, while even the des pised Ben Davis has yielded $500 an acre. Peaches yield $500 an acre and other fruits in proportion. Xowtfere are apples 'and pears so prolific. One Yellow Newtown, tree in the Mountain View orchard' at Talent yielded 57 boxes this season, and. from 23 acres 12,000 boxes "were picked. The Xorcross Central Poyit New towns produced 592 boxes per acre. A yield of 520 boxes to the acre was the record of the Tronson & Guthrie Spit zenberg orchard. A yield of 600 boxes of Bartlett peal's to-theacre of 435'boxes of Winter Nelis and of from 300 to 500 boxes an acre of Howells, of 250 an acre of d'Anjous and Cornice, is not at all uncommon. These prize com mercial varieties, shy bearers in most districts, are as pro lific in the Rogue River valley as the cheap varieties else where, and orchards become avenues of props to support than fedford tne enormous yields. nild the future has arrived Rogue River pears took all tne iirst prizes at tne Aias-ka-Yukon-Pacific exposition. Rogue River apples won sweepstakes aandfirst prizes on JSpitzenberg and New town Pippins at the Spokane apple show. The quality of fruit produced is unexceled anywhere. Pear conditions are most favorable in the world for high prices, as the yield matures after the California crop is exhausted and before the local eastern crop is marketed, while the supe rior keeping quality enables fruit to statnd shipment to any j)ohit. . around Medford are in bearing, and as this fractional! bearing acreage is m most instances paying all expenses : Medford has spent within a year $350,000 for a gravity water system fed from the snow-clad summit of Mt. Mc Laughlin, $150,000 for 20 miles of cast iron mains in a city distributing system, over $100,000 for three miles of hard surfaced pavement, constructed 25 miles of sewer system, many miles of cement walk and other improvements, a greater expenditure per capita than ever made by any city in the land in the same length of time. During the same period over two and a quarter millions have been spent for building materials for private construction in Med ford. Medford has more natural resources than any place in the country, and the. QpmniQrcial club offers $1000 for proof to the contrary. These resources are many and di versified. Few" are developed, others are, in process of development. Any one of a dozen that, might be named, properly ueveiopea, .lusury me existence or. a cu.v larger promise a certain iuttire-1- i n i xi .mi lOLfuuu'r IN A NUTSHELL for caring for the entire planted acreage and m addition making money for the owner, the above figures offer a suggestion of what the profits to local fruitgrowers will j 0 mn be within a few years, for fruitgrowing is still in its ih- Nccted. lancy in inc itogue.;iuvei- vuuu.v. Pruit 'buyers all admit that there is an increasing de maud for fancy fruit at fancy prices, and the sections pro ducing it are so limited in area that there is no danger of over-production. Despite the increased orchard area of the northwest, there is an annual decrease in the fruit out put of the United States, and more orchards arc yearly abandoned m the east ana central west tnan are piauieu in the northwest. Pear districts are few and the demand great. T EDPORD has: J-"-- 7500 population. $2,000,000 bank deposits. , ; ' $350,000 gravity water system. ' $150,000 cast iron city .distributing system. Three miles of 'paved streets. " , . Twenty-five miles of Iscwer system. - . ." Free mail delivery system. J Pine electric light and power system., A $10,000 high school, a $40,000 Sisters' academy and . ,1 1 .M.1. ... 12.1. - ,v;i two massive grammar senooi inuuunga, wnu a- umu pru THE CITY OF MEDFORD EDFORD spells progress aand municipal adyanec It is the most metropolitan small city in the ... , . .j. world and its population tlie most cosmopolitan, a citizen M TrA,ifm.rl is n eitv of some 7o00 inhabitants where two years ago there was a village with a scant 3500, with the finest climate in Oregon, in the center of one of earth s richest, fairest and most picturesque of valleys. On the west the hills are underlaid with gold, on the east with coal A little further back on the one hand is an immense belt of -timber, on the other one of the world's largest copper districts, xxuuugn v"". " , most beautiful of the many beautiful rivers of Oregon, wasting more power than Niagara in its tumbling course in ho sea. Bevond in the hills at tho very summit of the Cascades, in the burned out bowl of a gigantic volcano, are the blue waters of Crater Lake, the greatest natural wonder in tho world. The best hotels and grills south 'of Portland. A free public library. A city fire department. ' The best of city governments. The biggest railroad business south of Portland. The only railroad under construction from western Oregon to the east. ' The geographical location for a metropolis.,, The progressive people hat create on.t.M And is gateway to Crater Lake, the world's, greatest natural wonder. j Rogue River Valley has: Average rainfall, 20 inches. Temperature, highest 105, lowest 18, mean G5. Average elevation, 1500 feet. Fifty thousand acres, commercial orchard. Rare metals and minerals in abundance. f . , ' . Limitless quantities best building granite. Best placer ground in existence. , Finest grade whito and black marble in America? Best hunting and fishing. Immense coal fields under development. ' ' ' . . . Immense irrigation possibilities. , , More water power going to waste than Niagara. More undeveloped resources than any spot on earth. FAIL TO FIND MUCH WANTED OFFICIAL (United Prea Leased Wire,) LOS ANGELES, Cnl., Nov. 27. All efforts today to reach Walter Parkor, tho land nnd tax xngent for tho Southom Pacific railrond, who is accused of offering n bribo in con nection with tho granting of a local franchise to II. J. Lelandb, city clork of Los Angolos, in an affidavit mado and sworn to by Lolando, wcro with out avail. At his offico it was announced thnt Parkor was out of tho city and hud been siuco yesterday nftornoon. At his homo smoko wns scon Issuing finm Oin nliiirmnvH nf lllft llOllfiO nnd from tho servants' quartors in tho j rear, but no response was mndo to repeated ringings of tho doorbell, ' You Can Buy N. Y. Pippin Spitz Bartlett Bosc Cornice Winter Nelis Direct from tho OUOWKltS. Ab solutely Reliable and Dependable Stock growu by Xum-ryiitcu who know lmn'. Write us for prices beforo signing n contract. NORTHWEST NURSERY COMPANY 18 K. Vakliiw Av, Xorth Vnkltua, Where Are the Dead? DIDLE AND REASON HARMON IZED. . This Question Is of Vltnl Interest to Every One. It U tho key to proper llibln Mitdy. "N tho Kood mother forever hoj ii ruled from her wtiywmd loved ones who have died 011M1I0 of all hope nnd iimide of eternal torment and despair, it' CuhiuiMm bo truer " Atlanta CoiiHtitulion, Where A HE your deceased noighhoi'H, friends mid relatives? ' What U YOtJU HOPE? Come bear what IhU nlilo lUottklyn leeturer has to Bay. It u'lll comfort you mid brluht.i our life. HEAR, THEN JLIJUE. Dy Evnniicllst 0. L. Sullivan of Brooklyn, N. Y. Come, but leuo piejudieo at limne, Christian church, today at J::i0 p. in. "Mr. Sullivan's discourse was remarkable (or the array ol Scriptural evidence brotinlit forth." Rltzvllle Times. SEATS FREE. NO COLLECTIONS. Savoy Theatre Tonight v THE TWO MR. WHITES (Full of Fun). HE FELL IN LOVE WITH HIS WIFE (Clever Comedy). HIS LOST LOVE (A Bionraph Drama. ONE DIME. A PRIZE WINNER The World Over Fence . ' mm u r The very best fence that money can buy or modern sci ence produce. The finest orchards, farms and ranches in tho Koguc liiver valley are fenced with Page, Ve fur nish man and tools and assist in the erection of every rod of fence without extra cost. 'RANCHES FENCED COMPLETE Estimates furnished for local or non-resident ( 'orrcspondence solicit ed. owners. GADDLS 1 DIXON "The Page Fence Men," Agents JACKSON, JOSEPHINE, KLAMATH AND LAKE COUNTIES, OREGON MODOC AND SISKIYOU COUNTIES, CALIFORNIA Phone Main 2681. MAIN OFFICE: 134 North Riverside Avenue, MEDFORD, OREGON J A woman is never wen dressed until her feet are well dressed w v Tho Red Cross Tanning Procona Tho onllnair i.i Ii Untied In ili wreki; ili uitd ta liurir (be tinning ticb an4 burn h leithcr. Thli It tvhr oijmiir ihoti led I. o tnil licnn wh they dntr roui ltd. Th Red Clou ial Ii tinned br t filial re XII 111 t liln il iiionllii'-rou Cin bend ll double when utw. Look roa tum Thabe Hum Such is the decree of Fashion nntt much foot Buffering has been the result. You may believe as many othcrwomcn liavc that you have to r.acrifice comfort to Ret style. You don't. You can cot both in the imme shoe. Come in now and let ua ohow you the Red Cross Shoe. The Red Cro33 styles for Fall will please the most critical taste. The ex tremely r.hort appearance they cive your foot mal:e them utrikincly attractive. You will like the season's newest models; the still ahorttr effects; the new tops; the higher hcelB daintily shaped; the rich tones in dull leather. And you will find tho Keil Cross Shoo nluo luttly comfoitublc the moment you put It on, It Is not the nhnpe of the Keel Cross Shoo that makes it ho easy to wulk in, Tunucil hy tlie special Red Cro&s process, Its sole Is llcxf. lil c, it licmla with your foot, You can select any style you prefer and wear it right out of the store Come in today und let us fit you Oxfords $3.50 and $-1.00. Jliljli Shoes $i and $5 , It bends with your foot KIDD "The Foot Fitter"